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<h1>Download Python 3.7.9 Documentation</h1>

<p><b>Last updated on: Oct 07, 2020.</b></p>

<p>To download an archive containing all the documents for this version of
Python in one of various formats, follow one of links in this table.</p>

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    <td><a href="archives/">Download</a> (ca. 13 MiB)</td>
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<p>These archives contain all the content in the documentation.</p>

<p>HTML Help (<code>.chm</code>) files are made available in the "Windows" section
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download page</a>.</p>


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used to handle the ZIP archives if desired. The .tar.bz2 archives provide the
best compression and fastest download times.</p>

<p>Windows users can use the ZIP archives since those are customary on that
platform. These are created on Unix using the InfoZIP zip program.</p>


<p>If you have comments or suggestions for the Python documentation, please send
email to <a href=""></a>.</p>

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