

distrib > Mageia > 7 > armv7hl > media > core-release > by-pkgid > 0ccc164248fca8fbc8adb4f0a013c615 > files > 128


Upgrade notes


End of life Python 3.3 and Django 1.8 are no longer supported. These versions
of Python and Django no longer receive security patches.


Now supports django 1.11 and 2.0.

Removed tests for unsupported django versions (django 1.9, 1.10)


Now supports django 1.10. After upgrading, you may come across this error when running migrations::

    Unhandled exception in thread started by <function wrapper at 0x7f32e681faa0>
    Traceback (most recent call last):
      File "venv/lib/python2.7/site-packages/django/db/models/", line 120, in contribute_to_class
        setattr(model, name, ManagerDescriptor(self))
    AttributeError: can't set attribute

To fix this, please replace ``._default_manager`` in your historic migrations with ``.objects``. For more detailed information see `#469`_, `#498`_

.. _`#469`:
.. _`#498`:


Dropped support for old Django versions and Python 2.6

Unsupported versions of django (1.4, 1.5, 1.6, 1.7) are no longer supported, and Python 2.6 is no longer supported.

These versions of python/django no longer receive security patches. You should upgrade to Python 2.7 and Django 1.8+.

Django 1.9 support has been added.


Dropped support for Django 1.5, Added support for 1.8

Django 1.5 support has been removed since django 1.5 is not supported upstream any longer.

Django 1.8 support has been added.

Deprecated: Calling ``recursetree``/``cache_tree_children`` with incorrectly-ordered querysets

Previously, when given a queryset argument, ``cache_tree_children`` called ``.order_by`` to ensure that the queryset
was in the correct order. In 0.7, calling ``cache_tree_children`` with an incorrectly-ordered queryset will cause a deprecation warning. In 0.8, it will raise an error.

This also applies to ``recursetree``, since it calls ``cache_tree_children``.

This probably doesn't affect many usages, since the default ordering for mptt models will work fine.

Minor: ``TreeManager.get_queryset`` no longer provided on Django < 1.6

Django renamed ``get_query_set`` to ``get_queryset`` in Django 1.6. For backward compatibility django-mptt had both methods
available for 1.4-1.5 users.

This has been removed. You should use ``get_query_set`` on Django 1.4-1.5, and ``get_queryset`` if you're on 1.6+.

Removed FeinCMSModelAdmin

Deprecated in 0.6.0, this has now been removed.


mptt now requires Python 2.6+, and supports Python 3.2+

mptt 0.6 drops support for both Python 2.4 and 2.5.

This was done to make it easier to support Python 3, as well as support the new context managers (delay_mptt_updates and disable_mptt_updates).

If you absolutely can't upgrade your Python version, you'll need to stick to mptt 0.5.5 until you can.

No more implicit ``empty_label=True`` on form fields

Until 0.5, ``TreeNodeChoiceField`` and ``TreeNodeMultipleChoiceField`` implicitly set ``empty_label=True``.
This was around since a long time ago, for unknown reasons. It has been removed in 0.6.0 as it caused occasional headaches for users.

If you were relying on this behavior, you'll need to explicitly pass ``empty_label=True`` to any of those fields you use,
otherwise you will start seeing new '--------' choices appearing in them.

Deprecated FeinCMSModelAdmin

If you were using ``mptt.admin.FeinCMSModelAdmin``, you should switch to using
``feincms.admin.tree_editor.TreeEditor`` instead, or you'll get a loud deprecation warning.

0.4.2 to 0.5.5

``TreeManager`` is now the default manager, ``YourModel.tree`` removed

In 0.5, ``TreeManager`` now behaves just like a normal django manager. If you don't override anything,
you'll now get a ``TreeManager`` by default (``.objects``.)

Before 0.5, ``.tree`` was the default name for the ``TreeManager``. That's been removed, so we recommend
updating your code to use ``.objects``.

If you don't want to update ``.tree`` to ``.objects`` everywhere just yet, you should add an explicit ``TreeManager``
to your models::

    objects = tree = TreeManager()

``save(raw=True)`` keyword argument removed

In earlier versions, had a ``raw`` keyword argument.
If True, the MPTT fields would not be updated during the save.
This (undocumented) argument has now been removed.

``_meta`` attributes moved to ``_mptt_meta``

In 0.4, we deprecated all these attributes on model._meta. These have now been removed::


If you're still using any of these, you'll need to update by simply renaming ``_meta`` to ``_mptt_meta``.

Running the tests

Tests are now run with::

    cd tests/

The previous method (``python test``) no longer works since we switched to plain distutils.

0.3 to 0.4.2

Model changes

MPTT attributes on ``MyModel._meta`` deprecated, moved to ``MyModel._mptt_meta``

Most people won't need to worry about this, but if you're using any of the following, note that these are deprecated and will be removed in 0.5::


They'll continue to work as previously for now, but you should upgrade your code if you can. Simply replace ``_meta`` with ``_mptt_meta``.

Use model inheritance where possible

The preferred way to do model registration in ``django-mptt`` 0.4 is via model inheritance.

Suppose you start with this::

    class Node(models.Model):

    mptt.register(Node, order_insertion_by=['name'], parent_attr='padre')

First, Make your model a subclass of ``MPTTModel``, instead of ``models.Model``::

    from mptt.models import MPTTModel

    class Node(MPTTModel):

Then remove your call to ``mptt.register()``. If you were passing it keyword arguments, you should add them to an ``MPTTMeta`` inner class on the model::

    class Node(MPTTModel):
        class MPTTMeta:
            order_insertion_by = ['name']
            parent_attr = 'padre'

If necessary you can still use ``mptt.register``. It was removed in 0.4.0 but restored in 0.4.2, since people reported use cases that didn't work without it.)

For instance, if you need to register models where the code isn't under your control, you'll need to use ``mptt.register()``.

Behind the scenes, ``mptt.register()`` in 0.4 will actually add MPTTModel to ``Node.__bases__``,
thus achieving the same result as subclassing ``MPTTModel``.
If you're already inheriting from something other than ``Model``, that means multiple inheritance.

You're probably all upgraded at this point :) A couple more notes for more complex scenarios:

More complicated scenarios

What if I'm already inheriting from something?

If your model is already a subclass of an abstract model, you should use multiple inheritance::

    class Node(MPTTModel, ParentModel):

You should always put MPTTModel as the first model base. This is because there's some
complicated metaclass stuff going on behind the scenes, and if Django's model metaclass
gets called before the MPTT one, strange things can happen.

Isn't multiple inheritance evil? Well, maybe. However, the
`Django model docs`_ don't forbid this, and as long as your other model doesn't have conflicting methods, it should be fine.

.. note::
   As always when dealing with multiple inheritance, approach with a bit of caution.

   Our brief testing says it works, but if you find that the Django internals are somehow
   breaking this approach for you, please `create an issue`_ with specifics.

.. _`create an issue`:
.. _`Django model docs`:

Compatibility with 0.3

``MPTTModel`` was added in 0.4. If you're writing a library or reusable app that needs to work with 0.3,
you should use the ``mptt.register()`` function instead, as above.