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<title>Global Commands</title>
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<a href="#func-members">Functions</a>  </div>
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<div class="title">Global Commands</div>  </div>
<div class="contents">
<table class="memberdecls">
<tr class="heading"><td colspan="2"><h2 class="groupheader"><a name="func-members"></a>
<tr class="memitem:ga537ebaa31065a239c2e6c8475c2ae123"><td class="memItemLeft" align="right" valign="top">GLboolean&#160;</td><td class="memItemRight" valign="bottom"><a class="el" href="group__global.html#ga537ebaa31065a239c2e6c8475c2ae123">glcIsContext</a> (GLint inContext)</td></tr>
<tr class="separator:ga537ebaa31065a239c2e6c8475c2ae123"><td class="memSeparator" colspan="2">&#160;</td></tr>
<tr class="memitem:ga32eb11973598be93fa4c6eaeeed0cd89"><td class="memItemLeft" align="right" valign="top">GLint&#160;</td><td class="memItemRight" valign="bottom"><a class="el" href="group__global.html#ga32eb11973598be93fa4c6eaeeed0cd89">glcGetCurrentContext</a> (void)</td></tr>
<tr class="separator:ga32eb11973598be93fa4c6eaeeed0cd89"><td class="memSeparator" colspan="2">&#160;</td></tr>
<tr class="memitem:ga9dfcd0d6d935df6be23bc8992274e204"><td class="memItemLeft" align="right" valign="top">void&#160;</td><td class="memItemRight" valign="bottom"><a class="el" href="group__global.html#ga9dfcd0d6d935df6be23bc8992274e204">glcDeleteContext</a> (GLint inContext)</td></tr>
<tr class="separator:ga9dfcd0d6d935df6be23bc8992274e204"><td class="memSeparator" colspan="2">&#160;</td></tr>
<tr class="memitem:gaaa17c69ee70f9e8a900dc9c6830f3f09"><td class="memItemLeft" align="right" valign="top">void&#160;</td><td class="memItemRight" valign="bottom"><a class="el" href="group__global.html#gaaa17c69ee70f9e8a900dc9c6830f3f09">glcContext</a> (GLint inContext)</td></tr>
<tr class="separator:gaaa17c69ee70f9e8a900dc9c6830f3f09"><td class="memSeparator" colspan="2">&#160;</td></tr>
<tr class="memitem:ga65c4f22e1a75bca7edafe35fe6b185ee"><td class="memItemLeft" align="right" valign="top">GLint&#160;</td><td class="memItemRight" valign="bottom"><a class="el" href="group__global.html#ga65c4f22e1a75bca7edafe35fe6b185ee">glcGenContext</a> (void)</td></tr>
<tr class="separator:ga65c4f22e1a75bca7edafe35fe6b185ee"><td class="memSeparator" colspan="2">&#160;</td></tr>
<tr class="memitem:ga163c4178b1aefb93ee07c7b58fdca6e8"><td class="memItemLeft" align="right" valign="top">GLint *&#160;</td><td class="memItemRight" valign="bottom"><a class="el" href="group__global.html#ga163c4178b1aefb93ee07c7b58fdca6e8">glcGetAllContexts</a> (void)</td></tr>
<tr class="separator:ga163c4178b1aefb93ee07c7b58fdca6e8"><td class="memSeparator" colspan="2">&#160;</td></tr>
<tr class="memitem:gae5b9cdedd0a8e8d7a565090c400cd396"><td class="memItemLeft" align="right" valign="top">GLCenum&#160;</td><td class="memItemRight" valign="bottom"><a class="el" href="group__global.html#gae5b9cdedd0a8e8d7a565090c400cd396">glcGetError</a> (void)</td></tr>
<tr class="separator:gae5b9cdedd0a8e8d7a565090c400cd396"><td class="memSeparator" colspan="2">&#160;</td></tr>
<a name="details" id="details"></a><h2 class="groupheader">Detailed Description</h2>
<p>Commands to create, manage and destroy GLC contexts. </p>
<p>Those commands do not use GLC context state variables and can therefore be executed successfully if the issuing thread has no current GLC context.</p>
<p>Each GLC context has a nonzero ID of type <b>GLint</b>. When a client is linked with a GLC library, the library maintains a list of IDs that contains one entry for each of the client's GLC contexts. The list is initially empty.</p>
<p>Each client thread has a private GLC context ID variable that always contains either the value zero, indicating that the thread has no current GLC context, or the ID of the thread's current GLC context. The initial value is zero.</p>
<p>When the ID of a GLC context is stored in the GLC context ID variable of a client thread, the context is said to be current to the thread. It is not possible for a GLC context to be current simultaneously to multiple threads. With the exception of the per-thread GLC error code and context ID variables, all of the GLC state variables that are used during the execution of a GLC command are stored in the issuing thread's current GLC context. To make a context current, call <a class="el" href="group__global.html#gaaa17c69ee70f9e8a900dc9c6830f3f09" title="Assigns the value inContext to the issuing thread&#39;s current GLC context ID variable. ">glcContext()</a>.</p>
<p>When a client thread issues a GLC command, the thread's current GLC context executes the command.</p>
<p>Note that the results of issuing a GL command when there is no current GL context are undefined. Because GLC issues GL commands, you must create a GL context and make it current before calling GLC.</p>
<p>All other GLC commands raise <b>GLC_STATE_ERROR</b> if the issuing thread has no current GLC context. </p>
<h2 class="groupheader">Function Documentation</h2>
<a id="ga537ebaa31065a239c2e6c8475c2ae123"></a>
<h2 class="memtitle"><span class="permalink"><a href="#ga537ebaa31065a239c2e6c8475c2ae123">&#9670;&nbsp;</a></span>glcIsContext()</h2>

<div class="memitem">
<div class="memproto">
      <table class="memname">
          <td class="memname">GLboolean glcIsContext </td>
          <td class="paramtype">GLint&#160;</td>
          <td class="paramname"><em>inContext</em></td><td>)</td>
</div><div class="memdoc">

<p>This command checks whether <em>inContext</em> is the ID of one of the client's GLC context and returns <b>GLC_TRUE</b> if and only if it is. </p>
<dl class="params"><dt>Parameters</dt><dd>
  <table class="params">
    <tr><td class="paramname">inContext</td><td>The context ID to be tested </td></tr>
<dl class="section return"><dt>Returns</dt><dd><b>GL_TRUE</b> if <em>inContext</em> is the ID of a GLC context, <b>GL_FALSE</b> otherwise </dd></dl>
<dl class="section see"><dt>See also</dt><dd><a class="el" href="group__global.html#ga9dfcd0d6d935df6be23bc8992274e204" title="Marks for deletion the GLC context identified by inContext. ">glcDeleteContext()</a> </dd>
<a class="el" href="group__global.html#ga65c4f22e1a75bca7edafe35fe6b185ee" title="Generates a new GLC context and returns its ID. ">glcGenContext()</a> </dd>
<a class="el" href="group__global.html#ga163c4178b1aefb93ee07c7b58fdca6e8" title="Returns a zero terminated array of GLC context IDs that contains one entry for each of the client&#39;s G...">glcGetAllContexts()</a> </dd>
<a class="el" href="group__global.html#gaaa17c69ee70f9e8a900dc9c6830f3f09" title="Assigns the value inContext to the issuing thread&#39;s current GLC context ID variable. ">glcContext()</a> </dd></dl>

<a id="ga32eb11973598be93fa4c6eaeeed0cd89"></a>
<h2 class="memtitle"><span class="permalink"><a href="#ga32eb11973598be93fa4c6eaeeed0cd89">&#9670;&nbsp;</a></span>glcGetCurrentContext()</h2>

<div class="memitem">
<div class="memproto">
      <table class="memname">
          <td class="memname">GLint glcGetCurrentContext </td>
          <td class="paramtype">void&#160;</td>
          <td class="paramname"></td><td>)</td>
</div><div class="memdoc">

<p>Returns the value of the issuing thread's current GLC context ID variable. </p>
<dl class="section return"><dt>Returns</dt><dd>The context ID of the current thread </dd></dl>
<dl class="section see"><dt>See also</dt><dd><a class="el" href="group__global.html#gaaa17c69ee70f9e8a900dc9c6830f3f09" title="Assigns the value inContext to the issuing thread&#39;s current GLC context ID variable. ">glcContext()</a> </dd>
<a class="el" href="group__global.html#ga9dfcd0d6d935df6be23bc8992274e204" title="Marks for deletion the GLC context identified by inContext. ">glcDeleteContext()</a> </dd>
<a class="el" href="group__global.html#ga65c4f22e1a75bca7edafe35fe6b185ee" title="Generates a new GLC context and returns its ID. ">glcGenContext()</a> </dd>
<a class="el" href="group__global.html#ga163c4178b1aefb93ee07c7b58fdca6e8" title="Returns a zero terminated array of GLC context IDs that contains one entry for each of the client&#39;s G...">glcGetAllContexts()</a> </dd>
<a class="el" href="group__global.html#ga537ebaa31065a239c2e6c8475c2ae123" title="This command checks whether inContext is the ID of one of the client&#39;s GLC context and returns GLC_TR...">glcIsContext()</a> </dd></dl>

<a id="ga9dfcd0d6d935df6be23bc8992274e204"></a>
<h2 class="memtitle"><span class="permalink"><a href="#ga9dfcd0d6d935df6be23bc8992274e204">&#9670;&nbsp;</a></span>glcDeleteContext()</h2>

<div class="memitem">
<div class="memproto">
      <table class="memname">
          <td class="memname">void glcDeleteContext </td>
          <td class="paramtype">GLint&#160;</td>
          <td class="paramname"><em>inContext</em></td><td>)</td>
</div><div class="memdoc">

<p>Marks for deletion the GLC context identified by <em>inContext</em>. </p>
<p>If the marked context is not current to any client thread, the command deletes the marked context immediatly. Otherwise, the marked context will be deleted during the execution of the next <a class="el" href="group__global.html#gaaa17c69ee70f9e8a900dc9c6830f3f09" title="Assigns the value inContext to the issuing thread&#39;s current GLC context ID variable. ">glcContext()</a> command that causes it not to be current to any client thread.</p>
<dl class="section note"><dt>Note</dt><dd><a class="el" href="group__global.html#ga9dfcd0d6d935df6be23bc8992274e204" title="Marks for deletion the GLC context identified by inContext. ">glcDeleteContext()</a> does not destroy the GL objects associated with the context <em>inContext</em>. Indeed for performance reasons, GLC does not keep track of the GL context that contains the GL objects associated with the the GLC context that is destroyed. Even if GLC would keep track of the GL context, it could lead GLC to temporarily change the GL context, delete the GL objects, then restore the correct GL context. In order not to adversely impact the performance of most of programs, it is the responsability of the user to call <a class="el" href="group__context.html#gafd91ac44da4ca8783ec33d7c64ba62dd" title="This command causes GLC to issue a sequence of GL commands to delete all of the GL objects it owns...">glcDeleteGLObjects()</a> on a GLC context that is intended to be destroyed.</dd></dl>
<p>The command raises <b>GLC_PARAMETER_ERROR</b> if <em>inContext</em> is not the ID of one of the client's GLC contexts. </p><dl class="params"><dt>Parameters</dt><dd>
  <table class="params">
    <tr><td class="paramname">inContext</td><td>The ID of the context to be deleted </td></tr>
<dl class="section see"><dt>See also</dt><dd><a class="el" href="group__global.html#ga163c4178b1aefb93ee07c7b58fdca6e8" title="Returns a zero terminated array of GLC context IDs that contains one entry for each of the client&#39;s G...">glcGetAllContexts()</a> </dd>
<a class="el" href="group__global.html#ga537ebaa31065a239c2e6c8475c2ae123" title="This command checks whether inContext is the ID of one of the client&#39;s GLC context and returns GLC_TR...">glcIsContext()</a> </dd>
<a class="el" href="group__global.html#gaaa17c69ee70f9e8a900dc9c6830f3f09" title="Assigns the value inContext to the issuing thread&#39;s current GLC context ID variable. ">glcContext()</a> </dd>
<a class="el" href="group__global.html#ga32eb11973598be93fa4c6eaeeed0cd89" title="Returns the value of the issuing thread&#39;s current GLC context ID variable. ">glcGetCurrentContext()</a> </dd></dl>

<a id="gaaa17c69ee70f9e8a900dc9c6830f3f09"></a>
<h2 class="memtitle"><span class="permalink"><a href="#gaaa17c69ee70f9e8a900dc9c6830f3f09">&#9670;&nbsp;</a></span>glcContext()</h2>

<div class="memitem">
<div class="memproto">
      <table class="memname">
          <td class="memname">void glcContext </td>
          <td class="paramtype">GLint&#160;</td>
          <td class="paramname"><em>inContext</em></td><td>)</td>
</div><div class="memdoc">

<p>Assigns the value <em>inContext</em> to the issuing thread's current GLC context ID variable. </p>
<p>If another context is already current to the thread, no error is generated but the context is released and the context identified by <em>inContext</em> is made current to the thread.</p>
<p>Call <em>glcContext</em> with <em>inContext</em> set to zero to release a thread's current context.</p>
<p>When a GLCcontext is made current to a thread, GLC issues the commands </p><div class="fragment"><div class="line">glGetString(GL_VERSION);</div><div class="line">glGetString(GL_EXTENSIONS);</div></div><!-- fragment --><p> and stores the returned strings. If there is no GL context current to the thread, the result of the above GL commands is undefined and so is the result of <a class="el" href="group__global.html#gaaa17c69ee70f9e8a900dc9c6830f3f09" title="Assigns the value inContext to the issuing thread&#39;s current GLC context ID variable. ">glcContext()</a>.</p>
<p>The command raises <b>GLC_PARAMETER_ERROR</b> if <em>inContext</em> is not zero and is not the ID of one of the client's GLC contexts. <br />
The command raises <b>GLC_STATE_ERROR</b> if <em>inContext</em> is the ID of a GLC context that is current to a thread other than the issuing thread. <br />
The command raises <b>GLC_STATE_ERROR</b> if the issuing thread is executing a callback function that has been called from GLC. </p><dl class="params"><dt>Parameters</dt><dd>
  <table class="params">
    <tr><td class="paramname">inContext</td><td>The ID of the context to be made current </td></tr>
<dl class="section see"><dt>See also</dt><dd><a class="el" href="group__global.html#ga32eb11973598be93fa4c6eaeeed0cd89" title="Returns the value of the issuing thread&#39;s current GLC context ID variable. ">glcGetCurrentContext()</a> </dd>
<a class="el" href="group__global.html#ga9dfcd0d6d935df6be23bc8992274e204" title="Marks for deletion the GLC context identified by inContext. ">glcDeleteContext()</a> </dd>
<a class="el" href="group__global.html#ga65c4f22e1a75bca7edafe35fe6b185ee" title="Generates a new GLC context and returns its ID. ">glcGenContext()</a> </dd>
<a class="el" href="group__global.html#ga163c4178b1aefb93ee07c7b58fdca6e8" title="Returns a zero terminated array of GLC context IDs that contains one entry for each of the client&#39;s G...">glcGetAllContexts()</a> </dd>
<a class="el" href="group__global.html#ga537ebaa31065a239c2e6c8475c2ae123" title="This command checks whether inContext is the ID of one of the client&#39;s GLC context and returns GLC_TR...">glcIsContext()</a> </dd></dl>

<a id="ga65c4f22e1a75bca7edafe35fe6b185ee"></a>
<h2 class="memtitle"><span class="permalink"><a href="#ga65c4f22e1a75bca7edafe35fe6b185ee">&#9670;&nbsp;</a></span>glcGenContext()</h2>

<div class="memitem">
<div class="memproto">
      <table class="memname">
          <td class="memname">GLint glcGenContext </td>
          <td class="paramtype">void&#160;</td>
          <td class="paramname"></td><td>)</td>
</div><div class="memdoc">

<p>Generates a new GLC context and returns its ID. </p>
<dl class="section return"><dt>Returns</dt><dd>The ID of the new context </dd></dl>
<dl class="section see"><dt>See also</dt><dd><a class="el" href="group__global.html#ga163c4178b1aefb93ee07c7b58fdca6e8" title="Returns a zero terminated array of GLC context IDs that contains one entry for each of the client&#39;s G...">glcGetAllContexts()</a> </dd>
<a class="el" href="group__global.html#ga537ebaa31065a239c2e6c8475c2ae123" title="This command checks whether inContext is the ID of one of the client&#39;s GLC context and returns GLC_TR...">glcIsContext()</a> </dd>
<a class="el" href="group__global.html#gaaa17c69ee70f9e8a900dc9c6830f3f09" title="Assigns the value inContext to the issuing thread&#39;s current GLC context ID variable. ">glcContext()</a> </dd>
<a class="el" href="group__global.html#ga32eb11973598be93fa4c6eaeeed0cd89" title="Returns the value of the issuing thread&#39;s current GLC context ID variable. ">glcGetCurrentContext()</a> </dd></dl>

<a id="ga163c4178b1aefb93ee07c7b58fdca6e8"></a>
<h2 class="memtitle"><span class="permalink"><a href="#ga163c4178b1aefb93ee07c7b58fdca6e8">&#9670;&nbsp;</a></span>glcGetAllContexts()</h2>

<div class="memitem">
<div class="memproto">
      <table class="memname">
          <td class="memname">GLint* glcGetAllContexts </td>
          <td class="paramtype">void&#160;</td>
          <td class="paramname"></td><td>)</td>
</div><div class="memdoc">

<p>Returns a zero terminated array of GLC context IDs that contains one entry for each of the client's GLC contexts. </p>
<p>GLC uses the ISO C library command <code>malloc</code> to allocate the array. The client should use the ISO C library command <code>free</code> to deallocate the array when it is no longer needed. </p><dl class="section return"><dt>Returns</dt><dd>The pointer to the array of context IDs. </dd></dl>
<dl class="section see"><dt>See also</dt><dd><a class="el" href="group__global.html#gaaa17c69ee70f9e8a900dc9c6830f3f09" title="Assigns the value inContext to the issuing thread&#39;s current GLC context ID variable. ">glcContext()</a> </dd>
<a class="el" href="group__global.html#ga9dfcd0d6d935df6be23bc8992274e204" title="Marks for deletion the GLC context identified by inContext. ">glcDeleteContext()</a> </dd>
<a class="el" href="group__global.html#ga65c4f22e1a75bca7edafe35fe6b185ee" title="Generates a new GLC context and returns its ID. ">glcGenContext()</a> </dd>
<a class="el" href="group__global.html#ga32eb11973598be93fa4c6eaeeed0cd89" title="Returns the value of the issuing thread&#39;s current GLC context ID variable. ">glcGetCurrentContext()</a> </dd>
<a class="el" href="group__global.html#ga537ebaa31065a239c2e6c8475c2ae123" title="This command checks whether inContext is the ID of one of the client&#39;s GLC context and returns GLC_TR...">glcIsContext()</a> </dd></dl>

<a id="gae5b9cdedd0a8e8d7a565090c400cd396"></a>
<h2 class="memtitle"><span class="permalink"><a href="#gae5b9cdedd0a8e8d7a565090c400cd396">&#9670;&nbsp;</a></span>glcGetError()</h2>

<div class="memitem">
<div class="memproto">
      <table class="memname">
          <td class="memname">GLCenum glcGetError </td>
          <td class="paramtype">void&#160;</td>
          <td class="paramname"></td><td>)</td>
</div><div class="memdoc">

<p>Retrieves the value of the issuing thread's GLC error code variable, assigns the value <b>GLC_NONE</b> to that variable, and returns the retrieved value. </p>
<dl class="section note"><dt>Note</dt><dd>In contrast to the GL function <code>glGetError</code>, <em>glcGetError</em> only returns one error, not a list of errors. </dd></dl>
<dl class="section return"><dt>Returns</dt><dd>An error code from the table below : <br />
<br />
 <center> <a class="anchor" id=""></a>
<table class="doxtable">
<caption>Error codes</caption>
<td>Name </td><td>Enumerant  </td></tr>
<td><b>GLC_NONE</b> </td><td>0x0000  </td></tr>
<td><b>GLC_PARAMETER_ERROR</b> </td><td>0x0040  </td></tr>
<td><b>GLC_RESOURCE_ERROR</b> </td><td>0x0041  </td></tr>
<td><b>GLC_STATE_ERROR</b> </td><td>0x0042  </td></tr>
</center> </dd></dl>

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