

distrib > Mageia > 7 > armv7hl > media > core-release > by-pkgid > 20b8d2cd56e26c11ceaab96580449ee9 > files > 136



:author: Benoit Delbosc

:address: bdelbosc _at_

:abstract: This document describes changes between FunkLoad_ versions.

.. contents:: Table of Contents

FunkLoad GIT master


:Target: 1.17.1

FunkLoad 1.17.1



:Released date: 2015-05-06

Bug Fixes

- Fix packaging issue

FunkLoad 1.17.0



:Released date: 2015-05-06

New Features

* Add a discover mode to the bench runner, so fl-run-bench can be invoked
  without specifying the particular test case. This implementation attempts
  to behave like unittest's 'discover' argument, and there is even a similar
  --failfast option. (Shandy (Andy) Brown)

* Support https proxy (http proxy was already supported)

* Add a midCycle hook to execute an action in the middle of a cycle

* Add -L options to fl-record to enable tcpwatch forwarded mode
  which is usefull if you have an http_proxy to pass.
* Add --quiet option to fl-build-report to remove warning in rst to 
  html convertion
* GH-71: zeromq-based publisher that will let each node publish in
  realtime the tests results (Tarek Ziade)

* GH-68: Use lightweight threads (greenlets) if available. (Tarek Ziade)

* Added one more RPS chart in Section 5, where the X-axis represents
  time(in second) and the Y-axis represents RPS. (Seong-Kook Shin)

* Added support for providing the test configuration file with --config
  (Juha Mustonen)

* Display the description in the URL when rendering the page in
  Firefox (-V option)

* GH-41: Allow fl-run-bench to take modules in addition to filenames

    fl-run-bench project.submodule.loadtests MyTestCase.test_something

* Support for gzip compression, you need to add the standard header::

     self.setHeader('Accept-encoding', 'gzip')
     response = self.get(...)

  Then the `response.body` will be uncompressed when needed.

* Experimental comet request support, handle stream request in a
  separate thread, the server input is send to a consumer method::

      # async request
      thread = self.comet(server_url + "/comet?t=1234&c=1",
                          self.consumer, description="Comet connection")
      # do some requests
      # stop comet request
      self.stop_consumer = True

   The consumer get the server input character by character and can
   stop the the connection by returning 0 value::

       def consumer(self, string):
           if self.stop_consumer:
               self.logd('Stop consumer')
               return 0

* Ability to configure multiple benchers per server in distribute mode (Dylan Jay)

* Ability to configure multiple monitors per server (useful if you have to use ssh tunnels instead of read hostnames). (Dylan Jay)

Bug Fixes

* GH-69: Cleanly abort on SIGTERM (Tarek Ziade)

* GH-32: Fix Funkload WF_fetch patch to handle cookies correctly. Submitted by jorgebastida.

* GH-33: Cookies with a leading '.' in the domain are being ignored. Submitted by jorgebastida.

* GH-50: Fix monitoring to support kernel 3.0.

FunkLoad 1.16.1



:Released date: 2011-07-28

Bug Fixes

* GH-2[345]: Fixing distributed mode regression on 1.6.0

FunkLoad 1.16.0



:Released date: 2011-07-21

New Features

* New monitoring plugins contribution from Krzysztof A. Adamski. You
  can extend the monitoring by adding new plugins checkout the
  and `Nagios

* Extends HTTP methods with HEAD and OPTIONS, enable to send any
  methods using the new ``method`` api, adding PROPFIND DAV exemple ::

   # requests for options
   self.options(server_url, description="options")
   self.propfind(server_url + '/dav/foo', depth=1, description="propfind")
   # put a lock using the new method api
   data = Data('text/xml', """<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
   <D:lockinfo xmlns:D="DAV:">
   self.method("LOCK", server_url + "/somedocpath", params=data, description="lock")

* GH-9: New options for distributed mode: you can specify the Python
  binary to use with ``--distribute-python=PYTHON_BIN`` option and
  additional packages to install on slaves with the
  ``--distributed-packages=DISTRIBUTED_PACKAGES`` option.
  Contribution from Adrew McFague.

* GH-9: Added the ability to monitor hosts from the central host, The
  monitoring will also retroactively match up the concurrent users for
  graphing purposes. Contribution from Adrew McFague.

* GH-5: ``fl-record`` now checks for ``tcpwatch`` command in addition
  to ```` and ``tcpwatch-httpproxy``.

* GH-6: Filter out .swfs when building funkload tests with

* GH-10: Support of python2.7.

* GH-15: Exposed the load_auto_links parameter to the
  get/put/post/method methods so that the option to not parse the
  payload is available when writing a test. Provided by Ali-Akber

Bug fixes

* Fix org-mode output for Org 7.5, adding missing monitoring section. 

* GH-14: Fix report creation when having error message with non-us characters.
  Patch from Krzysztof A. Adamski.

* GH-11: Handling of deleted cookies

* GH-7: data and demo directory missing

* GH-8: funkload 1.15.0 package doesn't include

FunkLoad 1.15.0



:Released date: 2011-03-11

New features

* Now supporting emacs Org-mode_ text format as report output. This
  enable to edit a report as plain text and to produce professional
  PDF reports througth the Org-mode_ LaTeX export.

  Here is an example of a `PDF 
  <>`_ and
  an `Org-mode report 

  You need to build the HTML report first::
    fl-build-report --html funkload.xml
    Creating html report: ...done: 
    # then create the org file
    fl-build-report --org funkload.xml > /tmp/test_foo-20110304T160328/
    emacs /tmp/test_foo-20110304T160328/
    # then export as PDF C-c C-e d 
    # refer to the org-mode site for latex exports requirements

* New `trend report
  <>`_ to
  display evolution of performances over time. Just use the
  ``--trend`` option of the ``fl-build-report`` command.

* The credential server can serve a sequence. Using ``xmlrpc_get_seq``
  threads can share a sequence::

    from funkload.utils import xmlrpc_get_seq
    seq = xmlrpc_get_seq()

* Source migrated from svn to git, hosted in gigthub

* Bug tracker moving to github:

* New site and documentation using sphinx:

* CPSTestCase and ZopeTestCase have been moved to the demo folder.

* Removing deprecated gdchart support, now relying only on gnuplot. Note that
  a mathplotlib support is on the TODO_ list.

Bug fixes

* Fix #3: FunkLoad Failures Fail on Python 2.7

* Do not block on read content when content-length is null, patch
  submited by Bertrand Yvain.

* Fix monitoring network monitoring charts.

FunkLoad 1.14.0



:Released date: 2011-02-14

New features

* Switch to Sphinx for documentation, this work is in progress, the
  draft can be found in Thanks to Ali-Akber Saifee.

* Support of HTTP PUT and DELETE method, provided by Ali-Akber Saifee.

* Distributed mode (beta), provided by Ali-Akber Saifee, visit the new
  for more information.

* Support of the ``--simple-fetch`` option using the configuration
  file. This can be useful when using benchmaster Just add ``simple_fetch = 1``
  in the bench section.

* Add setUpBench and tearDownBench hooks, they are called only once
  per bench before and after all cycles. 
  Note that these hooks are called only using ``fl-run-bench`` and no

  This comes in addition to the existing setUpCycle and tearDownCycle
  hooks that are run before and after each bench cycle.

* Enable to add metadata for a bench using addMetadata(kw), metadata
  are stored into the bench result file and are displayed on the bench
  configuration section. 

  A typical usage is to add metadata during setUpBench or
  tearDownBench hooks.

* Handling FunkLoad todo list with an Org-mode_ file TODO_, replacing 
  the old trac.

* Mark CPSTestCase as deprecated will be removed in 1.15.

* Mark GDChart support as deprecated, it will be removed in 1.15.

Bug fixes

* Fix: ImportError are reported as IOError using ``fl-run-test``
  because FunkLoad is switching in doctest mode when ImportError occurs.
  Fixed by adding an explicit option to run doctest:

* Fix: xmlrpc_get_credential(host, port) and xmlrpc_list_credentials
  without a group parameter it raises a "TypeError: cannot marshal
  None unless allow_none is enabled".

* Fix: 303 Redirect is handled as an HTTP/1.1 request by apache using
  a keep alive connection while FunkLoad is HTTP/1.0. This add a 15s
  (KeepAliveTimeout) overhead.  Fixed by adding "Connection: close"
  header on 303. Thanks to Jan Kotuc.

* Fixing invalid diff report if the report contains Apdex information.

FunkLoad 1.13.0



:Released date: 2010-07-27

New features

* Adding Apdex (Application Performance inDEX) on reporting. 

  The Apdex is a numerical measure of user satisfaction, it is based
  on three zones of application responsiveness:

    - Satisfied: The user is fully productive. This represents the
      time value (T seconds) below which users are not impeded by
      application response time.

    - Tolerating: The user notices performance lagging within
      responses greater than T, but continues the process.

    - Frustrated: Performance with a response time greater than 4*T
      seconds is unacceptable, and users may abandon the process.

  By default T is set to 1.5s this means that response time between 0
  and 1.5s the user is fully productive, between 1.5 and 6s the
  responsivness is tolerating and above 6s the user is frustrated.

  The T variable can be set using the ``fl-build-report`` option

  The Apdex score converts many measurements into one number on a
  uniform scale of 0-to-1 (0 = no users satisfied, 1 = all users

  To ease interpretation the Apdex score can be converted to a rating:

  - Unacceptable represented in gray for a score between 0 and 0.5 

  - Poor represented in red for a score between 0.5 and 0.7

  - Fair represented in yellow for a score between 0.7 and 0.85

  - Good represented in green for a score between 0.85 and 0.94

  - Excellent represented in blue for a score between 0.94 and 1

  By looking at the Page stats in the report you can take the maximum
  throughput with a Good/Excellent rating as an overall performance score.

  Note that this new metric can be generated with old funkload results file. 

  Here is a report example:

  Visit for more information on Apdex.

* The selection of the best cycle to sort slowest requests in the report
  is found using the product of throuthput and apdex score instead of simple

Bug fixes

* The recorder now maintain the order of input elements, patch submited by
  Martin Aspeli

* Fix unicode decode errors when merging reports when an error occurred on a
  page with unicode, patch submited by Martin Aspeli.
FunkLoad 1.12.0



:Released date: 2010-05-26

New features

* ``fl-build-report`` is now able to create a report using many result
  files. The goal of this feature is to create bench report for a
  distributed bench. To be merged the result files must have the same cycles
  and cycle duration.

* The hostname and python version is now logged in the result file.

* Try to use `psyco <>`_ if installed. Note
  that psyco works only on 32-bit system.

* Miscellaneous speed improvments: removing minimal sleep time between
  actions, removing useless logs.

* New ``--as-fast-as-possible`` or ``-f`` option to ``fl-run-bench`` to remove
  sleep any times between requests and test cases, this is equivalent to
  ``-m0 -M0 -t0``.

* New ``--enable-debug-server`` option for ``fl-run-bench`` command. This
  option run a debug HTTP server which exposes an interface using which
  parameters can be modified at run-time.

  Currently supported parameters:

  - http://localhost:8000/cvu?inc=<integer> to increase the number of CVUs,

  - http://localhost:8000/cvu?dec=<integer> to decrease the number of CVUs,

  - http://localhost:8000/getcvu returns number of CVUs.

  You can load a server and be able to change the number of concurrent users
  during the run without pre-specifying it through 'cycles' argument, this
  is usefull during debugging or profiling.

  This feature has been provided by Goutham Bhat.

Bug fixes

* Fixed a missing semicolon in WebUnit patch, caused all cookies to be combined
  into one ubercookie, thanks to Gareth Davidson.

* Do not generate charts when there are no data available preventing:
  "RuntimeError: Failed to run gnuplot cmd: ... Skipping data file with no
  valid points" error when building a report.

* Fix report charts on OS X darwin, thanks to Ethan Winn and Arshavski

FunkLoad 1.11.0



:Released date: 2010-01-26

New features

* Support https with ssl/tls by providing a private key and certificate (PEM
  formatted) to the new setKeyAndCertificateFile method. This feature has been
  provided by Kelvin Ward.

* Better win support:

  - Patch recorder to work on non linux os, enable TCPWATCH env variable to set
    the tcpwatch binary path, thanks to David Fraser.

  - Patch report builder to produce gnuplot chart on win, thanks to Kelvin

* Enable to view the request headers either using an api (method debugHeaders)
  or command line option ``-d --debug-level=3``.

* Support of WebUnit 1.3.9 (in addition of 1.3.8) this new version brings
  cookie max-age support.

Bug fixes

* Fixing gnuplot charts when concurrent users are not in ascending order or
  have duplicates. (like ``-c 1:10:50:10:1`` instead of ``-c 1:10:20:30``)

* Prevent ``fl-record`` to generate invalid python test case name.

* Fix regex to check valid resources urls, it was too restrictive.

* Fix cookie support, there was an extra ";" if there was only one cookie,
  thanks to Daniel Sward.

* Fixing filename in mime encoding when uploading a file using an absolute

FunkLoad 1.10.0



:Released date: 2009-03-23

New features

* Easier installation on Debian Lenny/Ubuntu 8.10, See INSTALL_.

* Support setuptools console_scripts entry point for funkload
  scripts. Thanks to Ross Patterson.

* Added a two sample buildout configurations: a minimal one that just
  contains what is necessary to run tests and a default one that also
  enables recording. Thanks to Tom Lazar.

* Added a ``--report-directory`` option to ``fl-build-report`` to set report
  directory path.

* Added a ``--label`` option to ``fl-run-bench`` which the report generator
  then appends to the output directory of the report. This is to make it
  easier to keep different bench runs apart from each other. Thanks to Tom

* Added a ``--pause`` option to ``fl-run-test``, the test runner will wait for
  the ENTER key to be pressed between requests.

* Added a ``--loop`` option to ``fl-record``, this way it is easy to type a
  comment then hit Ctrl-C to dump the script and continue with the next action.

Bug fixes

* Only attempt to retrieve syntactically valid URLs links.

* Fix report generation for bench with only one cycle.

* Fix differential report average percent profit chart.

* Fix possible error on differential report ReStructuredText.

FunkLoad 1.9.0



:Released date: 2008-11-07

New features

* Switch to `gnuplot 4.2 <>`_ for charts
  generation. Gnuplot script and data are kept with the report enabling
  charts customization. No more gdchart charting woes.

* Enhanced charts displaying more information, view a `report example <>`_.

* New diff report option, comparing 2 reports is a long and error prone
  task, `fl-build-report` has been enhanced to produce a differencial
  report. This new feature requires gnuplot.

  To produce a diff report::

   fl-build-report --diff path/to/report-reference path/to/report-challanger

  View a `diff report example

* Post method handles custom data and content type. For example to post a
  xmlrpc by hand


    from funkload.utils import Data
        data = Data('text/xml', """<?xml version='1.0'?>
    """), data, description="Post user data")

* The recorder translates properly ``application/xml`` or any content type
  using the new ``Data`` class (see above exemple).

* New `test script
  provided with ``fl-install-demo`` to bench the JBoss Seam Booking

FunkLoad 1.8.0



:Released date: 2008-07-28

New features

* Upgrate to python-gdchart2 using libgd2 (gdchart1 is deprecated).

Bug fixes

* Handle redirect code 303 and 307 like a 302.

FunkLoad 1.7.0



:Released date: 2008-07-23

New features

* Recorder and test take care of JSF MyFaces tokens which make FunkLoad
  ready to record/play Nuxeo EP or any JBoss Seam application.

* Change API of listHref to be able to search on link content as well as
  link url. `pattern` parameter is renamed into `url_pattern` and a new
  `content_pattern` can be supply.

Bug fixes

* fix: # 1838_: Upload doesn't work for CherryPy.

* fix: # 1834_: multiple redirects not handled properly (jehiah patch).

* fix: # 1837_: post() is sent as GET when no params defined.

* Apply patch from Dan Rahmel to fix fl-record on non posix os.

FunkLoad 1.6.2



:Released date: 2007-04-06

Bug fixes

* fix: 'Page stats' percentiles are wrong.

FunkLoad 1.6.1



:Released date: 2007-03-09

Bug fixes

* Support of python 2.5.

* Fix: 1.6.0 regression invalid encoding of parameters when posting several
  times the same key.

FunkLoad 1.6.0



:Released date: 2007-02-27

New features

* Do not send cookie with ``deleted`` value, this fix trouble with Zope's
  CookieCrumbler and enable benching of Plone_ apps, Thanks to Lin.

* Works with Ruby CGI, fixing webunit mimeEncode and adding Content-type
  header on file upload, Thanks to Bryan Helmkamp.

* # 1283_: Patching webunit to support http proxy by checking $http_proxy
  env. Thanks to Greg, (note that https proxy is not yet supported).

* Adding Mirko Friedenhagen ``--with-percentiles`` option to
  ``fl-build-report`` to include percentiles in statistic tables and use
  10%, 50% and 90% percentil instead of min, avg and max in charts.  This is
  now the default option, use ``--no-percentiles`` for the old behaviour.

* Upgrade to setuptools 0.6c3

* FunkLoadTestCase.conf_getList accept a separator parameter

Bug fixes

* fix: # 1279_: Browser form submit encoding, default encoding for post is
  now application/x-www-form-urlencoded, multipart mime encoding is used
  only when uploading files.

* Patching webunit mimeEncode method to send CRLF as describe in RFC 1945
  3.6.2, patch provided by Ivan Kurmanov.

* fix: response string representation url contains double `/`

* fix: xmlrpc url contains basic auth credential in the report

* fix: # 1300_: easy_install failed to install docutils from sourceforge,
  upgrading ez_install 0.6a10

FunkLoad 1.5.0



:Released date: 2006-01-31

New features

* # 1284_: TestCase: support of doctest

  There is a new FunkLoadDocTest class that ease usage of FunkLoad from

    >>> from funkload.FunkLoadDocTest import FunkLoadDocTest
    >>> fl = FunkLoadDocTest()
    >>> response = fl.get('http://localhost/')
    >>> 'HTML' in response.body
    >>> response
    <response url="" code="200" message="OK" />

  If you use python2.4, the test runner ``fl-run-test`` is able launch
  doctest from a plain text file or embedded in python docstring::

     $ fl-run-test -v doctest_dummy.txt
     Doctest: doctest_dummy.txt          Ok
     Ran 1 test in 0.077s

  And the ``--debug`` option makes doctests verbose::

     $ fl-run-test -d doctest_dummy.txt
         fl = FunkLoadDocTest()
     Expecting nothing
         <response url="" code="200" message="OK" />
     Ran 1 test in 0.051s

* Test runner can use a negative regex to select tests. For example if you
  want to launch all tests that does not ends with 'foo' ::

    fl-run-test -e '!foo$'

* # 1282_: TestRunner: more verbosity

  The new ``fl-run-test`` option ``--debug-level=2`` will produce debug
  output on each link (images or css) fetched.

* Improve firefox view in real time by using approriate file extention for
  the content type.

* CPSTestCase is up to date for 3.4.0, use CPS338TestCase for a CPS 3.3.8.

Bug fixes

* fix # 1278_: BenchRunner: UserAgent from config file is not set

FunkLoad 1.4.1



:Released date: 2005-12-16

Bug fixes

* fix # 1201_: Erroneous page stats

* fix # 934_: REPORT: Charts should display origin

FunkLoad 1.4.0



:Released date: 2005-12-08

New features

* New ``--loop-on-pages`` option for ``fl-run-test``.

  This option enable to check response time of some specific pages inside a
  test without changing the script, which make easy to tune a page in a
  complex context. Use the ``debug`` option to find the page numbers. For

    fl-run-test MyTestCase.testSomething -l 3 -n 100

  Run MyTestCase.testSomething, reload one hundred time the page 3 without
  concurrency and as fast as possible. Output response time stats. You can
  loop on many pages using slice -l 2:4.

* New ``--accept-invalid-links`` option for ``fl-run-test`` and

  Don't fail if css/image links are not reachable.

* New ``--list`` option for ``fl-run-test`` to list the test names without
  running them.

* # 936_: TestRunner: use regexp to load test

  New ``--regex`` or ``-e`` option for ``fl-run-test`` to filter test names
  that match a regular expression.

* # 939_: Browser: Provide an option to disable image and links load

  New ``--simple-fetch`` option for ``fl-run-test`` and ``fl-run-bench``.

* # 937_: TestRunner: Add an immediate fail option

  New ``--stop-on-fail`` option for ``fl-run-test`` that stops tests on
  first failure or error.

* # 933_: Report: Add global info

  Adding total number of tests, pages and requests during the bench.

* ``CPSTestCase.listDocumentHref`` is renamed into ``cpsListDocumentHref``

* ``FunkLoadTestCase.xmlrpc_call`` is renamed into ``xmlrpc``
  (``xmlrpc_call`` is still working)

* Some code cleaning, cheesecake_ index 460/560 ~82%.

* New epydoc_ API_ documentation.

* ``fl-run-test`` is now able to run standard unittest.TestCase.

Bug fixes

* # 1183_: updating ez_setup to fix broken sourceforge docutils download

FunkLoad 1.3.1



:Released date: 2005-11-10

Bug fixes

* fix # 1115_: Recorder: impossible to generate test

FunkLoad 1.3.0



:Released date: 2005-11-08

New features

* # 944_: Recorder: replace TestMaker recorder.

  Providing a ``fl-record`` command that drive a TCPWatch_ proxy.
  See INSTALL_ to setup TCPWatch_.

* # 1041_: Browser: implement an addHeader method.

  FunkLoadTestCase provides new methods ``setUserAgent``, ``addHeader`` and

* # 1088_: TestRunner / BenchRunner: use compatible command line option

    - All ``fl-*`` executables have a ``--version`` option to display the
      FunkLoad_ version.

    - All `fl-run-*` are now in color mode by default. Use ``--no-color``
      options for monochrome output.
      You need to remove the ``-c`` option for ``fl-run-test`` and ``-C``
      for ``fl-run-bench`` in your scripts.

    - Changing ``fl-run-bench`` short option ``-d`` into ``-D`` for duration,
      keeping ``-d`` for debug mode.

    - Removing ``fl-run-test`` short option ``-D`` to not conflict with new
      ``-D`` option of ``fl-run-bench``, you now have to use the long format

Bug fixes

* fix # 935_: Browser: doesn't handle Referer header.

FunkLoad 1.2.0



:Released date: 2005-10-18

New features

* Credential and Monitor services have been refactored they are now true
  unix daemon service, controllers are now in pure python (no more bash

* Switching from distutils to setuptools using EasyInstall_, installing
  FunkLoad is now just a question of ``sudo easy_install funkload``.

* Moving demo examples into the egg, just type ``fl-install-demo`` to extract
  the demo folder

Bug fixes

* fix # 1027_ Report: min and max page response time are wrong.

* fix # 1017_ Report: request charts is alway the same.

* fix # 1022_ Monitor: no cpu usage monitoring on linux 2.4.x

* fix # 1000_ easy_install failed to install funkload.

* fix # 1009_ Report: remove error scale in graph if there is no errors.

* fix # 1008_ Report: missing legend.

FunkLoad 1.1.0



:Released date: 2005-10-07

New features

* FunkLoadTestCase: adding ``exists`` method.

* FunkLoadTestCase: support XML RPC test/bench using ``xmlrpc_call``.

* FunkLoadTestCase: adding a regex pattern to ``listHref``.

* FunkLoadTestCase: new ``setUpCycle`` and ``tearDownCycle`` methods to
  configure bench between cycle.

* FunkLoadTestCase: Patching webunit to send a User-Agent header.

* # 950_ Report: display failure and error (first part).

* # 948_ Report: provide the 5 slowest requests.

* # 941_ Demo: provide usefull examples.

* CPSTestCase: add cpsVerifyUser, cpsVerifyGroup, cpsSetLocalRole,
  cpsCreateSite, cpsCreateSection.

* ZopeTestCase: adding zopeRestartZope, zopeFlushCache, zopePackZodb,

* Lipsum: handle iso 8859-15 vocabulary.

* Lipsum: adding random phone number and address generator.

* credentiald: add methods listCredentials and listGroups.

* Moving TODO and bugs to trac:

* Improve documentation.

Bug fixes

* # 971_ Report: the network load monitor should record network speed instead
  of cumulative downlaod

* XML result file is resetted at beginning of a test or bench.

* Fix threadframe module requirement.

* No more python 2.3 dependency for scripts `fl-*-ctl`

FunkLoad 1.0.0


:Released date: 2005-09-01

**First public release.**


More information on the FunkLoad_ site.

.. _FunkLoad:
.. _EasyInstall:
.. _TCPWatch:
.. _API: api/index.html
.. _TODO:
.. _Org-mode:
.. _epydoc:
.. _cheesecake:
.. _933:
.. _934:
.. _935:
.. _936:
.. _937:
.. _939:
.. _941:
.. _944:
.. _948:
.. _950:
.. _971:
.. _1000:
.. _1008:
.. _1009:
.. _1017:
.. _1022:
.. _1027:
.. _1041:
.. _1088:
.. _1115:
.. _1183:
.. _1201:
.. _1278:
.. _1279:
.. _1282:
.. _1283:
.. _1284:
.. _1300:
.. _1834:
.. _1837:
.. _1838:
.. _Plone:

.. Local Variables:
.. mode: rst
.. End:
.. vim: set filetype=rst: