

distrib > Mageia > 7 > armv7hl > media > core-release > by-pkgid > 32475a9030649d9e117f48680c154208 > files > 273


$Id: config-design 9428 2012-06-15 18:18:45Z iulius $

This file is documentation of the design principles that went into INN's
configuration file syntax, and some rationale for why those principles
were chosen.

 1.  All configuration files used by INN should have the same syntax.
     This was the root reason why the project was taken on in the first
     place; INN developed a proliferation of configuration files, all of
     which had a slightly (or greatly) different syntax, forcing the
     administrator to learn several different syntaxes and resulting in a
     proliferation of parsers, all with their own little quirks.

 2.  Adding a new configuration file or a new set of configuration options
     should not require writing a single line of code for syntax parsing.
     Code that analyzes the semantics of the configuration will of course
     be necessary, but absolutely no additional code to read files, parse
     files, build configuration trees, or the like should be required.
     Ideally, INN should have a single configuration parser that
     everything uses.

 3.  The syntax should look basically like the syntax of readers.conf,
     incoming.conf, and innfeed.conf in INN 2.3.  After extensive
     discussion on the inn-workers mailing list, this seemed to be the
     most generally popular syntax of the ones already used in INN, and
     inventing a completely new syntax didn't appear likely to have gains
     outweighing the effort involved.  This syntax seemed sufficiently
     general to represent all of the configuration information that INN

 4.  The parsing layer should *not* attempt to do semantic analysis of the
     configuration; it should concern itself solely with syntax (or very
     low-level semantics that are standard across all conceivable INN
     configuration files).  In particular, the parsing layer should not
     know what parameters are valid, what groups are permitted, what types
     the values for parameters should have, or what default values
     parameters have.

     This principle requires some additional explanation, since it is very
     tempting to not do things this way.  However, the more semantic
     information the parser is aware of, the less general the parser is,
     and it's very easy to paint oneself into a corner.  In particular,
     it's *not* a valid assumption that all clients of the parsing code
     will want to reduce the configuration to a bunch of structs; this
     happens to be true for most clients of inn.conf, for example, but
     inndstart doesn't want the code needed to reduce everything to a
     struct and set default values to necessarily be executed in a
     security-critical context.  (The example is now obsolete with the
     removal of inndstart, but the basic idea is still sound.)

     Additionally, making the parser know more semantic information either
     complicates (significantly) the parser interface or means that the
     parser has to be modified when the semantics change.  The latter is
     not acceptable, and the parser interface should be as straightforward
     as possible (to encourage all parts of INN to use it).

 5.  The result of a parse of the configuration file may be represented as
     a tree of dictionaries, where each dictionary corresponds to a group
     and each key corresponds to a parameter setting.  (Note that this does
     not assume that the underlying data structure is a hash table, just
     that it has dictionary semantics, namely a collection of key/value
     pairs with the keys presumed unique.)

 6.  Parameter values inherit via group nesting.  In other words, if a
     group is nested inside another group, all parameters defined in the
     enclosing group are inherited by the nested group unless they're
     explicitly overridden within the nested group.  (This point and point
     5 are to some degree just corollaries of point 3.)

 7.  The parsing library must permit writing as well as reading.  It must
     be possible for a program to read in a configuration file, modify
     parameters, add and delete groups, and otherwise change the
     configuration, and then write back out to disk a configuration file
     that preserves those changes and still remains as faithful to the
     original (possibly human-written) configuration file as possible.
     (Ideally, this would extend to preserving comments, but that may be
     too difficult to do and therefore isn't required.)

 8.  The parser must not limit the configuration arbitrarily.  In
     particular, unlimited length strings (within available memory) must
     be supported for string values, and if allowable line length is
     limited, line continuation must be supported everywhere that there's
     any reasonable expectation that it might be necessary.  One common
     configuration parameter is a list of hosts or host wildmats that can
     be almost arbitrarily long, and the syntax and parser must support

 9.  The parser should be reasonably efficient, enough so as to not cause
     an annoying wait for command-line tools like sm and grephistory to
     start.  In general, though, efficiency in either time or memory is
     not as high of a priority as readable, straightforward code; it's
     safe to assume that configuration parsing is only done on startup and
     at rare intervals and is not on any critical speed paths.

10.  Error reporting is a must.  It must be possible to clearly report
     errors in the configuration files, including at minimum the file name
     and line number where the error occurred.

11.  The configuration parser should not trust its input, syntax-wise.  It
     must not segfault, infinitely loop, or otherwise explode on malformed
     or broken input.  And, as a related point, it's better to be
     aggressively picky about syntax than to be lax and attempt to accept
     minor violations.  The intended configuration syntax is simple and
     unambiguous, so it should be unnecessary to accept violations.

12.  It must be possible to do comprehensive semantic checks of a
     configuration file, including verifying that all provided parameters
     are known ones, all parameter values have the correct type, group
     types that are not expected to be repeated are not, and only expected
     group types are used.  This must *not* be done by the parser, but the
     parser must provide sufficient hooks that the client program can do
     this if it chooses.

13.  The parser must be re-entrant and thread-safe.

14.  The grammar shouldn't require any lookahead to parse.  This is in
     order to keep the parser extremely simple and therefore maintainable.
     (It's worth noting that this design principle leads to the
     requirement that parameter keys end in a colon; the presence of the
     colon allows parameter keys to be distinguished from other syntactic
     elements allowed in the same scope, like the beginning of a nested