

distrib > Mageia > 7 > armv7hl > media > core-release > by-pkgid > 336890595e31c6e67cade9609e47b028 > files > 78


# JOE syntax highlight file for Txt2Tags by Stefano D'Archino

#### Problems ##############################################
# Numbered title only without space after +
# Blocks comment and Verbatim block only first and last line
# No color for Line
# Syntax for List only for the first level

=Comment 	green
=Raw		cyan
=List 		yellow bold
=Bold		bold
=Italics	magenta
=Underline	underline
=Code		inverse
=Title		red bold
=Table_h	cyan bold
=Table		cyan
=Link		magenta
=Verbatim	magenta

:idle Idle
	*		idle
	"\n"		maybe 
	"*"		bol_1 		
	"/"		ita_1			
	"_"		und_1
	"\`"		cod_1
	"["		link		recolor=-1
	"@"		link_e		recolor=-1

:maybe	Idle
	*	idle
	"\n"	maybe
	"%"	comment		recolor=-1
	"*"	bol_1 
	"/"	ita_1
	"_"	und_1
	"["	link		recolor=-1
	"="	title 		 
	"|"	table_h
	"\""	raw_1		recolor=-1
	"\:\-"	list	 #!!! \- at the end of string!
	"\+"	list_n
	"\`"	ver_1
	"@"		link_e		recolor=-1 # only for lout

#### Comments
:comment Comment
	*		comment
	"\n"		maybe

#### Beautifiers
:bol_1 Bold
	*		idle	noeat
	"*"		bol_2	recolor=-2
:bol_2 Bold
	*		bol_2
	"*"		bol_3 
:bol_3 Bold
	*		idle 	noeat
	"*"		bol_4 
:bol_4 Bold
	*		idle	noeat

:ita_1 Italics
	*		idle	noeat
	"/"		ita_2	recolor=-2
:ita_2 Italics
	*		ita_2
	"/"		ita_3 
:ita_3 Italics
	*		idle 	noeat
	"/"		ita_4 
:ita_4 Italics
	*		idle	noeat

:und_1 Underline
	*		idle	noeat
	"_"		und_2	recolor=-2
:und_2 Underline
	*		und_2
	"_"		und_3 
:und_3 Underline
	*		idle 	noeat
	"_"		und_4 
:und_4 Underline
	*		idle	noeat

:cod_1 Code     
	*		idle	noeat
	"\`"		cod_2	recolor=-2
:cod_2 Code
	*		cod_2	recolor=-3 ####
	"\`"		cod_3 
:cod_3 Code
	*		idle 	noeat
	"\`"		cod_4 
:cod_4 Code
	*		idle	noeat
############# Table
:table_h	Table_h
	*	table		recolor=-2
	"|"	table_h_1 	recolor=-2

:table_h_1	Table_h
	*	table_h_1
	"\n"	table

:table		Table
	*	table		recolor=-2
	"\n"	maybe

######### Blocks

:raw_1 Raw
	*		idle	noeat
	"\""		raw_2
:raw_2 Raw
	*		idle	noeat
	"\""		raw_3
:raw_3 Raw
	*		raw_3
	"\""		raw_4
:raw_4 Raw
	*		idle	noeat
	"\""		raw_4
:raw_5 Raw
	*		idle	noeat
	"\""		raw_5
:raw_6 Raw
	*		raw_6
	"\n"		maybe
#### List 	
:list List
	* 		idle 	noeat	 
	" "		list_2  recolor=-2
:list_2 List
	* idle 		noeat

:list_n List
	* 		title_n 	noeat	 
	" "		list_2  	recolor=-2
	"+"		title_n_2 	noeat

:link Link
	*	link
	"["	link_2
	"]"	idle 
:link_2 Link
	*	link_2
	"]"	link
:link_e	Link
	*	idle	noeat

:ver_1 Verbatim
	*		idle	noeat
	"\`"		ver_2
:ver_2 Verbatim
	*		cod_2	noeat
	"\`"		ver_3	recolor=-3
:ver_3 Verbatim
	*		ver_3    
	"\n"		maybe

#### Title
:title Title
	* 	title
	"="  	title_2		noeat
	"\n"	maybe
:title_2 Title
	* 	title_2 
	"="  	title_3		noeat
	"\n"	maybe
:title_3 Title 
	*	title_3
	"="	maybe		noeat
	"\n"	maybe
:title_n Title
	* 	title_n
	"+"  	title_n_2		noeat
	"\n"	maybe
:title_n_2 Title
	* 	title_n_2 
	"+"  	title_n_3		noeat
	"\n"	maybe
:title_n_3 Title 
	*	title_n_3
	"+"	maybe			noeat
	"\n"	maybe