

distrib > Mageia > 7 > armv7hl > media > core-release > by-pkgid > 5cf9e461dc555a81d748d90a1d732fb9 > files > 2


# Copyright 2003 Przemyslaw Czerpak <>,
# See LICENSE.txt for licensing terms.
# Table Syntax:
# <:> terminal[|terminal|terminal...] <space> comment
#     <space> inchar <:>        <space> outchar <space> modus
#     <space> inchar-inchar <:> <space> outchar <space> modus
#     @include
# where:
#     inchar  = decim/hex/alpha equivalent for input  char
#     outchar = decim/hex/alpha equivalent for output char (* same as inchar)
#     modus   = 0 default is: 1 for ?/??/say output, 2 for box output
#               1: standard, 2: alternate, 3: protect, 4: alternate-protect,
#               5: acsc chars
#     include = name of terminal to include character translation
# outchar can conatin:
#     * = inchar
# and operators:
#     + = add, - = sub, | = or, & = and, ^ = xor
# values:
#     [0-9]+         = decim value
#     0x[0-9A-Fa-f]+ = hex value
#     '[.]+'         = alpha value
# example:
#   'A'-'Z':   *|0x20   1
#   makes all output chars lower
# Harbour program is looking for this file in $HB_CHARMAP,
# $HB_ROOT/etc/harbour/hb-charmap.def, /etc/harbour/hb-charmap.def
# terminal name is taken from 'HB_TERM' or 'TERM' environment variable
# if terminal name contains '/' character then is divided to subsections
# by this char and then each of them is included f.e.:
#   export HB_TERM=linux/acsc/maz2iso
# means that sections :linux, :acsc, :maz2iso will be loaded
# remember that first subsection name (linux) will be used for terminfo
# initialization
# default:
#    0-127: *   1
#  128-255: *   0
:linux|fslinux|console|vt100|vt102|vt320 = Linux system console and VT terms
    0-31:       '.'     1
    127:        '.'     1
    04:         '`'     5   # ACS_DIAMOND
    16:         '+'     5   # ACS_RARROW
    17:         ','     5   # ACS_LARROW
    24:         '-'     5   # ACS_UARROW
    25:         '.'     5   # ACS_DARROW
    26:         '+'     5   # ACS_RARROW
    27:         ','     5   # ACS_LARROW
    30:         '-'     5   # ACS_UARROW
    31:         '.'     5   # ACS_DARROW
    128-255:    *       2
    155:        '.'     1
# @acsc          # include acsc section
# @maz2iso       # include maz2iso section

:xterm|xterm-color|rxvt|teraterm = xterm terms
    0-31:       '.'     1
    127-159:    '.'     1
 @acsc          # include acsc section

:tterm = Teraterm modified terminal
    0-31:       '.'     1
    127:        '.'     1
    155:        '.'     1
    04:         '#'     1
    16:         '>'     1
    17:         '<'     1
    30:         '^'     1
    31:         'v'     1
    24:         '^'     1
    25:         'v'     1
    26:         '>'     1
    27:         '<'     1

:screen = screen terminal
    0-31:       '.'     1
    127-159:    '.'     1
 @acsc          # include acsc section

:acsc = display semigraphics chars as ACSC ones
    04:         '`'     5   # ACS_DIAMOND
    16:         '+'     5   # ACS_RARROW
    17:         ','     5   # ACS_LARROW
    24:         '-'     5   # ACS_UARROW
    25:         '.'     5   # ACS_DARROW
    26:         '+'     5   # ACS_RARROW
    27:         ','     5   # ACS_LARROW
    30:         '-'     5   # ACS_UARROW
    31:         '.'     5   # ACS_DARROW
    176:        104     5   # ACS_BOARD
    177:         97     5   # ACS_CKBOARD
    178:         48     5   # ACS_BLOCK
    179:        120     5   # ACS_VLINE
    180:        117     5   # ACS_RTEE
    181:        117     5   # ACS_RTEE
    182:        117     5   # ACS_RTEE
    183:        107     5   # ACS_URCORNER
    184:        107     5   # ACS_URCORNER
    185:        117     5   # ACS_RTEE
    186:        120     5   # ACS_VLINE
    187:        107     5   # ACS_URCORNER
    188:        106     5   # ACS_LRCORNER
    189:        106     5   # ACS_LRCORNER
    190:        106     5   # ACS_LRCORNER
    191:        107     5   # ACS_URCORNER
    192:        109     5   # ACS_LLCORNER
    193:        118     5   # ACS_BTEE
    194:        119     5   # ACS_TTEE
    195:        116     5   # ACS_LTEE
    196:        113     5   # ACS_HLINE
    197:        110     5   # ACS_PLUS
    198:        116     5   # ACS_LTEE
    199:        116     5   # ACS_LTEE
    200:        109     5   # ACS_LLCORNER
    201:        108     5   # ACS_ULCORNER
    202:        118     5   # ACS_BTEE
    203:        119     5   # ACS_TTEE
    204:        116     5   # ACS_LTEE
    205:        113     5   # ACS_HLINE
    206:        110     5   # ACS_PLUS
    207:        118     5   # ACS_BTEE
    208:        118     5   # ACS_BTEE
    209:        119     5   # ACS_TTEE
    210:        119     5   # ACS_TTEE
    211:        109     5   # ACS_LLCORNER
    212:        109     5   # ACS_LLCORNER
    213:        108     5   # ACS_ULCORNER
    214:        108     5   # ACS_ULCORNER
    215:        110     5   # ACS_PLUS
    216:        110     5   # ACS_PLUS
    217:        106     5   # ACS_LRCORNER
    218:        108     5   # ACS_ULCORNER
#    219:         96     5   # ACS_DIAMOND
#    220:         96     5   # ACS_DIAMOND
#    221:         96     5   # ACS_DIAMOND
#    222:         96     5   # ACS_DIAMOND
#    223:         96     5   # ACS_DIAMOND

:maz2iso = mazovia to ISO-8859-2 translation
    143:        161     1
    149:        198     1
    144:        202     1
    156:        163     1
    165:        209     1
    163:        211     1
    152:        166     1
    160:        172     1
    161:        175     1
    134:        177     1
    141:        230     1
    145:        234     1
    146:        179     1
    164:        241     1
    162:        243     1
    158:        182     1
    166:        188     1
    167:        191     1