

distrib > Mageia > 7 > armv7hl > media > core-release > by-pkgid > 651b6a74b12c59095cd340dc1130a82e > files > 35


These release notes list minor problems with the GNU libplot graphics
library, and with the sample command-line utilities `graph', `plot',
`tek2plot', `plotfont', and `pic2plot', which are built on it.  We classify
them as problems rather than bugs.

Most of them are due to idiosyncrasies of (or bugs in) the display devices
and application software that libplot must produce output for.

See also the file ./COMPAT, for some changes in this release that are
relevant to the below problems.


The libplot SVG driver and `graph -T svg'

The SVG specification is to some extent a moving target; consult the W3
Consortium's Web pages on SVG ( ) for more
information.  In this release, the SVG produced by libplot's SVG driver
complies with the SVG 1.1 specification.

However, as of this writing, some SVG viewers fail to implement crucial
parts of the specification (especially, those dealing with text).  So, the
following sorts of problem may be encountered when viewing SVG output.

1. The font used for a text string may not be the one you have selected.
libplot's SVG driver attempts to give the SVG viewer enough information to
select an appropriate font.  For example, `graph -T svg' by default uses a
Helvetica font.  Its SVG output contains the font specification


Similarly, if a Times-Bold font is to be used, the SVG output contains the
font specification

     font-family:Times-Bold,'Times Roman',serif; font-weight:bold

In all cases, both the font's family name and its Postscript name, if
different, will be supplied in the SVG output.  In nearly all cases, a
`generic name' such as `serif' will be supplied too. However, some SVG
viewers have been observed to fail to retrieve a matching font, or any font
at all (!), even when they are helped out in this way.

One workaround for this problem is to use a builtin Hershey (stroked) font,
such as HersheySerif or HersheySans.  (For more information on this, see
the file ./COMPAT.)  Type `graph -Tsvg --help-fonts' to get a complete list
of fonts available to you, when producing SVG output.

2. If you switch fonts in the middle of a text string, the substrings may
not line up properly.  If this occurs, it is because your SVG viewer is
using fonts whose metrics are different from what libplot's SVG driver
expects.  SVG supports the creation of compound (multi-font) text strings,
via <tspan>..</tspan> constructs.  However, libplot's SVG driver does not
currently use these constructs.  Support for them may be added to later
releases of the driver.

Again, the fix is to use one of the builtin Hershey fonts, such as


The libplot X driver and `graph -T X'

1. The Symbol and ZapfDingbats fonts distributed with some X Window System
displays, such as recent releases of XFree86, are incorrectly encoded.  In
consequence, text strings that contain Greek characters or mathematical
symbols may not be displayed correctly.

To check the encoding of the Symbol font, do both

   plotfont -T X Symbol
   plotfont -T ps Symbol | gv -

to display respectively the layout of the Symbol font in your X display,
and the standard Postscript symbol font build into the `gv' application.
(To see the latter, you could alternatively send the output of 
`plotfont -T ps Symbol' to a Postscript printer.)  If the two character 
tables look different, complain to the people who supplied your X Window
System software.


The libplot PS driver and `graph -T ps'

1. There are a lot of buggy Postscript interpreters out there.  If you
switch fonts in the middle of drawing a label with `graph -T ps', or when
drawing a multi-font string with libplot's PS driver, and the sub-strings
don't match up properly when you view the result, it may very well be the
fault of your interpreter.  Even for the 35 standard Postscript fonts, some
vendors don't agree with Adobe as to the width of the printable `8-bit'
(non-ASCII) characters.  Sun SparcPrinters in particular have been observed
to space such characters incorrectly.

2. It has been reported that the freeware `bbfig' program, which is
sometimes used for computing the bounding boxes of Postscript files, does
not necessarily compute the correct bounding box when it is applied to the
output of libplot's PS driver; for example, to a graph produced by 
`graph -T ps'.

The bug here is in bbfig, not in libplot.  You should never need to run
`bbfig' on Postscript files produced by this package, since they already
contain accurate bounding boxes.

3. As seen by the idraw drawing editor, a Postscript file produced by
`graph -T ps' or libplot's PS driver will have its colors quantized.  Both
pen color and fill color will be quantized.  

These quantizations are due to limitations of idraw.  Line widths will be
quantized too, since the width of a line in idraw must be an integer number
of printer's points.

No such quantizations will take place if the Postscript file is viewed with
a Postscript interpreter such as Ghostscript, sent directly to a printer,
or included in another document.

4. If you use the Postscript Plotter support in libplot/libplotter to draw
a self-intersecting filled path, and you specify that the `nonzero winding
number rule' should be employed to determine which regions are inside and
which are outside the path, the resulting Postscript file will look all
right when previewed or printed.  But if you use `idraw' to view it
or edit it, the other rule (the `odd winding number rule') will be used.

The problem is due to `idraw', which does not currently understand the
nonzero winding number rule.

5. [Relevant only if configuration used the --enable-lj-fonts option.]
If you use `idraw' to edit a Postscript file prepared with `graph -T ps'
or libplot's PS driver that contains text in the Wingdings font, some of
the Wingdings characters will be incorrectly interchanged.

This problem is due to idraw, which does not know that Wingdings is not an
ISO-Latin-1 font.  The fix is to use a text editor to remove the line

	/Tidbits reencodeISO def

from the edited Postscript file.  (The plotting utilities refer to
Wingdings internally as `Tidbits'.)


The libplot CGM driver and `graph -T cgm'

1. There are many older CGM viewers and interpreters, such as the free but
unsupported(?) RALCGM and GPLOT viewers, and the CGM import filter used by
Microsoft Office, that can only handle version 1 CGM files.  To produce
output for such CGM viewers and interpreters, you should set the
environment variable (i.e., libplot parameter) CGM_MAX_VERSION to "1".

The default is to use version 3.  (Versions are more or less upward
compatible, so any version-1 CGM file is effectively also a version-3 file,
but not vice versa.)  However, no free (open-source) version-3 CGM viewer
is currently available.  A high-quality browser plug-in for version-3 CGM
files, without source, is available from .

You should be aware that version 1 was much less powerful than later
versions, such as version 3.  In particular, font handling was not good.
Any text string in a CGM file produced by libplot is accompanied by an
`extent box' which the string is automatically adjusted to fit, by any CGM
viewer or interpreter.  That is the case for all versions of the CGM
format, including version 1.  Unfortunately, in version 1, what it meant
for the string to `fit' was not properly specified.  Another problem with
version 1 format was that there was no way of specifying font properties,
such as oblique-vs.-upright, boldface-vs.-regular, etc.  So when a font is
unavailable, the substituted font is often inappropriate.

When producing a version-1 CGM file with the plotting utilities or libplot,
Hershey fonts may be the best fonts to use.  Any text string in a Hershey
font is drawn into a CGM output file not as a CGM text string, but as a
collection of polygonal lines, which should be rendered acceptably.  To use
a Hershey font, you could specify the `-F HersheySerif' option, for
example, when you run `graph -T cgm'.

2. If a binary-encoded CGM output file produced by libplot's CGM driver
contains any single text string that is longer than about 2000 characters,
the RALCGM viewer will not be able to parse the CGM file correctly.  In
fact, RALCGM may crash.  The problem is in RALCGM, not in libplot.  This
bug is not a major problem, since such extraordinarily long text strings
almost never occur.

3. If a CGM output file produced by libplot's CGM driver contains any text
string for which the font size is effectively zero, the RALCGM viewer will
not be able to display the CGM file correctly.  In fact, RALCGM may crash.
You can verify this by doing

echo 0 0 1 1 2 0 | \
     CGM_MAX_VERSION=1 graph -T cgm --font-size 0.000000001 | ralcgm -dx

When you attempt to view the output file, you will probably get a
segmentation fault.  But the bug is in RALCGM, not in libplot.

4. There are some commercial viewers and interpreters which are advertised
as able to handle version-3 CGM files, but which in fact cannot do so.  The
CGM import filter used by Adobe Illustrator (as of version 7.0, at least)
is in this category.  It does not recognize the so-called custom line
styles (i.e., dashing patterns) that version-3 CGM files may include.  In
fact, if it sees a definition of a custom line style in a CGM file that it
is importing, it may stop functioning or crash!  Fortunately, CGM files
produced by `graph -T cgm' use only CGM's default line styles; not custom
ones.  `pic2plot -T cgm' and the libplot functions `linedash()' and
`flinedash()' do generate custom line styles.

Actually, even if CGM_MAX_VERSION is set equal to "1", so that custom CGM
line styles are not used, there is still a problem with importing CGM files
into Illustrator.  When it imports a CGM file, of whatever version,
Illustrator-7.0 maps all default CGM line styles to "solid".  That is,
dotted lines, dashed lines, etc., all appear as solid lines.  So the output
of `graph -T cgm -m 0', `graph -T cgm -m 1', `graph -T cgm -m 2', etc.,
will look alike.  There seems to be no way around this.

Since Illustrator's CGM import filter is so buggy, it is recommended that
when generating a graphics file for import into Illustrator, rather than
generating a CGM file, you use the `-T ai' option to generate Illustrator's
native format.  Whether this is necessary for the most recent versions of
Illustrator (8.0 and 9.0) has not been checked.

5. As noted, some CGM viewers provide only partial support for the modern
version-3 CGM file format.  When dealing with such a viewer, it may be
useful for you to know which CGM primitives are output by libplot's CGM
driver.  A list appears in the file libplot/README-cgm.  If you have full
documentation on the CGM primitives supported by your viewer, the list
should help you decide whether it is necessary to reduce the CGM version
number from 3 to 2, or to 1.


The libplot xfig driver and `graph -T fig'

1. At least in some versions of xfig release 3.2, the `fig2dev' program
that `xfig' uses to export figures in Postscript format has a bug.  It
incorrectly transforms minus signs to hyphens, and hyphens to en-dashes.

For example, if you do `plotfont -Tfig --box Helvetica' and 
`plotfont -Tfig --box -2 Helvetica' to produce character maps of the two
halves of the Helvetica font, and then use xfig 3.2 to export the two
character maps in Postscript format, you will notice that in the exported
character maps, the minus sign and hyphen do not fit properly within their
boxes.  That is because they have been replaced by a hyphen and an en-dash,

This is a problem with `fig2dev', not libplot.  If you encounter this
problem, a possible workaround is to change, with a text editor, the string
"8#255 /endash" in the exported PS file to "8#255 /hyphen 8#055 /minus".
The problem has been reported to the xfig maintainer, and may now have been

2. xfig supports rotation and uniform scaling of the 35 standard Postscript
fonts, but not non-uniform scaling or shearing.  So libplot's xfig driver
automatically replaces anisotropically transformed Postscript fonts by a
default Hershey font (HersheySerif).  Hershey fonts may always be
anisotropically transformed.

This affects `graph -T fig', `plotfont -T fig', etc., and in general the
output of libplot's xfig driver, if you specify a rectangular (rather than
square) viewport.  For example, if you do

  echo 0 0 1 1 2 0 | graph -T fig --page-size letter,xsize=8in,ysize=4in

then in the .fig file which is written to standard output, the usual
Helvetica font for graph labels will be replaced by HersheySerif.  You will
get a warning message about that.


libplot's PCL 5 and HP-GL/2 drivers, and `graph -T pcl' and `graph -T hpgl' 

The following remarks apply when producing either PCL 5 or HP-GL/2 output.
That's because PCL 5 output produced by libplot and the plotting utilities
is really HP-GL/2 output, preceded by an escape sequence that switches the
printer into HP-GL/2 mode.  (It's followed by an escape sequence that
switches the printer back to PCL 5 mode.)

1. The default treatment of colors in PCL 5 and HP-GL/2 output is not
optimal, because the basic HP-GL/2 drawing model is not very powerful.
HP-GL/2 supports a set of seven `logical pens', whose colors are black,
red, green, yellow, blue, magenta, and cyan.  Any line or curve can be
drawn by any of the pens, and any region bounded by a curve can be filled,
to any specified intensity (quantized in units of 10% or so) by any pen
color.  And that's just about it: in the basic drawing model, those are the
only pen colors and fill colors that can be produced.

The situation is even worse than it sounds, because when PCL 5 or HP-GL/2
output is directed to a monochrome display device such as an HP LaserJet,
every pen (even the yellow pen) is drawn as black!

Fortunately, color PCL 5 and HP-GL/2 devices, such as color LaserJets and
DesignJet plotters, support an enhanced drawing model.  They can assign
arbitrary colors to the logical pens.  When producing PCL 5 or HP-GL/2
output for such devices, you should set the environment variable
PCL_ASSIGN_COLORS (or HPGL_ASSIGN_COLORS, as the case may be) to "yes".
That will significantly improve the rendering of colored plots.

2. Internally, the LaserJet 4L and 5L use a number for the Wingdings font
that is different from the number used by other LaserJets.  (That's because
they use an Intellifont version of the font, rather than a TrueType
version.)  So if any PCL 5 output that uses the Wingdings font is sent to a
4L or a 5L from `graph -T pcl' or any other of the plotting utilities, it
won't print correctly.

If you need to work around this problem, you can search for the number
`31402' in the file libplot/g_fontd2.c, change it to `6826', and recompile.
PCL 5 output will then use the typeface ID that is appropriate for the 4L
and 5L.

A less drastic remedy is to do a search-and-replace on the PCL 5 output
with a text editor, replacing each occurrence of the string "31402" by

The above advice probably applies to the LaserJet 6L as well as the 4L and
5L, but that hasn't been checked.

3. There are some small errors in the positioning of text strings when
producing PCL 5 or HP-GL/2 output that uses the Symbol font.  For example,
if you do `plotfont -Tpcl --box Symbol > symbol.pcl' to get a PCL 5 file
that is a character map of the Symbol font, you will notice that in the
character map, some of the characters do not quite line up with their boxes.

This problem is due to problems in HP's documentation.  HP has released
useful information on its 45 LaserJet fonts.  (This includes font metrics,
etc.; see ./INSTALL.fonts.)  However, their information on the Symbol font
appears to be incorrect.  As a consequence, horizontal positioning of text
strings in the Symbol font is slightly in error.  This problem does not
affect the 44 other LaserJet fonts.


libplot's ReGIS driver and `graph -T regis' 

`graph -T regis' (along with libplot's ReGIS driver, which it uses)
currently contains incomplete support for the filling of regions.  If the
region to be filled extends beyond the edge of the ReGIS display, ideally
it should be clipped, then filled.  At present, filling is not performed at
all (since the clipping code has not yet been written).

In normal operation, this problem should not affect the output of `graph -T
regis' at all.  But it is really a bug, not just a problem.

`graph -T regis' also does not support the 35 standard Postscript fonts;
the Hershey fonts must be used instead.  (The default font is HersheySerif
rather than Helvetica.)  The fact that the ZapfDingbats font is not
supported means that `graph -T regis' does not support marker symbols
greater than or equal to 32, or more accurately it does not select them
from the font (ZapfDingbats) that one would expect.


libplot's Tektronix driver and `graph -T tek'

`graph -T tek' (along with libplot's Tektronix driver, which it uses) does
not support the filling of regions, so the -q option does not work; also,
multiplotting, which normally `blanks out' regions by filling them with
white, may result in messy-looking plots.  `graph -T tek' also does not
support the 35 standard Postscript fonts; the Hershey fonts must be used
instead.  (The default font is HersheySerif rather than Helvetica.)  The
fact that the ZapfDingbats font is not supported means that `graph -T tek'
does not support marker symbols greater than or equal to 32, or more
accurately it does not select them from the font (ZapfDingbats) that one
would expect.

Filling of regions is not supported because Tektronix storage tubes did not
support filling, for obvious reasons.  The Tektronix emulator in the MS-DOS
version of kermit apparently supports a restricted sort of region filling,
but there are currently no plans to extend libplot's Tektronix driver to
use it.

The 35 Postscript fonts could in principle be supported by libplot's
Tektronix driver, if Type 1 or TrueType rasterizer code were added to
libplot.  There are plans for doing this.  But most people are interested
in using such a driver to produce bitmaps for the Web, not in using it to
draw Type 1 or TrueType fonts on Tek displays.  (The phrase "bolting a V-8
onto a Model T" comes to mind.)

In `graph -T tek' the `--line-width' and `--frame-line-width' options also
do not work, since the Tektronix driver does not support lines with other
than a default width (it also does not support the setting of `cap mode'
and `join mode' for polylines).

A final comment. The Tektronix emulator in xterm(1) has a curious feature
(bug?) that no one seems to have commented on.  When any line of type other
than "solid" (i.e. "dotted", "dotdashed", "shortdashed", "longdashed") is
drawn, the pattern of illuminated and non-illuminated pixels along the line
is the opposite of what one would expect.  So "dotted" lines (obtained
e.g. with the "-m 2" option to graph) look more like dashed lines.  This
bug, if that's what it is, is easily fixed by changing the xterm source code.


Problems with thick lines drawn with libplot

A `line segment' is conceptually a rectangle (usually rather thin).  But if
the affine transformation from user coordinates to device coordinates is
not a uniform expansion or contraction, most such rectangles should ideally
be sheared into parallelograms in the device frame.  However, most display
devices cannot display sheared line segments: their `lines', no matter how
thick, are always drawn as rectangles.

X Windows does not support sheared thick lines.  Nor do the xfig or idraw
drawing editors, or the HP-GL and HP-GL/2 languages.  However, the
Postscript and SVG file formats do support them.

As a consequence, libplot's PS and SVG drivers are currently the only ones
that display sheared thick lines correctly.  The problem is evident only
for unusually thick lines, of course.

A related problem is that a constant-width polyline (polygonal line) drawn
in the user frame should, ideally, be drawn in the device frame in an
unusual way: the thickness of each line segment should depend on direction.
I.e., some segments of a device-frame polyline should be thicker than
others.  This too is supported only by libplot's PS and SVG drivers.