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<TITLE>Network game</TITLE>

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<CENTER><H1>Network game</H1></CENTER>
<P>Since release 5.4.0, Liquid War includes network support, that's
      to say that people can play over a LAN (Local Area Network).
      However, due to limitations in Liquid War's legacy code,
      and also because of the lack of time I have, it might be a little
      tricky to set up a network game at first. So please read this
      section carefully.</P>
<P>You should keep in mind that:</P>
<UL><LI>DOS only releases of Liquid War do not include network support,
	only Windows and GNU/Linux versions will allow you to set up a
	network game.</LI>
<LI>The game should run fine on any LAN, but there's no garantee the
	game will be playable on the Internet. Indeed if your "ping delay"
	is not good enough, the game will be awfully slow. Bandwidth
	is not an issue, since Liquid War rarely needs more than 2 Kb/sec.</LI>
<LI>You'll need to know what an IP address is.</LI>
<LI>You don't need to set up a network game to run a multiplayer game.
	Liquid War was originally a multiplayer game without network support.
	Network support is here only for people who don't feel comfortable
	when playing at 6 on the same keyboard 8-)</LI>

<H2>Getting started</H2>
<H3>What do you need?</H3>
<P>You'll basically need 2 computers connected on the same LAN.
	We'll call them computer A and B. You might be able to play
	over the Internet too, but the game can be harder to set up
	and - which is worse - very slow.</P>
<P>You'll also need to know the IP address of computer A.
	Type "ipconfig" under Windows or "ifconfig" as root under GNU/Linux to
	get this information if you don't have it.</P>

<H3>Starting the server</H3>
<P>Liquid War uses a very traditionnal client/server approach.
	Basically, the server gets informations from all the clients
	and then dispatches the collected information to everybody.</P>
<P>So you'll need to start a server on computer A by running
	"liquidwar-server" on GNU/Linux or "lwwinsrv.exe" on windows.
	This is a console application,
	ie it does not set up any graphic mode.</P>
<P>Here's a small example of a server start on GNU/Linux:</P>
<PRE>$ liquidwar-server
How many teams will connect to this server?</PRE>
<P>At this point you must enter a number between 2 and 6, and then
	press "ENTER". In this example we will answer 2.
	The server really needs to know how many teams will be
	in the game: when enough teams are connected, the game starts.
	It can also be a good idea to answer 6 systematically and then force game
	start by clicking the "Start now" button within the client.
	It's possible to skip this question by typing
	"liquidwar-server -2" instead of a plain "liquidwar-server".</P>
<PRE>Use "-2" to get rid of this question.
Register on "" (y/n)?</PRE>
<P>Now if we answer "y", then the server will automatically contact
	the "meta-server" and it will be listed on
<P>This can be convenient for people who want to find other gamers to
	play with on the Net. For now, let's answer "n", we'll test
	this meta-server stuff later 8-)</P>
<PRE>Use "-private" to get rid of this question.
2002-06-03 16:43:00: Listening on port 8035...
2002-06-03 16:43:00: Waiting for 2 teams...</PRE>
<P>Now the server is ready to accept clients. By default it
	listens to clients on port 8035. You could change this behavior
	setting by calling "liquidwar-server -port 8061" for
	instance, but let's use the default port to make things easier.</P>

<H3>Starting the clients</H3>
<P>Start the client on computer A normally by typing
	"liquidwar" on GNU/Linux or
	double-click "lwwin.exe" on Windows.</P>
<P>Go to the "Teams" menu and select 2 teams, a red human
	and a blue CPU for instance.
	If you don't know how to do this, then try and play Liquid War on
	a single computer first.
	It's important to notice that by default the "blue CPU" won't
	connect on the network game. It's possible to allow bots to
	connect on network games, but they are disabled by default.</P>
<P>Now come back to the main menu,
	and a "Net Game" button should be available. Click it.
	Now you should be able to:</P>
<UL><LI>Start the game.</LI>
<LI>Change the IP address of the server.</LI>
<LI>Change the communication port.</LI>
<LI>Set a password.</LI>
<LI>Search for internet games automatically.</LI>
<P>Since the server is also running on the same machine (A),
	you can leave the default IP address as is (</P>
<P>Now you are ready to start the second client on computer B.
	Like with computer A, you'll have to:</P>
<UL><LI>Select 2 teams, green an yellow this time.</LI>
<LI>Select "Net Game" in the main menu.</LI>
<P>But this time you'll also need to change the server address,
        since the client is not running on the same computer than the
<P>Now click on "Start game" on computer A. The server should play
	a "system beep", which is usefull if you run a server and
	want to be notified of client connections without watching
	the console all the time, and it should	display messages like this:</P>
<PRE>2002-06-03 16:44:48: Connection from ""
2002-06-03 16:44:48: Team "Napoleon" on client "" accepted
2002-06-03 16:44:49: Client "" accepted
2002-06-03 16:44:49: Waiting for 1 team...</PRE>
<P>And on the client you should see a screen which says
	"Waiting for 1 team(s)" with the list of connected players
	below (Napoleon). You do not need to click
	on the "Start now" button.</P>
<P>Now click on "Start game" on computer B. The server should
	display messages like this:</P>
<PRE>2002-06-03 16:49:14: Connection from ""
2002-06-03 16:49:14: Team "Henri IV" on client "" accepted
2002-06-03 16:49:15: Client "" accepted
2002-06-03 16:49:15: Client "" ready
2002-06-03 16:49:15: Client "" ready
2002-06-03 16:49:15: Sending info to ""
2002-06-03 16:49:15: Sending info to ""
2002-06-03 16:49:16: Game start</PRE>
<P>And at that point, the game should start 8-)</P>

<H3>Restart a new game</H3>
<P>Once the game is over, you can start another network game on
	the clients without touching the server, because the server
	automatically restarts and waits for players to connect.</P>
<P>To stop the server - if you want to change its settings for
	instance - just go to the console where it's running and press

<H3>Using Docker</H3>
<P>Docker (see <A HREF=""></A> for details) is a convenient
	way to launch a server without re-inventing (rather, re-compiling)
	the wheel.</P>
<P>You might want to run the server this way if, for instance, you
	need to have it run on a remote box where you do not wish to install
	a complex Liquid War stack, Allegro and the rest.</P>
<P>Please visit "" for a list
	of available images, once it's installed, running the server
	should amount to something like:</P>
<PRE>docker pull ufoot/liquidwar-server
docker run -p 8035:8035 ufoot/liquidwar-server</PRE>
<P>Additionnally, images are provided to run the metaserver, which
	is responsible for registering and listing all running games.
	While there's no real reason to run your own since one should permanently
	be available on, it's quite straightforward to run your own:</P>
<PRE>docker pull ufoot/liquidwar-metaserver
docker run -p 8053:8053 ufoot/liquidwar-metaserver</PRE>

<H2>Using the meta-server</H2>
<P>The meta-server is a piece of software which is running
	on my web site, and allows servers to register themselves
	so that client can get a list of available servers.</P>
<P>It's written in PHP and is _very_ basic but I believe it's
	enough for what has to be done: maintain a list of running
<P>The source code for the meta-server is included in the
	source package of Liquid War, so you might run such a server
	yourself if you want to. However, by default, servers will
	register themselves on my web site, and will be listed on

<H3>How to register a server</H3>
<P>Launch the server, and when you get the question:</P>
<PRE>Register on "" (y/n)?</PRE>
<P>answer "y".</P>
<P>Note that if you're behind a proxy or a firewall, the server
	might be unable to register itself. Clients might also have
	problems to connect themselves on your server if there's a
	machine which does NAT (Network Address Translation) between
	you and the meta-server.</P>

<H3>How to find a server</H3>
<P>In the main menu, click on "Net Game" and then
	"Search for internet games".</P>
<P>Now you should see a list of available servers. You can click
	on the items in the list to get more informations about a
	given server. Once you have chosen a server, click on
	"Join now".</P>
<P>Now you get on a "Waiting for teams" screen. You might
	be interested in using the "Start now" button. Indeed, if
	you are 4 players connected on a server that accepts up to 6
	players, maybe you'll want to start the game right away
	without waiting for 2 more players. In this case, every player
	must click "Start now". A "*" character will replace the "-"
	in the players list when a player clicks on "Start now".
	When all the players are displayed with a "*a, the game starts.</P>
<P>You can also chat with other players by entering text in
	the area above the "Send message" button, and then click on
	this button. Keep in mind that this is a very primitive chat
	and that the best way to chat efficiently is IMHO to play
	in windowed mode and have an IRC client at hand.</P>
<P>Note that you can also get the list of available servers
	from ""
	There you'll also find a little chat-box which will allow
	you to send exchange messages with other players.</P>

<H3>Server options</H3>
<P>You can pass options to the server using the command line.
	The following parameters are accepted:</P>
<UL><LI>"-n" where "n" is a number between 2 and 6 : with this option
	  you can tell the server how many teams will connect to the
	  game. Beware, there can be several teams on the same computer,
	  so if you want to have a computer with 2 players on it and 2
	  other computers with a single player, then you need to use the
	  "-4" option.</LI>
<LI>"-lag n" where "n" is an integer : with this option, you can
	  control the lag used at startup. Normally, Liquid War handles
	  this parameter automatically, but you might want to force it
	  to a given value.</LI>
<LI>"-port n" where "n" is an integer : allows you to change
	  the IP port used by the server to listen to the clients.
	  if you omit this parameter, the default port is (8035) is
<LI>"-log file.log" : dumps all informations in "file.log"
	  instead of using the standard output.</LI>
<LI>"-public" : skips the "Register on ..." question, and
	  registers the server automatically on the meta-server,
	  so that clients can find it easily.</LI>
<LI>"-private" : skips the "Register on ..." question, and
	  does not register the server at all.</LI>
<LI>"-comment This_is_a_comment" : associates a comment to
	  the server, which will be displayed by the meta-server.
	  Note that the character "_" will be replaced by spaces.
	  This makes command line parsing easier. I'm lazy 8-)</LI>
<LI>"-password xxx" : associates a password to the server.
	  With this option, clients will need to give the right
	  password to be able to connect on the server.</LI>
<LI>"-callback cmd" : with this option, the command "cmd" will
	  be launched whenever someone connects on an empty server.
	  For instance, if you want to run a permanent server and want
	  to know when someone connects but do not wish to permanently
	  keep an eye on the server's log, you might use this option
	  and put in "cmd" a command that automatically sends you a
	  mail. You might also use a command that fires a popup window.
	  It's up to you. 2 sample scripts are available in the "misc"
	  directory of the Liquid War source distribution. One is
	  "misc/" and works on UNIX platforms, and
	  the other one is "misc/lwpopup.js", which is automatically
	  used by "misc/lwserver.bat", and works on Windows.</LI>

<H3>Common options</H3>
<P>These options work on both client and server, even if
	they are rather "server-oriented".</P>
<UL><LI>"-metaserver url" : redefines the URL of the meta-server.
	  Usefull if you want to use your own meta-server.</LI>
<LI>"-netlog" :
	  if you use this option, the server will dump
          all the network traffic on the standard output. This is
	  usefull for debugging.</LI>
<LI>"-nobeep" :
	  Disables the system beeps that the application might fire.
	  These beeps are mostly used on the server to notify clients

<H2>About Liquid War's network implementation</H2>
<P>Liquid War uses TCP sockets, and a single-threaded server.
	This implies that:</P>
<UL><LI>The game can sometimes get blocked if you play on Internet.</LI>
<LI>The server can't talk simultaneously with several clients.</LI>
<P>I needed to use TCP sockets, since LW's algorithm can not cope
	with any data loss and it's not a reasonnable to try and anticipate
	what the map would be like if the player did not move etc...</P>
<P>I did not implement any complex multithreaded stuff since I'm lazy and
	however, clients need to have informations about all the other before
	something can be done. However, implementing a mutltithreaded
	server could have advantages over the current solution.</P>

<H3>What is this lag stuff anyway?</H3>
<P>In Liquid War, all the clients send their key presses to the server,
	and then the server dispatches this information to everyone.
	This has to be done for every round.</P>
<P>You can easily imagine that if a player has a poor connection, with
	a very long "ping delay", it can take quite a long time to send
	the information to the server, and then get it back.</P>
<P>So what Liquid War does is that at the beginning of the game, the
	server sends a couple of "blank" key strokes to the clients.
	This way, clients receive data from the server before thay have
	sent any. The number of key strokes sent at the beginning of the
	game is called the "lag".</P>
<P>So if it takes 200 msec to send and then receive data from the
	server (approx the time returned by the "ping" command) then
	with a lag of 6, you can theorically play at a rate of
	(1/0.2)*6=30 rounds/sec.</P>
<P>On one hand, setting the lag parameter to a high value will avoid many
	network	errors and allow you to play at a very fast pace, but the big
	drawback is that there will be quite a long time between the instant you
	send a key stroke to the server and the moment it comes back to you.
	On the other hand, setting the lag to a low value will limit
	drastically he number of rounds per second, but make the game
	more "responsive".</P>
<P>However, since release 5.4.1, the "lag" is modified automatically
	and should adapt itself to the situation. I've not been able to
	test it in real conditions yet, but it should work 8-)</P>
<P>Still, setting the lag to a sensible default value can save you
	some trouble. Indeed, by default, Liquid War will choose a value (6),
	but it can not guess if you are playing on Internet or on a
	100 Mbit LAN, and it can take quite a long time before Liquid War
	automatically finds the right value. To know the right value
	which should be used with the "-lag" option, simply play a few
	games and watch the average lag (which is displayed on the server
	console every minute) at the end of the game.</P>

<H3>Performance issues</H3>
<P>Liquid War uses a "light" server, and one of the
	advantages of this solution is that it allows
	you to run the server on low-end computers. I personnally
	run a permanent server on a 486 DX2, and it runs like
	a charm.</P>
<P>The only thing you have to take care of when
	running a server is bandwidth. Don't worry, you won't
	need a 10Mbit connection, basically, each clients sends
	and receives 12 bytes of data at each round. If you
	add TCP/IP headers and the facts that stuff will probably be
	bundled in bigger packets, a client must deliver
	about 15 Kbit/sec (up and down) for a game that
	runs at 100 frames/sec. A 56K V90 modem is enough for this.</P>
<P>So if you run a server with 2 clients connected, the server
	will need to deliver 30 Kbit/sec in both ways. A 56K V90
	modem _can_ do that, but your provider needs to be a good one 8-)</P>
<P>And if you run a server with 6 clients, you simply won't
	be able to reach the 100 frames/sec with a 56K V90 modem.
	It will necessarly drop to something less than 30 frames/sec,
	and is likely to drop to about 15 frames/sec.
	OK this is not a big deal, since few Internet games run at
	more than 30 frames/sec, but well, if the server has troubles
	receiving/sending data, everyone will wait, and the fun will
	go away.</P>
<P>As a conclusion: if you have the choice, choose the friend
	who has the best bandwidth to run the server, without even
	considering the power of his computer.</P>

<H3>General information</H3>
<P>Network support in 5.4 and 5.5 is still experimental in many ways,
	so you might get weird behaviors. Basically, if you have a problem,
	just do the following:</P>
<UL><LI>Stop and restart the server when something goes wrong.
	  To stop it, use CTRL-C.</LI>
<LI>Check out that you have entered the correct IP addresses.</LI>
<LI>Try and start the client and the server using the "-netlog" option
	  to have an idea about what's happening.</LI>

<H3>Bugs in 5.4.x corrected in 5.4.2</H3>
<P>Liquid War 5.4.0 and 5.4.1 were very hard to play over the Internet.
	The reason is that the network routines did not do enough error
	checking, and therefore there were very often errors when sending
	and/or receiving the map to the server. Hopefully, this bug should not
	appear anymore in 5.4.2 or any other recent release.</P>

<H2>About security</H2>
<H3>Network games passwords</H3>
<P>As you might have noticed, under the box where you can enter
	the password, a little notice explains that you must choose
	a "weak" password. Now you'll tell me -&gt; people keep on explaining me
	that passwords must be something complex like "aS\r!Y9p" and now
	I'm told to use "hello", what's up?</P>
<P>OK, keep in mind Liquid War is a game. This password stuff is just
	a way to be able to play with your friends only and keep on using
	the meta-server's services. Liquid War does not encrypt data and I can
	see no good reason to do it for, so the password is stored and sent
	to the server in clear, as plain text.</P>
<P>The consequence is that if you use a valuable password - for instance
	the one you use to log in on your computer - the guy who runs the
	server will see your password in the log file if he wishes to.
	Therefore, use something weak, something that if someones finds out
	what it is, you won't really care. So "hello" is a wise choice.</P>

<H3>Is Liquid War likely to have security holes?</H3>
<P>Any program is likely to have security holes, especially when
	it's networked. However, I have good reasons to think that Liquid War
	is safe enough for a game. At least I find it safe enough to run
	a permanent public server on my personnal computer 8-)</P>
<P>FYI, here are some things which I think make Liquid War rather safe
	to run:</P>
<UL><LI>Liquid War does not store anything on your hard drive that would
	  have been received from the network. The maps are kept in RAM.
	  So you won't download any virus playing Liquid War on Internet.</LI>
<LI>Liquid War does not transmit any sort of code on the network.
	  All the transmitted bytes represent plain data.
	  So you're not likely to execute any arbitrary code - virus, worm -
	  when playing on the Net.</LI>
<LI>Liquid War receives network packets in static buffers, and if the
	  received data is too big, it is truncated. One consequence is that
	  Liquid War has a bunch of "limits". You can't send hudge maps over
	  the network, you can't have long nicknames, and so on. But another
	  consequence is that if you try to send garbage in the buffer, it
	  will be truncated. Liquid War will protest with a "network error"
	  message and the connection will be closed, but there will be no
	  easy exploit possible here.</LI>
<LI>Liquid War does not use the sprintf, strcpy and strcat functions,
	  which are known as being rather unsecure since they can lead to
	  buffer overflows. Instead, it uses the equivalent functions
	  snprintf, strncpy and strncat. On platforms where these functions
	  are supported natively, the game will use the default system
	  functions, otherwise it will use a free implementation by
	  Mark Martinec. FYI, Windows does not support snprintf-like functions
	  natively, that is, it's a piece of crap.</LI>
<LI>Liquid War is Free Software, so I'm not likely to have put backdoors
	  in it myself, since anyone can look at the source code 8-)</LI>
<P>However, I have not - and I know nobody who has - audited Liquid War
	for security holes. So there might be some. Therefore you should
	respect a few things while running Liquid War:</P>
<UL><LI>Never run Liquid War as root or administrator. This is obvious but
	  I still mention it. If you want to run a Liquid War daemon on UNIX,
	  run it as user "nobody" or something approaching. If "root" or
	  "administrator" does not make sense on your system (DOS, Win98...)
	  then I assume you're not _really_ concerned about security anyway 8-P</LI>
<LI>If you run a server 7/7 24/24, use the "-log" option to log everything
	  in a file. This way you'll keep a trace of network activity,
	  and if something goes wrong, you might get a chance to see it.</LI>
<LI>If you use passwords in network games, *never* choose a valuable
	  password. Use something simple like "hello" or "goodbye".</LI>
<LI>Keep in mind that Liquid War is a game, and not a bullet proof
	  professionnal server.</LI>
<P>Last point: you should be aware that version 5.4.5 of Liquid War
	has been proved to be vulnerable to a local buffer overflow,
	and one should run at least 5.5.9 to get rid of this problem.
	FYI by the time the exploit was found on 5.4.5, 5.5.9 was
	already out 8-)
        See <A HREF=""></A>
        and <A HREF=""></A> for more informations.</P>

<H3>Can people cheat when playing on the Net?</H3>
<P>Or at least, not really. In fact, you can still find the following
	types of lamers:</P>
<UL><LI>A guy who lets the CPU play at his place. He'll loose anyway because
	  the CPU is definitely not a great Liquid War Master 8-)</LI>
<LI>A guy who tweaks the game and gets all his bots fight anyone he wishes.
	  That's mean.</LI>
<LI>A guy who manages to let you have a 500msec lag while he does not have
	  any lag at all.</LI>
<P>Apart from this, I can hardly see any way to cheat. Why? Because the Liquid
	War server does not store any information about the game. It's not aware
	of who wins, who looses, it knows nothing. The only thing it does is to
	transmit key presses between client computers.</P>
<P>This way, if someone plays with a tweaked release of Liquid War, thinking
	he will fool you, then he will fool you on his computer only... On your
	computer, everything will be fine. After some time, your screen and his
	screen will have nothing in common, and both players are likely to think
	they have won. Except the lamer will stay a lamer.</P>
<P>This also explains why it's required to play with the very same versions
	of the game during network games. If you plug a 5.5.2 with a 5.5.1, after
	a minute the screens will be completely different on each client, since
	there are subtle differences between the 5.5.1 and the 5.5.2 engine.
	However, you shouldn't be able to do this, since a network error will
	stop you before you can start to play.</P>
<P>Additionnally, versions 5.5.5 and higher have a checksum system. Every 100
	rounds, each client calculates a checksum with its local map, and sends
	it to the server. If the checksum is incorrect, the server will log
	a message like:</P>
<PRE>Checksum error on client ""</PRE>
<P>If you see this, then you're in one of the following situations:</P>
<UL><LI>There's a bug in the game</LI>
<LI>A lamer tries to cheat</LI>
<P>FYI, all releases from 5.4.0 to 5.5.4 have a bug which causes clients
	to desynchronize after a while...</P>

This documentation is also available on:
<A HREF=""></A>.