

distrib > Mageia > 7 > armv7hl > media > core-release > by-pkgid > 75065c0718916aa7ce8e5ec353dcb8ad > files > 2


# rancid 3.6.2
# configuration file for the looking glass
# note: these are perl statements!  Mind the syntax.  "perl -c lg.conf"
#	should succeed.
# adjust the path to find [cfj]login, telnet, ssh, rsh, etc.
# LG_CACHE_DIR	is the location of the cache directory.  the LG uses this
#		to hold lock files, the default log file (lg.log), and o/p from
#		commands that can be very verbose.  it defaults to "tmp",
#		i.e.: relative to the directory where lg.cgi runs in your
#		server's (httpd) DocumentRoot (e.g.:
#		/usr/local/www/data/lg/tmp).
# LG_CACHE_TIME	is the number of seconds the LG should cache o/p from certain
#		commands; those that tend to produce a lot of o/p, such as
#		'show ip bgp dampened-paths'.  it defaults to 600 seconds
#		(10 minutes).
# LG_CLOGINRC	is the .cloginrc that the LG should use.  it defaults to
#		<prefix>/.cloginrc.  note that the .cloginrc must be readable
#		by the user or group (UID / GID) that will be running the CGI
#		and the clogin (and friends) will not allow a world readable
#		.cloginrc.  this is normally the user the server (httpd) runs
#		under.
# LG_IMAGE	is the filename of an image you wish to appear at the top
#		of the LG pages.  it can also be other html goo, like
#		the first example.  this is just handed to print, so \n and
#		the like will work and mind the character escapes (backslashes).
#$LG_IMAGE="<img src=/icons/rancid.gif hspace=0>\n <font size=+2>FOO</font>";
#$LG_IMAGE="<img src=rancid.gif hspace=0>\n";
# LG_INFO	is info in html format to output at the bottom of main form.
#		it might be local contact information, disclaimer, etc.  this
#		is just handed to print, so \n and the like will work and mind
#		the character escapes (backslashes).
#$LG_INFO="For support, contact <a href=\"mailto:webmaster\@localhost\">webmaster</a>";
# LG_LOG	is either a FQPN (fully qualified path name) or the syslog
#		facility to use for logging.  if not defined, the LG
#		will log to LG_CACHE_DIR/lg.log.  possible syslog facility
#		values are from the facility codes in /usr/include/syslog.h
#		minus the 'LOG_' and lower case.
# LG_ROUTERDB	is the router.db in rancid's router.db format, listing
#		the routers and their platform that should be available to
#		the looking glass.  if defined, the LG will use this variable
#		to find the router.db.  if not defined, it will look for it
#		at <prefix>/<sysconfdir>/router.db.  if it does not exist, it
#		will build the list from <prefix>/*/router.db (i.e.: the
#		router.db's from all your groups).  note that if you choose
#		this last option; the group directories and router.db files'
#		modes may have to be changed, depending upon the UID/GID of
#		the user your server (httpd) runs under, since rancid's default
#		mask is 007 (see etc/rancid.conf).  routers not marked 'up' are
#		skipped.
# LG_STYLE	define a style sheet to be used for formatting HTML.
# Options:
# LG_AS_REG	*** not implemented.
# LG_BGP_RT	allows a few bgp commands which can produce long output (heavy
#		router load), such as sh ip bgp neighbor <ip> advertised-routes
#		would for a transit customer or sh ip b neigh <ip>
#		received-routes would for a transit provider.
# LG_SINGLE	serializes and limits queries per-router to one at a time via
#		per-router lock files.
# LG_STRIP	strips login o/p from the looking glass results.  Expect
#		occassionally screws up disabling echo when passwords are
#		entered (NOTE: SECURITY CONCERN).  However, this o/p can be
#		very useful for debugging clogin/flogin/jlogin problems.
# Commands/Queries:
#		Un-comment/Comment the commands that are desired/not desired.
#		The Commands are separated into a few categories.  The value
#		of each variable is the string which will appear in the
#		(lgform.cgi) menu.  Mind the ,'s within hash assignments.
#		The double-commented (##) queries are not implemented or have
#		not been tested.
$queries = {};
# Interface queries
$queries->{"interface"} = {
	framerelay => "show frame-relay PVC [DLCI]",
	intdescr => "show interface description",
	interface => "show interface [interface]",
	intoptics => "show interface optics <interface>",
	intwanphy => "show interface wanphy <interface>"
# Routing queries
$queries->{"routing"} = {
	damp => "show ip bgp dampened-paths",
	neighbor => "show ip bgp neighbor <IP_addr>",
	prefix => "show ip bgp <prefix> [netmask]",
	prefixlist => "show ip prefix-list <list_name>",
	regex => "show ip bgp regex <regex>",
	route => "show ip route <prefix> [netmask]",
	routemap => "show route-map <policy_name/number>",
	summary => "show ip bgp summary"
# Debug queries
$queries->{"debug"} = {
	log => "Show Logs [ | <match_string>]",
	ping => "ping <IP_addr | FQDN>",
	trace => "traceroute <IP_addr | FQDN>"
# Multicast queries
$queries->{"multicast"} = {
	mbgp => "Show ip mbgp <prefix> [netmask]",
	mbgpsum => "Show ip mbgp summary",
	# show ip pim interface/show pim interface
	## pim_interface => "Show PIM Interfaces",
	# ???/show pim join (extensive)
	## pim_join => "Show PIM Join [group_address]",
	# show ip mroute/show multicast route [active]
	## mroute => "Show Multicast Forwarding Table [active]",
	# show ip msdp summary/show msdp
	## msdp => "Show MSDP Peering Status",
	# show ip msdp sa cache/show msdp source-active
	## msdpsa => "Show MSDP Source Active Table",
	# show ip sdr|show multicast sessions
	## msess => "Show Multicast SDR sessions [detail]",
	# show ip pim neighbor/show pim neighbors
	## pim_neighbor => "Show PIM Neighbors [detail]",
	# show ip pim rp mapping/show pim rps
	## pim_rp => "Show PIM Rendez-vous Points [detail]",
	# show ip rpf [address] /show multicast rpf [address]
	## rpf => "Test Multicast RPF <address>"
# IPv6 commands
$queries->{"ipv6"} = {
	# show bgp ipv6 / ???
	## v6_bgp => "Show IPv6 BGP table";
	# show ipv6 interface / show interface
	## v6_interface => "Show IPv6 interface parameters [interface]";
	# show bgp ipv6 summary / show bgp summary
	## v6_summary => "Show IPv6 BGP Summary";
	# show ipv6 route / show route table inet6.0
	## v6_route => "Show IPv6 Routes <prefix>";
# %EOF%