

distrib > Mageia > 7 > armv7hl > media > core-release > by-pkgid > 7e048cbf1eb6b9c9197c5818ca1289ab > files > 42


# example of ARAnyM config file (by default stored in $HOME/.aranym/config)

# FastRAM size in megabytes.
FastRAM = 0

# Atari floppy device (GEMDOS A:) is mapped to host floppy block device
Floppy = /dev/fd0

# location of TOS 4.04 ROM image (full path)
TOS = /usr/local/share/aranym/ROM

# location of EmuTOS (full path)
EmuTOS = 

# location of FreeMiNT kernel (full path)
Bootstrap =

# FreeMiNT configuration
BootstrapArgs =

# default boot drive for FreeMiNT
BootDrive =

# UTC (GMT) or localtime? Set GMT for Linux-m68k or FreeMiNT with timezones
GMTime = No

# Hotkeys: invoke certain ARAnyM functions by pressing a key combination
# Format: function = key code : modifiers combination
# open up the SETUP GUI
Setup = 19:0

# quit ARAnyM immediately
Quit = 19:0x1

# reboot ARAnyM (like pressing the Reset button on a real machine)
Reboot = 19:0x40

# free mouse and keyboard focus - mouse can leave the ARAnyM window
Ungrab = 27:0x140

# call the internal debugger (if compiled in)
Debug = 19:0x100

# make a copy of the screen to file in BMP format in current directory
Screenshot = 316:0

# switch ARAnyM to fullscreen (or back to a window mode)
Fullscreen = 302:0

# grab mouse at ARAnyM startup
GrabMouse = Yes

# start ARAnyM with debugger
Debugger = No

# if enabled (set to Yes) then mouse wheel sends Eiffel scancodes
# if disabled (set to No) then mouse wheel simulates Up/Down arrow keys
WheelEiffel = No

# AltGr key is the Alt key on the right of Space Bar on PC102+ keyboards
# if enabled then the AltGr key sends same scancode as on Milan computer
# if disabled then the AltGr key behaves just like the normal Alt key
AltGr = Yes

# enable JIT compiler
JIT = No

# enable JIT compiler for FPU (if JIT compiler is enabled)

# size of cache for compiled code
JITCacheSize = 8192

# enable lazy flush (invalidation) of JIT cache
JITLazyFlush = 1

# disable compiling of certain instructions (16-bit mask)
JITBlackList = 

# ???
JITInline = No

# start ARAnyM in fullscreen
FullScreen = No

# set the booting color depth (-1 = follow NVRAM setting)
BootColorDepth = -1

# VIDEL generated screen copied to host screen at 50/VidelRefresh (50/2 = 25 Hz)
VidelRefresh = 2

# set the connected monitor (-1 = follow NVRAM setting)
VidelMonitor = -1

# patch TOS _MCH cookie value (50000 means ARAnyM - 30000 would mean Falcon)
Cookie_MCH = 50000

# redirect TOS bconout characters to the host console window
RedirConsole = No

# IDE Devices configuration
# update the Cylinders/Heads/SectorsPerTrack according to your drive geometry!
# Range: IDE0-IDE1
Present = Yes
ByteSwap = No
ReadOnly = No
Path = /home/user/.aranym/diskImageC
Cylinders = 2100
Heads = 16
SectorsPerTrack = 63
ModelName = Master

# Direct partitions configuration
# Range: PARTITION0-PARTITION7 is mapped to SCSI0-SCSI7
Path = 
Present = No
PartID = BGM
ByteSwap = No
ReadOnly = No

# HostFS access with hostfs.xfs
# Format: GEMDOS drive = host path
# Range: A-Z
A = 
B = 
C = 
D = 
E = 
F = 
G = 

# Enable OpenGL rendering for the atari screen
#  (ARAnyM must be compiled with OpenGL support)
Enabled = No

# Use linear filtering on the atari screen
Filtered = No

# If you don't want to use default GL library, set this value to your
#  favorite libGL file.
Library =

# Networking (FreeMiNT with aranym.xif)
# Range: ETH0-ETH3
# Type: ptp or bridge
Type = ptp
# host tunnel device name
Tunnel = tap0
HostIP =
AtariIP =
Netmask =
# enter your desired MAC Address here in the format "aa:bb:cc:dd:ee:ff"

# Full path to a (optionally gzipped) kernel image
Kernel = linux.bin

# Command line to pass to the kernel
Args = root=/dev/ram video=atafb:vga16 load_ramdisk=1

# Full path to a (optionally gzipped) ramdisk file
Ramdisk = root.bin

# Type of MIDI port emulation:
#  none -> No output
#  file -> Output to file
#  sequencer -> Use /dev/sequencer device under Linux
Type = file
# Output to file, filename
File = /tmp/aranym-midi.bin
# Output to Linux /dev/sequencer device
Sequencer = /dev/sequencer

# MetaDOS physical device letter = SDL CD-ROM drive number
# Range: A-Z
A = 2
W = 1
Z = 0

# Automatically resize the atari screen to the host screen size
Enabled = No

# Use integer coefficients to resize the atari screen
IntegerCoefs = No

# Use a fixed host screen size whenever the Atari screen size changes
#  If in fullscreen, you can set FixedSize=Yes Width=0 and Height=0
#  to use current host video mode
FixedSize = No

# Width of host screen if fixed size
Width = 800

# Height of host sceren if fixed size
Height = 600

# Channel size (16 if you are using libOSMesa16, or 32 for libOSMesa32)
ChannelSize = 0
# Library to load for standard OpenGL functions (not needed for libOSMesa[16,32])
LibGL =
# Library to load for OSMesa rendering functions
LibOSMesa =

# Type of parallel port emulation:
#  file -> Output to file
#  x86 -> Hardware access under Linux/X86
#  parport -> Use /dev/parport device under Linux
Type = file
# Output to file: filename, stdout, or stderr
File = stderr
#  File = stdout
#  File = stderr
# Linux parport device for Type=parport
Parport = /dev/parport0

# CD-ROM driver to use
#  linux -> Use Linux ioctls() for CD-ROM access (audio and data)
#  sdl -> Use SDL functions for CD-ROM access (audio only)
CDROM = sdl
#  CDROM = linux

# VDI renderer to use
#  soft -> Standard software renderer
#  opengl -> Hardware accelerated renderer
Vdi = soft
#  Vdi = opengl

# Tell Aranym whether to use host mouse cursor, or standard Atari cursor
UseHostMouseCursor = No

# Host audio device settings
#  Frequency
Frequency = 22050
#  Number of channels (2 for stereo, 1 for mono)
Channels = 2
#  Bits per channel (8 or 16)
Bits = 16
#  Size of buffer in samples
Samples = 1024

# Joysticks settings
#  <Atari joystick name> = <SDL joystick number>
Ikbd0 = -1
Ikbd1 = 0
JoypadA = -1
JoypadB = -1
# For host -> Joypad button mapping:
#                A B C Pause Option 0 1 2 3 4/L 5 6/R 7/X 8/Y 9/Z * #
JoypadAButtons = 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16
JoypadBButtons = 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16
# Example for Saitek P990, only KP2,5,0 not available
#JoypadAButtons = 9 3 0 13 12 14 6 15 7 4 16 5 8 2 1 10 11

# SCC emulation: Linux serial port device driver
Serport = /dev/ttyS0