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<h2>Divergence from RFC 2614<br />
<span id="breadcrumbs"><a href="index.html">OpenSLP Programmer's Guide</a> &raquo; Misc. Information &raquo; <a href="Divergence.html">Divergence from RFC 2614</a></span></h2>

<h3>SLP Service URLs are required</h3>

<p>SLP Service URL syntax is required for all functions that 
accept URL strings. The following is a list of affected 


<p>The decision to require SLP Service URL syntax was made 
based on in part the following scenario:</p>

<blockquote>Suppose that two calls were made to SLPReg with <tt>srvurl</tt> 
and <tt>srvtype</tt> of &quot;;,&quot;http&quot;
and also &quot;;,&quot;ftp&quot;. 
Now the developer wants to deregister one service with out deregistering the 
other. How can it be done? The SLPDeReg call does not have a service type 
parameter, so it would be impossible for the underlying implementation to 
distinguish between the two registrations. In an attempt to standardize, 
OpenSLP expects valid Service URLS.</blockquote>

<p>OpenSLP requires strict Service URL syntax because a Service 
URL can be treated as a unique database key that identifies 
a registered service. Not requiring Service URL syntax 
allows for several ambiguities like the one mentioned above.</p>

<h3>Scopelist may be the empty string (&quot;&quot;)</h3>

<p>In the calls where a scope list is accepted as a parameter, 
RFC 2614 says that this parameter may not be the empty 
string or a NULL pointer value. OpenSLP allows scope list to 
be NULL or the empty string. If the empty string is passed 
in as a scopelist, then OpenSLP will use the scopelist the 
system administrator has configured for the machine. This 
saves 99% of all developers the time of calling 
SLPFindScopes and parsing the result.</p>

<p>Scoping is almost entirely an administrative task that is only required for 
scalebility of the SLP wire protocol. Having to deal with and understand scopes 
will be a burden to the large majority of programmers. Unless they are writing 
some sort of SLP browser, they will be very content to use the scope that the 
machine is configured to use.</p>

<p>This extension by no means mandates the use of NULL or empty scope strings. 
Programmers who want complete implementations of SLP applications may indeed use 
the API to acquire knowledge about existing scopes on the network, and then 
present a scoping choice (if more than one is available) to the user.</p>

<h3>The SLPSetProperty is ignored</h3>

<p>The SLPSetProperty and SLPGetProperty calls are impossible 
to implement in a way that would be both scalable and thread 
safe. The SLPGetProperty call could never be made thread 
safe unless return value was a pointer to a buffer 
dynamically allocated by the library and freed by the 
caller. The SLPSetProperty call would still access the data 
store in such a way that mutexes would be required to ensure 
that SLPSetProperty and SLPGetProperty were never using the 
same buffers at the same time. Even if a thread-safe data 
store were devised, the SLPGetProperty call would be used so 
frequently during internal operations of the library that 
performance might be adversely affected due to mutex 
bottlenecking or the amount of processing required to 
resolve the attribute name to a value.</p>

<h3>NULL and empty string are acceptable parameters</h3>

<p>According to RFC 2614, NULL is not exceptable value for any 
parameter. Instead programmers are instructed to passed the 
empty string (&quot;&quot;). OpenSLP allows programmers to use either 
NULL or the empty string. It is very easy to deal with both 
NULL and empty string in the implementation, and allows 
developers to write more familiar and slightly more 
efficient code. There should not be any reason why the 
compiler should be required to pass a pointer to a static 
constant empty string when NULL would do just as well. This 
is why the vast majority of C APIs use NULL, and not the 
empty string, to indicate an ignored parameter or default 

<h3>Incremental registrations and de-registrations</h3>

<p>The only reason I can think of ever wanting to expose the 
functionality of incremental registration and deregistration 
is to represent dynamic data via SLP attributes. I can think 
of a long list of reasons why this is a very bad idea. 
Without a doubt, it is best to instruct SLP developers to 
minimize whenever possible, the number of calls that 
ultimately generate SrvReg and SrvDereg messages. If dynamic 
data is to be represented, it is best to do it via a 
specialized protocol optimized for the given service. 
OpenSLP does not support incremental registrations and 
de-registrations via SLPReg and SLPDelAttrs because we have 
found that when developers really learn what happens &quot;under 
the SLP covers&quot; they are very careful *not* to call them 
very often.</p>

<p>In addition to poor usage of network resources, incremental registrations and 
de-registrations require additional code that decreases the efficiency of, and 
increases the size and complexity of the OpenSLP API and agent implementations.</p>

<p>The work around for this behavior involves the following:</p>

  Design application usage of SLP such that SLP is not used to store great 
  quantities of data</li>
  Design application usage of SLP such that SLP is not used to store dynamic 
  If the need does arise to add or remove an attribute from an existing 
  registration simply re-register the service with new attributes as a &quot;fresh&quot; 

<h3>Addition of a very simple attribute parsing function</h3>

<p>The following function is included, without explicit 
documentation, with the OpenSLP library, and has proven to 
be very useful:</p>


       const char * pcAttrList,
       const char * pcAttrId,
       char **      ppcAttrVal );

/* Used to get individual attribute values from an attribute string that   */
/* is passed to the SLPAttrCallback                                        */
/*                                                                         */
/* pcAttrList (IN) A character buffer containing a comma separated, null   */
/*                terminated list of attribute id/value assignments, in    */
/*                SLP wire format; i.e. "(attr-id=attr-value-list)"        */
/*                                                                         */
/* pcAttrId (IN)   The string indicating which attribute value to return.  */
/*                MUST not be null.  MUST not be the empty string ("").    */
/*                                                                         */
/* ppcAttrVal (OUT) A pointer to a pointer to the buffer to receive        */
/*                 attribute value.  The memory should be freed by a call  */
/*                 to SLPFree() when no longer needed.                     */
/*                                                                         */
/* Returns: Returns SLP_PARSE_ERROR if an attribute of the specified id    */
/*          was not found otherwise SLP_OK                                 */

<h3>Some .conf properties are ignored</h3>

<p>See the <a href="../UsersGuide/SlpConf.html">OpenSLP Users Guide</a>
for more details.</p>

<p id="breadcrumbs0">Prepared by: <a href="">Caldera Systems Inc</a><br />
Maintained by: <a href=""></a></p>

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