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<h2>OpenSLP and SLPv2 Authentication</h2>
<h3>February 6, 2001<br />
Matthew Peterson &lt;;</h3>


<p>This document is summary of SLPv2 security discussions along 
with some conclusions that suggest direction for future 
Caldera sponsored development of the
<a href="">OpenSLP</a> implementation of Service Location 


<p>Early in December 2000, it was suggested that OpenSLP be 
submitted for security review by noted security expert Olaf 
Kirch.&nbsp; Olaf offered some very useful feedback including a 
suggestion to implement optional SLPv2 authentication as 
specified by <a href="../rfc/rfc2608.txt">RFC 2608 section 9.2.</a>&nbsp;
Olaf was worried that in the 
absence of SLPv2 authentication, users of OpenSLP might 
unknowingly trust malicious services that have been setup to 
&quot;masquerade&quot; as legitimate services.&nbsp; In Olaf's estimation 
leaving out SLP authentication opens a security hole that is 
not acceptable.&nbsp; With respect to <i>Volution</i>'s use of 
SLP to locate services, Olaf wrote the following:</p>

<blockquote>&quot;Not authenticating registration and deregistration requests is 
clearly inacceptable in an environment where there's a non-zero security 
awareness. If everyone is able to change the LDAP server Volution uses to 
obtain its information from, then we might as well replace /bin/login with a 
symlink to /bin/bash&quot;<br />
<br />
-- Olaf Kirch</blockquote>

<p>The initial response to Olaf's security review was one of 
complete compliance.&nbsp; Code changes were quickly made for 
the next release of OpenSLP (ver 0.8.1) to resolve all 
security issues <i>except</i> implementation of SLPv2 
authentication which was expected to be an involved change 
that would take several days to complete.&nbsp; After a couple 
days of research, it became obvious that the addition of 
SLPv2 security would be much more complex than simply 
writing several hundred lines of security enabling code.&nbsp; 
The final conflict eventually boiled down to a fundamental 
security / usability tradeoff that would be unresolvable 
even with a perfect implementation.</p>

<h3>Objective of SLP</h3>

<p>SLP can be thought of as a very simple global service 
registry (or directory).&nbsp; Software entities that provide 
services register with SLP so that software entities that 
want to use a services can locate them.&nbsp; SLP offers a very 
simple mapping of service types (or characteristics) to 
service URLs.&nbsp; This means that only the <i>type or characteristics</i>
of a service need to be known in order for a user or 
application to locate a service for use.&nbsp; The major 
feature SLP provides is usability.&nbsp; Basically, SLP allows 
application developers to write more usable and manageable 
software.&nbsp; With SLP users no longer need to memorize 
network addresses, host names or other information to 
configure their client applications and administrators do 
not have to set up elaborate means to supply this 

<p>In discussing security problems associated with SLP it is important to note 
two things from <a href="../rfc/rfc2608.txt">
section 1 of RFC 2608</a>:</p>

	<li>SLP is designed for enterprise networks not as a solution for the global 

	<li>The goal of SLP is to provide a framework that allows developers to write 
	software that is user friendly and easily managed.</li>

<h3>SLP Security</h3>

<p>Imagine now that in an enterprise environment there is a 
malicious or overly curious individual that would like to 
obtain confidential information.&nbsp; SLP could be exploited 
to obtain information from software that was otherwise 
secured by virtue of manual configuration.&nbsp; For example, 
an OpenSource help desk application consisting of &quot;server&quot; 
and &quot;client&quot; software is SLP enabled because the network 
administrators got tired of helping employees set up the 
&quot;client&quot; software with location and configuration 
information used to connect with the &quot;server&quot; software.</p>
<p>Since the source code is readily available, a sneaky employee makes a few 
modifications to the server code that allows him to obtain user names and 
passwords.&nbsp; He recompiles the source and brings up the &quot;rogue&quot; help desk 
server.&nbsp; Since the &quot;rogue&quot; help desk server and the real help desk server 
both have similar SLP registerations, it is possible that clients may connect to 
the &quot;rogue&quot; server instead of the real one.&nbsp; When the users log in, the 
&quot;rogue&quot; server saves off a copies of user names and passwords.&nbsp; The 
malicious employee can use these user names and passwords later to impersonate 
other people.</p>

<p>In order to prevent this type of attack, SLP is designed so that services 
registrations and requests can be made with authentication information.&nbsp; 
When properly implemented, SLP requests can be issued that will only return 
registrations made by trusted services.&nbsp; With SLP Security 
enabled developers could trust that the service information returned by the SLP 
API (URLs and configuration information).&nbsp; They do not have to 
question (as much) whether the service at the other end of the provided URL is a 
rogue because SLP can guarantee that services have been &quot;blessed&quot; by 
administrators by virtue of key information.</p>

<h3>SLP Security vs SLP Usability</h3>

<p>It is a well known fact that any increase in security 
inevitable reduces usability for the legitimate user.&nbsp; This 
is especially true with SLP security -- establishment of 
trust is unacceptable barrier to SLP usability.&nbsp; The whole 
reason for using SLP in the first place is to allow &quot;plug 
and play&quot; features to be built into applications!</p>
<p>Due to the lack of PKI standards, establishing the trust needed to ensure 
that service registrations can be authenticated would require manual 
distribution of key material.&nbsp; One solution would be to have the 
administrator verify the authenticity of a single SLP host key or certificate 
which would authenticate all services provided from a given host, but this would 
not prevent an attacker from masquerading services if they have access to the 
authenticated machine.&nbsp; A more secure approach is to provide per 
service or per user keys at the expense of increased manual intervention to 
establish authenticity of numerous keys or certificates.&nbsp; Wait... 
even with SLP secured, there is still the possiblity of DNS, DHCP or ARP 
spoofing, so you are still not secure.</p>

<p>After a few minutes of meditation it becomes evident that in order to be 
totally safe, applications need to establish the security of their own end to 
end communications.&nbsp; Two very good examples are PGP and SSH.&nbsp; Neither 
application makes any assumptions about the reliability of intermediate 
protocols.&nbsp; Everything is suspect from DNS to ARP.&nbsp; Suppose that 
a specialized application was written that used PGP encrypted messages to 
communicate.&nbsp; SLP is chosen to locate remote users of the same 
application.&nbsp; Now, assume that none of the SLP security 
features are implemented, is the application at risk?&nbsp; The answer is no 
because care was taken by the application developer to secure his own end to end 

<h3>IETF Workgroup (srvloc) Discussion</h3>

<p>The idea that authentication belongs in the application 
itself and not in the location protocol (or other 
intermediate protocols) was brought up for discussion on the 
IETF Service Location workgroup mailing list with the 
following post entitled &quot;Theoretical SLP security discussion 

<p><tt>SLPv2 is designed to be able to authenticate agents. In other 
words, SLPV2 can guarantee that SAs and DAs are trustworthy. With a proper 
SLPv2 implementation and installation, UAs can be sure that replies to SLP 
requests come from trustworthy agents. There is no need to wonder if a 
responding agent is representing malicious services. For example, with SLPv2 
authentication, I can request a service of type &quot;service:ldap&quot; and 
implicitly trust that the service urls I receive in return are ldap servers 
that are considered trustworthy by whoever set up the SLP installations.</tt></p>
<p><tt>Sounds pretty nice doesn't it -- at least until you start thinking about 
what is required to deliver key information (certificates) that makes trust 
relationships possible. I think I'm safe in saying that without exception, no 
automated delivery of key information is secure unless it requires actual 
validation by a human that results in some form of real-life action (phone call, 
hand delivery, etc).</tt></p>
<p><tt>Administration of trust relationships are completely un-addressed by the 
SLPv2 and SLP API specs -- which is probably why authentication is considered an 
optional feature. One might even take the position that SLPv2 Authentication 
invalidates the SLP's claim to reduce administrative workload as there is no way 
to deploy secure SLP without significant (manual) administrative overhead to 
establish certificate or key information trust.</tt></p>
<p><tt>In contemplating implementation and use of SLPv2 authentication in 
OpenSLP we found that there is nearly nothing in the way of standardized 
certificate delivery mechanisms that might actually make SLPv2 authentication 
possible. We did find bits and pieces from OpenSSL and various signing 
utilities, which lead us to start questioning why we were trying to authenticate 
services via SLP anyway? Why not just let services authenticate themselves?</tt></p>
<p><tt>An analogy from real life... I need to call an associate and relay some 
confidential information. I write down his number as it was left on my voice 
mail and place the phone call. BEFORE I exchange sensitive information the 
individual on the other line, I authenticate their identity (recognize their 
voice, etc). Trusting the information available on my voice mail is not required 
(as the number may have be to an airport pay phone). Implicitly trusting a phone 
number from the white pages or any other source is not required (or expected) as 
long as the callers can authenticate themselves.</tt></p>
<p><tt>Likewise, SLP delivered information need not be trusted to be useful. As 
long as the entity providing a service and the entity using the service can 
authenticate each other -- separate from the mechanism used to discover or 
locate one another. One problem is that many services do not have authentication 
capabilities -- which is not too much of a problem because most services don't 
have SLP capabilities either. In the end, the only problem is that developers 
are just beginning to write secure software. If secure service and client 
software were indeed available, there would not be any need for SLP 
<p><tt>Having not heard additional comment from other experts, it is my opinion 
the SLP need not bear the burden of authenticating services. The burden of 
authentication should be placed on the services and their clients rather than on 
a protocol valued for simplicity and ease of use, administration, and 
<p><tt>Please comment. Do you agree or disagree? Why?</tt></p>

<p>Response from</p>

<p><tt>My take on this would be that it needs to be implemented and the 
people deploying it should have the option of enabling/disabling it.</tt></p>
<p><tt>Because if this is not implemented, I can see a potential denial of 
service attack, where a rogue SA/DA, keeps on responding to all the discovers 
sent by the UA. Even though the authentication might fail when the application 
tries to authenticate using other means. It can stop the UA from finding the 
correct SA/DA, there by creating a denial of service attack.</tt></p>
<p><tt>On the other hand managing keys does make the protocol heavy weight. The 
problem of effective key management issue, needs to be solved for most other 
protocols (like DHCP) as well. Until then, we need to be doing the key
management manually or use what openSSL uses, and 
when there is an optimum key management solution, we can integrate into that.</tt></p>

<p>Rebuttal from</p>
<p><tt>I do not believe that the &quot;denial of service&quot; attack scenario 
described above is much of an issue.</tt></p>
<p><tt>I think that it is worth clarifying that receiving incorrect information 
(service URLs of rogue services from rogue DA/SAs) is not a problem that 
involves the &quot;SLP UA portion&quot; of a client application. The problem you describe 
above involves the portions of the client application that *use* information 
delivered by SLP -- the &quot;UA portion&quot; is only in charge of *getting* the 
information not using it. In other words, the problem you describe above is an 
SLP usage problem not an SLP problem.</tt></p>
<p><tt>Regardless of whether or not SLPv2 authentication is implemented and 
configured, client applications must not expect that SLP guarantees 
availability. SLP could not possibly be expected to guarantee the state of the 
network or the persistent state of the registered service. Suppose that a 
service registers with SLP just before a WAN outage. At least for a certain 
amount of time clients would experience the same &quot;denial of service&quot; symptoms 
you describe above. The real solution is to encourage developers to use the 
entire list of service URLs. If usage (connection to or authentication to) one 
service fails, the client application should try the next.</tt></p>
<p><tt>Denial of service scenarios like the one you describe are impossible to 
prevent. The only protection against denial of service attacks is fear. Yes, 
security by fear. Remember, &quot;SLP is intended to function within networks under 
cooperative administrative control.&quot;&nbsp; The above mentioned attack would be 
easy to detect, track and resolve; which means that it would not probably not be 
much of a problem in the environments SLP is written to run in (how many rogue 
DHCP servers do you see on your network).</tt></p>
<p><tt>In private network environments, the security problems that you need to 
worry about are those that allow confidential data to be compromised (especially 
if it can be done in ways can not be detected.) Denial of service attacks to not 
compromise data.</tt></p>
<p><tt>The argument from my original post is that even if SLP authentication was 
implemented and configured correctly with (magically) delivered certificates, 
there would still be significant service specific security risks that would be 
dangerous even in private networks. Upon close inspection SLP authentication 
appears to solve only those security problems that are not overly relevant to 
private networks in the first place. (Please, if I'm wrong here, give me some 
<p><tt>I agree fully that SLP without authentication is in the same realm 
(security wise) as DHCP. My question remains -- Is this really a problem in 
private networks? If so, why? DHCP continues to be a widely deployed and 
extremely useful technology. One of the most useful aspects of DHCP (and SLP) is 
that there is no need for extensive configuration. Add requirements for 
establishing trust (certificates, keys, etc.) and the &quot;plug and play&quot; features 
of DHCP and SLP are gone.&nbsp; As this is a &quot;theoretical discussion&quot; I might 
mention that security is not free. There is always a usability vs. security 
trade off. I might also mention that sometimes *lack of* security is a feature 
if the goal is usability.</tt></p>

<p>Response from</p>

<p><tt>Let me give you another example. If I have a workstation on the 
shared lan where my manager's PC is also there. Some companies restrict root 
access to people on the main network. So I cannot sniff around to find 
password. If there is no security in SLP, then&nbsp; I can register one of the 
test machines, which would be in a different network (for which I have the 
root access to) as the pop server. Then I get the user name and password of 
my manager's pop account (The same thing can be done for a print spooler or 
a file server).</tt></p>

<p>Rebuttal from</p>

<p><tt>Again, Don't you think this is more an illustration of the 
weakness of POP3 protocol and mail server/client software than it is of SLP? 
I would argue that its is that POP3 needs the security boost -- after all it 
is in the business of securing an end to end communication. SLP is not 
designed to solve the end-to-end authentication problem ... or is it?</tt></p>
<p><tt>On the other hand, you do allude to a very valid point -- that most 
traditional and widely deployed &quot;end-to-end&quot; service specific protocols and 
software are not capable of secure service authentication. (It is usually 
possible authenticate the user, but client software can rarely authenticate the 
server which means that there is no establishment of trust before sending client 
side user credentials.)</tt></p>
<p><tt>Should SLP be tasked with solving this problem? The answer is definitely 
YES if it can be done without completely squashing major SLP usability features 
(&quot;plug and play&quot; features). I guess I just don't see how this can be done.</tt></p>

<p>The discussion eventually involves several engineers from a number of 
organizations and becomes quite lengthy.&nbsp; At least, the exchange 
included above should give a taste of the arguments involved.&nbsp; For those 
that are interested in reading the entire thread, it can be found at
<a href=""></a>.</p>


<p>For those that are not willing to endure the tedium of 
reading the entire mailing list discussion, the conclusion 
was eventually made (at least by the author) that though SLP 
authentication may be appropriate in some specialized SLP 
deployments, it is probably not beneficial in normal network 
computer environments.&nbsp; This conclusion is based on the 
following premises:</p>

	<li>Implementation of SLP authentication in the absence of public key infrastructure 
	standards would require enough manual configuration to invalidate all claims SLP 
	has to increased usability.</li>

	<li>Common helper protocols DNS, DHCP, IP, even ARP are currently insecure for 
	usability reasons.&nbsp;&nbsp; SLP fits into this category of protocols where lack of 
	security may be considered a feature when it allows for maximal usability.</li>

	<li>Given the lack of security in the above mentioned (and other) protocols 
	self-established authentication of end to end communication is required anyway 
	for secure communication of network software entities.</li>

	<li>In the presence of appropriate end to end security mechanisms, SLP related 
	security attacks are limited to the realm of &quot;denial of service&quot; or 
	&quot;disruptions&quot; -- even when <i>no</i> authentication is implemented in SLP.&nbsp; In 
	other words there is not a risk of compromise of confidential information that 
	can be attributed to SLP as long as appropriate end to end security is 

<p>So, for the OpenSLP project, there are not any plans to 
implement SLPv2 security.&nbsp; (This may change in the future 
depending on the success of ongoing PKI standardization 
efforts.)&nbsp; There are, however, many things that could be 
done to reduce opportunities for &quot;denial of service attacks&quot; 
or other malicious SLP related disruptions.&nbsp; These will be 
addressed in future versions of OpenSLP.&nbsp; Also, in order 
to inform developers about the importance of writing secure 
applications, plans have been made to include an 
&quot;SLP Security HOWTO&quot; as part of the OpenSLP Documentation.</p>

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