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<h2>Simple Service Registration Transaction Integrity for SLPv2</h2>

<p>As described by RFC 2608, SLPv2 is designed to support integrity and 
authentication of service location information.  In fact, the full 
implementation of SLPv2 security often exceed the requirements for many
SLP applications.  In such cases, the requirements for distribution of key 
material and security configuration challenges SLP's claim that:</p>

<blockquote>"Using this protocol, computers using the [network] need little or no 
static configuration of network services for network based applications."
<br /><br />
-- RFC 2608 (abstract)</blockquote>

<p>In order to provide SLPv2 security, it is necessary to distribute SPI and
key information to ALL agents (UAs SAs and DAs).</p>

<h3>The SLP security Problem</h3>

<h3>SPI configuration</h3>

<p>An SPI is an arbitrary string that identifies a key material that is needed
to generate and verify digital signatures.  Basically, a SPI is an alias for
a public/private key pair.</p>

<p>In order for SLPv2 security to work, there needs to be some way for the
implementation to map SPIs to keys and mapping must be saved in secure
storage.  The formatting will vary, but the information represented by the
following table must be represented:</p>


<p>the case of a UAs it is not necessary to configure a private key since
a UA does not generate signatures.   The SA and DA do generate signatures
and must be configured with a private key for SPIs they support.  All agents
need to be configured with a public key for SPIs they support.</p>

<p>It is evident from RFC 2614 that it is not intended for SPIs to be exposed to 
developers.  Since there are no standardized APIs to change SPI configuration,
it is always an implementation specific (and most likely manual) procedure. 
It is also evident that SPI configuration is intended to be managed on a
per-SLP installation basis -- not on a per-application basis.</p>

<h3>Key distribution</h3>

<p>Keys (especially private) are difficult to distribute automatically.</p>

<h3>SPIs and scopes related?</h3>

<p>Using SLP scopes allows administrators to create functional SLP "domains"
for administrative and scalability purposes.  Scope configuration can be
statically configured, delivered via DHCP, or selected by the user.
Regardless, scope configuration is really the only peice of information that
is needed for a working SLP deployment -- unless the SLP deployment needs to
be secure.</p>

<p>SPIs allow administrators to create functional SLP "domains" of trust.
Conceptually, there would could be a one-to-one mapping of scopes to SPIs.
To reduce confusion, might be wise to use *exactly the same string* for the
scope and the SPI.</p>

<h3>SPI Hell</h3>

<p>Perhaps the reason SPI configuration standards were not treated in the RFCs is
because it would be very difficult (if not impossible) to come up with a
standard that would address the needs of SLP deployments.  Imagine the
differences between the way that SPI configuration would be performed for
the following: a desktop computer, a fileserver, a printer, a cell phone (or
other embedded device).</p>

<p>The best way to avoid confusion is to simply not use SLPv2 security.  This
is true for implementors of the SLPv2 protocol as well as for developers
that write to the SLP API.</p>

<h3>Current SLP security requirements</h3>

<p>SLPv2 security as described by RFC 2608 supplies -- at the protocol 
level -- everything that is needed to ensure that service location information
was sent by a trusted entity (authentication) and that it is not changed in 
transit (integrity).  At the application level, this means that an
application developer (probably using the SLP API) can trust *all* SLP
delivered information.</p>

<p>Blind trust of SLP deliverd information (URLs, etc) is especially significant 
in common situations where confidential information (username and password) 
are exchanged with an entity authenticated only by the fact that it was 
located via secure SLP.</p>

<p>For example, LDAP enabled software uses SLP to locate an LDAP directory.  If
SLP information is secure, the username and password to establish a connection
with the LDAP directory can be sent with out having to use any other method to
establish the identity of LDAP directory.  However, with LDAP (and many other 
protocols, however, possible to establish the identity even if the SLP
information is not trusted.  In fact, for any SSL or equivilant transport 
establishing the identity of the "other side" seperatly from the URL used.</p>

<p>Most secure applications already have authentication built into their
protocols.  In these cases, additional configuration for SLP to provide 
another layer of authentication does not make sense.</p>

<h3>Security by fear</h3>

<p>Most Internet security problems are approached with the assumption that no 
one is trustworthy and that no one is trackable or accountable.  This is
probably not an appropriate approach to SLP security because SLP is not
intended for the Internet.</p>

<blockquote>SLP is intended to function within networks under cooperative
administrative control.  Such networks permit a policy to be
implemented regarding security, multicast routing and organization of
services and clients into groups which are not be feasible on the
scale of the Internet as a whole.
<br /><br />
-- RFC 2608 (section 1.1 Applicability Statement)</blockquote>

<p>In approaching the SLP security problem, one should continue to assume that
no one is trustworthy, however, it SHOULD NOT be assumed that no one is 
accountable or trackable.  In fact, in "networks under cooperative 
administrative control" it is very easy track and confront individuals that 
corrupt otherwise insecure systems as long as it can be identified that a 
corruption has been attempted or has occured.  Because they can be held
accountable, fear of consequences keep otherwise untrustworthy individuals
in line.</p>

<h3>The real SLP security problem</h3>

<p>The use of secure service specific protocols/frameworks in an environment 
"under cooperative administrative control" greatly reduces the scope of the 
Security problem.  Instead of having to ensure that every bit of SLP
information is delivered with authenticity and integrity, SLP only has to
worry about a small portion of the SLP delivered information is delivered
with authenticity and integrity -- and this is only so that developers (and
ultimately system administrators) can be *alerted* to SLP related attacks.</p>

<p>Continuing the LDAP example from above, it is possible to write a secure LDAP
enabled "client" application that uses "insecure" SLP to discover the LDAP
server.  The client would locate URLs for *all* LDAP services using SLP.
The client would try to establish an SSL connection with each of the
discovered LDAP servers until an LDAP server that comes to an LDAP server
that is trusted.  If SLP finds an LDAP servers that is not trusted it should
display a warning message (thus helping to track down the rogue or
misconfigured LDAP server).</p>

<p>In the example above there is one no chance for security compromise in 
the LDAP application due to it's use of SLP.  There is, however a chance that
an attack could burdon the application.  The following is a list of attacks
that can not be prevented without addtions to the required SLP implementation:</p>

<li>Unauthorized Registration - An obvious attack of registering many
non-existant LDAP services which would result in the application taking
a long time to connect to LDAP (it would probably have to iterate through a
lot of bogus services before it found a valid one).</li>

<li>Unauthorized Deregistration - A more effective attack would be to simply 
de-register the valid registration so that no LDAP services would be found 
at all.</li>

<li>Unauthorized Reregistration - Reregister the LDAP service with different
attributes.  (This attack would only affects applications that rely on 
SLP attributes)</li>

<li>Unauthorized DA - Bring up an unauthorized DA that has been modified to
achieve the same results as the above mentioned attacks.</li>

<li>Unauthorized SA - Bring up an unauthorized SA that has been modified to 
achieve the same results as an unauthorized registration or 
re-reregistration (only a problem if the application relies on SLP

<li>Scrambler in the middle - Malicious party that "sniffs" the network and
intentionally scrambles valid messages so that they become invalid.</li>

<p>Full SLPv2 security implementation prevents all of the above attacks except
the "scrambler in the middle attack" which is not preventable.  However, in
order to do it, the full SLPv2 security imposes the SPI configuration and key
distribution overhead that was discussed earlier.</p>

<p>The solution to the SPI and the key distribution problem is to simply not 
use SLPv2 security as defined in the RFC or expect that the world will
standardize on a single SPI and key distribution solution and that tools can be
written to automate them.  Perhaps the best advise for those trying to write
SLP software today is to simply not use SLPv2 security as defined by the RFC 
and spend the time implementing or using secure service-specific transport or 
presentation layer protocols. As long as service-specific protocols are 
secure, there is no chance that sensitive data or resources will be 

<p>Careful use of normal (insecure) SLPv2 can supply enough information
to warn administrators about "unauthorized registration" attacks and 
"unauthorized SA/DA" attacks, but currently, without a simple security 
enhancements (in addition to normal SLPv2) it is impossible to prevent 
any of these attacks or to even detect "unauthorized de-registration" or 
"unathorized re-registration" attacks.</p>


<p>"Simple Service Registration Transaction Integrity for SLPv2" (SSRTI-SLPv2) is
a really long name for a very simple security extension to SLPv2 protocol that
facilitates prevention or dection of all the SLP attacks that would otherwise 
"burdon" (not compromise) SLP enable software.</p>

	<li>Prevented by SLPv2 security</li>
		<li>unauthorized registration</li>
		<li>unauthorized deregistration</li>
		<li>unauthorized reregistration</li>
		<li>unauthorized SA</li>
		<li>unauthorized DA</li>
		<li>first registration wins (not applicable)</li>
	<li>Prevented by SSRTI-SLPv2:</li>
		<li>unauthorized deregistration</li>
		<li>unauthorized reregistration</li>
	<li>Detectable by application developer:</li>
		<li>unauthorized registration</li>
		<li>unauthorized SA</li>
	<li>Deterrable by implementation:</li>
		<li>unauthorized registration</li>
		<li>first registration wins</li>
	<li>Detectable by implementation:</li>
		<li>unauthorized DA</li>
	<li>Not preventable or detectable</li>
<p>(Remember the Registration replay attack!)</p>

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