

distrib > Mageia > 7 > armv7hl > media > core-release > by-pkgid > 86703910e7c5a514665baa1041d35242 > files > 79


// This code sample is meant for convenience (not performance):
//   - test/run arpack (eigen values / vectors, timing).
//   - play with modes: shift, invert, shift + invert.
//   - use with user matrices (matrix market format).

#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <sstream> // stringstream.
#include <fstream> // [io]fstream.
#include <vector>
#include <complex>
#include <algorithm> // max_element.
#include <chrono>
#include <limits> // epsilon.
#include <cmath> // fabs.
#include <iomanip> // setw.
#include <cassert> // assert.
#include <memory> // unique_ptr.
#include "arpack.h"
#include "debug_c.hpp"

#include <Eigen/Sparse>
#include <Eigen/IterativeLinearSolvers>
#include <Eigen/SparseLU>
#include <Eigen/SparseQR>

using namespace std;

typedef Eigen::SparseMatrix<        double>                     EigMatR;  // Real.
typedef Eigen::Triplet     <        double>                     EigCooR;  // Real.
typedef Eigen::SparseMatrix<complex<double>>                    EigMatC;  // Complex.
typedef Eigen::Triplet     <complex<double>>                    EigCooC;  // Complex.
typedef Eigen::Matrix      <        double,  Eigen::Dynamic, 1> EigVecR;  // Real.
typedef Eigen::Map         <EigVecR>                            EigMpVR;  // Real.
typedef Eigen::Matrix      <complex<double>, Eigen::Dynamic, 1> EigVecC;  // Complex.
typedef Eigen::Map         <EigVecC>                            EigMpVC;  // Complex.
typedef Eigen::BiCGSTAB         <EigMatR>                       EigBiCGR; // Real.
typedef Eigen::ConjugateGradient<EigMatR>                       EigCGR;   // Real.
typedef Eigen::SparseLU<EigMatR, Eigen::COLAMDOrdering<int>>    EigSLUR;  // Real.
typedef Eigen::SparseQR<EigMatR, Eigen::COLAMDOrdering<int>>    EigSQRR;  // Real.
typedef Eigen::BiCGSTAB         <EigMatC>                       EigBiCGC; // Complex.
typedef Eigen::ConjugateGradient<EigMatC>                       EigCGC;   // Complex.
typedef Eigen::SparseLU<EigMatC, Eigen::COLAMDOrdering<int>>    EigSLUC;  // Complex.
typedef Eigen::SparseQR<EigMatC, Eigen::COLAMDOrdering<int>>    EigSQRC;  // Complex.

class options {
    options() {
      fileA = "A.mtx";
      fileB = "N.A."; // Not available.
      nbEV = 1;
      nbCV = 2*nbEV + 1;
      stdPb = true; // Standard or generalized (= not standard).
      symPb = true;
      cpxPb = false;
      mag = string("LM"); // Large magnitude.
      shiftReal = false; shiftImag = false;
      sigmaReal = 0.; sigmaImag = 0.; // Eigen value translation: look for lambda+sigma instead of lambda.
      invert = false; // Eigen value invertion: look for 1./lambda instead of lambda.
      tol = 1.e-06;
      maxIt = 100;
      schur = false; // Compute Ritz vectors.
      slv = "BiCG";
      slvItrTol = nullptr;
      slvItrMaxIt = nullptr;
      slvDrtPvtThd = nullptr;
      check = true;
      verbose = 0;
      debug = 0;
      restart = false;

    int readCmdLine(int argc, char ** argv) {
      // Check for command line independent parameters.

      for (int a = 1; argv && a < argc; a++) {
        string clo = argv[a]; // Command line option.
        if (clo == "--help") return usage(0);
        if (clo == "--A") {
          a++; if (a >= argc) {cerr << "Error: bad " << clo << " - need argument" << endl; return usage();}
          fileA = argv[a];
        if (clo == "--nbEV") {
          a++; if (a >= argc) {cerr << "Error: bad " << clo << " - need argument" << endl; return usage();}
          stringstream nEV(argv[a]);
          nEV >> nbEV; if (!nEV) {cerr << "Error: bad " << clo << " - bad argument" << endl; return usage();}
          nbCV = 2*nbEV + 1;
        if (clo == "--genPb") {
          stdPb = false;
          fileB = "B.mtx";
        if (clo == "--nonSymPb") symPb = false;
        if (clo == "--cpxPb") {
          symPb = false;
          cpxPb = true;
        if (clo == "--mag") {
          a++; if (a >= argc) {cerr << "Error: bad " << clo << " - need argument" << endl; return usage();}
          mag = argv[a]; // small mag (likely poor perf) <=> large mag + invert (likely good perf).
          bool ok = (mag == "LM" || mag == "SM" || mag == "LR" || mag == "SR" || mag == "LI" || mag == "SI") ? true : false;
          if (!ok) {cerr << "Error: bad " << clo << " - bad argument" << endl; return usage();}
        if (clo == "--shiftReal") {
          shiftReal = true;
          a++; if (a >= argc) {cerr << "Error: bad " << clo << " - need argument" << endl; return usage();}
          stringstream s(argv[a]);
          s >> sigmaReal; if (!s) {cerr << "Error: bad " << clo << " - bad argument" << endl; return usage();}
        if (clo == "--shiftImag") {
          shiftImag = true;
          a++; if (a >= argc) {cerr << "Error: bad " << clo << " - need argument" << endl; return usage();}
          stringstream s(argv[a]);
          s >> sigmaImag; if (!s) {cerr << "Error: bad " << clo << " - bad argument" << endl; return usage();}
        if (clo == "--invert") invert = true;
        if (clo == "--tol") {
          a++; if (a >= argc) {cerr << "Error: bad " << clo << " - need argument" << endl; return usage();}
          stringstream t(argv[a]);
          t >> tol; if (!t) {cerr << "Error: bad " << clo << " - bad argument" << endl; return usage();}
        if (clo == "--maxIt") {
          a++; if (a >= argc) {cerr << "Error: bad " << clo << " - need argument" << endl; return usage();}
          stringstream mi(argv[a]);
          mi >> maxIt; if (!mi) {cerr << "Error: bad " << clo << " - bad argument" << endl; return usage();}
        if (clo == "--slv") {
          a++; if (a >= argc) {cerr << "Error: bad " << clo << " - need argument" << endl; return usage();}
          slv = argv[a];
        if (clo == "--slvItrTol") {
          a++; if (a >= argc) {cerr << "Error: bad " << clo << " - need argument" << endl; return usage();}
          stringstream t(argv[a]);
          double tol = 0.;
          t >> tol; if (!t) {cerr << "Error: bad " << clo << " - bad argument" << endl; return usage();}
          slvItrTol = unique_ptr<double>(new double);
          if (slvItrTol) *slvItrTol = tol;
        if (clo == "--slvItrMaxIt") {
          a++; if (a >= argc) {cerr << "Error: bad " << clo << " - need argument" << endl; return usage();}
          stringstream mi(argv[a]);
          int maxIt = 0;
          mi >> maxIt; if (!mi) {cerr << "Error: bad " << clo << " - bad argument" << endl; return usage();}
          slvItrMaxIt = unique_ptr<int>(new int);
          if (slvItrMaxIt) *slvItrMaxIt = maxIt;
        if (clo == "--slvDrtPvtThd") {
          a++; if (a >= argc) {cerr << "Error: bad " << clo << " - need argument" << endl; return usage();}
          stringstream t(argv[a]);
          double thd = 0.;
          t >> thd; if (!t) {cerr << "Error: bad " << clo << " - bad argument" << endl; return usage();}
          slvDrtPvtThd = unique_ptr<double>(new double);
          if (slvDrtPvtThd) *slvDrtPvtThd = thd;
        if (clo == "--noCheck") check = false;
        if (clo == "--verbose") {
          a++; if (a >= argc) {cerr << "Error: bad " << clo << " - need argument" << endl; return usage();}
          stringstream vb(argv[a]);
          vb >> verbose; if (!vb) {cerr << "Error: bad " << clo << " - bad argument" << endl; return usage();}
        if (clo == "--debug") {
          a++; if (a >= argc) {cerr << "Error: bad " << clo << " - need argument" << endl; return usage();}
          stringstream dbg(argv[a]);
          dbg >> debug; if (!dbg) {cerr << "Error: bad " << clo << " - bad argument" << endl; return usage();}
          if (debug > 3) debug = 3;
          debug_c(6, -6, debug, debug, debug, debug, debug, debug, debug, debug, debug, debug, debug,
                  debug, debug, debug, debug, debug, debug, debug, debug, debug, debug, debug);
        if (clo == "--restart") restart = true;

      // Check for command line dependent parameters.

      for (int a = 1; argv && a < argc; a++) {
        string clo = argv[a]; // Command line option.
        if (clo == "--nbCV") {
          a++; if (a >= argc) {cerr << "Error: bad " << clo << " - need argument" << endl; return usage();}
          stringstream nCV(argv[a]);
          nCV >> nbCV; if (!nCV) {cerr << "Error: bad " << clo << " - bad argument" << endl; return usage();}
        if (clo == "--B") {
          a++; if (a >= argc) {cerr << "Error: bad " << clo << " - need argument" << endl; return usage();}
          fileB = argv[a];

      return 0;

    int usage(int rc = 1) {
      cout << "Usage: running arpack to check for eigen values/vectors." << endl;
      cout << endl;
      cout << "  --A F:            file name of matrix A such that A X = lambda X. (standard)" << endl;
      cout << "                    default: A.mtx" << endl;
      cout << "  --B F:            file name of matrix B such that A X = lambda B X. (generalized)" << endl;
      cout << "                    default: N.A. for standard problem, or, B.mtx for generalized problem" << endl;
      cout << "  --nbEV:           number of eigen values/vectors to compute." << endl;
      cout << "                    default: 1" << endl;
      cout << "  --nbCV:           number of columns of the matrix V." << endl;
      cout << "                    default: 2*nbEV+1" << endl;
      cout << "  --genPb:          generalized problem." << endl;
      cout << "                    default: standard problem" << endl;
      cout << "  --nonSymPb:       non symmetric problem (<=> use dn[ae]upd)." << endl;
      cout << "                    default: symmetric problem (<=> use ds[ae]upd)" << endl;
      cout << "  --cpxPb:          complex (non symmetric) problem (<=> use zn[ae]upd)." << endl;
      cout << "                    default: false (<=> use d*[ae]upd)" << endl;
      cout << "  --mag M:          set magnitude of eigen values to look for (LM, SM, LR, SR, LI, SI)." << endl;
      cout << "                    default: large magnitude (LM)" << endl;
      cout << "  --shiftReal S:    real shift where sigma = S (look for lambda+S instead of lambda)." << endl;
      cout << "                    default: no shift, S = 0." << endl;
      cout << "  --shiftImag S:    imaginary shift where sigma = S (look for lambda+S instead of lambda)." << endl;
      cout << "                    default: no shift, S = 0." << endl;
      cout << "  --invert:         invert mode (look for 1./lambda instead of lambda)." << endl;
      cout << "                    default: no invert" << endl;
      cout << "  --tol T:          tolerance T." << endl;
      cout << "                    default: 1.e-06" << endl;
      cout << "  --maxIt M:        maximum iterations M." << endl;
      cout << "                    default: 100" << endl;
      cout << "  --schur:          compute Schur vectors." << endl;
      cout << "                      the Schur decomposition is such that A = Q^H x T x Q where:" << endl;
      cout << "                        - the H superscript refers to the Hermitian transpose: Q^H = (Q^t)^*." << endl;
      cout << "                        - Q is unitary: Q is such that Q^H x Q = I." << endl;
      cout << "                        - T is an upper-triangular matrix whose diagonal elements are the eigenvalues of A." << endl;
      cout << "                      every square matrix has a Schur decomposition: columns of Q are the Schur vectors." << endl;
      cout << "                      for a general matrix A, there is no relation between Schur vectors of A and eigenvectors of A." << endl;
      cout << "                      if q_j is the i-th Schur vector, then A x q_j is a linear combination of q_1, ..., q_j." << endl;
      cout << "                      Schur vectors q_1, q_2, ..., q_j span an invariant subspace of A." << endl;
      cout << "                      the Schur vectors and eigenvectors of A are the same if A is a normal matrix." << endl;
      cout << "                    default: compute Ritz vectors (approximations of eigen vectors)" << endl;
      cout << "  --slv S:          solver (BiCG, CG, LU)" << endl;
      cout << "                      BiCG: iterative method, any matrices" << endl;
      cout << "                        CG: iterative method, sym matrices only" << endl;
      cout << "                        LU:    direct method, any matrices" << endl;
      cout << "                        QR:    direct method, any matrices" << endl;
      cout << "                    default: BiCG" << endl;
      cout << "  --slvItrTol T:    solver tolerance T (for iterative solvers)." << endl;
      cout << "                    default: eigen default value" << endl;
      cout << "  --slvItrMaxIt M:  solver maximum iterations M (for iterative solvers)." << endl;
      cout << "                    default: eigen default value" << endl;
      cout << "  --slvDrtPvtThd T: solver pivot threshold T (for direct solvers)." << endl;
      cout << "                    default: eigen default value" << endl;
      cout << "  --noCheck:        check arpack eigen values/vectors." << endl;
      cout << "                    check will fail if Schur vectors are computed and A is NOT a normal matrix." << endl;
      cout << "                    default: check" << endl;
      cout << "  --verbose V:      verbosity level (up to 3)." << endl;
      cout << "                    default: 0" << endl;
      cout << "  --debug D:        debug level (up to 3)." << endl;
      cout << "                    default: 0" << endl;
      cout << "  --restart:        restart from previous run (which had produced resid.out and v.out)." << endl;
      cout << "                    default: false" << endl;
      if (rc == 0) exit(0);
      return rc;

    friend ostream & operator<< (ostream & ostr, options const & opt);

    string fileA;
    string fileB;
    a_int nbEV;
    a_int nbCV;
    bool stdPb; // Standard or generalized (= not standard).
    bool symPb;
    bool cpxPb;
    string mag; // Magnitude <=> "which" arpack parameter.
    bool shiftReal, shiftImag;
    double sigmaReal, sigmaImag; // Eigen value translation: look for lambda+sigma instead of lambda.
    bool invert; // Eigen value invertion: look for 1./lambda instead of lambda.
    double tol;
    int maxIt;
    bool schur;
    string slv;
    unique_ptr<double> slvItrTol;
    unique_ptr<int> slvItrMaxIt;
    unique_ptr<double> slvDrtPvtThd;
    bool check;
    int verbose;
    int debug;
    bool restart;

ostream & operator<< (ostream & ostr, options const & opt) {
  ostr << "OPT: A " << opt.fileA << ", B " << opt.fileB;
  ostr << ", nbEV " << opt.nbEV << ", nbCV " << opt.nbCV << ", stdPb " << (opt.stdPb ? "yes" : "no");
  ostr << ", symPb " << (opt.symPb ? "yes" : "no") << ", mag " << opt.mag << endl;
  ostr << "OPT: shiftReal " << (opt.shiftReal ? "yes" : "no") << ", sigmaReal " << opt.sigmaReal;
  ostr << ", shiftImag " << (opt.shiftImag ? "yes" : "no") << ", sigmaImag " << opt.sigmaImag;
  ostr << ", invert " << (opt.invert ? "yes" : "no") << ", tol " << opt.tol << ", maxIt " << opt.maxIt;
  ostr << ", " << (opt.schur ? "Schur" : "Ritz") << " vectors" << endl;
  ostr << "OPT: slv " << opt.slv;
  if (opt.slvItrTol)    ostr << ", slvItrTol "    << *opt.slvItrTol;
  if (opt.slvItrMaxIt)  ostr << ", slvItrMaxIt "  << *opt.slvItrMaxIt;
  if (opt.slvDrtPvtThd) ostr << ", slvDrtPvtThd " << *opt.slvDrtPvtThd;
  ostr << ", check " << (opt.check ? "yes" : "no") << ", verbose " << opt.verbose << ", debug " << opt.debug;
  ostr << ", restart " << (opt.restart ? "yes" : "no") << endl;
  return ostr;

void makeZero(        double  & zero) {zero = 0.;}

void makeZero(complex<double> & zero) {zero = complex<double>(0., 0.);}

template<typename RC, typename EM, typename EC>
int readMatrixMarket(string const & fileName, EM & M, int const & verbose, string const & msg) {
  ifstream inp(fileName);
  if (!inp) {cerr << "Error: can not open " << fileName << endl; return 1;}

  a_uint l = 0, n = 0, m = 0, nnz = 0;
  vector<a_uint> i, j;
  vector<RC> Mij;
  do {
    // Skip comments.

    string inpLine; getline(inp, inpLine); l++;
    while (isspace(*inpLine.begin())) inpLine.erase(inpLine.begin()); // Suppress leading white spaces.
    if (inpLine.length() == 0) continue; // Empty line.
    if (inpLine[0] == '%') continue; // Comments skipped, begin reading.

    // Read matrix market file.

    stringstream inpSS(inpLine);
    if (n == 0 && m == 0) { // Header.
      inpSS >> n >> m;
      if (!inpSS) {cerr << "Error: bad header (n, m)" << endl; return 1;}
      if (nnz == 0) {
        inpSS >> nnz;
        if (inpSS) { // OK, (optional) nnz has been provided.
    else { // Body.
      a_uint k = 0, l = 0;
      RC zero; makeZero(zero);
      RC Mkl = zero;
      inpSS >> k >> l >> Mkl;
      if (!inpSS) {cerr << "Error: bad line (" << fileName << ", line " << l << ")" << endl; return 1;}
  while (inp);

  // Handle 1-based -> 0-based.

  nnz = i.size(); // In case nnz was not provided.
  if (*max_element(begin(i), end(i)) == n || *max_element(begin(j), end(j)) == m) {
    for (size_t k = 0; k < nnz; k++) i[k] -= 1;
    for (size_t k = 0; k < nnz; k++) j[k] -= 1;

  // Create matrix from file.

  M = EM(n, m); // Set matrice dimensions.
  vector<EC> triplets;
  for (size_t k = 0; k < nnz; k++) triplets.emplace_back(i[k], j[k], Mij[k]);
  M.setFromTriplets(triplets.begin(), triplets.end()); // Set all (i, j, Mij).

  if (verbose == 3) {
    cout << endl << msg << endl;
    cout << endl << M << endl;

  return 0;

class arpackEV { // Arpack eigen values / vectors.
    vector<complex<double>> val; // Eigen values.
    vector<EigVecC> vec; // Eigen vectors.
    int nbIt;
    double rciTime;

void arpackAUPD(options const & opt,
                a_int * ido, char const * bMat, a_int nbDim, char const * which, double * resid, double * v,
                a_int ldv, a_int * iparam, a_int * ipntr, double * workd, double * workl, a_int lworkl, double * & rwork,
                a_int * info) {
  assert(rwork == NULL);
  if (opt.symPb) {
    dsaupd_c(ido, bMat, nbDim, which, opt.nbEV, opt.tol, resid, opt.nbCV, v, ldv, iparam, ipntr, workd, workl, lworkl, info);
  else {
    dnaupd_c(ido, bMat, nbDim, which, opt.nbEV, opt.tol, resid, opt.nbCV, v, ldv, iparam, ipntr, workd, workl, lworkl, info);

void arpackAUPD(options const & opt,
                a_int * ido, char const * bMat, a_int nbDim, char const * which, complex<double> * resid, complex<double> * v,
                a_int ldv, a_int * iparam, a_int * ipntr, complex<double> * workd, complex<double> * workl, a_int lworkl, double * & rwork,
                a_int * info) {
  if (!rwork) rwork = new double[opt.nbCV];
  znaupd_c(ido, bMat, nbDim, which, opt.nbEV, opt.tol, reinterpret_cast<_Complex double*>(resid), opt.nbCV,
           reinterpret_cast<_Complex double*>(v), ldv, iparam, ipntr, reinterpret_cast<_Complex double*>(workd),
           reinterpret_cast<_Complex double*>(workl), lworkl, rwork, info);

int arpackEUPD(options const & opt, arpackEV & out,
               bool rvec, char const * howmny, a_int const * select, double * z,
               a_int ldz, char const * bMat, a_int nbDim, char const * which, double * resid, double * v,
               a_int ldv, a_int * iparam, a_int * ipntr, double * workd, double * workl, a_int lworkl, double * rwork,
               a_int & info) {
  assert(rwork == NULL);
  if (opt.symPb) {
    double * d = new double[opt.nbEV]; for (a_int k = 0; k < opt.nbEV; k++) d[k] = 0.;

    dseupd_c(rvec, howmny, select, d, z, ldz, opt.sigmaReal,
             bMat, nbDim, which, opt.nbEV, opt.tol, resid, opt.nbCV, v, ldv, iparam, ipntr, workd, workl, lworkl, &info);
    if (info == -14) cerr << "Error: dseupd - KO: dsaupd did not find any eigenvalues to sufficient accuracy" << endl;
    if (info < 0 && info != -14 /*-14: don't break*/) {cerr << "Error: dseupd - KO with info " << info << endl; return 1;}

    // Arpack compute the whole spectrum.

    a_int nbConv = iparam[4];
    for (a_int i = 0; d && i < nbConv; i++) {
      complex<double> lambda(d[i], 0.);
      if (out.val.size() == (size_t) opt.nbEV) break; // If more converged than requested, likely not accurate (check KO).

    for (a_int i = 0; z && i < nbConv; i++) {
      EigVecR V = EigMpVR(z + i*nbDim, nbDim);
      if (out.vec.size() == (size_t) opt.nbEV) break; // If more converged than requested, likely not accurate (check KO).

    if (d) {delete [] d; d = NULL;}
  else {
    double * dr = new double[opt.nbEV+1]; for (a_int k = 0; k < opt.nbEV+1; k++) dr[k] = 0.;
    double * di = new double[opt.nbEV+1]; for (a_int k = 0; k < opt.nbEV+1; k++) di[k] = 0.;
    double * workev = new double[3*opt.nbCV];

    dneupd_c(rvec, howmny, select, dr, di, z, ldz, opt.sigmaReal, opt.sigmaImag, workev,
             bMat, nbDim, which, opt.nbEV, opt.tol, resid, opt.nbCV, v, ldv, iparam, ipntr, workd, workl, lworkl, &info);
    if (info == -14) cerr << "Error: dneupd - KO: [dz]naupd did not find any eigenvalues to sufficient accuracy" << endl;
    if (info < 0 && info != -14 /*-14: don't break*/) {cerr << "Error: dneupd - KO with info " << info << endl; return 1;}

    // Arpack compute only half of the spectrum.

    a_int nbConv = iparam[4];
    for (a_int i = 0; dr && di && i <= nbConv/2; i++) { // Scan first half of the spectrum.
      // Get first half of the spectrum.

      complex<double> lambda(dr[i], di[i]);
      if (out.val.size() == (size_t) opt.nbEV) break; // If more converged than requested, likely not accurate (check KO).

      // Deduce second half of the spectrum.

      out.val.push_back(complex<double>(lambda.real(), -1.*lambda.imag()));
      if (out.val.size() == (size_t) opt.nbEV) break; // If more converged than requested, likely not accurate (check KO).

    for (a_int i = 0; z && i <= nbConv/2; i++) { // Scan half spectrum.
      // Get first half of the spectrum.

      EigVecR Vr = EigMpVR(z + (2*i+0)*nbDim, nbDim); // Real part.
      EigVecR Vi = EigMpVR(z + (2*i+1)*nbDim, nbDim); // Imaginary part.
      complex<double> imag(0., 1.);
      EigVecC V = Vr.cast<complex<double>>() + imag * Vi.cast<complex<double>>();
      if (out.vec.size() == (size_t) opt.nbEV) break; // If more converged than requested, likely not accurate (check KO).

      // Deduce second half of the spectrum.

      V = Vr.cast<complex<double>>() - imag * Vi.cast<complex<double>>();
      if (out.vec.size() == (size_t) opt.nbEV) break; // If more converged than requested, likely not accurate (check KO).

    if (workev) {delete [] workev; workev = NULL;}
    if (dr)     {delete [] dr;     dr     = NULL;}
    if (di)     {delete [] di;     di     = NULL;}

  return 0;

int arpackEUPD(options const & opt, arpackEV & out,
               bool rvec, char const * howmny, a_int const * select, complex<double> * z,
               a_int ldz, char const * bMat, a_int nbDim, char const * which, complex<double> * resid, complex<double> * v,
               a_int ldv, a_int * iparam, a_int * ipntr, complex<double> * workd, complex<double> * workl, a_int lworkl, double * rwork,
               a_int & info) {
  complex<double> * d = new complex<double>[opt.nbEV+1]; for (a_int k = 0; k < opt.nbEV+1; k++) d[k] = complex<double>(0., 0.);
  complex<double> * workev = new complex<double>[2*opt.nbCV];

  complex<double> sigma = complex<double>(opt.sigmaReal, opt.sigmaImag);
  zneupd_c(rvec, howmny, select, reinterpret_cast<_Complex double*>(d), reinterpret_cast<_Complex double*>(z), ldz,
           reinterpret_cast<_Complex double &>(sigma), reinterpret_cast<_Complex double*>(workev),
           bMat, nbDim, which, opt.nbEV, opt.tol, reinterpret_cast<_Complex double*>(resid), opt.nbCV,
           reinterpret_cast<_Complex double*>(v), ldv, iparam, ipntr,
           reinterpret_cast<_Complex double*>(workd), reinterpret_cast<_Complex double*>(workl), lworkl, rwork, &info);
  if (info == -14) cerr << "Error: zneupd - KO: dsaupd did not find any eigenvalues to sufficient accuracy" << endl;
  if (info < 0 && info != -14 /*-14: don't break*/) {cerr << "Error: zneupd - KO with info " << info << endl; return 1;}

  // Arpack compute the whole spectrum.

  a_int nbConv = iparam[4];
  for (a_int i = 0; d && i < nbConv; i++) {
    complex<double> lambda = d[i];
    if (out.val.size() == (size_t) opt.nbEV) break; // If more converged than requested, likely not accurate (check KO).

  for (a_int i = 0; z && i < nbConv; i++) {
    EigVecC V = EigMpVC(z + i*nbDim, nbDim);
    if (out.vec.size() == (size_t) opt.nbEV) break; // If more converged than requested, likely not accurate (check KO).

  if (workev) {delete [] workev; workev = NULL;}
  if (d)      {delete [] d;           d = NULL;}

  return 0;

template<typename SLV> int arpackMode(options const & opt, int const mode,
                                      EigMatR const & A, EigMatR const & B, SLV & solver) {
  int rc = 1;

  if (mode == 1) {
    rc = 0;
  else if (mode == 2 || mode == 3) {
    if (mode == 2) { // Regular mode.
    else { // Shift invert mode.
      if (!opt.shiftImag) { // Real shift only.
        double sigma = opt.sigmaReal;
        auto S = A - sigma * B;
      else { // Complex (real/imaginary) shift.
        complex<double> sigma(opt.sigmaReal, opt.sigmaImag);
        auto S = A.cast<complex<double>>() - sigma * B.cast<complex<double>>();
        solver.compute(S.real()); // Real part of shifted matrix.

    if ( != Eigen::Success) {cerr << "Error: decomposition KO - check A and/or B are invertible" << endl; return 1;}
    rc = 0;
  else {cerr << "Error: arpack mode must be 1, 2 or 3 - KO" << endl; rc = 1;}

  return rc;

template<typename SLV> int arpackMode(options const & opt, int const mode,
                                      EigMatC const & A, EigMatC const & B, SLV & solver) {
  int rc = 1;

  if (mode == 1) {
    rc = 0;
  else if (mode == 2 || mode == 3) {
    if (mode == 2) { // Regular mode.
    else { // Shift invert mode.
      complex<double> sigma(opt.sigmaReal, opt.sigmaImag);
      auto S = A - sigma * B;

    if ( != Eigen::Success) {cerr << "Error: decomposition KO - check A and/or B are invertible" << endl; return 1;}
    rc = 0;
  else {cerr << "Error: arpack mode must be 1, 2 or 3 - KO" << endl; rc = 1;}

  return rc;

template<typename RC, typename EM, typename EV, typename SLV>
int arpackSolve(options const & opt, int const & mode,
                EM const & A, EM const & B, SLV & solver, arpackEV & out) {
  // Arpack set up.

  // Note: all in/out parameters (all but work*) passed to d[sn][ae]upd are set to 0. before use.
  // d[sn][ae]upd uses dgetv0 to generate a random starting vector (when info is initialized to 0).
  // dgetv0 rely on resid/v: resid/v should be initialized to 0.0 to avoid "bad" starting random vectors.

  char const * which = opt.mag.c_str();
  a_int ido = 0; // First call to arpack.
  char const * iMat = "I";
  char const * gMat = "G";
  char const * bMat = (mode == 1) ? iMat : gMat;
  a_int nbDim = A.rows();
  RC zero; makeZero(zero);
  RC * resid = new RC[nbDim]; for (a_int n = 0; n < nbDim; n++) resid[n] = zero; // Avoid "bad" starting vector.
  if (opt.restart) {
    ifstream rfs("resid.out");
    if (rfs.is_open()) {
      for (a_int n = 0; n < nbDim; n++) rfs >> resid[n];
      if (opt.verbose >= 2) {
        cout << endl;
        cout << "resid:" << endl;
        for (a_int n = 0; n < nbDim; n++) cout << resid[n] << endl;
        cout << endl;
  a_int ldv = nbDim;
  RC * v = new RC[ldv*opt.nbCV]; for (a_int n = 0; n < ldv*opt.nbCV; n++) v[n] = zero; // Avoid "bad" starting vector.
  if (opt.restart) {
    ifstream vfs("v.out");
    if (vfs.is_open()) {
      a_int nbCV = 0; vfs >> nbCV; if (opt.nbCV < nbCV) nbCV = opt.nbCV;
      for (a_int n = 0; n < ldv*nbCV; n++) vfs >> v[n];
      if (opt.verbose >= 2) {
        cout << endl;
        cout << "v:" << endl;
        for (a_int n = 0; n < ldv*nbCV; n++) cout << v[n] << endl;
        cout << endl;
  a_int iparam[11];
  iparam[0] = 1; // Use exact shifts (=> we'll never have ido == 3).
  iparam[2] = opt.maxIt; // Maximum number of iterations.
  iparam[3] = 1; // Block size.
  iparam[4] = 0; // Number of ev found by arpack.
  iparam[6] = mode;
  int rc = arpackMode<SLV>(opt, mode, A, B, solver);
  if (rc != 0) {cerr << "Error: bad arpack mode" << endl; return rc;}
  a_int ipntr[14];
  RC * workd = new RC[3*nbDim];
  a_int lworkl = opt.symPb ? opt.nbCV*opt.nbCV + 8*opt.nbCV : 3*opt.nbCV*opt.nbCV + 6*opt.nbCV;
  lworkl++; // The documentation says "LWORKL must be at least ..."
  RC * workl = new RC[lworkl];
  a_int info = 0; // Use random initial residual vector.
  if (opt.restart) info = 1;

  // Arpack solve.

  double * rwork = NULL;
  do {
    // Call arpack.

    arpackAUPD(opt, &ido, bMat, nbDim, which, resid, v, ldv, iparam, ipntr, workd, workl, lworkl, rwork, &info);
    if (info ==  1) cerr << "Error: [dz][sn]aupd - KO: maximum number of iterations taken. Increase --maxIt..." << endl;
    if (info ==  3) cerr << "Error: [dz][sn]aupd - KO: no shifts could be applied. Increase --nbCV..." << endl;
    if (info == -9) cerr << "Error: [dz][sn]aupd - KO: starting vector is zero. Retry: play with shift..." << endl;
    if (info < 0) {cerr << "Error: [dz][sn]aupd - KO with info " << info << ", nbIt " << iparam[2] << endl; return 1;}

    // Reverse Communication Interface: perform actions according to arpack.

    auto start = chrono::high_resolution_clock::now();

    a_int xIdx = ipntr[0] - 1; // 0-based (Fortran is 1-based).
    a_int yIdx = ipntr[1] - 1; // 0-based (Fortran is 1-based).

    EV X(workd + xIdx, nbDim); // Arpack provides X.
    EV Y(workd + yIdx, nbDim); // Arpack provides Y.

    if (ido == -1) {
      if (iparam[6] == 1) {
        Y = A * X;
      else if (iparam[6] == 2) {
        Y = A * X;
        auto YY = Y;          // Use copy of Y (not Y) for solve (avoid potential memory overwrite as Y is both in/out).
        Y = solver.solve(YY); // Y = B^-1 * A * X.
        if( != Eigen::Success) {
          cerr << "Error: solve KO - play with solver parameters (tol, max it, ...), or, change --slv" << endl;
          return 1;
      else if (iparam[6] == 3) {
        auto Z = B * X;      // Z = B * X.
        Y = solver.solve(Z); // Y = (A - sigma * B)^-1 * B * X.
        if( != Eigen::Success) {
          cerr << "Error: solve KO - play with solver parameters (tol, max it, ...), or, change --slv" << endl;
          return 1;
    else if (ido == 1) {
      if (iparam[6] == 1) {
        Y = A * X;
      else if (iparam[6] == 2) {
        Y = A * X;
        if (opt.symPb) X = Y; // Remark 5 in dsaupd documentation.
        auto YY = Y;          // Use copy of Y (not Y) for solve (avoid potential memory overwrite as Y is both in/out).
        Y = solver.solve(YY); // Y = B^-1 * A * X.
        if( != Eigen::Success) {
          cerr << "Error: solve KO - play with solver parameters (tol, max it, ...), or, change --slv" << endl;
          return 1;
      else if (iparam[6] == 3) {
        a_int zIdx = ipntr[2] - 1; // 0-based (Fortran is 1-based).
        EV Z(workd + zIdx, nbDim); // Arpack provides Z.
        Y = solver.solve(Z);       // Y = (A - sigma * B)^-1 * B * X.
        if( != Eigen::Success) {
          cerr << "Error: solve KO - play with solver parameters (tol, max it, ...), or, change --slv" << endl;
          return 1;
    else if (ido == 2) {
      if      (iparam[6] == 1) Y =     X; // Y = I * X.
      else if (iparam[6] == 2) Y = B * X; // Y = B * X.
      else if (iparam[6] == 3) Y = B * X; // Y = B * X.
    else if (ido != 99) {cerr << "Error: unexpected ido " << ido << " - KO" << endl; return 1;}

    auto stop = chrono::high_resolution_clock::now();
    out.rciTime += chrono::duration_cast<chrono::milliseconds>(stop - start).count()/1000.;

  } while (ido != 99);

  // Get arpack results (computed eigen values and vectors).

  out.nbIt = iparam[2]; // Actual number of iterations.
  bool rvec = true;
  char const * howmnyA = "A"; // Ritz vectors.
  char const * howmnyP = "P"; // Schur vectors.
  char const * howmny = opt.schur ? howmnyP : howmnyA;
  a_int * select = new a_int[opt.nbCV]; for (a_int n = 0; n < opt.nbCV; n++) select[n] = 1;
  a_int const nbZ = nbDim*(opt.nbEV+1); // Caution: opt.nbEV+1 for dneupd.
  RC * z = new RC[nbZ]; for (a_int n = 0; n < nbZ; n++) z[n] = zero;
  a_int ldz = nbDim;
  rc = arpackEUPD(opt, out, rvec, howmny, select, z, ldz, bMat, nbDim, which, resid, v, ldv, iparam, ipntr, workd, workl, lworkl, rwork, info);
  if (rc != 0) {cerr << "Error: bad arpack eupd" << endl; return rc;}

  ofstream rfs("resid.out"); for (a_int n = 0; n < nbDim; n++) rfs << resid[n] << endl;
  ofstream vfs("v.out"); vfs << opt.nbCV << endl; for (a_int n = 0; n < ldv*opt.nbCV; n++) vfs << v[n] << endl;

  // Clean.

  if (rwork)  {delete [] rwork;  rwork  = NULL;}
  if (z)      {delete [] z;      z      = NULL;}
  if (select) {delete [] select; select = NULL;}
  if (workl)  {delete [] workl;  workl  = NULL;}
  if (workd)  {delete [] workd;  workd  = NULL;}
  if (v)      {delete [] v;      v      = NULL;}
  if (resid)  {delete [] resid;  resid  = NULL;}

  return 0;

template<typename EM>
int checkArpackEigVec(options const & opt, EM const & A, EM const & B, arpackEV const & out) {
  // Check eigen vectors.

  string rs = opt.schur ? "Schur" : "Ritz";

  if (opt.check && out.vec.size() == 0) {
    cerr << "Error: no " << rs << " value / vector found" << endl;
    return 1;

  for (size_t i = 0; i < out.vec.size(); i++) {
    EigVecC V = out.vec[i];
    complex<double> lambda = out.val[i];
    if (opt.verbose >= 1) {
      cout << endl;
      cout << rs << " value " << setw(3) << i << ": " << lambda << endl;
      if (opt.verbose >= 2) {
        cout << endl;
        cout << rs << " vector " << setw(3) << i << " (norm " << V.norm() << "): " << endl;
        cout << endl << V << endl;

    if (opt.check) {
      EigVecC left = A.template cast<complex<double>>() * V;
      EigVecC right = opt.stdPb ? V : B.template cast<complex<double>>() * V;
      right *= lambda;
      EigVecC diff = left - right;
      if (diff.norm() > sqrt(opt.tol)) {
        cerr << endl << "Error: bad vector " << setw(3) << i << " (norm " << V.norm() << "):" << endl;
        cerr << endl << V << endl;
        cerr << endl << "Error: left side (A*V - norm " << left.norm() << "):" << endl;
        cerr << endl << left << endl;
        cerr << endl << "Error: right side (lambda*" << (opt.stdPb ? "" : "B*") << "V - norm " << right.norm() << "):" << endl;
        cerr << endl << right << endl;
        cerr << endl << "Error: diff (norm " << diff.norm() << ", sqrt(tol) " << sqrt(opt.tol) << "):" << endl;
        cerr << endl << diff << endl;
        return 1;
      else {
        if (opt.verbose >= 1) {
          cout << endl << rs << " value/vector " << setw(3) << i << ": check OK";
          cout << ", diff (norm " << diff.norm() << ", sqrt(tol) " << sqrt(opt.tol) << ")" << endl;

  return 0;

void makeSigma(options const & opt,         double  & sigma) {sigma = opt.sigmaReal;}

void makeSigma(options const & opt, complex<double> & sigma) {sigma = complex<double>(opt.sigmaReal, opt.sigmaImag);}

template<typename RC, typename EM, typename EV, typename SLV>
int arpackSolve(options const & opt, EM & A, EM const & B,
                SLV & solver, arpackEV & out) {
  // If needed, transform the initial problem into a new one that arpack can handle.

  auto eps = numeric_limits<double>::epsilon();
  bool shiftReal = (opt.shiftReal && fabs(opt.sigmaReal) > eps) ? true : false;
  bool shiftImag = (opt.shiftImag && fabs(opt.sigmaImag) > eps) ? true : false;

  bool backTransform = false;
  int mode = 0;
  if (opt.stdPb) {
    mode = 1;
    if (shiftReal && !shiftImag) {
      EM I(A.rows(), A.cols());
      RC sigma; makeSigma(opt, sigma);
      A -= sigma*I;
      backTransform = true;
  else {
    mode = 2;
    if (shiftReal || shiftImag) mode = 3;

  // Solve the problem.

  if (opt.verbose >= 1) {
    cout << endl;
    cout << "ARP: mode " << mode;
    cout << ", nbDim " << A.rows();
    cout << ", backTransform " << (backTransform ? "yes" : "no") << endl;

  int rc = arpackSolve<RC, EM, EV, SLV>(opt, mode, A, B, solver, out);
  if (rc != 0) {cerr << "Error: arpack solve KO" << endl; return rc;}

  if (opt.verbose >= 1) {
    cout << endl;
    cout << "ARP: nbEV found " << out.val.size();
    cout << ", nbIt " << out.nbIt << endl;

  // If needed, transform back the arpack problem into the initial problem.

  if (backTransform) {
    for (size_t i = 0; i < out.val.size(); i++) out.val[i] += opt.sigmaReal;
    EM I(A.rows(), A.cols());
    RC sigma; makeSigma(opt, sigma);
    A += sigma*I; // For later checks.

  // Check.

  return checkArpackEigVec<EM>(opt, A, B, out);

template<typename RC, typename EM, typename EC, typename EV, typename SLV>
int arpackSolve(options & opt, SLV & solver) {
  // Read A.

  EM A;
  int rc = readMatrixMarket<RC, EM, EC>(opt.fileA, A, opt.verbose, "A:");
  if (rc != 0) {cerr << "Error: read A KO" << endl; return rc;}

  // Read B.

  EM B;
  if (!opt.stdPb) {
    rc = readMatrixMarket<RC, EM, EC>(opt.fileB, B, opt.verbose, "B:");
    if (rc != 0) {cerr << "Error: read B KO" << endl; return rc;}

  // Check A-B compatibility.

  if (!opt.stdPb) {
    if (A.rows() != B.rows()) {cerr << "Error: A.rows() != B.rows()" << endl; return rc;}
    if (A.cols() != B.cols()) {cerr << "Error: A.cols() != B.cols()" << endl; return rc;}
  if (opt.nbCV > A.cols()) opt.nbCV = A.cols(); // Cut-off.

  // Arpack solve.

  arpackEV out;
  out.rciTime = 0.;
  auto start = chrono::high_resolution_clock::now();
  rc = arpackSolve<RC, EM, EV, SLV>(opt, A, B, solver, out);
  if (rc != 0) {cerr << "Error: arpack solve KO" << endl; return rc;}
  auto stop = chrono::high_resolution_clock::now();
  double fullTime = chrono::duration_cast<chrono::milliseconds>(stop - start).count()/1000.;
  cout << endl;
  cout << "OUT: nb EV found " << out.val.size() << ", nb iterations " << out.nbIt << endl;
  cout << "OUT: full time " << fullTime << " s, RCI time " << out.rciTime << " s" << endl;

  return 0;

template<typename RC, typename EM, typename EC, typename EV,
         typename SLVBCG, typename SLVCG, typename SLVSLU, typename SLVSQR>
int arpackSolve(options & opt) {
  // Solve with arpack.

  int rc = 0;
  if (opt.slv == "BiCG") {
    SLVBCG solver;
    if (opt.slvItrTol)   solver.setTolerance(*opt.slvItrTol);
    if (opt.slvItrMaxIt) solver.setMaxIterations(*opt.slvItrMaxIt);
    rc = arpackSolve<RC, EM, EC, EV, SLVBCG>(opt, solver);
  else if (opt.slv == "CG") {
    SLVCG solver;
    if (opt.slvItrTol)   solver.setTolerance(*opt.slvItrTol);
    if (opt.slvItrMaxIt) solver.setMaxIterations(*opt.slvItrMaxIt);
    rc = arpackSolve<RC, EM, EC, EV, SLVCG>(opt, solver);
  else if (opt.slv == "LU") {
    SLVSLU solver;
    if (opt.slvDrtPvtThd) solver.setPivotThreshold(*opt.slvDrtPvtThd);
    rc = arpackSolve<RC, EM, EC, EV, SLVSLU>(opt, solver);
  else if (opt.slv == "QR") {
    SLVSQR solver;
    if (opt.slvDrtPvtThd) solver.setPivotThreshold(*opt.slvDrtPvtThd);
    rc = arpackSolve<RC, EM, EC, EV, SLVSQR>(opt, solver);
  else {cerr << "Error: unknown solver - KO" << endl; return 1;}
  if (rc != 0) {cerr << "Error: arpack solve KO" << endl; return rc;}

  return 0;

int main(int argc, char ** argv) {
  // Check for options.

  options opt;
  int rc = opt.readCmdLine(argc, argv);
  if (rc != 0) {cerr << "Error: read cmd line KO" << endl; return rc;}
  cout << opt; // Print options.

  if (opt.cpxPb) rc = arpackSolve<complex<double>, EigMatC, EigCooC, EigMpVC, EigBiCGC, EigCGC, EigSLUC, EigSQRC>(opt);
  else           rc = arpackSolve<        double , EigMatR, EigCooR, EigMpVR, EigBiCGR, EigCGR, EigSLUR, EigSQRR>(opt);
  if (rc != 0) {cerr << "Error: arpack solve KO" << endl; return rc;}

  return 0;

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