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----	(c) Copyright 2002-2011 by Lutz Sammer, Russell Smith, François Beerten

----    This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
----    it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
----    the Free Software Foundation; only version 2 of the License.
----    This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
----    but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
----    GNU General Public License for more details.
----    You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
----    along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
----    Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA
----    02110-1301, USA.
    <title>Stratagus Configuration Language Description: Config</title>
    <meta name="Author" content="">
    <meta name="Keyword" content="scripts,config">
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<pre width=80>
         _________ __                 __
        /   _____//  |_____________ _/  |______     ____  __ __  ______
        \_____  \\   __\_  __ \__  \\   __\__  \   / ___\|  |  \/  ___/
        /        \|  |  |  | \// __ \|  |  / __ \_/ /_/  >  |  /\___ \
       /_______  /|__|  |__|  (____  /__| (____  /\___  /|____//____  >
               \/                  \/          \//_____/            \/
    ______________________                           ______________________
                          T H E   W A R   B E G I N S
           Stratagus - A free fantasy real time strategy game engine
<h1>Stratagus Configuration Language Description: Config</h1>
<a href="../index.html">Stratagus</a>
<a href="../faq.html">FAQ</a>
<a href="ai.html">PREV</a>
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<a href="index.html">LUA Index</a>
<a href="#AStar">AStar</a>
<a href="#DecorationOnTop">DecorationOnTop</a>
<a href="#DefineDecorations">DefineDecorations</a>
<a href="#DefineDefaultActions">DefineDefaultActions</a>
<a href="#DefineDefaultIncomes">DefineDefaultIncomes</a>
<a href="#DefineDefaultResourceAmounts">DefineDefaultResourceAmounts</a>
<a href="#DefineDefaultResourceNames">DefineDefaultResourceNames</a>
<a href="#DefineSprites">DefinesSprites</a>
<a href="#GetVideoFullScreen">GetVideoFullScreen</a>
<a href="#GetVideoResolution">GetVideoResolution</a>
<a href="#HealthSprite">HealthSprite</a>
<a href="#ManaSprite">ManaSprite</a>
<a href="#RevealMap">RevealMap</a>
<a href="#RightButtonAttacks">RightButtonAttacks</a>
<a href="#RightButtonMoves">RightButtonMoves</a>
<a href="#SavePreferences">SavePreferences</a>
<a href="#SetAllPlayersBuildingLimit">SetAllPlayersBuildingLimit</a>
<a href="#SetAllPlayersUnitLimit">SetAllPlayersUnitLimit</a>
<a href="#SetAllPlayersTotalUnitLimit">SetAllPlayersTotalUnitLimit</a>
<a href="#SetBuildingCapture">SetBuildingCapture</a>
<a href="#SetClickMissile">SetClickMissile</a>
<a href="#SetCurrentChapter">SetCurrentChapter</a>
<a href="#SetCurrentTip">SetCurrentTip</a>
<a href="#SetDamageFormula">SetDamageFormula</a>
<a href="#SetDamageMissile">SetDamageMissile</a>
<a href="#SetDoubleClickDelay">SetDoubleClickDelay</a>
<a href="#SetEditorSelectIcon">SetEditorSelectIcon</a>
<a href="#SetEditorUnitsIcon">SetEditorUnitsIcon</a>
<a href="#SetEditorStartUnit">SetEditorStartUnit</a>
<a href="#SetFancyBuildings">SetFancyBuildings</a>
<a href="#SetFogOfWar">SetFogOfWar</a>
<a href="#SetFogOfWarColor">SetFogOfWarColor</a>
<a href="#SetFogOfWarGraphics">SetFogOfWarGraphics</a>
<a href="#SetFogOfWarOpacity">SetFogOfWarOpacity</a>
<a href="#SetForestRegeneration">SetForestRegeneration</a>
<a href="#SetGrabMouse">SetGrabMouse</a>
<a href="#SetGodMode">SetGodMode</a>
<a href="#SetGroupKeys">SetGroupKeys</a>
<a href="#SetHoldClickDelay">SetHoldClickDelay</a>
<a href="#SetKeyScroll">SetKeyScroll</a>
<a href="#SetKeyScrollSpeed">SetKeyScrollSpeed</a>
<a href="#SetLeaveStops">SetLeaveStops</a>
<a href="#SetMaxOpenGLTexture">SetMaxOpenGLTexture</a>
<a href="#SetMaxSelectable">SetMaxSelectable</a>
<a href="#SetMetaServer">SetMetaServer</a>
<a href="#SetMinimapTerrain">SetMinimapTerrain</a>
<a href="#SetMouseScroll">SetMouseScroll</a>
<a href="#SetMouseScrollSpeed">SetMouseScrollSpeed</a>
<a href="#SetMouseScrollSpeedControl">SetMouseScrollSpeedControl</a>
<a href="#SetMouseScrollSpeedDefault">SetMouseScrollSpeedDefault</a>
<a href="#SetRevealAttacker">SetRevealAttacker</a>
<a href="#SetSelectionStyle">SetSelectionStyle</a>
<a href="#SetShowAttackRange">SetShowAttackRange</a>
<a href="#SetShowCommandKey">SetShowCommandKey</a>
<a href="#SetShowOrders">SetShowOrders</a>
<a href="#SetShowReactionRange">SetShowReactionRange</a>
<a href="#SetShowSightRange">SetShowSightRange</a>
<a href="#SetShowTips">SetShowTips</a>
<a href="#SetSpeedBuild">SetSpeedBuild</a>
<a href="#SetSpeedResearch">SetSpeedResearch</a>
<a href="#SetSpeedResourcesHarvest">SetSpeedResourcesHarvest</a>
<a href="#SetSpeedResourcesReturn">SetSpeedResourcesReturn</a>
<a href="#SetSpeedTrain">SetSpeedTrain</a>
<a href="#SetSpeedUpgrade">SetSpeedUpgrade</a>
<a href="#SetSpeeds">SetSpeeds</a>
<a href="#SetTitleScreens">SetTitleScreens</a>
<a href="#SetTrainingQueue">SetTrainingQueue</a>
<a href="#SetXpDamage">SetXpDamage</a>
<a href="#SetUseHPForXp">SetUseHPForXp</a>
<a href="#SetVideoFullScreen">SetVideoFullScreen</a>
<a href="#SetVideoResolution">SetVideoResolution</a>
<a href="#SetVideoSyncSpeed">SetVideoSyncSpeed</a>
<a href="#ShowEnergySelectedOnly">ShowEnergySelectedOnly</a>
<a href="#ShowFull">ShowFull</a>
<a href="#DefineDecoration">DefineDecoration</a>
<a href="#ShowHealthBar">ShowHealthBar</a>
<a href="#ShowHealthDot">ShowHealthDot</a>
<a href="#ShowHealthHorizontal">ShowHealthHorizontal</a>
<a href="#ShowHealthVertical">ShowHealthVertical</a>
<a href="#ShowManaBar">ShowManaBar</a>
<a href="#ShowManaDot">ShowManaDot</a>
<a href="#ShowManaHorizontal">ShowManaHorizontal</a>
<a href="#ShowManaVertical">ShowManaVertical</a>
<a href="#ShowNoFull">ShowNoFull</a>

<h2>Intro - Introduction to config functions and variables</h2>

General configurations.

<a name="AStar"></a>
<h3>AStar(tag, value, ...)</h3>

Sets variables about the pathfinder.
What the movement cost for unseen terrian is and whether units are aware of what's under unseen terrain.
Items can be turned on and off to give desired behaviour, however dont-know-unseen-terrain will increase
the amount the pathfinder is used at the start of a game while the map is being discovered.  If you need
the performance, turn it off.
The Cost of a move is 1 if moving straight, or 2 if moving diagonal.

  <dt>"fixed-unit-cost", number</dt>
  <dd>cost to move over a unit that is standing still. (must be greater than 3)
  <dt>"moving-unit-cost", number</dt>
  <dd>cost to move over a unit that is moving to somewhere. (must be greater than 3)
  <dt>"unseen-terrain", number</dt>
  <dd>Whether the pathfinder treats unknown terrain as visible when calculating paths or not. &lt;'dont-know-unseen-terrain|'know-unseen-terrain&gt;
  <dt>"unseen-terrain-cost", number</dt>
  <dd>Extra cost to move on unseen terrain, makes units tend towards know areas when finding paths.
  <dd>consider (FIXME ? AI and human ?) know(s) all the terrain.</dd>
  <dd>consider (FIXME ? AI and human ?) do(es)n't know all the terrain.</dd>


AStar("fixed-unit-cost", 1000, "moving-unit-cost", 20, "know-unseen-terrain", "unseen-terrain-cost", 2)

<a name="DecorationOnTop"></a>

Show bars and dots always on top.


<a name="DefineDefaultActions"></a>
<h3>DefineDefaultActions("name", ...)</h3>

Defines the names of the actions used to harvest/get resources. eg mine gold, or drill oil.

<dd>The name to give to the action associated with the resource.</dd>


    -- In the same order as resources are defined.
    DefineDefaultActions("stop", "mine", "chop", "drill", "mine", "mine", "mine")

<a name="DefineDefaultIncomes"></a>
<h3>DefineDefaultIncomes([number, number, ...])</h3>

Defines the amount of resource to pickup by default when harvesting/collecting.
When collecting gold for example you get 100 gold for a single pickup.

<dd>The amount of resource to collect by default per pickup.


    -- Define 7 default incomes
    -- Resources "time", "gold", "wood", "oil", "ore", "stone", "coal"
    DefineDefaultIncomes(0, 100, 100, 100, 100, 100, 100)

<a name="DefineDefaultResourceAmounts"></a>
<h3>DefineDefaultResourceAmounts("name", amount ...)</h3>

Defines the default amounts to give to a resource producing unit when placing it for the first
time in the editor.

<dd>The name of the resource for the default to be applied to</dd>
<dd>The amount to set the default too.</dd>


        "gold", 100000,
        "oil", 50000)

<a name="DefineDefaultResourceNames"></a>
<h3>DefineDefaultResourceNames("name", ...)</h3>

Names the resources in a given order.

<dd>Name to give to the resource


    -- Define Resource names
        "time", "gold", "wood", "oil", "ore", "stone", "coal")

<a name="DefineSprites"></a>
<h3>DefineSprite({tag = value}, ...)</h3>

Define sprite to be shown for variables.

  Tag could be :
  <dt>Name = "sprite-name"</dt>
  <dd>name of the sprite</dd>
  <dt>File = "filename"</dt>
  <dd>filename containing the sprite</dd>
  <dt>Offset = {x, y}</dt>
  <dd>offset when drawing the sprite</dd>
  <dt>Size = {width, height}</dt>
  <dd>Size of the sprite (!= of size of image)</dd>

-- It is equivalent to :
-- HealthSprite("graphics/ui/health2.png", 0, -4, 31, 4)
-- ManaSprite("graphics/ui/mana2.png", 0, -1, 31, 4)
DefineSprites({Name = "sprite-health", File = "graphics/ui/health2.png", Offset = {0, -4}, Size = {31, 4}},
    {Name = "sprite-mana", File = "graphics/ui/mana2.png", Offset = {0, -1}, Size = {31, 4}})

<a name="GetVideoFullScreen"></a>

Check if the game is in full screen or windowed mode.

<dd>True if full screen, false if in windowed mode</dd>


    -- Get Fullscreen
    fullscreen = GetVideoFullScreen()

<a name="GetVideoResolution"></a>

Get the video resolution.

<dd>Width and Height of current resolution</dd>


    -- Get the video resolution
    w,h = GetVideoResolution()

<a name="HealthSprite"></a>
<h3>HealthSprite(file, hotx, hoty, width, height)</h3>

Define health-sprite.

  <dd>file where is the image.</dd>
  <dt>hotx, hoty</dt>
  <dd>offset from the sprite when it is drawn.</dd>
  <dt>width, height</dt>
  <dd>Size of the health sprite image.</dd>

    HealthSprite("graphics/ui/health2.png", 0, -4, 31, 4)

Use <a href="#DefineSprites">DefineSprites</a> instead with Name="sprite-health".

<a name="ManaSprite"></a>
<h3>ManaSprite(file, hotx, hoty, width, height)</h3>

Define mana-sprite.

  <dd>file where is the image.</dd>
  <dt>hotx, hoty</dt>
  <dd>offset from teh sprite when it is drawn.</dd>
  <dt>width, height</dt>
  <dd>Size of the image.</dd>
ManaSprite("graphics/ui/mana2.png", 0, -1, 31, 4)

Use <a href="#DefineSprites">DefineSprites</a> instead with Name="sprite-mana".

<a name="DefineDecorations"></a>
<h3>DefineDecorations({tag = value, ...}, ...)</h3>
Define how to show variables.

  <dt>Index = variable</dt>
  To which variable it applies. Variables could be
    <dd>represent the HP of the unit.</dd>
    <dd>represent the mana of the unit.</dd>
    <dd>represent how many units are in the unit.</dd>
    <dd>represent ressource for gathering and gathered unit.</dd>
    <dd>represent the elapsed time of unit in training.</dd>
    <dd>represent the elapsed time for research.</dd>
    <dd>represent the elapse time to evolve in the new unit.</dd>
    <dd>variable defined with <a href="unittype.html#DefineVariables">DefineVariables()</a></dd>
  <dt>Offset = {x, y}, OffsetPercent = {xp, yp}</dt>
  <dd>Decoration is placed at {x + weight(unit) * xp, y + height(unit) * yp} from the unit.</dd>
  <dt>CenterX = boolean, CenterY = boolean</dt>
  <dd>If set to true, use center of decoration instead of the upper-left corner.</dd>
  <dt>ShowIfNotEnable = boolean</dt>
  <dd>if false (default), show decoration only when variable is enable.</dd>
  <dt>ShowWhenNull = boolean</dt>
  <dd>if true, show also when variable value is 0.</dd>
  <dt>HideHalf = boolean</dt>
  <dd>if true, don't show when variable value is not 0 nor max.</dd>
  <dt>ShowWhenMax = boolean</dt>
  <dd>if false, don't show when variable value is max.</dd>
  <dt>ShowOnlySelected = boolean</dt>
  <dd>if true, show only when unit is selected.</dd>
  <dt>HideNeutral = boolean</dt>
  <dd>if true, don't show for neutral unit.</dd>
  <dt>HideAllied = boolean</dt>
  <dd>if true, don't show for allied unit (but show your :) ).</dd>
  <dt>ShowOpponent = boolean</dt>
  <dd>if true, show also for opponent unit.</dd>

  <dt>Method = {method-name, {tag = value}}</dt>
    <dd>Which method we use to show variable. It could be a bar, a sprite, a number...</dd>
      <dt>"text", {}</dt>
      <dd>Show the value with a number</dd>
      <dt>"static-sprite", {"sprite-name", number}</dt>
      <dd>Use the number icon of the sprite (defined by <a href="#DefineSprites">DefineSprites()</a>)</dd>
      <dt>"sprite", {"sprite-name"}</dt>
      <dd>Show the p-th icon of the sprite
		(p depands of variable percent value: from full (left) to empty (right of th image)).
		The sprite is defined by <a href="#DefineSprites">DefineSprites()</a>.</dd>
      <dt>"bar", {tag, value}</dt>
      <dd>Show like a rectangular bar.</dd>
        <dt>Orientation = "vertical" or "horizontal"</dt>
        <dd>orientation of the bar, default is horizontal</dd>
        <dt>SEToNW = boolean</dt>
        if true, bar is growing from bottom to uppper border (for vertical bar)
        or right to left (for horizontal bar)
        (South-Easth to Nord-Weast).
        <dt>Height = number, Width = number</dt>
        <dd>size of the bar, 0 assume size of the unit.</dd>
        <dt>BorderSize = number</dt>
        <dd>bar is surroundded with a border.</dd>
        <dd>Show badgroung like if value is max</dd>

-- Equivalent of ShowHealthDot
DefineDecorations({Index = "HitPoints", HideNeutral = true, CenterX = true,
  OffsetPercent = {50, 100}, Method = {"sprite", {"sprite-health"}}})

<a name="RevealMap"></a>

Reveal the entire map.


<a name="RightButtonAttacks"></a>

If you prefer fighters are attacking by right clicking empty space.


<a name="RightButtonMoves"></a>

If you prefer fighters are moving by right clicking empty space.


<a name="SavePreferences"></a>

Save the user preferences



<a name="SetAllPlayersBuildingLimit"></a>

Set the limit on the number of buildings a player is allowed to have at one time.

  <dd>The maximum number of buildings a player can have.</dd>
  <dd>The limit that was set.</dd>


<a name="SetAllPlayersUnitLimit"></a>

Sets the number of non-building type units a player can have.

  <dd>Number of non-building unit the player can have</dd>
  <dd>The limit that was set.</dd>


<a name="SetAllPlayersTotalUnitLimit"></a>

Sets the total number of units a player may have, building or non-building.

  <dd>The number of units to set the limit to.</dd>
  <dd>The limit that was set.</dd>


<a name="SetBuildingCapture"></a>

Enable or disable building capture.

  <dd>true or false, depending on if you want building capture enabled.</dd>
  <dd>Old value of Building Capture</dd>


<a name="SetClickMissile"></a>

Sets the missile to use for displaying when a player clicks on a location on the map.

  <dd>The missile to use, as defined in the missiles section</dd>
  <dd>Old value of the click missile</dd>


<a name="SetCurrentChapter"></a>

Sets the current chapter in a campaign.  A campaign can have any number of chapters.
If too large a number is specified, it will default to the last chapter.

<dd>The number of the chapter to skip too as define in the campaign definition</dd>


    -- Set to chapter 2

<a name="SetCurrentTip"></a>

Sets the number of the tip to display next. If larger than the number of tips or not tips
are defined, it defaults to Tip 0.

<dd>The tip number to use, defaults to 0 on error</dd>
<dd>The old tip number that was set</dd>


    -- Set Tip to No 10

<a name="SetDamageFormula"></a>

Sets the formula to compute damage for missile that the unit fire on goal.

  <dd>Number description. See Trigger for a explanation.</dd>

--  Damage is random between 51-100% of
--  Max(0, Attacker->BasicDamage - Defender->Armor) + Attacker->PiercingDamage.
  SetDamageFormula(Div(Mul(Add(51, Rand(50)),
				  Add(Max(0, Sub( AttackerVar("BasicDamage"), DefenderVar("Armor"))),
					  AttackerVar("PiercingDamage"))), 100))

<a name="SetDamageMissile"></a>

Sets the missile to use for displaying the damage done to units.

  <dd>missile name to use to display the damage</dd>
  <dd>Old missile type defined as the Damage Missile</dd>


<a name="SetDoubleClickDelay"></a>

Set the delay of double clicking the mouse.

  <dd>The delay in ms.</dd>


<a name="SetEditorSelectIcon"></a>

Set the icon that is used in the editor to indicate selection.

  <dd>The name of the icon.</dd>

  -- Use "icon-human-patrol-land" for the editor's select icon.

<a name="SetEditorUnitsIcon"></a>

Set the icon that is used in the editory for unit selection.

  <dd>The name of the icon.</dd>

  -- Use "icon-footman" for the editor's units icon.

<a name="SetEditorStartUnit"></a>

Set the unit used in the editor to show the start location.

  <dd>The name of the unit.</dd>


<a name="SetFancyBuildings"></a>

if true, enable fancy building (random mirroring buildings).

<a name="SetFogOfWar"></a>

If true, enable fog of war.

<a name="SetFogOfWarColor"></a>

Set the color of the fog of war.  Each parameter is in the range 0-255.

<h4>Example (white fog of war)</h4>

<a name="SetFogOfWarGraphics"></a>

Set the graphics used to render the borders of the view of the units.


<a name="SetFogOfWarOpacity"></a>

Set the level of Opaqueness/transparency of the fog of war (0-255),
128 is optimized, all other values will be much slower to render.

<a name="SetForestRegeneration"></a>

Set forest regeneration speed. (n * seconds, 0 = disabled)

<a name="SetGrabMouse"></a>

Enable/disable grabbing the mouse.

<a name="SetGodMode"></a>

Enable/disable god Mode, you do 255 damage, and take 0 damage. You are still vulnerable to spells.

<dd>#t for on, #f for off</dd>


    -- Set God mode on

<a name="SetHoldClickDelay"></a>

for the wanted hold-click delay (in ms)..


<a name="SetKeyScroll"></a>

enable/disable keyboard scrolling.

<a name="SetKeyScrollSpeed"></a>

Set keyboard scroll speed in frames (1 = each frame,2 each second,...)


<a name="SetLeaveStops"></a>

Enable/disable stopping scrolling on mouse leave.


<a name="SetMaxOpenGLTexture"></a>

<p>Limit the size of OpenGL textures.  If the game is slower with
OpenGL than without it, try setting 1024, 512, or 256 as the limit.</p>

<p>Bos Wars asks OpenGL how large textures it supports, and then
splits all of its graphics into pieces of that size or smaller.  In
some computers however, OpenGL reports support for e.g. 4096x4096
textures but draws those much slower than smaller ones.  You can then
set a smaller limit with this function.  The new limit takes effect
on the next InitVideo call.</p>

<p>If the parameter is 0, or greater than the limit reported by
OpenGL, then Bos Wars uses the OpenGL limit instead.</p>


<a name="SetMaxSelectable"></a>

Set the maximum number of selectable units. (must be positive value)


<a name="SetMetaServer"></a>
<h3>SetMetaServer("host", port)</h3>

Set the default server for internet play.
If you leave this blank, The Multiplay button will default to LAN game.

SetMetaServer("", 7775)

<a name="SetMinimapTerrain"></a>

for minimap with/without terrain.

<a name="SetMouseScroll"></a>

enable/disable mouse scrolling.

<a name="SetMouseScrollSpeed"></a>

Set mouse scroll speed in frames (1=each frame,2 each second,...)
This is when the mouse cursor hits the border.


<a name="SetMouseScrollSpeedControl"></a>

Sets the speed of the mouse scrolling while control is pressed.

<dd>Set the number of pixels to scroll per mouse move of 1 pixel. negative = reversed</dd>
<dd>The old speed that was set</dd>


    -- Set Mouse speed to

<a name="SetMouseScrollSpeedDefault"></a>

Sets the speed of the mouse scrolling while the middle mouse button is pressed.

<dd>Sets the number of pixels to scroll per mouse move of 1 pixel. negative = reversed</dd>
<dd>The old speed that was set</dd>


    -- Set Speed Scroll to 5

<a name="SetRevealAttacker"></a>

Sets if a unit will respond to the attacking unit or not.  If set to true,
they will respond whether they can see the unit or not.  If set to false,
they will only response if the attacker is within their reaction range.

<a name="SetSelectionStyle"></a>

Set selection style, show what units the user had selected.

  <dd>Rectangle around unit</dd>
  <dd>Circle around unit</dd>
  <dd>Rectangle with alpha around unit</dd>
  <dd>Circle with alpha around unit</dd>
  <dd>Draw corners of rectangle</dd>


<a name="SetShowAttackRange"></a>

Enable/disable display of attack range of the selected unit on map.

<a name="SetShowCommandKey"></a>

enable/disable the display of the command keys in buttons.

<a name="SetShowOrders"></a>
<h3>SetShowOrders(boolean or number)</h3>

Enable/disable display of the orders of the selected unit on map.

  <dd>to always show unit orders</dd>
  <dd>to never show orders.</dd>
  <dd>the number of seconds an order should be shown.</dd>


  -- show orders for 2 seconds

<a name="SetShowReactionRange"></a>

Enable/disable display of reaction range of the selected unit on map.

<a name="SetShowSightRange"></a>

How the sight range of the selected unit is shown on map.

    <dd>Alpha rectangle around unit</dd>
    <dd>Alpha circle around unit</dd>
    <dd>Rectangle around unit</dd>

<a name="SetShowTips"></a>

enable/disable show tips at the start of a level

<a name="SetSpeedBuild"></a>

Decrease the time to build a unit by this factor.

<a name="SetSpeedResearch"></a>

Decrease the time to research by this factor.

<a name="SetSpeedResourcesHarvest"></a>
<h3>SetSpeedResourcesHarvest("resource-name", number)</h3>

Set the harvesting speed of the resource.

  -- Speeds up gold mining time by a factor of 10.
  SetSpeedResourcesHarvest("gold", 10)

<a name="SetSpeedResourcesReturn"></a>
<h3>SetSpeedResourcesReturn("resource-name", number)</h3>

Set the returning speed of the resource.

  -- Speeds up the time spent returning gold by a factor of 10.
  SetSpeedResourcesReturn("gold", 10)

<a name="SetSpeedTrain"></a>

Decrease the time to train a unit by this factor.

<a name="SetSpeedUpgrade"></a>

Decrease the time to upgrade a unit by this factor.

<a name="SetSpeeds"></a>

Set all speeds.
This is equivalent to
  SetSpeedResourcesHarvest("all-resource", number)
  SetSpeedResourcesReturn("all-resource", number)

<a name="SetTitleScreens"></a>
<h3>SetTitleScreens({tag = value, ...}, ...)</h3>

Change the default title screens.<br>
Possible tags:

  <dt>Image = "filepath"</dt>
  <dd>Image or video to be displayed as title screen, this is the first screen
displayed. The image should be a png file with 640x480 8-bit indexed colormap.
<dt>Music = "filepath" or "none"</dt>
  <dd>Optional music to be played with the image or video.  Use "none" to stop
previously playing music.
  <dt>Timeout = number</dt>
  <dd>The number of seconds we should show this title-screen.(20 by default)</dd>
  <dt>Editor = number</dt>
  <dd>0 - display this title screen in normal startup (default)</dd>
  <dd>1 - display this title screen only when starting Editor from command line</dd>
  <dt>Label = { {Text = "text", Pos = {x, y}, Font = "font-name"}, ... }</dt>
  <dd>Optional text to be displayed. It's a list of elements with three tags:
    <dt>Text = "text"</dt>
    <dd>The text string to render.</dd>
    <dt>Pos = {x, y}</dt>
    <dd>The text coords to render.</dd>
    <dt>Font = FIXME</dt>
    <dd>Font to use.</dd>
    <dt>Flags = {tag, ...}</dt>
    <dd>The flags that tell us how should be interpretated the pos coords.
        Possible and only value is "center".


  -- This is the default title displayed.
		{Image = "video/int_logo_stratagus.avi", Music =  "video/int_logo_stratagus.ogg",
		Label = {{Text = "~white~Copyright © 1998-2003 The Stratagus Project. All rights reserved.",
                          Pos = {0, 45}, Flags = {"center"}}} },
		{Image = "video/int_logo_bos.avi", Music =  "video/int_logo_bos.ogg"})

<a name="SetTrainingQueue"></a>

enable/disable the training queues.
(ability to train several units in a row)

<a name="SetXPDamage"></a>

enable/disable XP to add more damage to attacks.
FIXME : damage calculation.

<a name="SetUseHPForXp"></a>

How the Xp is compute :
if it is set to true then unit gains Xp equal to damage dealt to enemy unit
else unit gains the max HP of the  killed enemy unit.

<a name="SetVideoFullScreen"></a>

Sets the video to full screen or windowed mode

<dd>#t, #f for true or false for full screen</dd>
<dd>the previous state of the full screen</dd>


    -- Set Fullscreen

<a name="SetVideoResolution"></a>
<h3>SetVideoResolution(x, y)</h3>

Sets the resolution of the video display, valid options are 640x480, 800x600, 1024x768,
1280x960 and 1600x1200.

<dd>Resolution in x from the 640,800,1024,1280,1600 list. Must match y</dd>
<dd>Resolution in y from the 480,600,768,960,1200 list. Must match x</dd>


    -- Set Screen res to 1024x768
    SetVideoResolution(1024, 768)

<a name="SetVideoSyncSpeed"></a>

Sets the video sync speed for the game. 100 is equivilent to 30 frames/second.  200
is equivilent to 60 frames/second.

<dd>The speed to set the game to as described, 100 is default</dd>


    -- Set Speed to 60 frames/second

<a name="ShowEnergySelectedOnly"></a>
Show decoration only for selected unit.
<br>Adjust options for<a href="#DefineDecorations">DefineDecorations()</a>.

<a name="ShowFull"></a>
Use to show bars or dots also when bar is full.
<br>Adjust options for<a href="#DefineDecorations">DefineDecorations()</a>.

<a name="ShowHealthBar"></a>
Equivalent of <a href="#ShowHealthVertical">ShowHealthVertical()</a>
<br>alias of <a href="#DefineDecorations">DefineDecorations()</a>.

<a name="ShowHealthDot"></a>
Adds a health sprite to the bottom of the unit.
<br>alias of <a href="#DefineDecorations">DefineDecorations()</a>.

<a name="ShowHealthHorizontal"></a>
Show health bars horizontal.
<br>alias of <a href="#DefineDecorations">DefineDecorations()</a>.

<a name="ShowHealthVertical"></a>
Show health bars vertical.
<br>alias of <a href="#DefineDecorations">DefineDecorations()</a>.

<a name="ShowManaBar"></a>
Equivalent of <a href="#ShowManaVertical">ShowManaVertical()</a>
<br>alias of <a href="#DefineDecorations">DefineDecorations()</a>.

<a name="ShowManaDot"></a>
Show a mana sprite to the bottom of the unit.
<br>alias of <a href="#DefineDecorations">DefineDecorations()</a>.

<a name="ShowManaHorizontal"></a>
Show mana bars horizontal.
<br>alias of <a href="#DefineDecorations">DefineDecorations()</a>.

<a name="ShowManaVertical"></a>
Show mana bars vertical.
<br>alias of <a href="#DefineDecorations">DefineDecorations()</a>.

<a name="ShowNoFull"></a>
Hide decorations when value is full.
<br>Adjust options for<a href="#DefineDecorations">DefineDecorations()</a>.

<a name="SetGroupKeys"></a>

Define the key to use for group on non-us keyborads. It should be placed in
preferences1.lua, with the key to use for group 0, 1, 2, ... 9, and the key
to unselect all groups ( on the left of the 1 key )

<dd>the keys to substitute to the 0 1 2 3 4... keys

For french azerty, use :
	(set-group-keys "à&amp;é\"'(-è_ç²")

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All trademarks and copyrights on this page are owned by their respective owners.<br>