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----	(c) Copyright 2002-2011 by Lutz Sammer, Russell Smith

----    This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
----    it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
----    the Free Software Foundation; only version 2 of the License.
----    This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
----    but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
----    GNU General Public License for more details.
----    You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
----    along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
----    Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA
----    02110-1301, USA.
    <title>Stratagus Configuration Language Description: Icon</title>
    <meta name="Author" content="">
    <meta name="Keyword" content="ccl,tileset">
    <meta name="Description" content="">
<pre width=80>
         _________ __                 __
        /   _____//  |_____________ _/  |______     ____  __ __  ______
        \_____  \\   __\_  __ \__  \\   __\__  \   / ___\|  |  \/  ___/
        /        \|  |  |  | \// __ \|  |  / __ \_/ /_/  >  |  /\___ \
       /_______  /|__|  |__|  (____  /__| (____  /\___  /|____//____  >
               \/                  \/          \//_____/            \/
    ______________________                           ______________________
                          T H E   W A R   B E G I N S
           Stratagus - A free fantasy real time strategy game engine
<h1>Stratagus Configuration Language Description: Game</h1>
<a href="../index.html">Stratagus</a>
<a href="../faq.html">FAQ</a>
<a href="config.html">PREV</a>
<a href="magic.html">NEXT</a>
<a href="index.html">LUA Index</a>
<a href="#AddKeystrokeHelp">AddKeystrokeHelp</a>
<a href="#AddMessage">AddMessage</a>
<a href="#AddObjective">AddObjective</a>
<a href="#AddTip">AddTip</a>
<a href="#Briefing">Briefing</a>
<a href="#CenterMap">CenterMap</a>
<a href="#ChangeUnitsOwner">ChangeUnitsOwner</a>
<a href="#CreateUnit">CreateUnit</a>
<a href="#DebugPrint">DebugPrint</a>
<a href="#DefineBurningBuilding">DefineBurningBuilding</a>
<a href="#DefineCampaign">DefineCampaign</a>
<a href="#DefineConstruction">DefineConstruction</a>
<a href="#DefineEditorUnitTypes">DefineEditorUnitTypes</a>
<a href="#DefinePlayerColorIndex">DefinePlayerColorIndex</a>
<a href="#DefinePlayerColors">DefinePlayerColors</a>
<a href="#DefineRaceNames">DefineRaceNames</a>
<a href="#DefineRanks">DefineRanks</a>
<a href="#Diplomacy">Diplomacy</a>
<a href="#StratagusMap">StratagusMap</a>
<a href="#GameCycle">GameCycle</a>
<a href="#GetPlayerData">GetPlayerData</a>
<a href="#GetThisPlayer">GetThisPlayer</a>
<a href="#GetUnitVariable">GetUnitVariable</a>
<a href="#GetCurrentLuaPath">GetCurrentLuaPath</a>
<a href="#Group">Group</a>
<a href="#KillUnit">KillUnit</a>
<a href="#KillUnitAt">KillUnitAt</a>
<a href="#LibraryPath">LibraryPath</a>
<a href="#LoadMap">LoadMap</a>
<a href="#Log">Log</a>
<a href="#Makeunit">MakeUnit</a>
<a href="#NewColors">NewColors</a>
<a href="#MoveUnit">MoveUnit</a>
<a href="#Player">Player</a>
<a href="#RemoveObjective">RemoveObjective</a>
<a href="#ReplayLog">ReplayLog</a>
<a href="#ResetKeystrokeHelp">ResetKeystrokeHelp</a>
<a href="#Selection">Selection</a>
<a href="#SetDefaultMap">SetDefaultMap</a>
<a href="#SetDiplomacy">SetDiplomacy</a>
<a href="#SetGameCycle">SetGameCycle</a>
<a href="#SetGameName">SetGameName</a>
<a href="#SetGamePaused">SetGamePaused</a>
<a href="#SetGroupId">SetGroupId</a>
<a href="#SetLocalPlayerName">SetLocalPlayerName</a>
<a href="#SetObjectives">SetObjectives</a>
<a href="#SetPlayerData">SetPlayerData</a>
<a href="#SetResourcesHeld">SetResourcesHeld</a>
<a href="#SetSharedVision">SetSharedVision</a>
<a href="#SetThisPlayer">SetThisPlayer</a>
<a href="#SetUnitVariable">SetUnitVariable</a>
<a href="#ShowMapLocation">ShowMapLocation</a>
<a href="#SharedVision">SharedVision</a>
<a href="#SyncRand">SyncRand</a>
<a href="#Unit">Unit</a>
<h2>Intro - Introduction to game functions and variables</h2>

Everything around the game.
<a name="AddKeystrokeHelp"></a>
<h3>AddKeystrokeHelp("key", "help")</h3>

Add help text in the keystroke help menu.

<dd>Name of the key stroke.
<dd>Descriptive text telling what the keystroke does.


    AddKeystrokeHelp("+", "- increase game speed")
    AddKeystrokeHelp("Ctrl-T", "- track unit")
    AddKeystrokeHelp("F5", "- game options")
    AddKeystrokeHelp("F10", "- game menu")

<a name="AddMessage"></a>

Add a message to be displayed.

<dd>Text message to display.


    -- Adds the message.
    AddMessage("This is a message")

<a name="AddObjective"></a>
<h3>AddObjective(objective position)</h3>

Add an objective to the scenario objectives text list.

<dd>Objective text.
<dd>Optional position (0 offset) to add the objective, default is at the end.


    -- Adds the objective text "-Build a barracks" to the end of the objectives
    -- list and adds the objective "-Destroy all enemies" to the first position.
    AddObjective("-Build a barracks")
    AddObjective("-Destroy all enemies", 0)

<a name="AddTip"></a>

Adds a tip.  Tips are shown at the start of a level.

<dd>Text of the tip.


    AddTip("You can demolish trees and rocks.")

<a name="Briefing"></a>

Set the briefing.

Type must be "sc" or "wc2". Background and text tags are required.


Briefing("type", "wazoogame",
  "title", "sc",
  "objective", "Kill all aliens on the map.",
  "background", "campaigns/human/interface/introscreen3.png",
  "text", "campaigns/human/level07h.txt",
  "voice", "campaigns/human/level07h-intro1.wav",
  "voice", "campaigns/human/level07h-intro2.wav"

<a name="CenterMap"></a>
<h3>CenterMap(x, y)</h3>

Center the current viewport at a certain location.

<dd>X tile location.
<dd>Y tile location.


    -- Centers the current viewport at tile 17x40.
    CenterMap(17, 40)

<a name="ChangeUnitsOwner"></a>
<h3>ChangeUnitsOwner({x1, y1}, {x2, y2}, oldplayer, newplayer)</h3>

Changes the owner of a group of units from one player to another.

<dt>{x1, y1}</dt>
<dd>Upper left location for tilebox to check for units within.
<dt>{x2, y2}</dt>
<dd>Lower right location for tilebox to check for units within.
<dd>The player that currently owns the units
<dd>The player that the units should now be owned by


    -- Changes the owner to player 2 for all units owned by player 3,
    -- that are located in the area (0,0)-(10,10).
    ChangeUnitsOwner({0, 0}, {10, 10}, 3, 2)

<a name="CreateUnit"></a>
<h3>CreateUnit(type, player, {x, y})</h3>

Create a unit at a location.  If the location is occupied, the unit will be
placed in the closest available spot.

<dd>Type of unit to create.
<dd>Player number that owns the unit.
<dd>X map tile location.
<dd>Y map tile location.
<dd>The slot number of the created unit.


    -- Creates a footman for player 2 at location 31x34.
    CreateUnit("unit-footman", 2, {31, 34})

<a name="DebugPrint"></a>

Print debug message with info about current script name, line number and function name.

<dd>String to display</dd>


    DebugPrint("Loading config file...")

<a name="DefineBurningBuilding"></a>
<h3>DefineBurningBuilding({"percent", p, "missile", m} ...)</h3>

Define the burning animation for buildings. The animation will be laid over the building image.

<dd>Hit point percentage.
<dd>Fire missile to display.


        {"percent", 0, "missile", "missile-big-fire"},
        {"percent", 50, "missile", "missile-small-fire"},
        {"percent", 75}) -- no missile


<a name="DefineCampaign"></a>
<h3>DefineCampaign(ident, "name", campaign-name, [campaign-data])</h3>

Define the campaign.

<dd>name identifying the campaign in the scripts.
<dd>name of the campaigned displayed to players.



<a name="DefineConstruction"></a>
<h3>DefineConstruction(ident ...)</h3>
Defines a construction.<br>
Constructions can specify multiple files and shadow files.  Shadows are
The construction frames should be ordered by increasing percentages and the
first frame should be 0.

DefineConstruction( ident
  Files = {
    File = filename,
    Size = {x, y}},
  ShadowFile = {{
    Tileset = tileset,
    File = filename,
    Size = {x, y}}},
  Constructions = {{
    percent = percent,
    file = construction-file,
    frame = frame-number}}

<dd>Unique name of the construction.
<dd>Name of tileset or default to use with any tileset.
<dd>Path of the graphic.
<dd>Percentage of construction complete.
<dd>Can be construction or main, specifies which image should be displayed.
<dd>Specfies which frame number to display.


    -- Defines construction-land with different graphics for summer and winter
    -- tilesets.  Buildings 0-24 percent complete use frame 0 of the construction
    -- image, 25-49 percent complete use frame 1 of the construction image, and 50-99
    -- percent complete use the frame 1 of the main building graphic.
    DefineConstruction("construction-land", {
        Files= {{
                Tileset = "desert",
                File = "neutral/buildings/land_construction_site.png",
                Size = {64, 64}},{
                Tileset = "winter",
                File = "tilesets/winter/neutral/buildings/land_construction_site.png",
                Size = {64, 64}}},
        Constructions = {{
                Percent = 0,
                File = "construction",
                Frame = 0},{
                Percent = 25,
                File = "construction",
                Frame = 1},{
                Percent = 50,
                File = "main",
                Frame = 1}}

<a name="DefineEditorUnitTypes"></a>
<h3>DefineEditorUnitTypes({unit1, unit2, ...})</h3>

Creates a sorted list of unit-types for the editor.
This is only a temporary hack for better sorted units.

<dd>identifier of the unit.



<a name="DefinePlayerColorIndex"></a>
<h3>DefinePlayerColorIndex(colorstart, numcolors)</h3>

Define the graphic color indexes to be replaced by the player color.

<dd>Index of the first color
<dd>Total number of colors


    DefinePlayerColorIndex(10, 5) -- for indexes 10-14

<a name="DefinePlayerColors"></a>
<h3>DefinePlayerColors({"color", {{R, G, B}, {R, G, B}, {R, G, B}, {R, G, B}}, ...})</h3>

Define the player colors.  There should be 16 colors defined and 4 shades of each color.

<dd>Name of the player color
<dt>R, G, B</dt>
<dd>Red, green, blue values for each color


      "red", {{164, 0, 0}, {124, 0, 0}, {92, 4, 0}, {68, 4, 0}},
      "blue", {...},

<a name="DefineRaceNames"></a>
<h3>DefineRaceNames("race", {...}, "race", {...}, ... )</h3>

Define the race names.

  "race", {
    "name", "race-name",
    "display", "race-display-name"
  ["race", {...}] ...)

<dd>Internal race name used by other ccl functions.
<dd>Name of the race that gets displayed to the user.
<dd>If specified the race will be visible in the race menus.


    -- Defines the elites and neutral races.  The neutral race is
    -- not visible in the race menus.
        "race", {
                "race", 0,
                "name", "elites",
                "display", "Elites",
        "race", {
                "race", 1,
                "name", "neutral",
                "display", "Neutral"}

<a name="DefineRanks"></a>
<h3>DefineRanks( race '(score rank [score rank] ...))</h3>

Define ranks for a race.

<dd>The race to define the ranks for.
<dd>If the player's score is greater than or equal to this number then the
rank is displayed.  Scores are expected to be sorted in increasing order.
<dd>The rank that gets displayed.


    -- Defines the ranks for the alliance race.
    DefineRanks("alliance", {
       0, "Pathetic",
       3000, "Not Bad",
       10000, Great

<a name="Diplomacy"></a>
<h3>Diplomacy(state, enemy)</h3>

Does the same as SetDiplomacy(currentplayer, state, enemy).

See <a href="#SetDiplomacy">SetDiplomacy</a> for more details.

<a name="StratagusMap"></a>

Needed to load/save games.


  "version", "2.1.0",
  "description", "big brazilian forest",
  "the-map", {
  "terrain", {"tileset-desert", "desert"},
  "size", {128, 128},
  "filename", "maps/braza.pud",
  "map-fields", {
  -- 0
  {125, 125, "land", "block", "wood",},   {125, 125, "land", "block", "wood",},
  {125, 125, "land", "block", "wood",},   {125, 125, "land", "block", "wood",},
  {125, 125, "land", "block", "wood",},   {125, 125, "land", "block", "wood",},
  {125, 125, "land", "block", "wood",},   {125, 125, "explored", 1, "land", "block", "wood",},
  {125, 125, "explored", 1, "land", "block", "wood",}

<a name="GameCycle"></a>

Returns the current game cycle.


    cycle = GameCycle()

<a name="GetCurrentLuaPath">

Returns the path of the currenly interpreted lua script.


<a name="GetPlayerData"></a>
<h3>GetPlayerData(player, property)</h3>

Returns the requested player property.

The <i>player</i> argument is the number of the player.

Possible values for <i>property</i>:
<dd>Name of the player. This name may be exposed in multiplayer games.
<dd>Name of race.
<dd>The amount of resources available for the resource whose name is given as third argument.
<dd>The amount of units whose type is given as third argument.
<dd>True if the player is controled by the computer.
<dd>total # units for units' list.
<dd>number of buildings owned by the player.
<dd>supply available/produced.
<dd>demand of player.
<dd>maximum number of non-building units allowed.
<dd>maximum number of buildings allowed.
<dd>maximum number of units of any kind allowed.
<dd>Points for killing ...
<dd>Total number of units.
<dd>Total number of buildings.
<dd>Total resources of the <i>resource</i> type collected by the player.
<dd>Total buildings destroyed.
<dd>How many units killed.


    playername = GetPlayerData(player, "Name")

<a name="GetThisPlayer"></a>

Returns the current player. Usefull mostly in for AI scripts.


    player = GetThisPlayer()

<a name="GetUnitVariable"></a>
<h3>GetUnitVariable(unit, VariableName, third_element)</h3>

Get a unit's variable.

<dd>Unit to get info for.</dd>
<dd>Name of the variable to get info for.</dd>
<dd>Used for certain alternate uses of the function, described below.</dd>

Besides variable names, the <i>VariableName</i> field takes the following alternate values:
<dd>Use this to get whether the unit has a certain individual upgrade. Use the upgrade's ident in the <i>third_element</i> field.
<dd>Use this to get whether the unit's AI is active.
<dd>Use this to get whether the unit is idle.


-- Get mana of the unit (slot #11).
GetUnitVariable(11, "Mana");

<a name="Group"></a>
<h3>Group(group, quantity, {unit0, unit1, ...})</h3>

Create a group of units.

<dd>Group number.
<dd>How much units are in the group.
<dd>unit slot number.

<a name="KillUnit"></a>
<h3>KillUnit(unit, player)</h3>

Kill a unit.

"unit-name"  Unit type of this name
"any"        Matches any unit type
"all"        All units (sum of units and buildings)
"units"      All non building units
"building"   All building units
0 .. 16     Player number
"any"        Matches any player
"all"        All players (Not used)
"this"       Player on the local computer, Human player in the campaign.


    -- Kills a peasant of the player on the local computer.
    KillUnit("unit-peasant", "this");

<a name="KillUnitAt"></a>
<h3>KillUnitAt(unit, player, quantity, location1, location2)</h3>

Kills units at a specific location.

"unit-name"  Unit type of this name
"any"        Matches any unit type
"all"        All units (sum of units and buildings)
"units"      All non building units
"building"   All building units
0 .. 16     Player number
"any"        Matches any player
"all"        All players (Not used)
"this"       Player on the local computer, Human player in the campaign.
0 ... oo    Number for the quantity
{x1, y1}    Upper left corner
{x2, y2}    Lower right corner


    -- Kills any units in the rectangle (5,12) to (9,15).
    KillUnitAt("any", "any", 9, {5, 12}, {9, 15});

<a name="LibraryPath"></a>

Returns the Stratagus library path. The Stratagus library path points to the game data directory.


    path = LibraryPath()

<a name="ListDirectory"></a>

Returns a list with all files and subdirectories found in the directory pointed by path.
If the given path starts with '~', then the path is relative to the
user stratagus preferences directory.
The path cannot include any special character.


    list = ListDirectory("music/")

<a name="ListFilesInDirectory"></a>

Returns a list with all files found in the directory pointed by path.
The path is relative to the game directory.
If the given path starts with '~', then the path is relative to the
stratagus' user preferences directory.
The path cannot include any special character.


    list = ListFilesInDirectory("music/")

<a name="ListDirsInDirectory"></a>

Returns a list with all subdirectories found in the directory pointed by path.
The path is relative to the game directory.
If the given path starts with '~', then the path is relative to the
user stratagus preferences directory.
The path cannot include any special character.


    list = ListDirsInDirectory("music/")

<a name="LoadMap"></a>

Load a map using any of the supported formats.

<dd>Name of the map to load.


    -- Loads the map.

<a name="Log"></a>

Parse a log entry. Used in replay games.


    Log({ GameCycle = 10420, UnitNumber = 252, UnitIdent = "unit-assault",
       Action = "move", Flush = 1, PosX = 113, PosY = 104, SyncRandSeed = 614148735 })

<a name="MakeUnit"></a>
<h3>MakeUnit(unittype, player)</h3>

Create a unit which can later be placed on the map with <a href="#PlaceUnit">PlaceUnit</a>.

<dd>type of unit to create.</dd>
<dd>player number for who the unit is created.</dd>
<dd>The slot number of the created unit.


    unit = MakeUnit("unit-assault", 0)

<a name="NewColors"></a>

Change players colors.



<a name="MoveUnit"></a>
<h3>MoveUnit(unit-slot, {x, y})</h3>

Place a unit on map. If the location is occupied,
the unit will be placed in the closest available spot.

<dd>slot number of the unit to be placed
<dd>X map tile position.
<dd>Y map tile position.


    MoveUnit(0, {10, 12})

<a name="Player"></a>

Used when loading games.


  "name", "feb",
  "type", "person", "race", "elites", "ai", 0,
  "team", 2, "enemy", "_X______________", "allied", "________________",
  "shared-vision", "________________",
  "start", {0, 0},
  "resources", {"time", 0, "titanium", 2100, "crystal", 1000,
 "gas", 1000, "ore", 1000, "stone", 1000, "coal", 1000,},
  "last-resources", {"time", 0, "titanium", 2100, "crystal", 1000,
 "gas", 1000, "ore", 1000, "stone", 1000, "coal", 1000,},
  "incomes", {"time", 0, "titanium", 100, "crystal", 100,
 "gas", 100, "ore", 100, "stone", 100, "coal", 100,},
  "revenue", {"time", 0, "titanium", 0, "crystal", 0,
 "gas", 0, "ore", 0, "stone", 0, "coal", 0,},
 "supply", 1575, "unit-limit", 200, "building-limit", 200, "total-unit-limit", 400,
  "score", 0,
  "total-units", 16,
  "total-buildings", 16,
  "total-resources", {0, 100, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,},
  "total-razings", 0,
  "total-kills", 0,
  "color", { 160, 0, 0 },
  "timers", {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
     0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
     0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
     0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0
     0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
     0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
     0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0
     0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
     0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
     0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,}

<a name="RemoveObjective"></a>

Remove an objective from the scenario objectives text list.

<dd>Position (0 offset) to remove from the objectives list.


    -- Remove the first objective from the objectives list.

<a name="ReplayLog"></a>

Used in replay games.


ReplayLog( {
  Comment1 = "Generated by Stratagus Version 2.2",
  Comment2 = "Visit for more information",
  Date = "Wed Jul 21 16:22:17 2004",
  Map = "big",
  MapPath = "maps/braza.pud",
  MapId = 4047425872,
  Type = 1,
  Race = -1,
  LocalPlayer = 0,
  Players = {
        { Race = 0, Team = 0, Type = 0 },
        { Race = 0, Team = 0, Type = 0 },
        { Race = 0, Team = 0, Type = 0 },
        { Race = 0, Team = 0, Type = 0 },
        { Race = 0, Team = 0, Type = 0 },
        { Race = 0, Team = 0, Type = 0 },
        { Race = 0, Team = 0, Type = 0 },
        { Race = 0, Team = 0, Type = 0 },
        { Race = 0, Team = 0, Type = 0 },
        { Race = 0, Team = 0, Type = 0 },
        { Race = 0, Team = 0, Type = 0 },
        { Race = 0, Team = 0, Type = 0 },
        { Race = 0, Team = 0, Type = 0 },
        { Race = 0, Team = 0, Type = 0 },
        { Race = 0, Team = 0, Type = 0 },
        { Race = 0, Team = 0, Type = 0 }
  Resource = -1,
  NumUnits = -1,
  TileSet = -1,
  NoFow = 0,
  RevealMap = 0,
  GameType = -1,
  Opponents = -1,
  Engine = { 2, 1, 0 },
  Network = { 0, 9, 2 }
} )

<a name="ResetKeystrokeHelp"></a>

Clear all keystroke help menu.



<a name="Selection"></a>
<h3>Selection(numselected, unit0, ...)</h3>

Define the current selection.

<dd>How many units are selected.
<dd>slot number of the unit to add in the selection.


    Selection(1, 0)

<a name="SetDefaultMap"></a>

Set the default map path.

<dd>Path to the map.


    -- Sets the default map to "puds/default.pud".

<a name="SetDiplomacy"></a>
<h3>SetDiplomacy(player, state, enemy)</h3>

Alters the diplomacy setting between two players. eg enemy, allied

<dd>Player to effect change of diplomacy on.
<dd>State of relationship between players ("allied", "enemy", "neutral", "crazy").
<dd>Other player involved in diplomacy.


    -- Sets player 1 to be an enemy of player 0.
    SetDiplomacy(0, "enemy", 1)

<a name="SetGameCycle"></a>

Set the current game cycle number.

<dd>The game cycle number.


    -- Set the game cycle number to 100.

<a name="SetGameName"></a>

Sets the name of the game so savegames, maps, settings and logs can be set
differently for different games used.

<dd>The name the game has for loading and saving files</dd>


    -- Set Name to bos, ~/.stratagus/bos is location of files

<a name="SetGamePaused"></a>

Pause or unpause the game.

<dd>true for paused, false for unpaused.


    -- Pauses the game.

<a name="SetGroupId"></a>

Set the current group id. (Needed for load/save).

<dd>new group id.



<a name="SetLocalPlayerName"</a>

Sets the name of the player playing on this computer. Also saved in
preferences, and a default used when the game is started.

<dd>The name of the player, limited to 16 characters"</dd>


    -- Set Player Name to mr-russ

<a name="SetObjectives"></a>
<h3>SetObjectives(objective [objective ...])</h3>

Set the mission objectives.  This will overwrite any previous objectives.

<dd>Mission objective text.


    -- Sets the mission objectives.
    SetObjectives("Build 4 farms", "Mine 500 gold")

<a name="SetSharedVision"></a>
<h3>SetSharedVision(player, state, opponent)</h3>

Sets shared vision.

<dd>Player number to set shared vision.
<dd>Use true to turn on shared vision, false to turn off.
<dd>Player number to change.


    -- Sets shared vision for player 0 to on with player 2.
    SetSharedVision(0, true, 2)

<a name="SetPlayerData"></a>
<h3>SetPlayerData(player, property, [resource], value)</h3>

Set the requested player property to a given <i>value</i>.

The <i>player</i> argument is the number of the player.

Possible values for <i>property</i>:
<dd>Name of the player. This name may be exposed in multiplayer games.
<dd>Name of the race of the player. Don't change this value during the game.
<dd>The amount of resources available of the <i>resource</i> kind.
<dd>maximum number of non-building units allowed.
<dd>maximum number of buildings allowed.
<dd>maximum number of units of any kind allowed.
<dd>Points for killing ...
<dd>Total number of units.
<dd>Total number of buildings.
<dd>Total resources of the <i>resource</i> type collected by the player.
<dd>Total buildings destroyed.
<dd>How many units killed.


    SetPlayerData(player, "Name", "playername")

<a name="SetResourcesHeld"></a>
<h3>SetResourcesHeld(unit, resources)</h3>

Set the amount of resources available in a unit. Mostly used for harvestable resources.

<dd>unit identifier obtained via for example CreateUnit.
<dd>amount of resources held by the unit.


    unit = CreateUnit("unit-crystal", {10,45})
    SetResourcesHeld(unit, 2500)

<a name="SetThisPlayer"></a>

Set ThisPlayer.

<dd>Player number.



<a name="SetUnitVariable"></a>
<h3>SetUnitVariable(unit, VariableName, amount, fourth_element)</h3>
Set the amount of VariableName of the unit.
<dd>Unit to set the info for.</dd>
<dd>Variable to set.</dd>
<dd>New amount of VariableName for the unit.</dd>
<dd>Used for certain alternative uses of the function, described below.</dd>

Besides variable names, the <i>VariableName</i> field takes the following alternate string values:
<dd>Use this to make the unit acquire or lose an individual upgrade. Use the upgrade's ident in the <i>amount</i> field, and whether the upgrade should be acquired or lost in the <i>fourth_element</i> field (set it to true or false).
<dd>Use this to set the unit's AI to active. Use true or false for the <i>amount</i> field.


--  Set mana of the unit (slot 11)
SetUnitVariable(11, "Mana", 255)

<a name="SharedVision"></a>
<h3>SharedVision(state, opponent)</h3>

Sets shared vision for the player at the computer.

<dd>Use true to turn on shared vision, false to turn off.
<dd>Player number to change.


    -- Sets shared vision on with player number 3.
    SharedVision(true, 3)

<a name="ShowMapLocation"></a>
<h3>ShowMapLocation(x, y, radius, cycles, unit)</h3>

Show an area on the map for the given player.

<dt>x (integer)</dt>
<dd>X position on the map to show.</dd>
<dt>y (integer)</dt>
<dd>Y position on the map to show.</dd>
<dt>radius (integer)</dt>
<dd>Radius of vision to show.</dd>
<dt>cycles (integer)</dt>
<dd>The number of game cycles that the area should be shown for</dd>
<dt>unit (string)</dt>
<dd>The unit to use for displaying the sight range. Most properties of the unit
    will be used in the display, whether they can see cloaked units or not.
    Square Vision can also be achived by creating a large unit, say 10x10 and
    specifying the radius to be 1</dd>


    -- Show an area of 6 tiles around location (10,10) for 500 cycles using 'unit-revealer.
    ShowMapLocation(10, 10, 6, 500, "unit-revealer")

<a name="SyncRand"></a>

Get a value from the Stratagus syncronized random number generator.
Used to allow the AI to make syncronized choices with multiplayer, and
during replays.

<dd>Number to create random from, eg 10</dd>
<dd>the number randomly generated, eg 0-9 for input 10.</dd>


    if(SyncRand(10) &lt; 5) then
		-- Do this
		-- Do that

<a name="Unit"></a>

Needed to save/load games.


Unit(0, "type", "unit-vault", "player", 0,
  "tile", {116, 120}, "refs", 6, "stats", 0,
  "pixel", {0, 0}, "seen-pixel", {0, 0}, "frame", 1, "not-seen", "direction", 0,
  "attacked", 0,
  "current-sight-range", 4, "seen-by-player", "X_______________",
  "seen-destroyed", "________________",
  "seen-state", 0,  "active", "mana", 0, "hp", 1800, "xp", 0, "kills", 0,
  "ttl", 0, "bloodlust", 0, "haste", 0, "slow", 0,
  "invisible", 0, "flame-shield", 0, "unholy-armor", 0,
  "HitPoints", {Value = 1800, Max = 1800, Increase = 0, Enable = true},
  "Mana", {Value = 0, Max = 0, Increase = 0, Enable = false},
  "Transport", {Value = 0, Max = 0, Increase = 0, Enable = true},
  "Research", {Value = 0, Max = 0, Increase = 0, Enable = true},
  "Training", {Value = 0, Max = 0, Increase = 0, Enable = true},
  "UpgradeTo", {Value = 0, Max = 0, Increase = 0, Enable = true},
  "Resource", {Value = 0, Max = 0, Increase = 0, Enable = true},
  "group-id", 0,
  "last-group", 0,
  "value", 0,
  "sub-action", 0, "wait", 2, "state", 2,
  "blink", 0, "rs", 35, "units-boarded-count", 0,"order-count", 1,
  "order-flush", 0,
  "order-total", 4,
        "orders", {
    {"action-still", "flags", 0, "range", 0, "width", 0, "height", 0, "min-range", 0, "tile", {-1, -1},},
    {"action-none", "flags", 0, "range", 0, "width", 0, "height", 0, "min-range", 0, "tile", {0, 0},},
    {"action-none", "flags", 0, "range", 0, "width", 0, "height", 0, "min-range", 0, "tile", {0, 0},},
    {"action-none", "flags", 0, "range", 0, "width", 0, "height", 0, "min-range", 0, "tile", {0, 0},},},
    {"action-still", "flags", 0, "range", 0, "width", 0, "height", 0, "min-range", 0, "tile", {-1, -1},},
    {"action-still", "flags", 0, "range", 0, "width", 0, "height", 0, "min-range", 0, "tile", {-1, -1},}

(C) Copyright 2002-2015 by The <a href="">Stratagus</a> Project under the <a href="../gpl.html">GNU General Public License</a>.<br>
All trademarks and copyrights on this page are owned by their respective owners.<br>