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----	(c) Copyright 2002-2011 by Lutz Sammer, Russell Smith

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    <title>Stratagus Configuration Language Description: Icon</title>
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<pre width=80>
         _________ __                 __
        /   _____//  |_____________ _/  |______     ____  __ __  ______
        \_____  \\   __\_  __ \__  \\   __\__  \   / ___\|  |  \/  ___/
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               \/                  \/          \//_____/            \/
    ______________________                           ______________________
                          T H E   W A R   B E G I N S
           Stratagus - A free fantasy real time strategy game engine
<h1>Stratagus Configuration Language Description: Sound</h1>
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<a href="#DefineGameSounds">DefineGameSounds</a>
<a href="#MakeSound">MakeSound</a>
<a href="#MakeSoundGroup">MakeSoundGroup</a>
<a href="#MapSound">MapSound</a>
<a href="#PlayFile">PlayFile</a>
<a href="#PlayMusic">PlayMusic</a>
<a href="#PlaySound">PlaySound</a>
<a href="#SetCdMode">SetCdMode</a>
<a href="#SetGlobalSoundRange">SetGlobalSoundRange</a>
<a href="#SetMusicVolume">SetMusicVolume</a>
<a href="#SetSoundRange">SetSoundRange</a>
<a href="#SetSoundVolume">SetSoundVolume</a>
<a href="#SoundForName">SoundForName</a>
<a href="#SoundOff">SoundOff</a>
<a href="#SoundOn">SoundOn</a>
<a href="#StopMusic">StopMusic</a>
<h2>Intro - Introduction to sound functions and variables</h2>

Everything around sound.
<a name="DefineGameSounds"></a>
<h3>DefineGameSounds("name", arg, [[name2, arg] ...])</h3>

Specify some global sounds.

<dt>"name", arg</dt>
<dd>One of the following:
<dl>"click", SoundId</dl>
<dl>"placement-error", SoundId</dl>
<dl>"placement-success", SoundId</dl>

<dl>"rescue",{"RaceName", SoundId}</dl>
<dl>"work-complete", {RaceName, SoundId}</dl>
<dt>Where Soundid is the sound to use</dt>
<dt>And RaceName the concerned race.</dt>


--	Define sounds used by game

  "placement-error", MakeSound("placement error", "ui/placement_error.wav"),
  "placement-success", MakeSound("placement success", "ui/placement_success.wav"),
  "click", sound_click, -- sound_click already define as SoundId

-- FIXME: Not ready
--  "transport-docking",
--  "building-construction",

  "work-complete", {"human", MakeSound("basic human voices work complete", "human/basic_voices/work_complete.wav")},
  "work-complete", {"orc", MakeSound("basic orc voices work complete", "orc/basic_voices/work_complete.wav")},

  "rescue", {"human", MakeSound("human rescue", "human/rescue.wav")},
  "rescue", {"orc", MakeSound("orc rescue", "orc/rescue.wav")} )

<a name="MakeSound"></a>
<h3>MakeSound("name", "file" or {"file1", "file2", ...})</h3>

Asks the sound system to register a sound under a given name, with an
associated list of files (the list can be replaced by only one file).

<dd>Name of the sound.
<dd>Name of the file or a list of files.


-- Makes the sounds "lightning" and "basic human voices acknowledge".
MakeSound("lightning", "spells/lightning.wav")

MakeSound("basic human voices acknowledge",

<a name="MakeSoundGroup"></a>
<h3>MakeSoundGroup("name", "groupname1" or SoundId, "groupname2" or SoundId)</h3>

Asks the sound system to build a special sound group.

<dd>Name of the sound.
<dd>sound-id or string


--	Define selection sound groups.
	"basic human voices selected", "basic human voices annoyed")

<a name="MapSound"></a>
<h3>MapSound("name", "sound")</h3>

Ask the sound system to remap a sound id to a given name.

<dd>Name of the sound.
<dd>Sound to map to.


-- Maps the name "footman-acknowledge" to "basic human voices acknowledge".
MapSound("footman-acknowledge", "basic human voices acknowledge")

<a name="PlayFile"></a>
Play a sound file.
<dd>Name of the file to play.

-- Play the file "spells/lightning.wav".

<a name="PlayMusic"></a>

Name of the music file to play.

<dd>Name of the music file.

-- Plays the music file "music/default.mod".

<a name="PlaySound"></a>

Ask the sound system to play the specified sound.

<dd>Name of the sound to play.

-- Play the sound "basic human voices ready".
PlaySound("basic human voices ready")

<a name="SetCdMode"></a>

Set the cd mode.

<dd>plays all tracks</dd>
<dd>plays random tracks</dd>
<dd>play according to playlist below. define before playlist = {"song1", "song2", ...}</dd>
<dd>turns cd player off</dd>

-- Set the cd mode to play songs in a random order.

<a name="SetGlobalSoundRange"></a>

Set the cut off distance.
<dd>Max tile distance to hear sounds.

-- Set the sound range to 40.

<a name="SetMusicVolume"></a>

Set the music volume.

<dd>Number between 0 and MaxVolume.


-- Set the music volume to 128.

<a name="SetSoundRange"></a>
<h3>SetSoundRange("name", distance)</h3>

Set the range of a given sound.

<dd>Name of the sound.
<dd>Max tile distance to hear the sound.

-- Set the range of the sound "basic human voices ready" to 20.
SetSoundRange("basic human voices ready", 20)

<a name="SetSoundVolume"></a>

Global volume support.

<dd>Number between 0 and MaxVolume.

-- Set the sound volume to 128.

<a name="SoundForName"></a>

Ask the sound system to associate a sound id to a sound name.

<dd>Name of the sound.


SoundForName("peasant attack")
<a name="SoundOff"></a>

Turn off sound.


-- Turns off sound.

<a name="SoundOn"></a>

Turn on sound.


-- Turns on sound.

<a name="StopMusic"></a>

Stop playing music.

-- Stop playing music.

(C) Copyright 2002-2015 by The <a href="">Stratagus</a> Project under the <a href="../gpl.html">GNU General Public License</a>.<br>
All trademarks and copyrights on this page are owned by their respective owners.<br>