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<title> Yodl 4.02.01 </title>
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    <li> <a href="yodl.html">Table of Contents</a>
    <li> <a href="yodl05.html">Previous Chapter</a>
<a name="l351"></a>
<h1 >Chapter 6: Technical information</h1>
This chapter consists of various sections. The first section describes <code >Yodl</code>
from the point of view of the systems administrator. Issues such as the
installation of the package are addressed here. The second section describes
<code >Yodl</code>'s technical implementation in some detail. Apart from the documentation
about <code >Yodl</code> given here, much can be found in the individual source
files. However, section <a href="yodl06.html#ORGANIZATION">6.2</a> describes `the broad
picture'. Having read section <a href="yodl06.html#ORGANIZATION">6.2</a>, it should be relatively easy
to determine what happens where inside the <code >Yodl</code> program and the <code >yodl-post</code>
post processor.
<a name="l352"></a>
<h2 >6.1: Obtaining Yodl</h2>
    <code >Yodl</code> and the distributed macro package can be obtained from
<a href=""></a>. The associated git-repository page is 
located at <a href=""></a>.
Yodl can also be retrieved as a binary Debian package: to find it at 
<a href=""></a> by entering <code >yodl</code> (in any
distribution) in the form-fields you'll find on that page.
<a name="l353"></a>
<h3 >6.1.1: Installing Yodl</h3>
            The binary package, distributed in <code >yodl-X.Y.Z_a.b.c.deb</code> can be
installed using <code >dpkg -install yodl-X.Y.Z</code>. It installs:
    <li> <code >Yodl</code>'s binaries in <code >/usr/bin</code>;
    <li> <code >Yodl</code>'s macros in <code >/usr/share/yodl</code>
    <li> <code >Yodl</code>'s documentation in <code >/usr/share/doc/yodl</code>;
    <li> <code >Yodl</code>'s manpages in <code >/usr/share/man/man{1,7}</code>;
    Local installations, not using the Debian installation process, can be
obtained using the provided <code >icmake</code> build-script see below. An alternative
(cf. <code >contrib/</code>) is to use the contributed <code ></code> script. Note
that <code ></code> is not maintained by me. If you bump against problems when
using it, I'll probably not be able to help you out.
If a local installation is preferred or required, 
unpack the file <code >yodl-X.Y.Z.tar.gz</code>. Next, chdir to the directory 
<code >yodl-X.Y.Z</code>, and optionally tweak the file
<code >config</code> to your needs. Next, issue the command:

    build programs    (or use `build programs strip' to strip the binaries)
    build macros
    build man
    build manual

    followed by 

   install programs WHERE        (install the programs under WHERE,
                                  e.g. install programs /usr/bin)

   install macros WHERE          (install the macros under WHERE
                                  e.g., install macros /usr/share/yodl)

   install man WHERE             (install the man-pages under WHERE
                                  e.g., install man /usr/share/man)
   install manual WHERE          (install the manual under WHERE
                                  e.g., install manual /usr/share/doc/yodl)

   install docs WHERE            (install additional docs under WHERE
                                  e.g., install docs /usr/share/doc/yodl)

The installation process installs the binaries, manual pages, other
documentation and macro files under the indicated directories. 
However, by far the easiest way to install a binary distribution is to use
the Debian <code >dpkg --install yodl*.deb</code> command. <code >Dpkg</code> installs the
various parts according to Debian's conventions under <code >usr/</code>. 
Installation from source requires you to have the following programs
installed on your system: 
    <li> A recent <strong >C</strong> compiler and run-time environment. A POSIX-compliant
compiler, libraries and set of header files should work without problems. 
    <li> A recent installation of <code >Icmake</code>: <code >Icmake</code> is part of the
standard Debian distribution, and can also be obtained from 
<a href=""></a>
    <li> Standard tools, like <code >sed</code>, <code >grep</code>, <code >perl</code>, etc..
    <li> <code >/bin/sh</code>: a POSIX-compliant shell interpreter. The GNU shell
interpreter <code >bash</code> can be used instead.
<a name="ORGANIZATION"></a><a name="l354"></a>
<h2 >6.2: Organization of the software</h2>
    This section describes the organization of the source files. Its contents are
not necessarily relevant for the binary distribution. The section is probably
most useful to those readers who want to be able to extend or who want to do
maintenance on <code >Yodl</code>'s sources, or who want simply to understand what's
happening inside the <code >Yodl</code> program. 
Much of the documentation is provided in the individual source files
themselves. This section, however, should offer the `broad picture', allowing
you to understand the logic behind <code >Yodl</code> relatively fast.
<a name="l355"></a>
<h3 >6.2.1: Subdirectories and their meanings</h3>
        After unpacking <code >Yodl</code>'s source archive, the following directories are available:
    <li> <code >yodl</code>: the root-directory of the <code >Yodl</code> tree. All sources and
program maintenance scripts are found in or below this directory.
    <li> <code >yodl/macros</code>: This directory contains all the macro
definitions of the standard macro package. It contains the following
        <li> <code >yodl/macros/in</code>: This directory contains 
generic macro files. These macro files contain the word <code >@STD_INCLUDE@</code>,
which is replaced by the standard include directory used in a particular
        <li> <code >yodl/macros/rawmacros</code>: This directory contains the raw
macro definition files themselves. One file per raw macro. A raw macro
contains the implementations of that macro for <em >all</em> supported conversion
types, and has the extension <code >.raw</code>. Furthermore, this directory contains
some support scripts: <code >create,,</code>.
        <li> <code >yodl/macros/yodl</code>: this is the directory to contain <code >Yodl</code>'s
standard macros. The (recursive) contents of this directory is eventually
copied by the installation procedure to the <code >.../share/yodl</code> directory,
which then becomes <code >Yodl</code>'s standard include directory.
        <li> <code >yodl/macros/yodl/chartables</code>: This directory contains 
character-translation tables for various target languages.
        <li> <code >yodl/macros/yodl/xml</code>: This directory contains the XML frame
files, used to convert <code >Yodl</code> documents to XML, as implemented by the
`webplatform' of the University of Groningen. All these frame files have the
extensions <code >.xml</code>.
    <li> <code >yodl/man</code>: The raw source files of all man-pages:
manpages of the <code >Yodl</code> program itself, of the yodl post-processor, of the
conversion scripts, of the builtin-functions, of the standard macros and of
<code >Yodl</code>'s <code >manpage</code> and <code >letter</code> document types. These raw source files have
the extensions <code >.in</code>, indicating that they may contain <code >@STD_INCLUDE@</code>
words, which is replaced by the eventually used standard include path.
        <li> <code >yodl/man/1</code>: The destination for <code >Yodl</code>'s manual pages in
section 1 (programs).
        <li> <code >yodl/man/7</code>: The destination for <code >Yodl</code>'s manual pages in
section 7 (macro packages and conventions).
    <li> <code >yodl/manual</code>: The source files of the complete
<code >Yodl</code> manual, as well as the directories for the various converted formats.
    The script <code >build</code>, found in this directory, constructs the manual in
the subdirectories:
        <li> <code >yodl/manual/html</code>: the HTML-converted manual;
        <li> <code >yodl/manual/latex</code>: the LaTeX-version of the manual;
        <li> <code >yodl/manual/pdf</code>: the pdf-version of the manual;
        <li> <code >yodl/manual/ps</code>: the PostScript-version of the manual;
        <li> <code >yodl/manual/txt</code>: the plain text-version of the manual;
    <li> <code >yodl/manual/</code>: The source files of the complete
    The <code >Yodl</code> document files themselves are located in subdirectories of this
directory. They are:
        <li> <code >yodl/manual/converters</code>
        <li> <code >yodl/manual/intro</code>
        <li> <code >yodl/manual/macros</code>
        <li> <code >yodl/manual/technical</code>
        <li> <code >yodl/manual/userguide</code> (and various subdirectories)
    <li> <code >yodl/scripts</code>: support scripts used by the building process:
<code >configreplacements</code> replaces <code >@XXX@</code> words by their actual values as
found in <code >yodl/src/config.h</code>; <code ></code> is the generic
yodl-converter, calling macros specific for a particular conversion type. This
generic converter is installed in <code >.../bin/</code>, together with specific
converters, installed as soft-links to this generic converter.
    <li> <code >Yodl</code>'s base directory contains sub-directories holding the source
files of the <strong >C</strong> programs <code >Yodl</code> and <code >yodl-post</code>, as well as all auxiliary
directories containing sources of the (logical) components of these
programs. Most of these components are like <strong >C++</strong> classes in that they
define a building block of the <code >Yodl</code> and/or <code >yodl-post</code> program. Their
organization, interaction and relationship is described below. They are:
        <li> <code >yodl/args</code>: the component handling the command-line
        <li> <code >yodl/builtin</code>: the component handling <code >Yodl</code>'s builtin
        <li> <code >yodl/chartab</code>: the component handling <code >Yodl</code>'s
character table type;
        <li> <code >yodl/counter</code>: the component handling <code >Yodl</code>'s
counter type;
        <li> <code >yodl/file</code>:  the component handling all file
operations (locating, opening, etc.);
        <li> <code >yodl/hashitem</code>: key/value combinations stored in
<code >Yodl</code>'s hashtable;
        <li> <code >yodl/hashmap</code>: <code >Yodl</code>'s hashtable;
        <li> <code >yodl/lexer</code>: <code >Yodl</code>'s lexical scanner: this component
consumes the <code >.yo</code> file, and produces a continuous stream of tokens to be
handled by another component: the parser.
        <li> <code >yodl/lines</code>: the component storing lines of text,
used by <code >yodl-post</code>. 
        <li> <code >yodl/macro</code>: the component handling <code >Yodl</code>'s
macro type;
        <li> <code >yodl/message</code>: the component handling all messages
(warnings, errors, verbosity settings, etc.).
        <li> <code >yodl/new</code>: the component handling all memory
allocations (except for duplicating <em >strings</em>, which is handled by the
        <li> <code >yodl/ostream</code>: the component handling all <code >Yodl</code>'s
output to its output-file (<code >Yodl</code> may also output to strings, which is not
handled by the ostream component). 
        <li> <code >yodl/parser</code>: the component handling the tokens
produced by the lexer-component. This component governs all actions to be
taken during a conversion. Its actions all derive from its function
<code >parser_process()</code>. 
        <li> <code >yodl/postqueue</code>: the component handling the
postprocessing required by most conversions.
        <li> <code >yodl/process</code>: the component handling the execution
of child- or system-processes.
        <li> <code >yodl/queue</code>: the component allowing the lexical
scanner to queue its input, awaiting further processing. 
        <li> <code >yodl/root</code>: the component defining some basic
typedefs and enumerations, as well as the <code >new_str()</code> function duplicating a
string, and the <code >out_of_memory()</code> function handling memory allocation
        <li> <code >yodl/stack</code>: the component implementing a stack
data structure.
        <li> <code >yodl/string</code>:  the component implementing a
text-storage data structure and its functionality.
        <li> <code >yodl/strvector</code>:  the component implementing a table of
<code >SUBST</code> key-value pairs.
        <li> <code >yodl/subst</code>:  the component handling <code >Yodl</code>'s
SUBST definitions;
        <li> <code >yodl/symbol</code>:  the component handling <code >Yodl</code>'s
symbol type;
        <li> <code >yodl/yodl</code>: the sources of the <code >Yodl</code> program
itself. This directory also contains the implementations of all builtin
functions, whose filenames all start with <code >gram_</code> (E.g.,
<code >gramaddtocounter.c</code>). 
        <li> <code >yodl/yodlpost</code>: the sources of the <code >yodl-post</code>
    The script <code >build</code>, found in this directory, compiles  the programs
and macros, storing them in:
        <li> <code >tmp/install/usr/bin</code> (the binary programs)
        <li> <code >tmp/install/usr/share/yodl</code> (the macros)
        <li> <code >tmp/install/usr/share/man</code> (the man-pages)
        <li> <code >tmp/install/usr/share/doc</code> (the manual and additional
<a name="l356"></a>
<h2 >6.3: Yodl's component interrelations and component setup</h2>
        <code >Yodl</code>'s components show a strict hierarchical ordering. This allows the testing
and development of components placed nearer to the component's tree without
considering anything that's placed farther away.
The following piece of `ascii-art' shows the relationships for the <code >Yodl</code>
program. The root of the tree starts at the top, at the <code >root</code> component. 
The tree can be read from the top to the bottom, where each horizontal line
starts a level of components mentioned immediately below it, and each vertical
route through the figure a series of components whose functioning depend on at
least the components mentioned earlier. 
However, a more natural way to look at it is to start somewhere in the
tree, and see what's envountered going up. Doing so, all components that
are required are visited. Once the figure shows a 

    --- | ---

    construction. This means that the horizontal line is not related to the
vertical dependency crossing (but not touching) it.

                    |       |           |                    
                    string  queue       stack                
                    |       |           |                    
    +--+--+---------+       |           hashitem               
    |  |  |         |       |           |                    
    |  |  strvector |       |           |                    
    |  |  |         |       |           |                    
    |  |  +---------+       |           |                    
    |  |            |       |           |                    
    |  args         subst   |           hashmap              
    |  |            |       |           |                    
    |  |            +-------+       +---+-------+
    |  |                    |       |           |
    |  |                    |       symbol  +---+----+-------+-------+
    |  |                    |       |       |        |       |       |
    |  +------------+------ | ------+       chartab  counter macro   builtin
    |               |       |               |        |       |       |     
    |               file    |               +---+----+-------+-------+
    |               |       |                   |
    |               +---+---+                   |                         
    |                   |                       |
    |               +---+---+                   |
    |               |       |                   |
    process         lexer   ostream             |
    |               |       |                   |
    |               +-------+-------+-----------+
    |                               |
    |                               parser 
    |                               |

A similar, albeit much simpler, tree can be drawn for <code >yodl-post</code>. Here
is the organization of the components for the <code >yodl-post</code> program:

                      |     |       |
                      |     |       |
                      lines string  hashitem
                      |     |       |
                      |     args    hashmap
                      |     |       |
                      |     +-------+
                      |     |
                      |     file
                      |     |

The source files of each component are organized as follows:
    <li> All the files of a component are stored in a directory, named after
the component. For example, the <code >counter</code> component is found in the


    containing all the (source) files that define that component.
    <li> Each function is stored in a file of its own inside its 
component-directory. For example, the function <code >counter_value()</code> is defined
in the source file <code >countervalue.c</code>.
    <li> The file names are identical to the names of the functions, except for
the fact that only lower case letters are used for the file names, and that
the file names never use underscore characters. 
    <li> The <code >.h</code> header files declare the functions that can be used by
other components. These functions are comparable to <strong >C++</strong>'s <em >public</em>
members. Furthermore, these <code >.h</code> files define all structs and typedefs that
are required for other components to use a particular component. For example,
the <code >component.h</code> header file may contain


#include "../root/root.h"
#include "../hashmap/hashmap.h"

void        counter_add(HashItem *item, int add);   /* err  if no counter   */
bool        counter_has_value(int *valuePtr, HashItem *item);
Result      counter_insert(HashMap *symtab, char const *key, int value);
void        counter_set(HashItem *item, int value); /* err  if no counter   */
char const *counter_text(HashItem *item);       /* returns static buffer    */
int         counter_value(HashItem *item);      /* err  if no stack/item    */


    <li> All functions declared in <code >.h</code> file start with the name of the
component, and often contain an initial pointer to some <code >struct</code> containing
the essential fields that are associated with that particular component. For
example, most <code >counter_</code> functions have a <code >HashItem *</code> as their first
argument, as a <code >HashItem</code> is normally used to store the details about a
    <li> The modifier <code >const</code> is used with pointers to indicate that the
information pointed to by the pointer is `owned' by the provider of that
information. With parameters it indicates that the caller owns the
information, and the function will not modify the provided info; with return
types it indicates that the function `owns' the returned information, which
therefore may not be modified (or freed) by the caller of that function (e.g.,
<code >char const *counter_text</code>). The absence of <code >const</code> in combination with
pointers indicates that the information pointed to by the pointer could, in
principle, be modified by the code receiving the pointer value.
    <li> Most components also show a <code >.ih</code> file, a so-called <em >internal
header</em> file. The internal header declares `internal support functions', not
to be used by other parts of the software, and defines internal
typedefs. Since they are an essential ingredient of the component, all these
internal headers start to include the component's <code >.h</code> file, followed by the
declarations of the `private' functions. All these private functions start
with abbreviated component names, like <code >co_</code> in the case of counters. Here
is a possible implementation of the <code >counter.ih</code> internal header file:

#include "counter.h"

#include &lt;stdio.h&gt;

#include "../stack/stack.h"
#include "../message/message.h"
#include "../new/new.h"

Stack  *co_construct(int value);
Stack  *co_sp(HashItem *item, bool errOnFailure);

    <li> The combination of <code >.h</code> and <code >.ih</code> files define the dependencies
of the component in the component hierarchy. As can be seen, <code >counter</code>
depends on <code >stack, message, new, hashmap</code> and <code >root</code>. The actual
dependency listing may be a bit more complex, as some <code >.h</code> files themselves
depend on other <code >.h</code> files. This is clearly visible in the <code >counter.h</code>
file. The class hierarchy given earlier shows the final component
    <li> A <code >.h</code> file of a component <code >X</code> <em >never</em> includes a <code >.ih</code>
file of component <code >Y</code>, but only the <code >.h</code> files of other components. 
<a name="l357"></a>
<h2 >6.4: The token-producer `lexer_lex()'</h2>
        Tokens are produced by the lexical scanner. The function <code >lexer_lex()</code>
produces the next token, which is always an element of the following set:

    TOKEN_UNKNOWN,          /* should never be returned */

    TOKEN_PLAINCHAR,        /* formerly: anychar */
    TOKEN_PLUS,             /* it's semantics what we do with a +, not      */
                            /* something for the lexer to worry about       */

    TOKEN_SPACE,            /* Blanks should be at the end                  */

    TOKEN_EOR,              /* end of record: ends pushed strings           */
    TOKEN_EOF,              /* at the end of nested evaluations/eof         */

In particular note the existence of a <code >TOKEN_EOR</code> token: this token
indicates the end of a piece of text, a string, inserted into the input stream
by the <em >parser</em>'s actions, when it calls <code >lexer_push_str()</code>. Such a
situation occurs in particular when a macro is evaluated: having read a macro,
and replacing its parameters <code >ARG1, ARG2, ... ARGn</code> by their respective
argumentes, the resulting string is pushed back into the input stream by
<code >lexer_push_str()</code>. This happens, e.g., inside the function
<code >p_expand_macro()</code>. An excerpt from this function shows this call:

    void p_expand_macro(register Parser *pp, register HashItem *item)
            if (argc)                           /* macro with arguments     */
                p_macro_args(pp, &amp;expansion, argc);
            lexer_push_str(&amp;pp-&gt;d_lexer, string_str(&amp;expansion));

The parser repeatedly calls the lexer's function <code >lexer_lex()</code>. This happens
most dramatically inside the function <code >p_parse()</code>, defined by a mere single

    void p_parse(register Parser *pp)
        while ((*pp-&gt;d_handler[lexer_lex(&amp;pp-&gt;d_lexer)])(pp))

    Here, in a loop continuing until the handler indicates that the loop
should terminate, <code >lexer_lex()</code> is called to produce the next token. The
finite state automaton (FSA) implemented here is described in more detail in
section <a href="yodl06.html#PARSERFSA">6.5</a>.
Apart from here, <code >lexer_lex()</code> is called from four other locations
inside the <code >parser</code> component:
    <li> <code >parser_parlist()</code> repeatedly calls <code >lexer_lex()</code> to obtain all
the tokens associated with a parameter list;
    <li> <code >p_handle_default_newline()</code> repeatedly calls <code >lexer_lex()</code> to
obtain all the tokens until all consecutive spaces and newlines are read. This
is one of the handlers of the <a href="yodl06.html#PARSERFSA">parser FSA 6.5</a>;
    <li> <code >p_no_user_macro()</code> calls <code >lexer_lex()</code> to determine whether a
`no user macro' has been detected;
    <li> <code >p_plus_series()</code> calls <code >lexer_lex()</code> to determine whether a
<code >+symbol</code> has been encountered.
So, <code >lexer_lex()</code> is the parser's `window to the outside world'. The
<code >lexer_lex()</code> function, however, is a fairly complex animal:
    <li> <code >lexer_lex()</code>: returns next token.  It calls <code >l_lex()</code> to
retrieve the next character from the info waiting to be read;
    <li> <code >l_lex()</code>: calls <code >l_nextchar()</code> to obtain the next token, and
appends all char-tokens to the lexer's matched text buffer. Potential compound
symbols (words, numbers) are combined by <code >l_compound()</code> and are then
returned as <code >TOKEN_PLAINCHAR</code> or as a compound token like <code >TOKEN_IDENT</code>;
    <li> <code >l_nextchar()</code>: calls <code >l_get()</code> to get the next character, and
handles escape chars, including \ at eoln;
    <li> <code >l_get()</code>: if there are no media left, <code >EOF</code> is returned.  If
there are media left, then <code >l_subst_get()</code> retrieves the next character,
handling possible <code >SUBST</code> definitions. At the end of the current input
buffer (memory buffer or file) <code >l_pop()</code> attempts to reactivate the previous
buffer. If this succeeds, <code >EOR</code> is returned, otherwise <code >EOF</code> is returned.
So, the lexer is not able to switch between truly nested media, as in
<code >EVAL()</code> calls, but is able to switch between nested buffers resulting from
replacing macro calls by their definitions;
    <li> <code >l_subst_get()</code>: calls <code >l_media_get()</code> to get the next char from
the media. The next char is passed to subst_find() which is a FSA trying to
match the longest <code >SUBST</code>. This may be done repeatedly, and eventually
<code >subst_text()</code> either returns a substitution text, or the next plain
character. A substitution text is pushed onto the lexer's media buffer. The
next character returned is then the next one to appear at the lexer's media
    <li> <code >l_media_get()</code>: If the current active source of information is a
file, it returns the next character from that file or <code >EOF</code> if no such char
is available anymore.  If the current active source is a memory buffer then
the next char from the buffer is returned. If the buffer is empty <code >EOF</code> is
returned. The media buffer is a circular, self-expanding Queue.
<a name="PARSERFSA"></a><a name="l358"></a>
<h2 >6.5: The Parser's Finite State Automaton</h2>
        The  input files are parsed by  the function
<code >parser_process()</code>, which is called by <code >Yodl</code>'s <code >main()</code> function.
This processor pushes all files that were specified on the input in reverse
order on the input stack, and then calls the support function <code >p_parse()</code> to
process each of them in turn.
<code >p_parse()</code> is an very short function: it contains one <code >while</code> statement,
repeatedly calling a <em >handler</em> appropriate  with the next token returned
by the lexical scanner. Therefore, the parser can be considered as a table
driven finite state automaton (FSA). 
The table itself is initialized in <code >parser/psetuphandlerset.c</code>, by the
function <code >p_setup_handlerSet()</code>. It fills the two dimensional array
<code >ps_handlerSet</code> with the address of the function that must be called for
each combination of parser-state (as defined in the <code >HANDLER_SET_ELEMENTS</code>
enum) in <code >parser/parser.h</code> and token that may be produced by the lexical
scanner (as defined in the <code >LEXER_TOKEN</code> enum in <code >lexer/lexer.h</code>).
Depending on the situation the parser encounters, it may point its pointer
<code >d_handler</code> to a particular <em >row</em> in this table. Since the rows represent
the parser's states, states can be switched easily by reassigning this
pointer. This happens all the time. For example, when in
<code >parsernameparlist.c</code> a name must be retrieved from a parameter list, it
calls <code > parser_parlist(pp, COLLECT_SET)</code>, which function temporarily
switches the parser's state to <code >COLLECT_SET</code>, returning the parameter list's
contents. to its caller.
The functions whose addresses are stored in the various column-elements of the
array <code >ps_handlerSet</code> are called <em >handler</em>. Most handlers are named
<code >p_handle_&lt;state&gt;_&lt;lextoken&gt;()</code>, where <code >&lt;state&gt;</code> is the name of the
associated parser state, and <code >&lt;lextoken&gt;</code> is the name of the appropriate
lexical scanner token. For example, <code >p_handle_default_symbol()</code> is the
handler that was designed for the situation where the parser is in its
initial, or default, state, and the lexical scanner returns a <code >TOKEN_SYMBOL</code>
token. Some handlers have more generic names, like <code >p_handle_unknown()</code>,
which is some sort of emergengy exit, called when the parser doesn't know what
to do with the received lexical scanner token (a situation which should, of
course, not happen).
In versin 2.00, the following handler functions are available:
    <li> <code >p_handle_insert(Parser *pp)</code>: insert matched text
    <li> <code >p_handle_default_eof(Parser *pp)</code>: return false
    <li> <code >p_handle_default_newline(Parser *pp)</code>: series of \n's
    <li> <code >p_handle_default_plus(Parser *pp)</code>: handle + series
    <li> <code >p_handle_default_symbol(Parser *pp)</code>: handle all symbols
    <li> <code >p_handle_ignore(Parser *pp)</code>: ignores token
    <li> <code >p_handle_ignore_closepar(Parser *pp)</code>: handle openpar
    <li> <code >p_handle_ignore_openpar(Parser *pp)</code>: handle openpar
    <li> <code >p_handle_noexpand_plus(Parser *pp)</code>: handle + series
    <li> <code >p_handle_noexpand_symbol(Parser *pp)</code>: handle executed symbols in
    <li> <code >p_handle_parlist_closepar(Parser *pp)</code>: handle closepar
    <li> <code >p_handle_parlist_openpar(Parser *pp)</code>: handle openpar
    <li> <code >p_handle_skipws_unget(Parser *pp)</code>: unget received text 
    <li> <code >p_handle_unexpected_eof(Parser *pp)</code>: EMERG exit
    <li> <code >p_handle_unknown(Parser *pp)</code>: emergency exit
The parser has the following states: 
    <dt ><strong>COLLECT_SET</strong></dt> <br/>
       retrieves parameter lists as they are encountered on the input. The
        parameter list is not processed in any way, and omits the surrounding
        parentheses. So, when entering this state (e.g., in the function
        <code >parser_parlist()</code>), a parameter list is completely consumed, but
        only its contents (and not its surrounding parentheses) become
        available. In fact, when entering a state, <code >p_parse()</code> can be called
        again to process the information in this state. Eventually a state
        will encounter some stopping signal (e.g., a non-nested close
        parenthesis in the collect-state results in
        <code >p_handle_parlist_closepar()</code> to return <code >false</code>, thus terminating
        <code >p_parse()</code>), terminating that particular state. The function
        <code >parser_parlist()</code> shows this process in further detail.
    <dt ><strong>DEFAULT_SET</strong></dt> <br/>
       In this state macros, builtins etc. are processed.  For most of the
        tokens that can be returned by the lexical scanner
        <code >p_handle_insert()</code> is called.  <ul> <li> When receiving EOF
        it tries to switch to the next file on the stack (or stop), <li> When
        receiving a symbol, it either handles them as plain symbols or as
        macros, <li> When receiving newlines they are handled (maybe merging
        them by calling a paragraph handler (if defined)), <li> Series of +
        characters are handled <li> All other tokens are inserted into the
        current output medium (which may be a file, but it may also be a
        memory buffer).  </ul>
    <dt ><strong>IGNORE_SET</strong></dt> <br/> 
       In this state a parameter list is completely skipped. This state is
        used, for example, when processing <code >COMMENT()</code>.
    <dt ><strong>NOEXPAND_SET</strong></dt> <br/>
       The contents of a parameter list is not expanded, but <code >CHAR</code> builtins
        <em >are</em> processed. In <code >Yodl</code> version 2.00 there is only one situation
        wher this state (and its companion state NOTRANS_SET) is actively
        used: <code >Yodl</code>'s function <code >gram_NOEXPAND()</code> uses these states to
        retrieve the contents of a no-expanded or no-transed parameter list.
    <dt ><strong>NOTRANS_SET</strong></dt> <br/>
       When the parser is in this state, a parameter list is inserted using
        the currently active insertion function (inserting to file or memory)
        It is identical to the NOEXPAND_SET state, but the character
        translation table is not used in the NOTRANS_STATE, whereas it is used
        in the NOEXPAND_STATE.
    <dt ><strong>SKIPWS_SET</strong></dt><br/>
       In this state all white-space characters are consumed. The lexical
        scanner merely returns the next non-whitespace character. This state
        is used, e.g., to skip the white space between multiple parameter
        lists when they are defined for macros.
<a name="l359"></a>
<h2 >6.6: Adding a new macro</h2>
    With the advent of <code >Yodl</code> V 2.00, <em >raw macros files</em> are introduced. A raw
macro file defines one macro, and <em >all</em> of its conversions. The raw macro
files must be organized as follows:


        Description of the macro `name', having arguments `arg1', `arg2',
        `etc', each argument is given its own parameter list. The names of the
        arguments in this description should be chosen in such a way that they
        suggest their function or purpose. All macro descriptions starting
        with tt(&lt;STARTDOC&gt;) are included in both the `man yodlmacros'
        manpage and the description of the macro in the user guide. If this is
        not considered appropriate (e.g., tt(XX...()) macros are not described
        in these documents) then use tt(&lt;COMMENT&gt;) rather than
        statements of macro `name' expecting `#' arguments used by all
        conversions. This section is optional
        statements that should be executed by the HTML converter
    &lt;man ms&gt;
        statements that should be executed by two converters. In this case,
        the `man' and `ms' converters
        statements that should be executed by all converters not explicitly
        mentioned above
        statements of macro `name' expecting `#' arguments used by all
        conversions, having processed their specific statements. 
        This section is also optional

    When setting up these macro definitions, the <code >&lt;&gt;</code> tags must appear with
the initial documentation section. It must also appear when at least one
specific converter tag is used. For a macro which is converter independent,
the macro definition doesn't contain these pointed-arrow tags. 
When writing standard <code >Yodl</code> macros, each macro should be stored in a file
<code >`name'.raw</code>, where <code >`name'</code> is the lower-case name of the macro. This
file should then be kept in the <code >macros/rawmacros</code> directory. The
<code >macros/build std</code> call then adds the macro (filtering only the required
statements per conversion) to each of the standard conversion formats.
If the macro requires a counter or symbol, consider defining the counter
or symbol in, respectively, <code >@counters</code> and <code >@symbols</code>. Furthermore,
consider <em >pushing</em> and <em >popping</em> these `variables', rather than plain
assigning them, to allow other macros to use the variables as well. A case in
point is the counter <code >XXone</code> which was added to the set of counters
representing a <em >local counter</em>. Macros may <em >always</em> push <code >XXone</code> and pop
<code >Xxone</code>, but should never reassign <code >XXone</code> before its value has been
pushed. For <code >Yodl</code> version 2.00 only <code >XXone</code> was required, but other local
counters might be considered useful in the future. In that case, <code >XXtwo</code>,
<code >XXthree</code> etc. are used. For local symbold <code >XXs</code> prefixes are used:
<code >XXsone</code>, <code >XXstwo</code>, etc.
<a name="POSTPROCESSOR"></a><a name="l360"></a>
<h2 >6.7: The Yodl post-processor</h2>
    With <code >Yodl</code> version 2.00 the old-style post-processor has ceased to exist. Also,
the <code >.tt(Yodl)TAGSTART.</code> and <code >.tt(Yodl)TAGEND.</code> symbols no longer appear in
<code >yodl</code>'s output. 
Instead, a system using an <em >index</em> file was adopted. When converting
information, <code >yodl</code> produces an output file and an associated <em >index</em>
file. The index file defines <em >offsets</em> in the output file up to where
certain actions are to be performed. Each line in the index file contains the
required information of one <em >directive</em> for <code >yodlpost</code>. For example:

    0 set extension man
    53 ignorews
    2112 verb on
    2166 verb off
    80007 ignorews
    80065 copy
    80065 mandone

    Entries can be written into the index file using the <code >INTERNALINDEX</code>
builtin function. This function has one argument: the information following
the offset where it is called. So, there will be a <code >INTERNALINDEX(set
extension man)</code> in the macro definitions for this particular conversion
(obviously it is a <code >man</code> conversion. The particular <code >INTERNALINDEX</code> call
is found in the standard <code >man.yo</code> macro definition file). 
When <code >yodlmacros</code> is called, it processes the directives on the <code >idx</code>
file in two steps:
    <li> First, it reads all directives, and constructs a queue of actions to
perform. During this phase it solves all references to, e.g., labels
defined in the <strong >s</strong> processed by <code >yodl</code>. This queue is constructed by a
<code >PostQueue</code> object, during its construction phase. 
Postprocessing is realized by a template-method design pattern-like
construction in C.
The algorithm proceeds as follows:
Each element of the index file is read, and its keyword (the word
following the offfset) is determined. Then the 'construct' function associated
with that keyword is called. The `construct' functions return pointers to
HashItem elements, which areprocessed by storing them either into the the
symbol table or into the work-queue. The construct functions can use all
<code >PostQueue, New, Message String Args</code> and <code >File</code> functions. Which function
is actually called is determined in the file <code >yodlpost/data.c</code>, where the
array <code >Task tast[]</code> is initialized. <code >Task</code> structs have three elements:
        <li> <code >char const *d_key</code> points to the name of the keyword that 
triggers the corresponding <code >Task</code> struct;
        <li> <code >HashItem *(*d_constructor)(char const *key, char *rest)</code>
points to the function that is called when the task struct is created.
        <li> <code > void (*d_handler)(long offset, HashItem *item)</code> points to the
function that is called when the queue is processed.
<li> Then, when all commands are available, the queued commands are
processed. For this, the appropriate 'handle' functions are called. 
For example, when the <code >INTERNALINDEX(htmllabel ...)</code> is specified, the
function <code >construct_label()</code> is called. This function receives a line line

    432 label Overview

    meaning that this label has been defined in offset 432 in the file
generated by <code >yodl</code>. The <code >construct_label()</code> function now:
    <li> Stores the current section number, the filecount and the
sectionnumber in a HashItem.
    <li> Stores the hashitem inside its hash-table.
Then, when the queue is processed, a reference to this label may be
encountered. This is signalled by an <code >INTERNALINDEX(ref Overview)</code> call. In
this case the <code >construct_ref()</code> function doesn't have to do much. Here it is
the handler that's doing all the work: 
    <li> First it looks up the label in the symbol table. The label should be
there, as a result of the earlier construction of the symbol table during the
<code >postqueue_construct()</code> call. 
    <li> Then it copies the file written by <code >yodl</code> up to the offset
mentioned in the the <code >ref</code> command.
    <li> Then (since we're talking about an html-specific reference) the
appropriate <code >&lt;a href=...</code> command is inserted into the current output file.
When references are solved in text-files, the <code >INTERNALINDEX(txtref
...)</code> command is used. Here, <code >construct_ref()</code> can still be used, but a
specific <code >handle_txt_ref()</code> function is required. 
New postprocessing labels can be constructed easily:
    <li> Add an element to the array <code >Task task[]</code> in
<code >src/yodlpost/data.c</code>. For example, add a line like:

    {"verb",            construct_verb,         handle_verb},

    <li> Declare the functions in <code >yodlpost.h</code>:

    HashItem *construct_verb(char const *key, char *rest);
    void handle_verb(long offset, HashItem *item);

    <li> The <code >construct_verb()</code> function receives the key (e.g., <code >verb</code>)
and any information that may be available beyond the key as a trimmed line
(not beginning or ending in white space). The construct function should return
a pointer to a hashitem, which can be constructed by
<code >hashitem_construct()</code>. This function should be called with the following
        <li> <code >VOIDPTR</code>;
        <li> a pointer to some text to be stored as the hashitem's key (use an
empty string if nothing needs to be stored in a hashtable);
        <li> A pointer to the information associated with the key (use 0 if no
information is used; use <code >(void *)intValue</code> to store an <code >int</code> value. Note
that this is <em >not</em> <code >(void *)&amp;intValue</code>: it is the value of the variable
that is interpreted as a pointer here).
        <li> The function that handles the destruction of the
value-information. Use <code >free</code> if some information was actually allocated and
must be freed. E.g.,</ul>

    hashitem_construct(VOIDPTR, "", new_str(rest), free);

    Use <code >root_nop</code> if no allocation took place. E.g.,

    hashitem_construct(VOIDPTR, "", (void *)s_lastLabelNr, root_nop);

    Often the constructor doesn't have to do anything at all. In that case,
initialize the <code >Task</code> element with the existing <code >construct_nop</code>
function. E.g., 

    {"drainws",         construct_nop,          handle_drain_ws},

    <li> The <code >handle_verb()</code> function is called when the file produced by
<code >yodl</code> is processed by <code >postqueue_process()</code>. This happens immediately
after <code >postqueue_construct()</code>. The handler is called with two arguments: 
        <li> Its first argument is the offset where the <code >INTERNALINDEX</code> call
was generated. The handler should make sure that <code >yodl</code>'s output file is
processed up to this offset. Not any further. If a simple copy is required the
function <code >file_copy2offset()</code> is available. E.g.,

    file_copy2offset(global.d_out, postqueue_istream(), offset);

    Note its arguments: the output and input file pointers are available
through, respectively, <code >global.d_out</code> and <code >postqueue_istream()</code>. 
        <li> Its second argument is a pointer to the hashitem struct
originally created by the matching <code >construct...()</code> function. The handler
should <em >not</em> free the information it receives. The function
<code >postqueue_process()</code> takes care of that. 
    Examples of actual <code >construct...()</code> and <code >handle...()</code> functions can be
found in <code >src/yodlpost</code>. 
    <li> <a href="yodl.html">Table of Contents</a>
    <li> <a href="yodl05.html">Previous Chapter</a>