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<!-- This manual is for FFTW
(version 3.3.8, 24 May 2018).

Copyright (C) 2003 Matteo Frigo.

Copyright (C) 2003 Massachusetts Institute of Technology.

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<a name="Acknowledgments"></a>
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<a name="Acknowledgments-1"></a>
<h2 class="chapter">11 Acknowledgments</h2>

<p>Matteo Frigo was supported in part by the Special Research Program SFB
F011 &ldquo;AURORA&rdquo; of the Austrian Science Fund FWF and by MIT Lincoln
Laboratory.  For previous versions of FFTW, he was supported in part by the
Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA), under Grants
N00014-94-1-0985 and F30602-97-1-0270, and by a Digital Equipment
Corporation Fellowship.  
<p>Steven G. Johnson was supported in part by a Dept.&nbsp;of Defense NDSEG
Fellowship, an MIT Karl Taylor Compton Fellowship, and by the Materials
Research Science and Engineering Center program of the National Science
Foundation under award DMR-9400334.
<p>Code for the Cell Broadband Engine was graciously donated to the FFTW
project by the IBM Austin Research Lab and included in fftw-3.2.  (This
code was removed in fftw-3.3.)
<p>Code for the MIPS paired-single SIMD support was graciously donated to
the FFTW project by CodeSourcery, Inc.
<p>We are grateful to Sun Microsystems Inc.&nbsp;for its donation of a
cluster of 9 8-processor Ultra HPC 5000 SMPs (24 Gflops peak). These
machines served as the primary platform for the development of early
versions of FFTW.
<p>We thank Intel Corporation for donating a four-processor Pentium Pro
machine.  We thank the GNU/Linux community for giving us a decent OS to
run on that machine.
<p>We are thankful to the AMD corporation for donating an AMD Athlon XP 1700+
computer to the FFTW project.
<p>We thank the Compaq/HP testdrive program and VA Software Corporation
( for providing remote access to machines that were used
to test FFTW.
<p>The <code>genfft</code> suite of code generators was written using Objective
Caml, a dialect of ML.  Objective Caml is a small and elegant language
developed by Xavier Leroy.  The implementation is available from
<a href=""><code></code></a>.  In previous
releases of FFTW, <code>genfft</code> was written in Caml Light, by the same
authors.  An even earlier implementation of <code>genfft</code> was written in
Scheme, but Caml is definitely better for this kind of application.
<a name="index-Caml-1"></a>
<a name="index-LISP"></a>

<p>FFTW uses many tools from the GNU project, including <code>automake</code>,
<code>texinfo</code>, and <code>libtool</code>.
<p>Prof.&nbsp;Charles E.&nbsp;Leiserson of MIT provided continuous support and
encouragement.  This program would not exist without him.  Charles also
proposed the name &ldquo;codelets&rdquo; for the basic FFT blocks.
<a name="index-codelet-3"></a>

<p>Prof.&nbsp;John D.&nbsp;Joannopoulos of MIT demonstrated continuing tolerance of
Steven&rsquo;s &ldquo;extra-curricular&rdquo; computer-science activities, as well as
remarkable creativity in working them into his grant proposals.
Steven&rsquo;s physics degree would not exist without him.
<p>Franz Franchetti wrote SIMD extensions to FFTW 2, which eventually
led to the SIMD support in FFTW 3.
<p>Stefan Kral wrote most of the K7 code generator distributed with FFTW
3.0.x and 3.1.x.
<p>Andrew Sterian contributed the Windows timing code in FFTW 2.  
<p>Didier Miras reported a bug in the test procedure used in FFTW 1.2.  We
now use a completely different test algorithm by Funda Ergun that does
not require a separate FFT program to compare against.
<p>Wolfgang Reimer contributed the Pentium cycle counter and a few fixes
that help portability.
<p>Ming-Chang Liu uncovered a well-hidden bug in the complex transforms of
FFTW 2.0 and supplied a patch to correct it.
<p>The FFTW FAQ was written in <code>bfnn</code> (Bizarre Format With No Name)
and formatted using the tools developed by Ian Jackson for the Linux
<p><em>We are especially thankful to all of our users for their
continuing support, feedback, and interest during our development of
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