

distrib > Mageia > 7 > armv7hl > media > core-release > by-pkgid > 9914dbbc7412ec6b67f2b5dc90568c19 > files > 77


# Shorewall6 version 5 - Sample Zones File for one-interface IPv6 configuration.
# Copyright (C) 2006-2015 by the Shorewall Team
# This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
# modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
# License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
# version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
# See the file README.txt for further details.
# For information about entries in this file, type "man shorewall6-zones"
# The /etc/shorewall/zones file declares your network zones. You specify the
# hosts in each zone through entries in /etc/shorewall/interfaces or /etc/
# shorewall/hosts.
# The columns in the file are as follows (where the column name is followed by a
# different name in parentheses, the different name is used in the alternate
# specification syntax).
# ZONE - zone[:parent-zone[,parent-zone]...]
#     Name of the zone. Must start with a letter and consist of letters, digits
#     or '_'. The names "all", "none", "any", "SOURCE" and "DEST" are reserved
#     and may not be used as zone names. The maximum length of a zone name is
#     determined by the setting of the LOGFORMAT option in shorewall.conf(5).
#     With the default LOGFORMAT, zone names can be at most 5 characters long.
#         The maximum length of an iptables log prefix is 29 bytes. As explained
#         in shorewall.conf (5), the legacy default LOGPREFIX formatting string
#         is “Shorewall:%s:%s:” where the first %s is replaced by the chain name
#         and the second is replaced by the disposition.
#           ☆ The "Shorewall:%s:%s:" formatting string has 12 fixed characters
#             ("Shorewall" and three colons).
#           ☆ The longest of the standard dispositions are ACCEPT and REJECT
#             which have 6 characters each.
#           ☆ The canonical name for the chain containing the rules for traffic
#             going from zone 1 to zone 2 is "<zone 1>2<zone 2>" or "<zone 1>-
#             <zone 2>".
#           ☆ So if M is the maximum zone name length, such chains can have
#             length 2*M + 1.
#             12 + 6 + 2*M + 1 = 29 which reduces to
#             2*M = 29 - 12 - 6 - 1 = 10 or
#             M = 5
#         In Shorewall 5.1.0, the LOGFORMAT in the default and sample
#         shorewall.conf files was changed to "%s:%s ".
#           ☆ That formatting string has 2 fixed characters (":" and a space).
#           ☆ So the maximum zone name length M is calculated as:
#             2 + 6 + 2*M + 1 = 29
#             2M = 29 - 2 - 6 - 1 = 20
#             M = 10
#     The order in which Shorewall matches addresses from packets to zones is
#     determined by the order of zone declarations. Where a zone is nested in one
#     or more other zones, you may either ensure that the nested zone precedes
#     its parents in this file, or you may follow the (sub)zone name by ":" and a
#     comma-separated list of the parent zones. The parent zones must have been
#     declared in earlier records in this file. See shorewall-nesting(5) for
#     additional information.
#     Example:
#     #ZONE     TYPE     OPTIONS         IN OPTIONS        OUT OPTIONS
#     a         ip
#     b         ip
#     c:a,b     ip
#     Currently, Shorewall uses this information to reorder the zone list so that
#     parent zones appear after their subzones in the list. The IMPLICIT_CONTINUE
#     option in shorewall.conf(5) can also create implicit CONTINUE policies to/
#     from the subzone.
#     Where an ipsec zone is explicitly included as a child of an ip zone, the
#     ruleset allows CONTINUE policies (explicit or implicit) to work as
#     expected.
#     In the future, Shorewall may make additional use of nesting information.
#     ip
#         This is the standard Shorewall zone type and is the default if you
#         leave this column empty or if you enter "-" in the column.
#         Communication with some zone hosts may be encrypted. Encrypted hosts
#         are designated using the 'ipsec' option in shorewall-hosts(5). For
#         clarity, this zone type may be specified as ipv4 in IPv4 configurations
#         and ipv6 in IPv6 configurations.
#     ipsec
#         Communication with all zone hosts is encrypted. Your kernel and
#         iptables must include policy match support. For clarity, this zone type
#         may be specified as ipsec4 in IPv4 configurations and ipsec6 in IPv6
#         configurations.
#     firewall
#         Designates the firewall itself. You must have exactly one 'firewall'
#         zone. No options are permitted with a 'firewall' zone. The name that
#         you enter in the ZONE column will be stored in the shell variable $FW
#         which you may use in other configuration files to designate the
#         firewall zone.
#     bport
#         The zone is associated with one or more ports on a single bridge. For
#         clarity, this zone type may be specified as bport4 in IPv4
#         configurations and bport6 in IPv6 configurations.
#     vserver
#         Added in Shorewall 4.4.11 Beta 2 - A zone composed of Linux-vserver
#         guests. The zone contents must be defined in shorewall-hosts (5).
#         Vserver zones are implicitly handled as subzones of the firewall zone.
#     loopback
#         Added in Shorewall 4.5.17.
#         Normally, Shorewall treats the loopback interface (lo) in the following
#         way:
#           ☆ By default, all traffic through the interface is ACCEPTed.
#           ☆ If a $FW -> $FW policy is defined or $FW -> $FW rules are defined,
#             they are placed in a chain named ${FW}2${F2} or ${FW}-${FW} (e.g.,
#             'fw2fw' or 'fw-fw' ) depending on the ZONE2ZONE setting in
#             shorewall.conf(5).
#           ☆ $FW -> $FW traffic is only filtered in the OUTPUT chain.
#         By defining a loopback zone and associating it with the loopback
#         interface in shorewall-interfaces(5), you can effect a slightly
#         different model. Suppose that the loopback zone name is 'local'; then:
#           ☆ Both $FW -> local and local -> $FW chains are created.
#           ☆ The $FW -> local and local -> $FW policies may be different.
#           ☆ Both $FW -> local and local -> $FW rules may be specified.
#         Rules to/from the loopback zone and any zone other than the firewall
#         zone are ignored with a warning.
#         loopback zones may be nested within other loopback zones.
#     local
#         Added in Shorewall 4.5.17. local is the same as ipv4 with the exception
#         that the zone is only accessible from the firewall and vserver zones.
# OPTIONS, IN OPTIONS and OUT OPTIONS (options, in_options, out_options) - [
#     option[,option]...]
#     A comma-separated list of options. With the exception of the mss and
#     blacklist options, these only apply to TYPE ipsec zones.
#     dynamic_shared
#         Added in Shorewall 4.5.9. May only be specified in the OPTIONS column
#         and indicates that only a single ipset should be created for this zone
#         if it has multiple dynamic entries in shorewall-hosts(5). Without this
#         option, a separate ipset is created for each interface.
#     reqid=number
#         where number is specified using setkey(8) using the 'unique:number
#         option for the SPD level.
#     spi=<number>
#         where number is the SPI of the SA used to encrypt/decrypt packets.
#     proto=ah|esp|ipcomp
#         IPSEC Encapsulation Protocol
#     mss=number
#         sets the MSS field in TCP packets. If you supply this option, you
#         should also set FASTACCEPT=No in shorewall.conf(5) to insure that both
#         the SYN and SYN,ACK packets have their MSS field adjusted.
#     mode=transport|tunnel
#         IPSEC mode
#     tunnel-src=address[/mask]
#         only available with mode=tunnel
#     tunnel-dst=address[/mask]
#         only available with mode=tunnel
#     strict
#         Means that packets must match all rules.
#     next
#         Separates rules; can only be used with strict
#     The options in the OPTIONS column are applied to both incoming and outgoing
#     traffic. The IN OPTIONS are applied to incoming traffic (in addition to
#     OPTIONS) and the OUT OPTIONS are applied to outgoing traffic.
#     If you wish to leave a column empty but need to make an entry in a
#     following column, use "-".
fw	firewall
net	ipv6