

distrib > Mageia > 7 > armv7hl > media > core-release > by-pkgid > a06be5e5647bfb5f20fb2c46f90be1f9 > files > 71


Metadata-Version: 1.1
Name: irc
Version: 8.5.3
Summary: IRC (Internet Relay Chat) protocol client library for Python
Author: Jason R. Coombs
License: MIT
Description: Internet Relay Chat (IRC) protocol client library
        The home of irclib is:
        You can `download project releases from PyPI
        Some legacy content is still available at the `foundational SourceForge site
        Tests are `continuously run <!/jaraco/irc>`_ using
        .. |BuildStatus| image::
        .. _BuildStatus:
        This library is intended to encapsulate the IRC protocol at a quite
        low level.  It provides an event-driven IRC client framework.  It has
        a fairly thorough support for the basic IRC protocol, CTCP and DCC
        In order to understand how to make an IRC client, I'm afraid you more
        or less must understand the IRC specifications.  They are available
        IRC requires Python 2.6 or newer (including Python 3).
        You have several options to install the IRC project.
          * Use "easy_install irc" or "pip install irc" to grab the latest
            version from the cheeseshop (recommended).
          * Run "python install" (from the source distribution) or
          * Run "paver install" (from repo checkout, requires paver) or
          * Copy irc directory to appropriate site-packages directory.
        Client Features
        The main features of the IRC client framework are:
          * Abstraction of the IRC protocol.
          * Handles multiple simultaneous IRC server connections.
          * Handles server PONGing transparently.
          * Messages to the IRC server are done by calling methods on an IRC
            connection object.
          * Messages from an IRC server triggers events, which can be caught
            by event handlers.
          * Reading from and writing to IRC server sockets are normally done
            by an internal select() loop, but the select()ing may be done by
            an external main loop.
          * Functions can be registered to execute at specified times by the
          * Decodes CTCP tagging correctly (hopefully); I haven't seen any
            other IRC client implementation that handles the CTCP
            specification subtilties.
          * A kind of simple, single-server, object-oriented IRC client class
            that dispatches events to instance methods is included.
          * DCC connection support.
        Current limitations:
          * The IRC protocol shines through the abstraction a bit too much.
          * Data is not written asynchronously to the server (and DCC peers),
            i.e. the write() may block if the TCP buffers are stuffed.
          * Like most projects, documentation is lacking...
        Unfortunately, this library isn't as well-documented as I would like
        it to be.  I think the best way to get started is to read and
        understand the example program irccat, which is included in the
        The following files might be of interest:
          * irc/
            The library itself.  Read the code along with comments and
            docstrings to get a grip of what it does.  Use it at your own risk
            and read the source, Luke!
          * irc/
            An IRC bot implementation.
          * irc/
            A basic IRC server implementation. Suitable for testing, but not
            production quality.
        Example scripts in the scripts directory:
          * irccat
            A simple example of how to use the IRC client.  irccat reads text from
            stdin and writes it to a specified user or channel on an IRC
          * irccat2
            The same as above, but using the SimpleIRCClient class.
          * servermap
            Another simple example.  servermap connects to an IRC server,
            finds out what other IRC servers there are in the net and prints
            a tree-like map of their interconnections.
          * testbot
            An example bot that uses the SingleServerIRCBot class from
    The bot enters a channel and listens for commands in
            private messages or channel traffic.  It also accepts DCC
            invitations and echos back sent DCC chat messages.
          * dccreceive
            Receives a file over DCC.
          * dccsend
            Sends a file over DCC.
        NOTE: If you're running one of the examples on a unix command line, you need
        to escape the # symbol in the channel. For example, use \\#test or "#test"
        instead of #test.
        Decoding Input
        By default, the IRC library does attempt to decode all incoming streams as
        UTF-8, but the author acknowledges that there are cases where decoding is
        undesirable or a custom decoding option is desirable. To support these cases,
        since irc 3.4.2, the ServerConnection class may be customized. The
        'buffer_class' attribute on the ServerConnection determines what class is used
        for buffering lines from the input stream. By default it is
        DecodingLineBuffer, but may be re-assigned with another class, such as irc
        buffer.LineBuffer, which does not decode the lines and passes them through as
        byte strings. The 'buffer_class' attribute may be assigned for all instances
        of ServerConnection by overriding the class attribute::
            irc.client.ServerConnection.buffer_class = irc.buffer.LineBuffer
        or it may be overridden on a per-instance basis (as long as it's overridden before the connection is established)::
            server = irc.client.IRC().server()
            server.buffer_class = irc.buffer.LineBuffer
        Alternatively, some clients may still want to decode the input using a
        different encoding::
            irc.client.ServerConnection.buffer_class.encoding = 'latin-1'
        or using a less strict decoder::
            irc.client.ServerConnection.buffer_class.errors = 'replace'
        Notes and Contact Info
        Jason R. Coombs <>
        Original Author:
        Joel Rosdahl <>
        * Issue #28: Fix TypeError in version calculation in CTCP version.
        * Updated DCC send and receive scripts (Issue #27).
        * Fix timestamp support in ``schedule.DelayedCommand`` construction.
        * ``irc.client.NickMask`` is now a Unicode object on Python 2. Fixes issue
          reported in pull request #19.
        * Issue #24: Added `DCCConnection.send_bytes` for transmitting binary data.
          `privmsg` remains to support transmitting text.
        * Code base now runs natively on Python 2 and Python 3, but requires `six
          <>`_ to be installed.
        * Issue #25: Rate-limiting has been updated to be finer grained (preventing
          bursts exceeding the limit following idle periods).
        * Issue #22: Catch error in on NAMREPLY when nick is not in any visible
        * Fixed encoding errors in server on Python 3.
        * Added a ``set_keepalive`` method to the ServerConnection. Sends a periodic
          PING message every indicated interval.
        * Added support for throttling send_raw messages via the ServerConnection
          object. For example, on any connection object:
          That would set the rate limit to 30 Hz (30 per second). Thanks to Jason
          Kendall for the suggestion and bug fixes.
        * Fix typo in `client.NickMask`.
        * Fix typo in
        * Issue #15: Added client support for ISUPPORT directives on server
          connections. Now, each ServerConnection has a `features` attribute which
          reflects the features supported by the server. See the docs for
          `irc.features` for details about the implementation.
        * Issue #14: Fix errors when handlers of the same priority are added under
          Python 3. This also fixes the unintended behavior of allowing handlers of
          the same priority to compare as unequal.
        This release brings several backward-incompatible changes to the scheduled
        * Refactored implementation of schedule classes. No longer do they override
          the datetime constructor, but now only provide suitable classmethods for
          construction in various forms.
        * Removed backward-compatible references from irc.client.
        * Remove 'arguments' parameter from scheduled commands.
        Clients that reference the schedule classes from irc.client or that construct
        them from the basic constructor will need to update to use the new class
          - DelayedCommand -> DelayedCommand.after
          - PeriodicCommand -> PeriodicCommand.after
        Arguments may no longer be passed to the 'function' callback, but one is
        encouraged instead to use functools.partial to attach parameters to the
        callback. For example::
            DelayedCommand.after(3, func, ('a', 10))
            func = functools.partial(func, 'a', 10)
            DelayedCommand.after(3, func)
        This mode puts less constraints on the both the handler and the caller. For
        example, a caller can now pass keyword arguments instead::
            func = functools.partial(func, name='a', quantity=10)
            DelayedCommand.after(3, func)
        Readability, maintainability, and usability go up.
        * Issue #13: TypeError on Python 3 when constructing PeriodicCommand (and thus
        * Fixed regression created in 7.0 where PeriodicCommandFixedDelay would only
          cause the first command to be scheduled, but not subsequent ones.
        * Moved scheduled command classes to irc.schedule module. Kept references for
        * PeriodicCommand now raises a ValueError if it's created with a negative or
          zero delay (meaning all subsequent commands are immediately due). This fixes
        * Renamed the parameters to the IRC object. If you use a custom event loop
          and your code constructs the IRC object with keyword parameters, you will
          need to update your code to use the new names, so::
            IRC(fn_to_add_socket=adder, fn_to_remove_socket=remover, fn_to_add_timeout=timeout)
            IRC(on_connect=adder, on_disconnect=remover, on_schedule=timeout)
          If you don't use a custom event loop or you pass the parameters
          positionally, no change is necessary.
        * Fixed some unhandled exceptions in server client connections when the client
          would disconnect in response to messages sent after select was called.
        * Moved `LineBuffer` and `DecodingLineBuffer` from client to buffer module.
          Backward-compatible references have been kept for now.
        * Removed daemon mode and log-to-file options for server.
        * Miscellaneous bugfixes in server.
        * Fix error in 2to3 conversion on irc/ (issue #11).
        The IRC library is now licensed under the MIT license.
        * Added irc/, based on hircd by Ferry Boender.
        * Added support for CAP command (pull request #10), thanks to Danneh Oaks.
        Another backward-incompatible change. In irc 5.0, many of the unnecessary
        getter functions have been removed and replaced with simple attributes. This
        change addresses issue #2. In particular:
         - Connection._get_socket() -> Connection.socket (including subclasses)
         - Event.eventtype() -> Event.type
         - Event.source() -> Event.source
         - ->
         - Event.arguments() -> Event.arguments
        The `nm_to_*` functions were removed. Instead, use the NickMask class
        These deprecated function aliases were removed from irc.client::
         - parse_nick_modes -> modes.parse_nick_modes
         - parse_channel_modes -> modes.parse_channel_modes
         - generated_events -> events.generated
         - protocol_events -> events.protocol
         - numeric_events -> events.numeric
         - all_events -> events.all
         - irc_lower -> strings.lower
        Also, the parameter name when constructing an event was renamed from
        `eventtype` to simply `type`.
        * Removed deprecated arguments to ServerConnection.connect. See notes on the
          3.3 release on how to use the connect_factory parameter if your application
          requires ssl, ipv6, or other connection customization.
        * Filter out disconnected sockets when processing input.
        * Created two new exceptions in `irc.client`: `MessageTooLong` and
        * Use explicit exceptions instead of ValueError when sending data.
        * SingleServerIRCBot now accepts keyword arguments which are passed through
          to the `ServerConnection.connect` method. One can use this to use SSL for
            factory = irc.connection.Factory(wrapper=ssl.wrap_socket)
            bot =, connect_factory = factory)
        * Issue #6: Fix AttributeError when legacy parameters are passed to
        * Issue #7: Fix TypeError on `iter(LineBuffer)`.
        3.4 never worked - the decoding customization feature was improperly
        implemented and never tested.
        * The ServerConnection now allows custom classes to be supplied to customize
          the decoding of incoming lines. For example, to disable the decoding of
          incoming lines,
          replace the `buffer_class` on the ServerConnection with a version that
          passes through the lines directly::
            irc.client.ServerConnection.buffer_class = irc.client.LineBuffer
          This fixes #5.
        *Broken Release*
        * Added `connection` module with a Factory for creating socket connections.
        * Added `connect_factory` parameter to the ServerConnection.
        It's now possible to create connections with custom SSL parameters or other
        socket wrappers. For example, to create a connection with a custom SSL cert::
            import ssl
            import irc.client
            import irc.connection
            import functools
            irc = irc.client.IRC()
            server = irc.server()
            wrapper = functools.partial(ssl.wrap_socket, ssl_cert=my_cert())
            server.connect(connect_factory = irc.connection.Factory(wrapper=wrapper))
        With this release, many of the parameters to `ServerConnection.connect` are
        now deprecated:
            - localaddress
            - localport
            - ssl
            - ipv6
        Instead, one should pass the appropriate values to a `connection.Factory`
        instance and pass that factory to the .connect method. Backwards-compatibility
        will be maintained for these parameters until the release of irc 4.0.
        * Restore Python 2.6 compatibility.
        * Protect from UnicodeDecodeError when decoding data on the wire when data is
          not properly encoded in ASCII or UTF-8.
        * Additional branch protected by mutex.
        * Implemented thread safety via a reentrant lock guarding shared state in IRC
        * Fix some issues with bytes/unicode on Python 3
        * Distribute using setuptools rather than paver.
        * Minor tweaks for Python 3 support. Now installs on Python 3.
        * Added error checking when sending a message - for both message length and
          embedded carriage returns. Fixes #4.
        * Updated README.
        * Improved Unicode support. Fixes failing tests and errors lowering Unicode
          channel names.
        * Issue #3541414 - The ServerConnection and DCCConnection now encode any
          strings as UTF-8 before transmitting.
        * Issue #3527371 - Updated strings.FoldedCase to support comparison against
          objects of other types.
        * Shutdown the sockets before closing.
        Applications that are currently encoding unicode as UTF-8 before passing the
        strings to `ServerConnection.send_raw` need to be updated to send Unicode
        or ASCII.
        This release officially deprecates 2.0.1-2.0.3 in favor of 3.0.
        * Re-release of irc 2.0 (without the changes from 2.0.1-2.0.3) for
          correct compatibility indication.
        * DelayedCommands now use the local time for calculating 'at' and 'due'
          times. This will be more friendly for simple servers. Servers that expect
          UTC times should either run in UTC or override to
          return an appropriate time object for 'now'. For example::
            def startup_bot():
       = irc.client.DelayedCommand.utcnow
        * Added irc.client.PeriodicCommandFixedDelay. Schedule this command
          to have a function executed at a specific time and then at periodic
          intervals thereafter.
        * Removed `irclib` and `ircbot` legacy modules.
        * Fix file saving using on Windows. Fixes #2863199.
        * Created NickMask class from nm_to_* functions. Now if a source is
          a NickMask, one can access the .nick, .host, and .user attributes.
        * Use correct attribute for saved connect args. Fixes #3523057.
        * Added ServerConnection.reconnect method. Fixes #3515580.
        * Added missing events. Fixes #3515578.
        * Moved functionality from irclib module to irc.client module.
        * Moved functionality from ircbot module to module.
        * Retained irclib and ircbot modules for backward-compatibility. These
          will be removed in 1.0.
        * Renamed project to simply 'irc'.
        To support the new module structure, simply replace references to the irclib
        module with irc.client and ircbot module with This project will
        support that interface through all versions of irc 1.x, so if you've made
        these changes, you can safely depend on `irc >= 0.7, <2.0dev`.
        * Fixed failing test where DelayedCommands weren't being sorted properly.
          DelayedCommand a now subclass of the DateTime object, where the command's
          due time is the datetime. Fixed issue #3518508.
        * Fixed incorrect usage of Connection.execute_delayed (again).
        * Minimum Python requirement is now Python 2.6. Python 2.3 and earlier should use 0.5.0
          or earlier.
        * Removed incorrect usage of Connection.execute_delayed. Added Connection.execute_every.
          Fixed issue 3516241.
        * Use new-style classes.
Platform: UNKNOWN
Classifier: Development Status :: 5 - Production/Stable
Classifier: Intended Audience :: Developers
Classifier: Programming Language :: Python :: 2.6
Classifier: Programming Language :: Python :: 2.7
Classifier: Programming Language :: Python :: 3