

distrib > Mageia > 7 > armv7hl > media > core-release > by-pkgid > c37c56c46b2405208144437f52dc2f06 > files > 168


LEV_COMP(6)                   1996                    LEV_COMP(6)

     lev_comp - NetHack special levels compiler

     lev_comp [ -w ] [ files ]

     If no arguments are given, it reads standard input.

     Lev_comp is a special level compiler for NetHack version 3.2
     and  higher.   It  takes  description files as arguments and
     produces level files that can be loaded by NetHack  at  run-

     The purpose of this tool is to provide  NetHack  administra-
     tors  and implementors with a convenient way for adding spe-
     cial levels to the game, or modifying existing ones, without
     having to recompile the entire world.

     The -w option causes lev_comp to perform extra checks on the
     level and display extra warnings, however these warnings are
     sometimes superfluous, so they are not normally displayed.

     file            : /* nothing */
                     | levels

     levels          : level
                     | level levels

     level           : maze_level
                     | room_level

     maze_level      : maze_def flags lev_init messages regions

     room_level      : level_def flags lev_init messages rreg_init rooms corridors_def

     level_def       : LEVEL_ID ':' string

     lev_init        : /* nothing */
                     | LEV_INIT_ID ':' CHAR ',' CHAR ',' BOOLEAN ',' BOOLEAN ',' light_state ',' walled

     walled          : BOOLEAN
                     | RANDOM_TYPE

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     flags           : /* nothing */
                     | FLAGS_ID ':' flag_list

     flag_list       : FLAG_TYPE ',' flag_list
                     | FLAG_TYPE

     messages        : /* nothing */
                     | message messages

     message         : MESSAGE_ID ':' STRING

     rreg_init       : /* nothing */
                     | rreg_init init_rreg

     init_rreg       : RANDOM_OBJECTS_ID ':' object_list
                     | RANDOM_MONSTERS_ID ':' monster_list

     rooms           : /* Nothing  -  dummy room for use with INIT_MAP */
                     | roomlist

     roomlist        : aroom
                     | aroom roomlist

     corridors_def   : random_corridors
                     | corridors

     random_corridors: RAND_CORRIDOR_ID

     corridors       : /* nothing */
                     | corridors corridor

     corridor        : CORRIDOR_ID ':' corr_spec ',' corr_spec
                     | CORRIDOR_ID ':' corr_spec ',' INTEGER

     corr_spec       : '(' INTEGER ',' DIRECTION ',' door_pos ')'

     aroom           : room_def room_details

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                     | subroom_def room_details

     subroom_def     : SUBROOM_ID ':' room_type ',' light_state ',' subroom_pos ',' room_size ',' string roomfill

     room_def        : ROOM_ID ':' room_type ',' light_state ',' room_pos ',' room_align ',' room_size roomfill

     roomfill        : /* nothing */
                     | ',' BOOLEAN

     room_pos        : '(' INTEGER ',' INTEGER ')'
                     | RANDOM_TYPE

     subroom_pos     : '(' INTEGER ',' INTEGER ')'
                     | RANDOM_TYPE

     room_align      : '(' h_justif ',' v_justif ')'
                     | RANDOM_TYPE

     room_size       : '(' INTEGER ',' INTEGER ')'
                     | RANDOM_TYPE

     room_details    : /* nothing */
                     | room_details room_detail

     room_detail     : room_name
                     | room_chance
                     | room_door
                     | monster_detail
                     | object_detail
                     | trap_detail
                     | altar_detail
                     | fountain_detail
                     | sink_detail
                     | pool_detail
                     | gold_detail
                     | engraving_detail
                     | stair_detail

     room_name       : NAME_ID ':' string

     room_chance     : CHANCE_ID ':' INTEGER

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     room_door       : DOOR_ID ':' secret ',' door_state ',' door_wall ',' door_pos

     secret          : BOOLEAN
                     | RANDOM_TYPE

     door_wall       : DIRECTION
                     | RANDOM_TYPE

     door_pos        : INTEGER
                     | RANDOM_TYPE

     maze_def        : MAZE_ID ':' string ',' filling

     filling         : CHAR
                     | RANDOM_TYPE

     regions         : aregion
                     | aregion regions

     aregion         : map_definition reg_init map_details

     map_definition  : NOMAP_ID
                     | map_geometry MAP_ID

     map_geometry    : GEOMETRY_ID ':' h_justif ',' v_justif

     h_justif        : LEFT_OR_RIGHT
                     | CENTER

     v_justif        : TOP_OR_BOT
                     | CENTER

     reg_init        : /* nothing */
                     | reg_init init_reg

     init_reg        : RANDOM_OBJECTS_ID ':' object_list
                     | RANDOM_PLACES_ID ':' place_list

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                     | RANDOM_MONSTERS_ID ':' monster_list

     object_list     : object
                     | object ',' object_list

     monster_list    : monster
                     | monster ',' monster_list

     place_list      : place
                     | place ',' place_list

     map_details     : /* nothing */
                     | map_details map_detail

     map_detail      : monster_detail
                     | object_detail
                     | door_detail
                     | trap_detail
                     | drawbridge_detail
                     | region_detail
                     | stair_region
                     | portal_region
                     | teleprt_region
                     | branch_region
                     | altar_detail
                     | fountain_detail
                     | mazewalk_detail
                     | wallify_detail
                     | ladder_detail
                     | stair_detail
                     | gold_detail
                     | engraving_detail
                     | diggable_detail
                     | passwall_detail

     monster_detail  : MONSTER_ID chance ':' monster_c ',' m_name ',' coordinate

     monster_infos   : /* nothing */
                     | monster_infos monster_info

     monster_info    : ',' string
                     | ',' MON_ATTITUDE
                     | ',' MON_ALERTNESS

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                     | ',' alignment
                     | ',' MON_APPEARANCE string

     object_detail   : OBJECT_ID object_desc
                     | COBJECT_ID object_desc

     object_desc     : chance ':' object_c ',' o_name ',' object_where object_infos

     object_where    : coordinate
                     | CONTAINED

     object_infos    : /* nothing */
                     | ',' curse_state ',' monster_id ',' enchantment optional_name
                     | ',' curse_state ',' enchantment optional_name
                     | ',' monster_id ',' enchantment optional_name

     curse_state     : RANDOM_TYPE
                     | CURSE_TYPE

     monster_id      : STRING

     enchantment     : RANDOM_TYPE
                     | INTEGER

     optional_name   : /* nothing */
                     | ',' NONE
                     | ',' STRING

     door_detail     : DOOR_ID ':' door_state ',' coordinate

     trap_detail     : TRAP_ID chance ':' trap_name ',' coordinate

     drawbridge_detail: DRAWBRIDGE_ID ':' coordinate ',' DIRECTION ',' door_state

     mazewalk_detail : MAZEWALK_ID ':' coordinate ',' DIRECTION

     wallify_detail  : WALLIFY_ID

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     ladder_detail   : LADDER_ID ':' coordinate ',' UP_OR_DOWN

     stair_detail    : STAIR_ID ':' coordinate ',' UP_OR_DOWN

     stair_region    : STAIR_ID ':' lev_region ',' lev_region ',' UP_OR_DOWN

     portal_region   : PORTAL_ID ':' lev_region ',' lev_region ',' string

     teleprt_region  : TELEPRT_ID ':' lev_region ',' lev_region teleprt_detail

     branch_region   : BRANCH_ID ':' lev_region ',' lev_region

     teleprt_detail  : /* empty */
                     | ',' UP_OR_DOWN

     lev_region      : region
                     | LEV '(' INTEGER ',' INTEGER ',' INTEGER ',' INTEGER ')'

     fountain_detail : FOUNTAIN_ID ':' coordinate

     sink_detail : SINK_ID ':' coordinate

     pool_detail : POOL_ID ':' coordinate

     diggable_detail : NON_DIGGABLE_ID ':' region

     passwall_detail : NON_PASSWALL_ID ':' region

     region_detail   : REGION_ID ':' region ',' light_state ',' room_type prefilled

     altar_detail    : ALTAR_ID ':' coordinate ',' alignment ',' altar_type

     gold_detail     : GOLD_ID ':' amount ',' coordinate

     engraving_detail: ENGRAVING_ID ':' coordinate ',' engraving_type ',' string

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     monster_c       : monster
                     | RANDOM_TYPE
                     | m_register

     object_c        : object
                     | RANDOM_TYPE
                     | o_register

     m_name          : string
                     | RANDOM_TYPE

     o_name          : string
                     | RANDOM_TYPE

     trap_name       : string
                     | RANDOM_TYPE

     room_type       : string
                     | RANDOM_TYPE

     prefilled       : /* empty */
                     | ',' FILLING
                     | ',' FILLING ',' BOOLEAN

     coordinate      : coord
                     | p_register
                     | RANDOM_TYPE

     door_state      : DOOR_STATE
                     | RANDOM_TYPE

     light_state     : LIGHT_STATE
                     | RANDOM_TYPE

     alignment       : ALIGNMENT
                     | a_register
                     | RANDOM_TYPE

     altar_type      : ALTAR_TYPE
                     | RANDOM_TYPE

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     p_register      : P_REGISTER '[' INTEGER ']'

     o_register      : O_REGISTER '[' INTEGER ']'

     m_register      : M_REGISTER '[' INTEGER ']'

     a_register      : A_REGISTER '[' INTEGER ']'

     place           : coord

     monster         : CHAR

     object          : CHAR

     string          : STRING

     amount          : INTEGER
                     | RANDOM_TYPE

     chance          : /* empty */
                     | PERCENT

     engraving_type  : ENGRAVING_TYPE
                     | RANDOM_TYPE

     coord           : '(' INTEGER ',' INTEGER ')'

     region          : '(' INTEGER ',' INTEGER ',' INTEGER ',' INTEGER ')'

     Lines beginning with '#' are considered comments.

     The contents of a "MAP" description of a maze is a rectangle
     showing  the  exact  level  map  that should be used for the
     given part of a maze.  Each character in the map corresponds
     to  a  location on the screen.  Different location types are
     denoted using different  ASCII  characters.   The  following
     characters are recognized.  To give an idea of how these are
     used, see the EXAMPLE, below.  The maximum size of a map  is

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     normally 76 columns by 21 rows.

     '-'     horizontal wall
     '|'     vertical wall
     '+'     a doorway (state is specified in a DOOR declaration)
     'A'     open air
     'B'     boundary room location (for bounding unwalled irregular regions)
     'C'     cloudy air
     'I'     ice
     'S'     a secret door
     'H'     a secret corridor
     '{'     a fountain
     '\'     a throne
     'K'     a sink (if SINKS is defined, else a room location)
     '}'     a part of a moat or other deep water
     'P'     a pool
     'L'     lava
     'W'     water (yes, different from a pool)
     'T'     a tree
     'F'     iron bars
     '#'     a corridor
     '.'     a normal room location (unlit unless lit in a REGION declaration)
     ' '     stone

     Here is an example of a  description  file  (a  very  simple

     MAZE : "fortress", random
     GEOMETRY : center , center
     MONSTER: '@', "Wizard of Yendor", (4,4)
     OBJECT: '"', "Amulet of Yendor", (4,4)
     # a hell hound flanking the Wiz on a random side
     RANDOM_PLACES: (4,3), (4,5), (3,4), (5,4)
     MONSTER: 'd', "hell hound", place[0]
     # a chest on another random side
     OBJECT: '(', "chest", place[1]
     # a sack on a random side, with a diamond and maybe a ruby in it
     CONTAINER: '(', "sack", place[2]
     OBJECT: '*', "diamond", contained
     OBJECT[50%]: '*', "ruby", contained

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     # a random dragon somewhere
     MONSTER: 'D', random, random
     # 3 out of 4 chance for a random trap in the EAST end
     TRAP[75%]: random, (6,4)
     # an electric eel below the SOUTH end
     MONSTER: ';', "electric eel", (4,8)
     # make the walls non-diggable
     NON_DIGGABLE: (0,0,8,8)
     TELEPORT_REGION: levregion(0,0,79,20), (0,0,8,8)

     This example will produce a file named "fortress"  that  can
     be integrated into one of the numerous mazes of the game.

     Note especially the  final,  TELEPORT_REGION  specification.
     This   says  that  level  teleports  or  other  non-stairway
     arrivals on this level can land anywhere on the level except
     the  area  of  the  map.  This shows the use of the ``levre-
     gion'' prefix  allowed  in  certain  region  specifications.
     Normally, regions apply only to the most recent MAP specifi-
     cation, but when prefixed with ``levregion'', one can  refer
     to any area of the level, regardless of the placement of the
     current MAP in the level.

     Jean-Christophe Collet, David Cohrs.

     dgn_comp(6), nethack(6)

     Probably infinite.  Most importantly, still needs additional
     bounds checking.

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