

distrib > Mageia > 7 > armv7hl > media > core-release > by-pkgid > f7f14f3a2386a03e63d3dd7fb179ce5b > files > 10



An OrderedSet is a mutable data structure that is a hybrid of a list and a set.
It remembers the order of its entries, and every entry has an index number that
can be looked up.

## Usage examples

An OrderedSet is created and used like a set:

    >>> from ordered_set import OrderedSet

    >>> letters = OrderedSet('abracadabra')

    >>> letters
    OrderedSet(['a', 'b', 'r', 'c', 'd'])

    >>> 'r' in letters

It is efficient to find the index of an entry in an OrderedSet, or find an
entry by its index. To help with this use case, the `.add()` method returns
the index of the added item, whether it was already in the set or not.

    >>> letters.index('r')

    >>> letters[2]

    >>> letters.add('r')

    >>> letters.add('x')

OrderedSets implement the union (`|`), intersection (`&`), and difference (`-`)
operators like sets do.

    >>> letters |= OrderedSet('shazam')

    >>> letters
    OrderedSet(['a', 'b', 'r', 'c', 'd', 'x', 's', 'h', 'z', 'm'])

    >>> letters & set('aeiou')

    >>> letters -= 'abcd'

    >>> letters
    OrderedSet(['r', 'x', 's', 'h', 'z', 'm'])

The `__getitem__()` and `index()` methods have been extended to accept any
iterable except a string, returning a list, to perform NumPy-like "fancy

    >>> letters = OrderedSet('abracadabra')

    >>> letters[[0, 2, 3]]
    ['a', 'r', 'c']

    >>> letters.index(['a', 'r', 'c'])
    [0, 2, 3]

OrderedSet implements `__getstate__` and `__setstate__` so it can be pickled,
and implements the abstract base classes `collections.MutableSet` and

## Interoperability with NumPy and Pandas

An OrderedSet can be used as a bi-directional mapping between a sparse
vocabulary and dense index numbers. As of version 3.1, it accepts NumPy arrays
of index numbers as well as lists.

This combination of features makes OrderedSet a simple implementation of many
of the things that `pandas.Index` is used for, and many of its operations are
faster than the equivalent pandas operations.

For further compatibility with pandas.Index, `get_loc` (the pandas method for
looking up a single index) and `get_indexer` (the pandas method for fancy
indexing in reverse) are both aliases for `index` (which handles both cases
in OrderedSet).

## Type hinting
To use type hinting features install `ordered-set-stubs` package from

    $ pip install ordered-set-stubs

## Authors

OrderedSet was implemented by Robyn Speer. Jon Crall contributed changes and
tests to make it fit the Python set API.

## Comparisons

The original implementation of OrderedSet was a [recipe posted to ActiveState
Recipes][recipe] by Raymond Hettiger, released under the MIT license.


Hettiger's implementation kept its content in a doubly-linked list referenced by a
dict. As a result, looking up an item by its index was an O(N) operation, while
deletion was O(1).

This version makes different trade-offs for the sake of efficient lookups. Its
content is a standard Python list instead of a doubly-linked list. This
provides O(1) lookups by index at the expense of O(N) deletion, as well as
slightly faster iteration.

In Python 3.6 and later, the built-in `dict` type is inherently ordered. If you
ignore the dictionary values, that also gives you a simple ordered set, with
fast O(1) insertion, deletion, iteration and membership testing. However, `dict`
does not provide the list-like random access features of OrderedSet. You
would have to convert it to a list in O(N) to look up the index of an entry or
look up an entry by its index.

## Compatibility

OrderedSet is automatically tested on Python 2.7, 3.4, 3.5, 3.6, and 3.7.
We've checked more informally that it works on PyPy and PyPy3.