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    <h1 class="settitle" align="center"><span style="font-style: italic;">wxMaxima</span>
    <a name="Top"></a>
    <div class="header">
      <p> Next: <a href="#Introduction" accesskey="n" rel="next">Introduction</a>,
        Up: <a href="#Top" accesskey="u" rel="up">(dir)</a> &nbsp; [<a href="#SEC_Contents"
          title="Table of contents" rel="contents">Contents</a>] [<a title="Alphabetical index"
          href="#Index">Index</a>] </p>
    <a name="The-wxMaxima-user_0027s-manual"></a>
    <h1 class="top">The <span style="font-style: italic;">wxMaxima</span>
      user’s manual</h1>
    <p style="text-align: left;"><span style="font-style: italic;">wxMaxima </span>is
      a graphical user interface (GUI) for the <span style="font-style: italic;">Maxima</span>
      computer algebra system (CAS). <span style="font-style: italic;">wxMaxima</span>
      allows one to use all of <span style="font-style: italic;">Maxima</span>’s
      In addition, it provides convenient wizards for accessing the most
      commonly used features. This manual describes some of the features that
      make <span style="font-style: italic;">wxMaxima</span> one of the most
      popular GUIs for <span style="font-style: italic;">Maxima</span>.</p>
    <div style="text-align: center;"><a href="wxMaximaLogo"><img alt="wxMaxima logo"
    <p style="text-align: left;">Before we look at the content a few points
      regarding navigation are in order. Immediately below is a short table of
      contents. Clicking on any of the listed items moves the cursor to the top
      of the indicated section of the manual. Clicking on <a title="Full table of contents"
        href="#SEC_Contents">Contents</a> here or on the line below the short
      table of contents moves the cursor to an extended table of contents. This
      extended table can be used to navigate more directly to specific parts of
      the manual. Finally, an <a title="Alphabetical index" href="#Index">index</a>
      provides an alphabetical listing of many of the items in the manual with
      links to these items.</p>
    <table class="menu" cellspacing="0" border="0">
          <td align="left" valign="top">• <a title="Introduction to wxMaxima" href="#Introduction"
          <td align="left" valign="top"><span style="font-style: italic;">wxMaxima</span>
            basics </td>
          <td align="left" valign="top">• <a title="Extensions" href="#Extensions"
          <td align="left" valign="top">The commands <span style="font-style: italic;">wxMaxima</span>
            adds to <span style="font-style: italic;">Maxima </span></td>
          <td align="left" valign="top">• <a title="Troubleshooting" href="#Troubleshooting"
          <td align="left" valign="top">What to do if <span style="font-style: italic;">wxMaxima</span>
            does not work as expected </td>
          <td align="left" valign="top">• <a title="FAQ" href="#FAQ" accesskey="4">FAQ</a>:</td>
          <td align="left" valign="top">Frequently asked questions </td>
          <td align="left" valign="top">• <a title="Maxima Command Line" href="#CommandLine"
          <td align="left" valign="top">The command-line arguments wxMaxima
            supports </td>
    <hr> <a name="Introduction"></a>
    <div class="header">
      <p> Next: <a title="Extensions" href="#Extensions" accesskey="n" rel="next">Extensions</a>,
        Previous: <a title="To top of document" href="#Top" accesskey="p" rel="prev">top</a>,
        Up: <a title="To top of document" href="#Top" accesskey="u" rel="up">top</a>
        &nbsp; [<a href="#SEC_Contents" title="To full table of contents" rel="contents">Contents</a>]
        [<a title="Alphabetical index" href="#Index">Index</a>]</p>
    <a name="Introduction-to-wxMaxima"></a>
    <h2 class="chapter">1 Introduction to <span style="font-style: italic;">wxMaxima</span></h2>
    <a name="Maxima-and-wxMaxima"></a>
    <h3 class="section">1.1 Maxima and wxMaxima</h3>
    <p>In the open-source domain big systems are normally split into smaller
      projects that are easier to handle for small groups of developers. For
      example a CD burner program will consist of a command-line tool that
      actually burns the CD and a graphical user interface that allows users to
      implement it without having to learn about all the command line switches
      and in fact without using the command line at all. One advantage of this
      approach is that the developing work that was invested into the
      command-line program can be shared by many programs: The same CD-burner
      command-line program can be used as a “send-to-CD”-plug-in for a file
      manager application, for the “burn to CD” function of a music player and
      as the CD writer for a DVD backup tool. Another advantage is that
      splitting one big task into smaller parts allows the developers to provide
      several user interfaces for the same program. </p>
    <p>A computer algebra system (CAS) like <span style="font-style: italic;">Maxima</span>
      fits into this framework. A CAS can provide the logic behind a arbitrary
      precision calculator application or it can do automatic transforms of
      formulas in the background of a bigger system (e.g., <a href="">Sage</a>).
      Alternatively, it can be used directly as a free-standing system. <span style="font-style: italic;">Maxima</span>
      can be accessed via a command line. Often, however, an interface like <span
        style="font-style: italic;">wxMaxima</span> proves a more efficient way
      to access the software, especially for newcomers. computer algebra system.
    <a name="Maxima"></a>
    <h4 class="subsection">1.1.1 <span style="font-style: italic;">Maxima</span></h4>
    <a name="index-CAS"></a> <a name="index-Computer-algebra-System"></a>
    <p><span style="font-style: italic;">Maxima</span> is a full-featured
      computer algebra system (CAS). A CAS is a program that can solve
      mathematical problems by rearranging formulas and finding a formula that
      solves the problem as opposed to just outputting the numeric value of the
      result. In other words, <span style="font-style: italic;"> Maxima</span>
      can serve as a calculator that gives numerical representations of
      variables, and it can also provide analytical solutions. Furthermore, it
      offers a range of numerical methods of analysis for equations or systems
      of equations that cannot be solved analytically. </p>
    <div style="text-align: center;"><img alt="Maxima screenshot" src="./maxima_screenshot.png"></div>
    <p>Extensive documentation for <span style="font-style: italic;">Maxima</span>
      is&nbsp; <a href="">available
        in the internet</a>. Part of this documentation is also available in <span
        style="font-style: italic;">wxMaxima</span>’s help menu. Pressing the <tt
        class="key">Help</tt> key (on most systems that would be the <tt class="key">F1</tt>
      key) causes <span style="font-style: italic;">wxMaxima</span>’s
      context-sensitive help feature will automatically jump to <span style="font-style: italic;">Maxima</span>’s
      manual page for the command at the cursor.&nbsp;&nbsp; </p>
    <h4 class="subsection">1.1.2 <span style="font-style: italic;">wxMaxima</span></h4>
    <p><span style="font-style: italic;">wxMaxima</span> is a graphical user
      interface that provides the full functionality and flexibility of <span style="font-style: italic;">Maxima</span>.
      <span style="font-style: italic;">wxMaxima</span> offers users a graphical
      display and many features that make working with Maxima easier. For
      example <span style="font-style: italic;">wxMaxima</span> allows one to
      export any cell’s contents (or, if that is needed, any part of a formula,
      as well) as text, as LaTeX or as MathML specification at a simple
      right-click. Indeed, an entire workbook can be exported, either as an HTML
      file or as a LaTeX file. Documentation for wxMaxima, including workbooks
      to illustrate aspects of its use, is online at the <span style="font-style: italic;">wxMaxima</span>
      <a target="_blank" href="">help
        site</a>, as well as via the help menu.</p>
    <img alt="wxMaxima window" src="./wxMaximaWindow.png">
    <p>The calculations that are entered in <em>wxMaxima</em> are performed by
      the <span style="font-style: italic;">Maxima</span> command-line tool in
      the background. <a name="Worksheet-basics"></a></p>
    To <a title="To top of document" href="#Top" accesskey="u" rel="up">top</a>
    <h3 class="section">1.2 Workbook basics</h3>
    <p>Much of <span style="font-style: italic;">wxMaxima</span> is
      self-explaining, but some details require attention. <a href="">This
        site</a> contains a number of workbooks that address various aspects of
      <span style="font-style: italic;">wxMaxima</span>. Working through some of
      these (particularly the "10 minute (wx)Maxima tutorial") will increase
      one’s familiarity with both the content of <em>Maxima</em> and the use of
      <span style="font-style: italic;">wxMaxima</span> to interact with <span
        style="font-style: italic;">Maxima</span>. This manual concentrates on
      describing aspects of <span style="font-style: italic;">wxMaxima</span>
      that are not likely to be self-evident and that might not be covered in
      the online material. </p>
    <h4 class="subsection">1.2.1 The workbook approach</h4>
    <p><a name="The-worksheet-approach"></a>One of the very few things that are
      not standard in <span style="font-style: italic;">wxMaxima</span> is that
      it organizes the data for <span style="font-style: italic;">Maxima </span>into
      cells that are evaluated (which means: sent to <em>Maxima</em>) only when
      the user requests this. When a cell is evaluated, all commands in that
      cell, and only that cell, are evaluated as a batch. (The preceding
      statement is not quite accurate: One can select a set of adjacent cells
      and evaluate them together. Also, one can instruct <em>Maxima</em> to
      evaluate all cells in a workbook in one pass.) <em>wxMaxima</em>'s
      approach to submitting commands for execution might feel unfamiliar at the
      first sight. It does, however, drastically ease work with big documents
      (where the user certainly does not want every small change to
      automatically to trigger a full re-evaluation of the whole document).
      Also, this approach is very handy for debugging. </p>
    <p><a name="Input Output Cell"></a>The cells that <em>wxMaxima</em>
      automatically creates when the user enters some text are <em>Maxima</em>
      input cells that will eventually be sent to Maxima. A pair of such
      commands appears below. Once the input is executed, the resulting output
      appears in the same cell. </p>
    <div style="text-align: center;"><img alt="Input/output cell" src="./InputCell.jpg"></div>
    <p>On evaluation of an input cell’s contents the input cell <em>Maxima</em>
      assigns a label to the input (by default shown in red and recognizable by
      the <code>%i</code>) by which it can be referenced later in the <em>wxMaxima</em>
      session. The output that <em>Maxima</em> generates will be shown in a
      different style (which can be user-selected) and is preceded by a <em>Maxima</em>
      label that begins beginning with <code>%o</code>. The output item can be
      accessed later with a reference to this code. By default <em>wxMaxima</em>
      will also attempt to replace this dynamically-generated label by a more
      descriptive name if the user provides one. The <code>%o</code>-style
      label <em>Maxima</em> auto-generates will still be accessible, though. </p>
    <p>Besides the input cells<span style="font-style: italic;"> wxMaxima</span>
      allows for text cells for documentation, image cells, title cells, chapter
      cells and section cells. Every cell has its own undo buffer so debugging
      by changing the values of several cells and then gradually reverting the
      unneeded changes is rather easy. Furthermore the worksheet itself has a
      global undo buffer that can undo cell edits, adds and deletes. </p>
    <p>The figure below shows different cell types (Title cells, section cells, subsection cells, 
    text cells, input/output cells and an image cell.</p>
    <img alt="Example of different wxMaxima cells" src="./cell-example.png">
    <p><a name="Cells"></a></p>
    To <a title="To top of document" href="#Top" accesskey="u" rel="up">top</a>
    <h4 class="subsection">1.2.2 Cells</h4>
    <p>The worksheet is organized in cells. Each cell can contain one or more of
      the following types of content: </p>
      <li> one or more lines of <em>Maxima</em> input </li>
      <li>one or more image </li>
      <li> output of,&nbsp; or a question from, <em>Maxima</em> </li>
      <li> normal a text block that can for example used for explaining the
        meaning of the math cell’s contents</li>
      <li>a title, section or a subsection. </li>
    <p>The default behavior of <em>wxMaxima</em> when text is entered is to
      automatically create a math cell. Cells of other types can be created
      using the Cell menu or using the hot keys shown in the menu. That is, to
      enter commands, just type and enter material. Before entering text, a
      workbook title, or a section or subsection title, one must first create
      the cell of the specified type. These cells can be created in one of three
      ways: via the Cell menu, by use of hot key combinations (indicated in the
      menu), or (depending on your operating system) by right-clicking between
      two cells and selecting an option from the drop-down menu.</p>
    <a name="Horizontal-and-vertical-cursors"></a>
    <h4 class="subsection">1.2.3 Horizontal and vertical cursors</h4>
    <p><a name="Drag and drop"></a></p>
    <p>It sometimes is desirable to allow selecting multiple cells or only part
      of a cell for export or Drag-and-Drop. However, beginning such an action
      in the middle of one cell and ending it in the middle of another will
      almost certainly lead to unexpected results.<em> wxMaxima</em> will
      therefore extend the selection to full cells in this case. </p>
    <p><em>wxMaxima</em> provides drag-and-drop flexibility by defining two
      types of cursors. <em>wxMaxima</em> will switch between automatically
      when needed: </p>
      <li> A horizontal cursor that is able to select any number of whole cells.
        This cursor is activated by moving the cursor between two cells or by
        clicking on a space between two cells. To select a set of adjacent
        cells, click in the bracket at the left of the top cell (but not inside
        the triangle) and then drag the cursor so that this cell and the next
        cell (or range of cells) is highlighted. Then use <tt class="key">ctrl+enter</tt>
        or <tt class="key">shift+enter</tt> to execute the highlighted cells. </li>
      <li> A vertical cursor that works inside a cell. This cursor is activated
        by moving the cursor inside a cell using the mouse pointer or the cursor
        keys and works much like the cursor in a text editor.</li>
    <p>As long as the cursor is inside a cell search operations will limit their
      scope to the current cell. </p>
    <a name="Command-autocompletion"></a> &nbsp; To <a title="To top of document"
      href="#Top" accesskey="u" rel="up">top</a>
    <h4 class="subsection">1.2.4 Command autocompletion</h4>
    <p><em>wxMaxima</em> contains an autocompletion feature that is triggered
      via the menu (Cell/Complete Word) or alternatively by pressing the key
      combination <tt class="key">Ctrl</tt>+<tt class="key">k</tt>. The
      autocompletion is context-sensitive and if activated within an unit
      specification for ezUnits it will offer a list of applicable units.</p>
    <img alt="ezUnits" src="./ezUnits.png">
    <p>Besides completing the current command’s or variable’s name the
      autocompletion is able to show a template for most of the commands
      indicating the type (and meaning) of the parameters this program expects.
      To activate this feature press <tt class="key">Shift</tt>+<tt class="key">Ctrl</tt>+<tt
        class="key">k</tt> or select the respective menu item (Cell/Show
      Template). <a name="Greek-characters"></a> </p>
    <h4 class="subsection">1.2.5 Greek characters</h4>
    <p>Computers traditionally store characters in 8-bit values. This allows for
      a maximum of 256 different characters. All letters, numbers, and control
      symbols (end of transmission, end of string, lines and edges for drawing
      rectangles for menus <em>etc</em>.) of nearly any given language can fit
      within that limit. </p>
    <p>For most countries the codepage of 256 characters that has been chosen
      does not include Greek letters, though. To overcome this limitation
      Unicode has been invented: This is a method of including characters that
      are not normally used in the English language in a text that (as long as
      only the basic form of Latin characters is used) looks like plain 8-bit
      ASCII. </p>
    <p><em>Maxima</em> allows for unicode characters if it runs on a lisp (the
      language on which <em>Maxima</em> is built) that supports them. If the <em>wxWidgets</em>
      library on which <em>wxMaxima</em> is built on supports Unicode
      characters, too, then <em>wxMaxima</em> can be built with Unicode
      support. In this case it (besides a Greek Characters Sidebar) provides a
      method of entering Greek characters using the keyboard: </p>
      <li> An alpha is entered by pressing the &lt;ESC&gt; key and then typing
        in the character a followed by a press on the &lt;ESC&gt; key. </li>
      <li> A beta is entered by pressing the &lt;ESC&gt; key and then typing in
        the character b followed by a press on the &lt;ESC&gt; key. </li>
      <li> A gamma is entered by pressing the &lt;ESC&gt; key and then typing in
        the character c followed by a press on the &lt;ESC&gt; key. </li>
      <li> ...and so on. </li>
    <p>If the system does not provide unicode support <em>wxMaxima</em> will
      still provide a method of showing Greek characters: Variable names like
      "alpha" are always displayed as the corresponding Greek symbols in <em>wxMaxima</em>
      output. </p>
    <p>The lowercase Greek letters actually can be entered both by enter a Latin
      letter or the whole Latin name of the Greek letter followed and preceded
      by a press of the escape key: </p>
    <div class="example">
      <pre class="example">a alpha    i iota      r rho
b beta     k kappa     s sigma
g gamma    l lambda    t tau
d delta    m mu        u upsilon
e epsilon  n nu        f phi
z zeta     x xi        c chi
h eta      om omicron  y psi
q theta    p pi        o omega
    <p>The same is true for the uppercase greek letters: </p>
    <div class="example">
      <pre class="example">A Alpha    I Iota      R Rho
B Beta     K Kappa     S Sigma
G Gamma    L Lambda    T Tau
D Delta    M Mu        U Upsilon
E Epsilon  N Nu        P Phi
Z Zeta     X Xi        C Chi
H Eta      Om Omicron  Y Psi
T Theta    P Pi        O Omega
    <p>This mechanism also allows to enter some miscellaneous mathematical
      symbols: </p>
    <div class="example">
      <pre class="example">hbar          planck's constant: a h with a horizontal bar above it
Hbar          a H with a horizontal bar above it
    <p>This mechanism also allows to enter some miscellaneous mathematical
      symbols: </p>
    <div class="example">
      <pre class="example">2             squared
3             to the power of three
/2            1/2
partial       partial sign (the d of dx/dt)
integral      integral sign
sq            root
ii            imaginary
ee            element
hb or hbar    h barred
Hbar          H barred
in            in
impl,implies  implies
inf           infinity
empty         empty
TB            Big triangle right
tb            small triangle right
and           and
or            or
xor           xor
nand          nand
nor           nor
equiv         equivalent
not           not
union         union
inter         intersection
subseteq      subset or equal
subset        subset
notsubseteq   not subset or equal
notsubset     not subset
approx        approximately
propto        proportional to
or #          not equal to
+/- or pm     a plus/minus sign
&lt;= or leq     equal or less than
&gt;= or geq     equal or greater than
&lt;&lt; or ll      much less than
&gt;&gt; or gg      much greater than
equiv         equivalent to
qed           end of proof
sum           sum sign
prod          product sign
exists        "there exists" sign
nexists       "there is no" sign
parallel      a "parallel" sign
perp          a "perpendicular" sign
leadsto       a "leads to" sign
-&gt;            a right arrow
--&gt;           a long right arrow
    <p>If a special symbol isn’t in the list it is possible to input arbitrary
      unicode characters by pressing <code>&lt;ESC&gt;number of the
        character&lt;ESC&gt;</code>. <code>&lt;ESC&gt;61&lt;ESC&gt;</code>
      therefore results in an <code>a</code>. </p>
    <p>Be aware that a <em>Maxima</em> running on a lisp without Unicode
      support might not be able to deal with files that contain special Unicode
      characters. </p>
    <p>Please note that most of these symbols (notable exceptions are the logic
      symbols) do not have a special meaning in <em>Maxima</em> and therefore
      will be interpreted as ordinary characters - or might provoke unexpected
      results in case that the <em>Maxima</em> is being run by a lisp that
      doesn’t support dealing with special Unicode characters.&nbsp;</p>
    <a name="Side-Panes"></a>To <a title="To top of document" href="#Top" accesskey="u"
    <h4 class="subsection">1.2.6 Side Panes</h4>
    <p>Shortcuts to the most important <em>Maxima</em> commands and a history
      of the last issued commands can be accessed using the side panes. They can
      be enabled using the "View" menu. The shortcuts can
      be moved to where the location is most convenient, inside or outside the <em>wxMaxima</em>
      window. The same commands can be accessed via the menus. Also, a pane that
      contains Greek letters can be opened. This pane provides an alternative to
      the methods of entering these letters that the preceding section
    <img alt="Example of different side panes" src="./SidePanes.png">
    <h4>1.2.7 MathML output </h4>
    <p>Several word processors and similar programs either recognize MathML
      input and automatically insert it as an editable 2D equation - or (like
      LibreOffice 5.1) have an equation editor that offers an “import MathML
      from clipboard” feature. In order to accommodate this feature, <em>wxMaxima</em>
      offers a “copy to word processor” right-click menu entry that outputs the
      selected part of an equation with MathML formatting. </p>
    <a name="Markdown-support"></a>To <a title="To top of document" href="#Top"
      accesskey="u" rel="up">top</a>
    <h4 class="subsection">1.2.8 Markdown support</h4>
    <p>A wxMaxima workbook can be exported as either an HTML file or a LaTeX
      file. The program uses a set of standard markdown conventions. Markdown in
      many cases collides with the notations that are frequently used for
      mathematics. wxMaxima will recognize bullet lists, though, for the HTML
      and TeX export when the items are marked with stars. </p>
    <div class="example">
      <pre class="example">Ordinary text
 * One item, indentation level 1
 * Another item at indentation level 1
   * An item at a second indentation level
   * A second item at the second indentation level
 * A third item at the first indentation level
Ordinary text
    <p>wxMaxima will recognize text starting with &gt; chars as block quotes: </p>
    <div class="example">
      <pre class="example">Ordinary text
&gt; quote quote quote quote
&gt; quote quote quote quote
&gt; quote quote quote quote
Ordinary text
    <p>wxMaxima will also recognize <code>=&gt;</code> and replace it by a </p>
    <div class="example">
      <pre class="example">cogito =&gt; sum.
    <p>Other symbols the markdown parser will recognize are <code>&lt;=</code>
      and <code>&gt;=</code> for comparisons, a double-pointed double arrow (<code>&lt;=&gt;</code>),
      headed arrows (<code>&lt;-&gt;</code>, <code>-&gt;</code> and <code>&lt;-</code>)
      and <code>+/-</code> as the respective sign. For TeX output also <code>&lt;&lt;</code>
      and <code>&gt;&gt;</code> are recognized. </p>
    <a name="Hotkeys"></a>
    <h4 class="subsection">1.2.9 Hotkeys</h4>
    <p>Most hotkeys can be found in the text of the respective menus. Since they
      are actually taken from the menu text and thus can be customized by the
      translations of <em>wxMaxima</em> to match the needs of users of the
      local keyboard, we do not document them here. A few hotkeys or hotkey
      aliases, though, are not documented in the menus: </p>
      <li> <code>Ctrl+Shift+Delete</code> deletes a complete cell. </li>
      <li> <code>Ctrl+Tab</code> or <code>Ctrl+Shift</code> triggers the
        auto-completion mechanism. </li>
      <li> <code>Ctrl+I</code> or <code>Ctrl+O</code> Zoom in or out. </li>
      <li> <code>Shift+Space</code> inserts a non-breaking space. </li>
    <a name="Raw-TeX-in-the-TeX-export"></a>
    <h4 class="subsection">1.2.10 Raw TeX in the TeX export</h4>
    <p>If a text cell begins with <code>TeX:</code> the TeX export contains the
      literal text that follows the <code>TeX:</code> marker. Using this
      feature allows the entry of TeX markup within the <em>wxMaxima</em>
    <a name="File-Formats"></a>
    <h3 class="section">1.3 File Formats</h3>
    <p>The material that is developed in a wxMaxima session can be stored for
      later use in any of three ways: </p>
    <a name="g_t_002emac"></a>To <a title="To top of document" href="#Top" accesskey="u"
    <h4 class="subsection">1.3.1 .mac</h4>
    <p><samp>.mac</samp> files are ordinary text files that can be read using <span
        style="font-style: italic;">Maxima’</span>s read command or <span style="font-style: italic;">wxMaxima</span>’s
      File/Batch File menu entry.</p>
    <p>One Example: </p>
    <p>A <samp>.mac</samp> file named Quadratic.mac was created. It consists of
      two commands: <code>f(x) := (x - 5)^2;</code> and <code>wxdraw2d(
        explicit(f(x),x,-5,15))</code>. The result of entering that batch file
      appears below. (Some directory path information is deleted.) </p>
    <div style="text-align: center;"><img alt="Batch image" src="./BatchImage.png"></div>
    <div class="example">
      <pre class="example">%i1 read("test.mac");
    <p>You can be use <code>.mac</code> files for writing own library of
      macros. But since they don’t contain enough structural information they
      cannot be read back as a wxMaxima session. </p>
    <a name="g_t_002ewxm"></a>
    <h4 class="subsection">1.3.2 .wxm</h4>
    <p><samp>.wxm</samp> files contain the input for Maxima, as well as any text
      cells, title cells and chapter or section cells the user has typed in.
      On maxima versions &gt;5.38 they can be read using maxima's <samp>load()
      </samp> function just as .mac files can be.
      <span style="font-style: italic;">Maxima</span>’s output is
      not saved along with the <samp>.wxm</samp> file, though. </p>
    <a name="g_t_002ewxmx"></a>
    <h4 class="subsection">1.3.3 .wxmx</h4>
    <p>This xml-based file format saves all text and images the work sheet
      contains. It is the preferred file format now and comes in two flavors: </p>
      <li> Files saved in the version-control friendly <samp>.wxmx</samp>
        format contain all images in a standard compressed format (<samp>.png</samp>)
        and a uncompressed copy of the xml tree that contains the structure of
        the document and the text typed in by the user. Since the images are
        compressed individually and the text is saved as text a version control
        system like bazaar, subversion, git or mercurial will only have to save
        the elements of the file that actually have changed since the last
        version. </li>
      <li> Files saved in disk space-optimized <samp>.wxmx</samp> format are
        compressed as a whole. If no version control system is used this will
        save disk space:
          <li> The portion of the file that is pure xml data tends to get
            fundamentally smaller when being compressed </li>
          <li> and after the compression recurring data like image headers will
            use up only a fraction of the space they originally did. </li>
        <p>This comes at the cost, though, that the change of even a single line
          of text in the uncompressed version tends to completely change the
          structure of the compressed version of a file. A version control
          system that deals with such a file will - however optimized it might
          be on handling differences between binary files - will therefore have
          to track (and to store) a much higher number of differences between
          two file versions than necessary; Since most version control systems
          compress the data they store on the server the server space occupied
          by the initial version of both <samp>.wxmx</samp> flavors should be
          nearly identical in size. </p>
    <a name="Configuration-options"></a>To <a title="To top of document" href="#Top"
      accesskey="u" rel="up">top</a>
    <h3 class="section">1.4 Configuration options</h3>
    <p>For some common configuration variables wxMaxima offers two ways of
      configuring: </p>
      <li> The configuration dialog box below lets you change their default
        values for the current and subsequent sessions. </li>
      <li> Also, the values for most configuration variables can be changed for
        the current session only by overwriting their values from the worksheet,
        as shown below.</li>
    <div style="text-align: center;"><img alt="wxMaxima configuration 1" src="./wxMaxima_configuration_001.png"></div>
    <h4><a name="Default-animation-framerate"></a>1.4.1 Default animation
      framerate </h4>
    <p>The animation framerate that is used for new animations is kept in the
      variable <var>wxanimate_framerate</var>. The initial value this variable
      will contain in a new worksheet can be changed using the configuration
      dialogue. </p>
    <a name="Default-plot-size-for-new-maxima-sessions"></a>
    <h4 class="subsection">1.4.2 Default plot size for new maxima sessions</h4>
    <p>After the next start plots embedded into the worksheet will be created
      with this size if the value of <var>wxplot_size</var> isn’t changed by
      maxima. </p>
    <p>In order to set the plot size of a single graph only use the following
      notation can be used that sets a variable’s value for one command only: </p>
    <div class="example">
      <pre class="example">wxdraw2d( explicit(x^2,x,-5,5)), wxplot_size=[480,480]$.
    <a name="Use-jsMath-fonts"></a>
    <h4 class="subsection">1.4.3 Use jsMath fonts</h4>
    <p>The style menu allows customization that pertains to the appearance of
      your notebook as you work. </p>
    <div style="text-align: center;"><img alt="wxMaxima configuration 2" src="./wxMaxima_configuration_002.png"></div>
    <p>It also contains the option to use jsMath fonts. It is a good idea to
      install these fonts since they were especially designed for mathematics
      and tend to resolve issues that can be caused by broken fonts. If they are
      not installed on your computer, the option to activate them will not be
      highlighted. The jsMath fonts can be found on <a href="">this
        site</a>. The site describes JsMath fonts and provides installation
      instructions. <a name="Match-parenthesis-in-text-controls"></a>To <a title="To top of document"
        href="#Top" accesskey="u" rel="up">top</a> </p>
    <h4 class="subsection">1.4.4 Match parenthesis in text controls</h4>
    <p>This option enables two things: </p>
      <li> If an opening parenthesis, bracket or double quote is entered
        wxMaxima will insert a closing one after it. </li>
      <li> If text is selected if any of these keys is pressed the selected text
        will be put between the matched signs. </li>
    <a name="Autosave-interval"></a>
    <h4 class="subsection">1.4.5 Autosave interval</h4>
    <p>If this value is set to a value bigger than zero <em>Maxima</em> will
      work in a more mobile-device-like fashion: </p>
      <li> Files are saved automatically on exit </li>
      <li> And the file will automatically be saved every n minutes. </li>
    <p>For the automatic saving functionality to work wxMaxima needs to know a
      name to save the file with, though. This means this feature will only work
      if the file has already been saved to or opened from the disk. </p>
    <hr> <a name="Extensions"></a>
    <div class="header">
      <p> Next: <a href="#Troubleshooting" accesskey="n" rel="next">Troubleshooting</a>,
        Previous: <a href="#Introduction" accesskey="p" rel="prev">Introduction</a>,
        Up: <a href="#Top" accesskey="u" rel="up">top</a> &nbsp; [<a href="#SEC_Contents"
          title="Table of contents" rel="contents">Contents</a>] [<a title="Alphabetical index"
    <a name="Extensions-to-maxima"></a>
    <h2 class="chapter">2 Extensions to <em>Maxima</em></h2>
    <p><em>wxMaxima</em> is primarily a graphical user interface for <em>Maxima</em>.
      As such, its main purpose is to pass along commands to <em>Maxima</em>
      and to report the results of executing those commands. In some cases,
      however, <em>wxMaxima</em> adds functionality to <em>Maxima</em>. <em>wxMaxima</em>’s
      ability to generate reports by exporting a workbook’s contents to HTML and
      LaTeX files has been mentioned. This section considers some ways that <em>wxMaxima</em>
      enhances the inclusion of graphics into a session. described here. </p>
    <a name="Subscripted-variables"></a>
    <h3 class="section">2.1 Subscripted variables</h3>
    <p>if <var>wxsubscripts</var> is set to true variable names of the format <code>x_y</code>
      are displayed using a subscript if </p>
      <li> <code>y</code> is a single letter </li>
      <li> <code>y</code> is an integer </li>
    <p>If the variable name doesn’t match these requirements it can still be
      declared as "to be subscripted" using the command <code>wxdeclare_subscript(variable_name);</code>
      or <code>wxdeclare_subscript([variable_name1,variable_name2,...]);</code>
      Declaring a variable as subscripted can be reverted using the following
      command: <code>wxdeclare_subscript(variable_name,false);</code> </p>
    <a name="statusbar"></a>
    <h3 class="section">User feedback in the statusbar</h3>
    <p>Long-runnning commands can provide user-feedback in the status bar.
      This user feedback is replaced by any new feedback that is placed there
      (allowing to use it as a progress indicator) and is deleted as soon as the
      current command sent to maxima is finished. It is safe to use
      <code> wxstatusbar()</code> even in libraries that might be used
      with plain maxima (as opposed to wxMaxima): If wxMaxima isn't present
      the <code> wxstatusbar()</code> command will just be left unevelated.
    <div class="example">
      <pre class="example">
(%i2)	for i:1 thru 10 do
	        /* Tell the user how far we got */
	        wxstatusbar(concat("Pass ",i)),
	        /* A truly long-running command */
    <a name="Plotting"></a>
    <h3 class="section">2.2 Plotting</h3>
    <p>Plotting (having fundamentally to do with graphics) is a place where a
      graphical user interface will have to provide some extensions to the
      original program. </p>
    <a name="Embedding-a-plot-into-the-work-sheet"></a>
    <h4 class="subsection">2.2.1 Embedding a plot into the work sheet</h4>
    <p>Maxima normally instructs the external program gnuplot to open a separate
      window for every diagram it creates. Since many times it is convenient to
      embed graphs into the work sheet instead wxMaxima provides its own set of
      plot functions that don’t differ from the corresponding maxima functions
      save in their name: They are all prefixed by a “wx”. For example <code>wxplot</code>
      corresponds to <code>plot</code>, <code>wxdraw</code> corresponds to <code>draw</code>
      and <code>wxhistogram</code> corresponds to <code>histogram</code>. </p>
    <a name="Making-embedded-plots-bigger-or-smaller"></a>
    <h4 class="subsection">2.2.2 Making embedded plots bigger or smaller</h4>
    <p>As noted above, the configure dialog provides a way to change the default
      size plots are created with which sets the starting value of <var>wxplot_size</var>.
      The plotting routines of wxMaxima respect this variable that specifies the
      size of a plot in pixels. It can always be queried or used to set the size
      of the following plots: </p>
    <div class="example">
      <pre class="example">%i1 wxplot_size:[1200,800];
%o1 [1200,800];

%i2 wxdraw2d(
    <p>If the size of only one plot is to be changed <em>Maxima</em> provides a
      canonical way to change an attribute only for the current cell. </p>
    <div class="example">
      <pre class="example">     %i1 wxplot_size:[1200,800];
     %o1 [1200,800];
     %i1 wxdraw2d(

%i1 wxdraw2d(
    <a name="Better-quality-plots"></a>To <a title="To top of document" href="#Top"
      accesskey="u" rel="up">top</a>
    <h4 class="subsection">2.2.3 Better quality plots</h4>
    <p>Gnuplot doesn’t seem to provide a portable way of determining whether it
      supports the high-quality bitmap output the <code>cairo</code> library
      provides. On systems where gnuplot is compiled to use this library the
      pngcairo option from the configuration menu (that can be overridden by the
      variable <var>wxplot_pngcairo</var>) enables support for antialiasing and
      additional line styles. </p>
    <a name="Embedding-animations-into-the-spreadsheet"></a>
    <h4 class="subsection">2.2.4 Embedding animations into the spreadsheet</h4>
    <p>The <code>with_slider_draw</code> command is a version of <code>wxdraw2d</code>
      that does prepare multiple plots and allows to switch between them by
      moving the slider on top of the screen. If ImageMagick is installed
      wxMaxima even allows to export this animation as an animated gif. </p>
    <p>The first two arguments for <code>with_slider_draw</code> are the name
      of the variable that is stepped between the plots and a list of the values
      of these variable. The arguments that follow are the ordinary arguments
      for <code>wxdraw2d</code>: </p>
    <div class="example">
      <pre class="example">with_slider_draw(
    <p>The same functionality for 3d plots is accessible as <code>with_slider_draw3d</code>.
    <p>There is a second set of functions making use of the slider </p>
      <li> <code>wxanimate_draw</code> and </li>
      <li> <code>wxanimate_draw3d</code>: </li>
    <div class="example">
      <pre class="example">wxanimate_draw(
    a, 3,
    explicit(sin(a*x), x, -4, 4),
    title=printf(false, "a=~a", a));
    <p>Normally the animations are played back or exported with the frame rate
      chosen in the configuration of wxMaxima. To set the speed an individual
      animation is played back the variable <var>wxanimate_framerate</var> can
      be used: </p>
    <div class="example">
      <pre class="example">wxanimate(a, 10,
    sin(a*x), [x,-5,5]), wxanimate_framerate=6$
    <p>The animation functions have a pitfall that one has to be aware of when
      using them: The slider variable’s value are substituted into the
      expression that is to be plotted - which will fail, if the variable isn’t
      directly visible in the expression. Therefore the following example will
      fail: </p>
    <div class="example">
      <pre class="example">f:sin(a*x);
    <p>If <span style="font-style: italic;">Maxima</span> is forced to first
      evaluate the expression and then asked to substitute the slider’s value
      plotting works fine instead: </p>
    <div class="example">
      <pre class="example">f:sin(a*x);
    <a name="Opening-multiple-plots-in-contemporaneous-windows"></a>
    <h4 class="subsection">2.2.5 Opening multiple plots in contemporaneous
    <p>While not being a provided by wxMaxima this feature of Maxima (on setups
      that support it) sometimes comes in handily. The following example comes
      from a post from Mario Rodriguez to the Maxima mailing list: </p>
    <div class="example">
      <pre class="example">load(draw);

/* Parabola in window #1 */

/* Parabola in window #2 */

/* Paraboloid in window #3 */
    <a name="Embedding-graphics"></a>To <a title="To top of document" href="#Top"
      accesskey="u" rel="up">top</a>
    <h3 class="section">2.3 Embedding graphics</h3>
    <p>if the <samp>.wxmx</samp> file format is being used embedding files in a
      wxMaxima project can be done as easily as per drag-and-drop. But sometimes
      (for example if an image’s contents might change later on in a session) it
      is better to tell the file to load the image on evaluation: </p>
    <div class="example">
      <pre class="example">show_image("Mann.png");
    <a name="wxmaximarc"></a>
    <h3 class="section">2.4 wxmaximarc</h3>
    <a name="index-Startup-File"></a>
    <p>The <em>Maxima</em> user directory contains a text file named <samp>wxmaxima-init.mac</samp>
      the contents of the file is passed to Maxima automatically every time a
      new worksheet has been started. </p>
    <p>To find out which directory Maxima uses as the user directory just type
      in the following line: </p>
    <div class="example">
      <pre class="example">maxima_userdir;
    <p>The answer from Maxima will specify the name of the directory that the
      startup file can be placed in. </p>
    <div class="example">
      <pre class="example">%o1 /home/username/.maxima
    <a name="Special-variables"></a>To <a title="To top of document" href="#Top"
      accesskey="u" rel="up">top</a>
    <h3 class="section">2.5 Special variables wx...</h3>
      <li> <var>wxsubscripts</var> tells <em>Maxima</em> if it should convert
        variable names that contain an underscore (<code>R_150</code> or the
        like) into subscripted variables. See <code>wxdeclare_subscript</code>
        for details which variable names are automatically converted. </li>
      <li> <var><a name="wxfilename command"></a>wxfilename</var> This variable
        contains the name of the file currently opened in <em>wxMaxima</em>. On
        Windows this piece of information is available only if in the
        configuration dialogue the checkbox <code>Maxima/maxima's pwd is path
          to document</code> is checked. </li>
      <li> <var>wxplot_pngcairo</var> tells whether <em>wxMaxima</em> tries to
        use <em>gnuplot</em>’s pngcairo terminal that provides more line styles
        and a better overall graphics quality. This variable can be used for
        reading or overriding the respective setting in the configuration
        dialog. </li>
      <li> <var>wxplot_size</var> defines the size of embedded plots. </li>
      <li> <var>wxchangedir</var>: On most operating systems <em>wxMaxima</em>
        automatically sets <em>Maxima</em>’s working directory to the directory
        of the current file. This allows file I/O (e.g. by <code>read_matrix</code>)
        to work without specifying the whole path to the file that has to be
        read or written. On Windows this feature is deactivated: The Lisp
        Standard doesn’t contain a concept of the current working directory.
        Therefore there is no standard way of setting it and changing to a
        directory that isn’t on the drive <span style="font-style: italic;">Maxima</span>
        has been installed to might cause <span style="font-style: italic;">Maxima</span>
        to try to read is own package files from this drive, too, instead of
        from the drive to which <em>Maxima</em> has been installed. Setting <var>wxchangedir</var>
        to <code>true</code> tells <span style="font-style: italic;">wxMmaxima</span>
        that it has to risk that and to set <span style="font-style: italic;">Maxima</span>’s
        working directory. </li>
      <li> <var>wxanimate_framerate</var> The number of frames per second the
        following animations have to be played back with. -1 tells <span style="font-style: italic;">wxMaxima</span>
        to use the default frame rate from the config dialog. </li>
    <a name="Pretty_002dprinting-2D-output"></a>
    <h3 class="section">2.6 Pretty-printing 2D output</h3>
    <p>The function <code>(table_form)</code> displays a 2D list in a form that
      is more readable than the output Maxima’s default output routine. The
      input is a list of one or more lists. Like the <span style="font-family: Courier New,Courier,monospace;">print</span>
      command, this command displays output even when ended with a dollar sign.
      Ending the command with a semicolon results in the same table along with a
      "done" statement.</p>
    <div class="example">
      <pre class="example">table_form(
    <p> As the next example shows, the lists that are assembled by the
      table_form command can be created before the command is executed.</p>
    <div style="text-align: center;"><img alt="A third table example" src="./Matrix%20table%20example.png"></div>
    <div style="text-align: center;">
      <div style="text-align: left;">
        <p> <a name="Matrix"></a>Also, because a matrix is a list of lists,
          matrices can be converted to tables in a similar fashion.</p>
    <div style="text-align: center;"><img alt="Another table_form example" src="./Second%20table%20example.png"></div>
    <h3 class="section"><a name="Bug-reporting"></a>2.7 Bug reporting</h3>
    <p>wxMaxima provides a few functions that gather bug reporting information
      about the current system: </p>
      <li> <code>wxbuild_info()</code> gathers information about the currently
        running version of wxMaxima </li>
      <li> <code>wxbug_report()</code> tells how and where to file bugs </li>
    <hr> <a name="Troubleshooting"></a>
    <div class="header">
      <p> Next: <a href="#FAQ" accesskey="n" rel="next">FAQ</a>, Previous: <a
          href="#Extensions" accesskey="p" rel="prev">Extensions</a>, Up: <a href="#Top"
          accesskey="u" rel="up">top</a> &nbsp; [<a href="#SEC_Contents" title="Table of contents"
          rel="contents">Contents</a>] [<a title="Alphabetical index" href="#Index">Index</a>]</p>
    <h3 class="section"><a name="Boxes"></a>2.8 Marking output being drawn in red</h3>
    <p> Maxima's <code>box()</code> command causes wxMaxima to print its argument with
      a red background.</p>
    <a name="Troubleshooting-1"></a>
    <h2 class="chapter">3 Troubleshooting</h2>
    <a name="Cannot-connect-to-Maxima"></a>To <a title="To top of document" href="#Top"
      accesskey="u" rel="up">top</a>
    <h3 class="section">3.1 Cannot connect to <span style="font-style: italic;">Maxima</span></h3>
    <p>Since <span style="font-style: italic;">Maxima</span> (the program that
      does the actual mathematics) and <span style="font-style: italic;">wxMaxima
        </span> (providing the easy-to-use user interface) are separate programs
      that communicate by the means of a local network connection. Therefore the
      most probable cause is that this connection is somehow not working. For
      example a firewall could be set up in a way that it doesn’t just prevent
      against unauthorized connections from the internet (and perhaps to
      intercept some connections to the internet, too), but it also to blocks
      inter-process-communication inside the same computer. Note that since <span
        style="font-style: italic;">Maxima</span> is being run by a lisp
      processor the process communication that is blocked from does not
      necessarily have to be named "maxima". Common names of the program that
      opens the network connection would be <samp>sbcl</samp>, <samp>gcl</samp>,
      <samp>ccl</samp>, <samp>lisp.exe</samp> or similar names. </p>
    <p>On Un*x computers another possible reason would be that the loopback
      network that provides network connections between two programs in the same
      computer isn’t properly configured. </p>
    <a name="How-to-save-data-from-a-broken-_002ewxmx-file"></a>
    <h3 class="section"><a name="Broken wxmx"></a>3.2 How to save data from a
      broken .wxmx file</h3>
    <p>Internally most modern xml-based formats are ordinary zip-files with one
      special characteristic: the first file in the archive is stored
      uncompressed and provides information about what type of program can open
      this file. </p>
    <p>If the zip signature at the end of the file is still intact after
      renaming a broken <samp>.wxmx</samp> file to <samp>.zip</samp> most
      operating systems will provide a way to extract any portion of information
      that is stored inside it. The can be done when there is the need of
      recovering the original image files from a text processor document. If the
      zip signature isn’t intact that does not need to be the end of the world:
      If wxMaxima during saving detected that something went wrong there will be
      a <samp>wxmx~</samp> file whose contents might help and even if there
      isn’t such a file: If the configuration option is set that <samp>.wxmx</samp>
      files have to be optimized for version control it is possible to rename
      the <samp>.wxmx</samp> file to a <samp>.txt</samp> file and to use a
      text editor to recover the XML portion of the file's contents. </p>
    <p>If the text file containing this contents is saved as a file ending in
      <samp>.xml</samp> wxMaxima will know how to recover the text of the
      document from it.</p> 
    <a name="wxMaxima-waits-forever-for-data-from-Maxima"></a>
    <h3 class="section">3.3 <span style="font-style: italic;">wxMaxima</span>
      waits forever for data from <span style="font-style: italic;">Maxima</span></h3>
    <p>In old versions of <span style="font-style: italic;">Maxima</span> this
      might be caused by the fact that a closing brace, bracket, parenthesis or
      hyphenation mark is missing: In this case <span style="font-style: italic;">Maxima</span>
      waits until it gets the rest of its input (which it never does). </p>
    <p>In order to find out if this is the issue, the operating system normally
      provides a way to determine whether <em>Maxima</em> is actually really
      working forever trying to solve the current problem. </p>
    <a name="I-want-some-debug-info-to-be-displayed-on-the-screen-before-my-command-has-finished"></a>
    <h3 class="section">3.4 I want some debug info to be displayed on the screen
      before my command has finished</h3>
    <p>Normally <span style="font-style: italic;">wxMaxima</span> waits for the
      whole 2D formula to be transferred before it begins to typeset. This saves
      time for making many attempts to typeset a only partially completed
      equation. There is a <code>disp</code> command, though, that will provide
      debug output immediately and without waiting for the current <span style="font-style: italic;">Maxima</span>
      command to finish: </p>
    <div class="example">
      <pre class="example">for i:1 thru 10 do (
    <a name="wxMaxima-on-Windows-crashes-on-displaying-seemingly-simple-equations"></a>
    <h3 class="section">3.5 wxMaxima on Windows crashes on displaying seemingly
      simple equations</h3>
    <p>The jsMath fonts allow for excellent 2D-display of equations. But there
      are broken versions of this package that crash <span style="font-style: italic;">wxMaxima</span>.
      A working version can be downloaded from <a href=""></a>. To make <span style="font-style: italic;">wxMaxima</span>
      actually use these fonts the according checkbox has to be enabled in the
      Styles tab of <span style="font-style: italic;">wxMaxima</span>’s
      configuration dialogue. </p>
    <a name="Plotting-only-shows-an-closed-empty-envelope-with-an-error-message"></a>
    <h3 class="section">3.7 Plotting only shows an closed empty envelope with an
      error message</h3>
    <p>This means that <em>wxMaxima</em> could not read the file <em>Maxima</em>
      that was supposed to instruct gnuplot to create. </p>
    <p>Possible reasons for this error are: </p>
      <li> The plotting command is part of a third-party package like <code>implicit_plot</code>
        but this package was not loaded by <span style="font-style: italic;">Maxima</span>’s
        <code>load()</code> command before trying to plot. </li>
      <li> <span style="font-style: italic;">Maxima</span> tried to do
        something the currently installed version of <span style="font-style: italic;">gnuplot</span>
        isn’t able to understand. In this case the file <samp>maxout.gnuplot</samp>
        in the directory <span style="font-style: italic;">Maxima</span>’s
        variable <var>maxima_userdir</var> points to contains the instructions
        from <span style="font-style: italic;">Maxima</span> to <span style="font-style: italic;">gnuplot</span>.
        Most of the time this file’s contents therefore are helpful when
        debugging the problem. </li>
      <li> <span style="font-style: italic;">Gnuplot</span> was instructed to
        use the pngcairo library that provides antialiassing and additional line
        styles, but it was not compiled to support this possibility. Solution:
        Uncheck the "Use the cairo terminal for plot" checkbox in the
        configuration dialog and don’t set <var>wxplot_pngcairo</var> to true
        from <span style="font-style: italic;">Maxima</span>. </li>
      <li> Gnuplot didn’t output a valid <samp>.png</samp> file. </li>
    <a name="Plotting-an-animation-results-in-_0060_0060error_003a-undefined-variable_0027_0027"></a>
    <h3 class="section">3.8 Plotting an animation results in “error: undefined
    <p>The value of the slider variable by default is only substituted into the
      expression that is to be plotted if it is visible there. Putting an <code>ev()</code>
      around this expression should resolve this problem. </p>
    <a name="I-lost-a-cell-contents-and-undo-doesn_0027t-remember"></a>
    <h3 class="section">3.9 I lost a cell contents and undo doesn’t remember</h3>
    <p>There are separate undo functions for cell operations and for changes
      inside of cells so chances are low that this ever happens. If it does
      there are several methods to recover data: </p>
      <li> <span style="font-style: italic;">wxMaxima</span> actually has two
        undo features: The global undo buffer that is active if no cell is
        selected and a per-cell undo buffer that is active if the cursor is
        inside a cell. It is worth trying to use both undo options in order to
        see if an old value can still be accessed. </li>
      <li> If you still have a way to find out what label <span style="font-style: italic;">Maxima</span>
        has assigned to the cell just type in the cell’s label and its contents
        will reappear. </li>
      <li> If you don’t: Don’t panic. In the “Maxima” menu there is a way to
        show a history pane that shows all Maxima commands that have been issued
        recently. </li>
      <li> If nothing else helps <span style="font-style: italic;">Maxima</span>
        contains a replay feature:
        <div class="example">
          <pre class="example">%i1 playback();
    <a name="wxMaxima-starts-up-with-the-message-_0060_0060Maxima-process-Terminated_002e_0027_0027"></a>To
    <a title="To top of document" href="#Top" accesskey="u" rel="up">top</a>
    <h3 class="section">3.10 <span style="font-style: italic;">wxMaxima</span>
      starts up with the message “<span style="font-style: italic;">Maxima</span>
      process Terminated.”</h3>
    <p>One possible reason is that <span style="font-style: italic;">Maxima</span>
      cannot be found in the location that is set in the “Maxima” tab of <span
        style="font-style: italic;">wxMaxima</span>’s configuration dialog and
      therefore won’t run at all. Setting the path to a working <span style="font-style: italic;">Maxima</span>
      binary should fix this problem. </p>
    <a name="Maxima-is-forever-calculating-and-not-responding-to-input"></a>
    <h3 class="section">3.11 <span style="font-style: italic;">Maxima</span> is
      forever calculating and not responding to input</h3>
    <p>It is theoretically possible that <span style="font-style: italic;">wxMaxima</span>
      doesn’t realize that <span style="font-style: italic;">Maxima</span> has
      finished calculating and therefore never gets informed it can send new
      data to <span style="font-style: italic;">Maxima</span>. If this is the
      case “Trigger evaluation” might resynchronize the two programs. </p>
    <a name="File-I_002fO-from-Maxima-doesn_0027t-work-on-Windows"></a>
    <h3 class="section">3.12 File I/O from <span style="font-style: italic;">Maxima</span>
      doesn’t work on Windows</h3>
    <p>On Windows, file I/O is not relative to the directory of the current file
      by default. If you store the <span style="font-style: italic;">Maxima</span>
      file on the drive on which <span style="font-style: italic;">wxMaxima</span>
      is installed, then setting <var>wxchangedir</var> to <code>true</code>
      will fix that for <code>load</code>, <code>read_list</code>, <code>batch</code>,
      <code>read_matrix</code>, <code>save</code> and all similar commands. </p>
    <p>Setting this variable to <code>true</code> might have a drawback,
      though: <span style="font-style: italic;">Maxima</span> knows which
      directory it is installed in and will search for any additional package
      that is requested by a <code>load</code> command in this directory, too.
      But it might not know which drive it is installed on. If <var>wxchangedir</var>
      is <code>true</code> and the current file is saved on a different drive
      than the one <span style="font-style: italic;">Maxima</span> is installed
      on <span style="font-style: italic;">Maxima</span> therefore might fail
      to load the additional packages it was bundled with. </p>
    <a name="My-sbcl_002dbased-maxima-runs-out-of-memory"></a>
    <h3 class="section">3.13 My sbcl-based maxima runs out of memory</h3>
    <p>SBCL by default comes with a memory limit that allows it to run even on
      low-end computers. When compiling a big software package like lapack or
      dealing with extremely big lists or equations this limit might be too low.
      In order to extend the limits sbcl can be provided with the command line
      parameter <code>--dynamic-space-size</code> that tells sbcl how many
      megabytes it should reserve. A 32bit-windows-sbcl can reserve up to 999
      Megabytes, 1800. A 64-bit sbcl version running on windows can be
      instructed to use more than the about 1280 Megabytes compiling lapack
      needs. </p>
    <p>One way to provide maxima (and thus sbcl) with command line parameters is
      the <code>additional parameters</code> field of <span style="font-style: italic;">wxMaxima</span>’s
      configuration dialogue.</p>
    <div style="text-align: center;"><img alt="sbcl memory" src="./sbclMemory.png"></div>
    <p><a name="Input-sometimes-is-sluggish_002fignoring-keys-on-Ubuntu"></a>To
      <a title="To top of document" href="#Top" accesskey="u" rel="up">top</a> </p>
    <h3 class="section">3.14 Input sometimes is sluggish/ignoring keys on Ubuntu</h3>
    <p>Installing the package <code>ibus-gtk</code> should resolve this issue.
      See (<a href=""></a>)
      for details. </p>
    <a name="wxMaxima-halts-when-Maxima-processes-Greek-characters-or-Umlauts"></a>
    <h3 class="section">3.15 <span style="font-style: italic;">wxMaxima</span>
      halts when <span style="font-style: italic;">Maxima</span> processes
      Greek characters or Umlauts</h3>
    <p>If your <span style="font-style: italic;">Maxima</span> is based on sbcl
      the following lines have to be added to your <samp>.sblrc</samp>: </p>
    <div class="example">
      <pre class="example">(setf sb-impl::*default-external-format* :utf-8)
    <p>The folder this file has to be placed in is system- and
      installation-specific. But any sbcl-based <span style="font-style: italic;">Maxima</span>
      that already has evaluated a cell in the current session will happily tell
      where it can be found after getting the following command: </p>
    <div class="example">
      <pre class="example">:lisp (sb-impl::userinit-pathname)
    <a name="Plotting-1"></a>
    <h3 class="section">3.16 Plotting</h3>
    <a name="Can-I-make-wxMaxima-output-both-image-files-and-embedded-plots-at-once_003f"></a>
    <h4 class="subsection">3.16.1 Can I make <span style="font-style: italic;">wxMaxima</span>
      output both image files and embedded plots at once?</h4>
    <p>It is easier to make it first generate the images and then import them
      again as the following two functions will do: </p>
    <div class="example">
      <pre class="example">load("draw");
    <a name="Can-I-set-the-aspect-ratio-of-a-plot_003f"></a>
    <h4 class="subsection">3.16.2 Can I set the aspect ratio of a plot?</h4>
    <p>Not directly using Maxima. But there are gnuplot commands for it: </p>
    <div class="example">
      <pre class="example">     wxdraw2d(
         user_preamble="set size ratio 1;set tmargin 3;set bmargin 3;set lmargin 3;set rmargin 3",
    <hr> <a name="FAQ"></a>
    <div class="header">
      <p> Next: <a href="#CommandLine" accesskey="n" rel="next">CommandLine</a>,
        Previous: <a href="#Troubleshooting" accesskey="p" rel="prev">Troubleshooting</a>,
        Up: <a href="#Top" accesskey="u" rel="up">top</a> &nbsp; [<a href="#SEC_Contents"
          title="Table of contents" rel="contents">Contents</a>] [<a title="Alphabetical index"
    <a name="FAQ-1"></a>To <a title="To top of document" href="#Top" accesskey="u"
    <h2 class="chapter">4 FAQ</h2>
    <a name="Is-there-a-way-to-make-more-text-fit-on-a-pdfLaTeX-page_003f"></a>
    <h3 class="section">4.1 Is there a way to make more text fit on a pdfLaTeX
    <p>There is: Just add the following lines to the LaTeX preamble (for example
      by using the respective field in the config dialog): </p>
    <div class="example">
      <pre class="example">\usepackage[a4paper,landscape,left=1cm,right=1cm,top=1cm,bottom=1cm]{geometry}
    <hr> <a name="CommandLine"></a>
    <div class="header">
      <p> Previous: <a href="#FAQ" accesskey="p" rel="prev">FAQ</a>, Up: <a href="#Top"
          accesskey="u" rel="up">top</a> &nbsp; [<a href="#SEC_Contents" title="Table of contents"
    <a name="Command_002dline-arguments"></a>
    <h2 class="chapter">5 Command-line arguments</h2>
    <p>Most operating systems provide less complicated ways of starting programs
      than the command line so this possibility is only rarely used. wxMaxima
      still provides some command line switches, though. </p>
      <li> <code>-v</code> or <code>--version</code>: Output the version
        information </li>
      <li> <code>-h</code> or <code>--help</code>: Output a short help text </li>
      <li> <code>-o</code> or <code>--open</code>: Open the filename given as
        argument to this command-line switch </li>
      <li> <code>-b</code> or <code>--batch</code>: If the command-line opens
        a file all cells in this file are evaluated and the file is saved
        afterwards. This is for example useful if the sesson described in the
        file makes Maxima generate output files. Batch-processing will be
        stopped if wxMaxima detects that Maxima has output an error and will
        pause if Maxima has a question: Mathematics is somewhat interactive by
        nature so a completely interaction-free batch processing cannot always
        be guaranteed. </li>
      <li> (Only on windows): <code>-f</code> or <code>--ini</code>: Use the
        init file that was given as argument to this command-line switch </li>
    <p>Instead of a minus some operating systems might use a dash in front of
      the command-line switches. </p>
    <a name="SEC_Overview"></a>
    <h2 class="shortcontents-heading">Short Table of Contents</h2>
    <div class="shortcontents">
      <ul class="no-bullet">
        <li><a name="stoc-Introduction-to-wxMaxima" href="#toc-Introduction-to-wxMaxima">1
            Introduction to wxMaxima</a></li>
        <li><a name="stoc-Extensions-to-maxima" href="#toc-Extensions-to-maxima">2
            Extensions to Maxima</a></li>
        <li><a name="stoc-Troubleshooting-1" href="#toc-Troubleshooting-1">3
        <li><a name="stoc-FAQ-1" href="#toc-FAQ-1">4 FAQ</a></li>
        <li><a name="stoc-Command_002dline-arguments" href="#toc-Command_002dline-arguments">5
            Command-line arguments</a></li>
    <a name="SEC_Contents"></a>
    <h2 class="contents-heading">Table of Contents</h2>
    <div class="contents">
      <ul class="no-bullet">
        <li><a name="toc-Introduction-to-wxMaxima" href="#Introduction">1
            Introduction to <span style="font-style: italic;">wxMaxima</span></a>
          <ul class="no-bullet">
            <li><a name="toc-Maxima-and-wxMaxima" href="#Maxima-and-wxMaxima">1.1
                <span style="font-style: italic;">Maxima</span> and <span style="font-style: italic;">wxMaxima</span></a>
              <ul class="no-bullet">
                <li><a name="toc-Maxima" href="#Maxima">1.1.1 <span style="font-style: italic;">
                <li><a name="toc-wxMaxima" href="#wxMaxima">1.1.2 <span style="font-style: italic;">wxMaxima</span></a></li>
            <li><a name="toc-Worksheet-basics" href="#Worksheet-basics">1.2
                Worksheet basics</a>
              <ul class="no-bullet">
                <li><a name="toc-The-worksheet-approach" href="#The-worksheet-approach">1.2.1
                    The worksheet approach</a></li>
                <li><a name="toc-Cells" href="#Cells">1.2.2 Cells</a></li>
                <li><a name="toc-Horizontal-and-vertical-cursors" href="#Horizontal-and-vertical-cursors">1.2.3
                    Horizontal and vertical cursors</a></li>
                <li><a name="toc-Command-autocompletion" href="#Command-autocompletion">1.2.4
                    Command autocompletion</a></li>
                <li><a name="toc-Greek-characters" href="#Greek-characters">1.2.5
                    Greek characters</a></li>
                <li><a name="toc-Side-Panes" href="#Side-Panes">1.2.6 Side Panes</a></li>
                <li><a name="toc-MathML-output" href="#MathML-output">1.2.7
                    MathML output</a></li>
                <li><a name="toc-Markdown-support" href="#Markdown-support">1.2.8
                    Markdown support</a></li>
                <li><a name="toc-Hotkeys" href="#Hotkeys">1.2.9 Hotkeys</a></li>
                <li><a name="toc-Raw-TeX-in-the-TeX-export" href="#Raw-TeX-in-the-TeX-export">1.2.10
                    Raw TeX in the TeX export</a></li>
            <li><a name="toc-File-Formats" href="#File-Formats">1.3 File Formats</a>
              <ul class="no-bullet">
                <li><a name="toc-_002emac" href="#g_t_002emac">1.3.1 .mac</a></li>
                <li><a name="toc-_002ewxm" href="#g_t_002ewxm">1.3.2 .wxm</a></li>
                <li><a name="toc-_002ewxmx" href="#g_t_002ewxmx">1.3.3 .wxmx</a></li>
            <li><a name="toc-Configuration-options" href="#Configuration-options">1.4
                Configuration options</a>
              <ul class="no-bullet">
                <li><a name="toc-Default-animation-framerate" href="#Default-animation-framerate">1.4.1
                    Default animation framerate</a></li>
                <li><a name="toc-Default-plot-size-for-new-maxima-sessions" href="#Default-plot-size-for-new-maxima-sessions">1.4.2
                    Default plot size for new <span style="font-style: italic;">Maxima</span>
                <li><a name="toc-Use-jsMath-fonts" href="#Use-jsMath-fonts">1.4.3
                    Use jsMath fonts</a></li>
                <li><a name="toc-Match-parenthesis-in-text-controls" href="#Match-parenthesis-in-text-controls">1.4.4
                    Match parenthesis in text controls</a></li>
                <li><a name="toc-Autosave-interval" href="#Autosave-interval">1.4.5
                    Autosave interval</a></li>
        <li><a name="toc-Extensions-to-maxima" href="#Extensions">2 Extensions
            to <span style="font-style: italic;">Maxima</span></a>
          <ul class="no-bullet">
            <li><a name="toc-Subscripted-variables" href="#Subscripted-variables">2.1
                Subscripted variables</a></li>
            <li><a name="toc-Statusbar" href="#statusbar">2.2 Providing user-feedback in the status bar</a></li>
            <li><a name="toc-Plotting" href="#Plotting">2.3 Plotting</a>
              <ul class="no-bullet">
                <li><a name="toc-Embedding-a-plot-into-the-work-sheet" href="#Embedding-a-plot-into-the-work-sheet">2.3.1
                    Embedding a plot into the work sheet</a></li>
                <li><a name="toc-Making-embedded-plots-bigger-or-smaller" href="#Making-embedded-plots-bigger-or-smaller">2.3.2
                    Making embedded plots bigger or smaller</a></li>
                <li><a name="toc-Better-quality-plots" href="#Better-quality-plots">2.3.3
                    Better quality plots</a></li>
                <li><a name="toc-Embedding-animations-into-the-spreadsheet" href="#Embedding-animations-into-the-spreadsheet">2.3.4
                    Embedding animations into the spreadsheet</a></li>
                <li><a name="toc-Opening-multiple-plots-in-contemporaneous-windows"
                    Opening multiple plots in contemporaneous windows</a></li>
            <li><a name="toc-Embedding-graphics" href="#Embedding-graphics">2.4
                Embedding graphics</a></li>
            <li><a name="toc-wxmaximarc" href="#wxmaximarc">2.5 wxmaximarc</a></li>
            <li><a name="toc-Special-variables" href="#Special-variables">2.6
                Special variables</a></li>
            <li><a name="toc-Pretty_002dprinting-2D-output" href="#Pretty_002dprinting-2D-output">2.7
                Pretty-printing 2D output</a></li>
            <li><a name="toc-Bug-reporting" href="#Bug-reporting">2.8 Bug
        <li><a name="toc-Troubleshooting-1" href="#Troubleshooting">3
          <ul class="no-bullet">
            <li><a name="toc-Cannot-connect-to-Maxima" href="#Cannot-connect-to-Maxima">3.1
                Cannot connect to <span style="font-style: italic;">Maxima</span></a></li>
            <li><a name="toc-How-to-save-data-from-a-broken-_002ewxmx-file" href="#How-to-save-data-from-a-broken-_002ewxmx-file">3.2
                How to save data from a broken .wxmx file</a></li>
            <li><a name="toc-wxMaxima-waits-forever-for-data-from-Maxima" href="#wxMaxima-waits-forever-for-data-from-Maxima">3.3
                <span style="font-style: italic;">wxMaxima</span> waits forever
                for data from <span style="font-style: italic;">Maxima</span></a></li>
            <li><a name="toc-I-want-some-debug-info-to-be-displayed-on-the-screen-before-my-command-has-finished"
                I want some debug info to be displayed on the screen before my
                command has finished</a></li>
            <li><a name="toc-wxMaxima-on-Windows-crashes-on-displaying-seemingly-simple-equations"
                <span style="font-style: italic;"> wxMaxima</span> on Windows
                crashes on displaying seemingly simple equations</a></li>
            <li><a name="toc-Outputting-animations-doesn_0027t-work" href="#Outputting-animations-doesn_0027t-work">3.6
                Outputting animations doesn’t work</a></li>
            <li><a name="toc-Plotting-only-shows-an-closed-empty-envelope-with-an-error-message"
                Plotting only shows an closed empty envelope with an error
            <li><a name="toc-Plotting-an-animation-results-in-_0060_0060error_003a-undefined-variable_0027_0027"
                Plotting an animation results in “error: undefined variable”</a></li>
            <li><a name="toc-I-lost-a-cell-contents-and-undo-doesn_0027t-remember"
                I lost a cell contents and undo doesn’t remember</a></li>
            <li><a name="toc-wxMaxima-starts-up-with-the-message-_0060_0060Maxima-process-Terminated_002e_0027_0027"
                <span style="font-style: italic;">wxMaxima</span> starts up with
                the message “Maxima process Terminated.”</a></li>
            <li><a name="toc-Maxima-is-forever-calculating-and-not-responding-to-input"
                <span style="font-style: italic;">Maxima</span> is forever
                calculating and not responding to input</a></li>
            <li><a name="toc-File-I_002fO-from-Maxima-doesn_0027t-work-on-Windows"
                File I/O from <span style="font-style: italic;">Maxima</span>
                doesn’t work on Windows</a></li>
            <li><a name="toc-My-sbcl_002dbased-maxima-runs-out-of-memory" href="#My-sbcl_002dbased-maxima-runs-out-of-memory">3.13
                My sbcl-based <span style="font-style: italic;">Maxima</span>
                runs out of memory</a></li>
            <li><a name="toc-Input-sometimes-is-sluggish_002fignoring-keys-on-Ubuntu"
                Input sometimes is sluggish/ignoring keys on Ubuntu</a></li>
            <li><a name="toc-wxMaxima-halts-when-Maxima-processes-Greek-characters-or-Umlauts"
                <span style="font-style: italic;"> wxMaxima</span> halts when <span
                  style="font-style: italic;">Maxima</span> processes Greek
                characters or Umlauts</a></li>
            <li><a name="toc-Plotting-1" href="#Plotting-1">3.16 Plotting</a>
              <ul class="no-bullet">
                <li><a name="toc-Can-I-make-wxMaxima-output-both-image-files-and-embedded-plots-at-once_003f"
                    Can I make <span style="font-style: italic;">wxMaxima</span>
                    output both image files and embedded plots at once?</a></li>
                <li><a name="toc-Can-I-set-the-aspect-ratio-of-a-plot_003f" href="#Can-I-set-the-aspect-ratio-of-a-plot_003f">3.16.2
                    Can I set the aspect ratio of a plot?</a></li>
        <li><a name="toc-FAQ-1" href="#FAQ">4 FAQ</a>
          <ul class="no-bullet">
            <li><a name="toc-Is-there-a-way-to-make-more-text-fit-on-a-pdfLaTeX-page_003f"
                Is there a way to make more text fit on a pdfLaTeX page?</a></li>
        <li><a name="toc-Command_002dline-arguments" href="#CommandLine">5
            Command-line argument</a></li>
    <h2>Annotated Index </h2>
    <p><a name="Index"></a></p>
    <a href="#Embedding-animations-into-the-spreadsheet">Animations</a>:
    commands to embed animations into a <span style="font-style: italic;">wxMaxima</span>
    <a href="#Outputting-animations-doesn_0027t-work">Animations, failure</a>:
    why creation and execution of some animations might not work<br>
    <a href="#Command-autocompletion">Autocompletion</a>: using <em>wxMaxima</em>
    a command<br>
    <a href="#Can-I-set-the-aspect-ratio-of-a-plot_003f">Aspect ratio</a>: set
    the aspect ratio for a plot<br>
    <a href="#Autosave-interval">Autosave</a>: set interval for saving a <span
      style="font-style: italic;">wxMaxima</span> session file (workbook)<br>
    <a href="#Cells">Cells</a>: the nature and use of cells in a <em>wxMaxima</em>
    <a href="#Input%20Output%20Cell">Cells, Input/Output</a>: Cells that contain
    one or more commands and the results of executing the command(s)<br>
    <a href="#Command-autocompletion">Command autocompletion</a>: using <em>wxMaxima</em>
    a command<br>
    <a href="#Configuration-options">Configure wxMaxima</a>: how to configure a
    <em>wxMaxima</em> workbook<br>
    <a href="#Drag%20and%20drop">Cursors, vertical and horizontal</a>: entering
    text or selecting entered material<br>
    <a href="#Drag%20and%20drop">Drag and drop</a>: Copying and pasting material
    in one or more cells or eexecuting a sequence of cells<br>
    <a href="#wxfilename%20command">File Info</a>: command to print name and
    location of currently-open <span style="font-style: italic;">wxMaxima</span>
    <a href="#File-Formats">File Formats</a>: types of files that <em>wxMaxima</em>
    can create and open<br>
    <a href="#Greek-characters">Greek characters</a>: Ways to enter Greek
    letters into a <em>wxMaxima</em> workbook (see Side Panels below)<br>
    <a href="#Markdown-support">HTML</a>: export material as html<br>
    <a href="#Hotkeys">Hotkeys</a>: shortcut key combinations, alternatives to
    menu options<br>
    <a href="#Input%20Output%20Cell">Input/Output Cells</a>: Cells that contain
    one or more commands and the results of executing the command(s)<br>
    <a href="#Use-jsMath-fonts">jsMath</a>: useful fonts set for mathematical
    <a href="#Markdown-support">LaTeX</a>: export material as LaTeX<br>
    <a href="#I-lost-a-cell-contents-and-undo-doesn_0027t-remember">Lost content</a>:
    ways to recover lost cell contents<br>
    <a href="#g_t_002emac">Macro files</a>: .mac files, batch files that can be
    entered into <em>wxMaxima</em> workbooks <br>
    <a href="#MathML-output">MathML</a>: export mathematical expressions with
    MathML markup<br>
    <a href="#Matrix">Matrix</a>: Create a matrix and convert the matrix to a
    <a title="Maxima and wxMaxima" href="#Maxima-and-wxMaxima">Maxima and
      wxMaxima</a>: the relationship between the <span style="font-style: italic;">Maxima</span>
    CAS and the <span style="font-style: italic;">wxMaxima</span> front-end <br>
    <a href="#Cannot-connect-to-Maxima">Maxima-wxMaxima connection</a>: possible
    reasons from failure of <span style="font-style: italic;">wxMaxima</span>
    to communicate with Maxima<br>
    <a href="#wxfilename%20command">Name of file</a>: command to print name and
    location of currently-open <span style="font-style: italic;">wxMaxima</span>
    <a href="#Can-I-set-the-aspect-ratio-of-a-plot_003f">Plot, aspect ratio</a>:
    set the aspect ratio for a plot<br>
    <a href="#Embedding-a-plot-into-the-work-sheet">Plot, embedding</a>: embed a
    <em>Maxima</em>-generated plot in a <em>wxMaxima</em> workbook<br>
    <a href="#Plotting-only-shows-an-closed-empty-envelope-with-an-error-message">Plot,
      failure</a>: some reasons that attempts to plot might fail<br>
    <a href="#Embedding-graphics">Plot file, embedding</a>: embed a plot file in
    a <em>wxMaxima</em> workbook<br>
    <a href="#Making-embedded-plots-bigger-or-smaller">Plot size</a>: control
    the size of embedded plots<br>
    <a href="#Better-quality-plots">Plots, better quality</a>: notes related to
    the quality of <span style="font-style: italic;">gnuplot</span> plots<br>
    <a href="#Opening-multiple-plots-in-contemporaneous-windows">Plots, multiple</a>:
    open multiple plots in contemporaneous windows<br>
    <a href="#statusbar">Progress indicators</a>: Giving user feedback in the status
    <a href="#I-lost-a-cell-contents-and-undo-doesn_0027t-remember">Recover lost
    <a href="#Side-Panes">Side Panes</a>: collections of buttons that open
    dialog boxes, enter commands, and enter special characters<br>
    <a href="#index-Startup-File">Startup file location</a>: location of an
    initialization file that is passed to <em>wxMaxima</em> when it opens<br>
    <a href="#statusbar">Status bar</a>: Giving user feedback in the status
    <a href="#Subscripted-variables">Subscripted variables</a>: using the
    command wxsubscripts to display subscripted variables<br>
    <a href="#Pretty_002dprinting-2D-output">Table</a>: show lists of text and
    values as a table<br>
    <a href="#Raw-TeX-in-the-TeX-export">TeX markup</a>: allows TeX markup to be
    entered into a text file<br>
    <a href="#I-lost-a-cell-contents-and-undo-doesn_0027t-remember">undo</a>:
    ways to recover lost cell contents<br>
    <a href="#Embedding-animations-into-the-spreadsheet">with_slider_draw</a>:
    command to embed animations -- alternative: wxanimate_draw<br>
    <a href="#Embedding-animations-into-the-spreadsheet">with_slider_draw3d</a>:
    command to embed animations -- alternative: wxnimate_draw3d<br>
    <a href="#Embedding-animations-into-the-spreadsheet">wxanimate_draw</a>:
    command to embed animations<br>
    <a href="#Embedding-animations-into-the-spreadsheet">wxanimate_draw3d</a>:
    command to embed animations<br>
    <a title="wxMaxima and Maxima" href="#Maxima-and-wxMaxima">wxMaxima and
      Maxima</a><span style="color: blue;">: </span>the relationship between
    the <span style="font-style: italic;">Maxima</span> CAS and the <span style="font-style: italic;">wxMaxima</span>
    <a href="#wxMaxima">wxMaxima documentation</a><br>
    <a href="#The-worksheet-approach">wxMaxima workbook structure</a>: central
    features of a <em>wxMaxima</em> workbook<br>
    <a href="#g_t_002ewxm">wxm and wxmx files</a>: formats for <em>wxMaxima</em>
    <a href="#Broken%20wxmx">wxmx data</a>: retrieve data from a broken wxmx
    file <br>