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<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" ""><html xmlns=""><head><meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8" /><title>38.16. Packaging Related Objects into an Extension</title><link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="stylesheet.css" /><link rev="made" href="" /><meta name="generator" content="DocBook XSL Stylesheets Vsnapshot" /><link rel="prev" href="xindex.html" title="38.15. Interfacing Extensions To Indexes" /><link rel="next" href="extend-pgxs.html" title="38.17. Extension Building Infrastructure" /></head><body><div xmlns="" class="navheader"><table width="100%" summary="Navigation header"><tr><th colspan="5" align="center">38.16. Packaging Related Objects into an Extension</th></tr><tr><td width="10%" align="left"><a accesskey="p" href="xindex.html" title="38.15. Interfacing Extensions To Indexes">Prev</a> </td><td width="10%" align="left"><a accesskey="u" href="extend.html" title="Chapter 38. Extending SQL">Up</a></td><th width="60%" align="center">Chapter 38. Extending <acronym xmlns="" class="acronym">SQL</acronym></th><td width="10%" align="right"><a accesskey="h" href="index.html" title="PostgreSQL 11.4 Documentation">Home</a></td><td width="10%" align="right"> <a accesskey="n" href="extend-pgxs.html" title="38.17. Extension Building Infrastructure">Next</a></td></tr></table><hr></hr></div><div class="sect1" id="EXTEND-EXTENSIONS"><div class="titlepage"><div><div><h2 class="title" style="clear: both">38.16. Packaging Related Objects into an Extension</h2></div></div></div><div class="toc"><dl class="toc"><dt><span class="sect2"><a href="extend-extensions.html#EXTEND-EXTENSIONS-STYLE">38.16.1. Defining Extension Objects</a></span></dt><dt><span class="sect2"><a href="extend-extensions.html#id-">38.16.2. Extension Files</a></span></dt><dt><span class="sect2"><a href="extend-extensions.html#EXTEND-EXTENSIONS-RELOCATION">38.16.3. Extension Relocatability</a></span></dt><dt><span class="sect2"><a href="extend-extensions.html#EXTEND-EXTENSIONS-CONFIG-TABLES">38.16.4. Extension Configuration Tables</a></span></dt><dt><span class="sect2"><a href="extend-extensions.html#id-">38.16.5. Extension Updates</a></span></dt><dt><span class="sect2"><a href="extend-extensions.html#id-">38.16.6. Installing Extensions using Update Scripts</a></span></dt><dt><span class="sect2"><a href="extend-extensions.html#EXTEND-EXTENSIONS-EXAMPLE">38.16.7. Extension Example</a></span></dt></dl></div><a id="id-" class="indexterm"></a><p>
    A useful extension to <span class="productname">PostgreSQL</span> typically includes
    multiple SQL objects; for example, a new data type will require new
    functions, new operators, and probably new index operator classes.
    It is helpful to collect all these objects into a single package
    to simplify database management.  <span class="productname">PostgreSQL</span> calls
    such a package an <em class="firstterm">extension</em>.  To define an extension,
    you need at least a <em class="firstterm">script file</em> that contains the
    <acronym class="acronym">SQL</acronym> commands to create the extension's objects, and a
    <em class="firstterm">control file</em> that specifies a few basic properties
    of the extension itself.  If the extension includes C code, there
    will typically also be a shared library file into which the C code
    has been built.  Once you have these files, a simple
    <a class="xref" href="sql-createextension.html" title="CREATE EXTENSION"><span class="refentrytitle">CREATE EXTENSION</span></a> command loads the objects into
    your database.
    The main advantage of using an extension, rather than just running the
    <acronym class="acronym">SQL</acronym> script to load a bunch of <span class="quote">“<span class="quote">loose</span>”</span> objects
    into your database, is that <span class="productname">PostgreSQL</span> will then
    understand that the objects of the extension go together.  You can
    drop all the objects with a single <a class="xref" href="sql-dropextension.html" title="DROP EXTENSION"><span class="refentrytitle">DROP EXTENSION</span></a>
    command (no need to maintain a separate <span class="quote">“<span class="quote">uninstall</span>”</span> script).
    Even more useful, <span class="application">pg_dump</span> knows that it should not
    dump the individual member objects of the extension — it will
    just include a <code class="command">CREATE EXTENSION</code> command in dumps, instead.
    This vastly simplifies migration to a new version of the extension
    that might contain more or different objects than the old version.
    Note however that you must have the extension's control, script, and
    other files available when loading such a dump into a new database.
    <span class="productname">PostgreSQL</span> will not let you drop an individual object
    contained in an extension, except by dropping the whole extension.
    Also, while you can change the definition of an extension member object
    (for example, via <code class="command">CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION</code> for a
    function), bear in mind that the modified definition will not be dumped
    by <span class="application">pg_dump</span>.  Such a change is usually only sensible if
    you concurrently make the same change in the extension's script file.
    (But there are special provisions for tables containing configuration
    data; see <a class="xref" href="extend-extensions.html#EXTEND-EXTENSIONS-CONFIG-TABLES" title="38.16.4. Extension Configuration Tables">Section 38.16.4</a>.)
    In production situations, it's generally better to create an extension
    update script to perform changes to extension member objects.
    The extension script may set privileges on objects that are part of the
    extension via <code class="command">GRANT</code> and <code class="command">REVOKE</code>
    statements.  The final set of privileges for each object (if any are set)
    will be stored in the
    <a class="link" href="catalog-pg-init-privs.html" title="52.28. pg_init_privs"><code class="structname">pg_init_privs</code></a>
    system catalog.  When <span class="application">pg_dump</span> is used, the
    <code class="command">CREATE EXTENSION</code> command will be included in the dump, followed
    by the set of <code class="command">GRANT</code> and <code class="command">REVOKE</code>
    statements necessary to set the privileges on the objects to what they were
    at the time the dump was taken.
    <span class="productname">PostgreSQL</span> does not currently support extension scripts
    issuing <code class="command">CREATE POLICY</code> or <code class="command">SECURITY LABEL</code>
    statements.  These are expected to be set after the extension has been
    created.  All RLS policies and security labels on extension objects will be
    included in dumps created by <span class="application">pg_dump</span>.
    The extension mechanism also has provisions for packaging modification
    scripts that adjust the definitions of the SQL objects contained in an
    extension.  For example, if version 1.1 of an extension adds one function
    and changes the body of another function compared to 1.0, the extension
    author can provide an <em class="firstterm">update script</em> that makes just those
    two changes.  The <code class="command">ALTER EXTENSION UPDATE</code> command can then
    be used to apply these changes and track which version of the extension
    is actually installed in a given database.
    The kinds of SQL objects that can be members of an extension are shown in
    the description of <a class="xref" href="sql-alterextension.html" title="ALTER EXTENSION"><span class="refentrytitle">ALTER EXTENSION</span></a>.  Notably, objects
    that are database-cluster-wide, such as databases, roles, and tablespaces,
    cannot be extension members since an extension is only known within one
    database.  (Although an extension script is not prohibited from creating
    such objects, if it does so they will not be tracked as part of the
    extension.)  Also notice that while a table can be a member of an
    extension, its subsidiary objects such as indexes are not directly
    considered members of the extension.
    Another important point is that schemas can belong to extensions, but not
    vice versa: an extension as such has an unqualified name and does not
    exist <span class="quote">“<span class="quote">within</span>”</span> any schema.  The extension's member objects,
    however, will belong to schemas whenever appropriate for their object
    types.  It may or may not be appropriate for an extension to own the
    schema(s) its member objects are within.
    If an extension's script creates any temporary objects (such as temp
    tables), those objects are treated as extension members for the
    remainder of the current session, but are automatically dropped at
    session end, as any temporary object would be.  This is an exception
    to the rule that extension member objects cannot be dropped without
    dropping the whole extension.
   </p><div class="sect2" id="EXTEND-EXTENSIONS-STYLE"><div class="titlepage"><div><div><h3 class="title">38.16.1. Defining Extension Objects</h3></div></div></div><p>
     Widely-distributed extensions should assume little about the database
     they occupy.  In particular, unless you issued <code class="literal">SET search_path =
     pg_temp</code>, assume each unqualified name could resolve to an
     object that a malicious user has defined.  Beware of constructs that
     depend on <code class="varname">search_path</code> implicitly: <code class="token">IN</code>
     and <code class="literal">CASE <em class="replaceable"><code>expression</code></em> WHEN</code>
     always select an operator using the search path.  In their place, use
     <code class="literal">OPERATOR(<em class="replaceable"><code>schema</code></em>.=) ANY</code>
     and <code class="literal">CASE WHEN <em class="replaceable"><code>expression</code></em></code>.
    </p></div><div class="sect2" id="id-"><div class="titlepage"><div><div><h3 class="title">38.16.2. Extension Files</h3></div></div></div><a id="id-" class="indexterm"></a><p>
     The <a class="xref" href="sql-createextension.html" title="CREATE EXTENSION"><span class="refentrytitle">CREATE EXTENSION</span></a> command relies on a control
     file for each extension, which must be named the same as the extension
     with a suffix of <code class="literal">.control</code>, and must be placed in the
     installation's <code class="literal">SHAREDIR/extension</code> directory.  There
     must also be at least one <acronym class="acronym">SQL</acronym> script file, which follows the
     naming pattern
     <code class="literal"><em class="replaceable"><code>extension</code></em>--<em class="replaceable"><code>version</code></em>.sql</code>
     (for example, <code class="literal">foo--1.0.sql</code> for version <code class="literal">1.0</code> of
     extension <code class="literal">foo</code>).  By default, the script file(s) are also
     placed in the <code class="literal">SHAREDIR/extension</code> directory; but the
     control file can specify a different directory for the script file(s).
     The file format for an extension control file is the same as for the
     <code class="filename">postgresql.conf</code> file, namely a list of
     <em class="replaceable"><code>parameter_name</code></em> <code class="literal">=</code> <em class="replaceable"><code>value</code></em>
     assignments, one per line.  Blank lines and comments introduced by
     <code class="literal">#</code> are allowed.  Be sure to quote any value that is not
     a single word or number.
     A control file can set the following parameters:
    </p><div class="variablelist"><dl class="variablelist"><dt><span class="term"><code class="varname">directory</code> (<code class="type">string</code>)</span></dt><dd><p>
        The directory containing the extension's <acronym class="acronym">SQL</acronym> script
        file(s).  Unless an absolute path is given, the name is relative to
        the installation's <code class="literal">SHAREDIR</code> directory.  The
        default behavior is equivalent to specifying
        <code class="literal">directory = 'extension'</code>.
       </p></dd><dt><span class="term"><code class="varname">default_version</code> (<code class="type">string</code>)</span></dt><dd><p>
        The default version of the extension (the one that will be installed
        if no version is specified in <code class="command">CREATE EXTENSION</code>).  Although
        this can be omitted, that will result in <code class="command">CREATE EXTENSION</code>
        failing if no <code class="literal">VERSION</code> option appears, so you generally
        don't want to do that.
       </p></dd><dt><span class="term"><code class="varname">comment</code> (<code class="type">string</code>)</span></dt><dd><p>
        A comment (any string) about the extension.  The comment is applied
        when initially creating an extension, but not during extension updates
        (since that might override user-added comments).  Alternatively,
        the extension's comment can be set by writing
        a <a class="xref" href="sql-comment.html" title="COMMENT"><span class="refentrytitle">COMMENT</span></a> command in the script file.
       </p></dd><dt><span class="term"><code class="varname">encoding</code> (<code class="type">string</code>)</span></dt><dd><p>
        The character set encoding used by the script file(s).  This should
        be specified if the script files contain any non-ASCII characters.
        Otherwise the files will be assumed to be in the database encoding.
       </p></dd><dt><span class="term"><code class="varname">module_pathname</code> (<code class="type">string</code>)</span></dt><dd><p>
        The value of this parameter will be substituted for each occurrence
        of <code class="literal">MODULE_PATHNAME</code> in the script file(s).  If it is not
        set, no substitution is made.  Typically, this is set to
        <code class="literal">$libdir/<em class="replaceable"><code>shared_library_name</code></em></code> and
        then <code class="literal">MODULE_PATHNAME</code> is used in <code class="command">CREATE
        FUNCTION</code> commands for C-language functions, so that the script
        files do not need to hard-wire the name of the shared library.
       </p></dd><dt><span class="term"><code class="varname">requires</code> (<code class="type">string</code>)</span></dt><dd><p>
        A list of names of extensions that this extension depends on,
        for example <code class="literal">requires = 'foo, bar'</code>.  Those
        extensions must be installed before this one can be installed.
       </p></dd><dt><span class="term"><code class="varname">superuser</code> (<code class="type">boolean</code>)</span></dt><dd><p>
        If this parameter is <code class="literal">true</code> (which is the default),
        only superusers can create the extension or update it to a new
        version.  If it is set to <code class="literal">false</code>, just the privileges
        required to execute the commands in the installation or update script
        are required.
       </p></dd><dt><span class="term"><code class="varname">relocatable</code> (<code class="type">boolean</code>)</span></dt><dd><p>
        An extension is <em class="firstterm">relocatable</em> if it is possible to move
        its contained objects into a different schema after initial creation
        of the extension.  The default is <code class="literal">false</code>, i.e. the
        extension is not relocatable.
        See <a class="xref" href="extend-extensions.html#EXTEND-EXTENSIONS-RELOCATION" title="38.16.3. Extension Relocatability">Section 38.16.3</a> for more information.
       </p></dd><dt><span class="term"><code class="varname">schema</code> (<code class="type">string</code>)</span></dt><dd><p>
        This parameter can only be set for non-relocatable extensions.
        It forces the extension to be loaded into exactly the named schema
        and not any other.
        The <code class="varname">schema</code> parameter is consulted only when
        initially creating an extension, not during extension updates.
        See <a class="xref" href="extend-extensions.html#EXTEND-EXTENSIONS-RELOCATION" title="38.16.3. Extension Relocatability">Section 38.16.3</a> for more information.
     In addition to the primary control file
     <code class="literal"><em class="replaceable"><code>extension</code></em>.control</code>,
     an extension can have secondary control files named in the style
     <code class="literal"><em class="replaceable"><code>extension</code></em>--<em class="replaceable"><code>version</code></em>.control</code>.
     If supplied, these must be located in the script file directory.
     Secondary control files follow the same format as the primary control
     file.  Any parameters set in a secondary control file override the
     primary control file when installing or updating to that version of
     the extension.  However, the parameters <code class="varname">directory</code> and
     <code class="varname">default_version</code> cannot be set in a secondary control file.
     An extension's <acronym class="acronym">SQL</acronym> script files can contain any SQL commands,
     except for transaction control commands (<code class="command">BEGIN</code>,
     <code class="command">COMMIT</code>, etc) and commands that cannot be executed inside a
     transaction block (such as <code class="command">VACUUM</code>).  This is because the
     script files are implicitly executed within a transaction block.
     An extension's <acronym class="acronym">SQL</acronym> script files can also contain lines
     beginning with <code class="literal">\echo</code>, which will be ignored (treated as
     comments) by the extension mechanism.  This provision is commonly used
     to throw an error if the script file is fed to <span class="application">psql</span>
     rather than being loaded via <code class="command">CREATE EXTENSION</code> (see example
     script in <a class="xref" href="extend-extensions.html#EXTEND-EXTENSIONS-EXAMPLE" title="38.16.7. Extension Example">Section 38.16.7</a>).
     Without that, users might accidentally load the
     extension's contents as <span class="quote">“<span class="quote">loose</span>”</span> objects rather than as an
     extension, a state of affairs that's a bit tedious to recover from.
     While the script files can contain any characters allowed by the specified
     encoding, control files should contain only plain ASCII, because there
     is no way for <span class="productname">PostgreSQL</span> to know what encoding a
     control file is in.  In practice this is only an issue if you want to
     use non-ASCII characters in the extension's comment.  Recommended
     practice in that case is to not use the control file <code class="varname">comment</code>
     parameter, but instead use <code class="command">COMMENT ON EXTENSION</code>
     within a script file to set the comment.
    </p></div><div class="sect2" id="EXTEND-EXTENSIONS-RELOCATION"><div class="titlepage"><div><div><h3 class="title">38.16.3. Extension Relocatability</h3></div></div></div><p>
     Users often wish to load the objects contained in an extension into a
     different schema than the extension's author had in mind.  There are
     three supported levels of relocatability:
    </p><div class="itemizedlist"><ul class="itemizedlist" style="list-style-type: disc; "><li class="listitem"><p>
       A fully relocatable extension can be moved into another schema
       at any time, even after it's been loaded into a database.
       This is done with the <code class="command">ALTER EXTENSION SET SCHEMA</code>
       command, which automatically renames all the member objects into
       the new schema.  Normally, this is only possible if the extension
       contains no internal assumptions about what schema any of its
       objects are in.  Also, the extension's objects must all be in one
       schema to begin with (ignoring objects that do not belong to any
       schema, such as procedural languages).  Mark a fully relocatable
       extension by setting <code class="literal">relocatable = true</code> in its control
      </p></li><li class="listitem"><p>
       An extension might be relocatable during installation but not
       afterwards.  This is typically the case if the extension's script
       file needs to reference the target schema explicitly, for example
       in setting <code class="literal">search_path</code> properties for SQL functions.
       For such an extension, set <code class="literal">relocatable = false</code> in its
       control file, and use <code class="literal">@extschema@</code> to refer to the target
       schema in the script file.  All occurrences of this string will be
       replaced by the actual target schema's name before the script is
       executed.  The user can set the target schema using the
       <code class="literal">SCHEMA</code> option of <code class="command">CREATE EXTENSION</code>.
      </p></li><li class="listitem"><p>
       If the extension does not support relocation at all, set
       <code class="literal">relocatable = false</code> in its control file, and also set
       <code class="literal">schema</code> to the name of the intended target schema.  This
       will prevent use of the <code class="literal">SCHEMA</code> option of <code class="command">CREATE
       EXTENSION</code>, unless it specifies the same schema named in the control
       file.  This choice is typically necessary if the extension contains
       internal assumptions about schema names that can't be replaced by
       uses of <code class="literal">@extschema@</code>.  The <code class="literal">@extschema@</code>
       substitution mechanism is available in this case too, although it is
       of limited use since the schema name is determined by the control file.
     In all cases, the script file will be executed with
     <a class="xref" href="runtime-config-client.html#GUC-SEARCH-PATH">search_path</a> initially set to point to the target
     schema; that is, <code class="command">CREATE EXTENSION</code> does the equivalent of
</p><pre class="programlisting">
SET LOCAL search_path TO @extschema@;
     This allows the objects created by the script file to go into the target
     schema.  The script file can change <code class="varname">search_path</code> if it wishes,
     but that is generally undesirable.  <code class="varname">search_path</code> is restored
     to its previous setting upon completion of <code class="command">CREATE EXTENSION</code>.
     The target schema is determined by the <code class="varname">schema</code> parameter in
     the control file if that is given, otherwise by the <code class="literal">SCHEMA</code>
     option of <code class="command">CREATE EXTENSION</code> if that is given, otherwise the
     current default object creation schema (the first one in the caller's
     <code class="varname">search_path</code>).  When the control file <code class="varname">schema</code>
     parameter is used, the target schema will be created if it doesn't
     already exist, but in the other two cases it must already exist.
     If any prerequisite extensions are listed in <code class="varname">requires</code>
     in the control file, their target schemas are appended to the initial
     setting of <code class="varname">search_path</code>.  This allows their objects to be
     visible to the new extension's script file.
     Although a non-relocatable extension can contain objects spread across
     multiple schemas, it is usually desirable to place all the objects meant
     for external use into a single schema, which is considered the extension's
     target schema.  Such an arrangement works conveniently with the default
     setting of <code class="varname">search_path</code> during creation of dependent
    </p></div><div class="sect2" id="EXTEND-EXTENSIONS-CONFIG-TABLES"><div class="titlepage"><div><div><h3 class="title">38.16.4. Extension Configuration Tables</h3></div></div></div><p>
     Some extensions include configuration tables, which contain data that
     might be added or changed by the user after installation of the
     extension.  Ordinarily, if a table is part of an extension, neither
     the table's definition nor its content will be dumped by
     <span class="application">pg_dump</span>.  But that behavior is undesirable for a
     configuration table; any data changes made by the user need to be
     included in dumps, or the extension will behave differently after a dump
     and reload.
    </p><a id="id-" class="indexterm"></a><p>
     To solve this problem, an extension's script file can mark a table
     or a sequence it has created as a configuration relation, which will
     cause <span class="application">pg_dump</span> to include the table's or the sequence's
     contents (not its definition) in dumps.  To do that, call the function
     <code class="function">pg_extension_config_dump(regclass, text)</code> after creating the
     table or the sequence, for example
</p><pre class="programlisting">
CREATE TABLE my_config (key text, value text);
CREATE SEQUENCE my_config_seq;

SELECT pg_catalog.pg_extension_config_dump('my_config', '');
SELECT pg_catalog.pg_extension_config_dump('my_config_seq', '');
     Any number of tables or sequences can be marked this way. Sequences
     associated with <code class="type">serial</code> or <code class="type">bigserial</code> columns can
     be marked as well.
     When the second argument of <code class="function">pg_extension_config_dump</code> is
     an empty string, the entire contents of the table are dumped by
     <span class="application">pg_dump</span>.  This is usually only correct if the table
     is initially empty as created by the extension script.  If there is
     a mixture of initial data and user-provided data in the table,
     the second argument of <code class="function">pg_extension_config_dump</code> provides
     a <code class="literal">WHERE</code> condition that selects the data to be dumped.
     For example, you might do
</p><pre class="programlisting">
CREATE TABLE my_config (key text, value text, standard_entry boolean);

SELECT pg_catalog.pg_extension_config_dump('my_config', 'WHERE NOT standard_entry');
     and then make sure that <code class="structfield">standard_entry</code> is true only
     in the rows created by the extension's script.
     For sequences, the second argument of <code class="function">pg_extension_config_dump</code>
     has no effect.
     More complicated situations, such as initially-provided rows that might
     be modified by users, can be handled by creating triggers on the
     configuration table to ensure that modified rows are marked correctly.
     You can alter the filter condition associated with a configuration table
     by calling <code class="function">pg_extension_config_dump</code> again.  (This would
     typically be useful in an extension update script.)  The only way to mark
     a table as no longer a configuration table is to dissociate it from the
     extension with <code class="command">ALTER EXTENSION ... DROP TABLE</code>.
     Note that foreign key relationships between these tables will dictate the
     order in which the tables are dumped out by pg_dump.  Specifically, pg_dump
     will attempt to dump the referenced-by table before the referencing table.
     As the foreign key relationships are set up at CREATE EXTENSION time (prior
     to data being loaded into the tables) circular dependencies are not
     supported.  When circular dependencies exist, the data will still be dumped
     out but the dump will not be able to be restored directly and user
     intervention will be required.
     Sequences associated with <code class="type">serial</code> or <code class="type">bigserial</code> columns
     need to be directly marked to dump their state. Marking their parent
     relation is not enough for this purpose.
    </p></div><div class="sect2" id="id-"><div class="titlepage"><div><div><h3 class="title">38.16.5. Extension Updates</h3></div></div></div><p>
     One advantage of the extension mechanism is that it provides convenient
     ways to manage updates to the SQL commands that define an extension's
     objects.  This is done by associating a version name or number with
     each released version of the extension's installation script.
     In addition, if you want users to be able to update their databases
     dynamically from one version to the next, you should provide
     <em class="firstterm">update scripts</em> that make the necessary changes to go from
     one version to the next.  Update scripts have names following the pattern
     <code class="literal"><em class="replaceable"><code>extension</code></em>--<em class="replaceable"><code>oldversion</code></em>--<em class="replaceable"><code>newversion</code></em>.sql</code>
     (for example, <code class="literal">foo--1.0--1.1.sql</code> contains the commands to modify
     version <code class="literal">1.0</code> of extension <code class="literal">foo</code> into version
     <code class="literal">1.1</code>).
     Given that a suitable update script is available, the command
     <code class="command">ALTER EXTENSION UPDATE</code> will update an installed extension
     to the specified new version.  The update script is run in the same
     environment that <code class="command">CREATE EXTENSION</code> provides for installation
     scripts: in particular, <code class="varname">search_path</code> is set up in the same
     way, and any new objects created by the script are automatically added
     to the extension.  Also, if the script chooses to drop extension member
     objects, they are automatically dissociated from the extension.
     If an extension has secondary control files, the control parameters
     that are used for an update script are those associated with the script's
     target (new) version.
     The update mechanism can be used to solve an important special case:
     converting a <span class="quote">“<span class="quote">loose</span>”</span> collection of objects into an extension.
     Before the extension mechanism was added to
     <span class="productname">PostgreSQL</span> (in 9.1), many people wrote
     extension modules that simply created assorted unpackaged objects.
     Given an existing database containing such objects, how can we convert
     the objects into a properly packaged extension?  Dropping them and then
     doing a plain <code class="command">CREATE EXTENSION</code> is one way, but it's not
     desirable if the objects have dependencies (for example, if there are
     table columns of a data type created by the extension).  The way to fix
     this situation is to create an empty extension, then use <code class="command">ALTER
     EXTENSION ADD</code> to attach each pre-existing object to the extension,
     then finally create any new objects that are in the current extension
     version but were not in the unpackaged release.  <code class="command">CREATE
     EXTENSION</code> supports this case with its <code class="literal">FROM</code> <em class="replaceable"><code>old_version</code></em> option, which causes it to not run the
     normal installation script for the target version, but instead the update
     script named
     <code class="literal"><em class="replaceable"><code>extension</code></em>--<em class="replaceable"><code>old_version</code></em>--<em class="replaceable"><code>target_version</code></em>.sql</code>.
     The choice of the dummy version name to use as <em class="replaceable"><code>old_version</code></em> is up to the extension author, though
     <code class="literal">unpackaged</code> is a common convention.  If you have multiple
     prior versions you need to be able to update into extension style, use
     multiple dummy version names to identify them.
     <code class="command">ALTER EXTENSION</code> is able to execute sequences of update
     script files to achieve a requested update.  For example, if only
     <code class="literal">foo--1.0--1.1.sql</code> and <code class="literal">foo--1.1--2.0.sql</code> are
     available, <code class="command">ALTER EXTENSION</code> will apply them in sequence if an
     update to version <code class="literal">2.0</code> is requested when <code class="literal">1.0</code> is
     currently installed.
     <span class="productname">PostgreSQL</span> doesn't assume anything about the properties
     of version names: for example, it does not know whether <code class="literal">1.1</code>
     follows <code class="literal">1.0</code>.  It just matches up the available version names
     and follows the path that requires applying the fewest update scripts.
     (A version name can actually be any string that doesn't contain
     <code class="literal">--</code> or leading or trailing <code class="literal">-</code>.)
     Sometimes it is useful to provide <span class="quote">“<span class="quote">downgrade</span>”</span> scripts, for
     example <code class="literal">foo--1.1--1.0.sql</code> to allow reverting the changes
     associated with version <code class="literal">1.1</code>.  If you do that, be careful
     of the possibility that a downgrade script might unexpectedly
     get applied because it yields a shorter path.  The risky case is where
     there is a <span class="quote">“<span class="quote">fast path</span>”</span> update script that jumps ahead several
     versions as well as a downgrade script to the fast path's start point.
     It might take fewer steps to apply the downgrade and then the fast
     path than to move ahead one version at a time.  If the downgrade script
     drops any irreplaceable objects, this will yield undesirable results.
     To check for unexpected update paths, use this command:
</p><pre class="programlisting">
SELECT * FROM pg_extension_update_paths('<em class="replaceable"><code>extension_name</code></em>');
     This shows each pair of distinct known version names for the specified
     extension, together with the update path sequence that would be taken to
     get from the source version to the target version, or <code class="literal">NULL</code> if
     there is no available update path.  The path is shown in textual form
     with <code class="literal">--</code> separators.  You can use
     <code class="literal">regexp_split_to_array(path,'--')</code> if you prefer an array
    </p></div><div class="sect2" id="id-"><div class="titlepage"><div><div><h3 class="title">38.16.6. Installing Extensions using Update Scripts</h3></div></div></div><p>
     An extension that has been around for awhile will probably exist in
     several versions, for which the author will need to write update scripts.
     For example, if you have released a <code class="literal">foo</code> extension in
     versions <code class="literal">1.0</code>, <code class="literal">1.1</code>, and <code class="literal">1.2</code>, there
     should be update scripts <code class="filename">foo--1.0--1.1.sql</code>
     and <code class="filename">foo--1.1--1.2.sql</code>.
     Before <span class="productname">PostgreSQL</span> 10, it was necessary to also create
     new script files <code class="filename">foo--1.1.sql</code> and <code class="filename">foo--1.2.sql</code>
     that directly build the newer extension versions, or else the newer
     versions could not be installed directly, only by
     installing <code class="literal">1.0</code> and then updating.  That was tedious and
     duplicative, but now it's unnecessary, because <code class="command">CREATE
     EXTENSION</code> can follow update chains automatically.
     For example, if only the script
     files <code class="filename">foo--1.0.sql</code>, <code class="filename">foo--1.0--1.1.sql</code>,
     and <code class="filename">foo--1.1--1.2.sql</code> are available then a request to
     install version <code class="literal">1.2</code> is honored by running those three
     scripts in sequence.  The processing is the same as if you'd first
     installed <code class="literal">1.0</code> and then updated to <code class="literal">1.2</code>.
     (As with <code class="command">ALTER EXTENSION UPDATE</code>, if multiple pathways are
     available then the shortest is preferred.)  Arranging an extension's
     script files in this style can reduce the amount of maintenance effort
     needed to produce small updates.
     If you use secondary (version-specific) control files with an extension
     maintained in this style, keep in mind that each version needs a control
     file even if it has no stand-alone installation script, as that control
     file will determine how the implicit update to that version is performed.
     For example, if <code class="filename">foo--1.0.control</code> specifies <code class="literal">requires
     = 'bar'</code> but <code class="literal">foo</code>'s other control files do not, the
     extension's dependency on <code class="literal">bar</code> will be dropped when updating
     from <code class="literal">1.0</code> to another version.
    </p></div><div class="sect2" id="EXTEND-EXTENSIONS-EXAMPLE"><div class="titlepage"><div><div><h3 class="title">38.16.7. Extension Example</h3></div></div></div><p>
     Here is a complete example of an <acronym class="acronym">SQL</acronym>-only
     extension, a two-element composite type that can store any type of value
     in its slots, which are named <span class="quote">“<span class="quote">k</span>”</span> and <span class="quote">“<span class="quote">v</span>”</span>.  Non-text
     values are automatically coerced to text for storage.
     The script file <code class="filename">pair--1.0.sql</code> looks like this:

</p><pre class="programlisting">
-- complain if script is sourced in psql, rather than via CREATE EXTENSION
\echo Use "CREATE EXTENSION pair" to load this file. \quit

CREATE TYPE pair AS ( k text, v text );

RETURNS pair LANGUAGE SQL AS 'SELECT ROW($1, $2)::@extschema@.pair;';


-- "SET search_path" is easy to get right, but qualified names perform better.
AS 'SELECT ROW(lower($1.k), lower($1.v))::@extschema@.pair;'
SET search_path = pg_temp;

CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION pair_concat(pair, pair)
AS 'SELECT ROW($1.k OPERATOR(pg_catalog.||) $2.k,
               $1.v OPERATOR(pg_catalog.||) $2.v)::@extschema@.pair;';

     The control file <code class="filename">pair.control</code> looks like this:

</p><pre class="programlisting">
# pair extension
comment = 'A key/value pair data type'
default_version = '1.0'
relocatable = false
     While you hardly need a makefile to install these two files into the
     correct directory, you could use a <code class="filename">Makefile</code> containing this:

</p><pre class="programlisting">
DATA = pair--1.0.sql

PG_CONFIG = pg_config
PGXS := $(shell $(PG_CONFIG) --pgxs)
include $(PGXS)

     This makefile relies on <acronym class="acronym">PGXS</acronym>, which is described
     in <a class="xref" href="extend-pgxs.html" title="38.17. Extension Building Infrastructure">Section 38.17</a>.  The command <code class="literal">make install</code>
     will install the control and script files into the correct
     directory as reported by <span class="application">pg_config</span>.
     Once the files are installed, use the
     <a class="xref" href="sql-createextension.html" title="CREATE EXTENSION"><span class="refentrytitle">CREATE EXTENSION</span></a> command to load the objects into
     any particular database.
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