

distrib > Mageia > 7 > armv7hl > media > core-updates > by-pkgid > 63140a6e2a5fd71cef2e967ff26dba34 > files > 32



# wants one or more font names on the command line. They must have a file
# extension of .pfa or .pfb, and have an associated metrics file of the same
# path and name, except with extension .afm or .pfm respectively.

# CAUTION: the displayed Unicode value (U+xxxx) appears to be correct in most
# cases, except that the MS Smart Quotes (32 characters) are given as U+0080
# through U+009F. Those Unicode values are reserved for the C1 Control character
# group, not printable glyphs. I don't know if the font files hold incorrect
# Unicode values, or this program is in error. See PDF::Builder::Resource::
# Glyphs for u2n and n2u tables -- they may be in error. Note that UTF-8 and 
# other multibyte encodings are not usable with T1 fonts. Note that some fonts
# may spill over onto 1 or more additional pages, which of course is beyond
# single byte encoding (automap is used here). 

use strict;
use warnings;

use lib '../lib';
use PDF::Builder;
use PDF::Builder::Util;
use File::Basename;

my $compress = 'none';  # uncompressed streams
#my $compress = 'flate';  # compressed streams

my $sx = 33;
my $sy = 45;
my $fx = 20;    # nominal font size in points
my $gLLx = 50;  # lower left position of grid
my $gLLy = 50;

my $LoremIpsum=q|Sed ut perspiciatis, unde omnis iste natus error sit voluptatem accusantium doloremque laudantium, totam rem aperiam eaque ipsa, quae ab illo inventore veritatis et quasi architecto beatae vitae dicta sunt, explicabo. Nemo enim ipsam voluptatem, quia voluptas sit, aspernatur aut odit aut fugit, sed quia consequuntur magni dolores eos, qui ratione voluptatem sequi nesciunt, neque porro quisquam est, qui dolorem ipsum, quia dolor sit, amet, consectetur, adipisci velit, sed quia non numquam eius modi tempora incidunt, ut labore et dolore magnam aliquam quaerat voluptatem. Ut enim ad minima veniam, quis nostrum exercitationem ullam corporis suscipit laboriosam, nisi ut aliquid ex ea commodi consequatur? Quis autem vel eum iure reprehenderit, qui in ea voluptate velit esse, quam nihil molestiae consequatur, vel illum, qui dolorem eum fugiat, quo voluptas nulla pariatur? At vero eos et accusamus et iusto odio dignissimos ducimus, qui blanditiis praesentium voluptatum deleniti atque corrupti, quos dolores et quas molestias excepturi sint, obcaecati cupiditate non provident, similique sunt in culpa, qui officia deserunt mollitia animi, id est laborum et dolorum fuga. Et harum quidem rerum facilis est et expedita distinctio. Nam libero tempore, cum soluta nobis est eligendi optio, cumque nihil impedit, quo minus id, quod maxime placeat, facere possimus, omnis voluptas assumenda est, omnis dolor repellendus. Temporibus autem quibusdam et aut officiis debitis aut rerum necessitatibus saepe eveniet, ut et voluptates repudiandae sint et molestiae non recusandae. Itaque earum rerum hic tenetur a sapiente delectus, ut aut reiciendis voluptatibus maiores alias consequatur aut perferendis doloribus asperiores repellat.|;

# build lists of metric paths, glyph files, and metric files
my @gns = (); # glyphs: path, name, extension
my @mns = (); # metrics: path, name, extension
my @ecs = (); # encodings until further notice (one string for each
              # font, with one or more encodings space-separated)
my $mpath = '@./';  # default path list = same dir as glyph file (-m)
                    # must end in / or \ (not added or checked)
my $ecflag = 'latin1';  # default encoding to display (-e)

# no args, or just  -h, -?, or --help
if (scalar @ARGV == 0 || (scalar @ARGV == 1 && ($ARGV[0] eq '-h' ||
		                                $ARGV[0] eq '-?' ||
					        $ARGV[0] eq '--help'))) {

# loop through @ARGV, building up @gns (list of glyph file path+names),
#                                 @mns (list of metric file path+names),
#                                 @ecs (list of encodings for each font file)
# check that requested files exist. fatal error if not (show usage).

if (processCMD(@ARGV)) {

# use only with single byte encodings, as multibyte (including UTF-8) don't
# appear to be compatible with these T1/PS fonts
# there may be a number of aliases available for each encoding.
# available encodings (believed to be single byte): 
#   7bit-jis  AdobeStandardEncoding  AdobeSymbol  AdobeZdingbat  ascii  
#   ascii-ctrl  cp1006  cp1026  cp1047  cp1250  cp1251  cp1252  cp1253  cp1254  
#   cp1255  cp1256  cp1257  cp1258  cp37  cp424  cp437  cp500  cp737  cp775  
#   cp850  cp852  cp855  cp856  cp857  cp858  cp860  cp861  cp862  cp863  cp864 
#   cp865  cp866  cp869  cp874  cp875  dingbats  hp-roman8  iso-8859-1  
#   iso-8859-2  iso-8859-3  iso-8859-4  iso-8859-5  iso-8859-6  iso-8859-7  
#   iso-8859-8  iso-8859-9  iso-8859-10  iso-8859-11  iso-8859-13  iso-8859-14  
#   iso-8859-15  iso-8859-16  iso-ir-165  jis0201-raw  koi8-f  koi8-r  koi8-u  
#   MacArabic  MacCentralEurRoman  MacCroatian  MacCyrillic  MacDingbats  
#   MacFarsi  MacGreek  MacHebrew  MacIcelandic  MacRoman  MacRomanian  
#   MacRumanian  MacSami  MacSymbol  MacThai  MacTurkish  MacUkrainian  nextstep
#   null  posix-bc  symbol  viscii
# multibyte encodings (do not use):
#  big5-eten  big5-hkscs  cp932  cp936  cp949  cp950  euc-cn  euc-jp  euc-kr  
#  gb12345-raw  gb2312-raw  gsm0338  hz  iso-2022-jp  iso-2022-jp-1  iso-2022-kr
#  jis0208-raw  jis0212-raw  johab  ksc5601-raw  MacChineseSimp  MacChineseTrad 
#  MacJapanese  MacKorean  MIME-B  MIME-Header  MIME-Header-ISO_2022_JP  MIME-Q 
#  shiftjis  UCS-2BE  UCS-2LE  UTF-16  UTF-16BE  UTF-16LE  UTF-32  UTF-32BE  
#  UTF-32LE  UTF-7  utf-8-strict  utf8   and probably others

my ($i, $base, $y, $pdf, $fn, $fnM, $f1);

# should have same number of entries each in @gns, @mns, @ecs
# loop through list of font names (glyph file names)
for ($i=0; $i<scalar @gns; $i++) {
    $fn = $gns[$i];   # glyph file
    $fnM = $mns[$i];  # metric file to go with glyph file
    my $flavor = '?';  # a = ASCII, b = binary metrics file
    if ($fnM =~ m/\.afm$/i) { $flavor = 'a'; }
    if ($fnM =~ m/\.pfm$/i) { $flavor = 'b'; }
    # might be other PS/T1 flavors

    $base = $fn;
    $base =~ m#([^/\\]+)$#;
    $base = $1;
    $base =~ s#\.pf[ab]$##i;

    # at least one page for each encoding 
    foreach my $ec (split / /, $ecs[$i]) {
        $pdf = PDF::Builder->new(-compress => $compress);
        $f1 = $pdf->corefont('Helvetica');  # for various labels

        print STDERR "\n$base -- $ec\n";
        initNameTable();  # set up u2n and n2u hashes
	my $fnt;
	if ($fnM ne '') { 
	    if ($flavor eq 'a') {
		print "Process glyph file $fn\n with AFM file $fnM,\n $ec encoding\n";
                $fnt = $pdf->psfont($fn, -afmfile => $fnM, -encode => $ec);
	    } else {
		print "Process glyph file $fn\n with PFM file $fnM,\n $ec encoding\n";
                $fnt = $pdf->psfont($fn, -pfmfile => $fnM, -encode => $ec);
	} else {
	    # no metrics file to be used
	    print "Process glyph file $fn\n with no metrics file, $ec encoding\n";
            $fnt = $pdf->psfont($fn, -encode => $ec);
        my @planes = ($fnt, $fnt->automap());
	my $flight = -1;
        foreach my $plane (@planes) {   

	    # for plane 1+ ($flight > 0) check if any characters in it
	    if ($flight > 0) {
		my $flag = 0; # no character found yet
                foreach my $yp (0..15) {
                    foreach my $x (0..15) {  
		        my $ci = $yp*16 + $x;  # 0..255 value
			# always seems to be something at
			# ci = 32 (U=0020, space)
			# ci = 33 (U=E000, .notdef)
			if ($ci == 32 || $ci == 33) { next; }

                        if (defined $plane->uniByEnc($ci) && $plane->uniByEnc($ci) > 0) { 
			    $flag = 1;
		    if ($flag) { last; }
		if (!$flag) { next; } # no characters on this plane

            # subfonts within overall font (223 characters per plane + space)
	    # they can be treated just like regular fonts
            my $page = $pdf->page();

            my $gfx = $page->gfx();

            my $txt = $page->text();

            my $txt2 = $page->text();

            $txt2->textlabel($gLLx,800, $f1,20, "font='".$plane->fontname()." / ".$plane->name()."'  plane $flight", -hscale=>75);
            $txt2->textlabel($gLLx,780, $f1,20, "encoding='$ec'");

            $txt2->font($f1, 5);

	    # distance below baseline (<0) to clear descenders
            my $u = $plane->underlineposition()*$fx/1000;

	    # draw grid of characters and information
	    # yp character row value (0..F T to B)
            foreach my $yp (0..15) {
		$y = 15 - $yp;  # y vertical (row) position T to B
                print STDERR ".";
                foreach my $x (0..15) {  # x horizontal (column) position L to R
		    my $ci = $yp*16 + $x;  # 0..255 value
		    my $c  = chr($ci);

                    my $wx = $plane->width($c)*$fx;

		    # bounding box cell around character
                    $gfx->move($gLLx+($sx*$x)    ,$gLLy+($sy*$y)+$fx);
                    $gfx->line($gLLx+($sx*$x)    ,$gLLy+($sy*$y)+$u);

		    # baseline
                    $gfx->move($gLLx+($sx*$x)    ,$gLLy+($sy*$y));

		    # character data
                    if (defined $plane->uniByEnc($ci)) {
                    } else {
                } # loop through columns (x)
            } # loop through rows (yp/y)
            print STDERR "\n";
        } # loop through "sub" fonts (planes)

	# print out some text in this font on next page
        my $textL = $LoremIpsum;

        my $page = $pdf->page();
        $page->mediabox(595,842); # A4
        my $txt = $page->text();
        $txt->transform(-translate => [50, 800]);
        $txt->font($fnt, 18);
        my $toprint;
        while ($textL ne '') {
        	($toprint, $textL) = $txt->_text_fill_line($textL, 500, 0);


    } # loop through each encoding (ec)
} # loop $i for each font name (fn) and metrics file (fnM)


# consider a -p flag like -m, but for glyph files
# would look for glyph file, push path+token instead of just token
sub usage {
  my $message = <<"END_OF_TEXT";

021_psfonts [flags_1] glyph_file [flags_2] glyph_file [flags_2]...

flags_1 --
  -m  metrics files paths
     : or ; separated directories specifying where to look for font
     metrics files. If relative paths (not starting with /), they are
     relative to the glyph file being processed if @ prepended, else
     (no @) relative to the current directory. The default metrics
     path string is just @./ (glyph file's directory). Entries will
     apply to following glyph file names until a new -m. The paths
     are not used if a -M or -N flag is given for a glyph file.
  -e  encodings list
     latin1 latin2 etc. Default is latin1. Any name with characters
     other than A-Za-z0-9- is assumed to be a glyph file name or
     another flag (if starts with -). Entries will apply to the
     following glyph file names until a new -e.

glyph_file --
  a .pfa or .pfb extension T1 (PS) glyph file (with path)

flags_2 --
  -m  metrics files paths
     as in flags_1, but replaces whatever existed before. Note that
     the new path list takes effect at the next glyph file, not the
     previously-given one.
  -e  encodings list
     as in flags_1, but replaces whatever existed before. Note that
     the new encoding list takes effect at the next glyph file, not
     the previously-given one.
  -M  metrics file path and name
     an absolute (starting with /) or relative (to the glyph file path
     if starts with @, otherwise relative to the current directory)
     path and name. This overrides the -m path list for this ONE
     glyph file. Normally, -M is needed only when the file name
     differs between the glyph and metrics files, which is unusual,
     or you don't want to list this path in -m, or perhaps you have
     only one glyph file to display and want to give the exact metrics
     file path and name. It must come IMMEDIATELY AFTER the glyph file
     it pertains to, and applies only to that one glyph file.
     there is no metrics file for the preceeding glyph file. It must
     come IMMEDIATELY AFTER the glyph file it pertains to, and applies
     only to that one glyph file.

Going through glyph file names, the complete path, name, and extension
  must be given for each (no wildcards). The base name and extension
  are case-sensitive. If a -M or -N flag is not given, the program
  will search for the metrics file (.afm or .pfm) using each metrics
  file path entry appended to the glyph file path, the base name of
  the glyph file, and each extension .afm and .pfm are tried (in that
  order for a .pfa glyph file, and in the reverse order for a .pfb
  glyph file). Matching of extensions is case-insensitive, even on
  Linux systems (e.g., times-roman.AFM is considered a match for

   print $message;

# fill the glyph, metrics, and encoding arrays from the command line
# input: @ARGV command line
# output: 0 = OK, 1 = failed
sub processCMD {
    my @args = @_;

    my ($token, @mpaths, $Mpath, $i, $j, $path, $basename, $extension);
    my $tokenNumber = 0;
    # at this point, $mpath is default path list and $ecflag is default encoding
    @mpaths = split /[:;]+/, $mpath;   # each element should end in / or \
    $ecflag =~ s/^\s+//;  # clean off any leading or trailing whitespace
    $ecflag =~ s/\s+$//; 
    @ecs = split /\s+/, $ecflag;

    while (@args) {
        # -m or -e at any time
        # -M or -N after a glyph file
        $token = shift @args;
        $tokenNumber++;  # original token index for messages

        if      (substr($token, 0, 2) eq '-m') {
	    $token = substr($token, 2);  # strip off -m if run-together
	    if ($token eq '') {
                # -m flag was by itself. next token is actual path (must exist)
	        if (!scalar @args) {
		    print "missing metrics path after -m (arg $tokenNumber)\n";
		    return 1;
	        $mpath = shift @args;
	    } else {
	        # -m flag and path run together
	        $mpath = stripQuotes($token);
	    # TBD validate mpath: valid structure, valid dirs
            # $mpath should not have any leading or trailing whitespace, may
	    #   have embedded whitespace (Windows)
	    @mpaths = split /[:;]+/, $mpath;
	    if (!@args) {
	        print "no glyph files after -m path list! (arg $tokenNumber)\n";
	        return 1;

	    # each mpaths entry should end in a /
	    for ($i=0; $i<scalar @mpaths; $i++) {
	       if ($mpaths[$i] !~ m#[/\\]$#) {
		   $mpaths[$i] .= '/';

	    next; # back to top of loop
        } # end -m processing

        if (substr($token, 0, 2) eq '-e') {
	    $token = substr($token, 2);  # strip off -e if run-together
	    if ($token ne '') {
                # -e flag was run together with first (or only) encoding. 
	        # next token(s) are rest of list (optional)
	        # NO ' or " around list
	        @ecs = ($token);
	    } else {
	        @ecs = ();
	    # zero or more names of encodings
	    while (@args) {
	        $token = shift @args;

	            if ($token =~ m/^[a-z0-9-]+$/i && substr($token, 0, 1) ne '-') {
	 	    # appears to be an encoding. add to list
		    push @ecs, $token;
	        } else {
		    # does not appear to be an encoding. return to args
		    unshift @args, $token;
	    if (!scalar @ecs) {
	        print "missing encodings list after -e (arg $tokenNumber)\n";
	        return 1;
	    if (!@args) {
	        print "no glyph files after -e encodings list! (arg $tokenNumber)\n";
	        return 1;
	    next; # back to top of loop
        } # end -e processing

        # at this point, should be glyph file name (no flags)

        if (substr($token, 0, 1) eq '-') {
	    print "unknown or unexpected flag '$token' (arg $tokenNumber)\n";
	    return 1;
        # split into path, basename, extension
        ($path, $basename, $extension) = splitPath($token);
        if ($extension =~ m/^pf[ab]$/i) {
	    # acceptable extension name
        } else {
	    print "expected glyph file extension .pfa or .pfb not found in glyph file '$token' (arg $tokenNumber)\n";
	    return 1;

        # TBD if -p used, prepend path to token
        if (!-r $token) {
	    print "glyph file '$token' not found or not readable (arg $tokenNumber)\n";
	    return 1;

        push @gns, $token;  

        # look ahead one token for any -M or -N flag NEXT. process and set to ''
        if (scalar @args) {

            if (substr($args[0], 0, 2) eq '-N') {
	        # no metrics file to be used
	        push @mns, '';
	        shift @args;

            if (substr($args[0], 0, 2) eq '-M') {
	        # explicit metrics file given
	        # if path is relative, append to glyph file's path
	        $token = shift @args;
	        if ($token eq '-M') {
	            # next token is path itself
	            if (!scalar @args) {
	                print "-M flag missing file name following (arg $tokenNumber)\n";
	                return 1;
	            $Mpath = shift @args;

                } else {
	            # -M and file run together in one token
	            $Mpath = stripQuotes(substr($token, 2));

	        $Mpath = makeMPath($path, $basename, $extension, $Mpath);
	        if ($Mpath ne '') {
	            # OK path found
		    push @mns, $Mpath;
	        } else {
		    print "metrics file extension '$Mpath' not .afm or .pfm, or\n";
		    print "metrics file not found or is not readable (arg $tokenNumber)\n";
		    return 1;

            } # end of -M processing

	} # there were more tokens to look at (-N or -M)

        if (substr($token, 0, 1) eq '-') {
	    print "unknown or unexpected flag '$token' (arg $tokenNumber)\n";
	    return 1;

        # if fell through to here, assume it's a glyph file next up
	# so process the current glyph file (look for metrics file)

        # no -M or -N seen, so look for metrics file from -m path
	$j = 0; # nothing found so far
        for ($i=0; $i<scalar @mpaths; $i++) {
	    $Mpath = $mpaths[$i];
	    $Mpath = makeMPath($path, $basename, $extension, $Mpath);
	    if ($Mpath ne '') {
	        # OK path found
		push @mns, $Mpath;
		$j = 1; # found a metrics file
	# if we fell through to here, couldn't find a metrics file
	if (!$j) {
	    print "unable to find a metrics file for $path$basename.$extension\n";
	    return 1;

    } # while loop through @args
    return 0;

} # end of processCMD()

# split up a path/filename into path, basename, extension
sub splitPath {
    my $token = shift;
    my ($path, $basename, $extension);

    if      ($token =~ m#^(.*)([/\\])([^/\\]+)$#) {
        $path = $1.$2;
	$basename = $3;
    } elsif ($token =~ m#^(.*)([/\\])$#) {
        $path = $1.$2;
	$basename = '';
    } elsif ($token =~ m#^([/\\])([^/\\]+)$#) {
        $path = $1;
	$basename = $2;
    } else {
	$path = '';
	$basename = $token;

    if ($basename =~ m#^(.*)\.([^.]+)$#) {
	$basename = $1;
	$extension = $2;
    } else {
	$extension = '';

    return ($path, $basename, $extension);
} # end of splitPath()

# given glyph file path, basename, extension; and proposed metrics file path
# (optionally with a .afm or .pfm file), create the full path of the metrics
# file. test if file exists and is readable, and if not, return ''. if a
# proposed metrics file path includes the metrics file name, just use that. 
# a path prefixed with @ is relative to the glyph file path (appended to it).
sub makeMPath {
    my ($gPath, $gName, $gExt, $mPath) = @_;

    my ($i, $j, $isRelative, $dh, $entry);

    # $mPath might be empty, or dir with or without trailing / or \
    # $mPath might start with a @ -- if relative path, is relative to gPath

    # $mPath might be a full path+name+afm/pfm
    my ($p, $b, $e) = splitPath($mPath);
    if ($b ne '' && $e ne '') {
	if ($e !~ m/^[ap]fm$/i) { return ''; }
	# full path and file. see if exists. return either way
	if (-r $mPath) {
            # metrics file is readable. return it
	    return $mPath;
	} else {
            # metrics file not found or is unreadable. return empty
	    # if starts with @ (shouldn't), it will die here
	    return '';

    # try each gPath + gName + afm or pfm
    # .pfa tries .afm before .pfm, .pfb tries .pfm before .afm
    my @extList = qw/ .afm .pfm /;
    if ($gExt =~ m#^pfb$#i) {
        @extList = qw/ .pfm .afm /; # or reverse @extList

    $isRelative = 0;
    if (substr($mPath, 0, 1) eq '@') {
	$isRelative = 1;  # is relative to glyph file path, not current dir
	$mPath = substr($mPath, 1); # strip @

    if ($mPath !~ m#^[/\\]# && $isRelative) {
        # relative path: prepend glyph file's path
	$mPath = $gPath . $mPath;  # gPath SHOULD end with / or \

    # make sure mPath ends with / or \
    if ($mPath !~ m#[/\\]$#) {
	$mPath .= '/';

    if (!opendir $dh, $mPath) {
        print "can't open -m directory $mPath: $!\n";
        return 1;
    while ($entry = readdir $dh) {
        if ($entry eq '.' || $entry eq '..') { next; }
        if (-d $mPath.$entry) { next; }

        # have an $entry that might be gName.ext
        for ($j=0; $j<scalar @extList; $j++) {
            if ($entry =~ m#^$gName$extList[$j]$#i) {
	        # we have a match! remember it if it's readable
	        if (-r $mPath.$entry) {
                    closedir $dh;
	            return $mPath.$entry;
    closedir $dh;
    # got to end of entries without success. indicate failure
    return '';

} # end of makeMPath()

# strip off any ' or " surrounding a string
# I'm not sure you'll see something like -M"\Program Files\..." as 
# "\Program Files\...", \Program Files\..., or just \Program.
sub stripQuotes {
    my $string = shift;

    if (length($string) < 3) { return $string; }

    if      (substr($string, 0, 1) eq "'" && substr($string, -1, 1) eq "'") {
        $string = substr($string, 1, length($string) - 2);
    } elsif (substr($string, 0, 1) eq '"' && substr($string, -1, 1) eq '"') {
        $string = substr($string, 1, length($string) - 2);

    return $string;
} # end of stripQuotes()
