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<a name="Class-Methods-1"></a>
<h3 class="section">34.2 Class Methods</h3>

<p>There are a number of basic class methods that can (and should) be defined to
allow the contents of the classes to be queried and set.  The most basic of
these is the <code>disp</code> method.  The <code>disp</code> method is used by Octave
whenever a class should be displayed on the screen.  Usually this is the result
of an Octave expression that doesn&rsquo;t end with a semicolon.  If this method is
not defined, then Octave won&rsquo;t print anything when displaying the contents of a
class which can be confusing.
<p>An example of a <code>disp</code> method for the polynomial class might be
<div class="example">
<pre class="verbatim">function disp (p)

  a = p.poly;
  first = true;
  for i = 1 : length (a);
    if (a(i) != 0)
      if (first)
        first = false;
      elseif (a(i) &gt; 0 || isnan (a(i)))
        printf (&quot; +&quot;);
      if (a(i) &lt; 0)
        printf (&quot; -&quot;);
      if (i == 1)
        printf (&quot; %.5g&quot;, abs (a(i)));
      elseif (abs (a(i)) != 1)
        printf (&quot; %.5g *&quot;, abs (a(i)));
      if (i &gt; 1)
        printf (&quot; X&quot;);
      if (i &gt; 2)
        printf (&quot; ^ %d&quot;, i - 1);

  if (first)
    printf (&quot; 0&quot;);
  printf (&quot;\n&quot;);


<p>To be consistent with the Octave graphic handle classes, a class should also
define the <code>get</code> and <code>set</code> methods.  The <code>get</code> method accepts
one or two arguments.  The first argument is an object of the appropriate
class.  If no second argument is given then the method should return a
structure with all the properties of the class.  If the optional second
argument is given it should be a property name and the specified property
should be retrieved.
<div class="example">
<pre class="verbatim">function val = get (p, prop)

  if (nargin &lt; 1 || nargin &gt; 2)
    print_usage ();

  if (nargin == 1)
    val.poly = p.poly;
    if (! ischar (prop))
      error (&quot;@polynomial/get: PROPERTY must be a string&quot;);

    switch (prop)
      case &quot;poly&quot;
        val = p.poly;
        error ('@polynomial/get: invalid PROPERTY &quot;%s&quot;', prop);


<p>Similarly, the first argument to the <code>set</code> method should be an object and
any additional arguments should be property/value pairs.
<div class="example">
<pre class="verbatim">function pout = set (p, varargin)

  if (numel (varargin) &lt; 2 || rem (numel (varargin), 2) != 0)
    error (&quot;@polynomial/set: expecting PROPERTY/VALUE pairs&quot;);

  pout = p;
  while (numel (varargin) &gt; 1)
    prop = varargin{1};
    val  = varargin{2};
    varargin(1:2) = [];
    if (! ischar (prop) || ! strcmp (prop, &quot;poly&quot;))
      error (&quot;@polynomial/set: invalid PROPERTY for polynomial class&quot;);
    elseif (! (isreal (val) &amp;&amp; isvector (val)))
      error (&quot;@polynomial/set: VALUE must be a real vector&quot;);

    pout.poly = val(:).';  # force row vector


<p>Note that Octave does not implement pass by reference; Therefore, to modify an
object requires an assignment statement using the return value from the
<code>set</code> method.
<div class="example">
<pre class="example">p = set (p, &quot;poly&quot;, [1, 0, 0, 0, 1]);

<p>The <code>set</code> method makes use of the <code>subsasgn</code> method of the class, and
therefore this method must also be defined.  The <code>subsasgn</code> method is
discussed more thoroughly in the next section (see <a href="Indexing-Objects.html#Indexing-Objects">Indexing Objects</a>).
<p>Finally, user classes can be considered to be a special type of a structure,
and they can be saved to a file in the same manner as a structure.  For
<div class="example">
<pre class="example">p = polynomial ([1, 0, 1]);
save userclass.mat p
clear p
load userclass.mat

<p>All of the file formats supported by <code>save</code> and <code>load</code> are supported.
In certain circumstances a user class might contain a field that it doesn&rsquo;t
make sense to save, or a field that needs to be initialized before it is saved.
This can be done with the <code>saveobj</code> method of the class.
<a name="XREFsaveobj"></a><dl>
<dt><a name="index-saveobj"></a><em><var>b</var> =</em> <strong>saveobj</strong> <em>(<var>a</var>)</em></dt>
<dd><p>Method of a class to manipulate an object prior to saving it to a file.
<p>The function <code>saveobj</code> is called when the object <var>a</var> is saved
using the <code>save</code> function.  An example of the use of <code>saveobj</code>
might be to remove fields of the object that don&rsquo;t make sense to be saved
or it might be used to ensure that certain fields of the object are
initialized before the object is saved.  For example:
<div class="example">
<pre class="example">function b = saveobj (a)
  b = a;
  if (isempty (b.field))
     b.field = initfield (b);

<p><strong>See also:</strong> <a href="#XREFloadobj">loadobj</a>, <a href="Built_002din-Data-Types.html#XREFclass">class</a>.

<p><code>saveobj</code> is called just prior to saving the class to a file.  Similarly,
the <code>loadobj</code> method is called just after a class is loaded from a file,
and can be used to ensure that any removed fields are reinserted into the user
<a name="XREFloadobj"></a><dl>
<dt><a name="index-loadobj"></a><em><var>b</var> =</em> <strong>loadobj</strong> <em>(<var>a</var>)</em></dt>
<dd><p>Method of a class to manipulate an object after loading it from a file.
<p>The function <code>loadobj</code> is called when the object <var>a</var> is loaded
using the <code>load</code> function.  An example of the use of <code>saveobj</code>
might be to add fields to an object that don&rsquo;t make sense to be saved.
For example:
<div class="example">
<pre class="example">function b = loadobj (a)
  b = a;
  b.addmissingfield = addfield (b);

<p><strong>See also:</strong> <a href="#XREFsaveobj">saveobj</a>, <a href="Built_002din-Data-Types.html#XREFclass">class</a>.

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