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<a name="External-Packages"></a>
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<a name="External-Packages-1"></a>
<h4 class="subsection">E.1.3 External Packages</h4>

<p>The following external packages are required:
<dl compact="compact">
<dd><p>Basic Linear Algebra Subroutine library.  Accelerated <small>BLAS</small> libraries such
as OpenBLAS (<a href=""></a>) or
ATLAS (<a href=""></a>) are recommended for best
performance.  The reference implementation (<a href=""></a>)
is slow, unmaintained, and suffers from certain bugs in corner case inputs.
<dd><p>Linear Algebra Package (<a href=""></a>).
<dd><p>The Perl Compatible Regular Expression library (<a href=""></a>).

<p>The following external package is optional but strongly recommended:
<dl compact="compact">
<dt>GNU Readline</dt>
<dd><p>Command-line editing library (<a href=""></a>).

<p>If you wish to build Octave without GNU readline installed, you must use
the <samp>--disable-readline</samp> option when running the configure script.
<p>The following external software packages are optional but recommended:
<dl compact="compact">
<dd><p>Library for the solution of large-scale eigenvalue problems
(<a href=""></a>).  <small>ARPACK</small> is
required to provide the functions <code>eigs</code> and <code>svds</code>.
<dd><p>Library for transferring data with URL syntax
(<a href=""></a>).  cURL is required to provide the
<code>urlread</code> and <code>urlwrite</code> functions and the <code>ftp</code> class.
<dd><p>Library for computing discrete Fourier transforms
(<a href=""></a>).  FFTW3 is used to provide better
performance for functions that compute discrete Fourier transforms
(<code>fft</code>, <code>ifft</code>, <code>fft2</code>, etc.)
<dd><p>Portable GUI toolkit (<a href=""></a>).  FLTK is currently
used to provide windows for Octave&rsquo;s OpenGL-based graphics functions.
<dd><p>Library for configuring and customizing font access
(<a href=""></a>).  Fontconfig
is used to manage fonts for Octave&rsquo;s OpenGL-based graphics functions.
<dd><p>Portable font engine (<a href=""></a>).  FreeType is used
to perform font rendering for Octave&rsquo;s OpenGL-based graphics functions.
<dd><p>GNU Linear Programming Kit (<a href=""></a>).
GPLK is required for the function <code>glpk</code>.
<dd><p>OpenGL to PostScript printing library (<a href=""></a>).
gl2ps is required for printing when using OpenGL-based
graphics toolkits (currently either FLTK or Qt).
<dd><p>Interactive graphics program (<a href=""></a>).  gnuplot
is currently the default graphics renderer for Octave.
<dd><p>Image processing library (<a href=""></a>).
GraphicsMagick++ is used to provide the <code>imread</code> and <code>imwrite</code>
<dd><p>Library for manipulating portable data files
(<a href=""></a>).  <small>HDF5</small> is required for Octave&rsquo;s
<code>load</code> and <code>save</code> commands to read and write HDF data files.
<dt>Java Development Kit</dt>
<dd><p>Java programming language compiler and libraries.  The OpenJDK free
software implementation is recommended (<a href=""></a>),
although other JDK implementations may work.  Java is required to be able
to call Java functions from within Octave.
<dd><p>Compiler framework, (<a href=""></a>).  LLVM is required for
Octave&rsquo;s experimental just-in-time (JIT) compilation for speeding up the
<dd><p>API for portable 2-D and 3-D graphics (<a href=""></a>).  An
OpenGL implementation is required to provide Octave&rsquo;s OpenGL-based
graphics functions.  Octave&rsquo;s OpenGL-based graphics functions usually
outperform the gnuplot-based graphics functions because plot data can be
rendered directly instead of sending data and commands to gnuplot for
interpretation and rendering.
<dd><p>PortAudio (<a href=""></a>) provides a very simple API
for recording and/or playing sound using a simple callback function or
a blocking read/write interface.  It is required for the audio processing
functions <code>audioplayer</code>, <code>audiorecorder</code>, and
<dd><p>Computational geometry library (<a href=""></a>).  Qhull is
required to provide the functions <code>convhull</code>, <code>convhulln</code>,
<code>delaunay</code>, <code>delaunayn</code>, <code>voronoi</code>, and <code>voronoin</code>.
<dd><p>QR factorization updating library
(<a href=""></a>).  QRUPDATE is used to
provide improved performance for the functions <code>qrdelete</code>,
<code>qrinsert</code>, <code>qrshift</code>, and <code>qrupdate</code>.
<dd><p>Source code highlighter and manipulator; a Qt port of Scintilla
(<a href=""></a>).
QScintilla is used for syntax highlighting and code completion in the
<dd><p>GUI and utility libraries (<a href=""></a>).  Qt is required for
building the GUI.  It is a large framework, but the only components
required are the GUI, core, and network modules.
<dd><p>Sparse matrix factorization library
(<a href=""></a>).
SuiteSparse is required to provide sparse matrix factorizations and
solution of linear equations for sparse systems.
<dd><p>The SUite of Nonlinear and DIfferential/ALgebraic Equation Solvers
(<a href=""></a>) is required for
the Ordinary Differential Equations (ODE) solvers <code>ode15i</code> and
<dd><p>Data compression library (<a href=""></a>).  The zlib library is
required for Octave&rsquo;s <code>load</code> and <code>save</code> commands to handle
compressed data, including <small>MATLAB</small> v5 MAT files.

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