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<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" ""><html xmlns=""><head><meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8" /><title>57.4. Foreign Data Wrapper Query Planning</title><link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="stylesheet.css" /><link rev="made" href="" /><meta name="generator" content="DocBook XSL Stylesheets Vsnapshot" /><link rel="prev" href="fdw-helpers.html" title="57.3. Foreign Data Wrapper Helper Functions" /><link rel="next" href="fdw-row-locking.html" title="57.5. Row Locking in Foreign Data Wrappers" /></head><body><div xmlns="" class="navheader"><table width="100%" summary="Navigation header"><tr><th colspan="5" align="center">57.4. Foreign Data Wrapper Query Planning</th></tr><tr><td width="10%" align="left"><a accesskey="p" href="fdw-helpers.html" title="57.3. Foreign Data Wrapper Helper Functions">Prev</a> </td><td width="10%" align="left"><a accesskey="u" href="fdwhandler.html" title="Chapter 57. Writing A Foreign Data Wrapper">Up</a></td><th width="60%" align="center">Chapter 57. Writing A Foreign Data Wrapper</th><td width="10%" align="right"><a accesskey="h" href="index.html" title="PostgreSQL 11.7 Documentation">Home</a></td><td width="10%" align="right"> <a accesskey="n" href="fdw-row-locking.html" title="57.5. Row Locking in Foreign Data Wrappers">Next</a></td></tr></table><hr></hr></div><div class="sect1" id="FDW-PLANNING"><div class="titlepage"><div><div><h2 class="title" style="clear: both">57.4. Foreign Data Wrapper Query Planning</h2></div></div></div><p>
     The FDW callback functions <code class="function">GetForeignRelSize</code>,
     <code class="function">GetForeignPaths</code>, <code class="function">GetForeignPlan</code>,
     <code class="function">PlanForeignModify</code>, <code class="function">GetForeignJoinPaths</code>,
     <code class="function">GetForeignUpperPaths</code>, and <code class="function">PlanDirectModify</code>
     must fit into the workings of the <span class="productname">PostgreSQL</span> planner.
     Here are some notes about what they must do.
     The information in <code class="literal">root</code> and <code class="literal">baserel</code> can be used
     to reduce the amount of information that has to be fetched from the
     foreign table (and therefore reduce the cost).
     <code class="literal">baserel-&gt;baserestrictinfo</code> is particularly interesting, as
     it contains restriction quals (<code class="literal">WHERE</code> clauses) that should be
     used to filter the rows to be fetched.  (The FDW itself is not required
     to enforce these quals, as the core executor can check them instead.)
     <code class="literal">baserel-&gt;reltarget-&gt;exprs</code> can be used to determine which
     columns need to be fetched; but note that it only lists columns that
     have to be emitted by the <code class="structname">ForeignScan</code> plan node, not
     columns that are used in qual evaluation but not output by the query.
     Various private fields are available for the FDW planning functions to
     keep information in.  Generally, whatever you store in FDW private fields
     should be palloc'd, so that it will be reclaimed at the end of planning.
     <code class="literal">baserel-&gt;fdw_private</code> is a <code class="type">void</code> pointer that is
     available for FDW planning functions to store information relevant to
     the particular foreign table.  The core planner does not touch it except
     to initialize it to NULL when the <code class="literal">RelOptInfo</code> node is created.
     It is useful for passing information forward from
     <code class="function">GetForeignRelSize</code> to <code class="function">GetForeignPaths</code> and/or
     <code class="function">GetForeignPaths</code> to <code class="function">GetForeignPlan</code>, thereby
     avoiding recalculation.
     <code class="function">GetForeignPaths</code> can identify the meaning of different
     access paths by storing private information in the
     <code class="structfield">fdw_private</code> field of <code class="structname">ForeignPath</code> nodes.
     <code class="structfield">fdw_private</code> is declared as a <code class="type">List</code> pointer, but
     could actually contain anything since the core planner does not touch
     it.  However, best practice is to use a representation that's dumpable
     by <code class="function">nodeToString</code>, for use with debugging support available
     in the backend.
     <code class="function">GetForeignPlan</code> can examine the <code class="structfield">fdw_private</code>
     field of the selected <code class="structname">ForeignPath</code> node, and can generate
     <code class="structfield">fdw_exprs</code> and <code class="structfield">fdw_private</code> lists to be
     placed in the <code class="structname">ForeignScan</code> plan node, where they will be
     available at execution time.  Both of these lists must be
     represented in a form that <code class="function">copyObject</code> knows how to copy.
     The <code class="structfield">fdw_private</code> list has no other restrictions and is
     not interpreted by the core backend in any way.  The
     <code class="structfield">fdw_exprs</code> list, if not NIL, is expected to contain
     expression trees that are intended to be executed at run time.  These
     trees will undergo post-processing by the planner to make them fully
     In <code class="function">GetForeignPlan</code>, generally the passed-in target list can
     be copied into the plan node as-is.  The passed <code class="literal">scan_clauses</code> list
     contains the same clauses as <code class="literal">baserel-&gt;baserestrictinfo</code>,
     but may be re-ordered for better execution efficiency.  In simple cases
     the FDW can just strip <code class="structname">RestrictInfo</code> nodes from the
     <code class="literal">scan_clauses</code> list (using <code class="function">extract_actual_clauses</code>) and put
     all the clauses into the plan node's qual list, which means that all the
     clauses will be checked by the executor at run time.  More complex FDWs
     may be able to check some of the clauses internally, in which case those
     clauses can be removed from the plan node's qual list so that the
     executor doesn't waste time rechecking them.
     As an example, the FDW might identify some restriction clauses of the
     form <em class="replaceable"><code>foreign_variable</code></em> <code class="literal">=</code>
     <em class="replaceable"><code>sub_expression</code></em>, which it determines can be executed on
     the remote server given the locally-evaluated value of the
     <em class="replaceable"><code>sub_expression</code></em>.  The actual identification of such a
     clause should happen during <code class="function">GetForeignPaths</code>, since it would
     affect the cost estimate for the path.  The path's
     <code class="structfield">fdw_private</code> field would probably include a pointer to
     the identified clause's <code class="structname">RestrictInfo</code> node.  Then
     <code class="function">GetForeignPlan</code> would remove that clause from <code class="literal">scan_clauses</code>,
     but add the <em class="replaceable"><code>sub_expression</code></em> to <code class="structfield">fdw_exprs</code>
     to ensure that it gets massaged into executable form.  It would probably
     also put control information into the plan node's
     <code class="structfield">fdw_private</code> field to tell the execution functions what
     to do at run time.  The query transmitted to the remote server would
     involve something like <code class="literal">WHERE <em class="replaceable"><code>foreign_variable</code></em> =
     $1</code>, with the parameter value obtained at run time from
     evaluation of the <code class="structfield">fdw_exprs</code> expression tree.
     Any clauses removed from the plan node's qual list must instead be added
     to <code class="literal">fdw_recheck_quals</code> or rechecked by
     <code class="literal">RecheckForeignScan</code> in order to ensure correct behavior
     at the <code class="literal">READ COMMITTED</code> isolation level.  When a concurrent
     update occurs for some other table involved in the query, the executor
     may need to verify that all of the original quals are still satisfied for
     the tuple, possibly against a different set of parameter values.  Using
     <code class="literal">fdw_recheck_quals</code> is typically easier than implementing checks
     inside <code class="literal">RecheckForeignScan</code>, but this method will be
     insufficient when outer joins have been pushed down, since the join tuples
     in that case might have some fields go to NULL without rejecting the
     tuple entirely.
     Another <code class="structname">ForeignScan</code> field that can be filled by FDWs
     is <code class="structfield">fdw_scan_tlist</code>, which describes the tuples returned by
     the FDW for this plan node.  For simple foreign table scans this can be
     set to <code class="literal">NIL</code>, implying that the returned tuples have the
     row type declared for the foreign table.  A non-<code class="symbol">NIL</code> value must be a
     target list (list of <code class="structname">TargetEntry</code>s) containing Vars and/or
     expressions representing the returned columns.  This might be used, for
     example, to show that the FDW has omitted some columns that it noticed
     won't be needed for the query.  Also, if the FDW can compute expressions
     used by the query more cheaply than can be done locally, it could add
     those expressions to <code class="structfield">fdw_scan_tlist</code>.  Note that join
     plans (created from paths made by <code class="function">GetForeignJoinPaths</code>) must
     always supply <code class="structfield">fdw_scan_tlist</code> to describe the set of
     columns they will return.
     The FDW should always construct at least one path that depends only on
     the table's restriction clauses.  In join queries, it might also choose
     to construct path(s) that depend on join clauses, for example
     <em class="replaceable"><code>foreign_variable</code></em> <code class="literal">=</code>
     <em class="replaceable"><code>local_variable</code></em>.  Such clauses will not be found in
     <code class="literal">baserel-&gt;baserestrictinfo</code> but must be sought in the
     relation's join lists.  A path using such a clause is called a
     <span class="quote">“<span class="quote">parameterized path</span>”</span>.  It must identify the other relations
     used in the selected join clause(s) with a suitable value of
     <code class="literal">param_info</code>; use <code class="function">get_baserel_parampathinfo</code>
     to compute that value.  In <code class="function">GetForeignPlan</code>, the
     <em class="replaceable"><code>local_variable</code></em> portion of the join clause would be added
     to <code class="structfield">fdw_exprs</code>, and then at run time the case works the
     same as for an ordinary restriction clause.
     If an FDW supports remote joins, <code class="function">GetForeignJoinPaths</code> should
     produce <code class="structname">ForeignPath</code>s for potential remote joins in much
     the same way as <code class="function">GetForeignPaths</code> works for base tables.
     Information about the intended join can be passed forward
     to <code class="function">GetForeignPlan</code> in the same ways described above.
     However, <code class="structfield">baserestrictinfo</code> is not relevant for join
     relations; instead, the relevant join clauses for a particular join are
     passed to <code class="function">GetForeignJoinPaths</code> as a separate parameter
     (<code class="literal">extra-&gt;restrictlist</code>).
     An FDW might additionally support direct execution of some plan actions
     that are above the level of scans and joins, such as grouping or
     aggregation.  To offer such options, the FDW should generate paths and
     insert them into the appropriate <em class="firstterm">upper relation</em>.  For
     example, a path representing remote aggregation should be inserted into
     the <code class="literal">UPPERREL_GROUP_AGG</code> relation, using <code class="function">add_path</code>.
     This path will be compared on a cost basis with local aggregation
     performed by reading a simple scan path for the foreign relation (note
     that such a path must also be supplied, else there will be an error at
     plan time).  If the remote-aggregation path wins, which it usually would,
     it will be converted into a plan in the usual way, by
     calling <code class="function">GetForeignPlan</code>.  The recommended place to generate
     such paths is in the <code class="function">GetForeignUpperPaths</code>
     callback function, which is called for each upper relation (i.e., each
     post-scan/join processing step), if all the base relations of the query
     come from the same FDW.
     <code class="function">PlanForeignModify</code> and the other callbacks described in
     <a class="xref" href="fdw-callbacks.html#FDW-CALLBACKS-UPDATE" title="57.2.4. FDW Routines For Updating Foreign Tables">Section 57.2.4</a> are designed around the assumption
     that the foreign relation will be scanned in the usual way and then
     individual row updates will be driven by a local <code class="literal">ModifyTable</code>
     plan node.  This approach is necessary for the general case where an
     update requires reading local tables as well as foreign tables.
     However, if the operation could be executed entirely by the foreign
     server, the FDW could generate a path representing that and insert it
     into the <code class="literal">UPPERREL_FINAL</code> upper relation, where it would
     compete against the <code class="literal">ModifyTable</code> approach.  This approach
     could also be used to implement remote <code class="literal">SELECT FOR UPDATE</code>,
     rather than using the row locking callbacks described in
     <a class="xref" href="fdw-callbacks.html#FDW-CALLBACKS-ROW-LOCKING" title="57.2.5. FDW Routines For Row Locking">Section 57.2.5</a>.  Keep in mind that a path
     inserted into <code class="literal">UPPERREL_FINAL</code> is responsible for
     implementing <span class="emphasis"><em>all</em></span> behavior of the query.
     When planning an <code class="command">UPDATE</code> or <code class="command">DELETE</code>,
     <code class="function">PlanForeignModify</code> and <code class="function">PlanDirectModify</code>
     can look up the <code class="structname">RelOptInfo</code>
     struct for the foreign table and make use of the
     <code class="literal">baserel-&gt;fdw_private</code> data previously created by the
     scan-planning functions.  However, in <code class="command">INSERT</code> the target
     table is not scanned so there is no <code class="structname">RelOptInfo</code> for it.
     The <code class="structname">List</code> returned by <code class="function">PlanForeignModify</code> has
     the same restrictions as the <code class="structfield">fdw_private</code> list of a
     <code class="structname">ForeignScan</code> plan node, that is it must contain only
     structures that <code class="function">copyObject</code> knows how to copy.
     <code class="command">INSERT</code> with an <code class="literal">ON CONFLICT</code> clause does not
     support specifying the conflict target, as unique constraints or
     exclusion constraints on remote tables are not locally known. This
     in turn implies that <code class="literal">ON CONFLICT DO UPDATE</code> is not supported,
     since the specification is mandatory there.
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