

distrib > Mageia > 7 > armv7hl > media > core-updates > by-pkgid > 9ba51eb114b85ee6e209717454b81943 > files > 30


  Copyright (c) 2008 Sun Microsystems, Inc.
  Use is subject to license terms.

  The MySQL Connector/C++ is licensed under the terms of the GPLv2
  <>, like most
  MySQL Connectors. There are special exceptions to the terms and
  conditions of the GPLv2 as it is applied to this software, see the
  FLOSS License Exception

  This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
  it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published
  by the Free Software Foundation; version 2 of the License.

  This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
  WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY
  or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License
  for more details.

  You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
  with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
  51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301  USA

* Script to filter Connector/C++ (and Connector/ debug traces
* MySQL Connector/C++ offers several debug traces, The internal debug trace is
* a call trace. It shows each and every function call and sometimes
* the function arguments and other related information.
* Example:
* |  INF: Tracing enabled
* <MySQL_Connection::setClientOption
* >MySQL_Prepared_Statement::setInt
* |  INF: this=0x69a2e0
* |  >MySQL_Prepared_Statement::checkClosed
* |  <MySQL_Prepared_Statement::checkClosed
* |  <MySQL_Prepared_Statement::setInt
* Obviously this trace  can easily get very, very long. It can show significantly
* more detail than you might want to find in the trace. Therefore you will find
* yourself often "grep'ing" through the trace to identify relevant information.
* This script aims to help you with the grep. I'm not a Unix-Shell expert,
* I've grown up with PHP - so its in PHP.
* Syntax:
*   php script.php
*     [-l trace_nesting_level]
*     [-s show_function]
*     [-r remove_function]
*     [-b read_file_backwards]
*     [-m max_number_of_lines_to_display]
*     [-stats]
*      trace_input_file
* The script shows three numbers at the beginning of each line of its output:
*  <input_lineno>/<nesting_level>/<output_lineno>
* <input_lineno>  - number of the line in the input file which causes the output
* <nesting_level> - see -t trace_nesting_level
* <output_lineno> - line number the line in the the generated output
* -t trace_nesting_level
* Show only information up to a function call depth of -t <n>.
* Nesting starts at level 1. If you apply -t 1 to the above example trace,
* the calls to MySQL_Prepared_Statement::checkClosed and
* MySQL_Prepared_Statement::setInt should not be shown, because they are
* on nesting level 2.
* -s show_function
* Show only classes and methods that apply to the pattern -s <pattern>.
* To show only method calls from the class X use -s X:: . To show
* only calls to method Y from class X, use -s X::Y. To show only
* all methods with the name Y from any class, use -s Y.
* Example based on the above trace:
* -s MySQL_Connection::
*    show only calls from the MySQL Connection class
* -s execute
*    show only calls of the method "execute" from any class
* -s MySQL_Prepared_Statement::setInt
*    show calls of method setInt from class MySQL_Prepared_statement
* -r remove_function
* Hide classes and methods that apply to pattern -r <pattern>.
* See -s show_function for a description of <pattern>.
* -b read_file_backwards
* Not functional.
* - m max_number_of_lines_to_display
* Limit output to <n> lines.
* -c
* Compress opening and closing function name into one line. Normally the trace
* will show two lines for every function call. The first line gets printed when
* entering a function. The second line gets printed when exiting. -c does
* "collapse" or "compress" to subsequent lines that show entering and leaving
* a function into one line. For example:
* > class::func()
* < class::func()
* Would be compressed into one line:
* = class::func()
* Compression happens only if no further lines are between entering and leaving
* a function.
* -v
* Print debug output.
* - stats
* Print call statistics. This can be useful to decide which
* classes and/or methods to exclude from the output using -r or -s. Statistics
* cover all calls - regardless if hidden from the output or not!
* @see

$analyzer = new cpp_trace_analyzer();
if (!$analyzer->checkArgs($argc, $argv) ||
		!$analyzer->parseOptions($argc, $argv))
	die("Syntax error\n\n");


class cpp_trace_analyzer {

	protected $tracefile = null;
	protected $level = 0;
	protected $show_functions = array();
	protected $exclude_functions = array();
	protected $verbose = false;
	protected $max_lines = 0;
	protected $read_from_tail = false;
	protected $collapse = false;

	protected $stats = array();
	protected $collect_stats = false;

	protected $fetch_buffer = array();
	protected $fetch_unfetched = 0;

	public function __construct() {

	public function checkArgs($argc, $argv) {
		if ($argc < 2) {
			return false;

		return true;

	public function parseOptions($argc, $argv) {

		$this->tracefile = $argv[$argc - 1];
		if (!file_exists($this->tracefile) || !is_readable($this->tracefile)) {
			$this->printUsage("Trace file missing");
			return false;
		unset($argv[$argc - 1]);
		// skip file name
		while ($token = array_shift($argv)) {

			switch ($token) {
				case '-l':
					$level = array_shift($argv);
					if (is_null($level)) {
						$this->printUsage("-l passed without level");
						return false;
					if ($level < 0) {
						$this->printUsage("-l passed with nevative level");
						return false;
					$this->level = (int)$level;

				case '-s':
					$function = array_shift($argv);
					if (is_null($function)) {
						$this->printUsage("-s used without function name");
						return false;
					$this->show_functions[$function] = $function;

				case '-r':
					$function = array_shift($argv);
					if (is_null($function)) {
						$this->printUsage("-r used without function name");
						return false;
					$this->exclude_functions[$function] = $function;

				case '-m':
					$max = array_shift($argv);
					if (is_null($max)) {
						$this->printUsage("-m max lines to display used without limit");
						return false;
					if ($max < 0) {
						$this->printUsage("-m passed with negative limit");
						return false;
					$this->max_lines = $max;

				case '-c':
					$this->collapse = true;

				case '-b':
					$this->printUsage("-b is not supported yet");
					return false;
					$this->read_from_tail = true;

				case '-stats':
					$this->collect_stats = true;

				case '-v';
					$this->verbose = true;

		return true;

	public function printLog() {

			$fp = fopen($this->tracefile, 'r');
			if (!$fp) {
				$this->printUsage("Cannot open tracefile for reading");
				return false;

			$lineno = 0;
			$displayed = 0;
			$show_level = null;

			while ($line = $this->fetchLine($fp)) {
				$function = trim($line);
				$level = 1;
				$exit = false;
				do {
					$left = substr(trim($function), 0, 1);
					switch ($left) {
						case '|':
							// indentation
						case '<':
							// function exit
							$function = substr(trim($function), 1);
							$exit = true;
							break 2;

						case '>':
							// function enter
							$function = substr(trim($function), 1);
							if ($this->collapse) {
								// look ahead: is the next line the closing function call?
								$next = $this->fetchLine($fp);
								if (strstr($next, '<' . $function)) {
										// Yes, it is..- lets collapse into one line
										if ($this->verbose)
											printf("%07d - Collapsing\n%s/%s", $lineno, $line, $next);
										$line = str_replace('>' . $function, '=' . $function, $line);
								} else {
									if ($this->verbose)
											printf("%07d - No collapse\n%s/%s\n", $lineno, $line, $next);
							break 2;

							// function name or similar
							break 2;
					$function = substr($function, 1);
				} while ($function != '');

				if ('' == $function) {
					if ($this->verbose)
						printf("%07d - Skip unknown '%s'\n", $lineno, $line);

				if (strstr($function, '::')) {
					$pclass = '';
					$pmethod = $function;
					$len = strlen($function);
					for ($i = 0; $i < $len; $i++) {
						$char = $function{$i};

						if (':' == $char && ($i < $len -1) && ':' == $function{$i + 1}) {
						$pclass .= $char;
					if ($pclass != '')
						$pmethod = substr($function, $i + 2);

				if ($this->collect_stats && !$exit && $pmethod != '') {
					if (!isset($this->stats[$pclass][$pmethod]))
						$this->stats[$pclass][$pmethod] = 1;
				if ($this->level > 0 && ($level > $this->level)) {
					if ($this->verbose)
							printf("%07d - Skip - level %d > %d\n", $lineno, $level, $this->level);

				if ($pclass != '' && $pclass != $class)
					$class = $pclass;

				if ($pmethod != '' && $pmethod != $method)
					$method = $pmethod;

				if (isset($this->exclude_functions[$class . '::'])) {
					if ($this->verbose)
						printf("%07d - Skip - class %s because of -r %s::\n", $lineno, $class, $class);

				if (isset($this->exclude_functions[$method])) {
					if ($this->verbose)
						printf("%07d - Skip - method %s because of -r %s\n", $lineno, $method, $method);

				if (isset($this->exclude_functions[$class . '::' . $method])) {
					if ($this->verbose)
						printf("%07d - Skip - method %s::%s because of -r %s::%s\n", $lineno, $class, $method, $class, $method);

				if (!empty($this->show_functions)) {
					if (!isset($this->show_functions[$class . '::']) &&
							!isset($this->show_functions[$method]) &&
							!isset($this->show_functions[$class . '::' . $method]))
						if ((!is_null($show_level) && $level < $show_level) || is_null($show_level)) {
							if ($this->verbose)
								printf("%07d/%03d - Skip - class %s or method %s not in positive show list, no -s %s:: and no -s %s\n", $lineno, $level, $class, $method, $class, $method);
							$show_level = null;
						} else if ($show_level === $level) {
							// last one on the initial opening level?
							if (!$exit) {
								// something else, could be a new function, eat up - KLUDGE no proper way to detect if it should be skipped
								if ($this->verbose)
									printf("%07d/%03d - Skip - class %s or method %s not in positive show list, no -s %s:: and no -s %s\n", $lineno, $level, $class, $method, $class, $method);
								$show_level = null;
							} else {
								// <function - exiting function
								$show_level = null;
					} else {
						if (is_null($show_level)) {
							$show_level = $level;
							if ($this->verbose)
								printf("%07d - Info - accepting level > %d\n", $lineno, $level);

				printf("%07d/%02d/%07d\t%s", $lineno, $level, $displayed, $line);
				if (($this->max_lines > 0) && ($displayed == $this->max_lines)) {
					if ($this->verbose)
							printf("%07d - Skip - showed %d lines, limit of -m %d reached\n", $lineno, $displayed, $this->max_lines);


			if ($this->collect_stats)

			return true;

	public function printStats() {

		$total_calls = $fac = 0;
		foreach ($this->stats as $class => $methods) {
			foreach ($methods as $method => $calls)
				$total_calls += $calls;
		$fac = 100 / $total_calls;

		$total_hidden = 0;
		$auto_hide = '';

		foreach ($this->stats as $class => $methods) {

			if (!empty($this->show_functions)) {
				if (isset($this->show_functions[$class . '::']))
					$comment = sprintf("(shown because of -s %s::)", $class);
					$comment = "(hidden)";
			} else if (!empty($this->exclude_functions)) {
				if (isset($this->exclude_functions[$class . '::']))
					$comment = sprintf("(hidden because of -r %s::)", $class);
					$comment = '(shown)';

			if ($class)
				printf("Class: %s %s\n\n", $class, $comment);
				printf("No class\n\n");

			arsort($methods, SORT_NUMERIC);

			foreach ($methods as $method => $calls) {
				$hidden = false;
				$comment = '';
				if (!empty($this->show_functions)) {
					if (isset($this->show_functions[$method])) {
						$comment = sprintf("(shown because of -s %s)", $method);
					} else if (isset($this->show_functions[$class . '::' . $method])) {
						$comment = sprintf("(shown because of -s %s::%s)", $class, $method);
					} else if (isset($this->show_functions[$class . '::'])) {
						$comment = sprintf("(shown because of -s %s::)", $class);
					} else {
						$total_hidden += $calls;
						$hidden = true;
						$comment = "(hidden)";
				} else if (!empty($this->exclude_functions)) {
					if (isset($this->exclude_functions[$method])) {
						$total_hidden += $calls;
						$comment = sprintf("(hidden because of -r %s)", $method);
					} else if (isset($this->exclude_functions[$class . '::' . $method])) {
						$total_hidden += $calls;
						$hidden = true;
						$comment = sprintf("(hidden because of -r %s::%s)", $class, $method);
					} else if (isset($this->exclude_functions[$class . '::'])) {
						$total_hidden += $calls;
						$hidden = true;
						$comment = sprintf("(hidden because of -r %s::)", $class);

				if ($comment == '') {
					if ($hidden) {
						$comment = '(hidden)';
					} else if ($calls * $fac >= 2) {
						$comment = sprintf('(shown, use "-r %s::%s" to hide)', $class, $method);
						$auto_hide .= sprintf("-r %s::%s ", $class, $method);
					} else {
						$comment = "(shown)";

				printf("  %-40s %-7d (= %5s%%) - %s\n", $method, $calls,
					sprintf("%2.2f", $calls * $fac), $comment);


		printf("NOTE: %2.2f%% of all calls hidden.\n", $total_hidden * $fac);
		printf("If you want to hide all functions which are invoked in more than 2%% of all cases, use:\n");
		printf("%s\n", $auto_hide);

	protected function fetchLine($fp, $bytes = 16384) {
		if ($this->unfetched > 0) {
			$line = $this->fetch_buffer[count($this->fetch_buffer) - $this->unfetched];
			return $line;

		if (!$this->read_from_tail)
			$line =  fgets($fp, $bytes);

		$this->fetch_buffer[] = $line;
		if (count($this->fetch_buffer) > 10) {
			// remove oldest

		return $line;

	protected function unfetchLine() {
		if ($this->unfetched == count($this->fetch_buffer))
			return false;

		return $this->fetch_buffer[count($this->fetch_buffer) - $this->unfetched - 1];

	protected function printUsage($msg = NULL) {
		print "\n";
		print "Usage:\n";
		print " script.php [-l trace_nesting_level] [-s show_function] [-r remove_function] [-b read_file_backwards] [-m max_number_of_lines_to_display] [-stats] trace\n";
		print "\n";
		if (!is_null($msg))
			printf(" %s\n\n", $msg);
