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<td ><a href="index.html">Qt 5.12</a></td><td >QML Coding Conventions</td></tr></table><table class="buildversion"><tr>
<td id="buildversion" width="100%" align="right">Qt 5.12.6 Reference Documentation</td>
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<h3><a name="toc">Contents</a></h3>
<li class="level1"><a href="#qml-object-declarations">QML Object Declarations</a></li>
<li class="level1"><a href="#grouped-properties">Grouped Properties</a></li>
<li class="level1"><a href="#lists">Lists</a></li>
<li class="level1"><a href="#javascript-code">JavaScript Code</a></li>
<li class="level1"><a href="#related-information">Related Information</a></li>
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<h1 class="title">QML Coding Conventions</h1>
<span class="subtitle"></span>
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<div class="descr"> <a name="details"></a>
<p>This document contains the QML coding conventions that we follow in our documentation and examples and recommend that others follow.</p>
<a name="qml-object-declarations"></a>
<h2 id="qml-object-declarations">QML Object Declarations</h2>
<p>Throughout our documentation and examples, QML object attributes are always structured in the following order:</p>
<li>property declarations</li>
<li>signal declarations</li>
<li>JavaScript functions</li>
<li>object properties</li>
<li>child objects</li>
<p>For better readability, we separate these different parts with an empty line.</p>
<p>For example, a hypothetical <i>photo</i> QML object would look like this:</p>
<pre class="qml">

  Rectangle {
      id: photo                                               // id on the first line makes it easy to find an object

      property bool thumbnail: false                          // property declarations
      property alias image: photoImage.source

      signal clicked                                          // signal declarations

      function doSomething(x)                                 // javascript functions
          return x + photoImage.width

      color: "gray"                                           // object properties
      x: 20                                                   // try to group related properties together
      y: 20
      height: 150
      width: {                                                // large bindings
          if (photoImage.width > 200) {
          } else {

      Rectangle {                                             // child objects
          id: border
          anchors.centerIn: parent; color: "white"

          Image {
              id: photoImage
              anchors.centerIn: parent

      states: State {                                         // states
          name: "selected"
          PropertyChanges { target: border; color: "red" }

      transitions: Transition {                               // transitions
          from: ""
          to: "selected"
          ColorAnimation { target: border; duration: 200 }

<a name="grouped-properties"></a>
<h2 id="grouped-properties">Grouped Properties</h2>
<p>If using multiple properties from a group of properties, consider using <i>group notation</i> instead of <i>dot notation</i> if it improves readability.</p>
<p>For example, this:</p>
<pre class="qml">

  Rectangle {
      anchors.left: parent.left;; anchors.right: parent.right; anchors.leftMargin: 20

  Text {
      text: "hello"
      font.bold: true; font.italic: true; font.pixelSize: 20; font.capitalization: Font.AllUppercase

<p>could be written like this:</p>
<pre class="qml">

  Rectangle {
      anchors { left: parent.left; top:; right: parent.right; leftMargin: 20 }

  Text {
      text: "hello"
      font { bold: true; italic: true; pixelSize: 20; capitalization: Font.AllUppercase }

<a name="lists"></a>
<h2 id="lists">Lists</h2>
<p>If a list contains only one element, we generally omit the square brackets.</p>
<p>For example, it is very common for a component to only have one state.</p>
<p>In this case, instead of:</p>
<pre class="qml">

  states: [
      State {
          name: "open"
          PropertyChanges { target: container; width: 200 }

<p>we will write this:</p>
<pre class="qml">

  states: State {
      name: "open"
      PropertyChanges { target: container; width: 200 }

<a name="javascript-code"></a>
<h2 id="javascript-code">JavaScript Code</h2>
<p>If the script is a single expression, we recommend writing it inline:</p>
<pre class="qml">

  Rectangle { color: "blue"; width: parent.width / 3 }

<p>If the script is only a couple of lines long, we generally use a block:</p>
<pre class="qml">

  Rectangle {
      color: "blue"
      width: {
          var w = parent.width / 3
          return w

<p>If the script is more than a couple of lines long or can be used by different objects, we recommend creating a function and calling it like this:</p>
<pre class="qml">

  function calculateWidth(object)
      var w = object.width / 3
      // ...
      // more javascript code
      // ...
      return w

  Rectangle { color: "blue"; width: calculateWidth(parent) }

<p>For long scripts, we will put the functions in their own JavaScript file and import it like this:</p>
<pre class="qml">

  import "myscript.js" as Script

  Rectangle { color: "blue"; width: Script.calculateWidth(parent) }

<p>If the code is longer than one line and hence within a block, we use semicolons to indicate the end of each statement:</p>
<pre class="qml">

  MouseArea {
      anchors.fill: parent
      onClicked: {
          var scenePos = mapToItem(null, mouseX, mouseY);
          console.log("MouseArea was clicked at scene pos " + scenePos);

<a name="related-information"></a>
<h2 id="related-information">Related Information</h2>
<li>Best Practices for QML and Qt Quick</li>
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