

distrib > Mageia > 7 > armv7hl > media > core-updates > by-pkgid > f47668cf41eb708f27b878afa8eda7cc > files > 26


Upgrading SpamAssassin?

Please be sure to read the UPGRADE file for important changes that
have been made since previous versions.  In particular, 3.3.0 no
longer includes a default ruleset.

Installing or Upgrading SpamAssassin

Using CPAN via

	perl -MCPAN -e shell                    [as root]
	o conf prerequisites_policy ask
	install Mail::SpamAssassin

Using Linux:

	Debian unstable: apt-get install spamassassin
	Gentoo: emerge mail-filter/spamassassin
	Fedora: yum install spamassassin

Alternatively download the tarfile, zipfile, and/or build your own RPM
from  Building from tar/zip file is
usually as simple as:

	[unzip/untar the archive]
	cd Mail-SpamAssassin-*
	perl Makefile.PL
	[option: add -DSPAMC_SSL to $CFLAGS to build an SSL-enabled spamc]
	make install                            [as root]

After installing SpamAssassin, you need to download and install the
SpamAssassin ruleset using "sa-update".  See the "Installing Rules"
section below.

Please make sure to read this whole document before installing, especially
the prerequisite information further down.

To install as non-root, see the directions below.

If you are running AFS, you may also need to specify INSTALLSITELIB and

Note that you can upgrade SpamAssassin using these instructions, as long
as you take care to read the caveats in the file UPGRADE.   Upgrading
will not delete your learnt Bayes data or local rule modifications.

If you're using SunOS 4.1.x, see for build tips.

Installing SpamAssassin for Personal Use (Not System-Wide)

These steps assume the following, so substitute as necessary:
  - Your UNIX login is "user"
  - Your home directory is /home/user
  - The location of the procmail executable is /usr/bin/procmail

Many more details of this process are at

1. Uncompress and extract the SpamAssassin archive, using "unzip" or
   "tar xvfz", in a temporary directory.

2. change directory into it:

	cd Mail-SpamAssassin-*

3. Make SpamAssassin as normal, but using your home directory as the

	perl Makefile.PL PREFIX=$HOME
	make install

   Please see the file PACKAGING, sections "Changing paths in the Makefile"
   and "Setting further options on the command line" for more information
   on available command line variables.

4. Install the SpamAssassin ruleset using "sa-update":


   See the "Installing Rules" section below if you do not wish to download
   the rules directly from the internet.

   NOTE: Because LWP does not support IPv6, sa-update as of 3.4.0 will use
   the binaries curl, wget or fetch to download rule updates with LWP used 
   as a fallback if none of the binaries exist.

5. If you already use procmail, skip to step 7.  If not, ensure procmail
   is installed using "which procmail" or install it from

6. Create a .forward file in your home directory containing the below

"|IFS=' ' && exec /usr/bin/procmail -f- || exit 75 #user"

7. Edit or create a .procmailrc file in your home directory containing the
   below lines.  If you already have a .procmailrc file, add the lines to
   the top of your .procmailrc file:

:0fw: spamassassin.lock
| /home/user/bin/spamassassin

   The above line filters all incoming mail through SpamAssassin and tags
   probable spam with a unique header.  If you would prefer to have spam
   blocked and saved to a file called "caughtspam" in your home directory,
   instead of passed through and tagged, append this directly below the above

* ^X-Spam-Status: Yes

Also, see the file procmailrc.example and

8. Now, you should be ready to send some test emails and ensure everything
   works as expected.  First, send yourself a test email that doesn't
   contain anything suspicious.  You should receive it normally, but there
   will be a header containing "X-Spam-Status: No".  If you are only
   tagging your spam, send yourself a copy of the GTUBE test string to
   check to be sure it is marked as spam.  GTUBE is located in the
   sample-spam.txt message distributed with SpamAssassin and also at:

   If your test emails don't get through to you, immediately rename your
   .forward file until you figure out cause of the the problem, so you
   don't lose incoming email.

   Note: one possible cause for this is the use of smrsh on the MTA system;
   see for details.

9. You can now customize SpamAssassin.  See README for more information.

Installing Rules

Rules are normally installed by running a sa-update command.
The version of sa-update program should match the version of SpamAssassin
modules, so invoking sa-update should be performed only after installing
or upgrading SpamAssassin code, not before.

Installing rules from network is done with a single command:


This is normally run as root.

If you wish to install rules from downloaded files, rather than "live" from
the latest online ruleset, here is how to do it.

Obtain all the following files:

      (where xxx may look something like '3.3.0-rc1.r893295')

Save them all to the current directory.
Obtain a rules-signing public key:

    curl -O

Import the signing key to the SpamAssassin gpg keyring, so that the rules
files can be verified safely:

    sa-update --import GPG.KEY

Install rules from a compressed tar archive:

    sa-update --install Mail-SpamAssassin-rules-xxx.tgz

Note that the ".tgz.asc", ".tgz.md5" and ".tgz.sha1" files all need to
be in the same directory, otherwise sa-update will fail.

If the intended rules destination directory differs from a default location
as assumed by sa-update and SpamAssassin, such as when running a content
filter within a Unix jail or on an unusual installation, please supply the
rules destination directory to sa-update through its option --updatedir,
such as:

    sa-update --updatedir /var/jail/var/db/spamassassin/3.003000


Most of the modules listed below are available via the Comprehensive Perl
Archive Network (CPAN, see for more information).
While each module is different, most can be installed via a few simple
commands such as:

	$ perl -MCPAN -e shell
	cpan> o conf prerequisites_policy ask
	cpan> install Module::Name
	cpan> quit

If there are problems or questions regarding the installation any of the
modules, please see the CPAN and relevant module's documentation for more
information.  We can't provide documentation or installation support for
third party modules.

Additional information about the CPAN module is also available via
"perldoc CPAN".

Most Linux distributions also offer the CPAN modules in their own native
formats (RPMs, Debian packages, etc.), so you should be able to find these
through those mechanisms, too, if you prefer.

Required Perl Interpreter

Perl 5.8.1 or a later version is required.
Preferred versions are 5.8.8, or 5.10.1 or later.

Most of the functions might still work with Perl 5.6.1 or 5.6.2,
but 5.6.* is no longer a supported version.

Required Perl Modules

In addition to the modules associated with Perl, some additional modules
need to be installed or upgraded depending on the version of Perl that you
are running.

You can get an immediate report on which of these modules you may need (or
want) to upgrade, by running "perl build/check_dependencies" from the
SpamAssassin build directory.

The list of required modules that do not ship with Perl and must be

  - Digest::SHA1 (from CPAN),
    or the newer Digest::SHA which is a perl base module since Perl 5.10.0

    The Digest::SHA1 module is used as a cryptographic hash for some
    tests and the Bayes subsystem if Digest::SHA module is not available.

    An external perl module razor-agents-2.84 as used by a Razor2 plugin
    seems to be the only remaining component depending on Digest::SHA1
    (note that a packager may ship a patched version of razor-agents which
    can use Digest::SHA instead)

    Debian: apt-get install libdigest-sha1-perl
    Gentoo: emerge dev-perl/Digest-SHA1
    Fedora: yum install perl-Digest-SHA1

  - HTML::Parser >= 3.43 (from CPAN)

    HTML is used for an ever-increasing amount of email so this dependency
    is unavoidable.  Run "perldoc -q html" for additional information.

    Debian: apt-get install libhtml-parser-perl
    Gentoo: emerge dev-perl/HTML-Parser
    Fedora: yum install perl-HTML-Parser

  - Net::DNS (from CPAN)

    Used for all DNS-based tests (SBL, XBL, SpamCop, DSBL, etc.),
    perform MX checks, used when manually reporting spam to SpamCop,
    and used by sa-update to gather version information.

    You need to make sure the Net::DNS version is sufficiently up-to-date:

      - version 0.34 or higher on Unix systems
      - version 0.46 or higher on Windows systems

    Debian/Ubuntu: apt-get install libnet-dns-perl
    Fedora: yum install perl-Net-DNS

  - NetAddr::IP (from CPAN)

    Used to parse IP addresses and IP address ranges for

    Debian/Ubuntu: apt-get install libnetaddr-ip-perl
    Fedora: yum install perl-NetAddr-IP

  - Time::HiRes (from CPAN)

    Used by asynchronous DNS lookups to operate timeouts with subsecond
    precision and to report processing times accurately.

  - LWP (aka libwww-perl) (from CPAN)

    This set of modules will include both the LWP::UserAgent and
    HTTP::Date modules, used by sa-update to retrieve update archives.

    Fedora: yum install perl-libwww-perl

  - HTTP::Date (from CPAN)

    Used by sa-update to deal with certain Date requests.

  - IO::Zlib (from CPAN)

    Used by sa-update to uncompress update archives.
    Version 1.04 or later is required.

    Fedora: yum install perl-IO-Zlib

  - Archive::Tar (from CPAN)

    Used by sa-update to expand update archives.
    Version 1.23 or later is required.

    Fedora: yum install perl-Archive-Tar

Optional Modules

In addition, the following modules will be used for some checks, if
available and the version is high enough.  If they are not available or if
their version is too low, SpamAssassin will still work, just not as
effectively because some of the spam-detection tests will have to be

Note: SpamAssassin will not warn you if these are installed, but the
version is too low for them to be used.

  - MIME::Base64

    This module is highly recommended to increase the speed with which
    Base64 encoded messages/mail parts are decoded.

  - DB_File (from CPAN, included in many distributions)

    Used to store data on-disk, for the Bayes-style logic, TxRep, and
    auto-whitelist.  *Much* more efficient than the other standard Perl
    database packages.  Strongly recommended.

    There seems to be a bug in libdb 4.1.25, which is
    distributed by default on some versions of Linux.  See for details.

  - Net::SMTP (from CPAN)

    Used when manually reporting spam to SpamCop.

  - Mail::SPF (from CPAN)

    Used to check DNS Sender Policy Framework (SPF) records to fight email
    address forgery and make it easier to identify spams.  This module
    makes Mail::SPF::Query obsolete.

    Net::DNS version 0.58 or higher is required.

    Note that NetAddr::IP (required by Mail::SPF) versions up to and
    including version 4.006 include a bug that will slow down the entire
    perl interpreter.  NetAddr::IP version 4.007 or later fixes this.

  - Geo::IP (from CPAN)

    Used by the RelayCountry plugin (not enabled by default) to determine
    the domain country codes of each relay in the path of an email.

    IP::Country::Fast is used as alternative if Geo::IP is not installed.
    This is not recommended as it's obsolete.

  - Net::Ident (from CPAN)

    If you plan to use the --auth-ident option to spamd, you will need
    to install this module.

  - IO::Socket::INET6 (from CPAN)

    This is required if the first nameserver listed in your IP
    configuration or /etc/resolv.conf file is available only via an IPv6

    Fedora: yum install perl-IO-Socket-INET6

  - IO::Socket::SSL (from CPAN)

    If you wish to use SSL encryption to communicate between spamc and
    spamd (the --ssl option to spamd), you need to install this
    module. (You will need the OpenSSL libraries and use the
    ENABLE_SSL="yes" argument to Makefile.PL to build and run an SSL
    compatible spamc.)

    Fedora: yum install perl-IO-Socket-SSL

  - Compress::Zlib (from CPAN)

    If you wish to use the optional zlib compression for communication
    between spamc and spamd (the -z option to spamc), useful for
    long-distance use of spamc over the internet, you need to install
    this module.

    Fedora: yum install perl-Compress-Zlib

  - Mail::DKIM (from CPAN)

    If this module is installed, and you enable the DKIM plugin,
    SpamAssassin will perform DKIM lookups when a DKIM-Signature header is
    present in the message headers.  Current versions of Mail::DKIM (0.20
    or later) also perform Domain Key lookups on DomainKey-Signature headers,
    without requiring the Mail::DomainKeys module, which is now obsolete.
    Version 0.37 or later is preferred, the absolute minimal version is 0.31.
    Note that the Mail::DKIM module in turn requires the Digest::SHA module
    and OpenSSL libraries.

  - DBI *and* DBD driver/modules for your database (from CPAN)

    If you intend to use SpamAssassin with an SQL database backend for
    user configuration data, Bayes storage, or other storage, you will need
    to have these installed; both the basic DBI module and the driver for
    your database.

  - Encode::Detect (from CPAN)

    If you plan to use the normalize_charset config setting to detect
    charsets and convert them into Unicode, you will need to install
    this module.

  - Apache::Test (from CPAN)

    If you plan to run the Apache2 version of spamd in the
    "spamd-apache2" directory, you will need to install this

  - Apache 2 and mod_perl

    If you plan to run the Apache2 version of spamd in the "spamd-apache2"
    directory, you will need to ensure these are installed.

    Ubuntu: sudo apt-get install apache2 libapache2-mod-perl2

  - Razor2

    If you plan to use Vipul's Razor, note that versions up to and
    including version 2.82 include a bug that will slow down the entire
    perl interpreter.  Version 2.83 or later fixes this.

    If you do not plan to use this plugin, be sure to comment out
    its loadplugin line in "/etc/mail/spamassassin/v310.pre".

What Next?

Take a look at the USAGE document for more information on how to use

The SpamAssassin Wiki <> contains
information on custom plugins, extensions, and other optional modules
included with SpamAssassin.

(end of INSTALL)

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