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</div><hr /><div id="oci8.installation" class="section">
 <h2 class="title">Installation</h2>

<div class="section" id="oci8.configure">
<h2 class="title">Configuring PHP with OCI8</h2>
 <p class="para">
  Review the
  previous <a href="oci8.requirements.html" class="link">Requirements</a>
  section before configuring OCI8.
 <p class="para">
  To enable the OCI8 extension, configure PHP with the option
  <strong class="option configure">--with-oci8</strong>
 <p class="para">
  Before starting the web server, OCI8 typically requires several
  Oracle environment variables (see below) to locate libraries, point
  to configuration files, and set some basic properties such as the
  character set used by Oracle libraries.  The variables must be set
  <em class="emphasis">before</em> any PHP process starts.
 <p class="para">
  The PHP binary must link with the same, or more recent, major version of
  Oracle libraries as it was configured with.  For example, if you build
  OCI8 with Oracle 11.2 libraries, then PHP should also be deployed
  and run with Oracle 11.2 libraries. PHP applications can connect to other
  versions of Oracle Database, since Oracle has client-server cross-version compatibility.
<div class="section">
 <h2 class="title">Installing OCI8 as a Shared Extension</h2>
 <p class="para">
  The configuration <em>shared</em> option 
  builds OCI8 as a shared library that can be dynamically loaded into
  PHP.  Building a shared extension allows OCI8 to be upgraded easily
  without impacting the rest of PHP.
 <p class="para">
  Configure OCI8 using one of the following configure options.
 <p class="para">
  <ul class="itemizedlist">
   <li class="listitem">
    <p class="para">
     If using the free <a href="" class="link external">&raquo;&nbsp;Oracle Instant
     Client</a> libraries, then do:
    <p class="para">
     <div class="informalexample">
      <div class="example-contents screen">
<div class="cdata"><pre>
./configure --with-oci8=shared,instantclient,/path/to/instant/client/lib
    <p class="para">
     If Instant Client is installed from ZIP files, make sure to create
     the library symbolic link first, for example <em>ln -s</em>.
    <p class="para">
     If using an RPM-based installation of Oracle Instant Client, the
     configure line will look like this:
    <p class="para">
     <div class="informalexample">
      <div class="example-contents screen">
<div class="cdata"><pre>
./configure --with-oci8=shared,instantclient,/usr/lib/oracle/&lt;version&gt;/client/lib
    <p class="para">
     For example, <strong class="option configure">--with-oci8=shared,instantclient,/usr/lib/oracle/12.1/client/lib</strong>

    <p class="para">
     Note that Oracle Instant Client support first appeared in PHP
     4.3.11 and 5.0.4 and originally used the option
     <strong class="option configure">--with-oci8-instant-client</strong>
     configure PHP.
   <li class="listitem">
    <p class="para">
     If using an Oracle database or full Oracle Client installation then do:
    <p class="para">
     <div class="informalexample">
      <div class="example-contents screen">
<div class="cdata"><pre>
./configure --with-oci8=shared,$ORACLE_HOME
    <p class="para">
     Make sure the web server user
     (<em>nobody</em>, <em>www</em>) has access to
     the libraries, initialization files
     and <var class="filename">tnsnames.ora</var> (if used) under
     the <em>$ORACLE_HOME</em> directory.  With Oracle
     10<em class="emphasis">g</em>R2, you may need to run
     the <var class="filename">$ORACLE_HOME/install/</var>
     utility to give directory access.
 <p class="para">
  After configuration, follow the usual PHP building procedure,
  e.g. <em class="emphasis">make install</em>.  The OCI8 shared extension
  <var class="filename"></var> library will be created.  It may need
  to be manually moved to the PHP extension directory, specified by
  the <a href="ini.core.html#ini.extension-dir" class="link">extension_dir</a> option in
  your <var class="filename">php.ini</var> file.
 <p class="para">
  To complete installation of OCI8, edit <var class="filename">php.ini</var> and add the line:
 <p class="para">
  <div class="informalexample">
   <div class="example-contents screen">
<div class="cdata"><pre>
<div class="section">
 <h2 class="title">Installing OCI8 as a Statically Compiled Extension</h2>
 <p class="para">
  Configure PHP to include OCI8 using one of the following configure options.
 <p class="para">
  <ul class="itemizedlist">
   <li class="listitem">
    <p class="para">
     If using Oracle Instant Client, then do:
    <p class="para">
     <div class="informalexample">
      <div class="example-contents screen">
<div class="cdata"><pre>
./configure --with-oci8=instantclient,/path/to/instant/client/lib
   <li class="listitem">
    <p class="para">
     If using an Oracle database or full Oracle Client installation then do:
    <p class="para">
     <div class="informalexample">
      <div class="example-contents screen">
<div class="cdata"><pre>
./configure --with-oci8=$ORACLE_HOME
 <p class="para">
  After configuration, follow the usual PHP building procedure,
  e.g. <em class="emphasis">make install</em>.  After successful
  compilation, you do not need to add <var class="filename"></var> to
  <var class="filename">php.ini</var>.  No additional build steps are required.
<div class="section">
 <h2 class="title">Installing OCI8 from PECL</h2>
 <p class="para">
  The OCI8 extension can be added to an existing PHP installation
  either automatically or manually
  from <a href="" class="link external">&raquo;&nbsp;PECL</a>.
 <p class="para">
  For an automated install follow these steps:
 <p class="para">
  <ul class="itemizedlist">
   <li class="listitem">
    <p class="para">
     If you are behind a firewall, set PEAR&#039;s proxy, for example:
    <p class="para">
     <div class="informalexample">
      <div class="example-contents screen">
<div class="cdata"><pre>
pear config-set http_proxy
   <li class="listitem">
    <p class="para">
    <p class="para">
     <div class="informalexample">
      <div class="example-contents screen">
<div class="cdata"><pre>
pecl install oci8
    <p class="para">
     When prompted, enter either the value of <em>$ORACLE_HOME</em>, or
    <p class="para">
      Note: Do not enter the variable <em>$ORACLE_HOME</em>
      because it will not be expanded.  Instead, enter the actual path
      of the Oracle home directory.
 <p class="para">
  For a manual install when the <em>pecl</em> command is not
  available, download the PECL OCI8 package, e.g. <var class="filename">oci8-1.4.10.tgz</var>.
 <p class="para">
  <ul class="itemizedlist">
   <li class="listitem">
    <p class="para">
     Extract the package:
    <p class="para">
     <div class="informalexample">
      <div class="example-contents screen">
<div class="cdata"><pre>
tar -zxf oci8-1.4.10.tgz
cd oci8-1.4.10
   <li class="listitem">
    <p class="para">
     Prepare the package:
    <p class="para">
     <div class="informalexample">
      <div class="example-contents screen">
<div class="cdata"><pre>
   <li class="listitem">
    <p class="para">
     Configure the package, either
     using <em>$ORACLE_HOME</em> or Instant Client
    <p class="para">
     <div class="informalexample">
      <div class="example-contents screen">
<div class="cdata"><pre>
./configure -with-oci8=shared,$ORACLE_HOME
    <p class="para">
    <p class="para">
     <div class="informalexample">
      <div class="example-contents screen">
<div class="cdata"><pre>
./configure -with-oci8=shared,instantclient,/path/to/instant/client/lib
   <li class="listitem">
    <p class="para">
     Install the package:
    <p class="para">
     <div class="informalexample">
      <div class="example-contents screen">
<div class="cdata"><pre>
make install
 <p class="para">
  After either an automatic or manual install, edit your <var class="filename">php.ini</var>
  file and add the line:
 <p class="para">
  <div class="informalexample">
   <div class="example-contents screen">
<div class="cdata"><pre>
 <p class="para">
  Make sure the <var class="filename">php.ini</var>
  directive <a href="ini.core.html#ini.extension-dir" class="link">extension_dir</a> is
  set to the directory that <var class="filename"></var> was installed
<div class="section">
 <h2 class="title">Installing OCI8 on Windows</h2>
 <p class="para">
  When using Oracle 10<em class="emphasis">g</em>R2 client libraries on
  Windows, uncomment the <var class="filename">php.ini</var>
  line <em>extension=php_oci8.dll</em>.  When using Oracle
  11<em class="emphasis">g</em>R2 or later client libraries, uncomment
  or <em>extension=php_oci8.dll</em>. With Oracle
  12<em class="emphasis">c</em> libraries
  use <em>extension=php_oci8_12c.dll</em>
  or <em>extension=php_oci8_11g.dll</em>
  or <em>extension=php_oci8.dll</em>. Only one of these DLLs
  may be enabled at a time. DLLs with higher versions may contain more
  functionality. Not all DLLs may be available for all versions of
  PHP.  Make
  sure <a href="ini.core.html#ini.extension-dir" class="link">extension_dir</a> is set
  to the directory containing the PHP extension DLLs.
 <p class="para">
  If using Instant Client, set the system <span class="envar">PATH</span>
  environment variable to the Oracle library directory.
<div class="section">
 <h2 class="title">Setting the Oracle Environment</h2>
 <p class="para">
  Before using this extension, make sure that the Oracle environment
  variables are properly set for the web daemon user.  If your web
  server is automatically started at boot time then make sure that the
  boot-time environment is also configured correctly.
 <blockquote class="note"><p><strong class="note">Note</strong>: 
  <p class="para">
   Do not set Oracle environment variables
   using <span class="function"><a href="function.putenv.html" class="function">putenv()</a></span> in a PHP script because Oracle
   libraries may be loaded and initialized before your script
   runs. Variables set with <span class="function"><a href="function.putenv.html" class="function">putenv()</a></span> may then cause
   conflicts, crashes, or unpredictable behavior.  Some functions may
   work but others might give subtle errors. The variables should be
   set up <em class="emphasis">before</em> the web server is started.  
 <p class="para">
  On Red Hat Linux and variants, export variables at the end of
  <var class="filename">/etc/sysconfig/httpd</var>.  Other systems with
  Apache 2 may use an <var class="filename">envvars</var> script in the
  Apache <var class="filename">bin</var> directory.  A third option, the
  Apache <em>SetEnv</em> directive
  in <var class="filename">httpd.conf</var>, may work in some systems but is
  known to be insufficient in others.
 <p class="para">
  To check that environment variables are set correctly,
  use <span class="function"><a href="function.phpinfo.html" class="function">phpinfo()</a></span> and check
  the <em class="emphasis">Environment</em> (not the <em class="emphasis">Apache
  Environment</em>) section contains the expected variables.
 <p class="para">
  The variables that might be needed are included in the following
  table.  Refer to the Oracle documentation for more information on
  all the available variables.
  <table class="doctable table">
   <caption><strong>Common Oracle Environment Variables</strong></caption>


    <tbody class="tbody">
      <td>Contains the directory of the full Oracle Database
      software.  Do not set this when using Oracle Instant Client as
      it is unnecessary and may cause installation problems.</td>

      <td>Contains the name of the database on the local machine to
      be connected to. There is no need to set this if you using
      Oracle Instant Client, or always pass the connection parameter
      to <span class="function"><a href="function.oci-connect.html" class="function">oci_connect()</a></span>.</td>

      <td>Set this (or its platform equivalent, such
      as <em>DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH</em>, <em>LIBPATH</em>,
      or <em>SHLIB_PATH</em>) to the location of the Oracle
      libraries, for example <var class="filename">$ORACLE_HOME/lib</var>
      or <var class="filename">/usr/lib/oracle/11.1/client/lib</var>. This
      variable is not needed if the libraries are located by a
      different search mechanism, such as
      with <var class="filename">ldconfig</var> or
      with <em>LD_PRELOAD</em>.</td>

      <td>This is the primary variable for setting the character
      set and globalization information used by the Oracle

      <td>Sets the Oracle session timezone.</td>

      <td>Contains the directory where the Oracle Net Services
      configuration files such as <var class="filename">tnsnames.ora</var>
      and <var class="filename">sqlnet.ora</var> are kept.  Not needed if
      the <span class="function"><a href="function.oci-connect.html" class="function">oci_connect()</a></span> connection string uses the
      Easy Connect naming syntax such
      as <em>localhost/XE</em>.  Not needed if the network
      configuration files are in one of the default locations such
      as <var class="filename">$ORACLE_HOME/network/admin</var>
      or <var class="filename">/etc</var>.</td>


   Less frequently used Oracle environment variables include
   <em>TWO_TASK</em>, <em>ORA_TZFILE</em>, and the
   various Oracle globalization settings
   like <em>NLS*</em> and the <em>ORA_NLS_*</em>
<div class="section">
 <h2 class="title">Troubleshooting</h2>
 <p class="para">
  The most common problem with installing OCI8 is not having the
  Oracle environment correctly set.  This typically appears as a
  problem using <span class="function"><a href="function.oci-connect.html" class="function">oci_connect()</a></span>
  or <span class="function"><a href="function.oci-pconnect.html" class="function">oci_pconnect()</a></span>.  The error may be a PHP error
  such as <em class="emphasis">Call to undefined function
  oci_connect()</em>, an Oracle error such as ORA-12705, or even
  an Apache crash.  Check the Apache log files for startup errors and
  see the sections above to resolve this problem.
 <p class="para">
  While network errors like ORA-12154 or ORA-12514 indicate an Oracle
  network naming or configuration issue, the root cause may be because
  the PHP environment is incorrectly set up and Oracle libraries are
  unable to locate the <var class="filename">tnsnames.ora</var> configuration
 <p class="para">
  On Windows, having multiple versions of Oracle on the one machine
  can easily cause library clashes unless care is taken to make sure
  PHP only uses the correct version of Oracle.
 <p class="para">
  A utility to examine what libraries are being looked for and loaded
  can help resolve missing or clashing library issues, particularly on
 <blockquote class="note"><p><strong class="note">Note</strong>: 
  <strong>If the web server doesn&#039;t start or crashes at
  startup</strong><br />
  <p class="para">
   Check that Apache is linked with the pthread library:
  <p class="para">
   <div class="informalexample">
    <div class="example-contents screen">
<div class="cdata"><pre>
# ldd /www/apache/bin/httpd =&gt; /lib/ (0x4001c000) =&gt; /lib/ (0x4002f000) =&gt; /lib/ (0x4004c000) =&gt; /lib/ (0x4007a000) =&gt; /lib/ (0x4007e000)
  /lib/ =&gt; /lib/ (0x40000000)
  <p class="para">
   If the libpthread is not listed, then reinstall Apache:
  <p class="para">
   <div class="informalexample">
    <div class="example-contents screen">
<div class="cdata"><pre>
# cd /usr/src/apache_1.3.xx
# make clean
# LIBS=-lpthread ./config.status
# make
# make install
  <p class="para">
   Please note that on some systems like UnixWare, it is libthread
   instead of libpthread. PHP and Apache have to be configured with

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