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  <title>The SWFAction class</title>

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</div><hr /><div id="class.swfaction" class="reference">
 <h1 class="title">The SWFAction class</h1>
 <div class="partintro"><p class="verinfo">(PHP 5 &lt; 5.3.0, PECL ming SVN)</p>

  <div class="section" id="swfaction.intro">
   <h2 class="title">Introduction</h2>
   <p class="para">

  <div class="section" id="swfaction.synopsis">
   <h2 class="title">Class synopsis</h2>

   <div class="classsynopsis">
    <div class="ooclass"></div>

    <div class="classsynopsisinfo">
     <span class="ooclass">
      <strong class="classname">SWFAction</strong>

    <div class="classsynopsisinfo classsynopsisinfo_comment">/* Methods */</div>
    <div class="methodsynopsis dc-description">
   <span class="methodname"><a href="swfaction.construct.html" class="methodname">__construct</a></span>
    ( <span class="methodparam"><span class="type">string</span> <code class="parameter">$script</code></span>


 <div class="section">
  <h2 class="title">Description</h2>
  <p class="para">
   The script syntax is based on the C language, but with a lot taken out- the SWF
   bytecode machine is just too simpleminded to do a lot of things we might like. 
   For instance, we can&#039;t implement function calls without a tremendous 
   amount of hackery because the jump bytecode has a hardcoded offset 
   value. No pushing your calling address to the stack and returning- 
   every function would have to know exactly where to return to. 
  <p class="para">
   So what&#039;s left? The compiler recognises the following tokens: 
   <ul class="itemizedlist">
    <li class="listitem">
     <span class="simpara">
    <li class="listitem">
     <span class="simpara">
    <li class="listitem">
     <span class="simpara">
    <li class="listitem">
     <span class="simpara">
    <li class="listitem">
     <span class="simpara">
    <li class="listitem">
     <span class="simpara">
    <li class="listitem">
     <span class="simpara">
  <p class="para">
   There is no typed data; all values in the SWF action machine are stored as strings. 
   The following functions can be used in expressions: 



      <span class="simpara">
       Returns the number of milliseconds (?) elapsed since the movie started. 



      <span class="simpara">
       Returns a pseudo-random number in the range 0-seed.



      <span class="simpara">
       Returns the length of the given expression. 



      <span class="simpara">
       Returns the given number rounded down to the nearest integer. 

concat(expr, expr)</dt>


      <span class="simpara">
       Returns the concatenation of the given expressions. 



      <span class="simpara">
       Returns the ASCII code for the given character 



      <span class="simpara">
       Returns the character for the given ASCII code 

substr(string, location, length)</dt>


      <span class="simpara">
       Returns the substring of length <code class="parameter">length</code> at location <code class="parameter">location</code> of 
       the given string <code class="parameter">string</code>.


  <p class="para">
   Additionally, the following commands may be used: 

duplicateClip(clip, name, depth)</dt>


      <span class="simpara">
       Duplicate the named movie <code class="parameter">clip</code> (aka sprite). The new movie clip has name <code class="parameter">name</code> 
       and is at depth <code class="parameter">depth</code>. 



      <span class="simpara">
       Removes the named movie clip. 



      <span class="simpara">
       Write the given expression to the trace log. Doubtful that the browser
       plugin does anything with this. 

startDrag(target, lock, [left, top, right, bottom])</dt>


      <span class="simpara">
       Start dragging the movie clip <code class="parameter">target</code>. The <code class="parameter">lock</code> argument indicates whether 
       to lock the mouse (?)- use 0 (<strong><code>FALSE</code></strong>) or 1 (<strong><code>TRUE</code></strong>). Optional parameters 
       define a bounding area for the dragging.  



      <span class="simpara">
       Stop dragging my heart around. And this movie clip, too.  



      <span class="simpara">
       Call the named frame as a function.  

getURL(url, target, [method])</dt>


      <span class="simpara">
       Load the given URL into the named target. The <code class="parameter">target</code> argument
       corresponds to HTML document targets (such as &quot;_top&quot; or &quot;_blank&quot;).
       The optional <code class="parameter">method</code> argument can be POST or GET if you want to submit 
       variables back to the server.  

loadMovie(url, target)</dt>


      <span class="simpara">
       Load the given URL into the named target. The <code class="parameter">target</code> argument can be a 
       frame name (I think), or one of the magical values &quot;_level0&quot; (replaces 
       current movie) or &quot;_level1&quot; (loads new movie on top of current movie). 



      <span class="simpara">
       Go to the next frame.  



      <span class="simpara">
       Go to the last (or, rather, previous) frame.  



      <span class="simpara">
       Start playing the movie.  



      <span class="simpara">
       Stop playing the movie.  



      <span class="simpara">
       Toggle between high and low quality.  



      <span class="simpara">
       Stop playing all sounds.  



      <span class="simpara">
       Go to frame number <code class="parameter">num</code>. Frame numbers start at 0.  



      <span class="simpara">
       Go to the frame named <code class="parameter">name</code>. Which does a lot of good, since I 
       haven&#039;t added frame labels yet.  



      <span class="simpara">
       Sets the context for action. Or so they say- I really have no 
       idea what this does. 

   And there&#039;s one weird extra thing. The expression frameLoaded(num) can be used
   in if statements and while loops to check if the given frame number has been
   loaded yet. Well, it&#039;s supposed to, anyway, but I&#039;ve never tested it and I
   seriously doubt it actually works. You can just use /:framesLoaded instead. 
  <p class="para">
    Movie clips (all together now- aka sprites) have properties. You can 
    read all of them (or can you?), you can set some of them, and here 
    they are: 
    <ul class="itemizedlist">
     <li class="listitem">
      <span class="simpara">
     <li class="listitem">
      <span class="simpara">
     <li class="listitem">
      <span class="simpara">
     <li class="listitem">
      <span class="simpara">
     <li class="listitem">
      <span class="simpara">
       currentFrame - (read-only) 
     <li class="listitem">
      <span class="simpara">
       totalFrames - (read-only) 
     <li class="listitem">
      <span class="simpara">
       alpha - transparency level 
     <li class="listitem">
      <span class="simpara">
       visible - 1=on, 0=off (?) 
     <li class="listitem">
      <span class="simpara">
       width - (read-only) 
     <li class="listitem">
      <span class="simpara">
       height - (read-only) 
     <li class="listitem">
      <span class="simpara">
     <li class="listitem">
      <span class="simpara">
       target - (read-only) (???) 
     <li class="listitem">
      <span class="simpara">
       framesLoaded - (read-only) 
     <li class="listitem">
      <span class="simpara">
     <li class="listitem">
      <span class="simpara">
       dropTarget - (read-only) (???) 
     <li class="listitem">
      <span class="simpara">
       url - (read-only) (???) 
     <li class="listitem">
      <span class="simpara">
       highQuality - 1=high, 0=low (?) 
     <li class="listitem">
      <span class="simpara">
       focusRect - (???) 
     <li class="listitem">
      <span class="simpara">
       soundBufTime - (???) 
    So, setting a sprite&#039;s x position is as simple as <em>/box.x = 100;</em>. 
    Why the slash in front of the box, though? That&#039;s how flash keeps
    track of the sprites in the movie, just like a Unix filesystem- 
    here it shows that box is at the top level. If the sprite named 
    box had another sprite named biff inside of it, you&#039;d set its x 
    position with /box/biff.x = 100;. At least, I think so; correct 
    me if I&#039;m wrong here. 

<h2>Table of Contents</h2><ul class="chunklist chunklist_reference"><li><a href="swfaction.construct.html">SWFAction::__construct</a> — Creates a new SWFAction</li></ul>
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