

distrib > Mageia > 7 > i586 > by-pkgid > 34f0b8cc35c77707709d0be43ca284a0 > files > 5


%define libname %mklibname Rmath

# Don't mangle shebangs in %{_libdir}/R/bin
%define __brp_mangle_shebangs %{_bindir}/true

# (tpg) really not needed
# for private copy in /usr/lib/R/share/perl/Text/
%global __provides_exclude|||||||||||||||||||||||||perl\\\(R::.*\\\)
%global __requires_exclude||perl\\\(R::.*\\\)

%define _disable_ld_no_undefined 1

%bcond_without tcltk

%ifarch %mips
%define use_java	0
%define use_java	1

Summary:	A language for data analysis and graphics
Name:		R-base
Version:	3.5.3
Release:	%mkrel 2
License:	GPLv2+
Group:		Sciences/Mathematics
Source3:	R.bash_completion
Patch0:		R-2.15.3-menu.patch
#Patch1:	R-2.13.0-disable-optimized-BLAS-test.patch
# Remove the verification that one of the tests takes less than 0.5s, it takes 2s on armv5
Patch2:		R-3.3.0-slow-test.patch
Patch3:         R-3.4.2-date-test.patch

BuildRequires:	bison
BuildRequires:	blas-devel
BuildRequires:	bzip2-devel
BuildRequires:	cups-common
BuildRequires:	gcc
BuildRequires:	gcc-c++
BuildRequires:	gcc-gfortran
BuildRequires:	gcc-objc
BuildRequires:	gcc-objc++
BuildRequires:	gettext-devel
BuildRequires:	glibc-devel
BuildRequires:	gpm-devel
BuildRequires:	icu-devel
BuildRequires:	imagemagick
BuildRequires:	imake
BuildRequires:	pkgconfig(libjpeg)
BuildRequires:	lapack-devel
BuildRequires:	paper-utils
BuildRequires:	pkgconfig(cairo)
BuildRequires:	pkgconfig(libcurl)
BuildRequires:	pkgconfig(liblzma)
BuildRequires:	pkgconfig(libpcre)
BuildRequires:	pkgconfig(libpng)
BuildRequires:	pkgconfig(libtiff-4)
BuildRequires:	pkgconfig(ncurses)
BuildRequires:	pkgconfig(pango)
BuildRequires:	pkgconfig(tre)
BuildRequires:	pkgconfig(x11)
BuildRequires:	pkgconfig(xmu)
BuildRequires:	pkgconfig(xt)
%ifnarch %arm aarch64
BuildRequires:	quadmath-devel
BuildRequires:	readline-devel
BuildRequires:	texinfo
BuildRequires:	texinfo-tex
BuildRequires:	texlive
BuildRequires:	texlive-fontsextra
BuildRequires:	xdg-utils
BuildRequires:	zip
%if %{use_java}
BuildRequires:	java-devel-openjdk
%if %{with tcltk}
BuildRequires:	tcl
BuildRequires:	pkgconfig(tcl)
BuildRequires:	pkgconfig(tk)
Requires:	tcl
Requires:	tk
Requires:	x11-font-adobe-100dpi

Provides:	R = %{version}
Provides:	R-recommended = %{version}
Requires:	perl
Requires:	sed

# needed in order to test setlocale in make check
BuildRequires:  locales-en

`GNU S' - A language and environment for statistical computing and
graphics. R is similar to the S system, which was developed at Bell
Laboratories by John Chambers et al. It provides a wide variety of
statistical and graphical techniques (linear and nonlinear modelling,
statistical tests, time series analysis, classification, clustering, ...).

R is designed as a true computer language with control-flow
constructions for iteration and alternation, and it allows users to
add additional functionality by defining new functions. For
computationally intensive tasks, C, C++ and Fortran code can be linked
and called at run time.

%package -n %{libname}
Summary:	Standalone math library from the R project
Group:		Development/Other

%description -n %{libname}
A standalone library of mathematical and statistical functions derived
from the R project.  This packages provides the shared libRmath library.

%package -n %{libname}-devel
Summary:	Standalone math library from the R project
Group:		Development/Other
Provides:	libRmath-devel = %{version}-%{release}
Requires:	%{libname} = %{version}-%{release}

%description -n %{libname}-devel
A standalone library of mathematical and statistical functions derived
from the R project.  This packages provides the static libRmath library
and header files.

%setup -qn R-%{version}
%autopatch -p1

#rm -f acinclude.m4
aclocal -I ./m4
autoconf --force
#autoreconf -fiv

export R_BROWSER="$(type -p xdg-open)"
export R_PDFVIEWER="$(type -p xdg-open)"
export R_PRINTCMD="lpr"

# (tpg) try to not build with -ffast-math
export CFLAGS=$(echo "%{optflags}" | sed -e s/-ffast-math/-fno-fast-math/g )
export CFLAGS="%{optflags}"
export F77="gfortran"
%if %{use_java}
export JAVA_HOME="%{java_home}"

# Turn off enable-lto.  
# lto requires that the flags for static libraries be
# set specifically, and this causes link errors with CRAN
# packages.
# See bug #13528 for where this can fail

%configure2_5x \
%if %{with tcltk}
	--with-tcltk \
	--with-tcl-config=%{_libdir}/ \
	--with-tk-config=%{_libdir}/ \
	--without-tcltk \
	--with-cairo \
	--with-libpng \
	--with-jpeglib \
	--with-system-zlib \
	--with-system-bzlib \
	--with-system-pcre \
	--with-system-tre \
	--with-system-xz \
	--with-ICU \
	--with-readline \
	--disable-BLAS-shlib \
	--with-lapack=%{_libdir} \
	--with-blas=%{_libdir} \
	--enable-threads=pth \
	--enable-R-profiling \
	--enable-R-shlib \


pushd src/nmath/standalone

%make_build pdf
%make_build info

# DON'T comment "make check" below! If R doesn't pass the 'check' test
# then it is probably badly compiled, or there are problems with
# the compiler.
%ifarch armv7hl
TZ=UTC LC_ALL=UTF-8 make check || (find -name "*.fail" | xargs cat)
TZ=UTC LC_ALL=UTF-8 make check || (find -name "*.fail" | xargs cat ; exit 1)

# N.B. don't use %%makeinstall because it sets prefix= which breaks Rscript
# mga#1434
%make_install install-info

pushd src/nmath/standalone
%makeinstall \
    includedir=%{buildroot}%{_includedir} \

mv doc/manual/*.pdf %{_builddir}/%{?buildsubdir} || :
# Add soft links (useful for TK gui)
for i in R-admin R-data refman R-exts R-FAQ R-intro R-lang; do
	ln -s %{_datadir}/doc/R-base/${i}.pdf %{buildroot}%{_libdir}/R/doc/manual/${i}.pdf

# Remove latex versions of help pages
rm -rf %{buildroot}%{_libdir}/R/library/*/latex/

# Get rid of buildroot in script
for i in %{buildroot}%{_libdir}/R/bin/R %{buildroot}%{_bindir}/R %{buildroot}%{_libdir}/pkgconfig/libR*.pc;
  sed -i "s|%{buildroot}||g" $i;

# Remove package indices. They are rebuilt by the postinstall script.
rm -f %{buildroot}%{_libdir}/R/doc/html/function.html
rm -f %{buildroot}%{_libdir}/R/doc/html/packages.html
rm -f %{buildroot}%{_libdir}/R/doc/html/search/index.txt

# Fix permissions
chmod 644 %{buildroot}%{_libdir}/R/library/MASS/scripts/*
chmod 755 %{buildroot}%{_libdir}/R/share/sh/

%if %{with tcltk}
# .desktop
mkdir -p %{buildroot}%{_datadir}/applications
cat > %{buildroot}%{_datadir}/applications/mageia-%{name}.desktop <<EOF
[Desktop Entry]
GenericName=GNU R language
GenericName[ru]=Язык GNU R
Comment=A language for statistical computing
Comment[ar]=لغة للحساب الإحصائي
Comment[bg]=Език за статистичеки изчисления
Comment[cs]=Jazyk pro statistické výpočty
Comment[cy]=Iaith cyfrifiadura ystadegol
Comment[da]=Et sprog for statistisk beregning
Comment[el]=Μια γλώσσα για στατιστικούς υπολογισμούς
Comment[es]=R - un lenguaje para la computación estadística
Comment[et]=Statistiliste arvutusmeetodite keel
Comment[eu]=Konputazio estatistikoarentzako hizkuntza
Comment[fi]=Ohjelmointikieli tilastojen laskentaan
Comment[fr]=Un langage pour les calculs statistiques
Comment[gl]=Unha linguaxe para o cálculo estatístico
Comment[he]=שפה לחישוב סטטיסטי
Comment[hu]=Nyelv statisztikai programozáshoz
Comment[is]=Forritunarmál til tölfræðireikninga
Comment[it]=R, un linguaggio per elaborazioni statistiche
Comment[ky]=R - статистикалык эсептөө тили
Comment[nb]=Et program for statistisk beregning
Comment[nl]=Een taal voor statistische berekeningen
Comment[nn]=Statistiske utrekningar og simuleringar
Comment[pl]=Język służący do obliczeń statystycznych
Comment[pt]=Uma linguagem para computação estatística
Comment[pt_BR]=Uma linguagem para cálculos estatísticos
Comment[ro]=Un limbaj pentru calcul statistic
Comment[ru]=R - язык статистических вычислений
Comment[sl]=Jezik za statistično računanje
Comment[sv]=Ett språk för statistisk databehandling
Comment[tr]=İstatiksel hesaplamalar için dil
Comment[uk]=Мова для статистичних розрахунків
Exec=%{_bindir}/R --gui=tk

# icons
for S in 16 22 24 32 48 64 96 128 192 256 512; do
  %__install -d -m755 %{buildroot}%{_iconsdir}/hicolor/$S\x$S/apps
  convert -scale $S\x$S %{SOURCE1} %{buildroot}%{_iconsdir}/hicolor/$S\x$S/apps/Rlogo.png
%__install -d -m755 %{buildroot}%{_iconsdir}/hicolor/scalable/apps
%__install -m644 %{SOURCE2} %{buildroot}%{_iconsdir}/hicolor/scalable/apps/Rlogo.svg

# remove unpackaged files
rm -f %{buildroot}%{_infodir}/dir{,.old*}

# remove private perl libraries
rm -rf %{buildroot}%{_libdir}/R/share/perl/File
rm -rf %{buildroot}%{_libdir}/R/share/perl/Text

# (tpg) add bash completion file
mkdir -p %{buildroot}%{_sysconfdir}/bash_completion.d
cp %{SOURCE3} %{buildroot}%{_sysconfdir}/bash_completion.d/R-base


if [ $1 = 0 ]; then

%doc R-admin.pdf R-data.pdf R-exts.pdf R-FAQ.pdf R-intro.pdf R-lang.pdf
%dir %{_libdir}/R/library
%dir %{_libdir}/R/library/translations/
%lang(da) %{_libdir}/R/library/translations/da/
%lang(de) %{_libdir}/R/library/translations/de/
%lang(en) %{_libdir}/R/library/translations/en*/
%lang(es) %{_libdir}/R/library/translations/es/
%lang(fa) %{_libdir}/R/library/translations/fa/
%lang(fr) %{_libdir}/R/library/translations/fr/
%lang(it) %{_libdir}/R/library/translations/it/
%lang(ja) %{_libdir}/R/library/translations/ja/
%lang(ko) %{_libdir}/R/library/translations/ko/
%lang(nn) %{_libdir}/R/library/translations/nn/
%lang(pl) %{_libdir}/R/library/translations/pl/
%lang(pt_BR) %{_libdir}/R/library/translations/pt_BR/
%lang(ru) %{_libdir}/R/library/translations/ru/
%lang(tr) %{_libdir}/R/library/translations/tr/
%lang(zh_CN) %{_libdir}/R/library/translations/zh_CN/
%lang(zh_TW) %{_libdir}/R/library/translations/zh_TW/
%if %{with tcltk}

%files -n %{libname}

%files -n %{libname}-devel

* Tue Apr 02 2019 pterjan <pterjan> 3.5.3-2.mga7
+ Revision: 1385454
- Ignore test failure on armv7hl for now

* Tue Mar 26 2019 pterjan <pterjan> 3.5.3-1.mga7
+ Revision: 1380303
- Update to 3.5.3 (minor bugfix release)

* Sat Dec 29 2018 kekepower <kekepower> 3.5.2-1.mga7
+ Revision: 1346387
- Update to version 3.5.2

* Sat Dec 29 2018 luigiwalser <luigiwalser> 3.5.1-5.mga7
+ Revision: 1346115
- rebuild for icu

* Thu Oct 11 2018 wally <wally> 3.5.1-4.mga7
+ Revision: 1319572
- don't mangle shebangs when building the pkg

* Sun Sep 23 2018 umeabot <umeabot> 3.5.1-3.mga7
+ Revision: 1300786
- Mageia 7 Mass Rebuild

* Mon Aug 20 2018 tv <tv> 3.5.1-2.mga7
+ Revision: 1252968
- rebuild for new libicu

* Sat Aug 11 2018 kekepower <kekepower> 3.5.1-1.mga7
+ Revision: 1251006
- Update to version 3.5.1

* Wed Jun 27 2018 pterjan <pterjan> 3.5.0-2.mga7
+ Revision: 1240228
- Do not BuildRequire quadmath-devel on aarch64

* Sat Apr 28 2018 kekepower <kekepower> 3.5.0-1.mga7
+ Revision: 1223164
- Update to version 3.5.0
- Update logos

* Sat Mar 31 2018 kekepower <kekepower> 3.4.4-1.mga7
+ Revision: 1213733
- Update to version 3.4.4

* Mon Feb 26 2018 daviddavid <daviddavid> 3.4.3-2.mga7
+ Revision: 1205313
- remove no more needed BR libpth-devel

* Sat Jan 20 2018 kekepower <kekepower> 3.4.3-1.mga7
+ Revision: 1195211
- Update to version 3.4.3

* Fri Dec 29 2017 wally <wally> 3.4.2-2.mga7
+ Revision: 1187011
- rebuild for new icu

* Sun Oct 15 2017 joequant <joequant> 3.4.2-1.mga7
+ Revision: 1171920
- add locales-en for make check
- disable some tests that fail because lack of /etc/localtime
- upgrade to 3.4.2

* Sun Sep 10 2017 joequant <joequant> 3.3.3-3.mga7
+ Revision: 1152378
- rebuild with new stack

* Wed Mar 15 2017 mrambo3501 <mrambo3501> 3.3.3-2.mga6
+ Revision: 1092806
- Rebuild for icu-58.2

* Mon Mar 06 2017 lmenut <lmenut> 3.3.3-1.mga6
+ Revision: 1089146
- update to 3.3.3

* Fri Jan 06 2017 lmenut <lmenut> 3.3.2-2.mga6
+ Revision: 1080308
- add upstream patch from R-3-3-branch to handle zlib 1.2.10

* Thu Nov 24 2016 lmenut <lmenut> 3.3.2-1.mga6
+ Revision: 1070065
- update to 3.3.2

* Tue Jul 05 2016 lmenut <lmenut> 3.3.1-1.mga6
+ Revision: 1039027
- update to 3.3.1

* Sat May 14 2016 shlomif <shlomif> 3.3.0-2.mga6
+ Revision: 1015254
- Rebuild for the new UCI (new major)

* Wed May 11 2016 lmenut <lmenut> 3.3.0-1.mga6
+ Revision: 1012410
- update to 3.3.0
- new upstream R logo (flat design)

* Tue Apr 19 2016 daviddavid <daviddavid> 3.2.5-2.mga6
+ Revision: 1003586
- rebuild against file 5.25 fixed on arm

* Mon Apr 18 2016 lmenut <lmenut> 3.2.5-1.mga6
+ Revision: 1003539
- Update to 3.2.5

* Sat Mar 26 2016 pterjan <pterjan> 3.2.4-3.mga6
+ Revision: 995677
- And one more slow test...
- Another test too slow on arm...

* Sat Mar 26 2016 pterjan <pterjan> 3.2.4-2.mga6
+ Revision: 995635
- Do not fail when a test taking 2s on arm takes more than 0.5s

* Mon Mar 21 2016 lmenut <lmenut> 3.2.4-1.mga6
+ Revision: 993825
- Update to 3.2.4-revised

* Fri Jan 01 2016 luigiwalser <luigiwalser> 3.2.3-2.mga6
+ Revision: 917815
- rebuild for icu

* Sun Dec 20 2015 lmenut <lmenut> 3.2.3-1.mga6
+ Revision: 912752
- Update to 3.2.3

* Sat Dec 05 2015 pterjan <pterjan> 3.2.2-1.mga6
+ Revision: 908378
- Enable java on arm
- Update to 3.2.2

* Sat Nov 28 2015 neoclust <neoclust> 3.2.1-5.mga6
+ Revision: 906538
- Rebuild for ARM

* Thu Nov 05 2015 pterjan <pterjan> 3.2.1-4.mga6
+ Revision: 897888
- Do not buildrequire libquadmath on arm

* Sun Oct 04 2015 daviddavid <daviddavid> 3.2.1-3.mga6
+ Revision: 886069
- rebuild for new tcl/tk 8.6.4
+ alexl <alexl>
- add GenericName

* Sat Jul 25 2015 cjw <cjw> 3.2.1-2.mga6
+ Revision: 857261
- rebuild for icu 55

* Sat Jul 18 2015 lmenut <lmenut> 3.2.1-1.mga6
+ Revision: 855161
- Update to 3.2.1
- use pkgconfig for BuildRequires
- sort BuildRequires

* Thu Nov 27 2014 alexl <alexl> 3.1.2-2.mga5
+ Revision: 799491
- translated desktop file

* Sun Nov 09 2014 lmenut <lmenut> 3.1.2-1.mga5
+ Revision: 796156
- update to 3.1.2
- use system tre
- fix translations packaging
- allow build without tclck using --without-tcltk

* Wed Oct 15 2014 umeabot <umeabot> 3.1.1-4.mga5
+ Revision: 747185
- Second Mageia 5 Mass Rebuild

* Tue Sep 16 2014 umeabot <umeabot> 3.1.1-3.mga5
+ Revision: 687011
- Rebuild to fix library dependencies

* Tue Sep 16 2014 umeabot <umeabot> 3.1.1-2.mga5
+ Revision: 677648
- Mageia 5 Mass Rebuild
+ tv <tv>
- use %%global for req/prov exclude
- autoconvert to new prov/req excludes

* Sun Aug 31 2014 lmenut <lmenut> 3.1.1-1.mga5
+ Revision: 670207
- Update to 3.1.1

* Tue Jun 17 2014 joequant <joequant> 3.0.3-4.mga5
+ Revision: 637733
- revert 637698 pending changes

* Tue Jun 17 2014 joequant <joequant> 3.0.3-3.mga5
+ Revision: 637698
- change dependencies.  Remove tk/tcl dependency.  Use system tre

* Mon Jun 16 2014 joequant <joequant> 3.0.3-2.mga5
+ Revision: 637578
- turn off LTO.  Problems with gcc 4.9.  See #13528

* Sat Apr 12 2014 joequant <joequant> 3.0.3-1.mga5
+ Revision: 613591
- upgrade to 3.0.3

* Tue Oct 22 2013 umeabot <umeabot> 3.0.2-2.mga4
+ Revision: 542031
- Mageia 4 Mass Rebuild

* Mon Oct 14 2013 lmenut <lmenut> 3.0.2-1.mga4
+ Revision: 496747
- Update to 3.0.2
  + remove obsoletes patches
  + fix file list
- update java buildrequires
- build fullrefman.pdf with inconsolata

* Fri Sep 27 2013 fwang <fwang> 2.15.3-4.mga4
+ Revision: 487512
- add fedora patch to build with texinfo 5
- rebuild for icu 52

* Tue Jun 04 2013 fwang <fwang> 2.15.3-3.mga4
+ Revision: 437006
- rebuild for new libpng

* Sun May 26 2013 fwang <fwang> 2.15.3-2.mga4
+ Revision: 428038
- rebuild for icu

* Sat Mar 02 2013 lmenut <lmenut> 2.15.3-1.mga3
+ Revision: 401111
- Update to 2.15.3
  + rediff patch0
  + build refman.pdf without inconsolata

* Mon Jan 14 2013 umeabot <umeabot> 2.15.2-3.mga3
+ Revision: 381114
- Mass Rebuild -

* Sat Dec 01 2012 fwang <fwang> 2.15.2-2.mga3
+ Revision: 323688
- rebuild for new pcre

* Wed Nov 21 2012 lmenut <lmenut> 2.15.2-1.mga3
+ Revision: 320394
- update to 2.15.2

* Fri Nov 09 2012 fwang <fwang> 2.15.1-3.mga3
+ Revision: 316670
- rebuild for updated icu

* Tue Nov 06 2012 fwang <fwang> 2.15.1-2.mga3
+ Revision: 314784
- rebuild for new icu

* Sun Aug 26 2012 lmenut <lmenut> 2.15.1-1.mga3
+ Revision: 284221
- update to 2.15.1
- add BuildRequires texinfo-tex

* Tue May 29 2012 fwang <fwang> 2.14.2-3.mga3
+ Revision: 249515
- rebuild for new icu

* Wed Feb 29 2012 lmenut <lmenut> 2.14.2-2.mga2
+ Revision: 216234
- update to 2.14.2
- clean spec

* Fri Dec 23 2011 fwang <fwang> 2.14.1-2.mga2
+ Revision: 186474
- rebuild for new libtiff

* Thu Dec 22 2011 lmenut <lmenut> 2.14.1-1.mga2
+ Revision: 185950
- update to 2.14.1

* Wed Dec 21 2011 lmenut <lmenut> 2.14.0-1.mga2
+ Revision: 185416
- update to 2.14.0
- fix BuildRequires:
  + add quadmath-devel
  + replace tetex-latex by texlive
  + add texlive-fontsextra (inconsolata.sty needed)

* Mon Oct 24 2011 fwang <fwang> 2.13.2-1.mga2
+ Revision: 157613
- fix build
- new version 2.13.2
- build with system pcre

* Fri Sep 30 2011 fwang <fwang> 2.13.1-2.mga2
+ Revision: 150404
- bump rel
- tighten br

* Sat Sep 24 2011 lmenut <lmenut> 2.13.1-1.mga2
+ Revision: 147547
- build with internal pcre for now
+ fwang <fwang>
- new version 2.13.1

* Sat Jul 02 2011 fwang <fwang> 2.13.0-4.mga2
+ Revision: 117330
- rebuild for new tcl

* Tue Jun 28 2011 ahmad <ahmad> 2.13.0-3.mga2
+ Revision: 114998
- Don't use %%makeinstall because it sets prefix= which breaks Rscript (mga#1434)

* Mon Jun 20 2011 fwang <fwang> 2.13.0-2.mga2
+ Revision: 110319
- rebuild for new icu

* Sun Apr 17 2011 lmenut <lmenut> 2.13.0-1.mga1
+ Revision: 87267
- update to 2.13.0
- re-enable check
- disable only BLAS test
- clean post and preun scripts

* Sun Jan 23 2011 ahmad <ahmad> 2.12.0-4.mga1
+ Revision: 33474
- drop old/unneeded scriptlets
- rename .desktop file
- imported package R-base