

distrib > Mageia > 7 > i586 > by-pkgid > 455cbab7131fcc6b580b040122f5b01e > files > 4


Index: fretsonfire-1.2.451.dfsg/src/
--- FretsOnFire-src-1.2.512/src/	2007-09-04 19:39:22.000000000 +0100
+++ FretsOnFire-src-1.2.451/src/	2007-02-20 19:42:45.000000000 +0000
@@ -21,26 +21,22 @@
 import pygame
-import numpy
 from OpenGL.GL import *
 import sys
-from Texture import Texture, TextureAtlas, TextureAtlasFullException
+from Texture import Texture
 class Font:
   """A texture-mapped font."""
   def __init__(self, fileName, size, bold = False, italic = False, underline = False, outline = True,
                scale = 1.0, reversed = False, systemFont = False):
-    self.size             = size
-    self.scale            = scale
-    self.glyphCache       = {}
-    self.glyphSizeCache   = {}
-    self.outline          = outline
-    self.glyphTextures    = []
-    self.reversed         = reversed
-    self.stringCache      = {}
-    self.stringCacheLimit = 256
+    self.size           = size
+    self.scale          = scale
+    self.glyphCache     = {}
+    self.glyphSizeCache = {}
+    self.outline        = outline
+    self.reversed       = reversed
     # Try loading a system font first if one was requested
     self.font           = None
     if systemFont and sys.platform != "win32":
@@ -91,71 +87,11 @@
     texture.setFilter(GL_LINEAR, GL_LINEAR)
     texture.setRepeat(GL_CLAMP, GL_CLAMP)
-    self.glyphCache[character]     = (texture, (0.0, 0.0, texture.size[0], texture.size[1]))
+    self.glyphCache[character]     = texture
     s = .75 * self.getHeight() / float(texture.pixelSize[0])
     self.glyphSizeCache[character] = (texture.pixelSize[0] * s, texture.pixelSize[1] * s)
-  def _renderString(self, text, pos, direction, scale):
-    if not text:
-      return
-    if not (text, scale) in self.stringCache:
-      currentTexture = None
-      #x, y           = pos[0], pos[1]
-      x, y           = 0.0, 0.0
-      vertices       = numpy.empty((4 * len(text), 2), numpy.float32)
-      texCoords      = numpy.empty((4 * len(text), 2), numpy.float32)
-      vertexCount    = 0
-      cacheEntry     = []
-      for i, ch in enumerate(text):
-        g, coordinates     = self.getGlyph(ch)
-        w, h               = self.getStringSize(ch, scale = scale)
-        tx1, ty1, tx2, ty2 = coordinates
-        # Set the initial texture
-        if currentTexture is None:
-          currentTexture = g
-        # If the texture changed, flush the geometry
-        if currentTexture != g:
-          cacheEntry.append((currentTexture, vertexCount, numpy.array(vertices[:vertexCount]), numpy.array(texCoords[:vertexCount])))
-          currentTexture = g
-          vertexCount = 0
-        vertices[vertexCount + 0]  = (x,     y)
-        vertices[vertexCount + 1]  = (x + w, y)
-        vertices[vertexCount + 2]  = (x + w, y + h)
-        vertices[vertexCount + 3]  = (x,     y + h)
-        texCoords[vertexCount + 0] = (tx1, ty2)
-        texCoords[vertexCount + 1] = (tx2, ty2)
-        texCoords[vertexCount + 2] = (tx2, ty1)
-        texCoords[vertexCount + 3] = (tx1, ty1)
-        vertexCount += 4
-        x += w * direction[0]
-        y += w * direction[1]
-      cacheEntry.append((currentTexture, vertexCount, vertices[:vertexCount], texCoords[:vertexCount]))
-      # Don't store very short strings
-      if len(text) > 5:
-        # Limit the cache size
-        if len(self.stringCache) > self.stringCacheLimit:
-          del self.stringCache[self.stringCache.keys()[0]]
-        self.stringCache[(text, scale)] = cacheEntry
-    else:
-      cacheEntry = self.stringCache[(text, scale)]
-    glPushMatrix()
-    glTranslatef(pos[0], pos[1], 0)
-    for texture, vertexCount, vertices, texCoords in cacheEntry:
-      texture.bind()
-      glVertexPointer(2, GL_FLOAT, 0, vertices)
-      glTexCoordPointer(2, GL_FLOAT, 0, texCoords)
-      glDrawArrays(GL_QUADS, 0, vertexCount)
-    glPopMatrix()
-  def render(self, text, pos = (0, 0), direction = (1, 0), scale = 0.002):
+  def render(self, text, pos = (0, 0), direction = (1, 0, 0), scale = 0.002):
     Draw some text.
@@ -169,43 +105,75 @@
     scale *= self.scale
+    glPushMatrix()
+    glTranslatef(pos[0], pos[1], 0)
     if self.reversed:
       text = "".join(reversed(text))
     if self.outline:
-      glColor4f(0, 0, 0, glGetFloatv(GL_CURRENT_COLOR)[3])
-      self._renderString(text, (pos[0] + 0.003, pos[1] + 0.003), direction, scale)
+      glPushMatrix()
+      glColor4f(0, 0, 0, .25 * glGetDoublev(GL_CURRENT_COLOR)[3])
+      for ch in text:
+        g = self.getGlyph(ch)
+        w, h = self.getStringSize(ch, scale = scale)
+        tw, th = g.size
+        glVertexPointerf([(0.0, 0.0, 0.0), (w, 0.0, 0.0), (0.0, h, 0.0), (w, h, 0.0)])
+        glTexCoordPointerf([(0.0, th), (tw, th), (0.0, 0.0), (tw, 0.0)])
+        g.bind()
+        blur = 2 * 0.002
+        for offset in [(-.7, -.7), (0, -1), (.7, -.7), (-1, 0), (1, 0), (-.7, .7), (0, 1), (.7, .7)]:
+          glPushMatrix()
+          glTranslatef( blur * offset[0], blur * offset[1], 0)
+          glDrawElementsui(GL_TRIANGLE_STRIP, [0, 1, 2, 3])
+          glPopMatrix()
+        glTranslatef(w * direction[0],
+                     w * direction[1],
+                     w * direction[2])
+      glPopMatrix()
+    for ch in text:
+      g = self.getGlyph(ch)
+      w, h = self.getStringSize(ch, scale = scale)
+      tw, th = g.size
+      glVertexPointerf([(0.0, 0.0, 0.0), (w, 0.0, 0.0), (0.0, h, 0.0), (w, h, 0.0)])
+      glTexCoordPointerf([(0.0, th), (tw, th), (0.0, 0.0), (tw, 0.0)])
+      g.bind()
+      glDrawElementsui(GL_TRIANGLE_STRIP, [0, 1, 2, 3])
+      glTranslatef(w * direction[0],
+                   w * direction[1],
+                   w * direction[2])
+    glPopMatrix()
-    self._renderString(text, pos, direction, scale)
-  def _allocateGlyphTexture(self):
-    t = TextureAtlas(size = glGetInteger(GL_MAX_TEXTURE_SIZE))
-    t.texture.setFilter(GL_LINEAR, GL_LINEAR)
-    t.texture.setRepeat(GL_CLAMP, GL_CLAMP)
-    self.glyphTextures.append(t)
-    return t
   def getGlyph(self, ch):
-    Get a (L{Texture}, coordinate tuple) pair for a given character.
+    Get the L{Texture} for a given character.
     @param ch:    Character
-    @return:      (L{Texture} instance, coordinate tuple)
+    @return:      L{Texture} instance
       return self.glyphCache[ch]
     except KeyError:
       s = self.font.render(ch, True, (255, 255, 255))
-      # Draw outlines
+      # Draw outlines
       import Image, ImageFilter
       srcImg = Image.fromstring("RGBA", s.get_size(), pygame.image.tostring(s, "RGBA"))
       img    = Image.fromstring("RGBA", s.get_size(), pygame.image.tostring(s, "RGBA"))
@@ -222,19 +190,11 @@
             img.putpixel((x, y), (0, 0, 0, a / n))
       s = pygame.image.fromstring(img.tostring(), s.get_size(), "RGBA")
-      if not self.glyphTextures:
-        texture = self._allocateGlyphTexture()
-      else:
-        texture = self.glyphTextures[-1]
-      # Insert the texture into the glyph cache
-      try:
-        coordinates = texture.add(s)
-      except TextureAtlasFullException:
-        # Try again with a fresh atlas
-        texture = self._allocateGlyphTexture()
-        return self.getGlyph(ch)
-      self.glyphCache[ch] = (texture, coordinates)
-      return (texture, coordinates)
+      t = Texture()
+      t.setFilter(GL_LINEAR, GL_LINEAR)
+      t.setRepeat(GL_CLAMP, GL_CLAMP)
+      t.loadSurface(s, alphaChannel = True)
+      del s
+      self.glyphCache[ch] = t
+      return t