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<a name="Installation-Problems-1"></a>
<h3 class="section">E.4 Installation Problems</h3>

<p>This section contains a list of problems (and some apparent problems
that don&rsquo;t really mean anything is wrong) that may show up during
installation of Octave.
<li> On some SCO systems, <code>info</code> fails to compile if
<code><span class="nolinebreak">HAVE_TERMIOS_H</span></code><!-- /@w --> is defined in <samp>config.h</samp>.  Simply
removing the definition from <samp>info/config.h</samp> should allow it to

</li><li> If <code>configure</code> finds <code>dlopen</code>, <code>dlsym</code>, <code>dlclose</code>,
and <code>dlerror</code>, but not the header file <samp>dlfcn.h</samp>, you need to
find the source for the header file and install it in the directory
<samp>usr/include</samp>.  This is reportedly a problem with Slackware 3.1.
For Linux/GNU systems, the source for <samp>dlfcn.h</samp> is in the
<code>ldso</code> package.

</li><li> Building <samp>.oct</samp> files doesn&rsquo;t work.

<p>You should probably have a shared version of <code>libstdc++</code>.  A patch
is needed to build shared versions of version 2.7.2 of <code>libstdc++</code>
on the HP-PA architecture.  You can find the patch at
<a href=""></a>.
</li><li> On some DEC alpha systems there may be a problem with the <code>libdxml</code>
library, resulting in floating point errors and/or segmentation faults
in the linear algebra routines called by Octave.  If you encounter such
problems, then you should modify the configure script so that
<code><span class="nolinebreak">SPECIAL_MATH_LIB</span></code><!-- /@w --> is not set to <code>-ldxml</code>.

</li><li> On FreeBSD systems Octave may hang while initializing some internal
constants.  The fix appears to be to use

<div class="example">
<pre class="example">options      GPL_MATH_EMULATE

<p>rather than
<div class="example">
<pre class="example">options      MATH_EMULATE

<p>in the kernel configuration files (typically found in the directory
<samp>/sys/i386/conf</samp>).  After making this change, you&rsquo;ll need to rebuild
the kernel, install it, and reboot.
</li><li> If you encounter errors like

<div class="example">
<pre class="example">passing `void (*)()' as argument 2 of
  `octave_set_signal_handler(int, void (*)(int))'

<div class="example">
<pre class="example">warning: ANSI C++ prohibits conversion from `(int)'
         to `(&hellip;)'

<p>while compiling <samp></samp>, you may need to edit some files
in the <code>gcc</code> include subdirectory to add proper prototypes for
functions there.  For example, Ultrix 4.2 needs proper declarations for
the <code>signal</code> function and the <code><span class="nolinebreak">SIG_IGN</span></code><!-- /@w --> macro in the file
<p>On some systems the <code><span class="nolinebreak">SIG_IGN</span></code><!-- /@w --> macro is defined to be something
like this:
<div class="example">
<pre class="example">#define  SIG_IGN  (void (*)())1

<p>when it should really be something like:
<div class="example">
<pre class="example">#define  SIG_IGN  (void (*)(int))1

<p>to match the prototype declaration for the <code>signal</code> function.  This
change should also be made for the <code><span class="nolinebreak">SIG_DFL</span></code><!-- /@w --> and
<code><span class="nolinebreak">SIG_ERR</span></code><!-- /@w --> symbols.  It may be necessary to change the
definitions in <samp>sys/signal.h</samp> as well.
<p>The <code>gcc</code> <code>fixincludes</code> and <code>fixproto</code> scripts should
probably fix these problems when <code>gcc</code> installs its modified set of
header files, but I don&rsquo;t think that&rsquo;s been done yet.
<p><strong>You should not change the files in <samp>/usr/include</samp></strong>.  You
can find the <code>gcc</code> include directory tree by running the command
<div class="example">
<pre class="example">gcc -print-libgcc-file-name

<p>The directory of <code>gcc</code> include files normally begins in the same
directory that contains the file <samp>libgcc.a</samp>.
</li><li> Some of the Fortran subroutines may fail to compile with older versions
of the Sun Fortran compiler.  If you get errors like

<div class="example">
<pre class="example">zgemm.f:
warning: unexpected parent of complex expression subtree
zgemm.f, line 245: warning: unexpected parent of complex
  expression subtree
warning: unexpected parent of complex expression subtree
zgemm.f, line 304: warning: unexpected parent of complex
  expression subtree
warning: unexpected parent of complex expression subtree
zgemm.f, line 327: warning: unexpected parent of complex
  expression subtree
pcc_binval: missing IR_CONV in complex op
make[2]: *** [zgemm.o] Error 1

<p>when compiling the Fortran subroutines in the <samp>liboctave/external</samp>
subdirectory, you should either upgrade your compiler or try compiling
with optimization turned off.
</li><li> On NeXT systems, if you get errors like this:

<div class="example">
<pre class="example">/usr/tmp/cc007458.s:unknown:Undefined local
      symbol LBB7656
/usr/tmp/cc007458.s:unknown:Undefined local
      symbol LBE7656

<p>when compiling <samp></samp> and <samp></samp>, try recompiling
these files without <samp>-g</samp>.
</li><li> Some people have reported that calls to system() and the pager do not
work on SunOS systems.  This is apparently due to having
<code><span class="nolinebreak">G_HAVE_SYS_WAIT</span></code><!-- /@w --> defined to be 0 instead of 1 when compiling

</li><li> On systems where the reference <small>BLAS</small> library is used the following
matrix-by-vector multiplication incorrectly handles NaN values of the
form <code>NaN * 0</code>.

<div class="example">
<pre class="example">[NaN, 1; 0, 0] * [0; 1]
[ 1
  0 ]

correct result &rArr;
[ NaN
  0   ]

<p>Install a different <small>BLAS</small> library such as OpenBLAS or ATLAS to correct
this issue.
</li><li> On NeXT systems, linking to <samp>libsys_s.a</samp> may fail to resolve the
following functions

<div class="example">
<pre class="example">_tcgetattr

<p>which are part of <samp>libposix.a</samp>.  Unfortunately, linking Octave with
<samp>-posix</samp> results in the following undefined symbols.
<div class="example">
<pre class="example">.destructors_used

<p>One kluge around this problem is to extract <samp>termios.o</samp> from
<samp>libposix.a</samp>, put it in Octave&rsquo;s <samp>src</samp> directory, and add it
to the list of files to link together in the makefile.  Suggestions for
better ways to solve this problem are welcome!
</li><li> If Octave crashes immediately with a floating point exception, it is
likely that it is failing to initialize the IEEE floating point values
for infinity and NaN.

<p>If your system actually does support IEEE arithmetic, you should be able
to fix this problem by modifying the function <code>octave_ieee_init</code> in
the file <samp></samp> to correctly initialize Octave&rsquo;s internal
infinity and NaN variables.
<p>If your system does not support IEEE arithmetic but Octave&rsquo;s configure
script incorrectly determined that it does, you can work around the
problem by editing the file <samp>config.h</samp> to not define
<code><span class="nolinebreak">HAVE_ISINF</span></code><!-- /@w -->, <code><span class="nolinebreak">HAVE_FINITE</span></code><!-- /@w -->, and
<code><span class="nolinebreak">HAVE_ISNAN</span></code><!-- /@w -->.
<p>In any case, please report this as a bug since it might be possible to
modify Octave&rsquo;s configuration script to automatically determine the
proper thing to do.
</li><li> If Octave is unable to find a header file because it is installed in a
location that is not normally searched by the compiler, you can add the
directory to the include search path by specifying (for example)
<code>CPPFLAGS=-I/some/nonstandard/directory</code> as an argument to
<code>configure</code>.  Other variables that can be specified this way are
<code>CFLAGS</code>, <code>CXXFLAGS</code>, <code>FFLAGS</code>, and <code>LDFLAGS</code>.  Passing
them as options to the configure script also records them in the
<samp>config.status</samp> file.  By default, <code>CPPFLAGS</code> and <code>LDFLAGS</code>
are empty, <code>CFLAGS</code> and <code>CXXFLAGS</code> are set to <code>&quot;-g -O2&quot;</code> and
<code>FFLAGS</code> is set to <code>&quot;-O&quot;</code>.


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