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<a name="UI-Elements"></a>
<div class="header">
Next: <a href="GUI-Utility-Functions.html#GUI-Utility-Functions" accesskey="n" rel="next">GUI Utility Functions</a>, Previous: <a href="Progress-Bar.html#Progress-Bar" accesskey="p" rel="prev">Progress Bar</a>, Up: <a href="GUI-Development.html#GUI-Development" accesskey="u" rel="up">GUI Development</a> &nbsp; [<a href="index.html#SEC_Contents" title="Table of contents" rel="contents">Contents</a>][<a href="Concept-Index.html#Concept-Index" title="Index" rel="index">Index</a>]</p>
<a name="UI-Elements-1"></a>
<h3 class="section">35.3 UI Elements</h3>

<p>The ui* series of functions work best with the <code>qt</code> graphics
toolkit, although some functionality is available with the <code>fltk</code> toolkit.
There is no support for the <code>gnuplot</code> toolkit.
<a name="XREFuipanel"></a><dl>
<dt><a name="index-uipanel"></a><em></em> <strong>uipanel</strong> <em>(<var>property</var>, <var>value</var>, &hellip;)</em></dt>
<dt><a name="index-uipanel-1"></a><em></em> <strong>uipanel</strong> <em>(<var>parent</var>, <var>property</var>, <var>value</var>, &hellip;)</em></dt>
<dt><a name="index-uipanel-2"></a><em><var>hui</var> =</em> <strong>uipanel</strong> <em>(&hellip;)</em></dt>
<p>Create a uipanel object.
<p>uipanels are used as containers to group other uicontrol objects.
<p>If <var>parent</var> is omitted then a uipanel for the current figure is
created.  If no figure is available, a new figure is created first.
<p>If <var>parent</var> is given then a uipanel relative to <var>parent</var> is created.
<p>Any provided property value pairs will override the default values of the
created uipanel object.
<p>Uipanel properties are documented at <a href="Uipanel-Properties.html#Uipanel-Properties">Uipanel Properties</a>.
<p>The optional return value <var>hui</var> is a graphics handle to the created
uipanel object.
<div class="example">
<pre class="example">## create figure and panel on it
f = figure;
p = uipanel (&quot;title&quot;, &quot;Panel Title&quot;, &quot;position&quot;, [.25 .25 .5 .5]);

## add two buttons to the panel
b1 = uicontrol (&quot;parent&quot;, p, &quot;string&quot;, &quot;A Button&quot;, ...
                &quot;position&quot;, [18 10 150 36]);
b2 = uicontrol (&quot;parent&quot;, p, &quot;string&quot;, &quot;Another Button&quot;, ...
                &quot;position&quot;,[18 60 150 36]);


<p><strong>See also:</strong> <a href="Multiple-Plot-Windows.html#XREFfigure">figure</a>, <a href="#XREFuicontrol">uicontrol</a>.

<a name="XREFuibuttongroup"></a><dl>
<dt><a name="index-uibuttongroup"></a><em><var>hui</var> =</em> <strong>uibuttongroup</strong> <em>(<var>property</var>, <var>value</var>, &hellip;)</em></dt>
<dt><a name="index-uibuttongroup-1"></a><em><var>hui</var> =</em> <strong>uibuttongroup</strong> <em>(<var>parent</var>, <var>property</var>, <var>value</var>, &hellip;)</em></dt>
<dt><a name="index-uibuttongroup-2"></a><em></em> <strong>uibuttongroup</strong> <em>(<var>h</var>)</em></dt>
<p>Create a uibuttongroup object and return a handle to it.
<p>A uibuttongroup is used to group uicontrol objects.
<p>If <var>parent</var> is omitted then a uibuttongroup for the current figure is
created.  If no figure is available, a new figure is created first.
<p>If <var>parent</var> is given then a uibuttongroup relative to <var>parent</var> is
<p>Any provided property value pairs will override the default values of the
created uibuttongroup object.
<p>Properties of uibuttongroup objects are documented at
<a href="Uibuttongroup-Properties.html#Uibuttongroup-Properties">Uibuttongroup Properties</a>.
<div class="example">
<pre class="example">## Create figure and panel on it
f = figure;
## Create a button group
gp = uibuttongroup (f, &quot;Position&quot;, [ 0 0.5 1 1])
## Create a buttons in the group
b1 = uicontrol (gp, &quot;style&quot;, &quot;radiobutton&quot;, ...
                &quot;string&quot;, &quot;Choice 1&quot;, ...
                &quot;Position&quot;, [ 10 150 100 50 ]);
b2 = uicontrol (gp, &quot;style&quot;, &quot;radiobutton&quot;, ...
                &quot;string&quot;, &quot;Choice 2&quot;, ...
                &quot;Position&quot;, [ 10 50 100 30 ]);
## Create a button not in the group
b3 = uicontrol (f, &quot;style&quot;, &quot;radiobutton&quot;, ...
                &quot;string&quot;, &quot;Not in the group&quot;, ...
                &quot;Position&quot;, [ 10 50 100 50 ]);

<p>When called with a single argument <var>h</var> which is a handle to an existing
uibuttongroup object, switch the focus to the specified uibuttongroup.  This
functionality is not currently implemented.
<p><strong>See also:</strong> <a href="Multiple-Plot-Windows.html#XREFfigure">figure</a>, <a href="#XREFuipanel">uipanel</a>.

<a name="XREFuicontrol"></a><dl>
<dt><a name="index-uicontrol"></a><em><var>hui</var> =</em> <strong>uicontrol</strong> <em>(<var>property</var>, <var>value</var>, &hellip;)</em></dt>
<dt><a name="index-uicontrol-1"></a><em><var>hui</var> =</em> <strong>uicontrol</strong> <em>(<var>parent</var>, <var>property</var>, <var>value</var>, &hellip;)</em></dt>
<dt><a name="index-uicontrol-2"></a><em></em> <strong>uicontrol</strong> <em>(<var>h</var>)</em></dt>
<p>Create a uicontrol object and return a handle to it.
<p>A uicontrol object is used to create simple interactive controls such as
push buttons, checkboxes, edit and list controls.
<p>If <var>parent</var> is omitted then a uicontrol for the current figure is
created.  If no figure is available, a new figure is created first.
<p>If <var>parent</var> is given then a uicontrol relative to <var>parent</var> is
<p>Any provided property value pairs will override the default values of the
created uicontrol object.
<p>Properties of uicontrol objects are documented at
<a href="Uicontrol-Properties.html#Uicontrol-Properties">Uicontrol Properties</a>.
<p>The type of uicontrol created is specified by the <var>style</var> property.  If
no style property is provided, a push button will be created.
<p>Valid styles for uicontrol are:
<dl compact="compact">
<dd><p>Create a checkbox control that allows user on/off selection.
<dd><p>Create an edit control that allows user input of single or multiple lines
of text.
<dd><p>Create a listbox control that displays a list of items and allows user
selection of single or multiple items.
<dd><p>Create a popupmenu control that displays a list of options that can be
selected when the user clicks on the control.
<dd><p>Create a push button control that allows user to press to cause an action.
<dd><p>Create a radio button control intended to be used for mutually exclusive
input in a group of radiobutton controls.
<dd><p>Create a slider control that allows user selection from a range of values
by sliding knob on the control.
<dd><p>Create a static text control to display single or multiple lines of text.
<dd><p>Create a toggle button control that appears like a push button but allows
the user to select between two states.

<div class="example">
<pre class="example">## Create figure and panel on it
f = figure;
## Create a button (default style)
b1 = uicontrol (f, &quot;string&quot;, &quot;A Button&quot;, ...
                   &quot;position&quot;, [10 10 150 40]);
## Create an edit control
e1 = uicontrol (f, &quot;style&quot;, &quot;edit&quot;, &quot;string&quot;, &quot;editable text&quot;, ...
                   &quot;position&quot;, [10 60 300 40]);
## Create a checkbox
c1 = uicontrol (f, &quot;style&quot;, &quot;checkbox&quot;, &quot;string&quot;, &quot;a checkbox&quot;, ...
                   &quot;position&quot;, [10 120 150 40]);

<p>When called with a single argument <var>h</var> which is a handle to an existing
uicontrol object, switch the keyboard focus to the specified
uicontrol.  As a result, the uicontrol object will receive keyboard
events that can be processed using the <code>&quot;keypressfcn&quot;</code> callback.
<p><strong>See also:</strong> <a href="Multiple-Plot-Windows.html#XREFfigure">figure</a>, <a href="#XREFuipanel">uipanel</a>.

<a name="XREFuitable"></a><dl>
<dt><a name="index-uitable"></a><em><var>hui</var> =</em> <strong>uitable</strong> <em>(<var>property</var>, <var>value</var>, &hellip;)</em></dt>
<dt><a name="index-uitable-1"></a><em><var>hui</var> =</em> <strong>uitable</strong> <em>(<var>parent</var>, <var>property</var>, <var>value</var>, &hellip;)</em></dt>
<dd><p>Create a uitable object and return a handle to it.
<p>A uitable object is used to show tables of data in a figure window.
<p>If <var>parent</var> is omitted then a uitable for the current figure is
created.  If no figure is available, a new figure is created first.
<p>If <var>parent</var> is given then a uitable relative to <var>parent</var> is
<p>Any provided property value pairs will override the default values of the
created uitable object.
<p>Properties of uitable objects are documented at
<a href="Uitable-Properties.html#Uitable-Properties">Uitable Properties</a>.
<div class="example">
<pre class="example">## Create figure and place a table on it
f = figure ();
m = magic (8);
t = uitable (f, &quot;Data&quot;, m, &quot;ColumnWidth&quot;, { 40 });
</pre><pre class="example">

</pre><pre class="example">## Create a table with labeled rows and columns
f = figure ();
d = reshape (1:9, [3, 3]);
row_names = { &quot;Row1&quot;, &quot;Row2&quot;, &quot;Row3&quot; };
col_names = { &quot;Col1&quot;, &quot;Col2&quot;, &quot;Col3&quot; };
t = uitable (f, &quot;Data&quot;, d, ...
             &quot;RowName&quot;, row_names, &quot;ColumnName&quot;, col_names);

p = get (t, &quot;Position&quot;);
e = get (t, &quot;Extent&quot;);
p(3:4) = e(3:4);
set (t, &quot;Position&quot;, p);
</pre><pre class="example">

## Long demo with callbacks
function uitable_demo ()
  f = figure (&quot;Name&quot;, &quot;uitable Demo&quot;, &quot;Menu&quot;, &quot;none&quot;, ...
              &quot;Position&quot;, [10 10 1000 680]);

  ## A basic example
  d = { &quot;char&quot;   , &quot;A string&quot;;
        &quot;double&quot; , 12.3456789;
        &quot;complex&quot;, 1+2i;
        &quot;bool&quot;   , true;
        &quot;single&quot; , single (12.3456789);
        &quot;int8&quot;   , int8 (-128);
        &quot;uint8&quot;  , uint8 (128);
        &quot;int16&quot;  , int16 (-32768);
        &quot;uint16&quot; , uint16 (32768);
        &quot;int32&quot;  , int32 (-2147483648);
        &quot;uint32&quot; , uint32 (2147483648);
        &quot;int64&quot;  , int64 (-2147483649);
        &quot;uint64&quot; , uint64 (2147843649)};

  popup_options = {&quot;A&quot;, &quot;B&quot;, &quot;C&quot;, &quot;D&quot;, &quot;E&quot;};

  columnformat_options = { &quot;[]&quot;, &quot;char&quot;, &quot;pop-up&quot;, &quot;numeric&quot;, ...
                           &quot;short&quot;, &quot;short e&quot;, &quot;short eng&quot;, ...
                           &quot;short g&quot;, &quot;long&quot;, &quot;long e&quot;, ...
                           &quot;long eng&quot;, &quot;long g&quot;, &quot;bank&quot;, &quot;+&quot;, ...
                           &quot;rat&quot;, &quot;logical&quot;};
  columnformat_values = columnformat_options;
  columnformat_values{1} = &quot;&quot;;
  columnformat_values{3} = popup_options;

  default_data = repmat (d(:,2), 1, columns (columnformat_options));
  b_add = uicontrol (f, &quot;Position&quot;, [285 630 600 50], ...
            &quot;UserData&quot;, [rows(d), 1], ...
            &quot;Style&quot;, &quot;pushbutton&quot;, ...
            &quot;String&quot;, &quot;Set data at selected point to selected datatype&quot;);

  l_type_table = uicontrol (f, &quot;Position&quot;, [ 0 603 120 25 ], ...
      &quot;String&quot;, &quot;Datatype Table:&quot;, ...
      &quot;Style&quot;, &quot;text&quot;);
  t_type_table = uitable (f, &quot;Position&quot;, [ 0 530 1000 70 ], ...
      &quot;Data&quot;, transpose (d(:, 2)), ...
      &quot;ColumnName&quot;, transpose (d(:, 1)), ...
      &quot;RowName&quot;, &quot;Value&quot;, ...
      &quot;CellSelectionCallback&quot;, ...
           @(x, y) set (b_add, &quot;UserData&quot;, y.Indices ));

  l_point_table = uicontrol (f, &quot;Position&quot;, [ 0 640 60 25 ], ...
      &quot;String&quot;, &quot;Point:&quot;, ...
      &quot;Style&quot;, &quot;text&quot;);
  t_point_table = uitable (f, &quot;Position&quot;, [ 80 630 160 42 ], ...
      &quot;RowName&quot;, [], ...
      &quot;ColumnName&quot;, {&quot;x&quot;, &quot;y&quot;}, ...
      &quot;Data&quot;, [ 1, 1 ], ...
      &quot;ColumnEditable&quot;, true);

  l_editable_table = uicontrol (f, &quot;Position&quot;, [ 0 502 200 25 ], ...
      &quot;Style&quot;, &quot;text&quot;, ...
      &quot;String&quot;, &quot;Set Data Columns Editable:&quot;);
  t_editable_table = ...
    uitable (f, &quot;Position&quot;, [ 0 434 1000 65 ], ...
                &quot;Data&quot;, repmat (false, 1, columns (default_data)), ...
                &quot;ColumnEditable&quot;, true);

  l_format_table = uicontrol (f, &quot;Position&quot;, [ 0 406 200 25 ], ...
      &quot;Style&quot;, &quot;text&quot;, ...
      &quot;String&quot;, &quot;Set Data Column Format:&quot;);
  t_format_table = ...
    uitable (f, &quot;Position&quot;, [ 0 338 1000 65 ], ...
                &quot;Data&quot;, columnformat_options, ...
                &quot;ColumnEditable&quot;, true, ...
                &quot;ColumnFormat&quot;, arrayfun (@(x) {columnformat_options}, ...
                                          1:columns (columnformat_options)));

  l_data_table = uicontrol (f, &quot;Style&quot;, &quot;text&quot;, ...
                               &quot;String&quot;, &quot;Data:&quot;, ...
                               &quot;Position&quot;, [ 0 310 60 25 ]);
  t_data_table = uitable (f, &quot;Position&quot;, [ 0 15 1000 290 ], ...
      &quot;Data&quot;, default_data, ...
      &quot;ColumnFormat&quot;, columnformat_values);

  set (t_format_table, ...
       &quot;CellEditCallback&quot;, ...
       @(x, y) update_column_format (y.NewData, y.Indices, ...
                                      t_data_table, popup_options));
  set (t_point_table, &quot;CellEditCallback&quot;, ...
       @(x, y) validate_point_table (x, y, t_data_table));
  set (t_editable_table, &quot;CellEditCallback&quot;, ...
       @(x,y) set (t_data_table, ...
                    &quot;ColumnEditable&quot;, get (t_editable_table, &quot;Data&quot;)));
  set (b_add, ...
       &quot;Callback&quot;, @(x, y) update_data (b_add, t_point_table, ...
                                         t_type_table, t_data_table));
  set (t_data_table, &quot;CellSelectionCallback&quot;, ...
       @(x, y) update_point_table (y.Indices, t_point_table));

function validate_point_table (h, dat, t_data_table)
  if (! (dat.NewData &gt; 0 &amp;&amp; ...
    dat.NewData &lt; size (get (t_data_table, &quot;Data&quot;), dat.Indices(1, 1)) + 1))

    d = get (h, &quot;Data&quot;);
    d(dat.Indices) = 1;
    set (h, &quot;Data&quot;, d);

function update_column_format (format, indices, t_data_table, ...
  cf = get (t_data_table, &quot;ColumnFormat&quot;);
  if (strcmp (format, &quot;[]&quot;))
    format = &quot;&quot;;
  elseif (strcmp (format, &quot;pop-up&quot;))
    format = popup_options;
  cf{indices(1,2)} = format;
  set (t_data_table, &quot;ColumnFormat&quot;, cf);

function update_point_table (indices, t_point_table)
  if (isempty (indices))
    indices = [1, 1];
  set (t_point_table, &quot;Data&quot;, indices(1,:));

function update_data (b_add, t_point_table, t_type_table, ...
  indices = get (b_add, &quot;UserData&quot;);
  if (isempty (indices))
    indices = [1, 1];
  d = get (t_data_table, &quot;Data&quot;);
  t_type_table_data = get (t_type_table, &quot;Data&quot;);
  p = get (t_point_table, &quot;Data&quot;);
  d(p(1,2), p(1,1)) = t_type_table_data(indices(1,2));
  set (t_data_table, &quot;Data&quot;, d);

<p><strong>See also:</strong> <a href="Multiple-Plot-Windows.html#XREFfigure">figure</a>, <a href="#XREFuicontrol">uicontrol</a>.

<a name="XREFuimenu"></a><dl>
<dt><a name="index-uimenu"></a><em><var>hui</var> =</em> <strong>uimenu</strong> <em>(<var>property</var>, <var>value</var>, &hellip;)</em></dt>
<dt><a name="index-uimenu-1"></a><em><var>hui</var> =</em> <strong>uimenu</strong> <em>(<var>h</var>, <var>property</var>, <var>value</var>, &hellip;)</em></dt>
<dd><p>Create a uimenu object and return a handle to it.
<p>If <var>h</var> is omitted then a top-level menu for the current figure is
created.  If <var>h</var> is given then a submenu relative to <var>h</var> is created.
<p>uimenu objects have the following specific properties:
<dl compact="compact">
<dd><p>A string containing the key combination together with CTRL to execute this
menu entry (e.g., <code>&quot;x&quot;</code> for CTRL+x).
<dd><p>Is the function called when this menu entry is executed.  It can be either a
function string (e.g., <code>&quot;myfun&quot;</code>), a function handle (e.g., @myfun)
or a cell array containing the function handle and arguments for the
callback function (e.g., {@myfun, arg1, arg2}).
<dd><p>Can be set <code>&quot;on&quot;</code> or <code>&quot;off&quot;</code>.  Sets a mark at this menu entry.
<dd><p>Can be set <code>&quot;on&quot;</code> or <code>&quot;off&quot;</code>.  If disabled the menu entry
cannot be selected and it is grayed out.
<dd><p>A color value setting the text color for this menu entry.
<dd><p>A string containing the label for this menu entry.  A <code>&quot;&amp;&quot;</code>-symbol
can be used to mark the <code>&quot;accelerator&quot;</code> character (e.g.,
<dd><p>An scalar value containing the relative menu position.  The entry with the
lowest value is at the first position starting from left or top.
<dd><p>Can be set <code>&quot;on&quot;</code> or <code>&quot;off&quot;</code>.  If enabled it draws a separator
line above the current position.  It is ignored for top level entries.

<p>The full list of properties is documented at
<a href="Uimenu-Properties.html#Uimenu-Properties">Uimenu Properties</a>.
<div class="example">
<pre class="example">f = uimenu (&quot;label&quot;, &quot;&amp;File&quot;, &quot;accelerator&quot;, &quot;f&quot;);
e = uimenu (&quot;label&quot;, &quot;&amp;Edit&quot;, &quot;accelerator&quot;, &quot;e&quot;);
uimenu (f, &quot;label&quot;, &quot;Close&quot;, &quot;accelerator&quot;, &quot;q&quot;, ...
           &quot;callback&quot;, &quot;close (gcf)&quot;);
uimenu (e, &quot;label&quot;, &quot;Toggle &amp;Grid&quot;, &quot;accelerator&quot;, &quot;g&quot;, ...
           &quot;callback&quot;, &quot;grid (gca)&quot;);

<p><strong>See also:</strong> <a href="Multiple-Plot-Windows.html#XREFfigure">figure</a>.

<a name="XREFuicontextmenu"></a><dl>
<dt><a name="index-uicontextmenu"></a><em><var>hui</var> =</em> <strong>uicontextmenu</strong> <em>(<var>property</var>, <var>value</var>, &hellip;)</em></dt>
<dt><a name="index-uicontextmenu-1"></a><em><var>hui</var> =</em> <strong>uicontextmenu</strong> <em>(<var>h</var>, <var>property</var>, <var>value</var>, &hellip;)</em></dt>
<p>Create a uicontextmenu object and return a handle to it.
<p>If <var>h</var> is omitted then a uicontextmenu for the current figure is
created.  If no figure is available, a new figure is created first.
<p>If <var>h</var> is given then a uicontextmenu relative to <var>h</var> is created.
<p>Any provided property value pairs will override the default values of the
created uicontextmenu object.
<p>Uicontextmenu properties are documented at <a href="Uicontextmenu-Properties.html#Uicontextmenu-Properties">Uicontextmenu Properties</a>.
<div class="example">
<pre class="example">## create figure and uicontextmenu
f = figure ();
c = uicontextmenu (f);

## create menus in the context menu
m1 = uimenu (&quot;parent&quot;, c, &quot;label&quot;, &quot;Menu item 1&quot;, ...
             &quot;callback&quot;, &quot;disp('menu item 1')&quot;);
m2 = uimenu (&quot;parent&quot;, c, &quot;label&quot;, &quot;Menu item 2&quot;, ...
             &quot;callback&quot;, &quot;disp('menu item 2')&quot;);

## set the context menu for the figure
set (f, &quot;uicontextmenu&quot;, c);

<p><strong>See also:</strong> <a href="Multiple-Plot-Windows.html#XREFfigure">figure</a>, <a href="#XREFuimenu">uimenu</a>.

<a name="XREFuitoolbar"></a><dl>
<dt><a name="index-uitoolbar"></a><em></em> <strong>uitoolbar</strong> <em>(<var>property</var>, <var>value</var>, &hellip;)</em></dt>
<dt><a name="index-uitoolbar-1"></a><em></em> <strong>uitoolbar</strong> <em>(<var>parent</var>, <var>property</var>, <var>value</var>, &hellip;)</em></dt>
<dt><a name="index-uitoolbar-2"></a><em><var>hui</var> =</em> <strong>uitoolbar</strong> <em>(&hellip;)</em></dt>
<p>Create a uitoolbar object.  A uitoolbar displays uitoggletool and uipushtool
<p>If <var>parent</var> is omitted then a uitoolbar for the current figure is
created.  If no figure is available, a new figure is created first.
<p>If <var>parent</var> is given then a uitoolbar relative to <var>parent</var> is
<p>Any provided property value pairs will override the default values of the
created uitoolbar object.
<p>Uitoolbar properties are documented at <a href="Uitoolbar-Properties.html#Uitoolbar-Properties">Uitoolbar Properties</a>.
<p>The optional return value <var>hui</var> is a graphics handle to the created
uitoolbar object.
<div class="example">
<pre class="example">% create figure without a default toolbar
f = figure (&quot;toolbar&quot;, &quot;none&quot;);
% create empty toolbar
t = uitoolbar (f);

<p><strong>See also:</strong> <a href="Multiple-Plot-Windows.html#XREFfigure">figure</a>, <a href="#XREFuitoggletool">uitoggletool</a>, <a href="#XREFuipushtool">uipushtool</a>.

<a name="XREFuipushtool"></a><dl>
<dt><a name="index-uipushtool"></a><em></em> <strong>uipushtool</strong> <em>(<var>property</var>, <var>value</var>, &hellip;)</em></dt>
<dt><a name="index-uipushtool-1"></a><em></em> <strong>uipushtool</strong> <em>(<var>parent</var>, <var>property</var>, <var>value</var>, &hellip;)</em></dt>
<dt><a name="index-uipushtool-2"></a><em><var>hui</var> =</em> <strong>uipushtool</strong> <em>(&hellip;)</em></dt>
<p>Create a uipushtool object.
<p>uipushtools are buttons that appear on a figure toolbar.  The button is
created with a border that is shown when the user hovers over the button.
An image can be set using the cdata property.
<p>If <var>parent</var> is omitted then a uipushtool for the current figure is
created.  If no figure is available, a new figure is created first.  If a
figure is available, but does not contain a uitoolbar, a uitoolbar will be
<p>If <var>parent</var> is given then a uipushtool is created on the <var>parent</var>
<p>Any provided property value pairs will override the default values of the
created uipushtool object.
<p>Uipushtool properties are documented at <a href="Uipushtool-Properties.html#Uipushtool-Properties">Uipushtool Properties</a>.
<p>The optional return value <var>hui</var> is a graphics handle to the created
uipushtool object.
<div class="example">
<pre class="example">% create figure without a default toolbar
f = figure (&quot;toolbar&quot;, &quot;none&quot;);
% create empty toolbar
t = uitoolbar (f);
% create a 19x19x3 black square
% add pushtool button to toolbar
b = uipushtool (t, &quot;cdata&quot;, img);

<p><strong>See also:</strong> <a href="Multiple-Plot-Windows.html#XREFfigure">figure</a>, <a href="#XREFuitoolbar">uitoolbar</a>, <a href="#XREFuitoggletool">uitoggletool</a>.

<a name="XREFuitoggletool"></a><dl>
<dt><a name="index-uitoggletool"></a><em></em> <strong>uitoggletool</strong> <em>(<var>property</var>, <var>value</var>, &hellip;)</em></dt>
<dt><a name="index-uitoggletool-1"></a><em></em> <strong>uitoggletool</strong> <em>(<var>parent</var>, <var>property</var>, <var>value</var>, &hellip;)</em></dt>
<dt><a name="index-uitoggletool-2"></a><em><var>hui</var> =</em> <strong>uitoggletool</strong> <em>(&hellip;)</em></dt>
<p>Create a uitoggletool object.
<p>uitoggletool are togglebuttons that appear on a figure toolbar.  The
button is created with a border that is shown when the user hovers over
the button.  An image can be set using the cdata property.
<p>If <var>parent</var> is omitted then a uitoggletool for the current figure is
created.  If no figure is available, a new figure is created first.  If a
figure is available, but does not contain a uitoolbar, a uitoolbar will be
<p>If <var>parent</var> is given then a uitoggletool is created on the
<var>parent</var> uitoolbar.
<p>Any provided property value pairs will override the default values of the
created uitoggletool object.
<p>Uitoggletool properties are documented at <a href="Uitoggletool-Properties.html#Uitoggletool-Properties">Uitoggletool Properties</a>.
<p>The optional return value <var>hui</var> is a graphics handle to the created
uitoggletool object.
<div class="example">
<pre class="example">% create figure without a default toolbar
f = figure (&quot;toolbar&quot;, &quot;none&quot;);
% create empty toolbar
t = uitoolbar (f);
% create a 19x19x3 black square
% add uitoggletool button to toolbar
b = uitoggletool (t, &quot;cdata&quot;, img);

<p><strong>See also:</strong> <a href="Multiple-Plot-Windows.html#XREFfigure">figure</a>, <a href="#XREFuitoolbar">uitoolbar</a>, <a href="#XREFuipushtool">uipushtool</a>.

<div class="header">
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