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      <h1>JAXP Factory Interfaces</h1>
      <p>Saxon implements a number of JAXP interfaces, notably the APIs for transformation, XPath processing,
      and validation.</p>
      <p>For transformation, the root object of the API is the JAXP <code>TransformerFactory</code>. Saxon
         provides three implementations of this interface: <a class="bodylink" href="../../javadoc/net/sf/saxon/TransformerFactoryImpl.html"><code>net.sf.saxon.TransformerFactoryImpl</code></a> for Saxon-HE,
         and <a class="bodylink"
            href="../../javadoc/com/saxonica/config/ProfessionalTransformerFactory.html"><code>com.saxonica.config.ProfessionalTransformerFactory</code></a> and 
         <a class="bodylink"
      for Saxon-PE and Saxon-EE respectively. This interface provides methods <code>getAttribute(name)</code> and <code>setAttribute(name, value)</code>
         which correspond directly to the methods <code>getConfigurationProperty(name)</code> and <code>setConfigurationProperty(name, value)</code>
      on the underlying <a class="bodylink" href="../../javadoc/net/sf/saxon/Configuration.html"><code>Configuration</code></a> object. By casting from the JAXP interface to the Saxon implementation class it is
      also possible to call the <code>getConfiguration</code> method which exposes the <code>Configuration</code> object directly.</p>
      <p>The Saxon-PE and Saxon-EE implementations of the <code>TransformerFactory</code> also allow the configuration property
            <a class="bodylink"
            href="../../javadoc/net/sf/saxon/lib/FeatureKeys.html#CONFIGURATION_FILE"><code>FeatureKeys.CONFIGURATION_FILE</code></a> to be set. 
            The value is a filename containing the name of a configuration
            file, which must have the format described in <a class="bodylink" href="../../configuration/configuration-file.xml">Configuration file</a>. This causes
            any previously-initialized configuration to be discarded, and replaced with a new <code>Configuration</code> object
         built from the settings in the specified configuration file.</p>
      <p>The JAXP <code>XPathFactory</code> interface has a general-purpose configuration mechanism in the form of the two
         methods <code>setFeature()</code> and <code>getFeature()</code>. These can be used to set/get all boolean-valued configuration
         options in the underlying Saxon <code>Configuration</code>, as well as the options defined in the JAXP interface itself. To set
         configuration options that are not boolean-valued, it
      is necessary to navigate to the underlying <code>Configuration</code> object and use its native interfaces. Saxon's implementation
         class for the <code>XPathFactory</code> is <a class="bodylink" href="../../javadoc/net/sf/saxon/xpath/XPathFactoryImpl.html"><code>net.sf.saxon.xpath.XPathFactoryImpl</code></a>, regardless which Saxon edition is in use.</p>
      <div class="boxed"
           style="border: solid thin; background-color: #B1CCC7; padding: 2px">Note that although
      Saxon implements the JAXP XPath API, it is rarely possible to use it in a way that has no dependencies on the Saxon implementation,
      partly because of the requirement for all Saxon tasks to run under the same <code>Configuration</code>. When using the XPath API,
      therefore, the <code>Configuration</code> object is usually exposed to the application.</div>
      <p>Saxon-EE also implements the JAXP <code>SchemaFactory</code> in class <a class="bodylink" href="../../javadoc/com/saxonica/jaxp/SchemaFactoryImpl.html"><code>com.saxonica.jaxp.SchemaFactoryImpl</code></a>. 
      The interface offers methods <code>getProperty(name)</code> and <code>setProperty(name, value)</code> which map to the underlying
      methods in the Saxon <code>Configuration</code>; again, it is also possible to cast to the Saxon implementation class and call
      configuration-setting methods directly.</p>
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