

distrib > Mageia > 7 > i586 > media > core-release-src > by-pkgid > 4108e36827ca8445c2c0caf5a2b3fec6 > files > 3


--- ExtUtils-MakeMaker-7.34/lib/ExtUtils/	2018-03-20 10:36:52.338549918 +0200
+++ ExtUtils-MakeMaker-7.34/lib/ExtUtils/	2018-03-20 10:36:52.340549897 +0200
@@ -252,41 +252,45 @@
 	foreach my $line (@o){
 	    chomp $line;
 	    if ($line =~ /(.*?)=\s*(.*)\s*$/){
 		$cflags{$1} = $2;
 		print "	$1 = $2\n" if $Verbose;
 	    } else {
 		print "Unrecognised result from hint: '$line'\n";
     if ($optdebug) {
 	$cflags{optimize} = $optdebug;
     for (qw(ccflags optimize perltype)) {
         $cflags{$_} ||= '';
 	$cflags{$_} =~ s/^\s+//;
 	$cflags{$_} =~ s/\s+/ /g;
 	$cflags{$_} =~ s/\s+$//;
-	$self->{uc $_} ||= $cflags{$_};
+	if (/ccflags/ && $self->{uc $_}) {
+	        $self->{uc $_} = "$cflags{$_} " . $self->{uc $_};
+        } else {
+	        $self->{uc $_} ||= $cflags{$_};
+        }
     if ($self->{POLLUTE}) {
 	$self->{CCFLAGS} .= ' -DPERL_POLLUTE ';
     for my $x (@ccextraflags) {
       next unless exists $cflags{$x};
       $self->{CCFLAGS} .= $cflags{$x} =~ m!^\s! ? $cflags{$x} : ' ' . $cflags{$x};
     my $pollute = '';
     if ($Config{usemymalloc} and not $Config{bincompat5005}
 	and not $Config{ccflags} =~ /-DPERL_POLLUTE_MALLOC\b/
 	and $self->{PERL_MALLOC_OK}) {
 	$pollute = '$(PERL_MALLOC_DEF)';
     return $self->{CFLAGS} = qq{
--- ExtUtils-MakeMaker-7.34/t/MM_Unix.t.App	2018-01-16 12:25:57.000000000 +0200
+++ ExtUtils-MakeMaker-7.34/t/MM_Unix.t	2018-03-20 10:38:58.425231808 +0200
@@ -1,42 +1,43 @@
 #!/usr/bin/perl -w
     unshift @INC, 't/lib';
 chdir 't';
     use Test::More;
     if( $^O =~ /^VMS|os2|MacOS|MSWin32|cygwin|beos|netware$/i ) {
         plan skip_all => 'Non-Unix platform';
     else {
-        plan tests => 113;
+        plan tests => 115;
 BEGIN { use_ok( 'ExtUtils::MM_Unix' ); }
 use strict;
 use File::Spec;
+use Config;
 my $class = 'ExtUtils::MM_Unix';
 # only one of the following can be true
 # test should be removed if MM_Unix ever stops handling other OS than Unix
 my $os =  ($ExtUtils::MM_Unix::Is{OS2}   || 0)
         + ($ExtUtils::MM_Unix::Is{Win32} || 0)
         + ($ExtUtils::MM_Unix::Is{Dos}   || 0)
         + ($ExtUtils::MM_Unix::Is{VMS}   || 0);
 cmp_ok ( $os, '<=', 1,  'There can be only one (or none)');
 is($ExtUtils::MM_Unix::VERSION, $ExtUtils::MakeMaker::VERSION, 'MM_Unix has a $VERSION');
 # when the following calls like canonpath, catdir etc are replaced by
 # File::Spec calls, the test's become a bit pointless
 foreach ( qw( xx/ ./xx/ xx/././xx xx///xx) ) {
     is ($class->canonpath($_), File::Spec->canonpath($_), "canonpath $_");
@@ -206,29 +207,32 @@
     ok( exists $t->{$_}, "$_ was defined" );
     is( $t->{$_}, '', "$_ is empty on Unix");
     $t->{CCFLAGS} = '-DMY_THING';
     $t->{LIBPERL_A} = 'libperl.a';
     $t->{LIB_EXT}   = '.a';
     local $t->{NEEDS_LINKING} = 1;
     # Brief bug where CCFLAGS was being blown away
     like( $t->{CCFLAGS}, qr/\-DMY_THING/,    'cflags retains CCFLAGS' );
+    like( $t->{CCFLAGS}, "/\Q$Config{ccflags}\E/",    'cflags does not override $Config{ccflags} with CCFLAGS' );
+    like( $t->{CCFLAGS}, '/ -DMY_THING$/',    'cflags appends CCFLAGS to $Config{ccflags}' );
     my @targv = ("var=don't forget about spaces and single quotes");
     local @ARGV = @targv;
     my $t = bless { NAME => "Foo", FULLPERL => $0, DIR => [] }, $class;
     $t->makeaperl( TARGET => "Tgt" );
     is_deeply( \@ARGV, \@targv, 'ARGV is not polluted by makeaperl' );