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<h1>Unicode Syntax</h1>
<p>Elixir supports Unicode throughout the language.</p>
<p>Quoted identifiers, such as strings (<code class="inline">&quot;olá&quot;</code>) and charlists (<code class="inline">&#39;olá&#39;</code>), support Unicode since Elixir v1.0. Strings are UTF-8 encoded. Charlists are lists of Unicode codepoints. In such cases, the contents are kept as written by developers, without any transformation.</p>
<p>Elixir also supports Unicode in identifiers since Elixir v1.5, as defined in the <a href="">Unicode Annex #31</a>. The focus of this document is to describe how Elixir implements the requirements outlined in the Unicode Annex. These requirements are referred to as R1, R6 and so on.</p>
<p>To check the Unicode version of your current Elixir installation, run <code class="inline">String.Unicode.version()</code>.</p>
<h2 id="r1-default-identifiers" class="section-heading">
  <a href="#r1-default-identifiers" class="hover-link"><span class="icon-link" aria-hidden="true"></span></a>
  R1. Default Identifiers

<p>The general Elixir identifier rule is specified as:</p>
<pre><code class="nohighlight makeup elixir"><span class="o">&lt;</span><span class="nc">Identifier</span><span class="o">&gt;</span><span class="w"> </span><span class="ss">:=</span><span class="w"> </span><span class="o">&lt;</span><span class="nc">Start</span><span class="o">&gt;</span><span class="w"> </span><span class="o">&lt;</span><span class="nc">Continue</span><span class="o">&gt;</span><span class="o">*</span><span class="w"> </span><span class="o">&lt;</span><span class="nc">Ending</span><span class="o">&gt;</span><span class="err">?</span></code></pre>
<p>where <code class="inline">&lt;Start&gt;</code> uses the same categories as the spec but restricts them to the NFC form (see R6):</p>
<blockquote><p>characters derived from the Unicode General Category of uppercase letters, lowercase letters, titlecase letters, modifier letters, other letters, letter numbers, plus <code class="inline">Other_ID_Start</code>, minus <code class="inline">Pattern_Syntax</code> and <code class="inline">Pattern_White_Space</code> code points</p>
<p>In set notation: <code class="inline">[\p{L}\p{Nl}\p{Other_ID_Start}-\p{Pattern_Syntax}-\p{Pattern_White_Space}]</code></p>
<p>and <code class="inline">&lt;Continue&gt;</code> uses the same categories as the spec but restricts them to the NFC form (see R6):</p>
<blockquote><p>ID_Start characters, plus characters having the Unicode General Category of nonspacing marks, spacing combining marks, decimal number, connector punctuation, plus <code class="inline">Other_ID_Continue</code>, minus <code class="inline">Pattern_Syntax</code> and <code class="inline">Pattern_White_Space</code> code points.</p>
<p>In set notation: <code class="inline">[\p{ID_Start}\p{Mn}\p{Mc}\p{Nd}\p{Pc}\p{Other_ID_Continue}-\p{Pattern_Syntax}-\p{Pattern_White_Space}]</code></p>
<p><code class="inline">&lt;Ending&gt;</code> is an addition specific to Elixir that includes only the codepoints <code class="inline">?</code> (003F) and <code class="inline">!</code> (0021).</p>
<p>The spec also provides a <code class="inline">&lt;Medial&gt;</code> set but Elixir does not include any character on this set. Therefore the identifier rule has been simplified to consider this.</p>
<p>Elixir does not allow the use of ZWJ or ZWNJ in identifiers and therefore does not implement R1a. R1b is guaranteed for backwards compatibility purposes.</p>
<h3 id="atoms" class="section-heading">
  <a href="#atoms" class="hover-link"><span class="icon-link" aria-hidden="true"></span></a>

<p>Atoms in Elixir follow the identifier rule above with the following modifications:</p>
<li><code class="inline">&lt;Start&gt;</code> includes the codepoint <code class="inline">_</code> (005F)
<li><code class="inline">&lt;Continue&gt;</code> includes the codepoint <code class="inline">@</code> (0040)
<h3 id="variables" class="section-heading">
  <a href="#variables" class="hover-link"><span class="icon-link" aria-hidden="true"></span></a>

<p>Variables in Elixir follow the identifier rule above with the following modifications:</p>
<li><code class="inline">&lt;Start&gt;</code> includes the codepoint <code class="inline">_</code> (005F)
<li><code class="inline">&lt;Start&gt;</code> must not include Lu (letter uppercase) and Lt (letter titlecase) characters
<h2 id="r3-pattern_white_space-and-pattern_syntax-characters" class="section-heading">
  <a href="#r3-pattern_white_space-and-pattern_syntax-characters" class="hover-link"><span class="icon-link" aria-hidden="true"></span></a>
  R3. Pattern_White_Space and Pattern_Syntax Characters

<p>Elixir supports only codepoints <code class="inline">\t</code> (0009), <code class="inline">\n</code> (000A), <code class="inline">\r</code> (000D) and <code class="inline">\s</code> (0020) as whitespace and therefore does not follow requirement R3. R3 requires a wider variety of whitespace and syntax characters to be supported.</p>
<h2 id="r6-filtered-normalized-identifiers" class="section-heading">
  <a href="#r6-filtered-normalized-identifiers" class="hover-link"><span class="icon-link" aria-hidden="true"></span></a>
  R6. Filtered Normalized Identifiers

<p>Identifiers in Elixir are case sensitive.</p>
<p>Elixir requires all atoms and variables to be in NFC form. Any other form will fail with a relevant error message. Quoted-atoms and strings can, however, be in any form and are not verified by the parser.</p>
<p>In other words, the atom <code class="inline">:josé</code> can only be written with the codepoints <code class="inline">006A 006F 0073 00E9</code>. Using another normalization form will lead to a tokenizer error. On the other hand, <code class="inline">:&quot;josé&quot;</code> may be written as <code class="inline">006A 006F 0073 00E9</code> or <code class="inline">006A 006F 0073 0065 0301</code>, since it is written between quotes.</p>
<p>Choosing requirement R6 automatically excludes requirements R4, R5 and R7.</p>
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