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  <div class="section" id="gmt-shell-functions-sh">
<span id="index-0"></span><h1><a class="headerlink" href="#gmt-shell-functions-sh" title="Permalink to this headline">¶</a></h1>
<p> - Practical functions to be used in GMT Bourne Again shell scripts</p>
<div class="section" id="synopsis">
<h2>Synopsis<a class="headerlink" href="#synopsis" title="Permalink to this headline">¶</a></h2>
<p><strong>gmt_clean_up</strong> [<em>prefix</em>]</p>
<p><strong>gmt_message</strong> <em>message</em></p>
<p><strong>gmt_abort</strong> <em>message</em></p>
<p><strong>gmt_build_movie</strong> [<strong>-d</strong> <em>directory</em>] [<strong>-n</strong>] [<strong>-r</strong> <em>framerate</em>] [<strong>-v</strong>] <em>namestem</em></p>
<p><strong>gmt_build_gif</strong> [<strong>-d</strong> <em>directory</em>] [<strong>-l</strong> <em>loop</em>] [<strong>-r</strong> <em>delay</em>] <em>namestem</em></p>
<p><strong>gmt_build_kmz</strong> <strong>-p</strong> <em>prefix</em> [ <strong>-r</strong> ] <em>files</em></p>
<p><strong>gmt_get_nrecords</strong> <em>file(s)</em></p>
<p><strong>gmt_get_ndatarecords</strong> <em>file(s)</em></p>
<p><strong>gmt_get_nfields</strong> <em>string</em></p>
<p><strong>gmt_get_field</strong> <em>string</em></p>
<p><strong>gmt_get_region</strong> <em>file(s)</em> [<em>options</em>]</p>
<p><strong>gmt_get_gridregion</strong> <em>file</em> [<em>options</em>]</p>
<p><strong>gmt_get_map_width</strong> <strong>-R</strong> <strong>-J</strong></p>
<p><strong>gmt_get_map_height</strong> <strong>-R</strong> <strong>-J</strong></p>
<dl class="docutils">
<dt><strong>gmt_movie_script</strong> [<strong>-c</strong> <em>canvas</em> OR <strong>-e</strong> <em>dpi</em> <strong>-h</strong> <em>height</em> <strong>-w</strong> <em>width</em>] [<strong>-f</strong> <em>format</em>]</dt>
<dd>[<strong>-g</strong> <em>fill</em>] [<strong>-n</strong> <em>frames</em>] [<strong>-m</strong> <em>margin</em>] [<strong>-r</strong> <em>rate</em>] <em>namestem</em></dd>
<p><strong>gmt_launch_jobs</strong> [<strong>-c</strong> <em>n_cores</em>] [<strong>-l</strong> <em>nlines_per_cluster</em>] [<strong>-n</strong>] [<strong>-v</strong>] [<strong>-w</strong>] <em>commandfile</em></p>
<p><strong>gmt_set_psfile</strong> <em>scriptfile</em></p>
<p><strong>gmt_set_pdffile</strong> <em>scriptfile</em></p>
<p><strong>gmt_set_framename</strong> <em>prefix framenumber</em></p>
<p><strong>gmt_set_framenext</strong> <em>framenumber</em></p>
<div class="section" id="description">
<h2>Description<a class="headerlink" href="#description" title="Permalink to this headline">¶</a></h2>
<p><strong></strong> provides a set of functions to Bourne
(again) shell scripts in support of GMT. The calling shell script
should include the following line, before the functions can be used:</p>
<p>Once included in a shell script, <strong></strong> allows
GMT users to do some scripting more easily than otherwise. The
functions made available are:</p>
<dl class="docutils">
<dd>Creates a temporary directory in <strong>/tmp</strong> or (when defined) in the
directory specified by the environment variable <strong>TMPDIR</strong>. The name
of the temporary directory is returned as environment variable
<strong>GMT_TMPDIR</strong>. This function also causes GMT to run in
'isolation mode', i.e., all temporary files will be created in
<strong>GMT_TMPDIR</strong> and the <a class="reference internal" href="gmt.conf.html"><span class="doc">gmt.conf</span></a> file will not be adjusted.</dd>
<dd>Removes the temporary directory and unsets the <strong>GMT_TMPDIR</strong>
environment variable.</dd>
<dd>Remove all files and directories in which the current process number
is part of the file name. If the optional <em>prefix</em> is given then we
also delete all files and directories that begins with the given prefix.</dd>
<dd>Send a message to standard error.</dd>
<dd>Send a message to standard error and exit the shell.</dd>
<dd>Returns the total number of lines in <em>file(s)</em></dd>
<dd>Returns the total number of data records in <em>file(s)</em>, i.e., not counting headers.</dd>
<dd>Returns the number of fields or words in <em>string</em></dd>
<dd>Returns the given <em>field</em> in a <em>string</em>. Must pass <em>string</em> between
double quotes to preserve it as one item.</dd>
<dd>Returns the region in the form w/e/s/n based on the data in table
<em>file(s)</em>. Optionally add <strong>-I</strong><em>dx</em>/<em>dy</em> to round off the answer.</dd>
<dd>Returns the region in the form w/e/s/n based on the header of a grid
<em>file</em>. Optionally add <strong>-I</strong><em>dx</em>/<em>dy</em> to round off the answer.</dd>
<dd>Expects the user to give the desired <strong>-R</strong> <strong>-J</strong> settings and
returns the map width in the current measurement unit.</dd>
<dd>Expects the user to give the desired <strong>-R</strong> <strong>-J</strong> settings and
returns the map height in the current measurement unit.</dd>
<dd>Creates an animation bash script template based on the arguments
that set size, number of frames, video format etc.
Without arguments the function will display its usage.</dd>
<dd>Takes a file with a long list of commands and splits them into
many chunks that can be executed concurrently. Without arguments
the function will display its usage.  Note: It is your responsibility
to make sure no race conditions occur (i.e., multiple commands
writing to the same file).</dd>
<dd>Create the output PostScript file name based on the base name of a
given file (usually the script name <strong>$0</strong>).</dd>
<dd>Returns a lexically ordered filename stem (i.e., no extension) given
the file prefix and the current frame number, using a width of 6 for
the integer including leading zeros. Useful when creating animations
and lexically sorted filenames are required.</dd>
<dd>Accepts the current frame integer counter and returns the next
integer counter.</dd>
<dd>Accepts a <em>namestem</em> which gives the prefix of a series of image files
with names <em>dir</em>/<em>namestem</em>_*.*.  Optional argument sets the
directory [same as <em>namestem</em>], and frame rate [24].
Without arguments the function will display its usage.</dd>
<dd>Accepts a <em>namestem</em> which gives the prefix of a series of image files
with names <em>dir</em>/<em>namestem</em>_*.*.  Optional argument sets the
directory [same as <em>namestem</em>], loop count and frame rate [24].
Without arguments the function will display its usage.</dd>
<dd>Accepts <strong>-p</strong> <em>prefix</em> [ <strong>-r</strong> ] and any number of KML files and
and the images they may refer to, and builds a single KMZ file with
the name <em>prefix</em>.kmz.
Without arguments the function will display its usage.</dd>
<div class="section" id="notes">
<h2>Notes<a class="headerlink" href="#notes" title="Permalink to this headline">¶</a></h2>
<p>1. These functions only work in the Bourne shell (<strong>sh</strong>) and their
derivatives (like <strong>ash</strong>, <strong>bash</strong>, <strong>ksh</strong> and <strong>zsh</strong>). These
functions do not work in the C shell (<strong>csh</strong>) or their derivatives
(like <strong>tcsh</strong>), and cannot be used in DOS batch scripts either.</p>
<p>2. <strong></strong> were first introduced in GMT version
4.2.2 and have since been regularly expanded with other practical
scripting short-cuts. If you want to suggest other functions, please do
so by adding a New Issue request on</p>
<div class="section" id="see-also">
<h2>See Also<a class="headerlink" href="#see-also" title="Permalink to this headline">¶</a></h2>
<p><a class="reference internal" href="gmt.html"><span class="doc">gmt</span></a> , <a class="reference internal" href="gmt.conf.html"><span class="doc">gmt.conf</span></a> ,
<a class="reference internal" href="gmtinfo.html"><span class="doc">gmtinfo</span></a> , <a class="reference internal" href="grdinfo.html"><span class="doc">grdinfo</span></a></p>

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