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<a name="Variables-1"></a>
<h2 class="chapter">7 Variables</h2>
<a name="index-variables_002c-user_002ddefined"></a>
<a name="index-user_002ddefined-variables"></a>

<p>Variables let you give names to values and refer to them later.  You have
already seen variables in many of the examples.  The name of a variable
must be a sequence of letters, digits and underscores, but it may not begin
with a digit.  Octave does not enforce a limit on the length of variable
names, but it is seldom useful to have variables with names longer than
about 30 characters.  The following are all valid variable names
<div class="example">
<pre class="example">x

<p>However, names like <code>__foo_bar_baz__</code> that begin and end with two
underscores are understood to be reserved for internal use by Octave.
You should not use them in code you write, except to access Octave&rsquo;s
documented internal variables and built-in symbolic constants.
<p>Case is significant in variable names.  The symbols <code>a</code> and
<code>A</code> are distinct variables.
<p>A variable name is a valid expression by itself.  It represents the
variable&rsquo;s current value.  Variables are given new values with
<em>assignment operators</em> and <em>increment operators</em>.
See <a href="Assignment-Ops.html#Assignment-Ops">Assignment Expressions</a>.
<p>There is one built-in variable with a special meaning.  The <code>ans</code> variable
always contains the result of the last computation, where the output wasn&rsquo;t
assigned to any variable.  The code <code>a = cos (pi)</code> will assign the value
-1 to the variable <code>a</code>, but will not change the value of <code>ans</code>.
However, the code <code>cos (pi)</code> will set the value of <code>ans</code> to -1.
<p>Variables in Octave do not have fixed types, so it is possible to first
store a numeric value in a variable and then to later use the same name
to hold a string value in the same program.  Variables may not be used
before they have been given a value.  Doing so results in an error.
<a name="index-ans"></a>
<a name="XREFans"></a><dl>
<dt><a name="index-ans-1"></a>Automatic Variable: <strong>ans</strong></dt>
<dd><p>The most recently computed result that was not explicitly assigned to a
<p>For example, after the expression
<div class="example">
<pre class="example">3^2 + 4^2

<p>is evaluated, the value returned by <code>ans</code> is 25.

<a name="XREFisvarname"></a><dl>
<dt><a name="index-isvarname"></a><em></em> <strong>isvarname</strong> <em>(<var>name</var>)</em></dt>
<dd><p>Return true if <var>name</var> is a valid variable name.
<p>A valid variable name is composed of letters, digits, and underscores (&quot;_&quot;),
and the first character must not be a digit.
<p><strong>See also:</strong> <a href="Keywords.html#XREFiskeyword">iskeyword</a>, <a href="Status-of-Variables.html#XREFexist">exist</a>, <a href="Status-of-Variables.html#XREFwho">who</a>.

<a name="XREFmatlab_005flang_005fmakeValidName"></a><dl>
<dt><a name="index-matlab_002elang_002emakeValidName"></a><em><var>varname</var> =</em> <strong>matlab.lang.makeValidName</strong> <em>(<var>str</var>)</em></dt>
<dt><a name="index-matlab_002elang_002emakeValidName-1"></a><em><var>varname</var> =</em> <strong>matlab.lang.makeValidName</strong> <em>(&hellip;, <code>&quot;ReplacementStyle&quot;</code>, <var>rs</var>)</em></dt>
<dt><a name="index-matlab_002elang_002emakeValidName-2"></a><em><var>varname</var> =</em> <strong>matlab.lang.makeValidName</strong> <em>(&hellip;, <code>&quot;Prefix&quot;</code>, <var>pfx</var>)</em></dt>
<dt><a name="index-matlab_002elang_002emakeValidName-3"></a><em>[<var>varname</var>, <var>ismodified</var>] =</em> <strong>matlab.lang.makeValidName</strong> <em>(&hellip;)</em></dt>
<p>Create valid variable name <var>varname</var> from <var>str</var>.
<p>The input <var>str</var> must be a string or a cell array of strings.
The output <var>varname</var> will be of the same type.
<p>A valid variable name is a sequence of letters, digits, and underscores that
does not begin with a digit.
<p>The <code>&quot;ReplacementStyle&quot;</code> option specifies how invalid characters
are handled.  Acceptable values are
<dl compact="compact">
<dt><code>&quot;underscore&quot;</code> (default)</dt>
<dd><p>Replace all invalid characters with an underscore (<code>&quot;_&quot;</code>).
<dd><p>Remove any invalid character.
<dd><p>Replace all invalid characters with their hexadecimal representation.

<p>Whitespace characters are always removed <strong>prior</strong> to the application
of the <code>&quot;ReplacementStyle&quot;</code>.  Lowercase letters following a whitespace
will be changed to uppercase.
<p>The <code>&quot;Prefix&quot;</code> option specifies the string <var>pfx</var> to add as a
prefix to the input if it begins with a digit.  <var>pfx</var> must be a valid
variable name itself.  The default prefix is <code>&quot;x&quot;</code>.
<p>The optional output <var>ismodified</var> is a logical array indicating whether
the respective element in <var>str</var> was a valid name or not.

<p><strong>See also:</strong> <a href="Keywords.html#XREFiskeyword">iskeyword</a>, <a href="#XREFisvarname">isvarname</a>, <a href="#XREFmatlab_005flang_005fmakeUniqueStrings">matlab.lang.makeUniqueStrings</a>.

<a name="XREFmatlab_005flang_005fmakeUniqueStrings"></a><dl>
<dt><a name="index-matlab_002elang_002emakeUniqueStrings"></a><em><var>uniqstr</var> =</em> <strong>matlab.lang.makeUniqueStrings</strong> <em>(<var>str</var>)</em></dt>
<dt><a name="index-matlab_002elang_002emakeUniqueStrings-1"></a><em><var>uniqstr</var> =</em> <strong>matlab.lang.makeUniqueStrings</strong> <em>(<var>str</var>, <var>ex</var>)</em></dt>
<dt><a name="index-matlab_002elang_002emakeUniqueStrings-2"></a><em><var>uniqstr</var> =</em> <strong>matlab.lang.makeUniqueStrings</strong> <em>(<var>str</var>, <var>ex</var>, <var>maxlength</var>)</em></dt>
<dt><a name="index-matlab_002elang_002emakeUniqueStrings-3"></a><em>[<var>uniqstr</var>, <var>ismodified</var>] =</em> <strong>matlab.lang.makeUniqueStrings</strong> <em>(&hellip;)</em></dt>
<p>Construct a list of unique strings from a list of strings.
<p>The input <var>str</var> must be a string or a cell array of strings.
The output <var>uniqstr</var> will be of the same type.
<p>The algorithm makes two strings unique by appending an underscore
(<code>&quot;_&quot;</code> and a numeric count to the second string.
<p>If <var>ex</var> is a string or a cell array of strings, <var>uniqstr</var> will
contain elements that are unique between themselves and with respect to
<p>If <var>ex</var> is an index array or a logical array for <var>str</var> then it
selects the subset of <var>str</var> that are made unique.  Unselected elements
are not modified.
<p>The optional input <var>maxlength</var> specifies the maximum length of any
string in <var>uniqstr</var>.  If an input string cannot be made unique without
exceeding <var>maxlength</var> an error is emitted.
<p>The optional output <var>ismodified</var> is a logical array indicating whether
each element in <var>str</var> was modified to make it unique.

<p><strong>See also:</strong> <a href="Sets.html#XREFunique">unique</a>, <a href="#XREFmatlab_005flang_005fmakeValidName">matlab.lang.makeValidName</a>.

<a name="XREFnamelengthmax"></a><dl>
<dt><a name="index-namelengthmax"></a><em></em> <strong>namelengthmax</strong> <em>()</em></dt>
<dd><p>Return the <small>MATLAB</small> compatible maximum variable name length.
<p>Octave is capable of storing strings up to <em>2^{31} - 1</em> in length.
However for <small>MATLAB</small> compatibility all variable, function, and structure
field names should be shorter than the length returned by
<code>namelengthmax</code>.  In particular, variables stored to a <small>MATLAB</small> file
format (<samp>*.mat</samp>) will have their names truncated to this length.

<table class="menu" border="0" cellspacing="0">
<tr><td align="left" valign="top">&bull; <a href="Global-Variables.html#Global-Variables" accesskey="1">Global Variables</a>:</td><td>&nbsp;&nbsp;</td><td align="left" valign="top">
<tr><td align="left" valign="top">&bull; <a href="Persistent-Variables.html#Persistent-Variables" accesskey="2">Persistent Variables</a>:</td><td>&nbsp;&nbsp;</td><td align="left" valign="top">
<tr><td align="left" valign="top">&bull; <a href="Status-of-Variables.html#Status-of-Variables" accesskey="3">Status of Variables</a>:</td><td>&nbsp;&nbsp;</td><td align="left" valign="top">

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