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  <title>Print out a PHP class definition for a dispatchable interface</title>

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  <h1 class="refname">com_print_typeinfo</h1>
  <p class="verinfo">(PHP 4 &gt;= 4.2.0, PHP 5, PHP 7)</p><p class="refpurpose"><span class="refname">com_print_typeinfo</span> &mdash; <span class="dc-title">Print out a PHP class definition for a dispatchable interface</span></p>

 <div class="refsect1 description" id="">
  <h3 class="title">Description</h3>
  <div class="methodsynopsis dc-description">
   <span class="type">bool</span> <span class="methodname"><strong>com_print_typeinfo</strong></span>
    ( <span class="methodparam"><span class="type">object</span> <code class="parameter">$comobject</code></span>
   [, <span class="methodparam"><span class="type">string</span> <code class="parameter">$dispinterface</code></span>
   [, <span class="methodparam"><span class="type">bool</span> <code class="parameter">$wantsink</code><span class="initializer"> = <strong><code>FALSE</code></strong></span></span>
  ]] )</div>

  <p class="para rdfs-comment">
   The purpose of this function is to help generate a skeleton class for use
   as an event sink.  You may also use it to generate a dump of any COM
   object, provided that it supports enough of the introspection interfaces,
   and that you know the name of the interface you want to display.

 <div class="refsect1 parameters" id="">
  <h3 class="title">Parameters</h3>
  <p class="para">

<code class="parameter">comobject</code></dt>


      <p class="para">
       <code class="parameter">comobject</code> should be either an instance of a COM
       object, or be the name of a typelibrary (which will be resolved according
       to the rules set out in <span class="function"><a href="" class="function">com_load_typelib()</a></span>).

<code class="parameter">dispinterface</code></dt>


      <p class="para">
       The name of an <em>IDispatch</em> descendant interface that you want to display.

<code class="parameter">wantsink</code></dt>


      <p class="para">
       If set to <strong><code>TRUE</code></strong>, the corresponding sink interface will be displayed



 <div class="refsect1 returnvalues" id="">
  <h3 class="title">Return Values</h3>
  <p class="para">
   Returns <strong><code>TRUE</code></strong> on success or <strong><code>FALSE</code></strong> on failure.

 <div class="refsect1 seealso" id="">
  <h3 class="title">See Also</h3>
  <p class="para">
   <ul class="simplelist">
    <li class="member"><span class="function"><a href="" class="function" rel="rdfs-seeAlso">com_event_sink()</a> - Connect events from a COM object to a PHP object</span></li>
    <li class="member"><span class="function"><a href="" class="function" rel="rdfs-seeAlso">com_load_typelib()</a> - Loads a Typelib</span></li>

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