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  <title>Returns information about all connection pools</title>

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</div><hr /><div id="mongo.pooldebug" class="refentry">
 <div class="refnamediv">
  <h1 class="refname">Mongo::poolDebug</h1>
  <p class="verinfo">(PECL mongo &gt;=1.2.0)</p><p class="refpurpose"><span class="refname">Mongo::poolDebug</span> &mdash; <span class="dc-title">Returns information about all connection pools</span></p>


 <div class="refsect1 description" id="refsect1-mongo.pooldebug-description">
  <h3 class="title">Description</h3>
  <div class="methodsynopsis dc-description">
   <span class="modifier">public</span> <span class="type">array</span> <span class="methodname"><strong>Mongo::poolDebug</strong></span>
    ( <span class="methodparam">void</span>

  <div class="warning"><strong class="warning">Warning</strong>
   <p class="simpara">This feature has been <em class="emphasis">DEPRECATED</em> as of version
    1.2.3. Relying on this feature is highly discouraged.  Please use
    <span class="function"><a href="" class="function">MongoPool::info()</a></span> instead.

  <p class="para">
   Returns an array of information about all connection pools.

 <div class="refsect1 parameters" id="refsect1-mongo.pooldebug-parameters">
  <h3 class="title">Parameters</h3>
  <p class="para">This function has no parameters.</p>

 <div class="refsect1 returnvalues" id="refsect1-mongo.pooldebug-returnvalues">
  <h3 class="title">Return Values</h3>
  <p class="para">
   Each connection pool has an identifier, which starts with the host. For each
   pool, this function shows the following fields:


      <code class="parameter">in use</code>


      <p class="para">
       The number of connections currently being used by
       <a href="class.mongoclient.html" class="classname">MongoClient</a> instances.


      <code class="parameter">in pool</code>


      <p class="para">
       The number of connections currently in the pool (not being used).


      <code class="parameter">remaining</code>


      <p class="para">
       The number of connections that could be created by this pool. For
       example, suppose a pool had 5 connections remaining and 3 connections in
       the pool.  We could create 8 new instances of
       <a href="class.mongoclient.html" class="classname">MongoClient</a> before we exhausted this pool
       (assuming no instances of <a href="class.mongoclient.html" class="classname">MongoClient</a> went out of
       scope, returning their connections to the pool).
      <p class="para">
       A negative number means that this pool will spawn unlimited connections.
      <p class="para">
       Before a pool is created, you can change the max number of connections by
       calling <span class="function"><a href="mongo.setpoolsize.html" class="function">Mongo::setPoolSize()</a></span>. Once a pool is showing
       up in the output of this function, its size cannot be changed.


      <code class="parameter">timeout</code>


      <p class="para">
       The socket timeout for connections in this pool. This is how long
       connections in this pool will attempt to connect to a server before
       giving up.



 <div class="refsect1 changelog" id="refsect1-mongo.pooldebug-changelog">
  <h3 class="title">Changelog</h3>
  <p class="para">
   <table class="doctable informaltable">


     <tbody class="tbody">
       <td>Emits <strong><code>E_DEPRECATED</code></strong> when used.</td>



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