

distrib > Mageia > 7 > x86_64 > by-pkgid > 504d3c36c3592d4a7657759f93b8294b > files > 38


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<article id="screenlocker" lang="&language;">
<title>Screen Locking</title>
<author>&Mike.McBride; &Mike.McBride.mail;</author>
<!--FIXME code in workspace/kscreenlocker - docbook in workspace/plasma-desktop -->
<releaseinfo>Plasma 5.8</releaseinfo>

<keyword>screen locker</keyword>
<!-- does this effect screenlock in kf5?-->
<para>Using this module, you can determine
how much time must pass before the screen locker is activated, and add
or remove password protection to your screen locker.</para>

<para>At the top is a check box to have the screen locker <guilabel>Lock screen automatically after</guilabel>, 
and a spin box which determines the period of inactivity before the screen locker should be started. 
You can enter any positive number of minutes in this box.</para>

<para>Below that is a spinbox labeled <guilabel>Require password 
after locking</guilabel>.  When you press a key
or click a mouse button to end the screen locker after the time in the spinbox and return to your
work, you must enter a password.  The password used is the same
password you used to login to your machine. <!--FIXME --></para>

<para>Locking the screen manually causes the password protection to engage immediately.</para>

<para>The default shortcut <keycombo action="simul">&Ctrl;&Alt;<keycap>L</keycap></keycombo> provides a quick 
way to lock the screen manually.</para>

<para>Check <guilabel>Lock screen on resume</guilabel> if you want a password protected system
when waking up from suspension.</para>

<para>If you would like to change the background in locked status switch to the <guilabel>Wallpaper</guilabel> tab.</para>

<para>You can select a <guilabel>Plain Color</guilabel> as wallpaper type.</para>

<para>Alternatively use a single image or a slideshow with images from a folder
or load new wallpapers from the Internet.</para>
