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<a name="One_002ddimensional-Interpolation-1"></a>
<h3 class="section">29.1 One-dimensional Interpolation</h3>

<p>Octave supports several methods for one-dimensional interpolation, most
of which are described in this section.  <a href="Polynomial-Interpolation.html#Polynomial-Interpolation">Polynomial Interpolation</a>
and <a href="Interpolation-on-Scattered-Data.html#Interpolation-on-Scattered-Data">Interpolation on Scattered Data</a> describe additional methods.
<a name="XREFinterp1"></a><dl>
<dt><a name="index-interp1"></a><em><var>yi</var> =</em> <strong>interp1</strong> <em>(<var>x</var>, <var>y</var>, <var>xi</var>)</em></dt>
<dt><a name="index-interp1-1"></a><em><var>yi</var> =</em> <strong>interp1</strong> <em>(<var>y</var>, <var>xi</var>)</em></dt>
<dt><a name="index-interp1-2"></a><em><var>yi</var> =</em> <strong>interp1</strong> <em>(&hellip;, <var>method</var>)</em></dt>
<dt><a name="index-interp1-3"></a><em><var>yi</var> =</em> <strong>interp1</strong> <em>(&hellip;, <var>extrap</var>)</em></dt>
<dt><a name="index-interp1-4"></a><em><var>yi</var> =</em> <strong>interp1</strong> <em>(&hellip;, &quot;left&quot;)</em></dt>
<dt><a name="index-interp1-5"></a><em><var>yi</var> =</em> <strong>interp1</strong> <em>(&hellip;, &quot;right&quot;)</em></dt>
<dt><a name="index-interp1-6"></a><em><var>pp</var> =</em> <strong>interp1</strong> <em>(&hellip;, &quot;pp&quot;)</em></dt>
<p>One-dimensional interpolation.
<p>Interpolate input data to determine the value of <var>yi</var> at the points
<var>xi</var>.  If not specified, <var>x</var> is taken to be the indices of <var>y</var>
(<code>1:length (<var>y</var>)</code>).  If <var>y</var> is a matrix or an N-dimensional
array, the interpolation is performed on each column of <var>y</var>.
<p>The interpolation <var>method</var> is one of:
<dl compact="compact">
<dd><p>Return the nearest neighbor.
<dd><p>Return the previous neighbor.
<dd><p>Return the next neighbor.
<dt><code>&quot;linear&quot;</code> (default)</dt>
<dd><p>Linear interpolation from nearest neighbors.
<dd><p>Piecewise cubic Hermite interpolating polynomial&mdash;shape-preserving
interpolation with smooth first derivative.
<dd><p>Cubic interpolation (same as <code>&quot;pchip&quot;</code>).
<dd><p>Cubic spline interpolation&mdash;smooth first and second derivatives
throughout the curve.

<p>Adding &rsquo;*&rsquo; to the start of any method above forces <code>interp1</code>
to assume that <var>x</var> is uniformly spaced, and only <code><var>x</var>(1)</code>
and <code><var>x</var>(2)</code> are referenced.  This is usually faster,
and is never slower.  The default method is <code>&quot;linear&quot;</code>.
<p>If <var>extrap</var> is the string <code>&quot;extrap&quot;</code>, then extrapolate values
beyond the endpoints using the current <var>method</var>.  If <var>extrap</var> is a
number, then replace values beyond the endpoints with that number.  When
unspecified, <var>extrap</var> defaults to <code>NA</code>.
<p>If the string argument <code>&quot;pp&quot;</code> is specified, then <var>xi</var> should not
be supplied and <code>interp1</code> returns a piecewise polynomial object.  This
object can later be used with <code>ppval</code> to evaluate the interpolation.
There is an equivalence, such that <code>ppval (interp1 (<var>x</var>,
<var>y</var>, <var>method</var>, <code>&quot;pp&quot;</code>), <var>xi</var>) == interp1 (<var>x</var>,
<var>y</var>, <var>xi</var>, <var>method</var>, <code>&quot;extrap&quot;</code>)</code>.
<p>Duplicate points in <var>x</var> specify a discontinuous interpolant.  There
may be at most 2 consecutive points with the same value.
If <var>x</var> is increasing, the default discontinuous interpolant is
right-continuous.  If <var>x</var> is decreasing, the default discontinuous
interpolant is left-continuous.
The continuity condition of the interpolant may be specified by using
the options <code>&quot;left&quot;</code> or <code>&quot;right&quot;</code> to select a left-continuous
or right-continuous interpolant, respectively.
Discontinuous interpolation is only allowed for <code>&quot;nearest&quot;</code> and
<code>&quot;linear&quot;</code> methods; in all other cases, the <var>x</var>-values must be
<p>An example of the use of <code>interp1</code> is
<div class="example">
<pre class="example">xf = [0:0.05:10];
yf = sin (2*pi*xf/5);
xp = [0:10];
yp = sin (2*pi*xp/5);
lin = interp1 (xp, yp, xf);
near = interp1 (xp, yp, xf, &quot;nearest&quot;);
pch = interp1 (xp, yp, xf, &quot;pchip&quot;);
spl = interp1 (xp, yp, xf, &quot;spline&quot;);
plot (xf,yf,&quot;r&quot;, xf,near,&quot;g&quot;, xf,lin,&quot;b&quot;, xf,pch,&quot;c&quot;, xf,spl,&quot;m&quot;,
legend (&quot;original&quot;, &quot;nearest&quot;, &quot;linear&quot;, &quot;pchip&quot;, &quot;spline&quot;);

<p><strong>See also:</strong> <a href="Signal-Processing.html#XREFpchip">pchip</a>, <a href="#XREFspline">spline</a>, <a href="#XREFinterpft">interpft</a>, <a href="Multi_002ddimensional-Interpolation.html#XREFinterp2">interp2</a>, <a href="Multi_002ddimensional-Interpolation.html#XREFinterp3">interp3</a>, <a href="Multi_002ddimensional-Interpolation.html#XREFinterpn">interpn</a>.

<p>There are some important differences between the various interpolation
methods.  The <code>&quot;spline&quot;</code> method enforces that both the first and second
derivatives of the interpolated values have a continuous derivative,
whereas the other methods do not.  This means that the results of the
<code>&quot;spline&quot;</code> method are generally smoother.  If the function to be
interpolated is in fact smooth, then <code>&quot;spline&quot;</code> will give excellent
results.  However, if the function to be evaluated is in some manner
discontinuous, then <code>&quot;pchip&quot;</code> interpolation might give better results.
<p>This can be demonstrated by the code
<div class="example">
<pre class="example">t = -2:2;
dt = 1;
ti =-2:0.025:2;
dti = 0.025;
y = sign (t);
ys = interp1 (t,y,ti,&quot;spline&quot;);
yp = interp1 (t,y,ti,&quot;pchip&quot;);
ddys = diff (diff (ys)./dti) ./ dti;
ddyp = diff (diff (yp)./dti) ./ dti;
figure (1);
plot (ti,ys,&quot;r-&quot;, ti,yp,&quot;g-&quot;);
legend (&quot;spline&quot;, &quot;pchip&quot;, 4);
figure (2);
plot (ti,ddys,&quot;r+&quot;, ti,ddyp,&quot;g*&quot;);
legend (&quot;spline&quot;, &quot;pchip&quot;);

<p>The result of which can be seen in <a href="#fig_003ainterpderiv1">Figure 29.1</a> and
<a href="#fig_003ainterpderiv2">Figure 29.2</a>.
<div class="float"><a name="fig_003ainterpderiv1"></a>
<div align="center"><img src="interpderiv1.png" alt="interpderiv1">
<div class="float-caption"><p><strong>Figure 29.1: </strong>Comparison of <code>&quot;pchip&quot;</code> and <code>&quot;spline&quot;</code> interpolation methods for a
step function</p></div></div>
<div class="float"><a name="fig_003ainterpderiv2"></a>
<div align="center"><img src="interpderiv2.png" alt="interpderiv2">
<div class="float-caption"><p><strong>Figure 29.2: </strong>Comparison of the second derivative of the <code>&quot;pchip&quot;</code> and <code>&quot;spline&quot;</code>
interpolation methods for a step function</p></div></div>
<p>Fourier interpolation, is a resampling technique where a signal is
converted to the frequency domain, padded with zeros and then
reconverted to the time domain.
<a name="XREFinterpft"></a><dl>
<dt><a name="index-interpft"></a><em></em> <strong>interpft</strong> <em>(<var>x</var>, <var>n</var>)</em></dt>
<dt><a name="index-interpft-1"></a><em></em> <strong>interpft</strong> <em>(<var>x</var>, <var>n</var>, <var>dim</var>)</em></dt>
<p>Fourier interpolation.
<p>If <var>x</var> is a vector then <var>x</var> is resampled with <var>n</var> points.  The
data in <var>x</var> is assumed to be equispaced.  If <var>x</var> is a matrix or an
N-dimensional array, the interpolation is performed on each column of
<p>If <var>dim</var> is specified, then interpolate along the dimension <var>dim</var>.
<p><code>interpft</code> assumes that the interpolated function is periodic, and so
assumptions are made about the endpoints of the interpolation.
<p><strong>See also:</strong> <a href="#XREFinterp1">interp1</a>.

<p>There are two significant limitations on Fourier interpolation.  First,
the function signal is assumed to be periodic, and so non-periodic
signals will be poorly represented at the edges.  Second, both the
signal and its interpolation are required to be sampled at equispaced
points.  An example of the use of <code>interpft</code> is
<div class="example">
<pre class="example">t = 0 : 0.3 : pi; dt = t(2)-t(1);
n = length (t); k = 100;
ti = t(1) + [0 : k-1]*dt*n/k;
y = sin (4*t + 0.3) .* cos (3*t - 0.1);
yp = sin (4*ti + 0.3) .* cos (3*ti - 0.1);
plot (ti, yp, &quot;g&quot;, ti, interp1 (t, y, ti, &quot;spline&quot;), &quot;b&quot;, ...
      ti, interpft (y, k), &quot;c&quot;, t, y, &quot;r+&quot;);
legend (&quot;sin(4t+0.3)cos(3t-0.1)&quot;, &quot;spline&quot;, &quot;interpft&quot;, &quot;data&quot;);

<p>which demonstrates the poor behavior of Fourier interpolation for non-periodic
functions, as can be seen in <a href="#fig_003ainterpft">Figure 29.3</a>.
<div class="float"><a name="fig_003ainterpft"></a>
<div align="center"><img src="interpft.png" alt="interpft">
<div class="float-caption"><p><strong>Figure 29.3: </strong>Comparison of <code>interp1</code> and <code>interpft</code> for non-periodic data</p></div></div>
<p>In addition, the support functions <code>spline</code> and <code>lookup</code> that
underlie the <code>interp1</code> function can be called directly.
<a name="XREFspline"></a><dl>
<dt><a name="index-spline"></a><em><var>pp</var> =</em> <strong>spline</strong> <em>(<var>x</var>, <var>y</var>)</em></dt>
<dt><a name="index-spline-1"></a><em><var>yi</var> =</em> <strong>spline</strong> <em>(<var>x</var>, <var>y</var>, <var>xi</var>)</em></dt>
<dd><p>Return the cubic spline interpolant of points <var>x</var> and <var>y</var>.
<p>When called with two arguments, return the piecewise polynomial <var>pp</var>
that may be used with <code>ppval</code> to evaluate the polynomial at specific
<p>When called with a third input argument, <code>spline</code> evaluates the spline
at the points <var>xi</var>.  The third calling form
<code>spline (<var>x</var>, <var>y</var>, <var>xi</var>)</code> is equivalent to
<code>ppval (spline (<var>x</var>, <var>y</var>), <var>xi</var>)</code>.
<p>The variable <var>x</var> must be a vector of length <var>n</var>.
<p><var>y</var> can be either a vector or array.  If <var>y</var> is a vector it must
have a length of either <var>n</var> or <code><var>n</var> + 2</code>.  If the length of
<var>y</var> is <var>n</var>, then the <code>&quot;not-a-knot&quot;</code> end condition is used.
If the length of <var>y</var> is <code><var>n</var> + 2</code>, then the first and last
values of the vector <var>y</var> are the values of the first derivative of the
cubic spline at the endpoints.
<p>If <var>y</var> is an array, then the size of <var>y</var> must have the form
<code>[<var>s1</var>, <var>s2</var>, &hellip;, <var>sk</var>, <var>n</var>]</code>
<code>[<var>s1</var>, <var>s2</var>, &hellip;, <var>sk</var>, <var>n</var> + 2]</code>.
The array is reshaped internally to a matrix where the leading
dimension is given by
<code><var>s1</var> * <var>s2</var> * &hellip; * <var>sk</var></code>
and each row of this matrix is then treated separately.  Note that this is
exactly the opposite of <code>interp1</code> but is done for <small>MATLAB</small>

<p><strong>See also:</strong> <a href="Signal-Processing.html#XREFpchip">pchip</a>, <a href="Polynomial-Interpolation.html#XREFppval">ppval</a>, <a href="Polynomial-Interpolation.html#XREFmkpp">mkpp</a>, <a href="Polynomial-Interpolation.html#XREFunmkpp">unmkpp</a>.

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