

distrib > Mageia > 9 > armv7hl > media > core-release-src > by-pkgid > 1293b417019f885b9d005b145cb98ba5 > files > 1


From: Zeeshan Lakhani <>
Date: Wed, 16 Mar 2016 16:44:31 -0400
Subject: [PATCH] - remove need for bisect lib/hyper_bisect as it   requires
 Hipe, and we won't force that usecase   for now.

diff --git a/rebar-test.config b/rebar-test.config
index 170844e..160b729 100644
--- a/rebar-test.config
+++ b/rebar-test.config
@@ -2,8 +2,6 @@
 {deps, [
         {basho_stats, "",
          {git, "", {branch, "master"}}},
-        {bisect, "",
-         {git, "", {branch, "master"}}},
         {proper, "",
          {git,"", "master"}},
         {stdlib2, "",
diff --git a/rebar.config b/rebar.config
index 5cf51a1..e09519a 100644
--- a/rebar.config
+++ b/rebar.config
@@ -1,7 +1,6 @@
 {cover_enabled, true}.
 {deps, [
-        {bisect, "",
-         {git, "", {branch, "master"}}}
+	{proper, "", {git,"", "master"}}
diff --git a/src/hyper.erl b/src/hyper.erl
index e7c80f2..a8f2fab 100644
--- a/src/hyper.erl
+++ b/src/hyper.erl
@@ -311,7 +311,7 @@ perf_report() ->
     Ps      = [15],
     Cards   = [1, 100, 500, 1000, 2500, 5000, 10000,
                15000, 25000, 50000, 100000, 1000000],
-    Mods    = [hyper_gb, hyper_array, hyper_bisect, hyper_binary, hyper_carray],
+    Mods    = [hyper_gb, hyper_array, hyper_binary, hyper_carray],
     Repeats = 10,
     Time = fun (F, Args) ->
diff --git a/src/hyper_bisect.erl b/src/hyper_bisect.erl
deleted file mode 100644
index 2c31521..0000000
--- a/src/hyper_bisect.erl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,250 +0,0 @@
-         set/3,
-         max_merge/1,
-         max_merge/2,
-         reduce_precision/2,
-         bytes/1,
-         register_sum/1,
-         zero_count/1,
-         encode_registers/1,
-         decode_registers/2,
-         compact/1]).
--define(KEY_SIZE, 16).
--define(VALUE_SIZE, 8).
-new(P) ->
-    DenseSize = trunc(math:pow(2, P)),
-    EntrySize = (?KEY_SIZE + ?VALUE_SIZE) div 8,
-    Threshold = DenseSize div EntrySize,
-    {sparse, bisect:new(?KEY_SIZE div 8, ?VALUE_SIZE div 8), P, Threshold}.
-set(Index, Value, {sparse, B, P, Threshold}) ->
-    V = <<Value:?VALUE_SIZE/integer>>,
-    UpdateF = fun (OldValue) when OldValue >= V -> OldValue;
-                  (OldValue) when OldValue < V -> V
-              end,
-    NewB = bisect:update(B, <<Index:?KEY_SIZE/integer>>, V, UpdateF),
-    case bisect:num_keys(NewB) < Threshold of
-        true ->
-            {sparse, NewB, P, Threshold};
-        false ->
-            {dense, bisect2dense(NewB, P)}
-    end;
-set(Index, Value, {dense, B} = D) ->
-    case binary:at(B, Index) of
-        R when R > Value ->
-            D;
-        _ ->
-            <<Left:Index/binary, _:?VALUE_SIZE, Right/binary>> = B,
-            {dense, iolist_to_binary([Left, <<Value:?VALUE_SIZE/integer>>, Right])}
-    end.
-fold(F, Acc, {sparse, B, _, _}) ->
-    InterfaceF = fun (<<Index:?KEY_SIZE/integer>>,
-                      <<Value:?VALUE_SIZE/integer>>,
-                      A) ->
-                         F(Index, Value, A)
-                 end,
-    bisect:foldl(B, InterfaceF, Acc);
-fold(F, Acc, {dense, B}) ->
-    do_dense_fold(F, Acc, B).
-max_merge(Registers) ->
-    [First | Rest] = Registers,
-    lists:foldl(fun max_merge/2, First, Rest).
-max_merge({sparse, Small, P, T}, {sparse, Big, P, T}) ->
-    ToInsert = bisect:foldl(Small,
-                            fun (Index, Value, Acc) ->
-                                    case bisect:find(Big, Index) of
-                                        not_found ->
-                                            [{Index, Value} | Acc];
-                                        V when V >= Value ->
-                                            Acc;
-                                        V when V < Value ->
-                                            [{Index, Value} | Acc]
-                                    end
-                            end,
-                            []),
-    Merged = bisect:bulk_insert(Big, lists:sort(ToInsert)),
-    {sparse, Merged, P, T};
-max_merge({dense, Left}, {dense, Right}) ->
-    Merged = iolist_to_binary(
-               do_dense_merge(Left, Right)),
-    {dense, Merged};
-max_merge({dense, Dense}, {sparse, Sparse, P, _}) ->
-    {dense, iolist_to_binary(
-              do_dense_merge(Dense, bisect2dense(Sparse, P)))};
-max_merge({sparse, Sparse, P, _}, {dense, Dense}) ->
-    {dense, iolist_to_binary(
-              do_dense_merge(Dense, bisect2dense(Sparse, P)))}.
-reduce_precision(_NewP, _B) ->
-    throw(not_implemented).
-compact(B) ->
-    B.
-bytes({sparse, Sparse, _, _}) -> bisect:size(Sparse);
-bytes({dense, Dense})         -> erlang:byte_size(Dense).
-register_sum(B) ->
-    M = case B of
-            {dense, Bytes} -> erlang:byte_size(Bytes);
-            {sparse, _, P, _} -> trunc(math:pow(2, P))
-        end,
-    {MaxI, Sum} = fold(fun (Index, Value, {I, Acc}) ->
-                               Zeros = Index - I - 1,
-                               {Index, Acc + math:pow(2, -Value)
-                                + (math:pow(2, -0) * Zeros)}
-                       end, {-1, 0}, B),
-    Sum + (M - 1 - MaxI) * math:pow(2, -0).
-zero_count({dense, _} = B) ->
-    fold(fun (_, 0, Acc) -> Acc + 1;
-             (_, _, Acc) -> Acc
-         end, 0, B);
-zero_count({sparse, B, P, _}) ->
-    M = trunc(math:pow(2, P)),
-    M - bisect:num_keys(B).
-encode_registers({dense, B}) ->
-    B;
-encode_registers({sparse, B, P, _}) ->
-    M = trunc(math:pow(2, P)),
-    iolist_to_binary(
-      do_encode_registers(M-1, B, [])).
-decode_registers(AllBytes, P) ->
-    M = DenseSize = trunc(math:pow(2, P)),
-    EntrySize = (?KEY_SIZE + ?VALUE_SIZE) div 8,
-    Threshold = DenseSize div EntrySize,
-    Bytes = case AllBytes of
-                <<B:M/binary>>    -> B;
-                <<B:M/binary, 0>> -> B
-            end,
-    L = do_decode_registers(Bytes, 0),
-    case length(L) < Threshold of
-        true ->
-            New = bisect:new(?KEY_SIZE div 8, ?VALUE_SIZE div 8),
-            {sparse, bisect:from_orddict(New, L), P, Threshold};
-        false ->
-            {dense, Bytes}
-    end.
-do_dense_merge(<<>>, <<>>) ->
-    [];
-do_dense_merge(<<Left:?VALUE_SIZE/integer, LeftRest/binary>>,
-               <<Right:?VALUE_SIZE/integer, RightRest/binary>>) ->
-    [max(Left, Right) | do_dense_merge(LeftRest, RightRest)].
-do_dense_fold(F, Acc, B) ->
-    do_dense_fold(F, Acc, B, 0).
-do_dense_fold(_, Acc, <<>>, _) ->
-    Acc;
-do_dense_fold(F, Acc, <<Value, Rest/binary>>, Index) ->
-    do_dense_fold(F, F(Index, Value, Acc), Rest, Index+1).
-bisect2dense(B, P) ->
-    M =  trunc(math:pow(2, P)),
-    {LastI, L} = lists:foldl(fun ({<<Index:?KEY_SIZE/integer>>, V}, {I, Acc}) ->
-                                     Index < M orelse throw(index_too_high),
-                                     Fill = case Index - I of
-                                                0 ->
-                                                    [];
-                                                ToFill ->
-                                                    binary:copy(<<0>>, ToFill - 1)
-                                            end,
-                                     {Index, [V, Fill | Acc]}
-                             end, {-1, []}, bisect:to_orddict(B)),
-    %% Fill last
-    Filled = [binary:copy(<<0>>, M - LastI - 1) | L],
-    iolist_to_binary(lists:reverse(Filled)).
-do_encode_registers(I, _B, ByteEncoded) when I < 0 ->
-    ByteEncoded;
-do_encode_registers(I, B, ByteEncoded) when I >= 0 ->
-    Byte = case bisect:find(B, <<I:?KEY_SIZE/integer>>) of
-               not_found ->
-                   <<0>>;
-               V ->
-                   V % already encoded
-           end,
-    do_encode_registers(I - 1, B, [Byte | ByteEncoded]).
-do_decode_registers(<<>>, _) ->
-    [];
-do_decode_registers(<<0, Rest/binary>>, I) ->
-    do_decode_registers(Rest, I+1);
-do_decode_registers(<<Value:?VALUE_SIZE, Rest/binary>>, I) ->
-    [{<<I:?KEY_SIZE/integer>>, <<Value:?VALUE_SIZE/integer>>}
-     | do_decode_registers(Rest, I+1)].
-bisect2dense_test() ->
-    P = 4,
-    M = 16, % pow(2, P)
-    {sparse, B, _, _} =
-        lists:foldl(fun ({I, V}, Acc) ->
-                            set(I, V, Acc)
-                    end, new(P), [{2, 1}, {1, 1}, {4, 4}, {15, 5}]),
-    Dense = bisect2dense(B, P),
-    ?assertEqual(M, size(Dense)),
-    Expected = <<0, 1, 1, 0,
-                 4, 0, 0, 0,
-                 0, 0, 0, 0,
-                 0, 0, 0, 5>>,
-    ?assertEqual(M, size(Expected)),
-    ?assertEqual(Expected, Dense).
diff --git a/test/hyper_test.erl b/test/hyper_test.erl
index 18d2a87..08405d6 100644
--- a/test/hyper_test.erl
+++ b/test/hyper_test.erl
@@ -28,13 +28,11 @@ hyper_test_() ->
-      ?_test(small_big_union_t()),
       {"Union property with hyper_carry", RunProp(prop_union(hyper_carray))},
       {"Union property with hyper_binary", RunProp(prop_union(hyper_binary))},
       {"Union property with hyper_array", RunProp(prop_union(hyper_array))},
-      {"Union property with hyper_bisect", RunProp(prop_union(hyper_bisect))},
       {"Union property with hyper_gb", RunProp(prop_union(hyper_gb))},
@@ -89,13 +87,11 @@ backend_t() ->
     Gb     = hyper:compact(hyper:insert_many(Values, hyper:new(P, hyper_gb))),
     Array  = hyper:compact(hyper:insert_many(Values, hyper:new(P, hyper_array))),
-    Bisect = hyper:compact(hyper:insert_many(Values, hyper:new(P, hyper_bisect))),
     Binary = hyper:compact(hyper:insert_many(Values, hyper:new(P, hyper_binary))),
     Carray = hyper:compact(hyper:insert_many(Values, hyper:new(P, hyper_carray))),
     {hyper_gb    , GbRegisters}     = Gb#hyper.registers,
     {hyper_array , ArrayRegisters}  = Array#hyper.registers,
-    {hyper_bisect, BisectRegisters} = Bisect#hyper.registers,
     {hyper_binary, BinaryRegisters} = Binary#hyper.registers,
     {hyper_carray, CarrayRegisters} = Carray#hyper.registers,
@@ -126,25 +122,21 @@ backend_t() ->
     ?assertEqual(ExpectedBytes, hyper_gb:encode_registers(GbRegisters)),
     ?assertEqual(ExpectedBytes, hyper_array:encode_registers(ArrayRegisters)),
-    ?assertEqual(ExpectedBytes, hyper_bisect:encode_registers(BisectRegisters)),
     ?assertEqual(ExpectedBytes, hyper_binary:encode_registers(BinaryRegisters)),
     ?assertEqual(ExpectedBytes, hyper_carray:encode_registers(CarrayRegisters)),
                  hyper:card(hyper:from_json(hyper:to_json(Array), hyper_gb))),
     ?assertEqual(Array, hyper:from_json(hyper:to_json(Array), hyper_array)),
-    ?assertEqual(Bisect, hyper:from_json(hyper:to_json(Array), hyper_bisect)),
     ?assertEqual(Binary, hyper:from_json(hyper:to_json(Binary), hyper_binary)),
     ?assertEqual(Carray, hyper:from_json(hyper:to_json(Carray), hyper_carray)),
     ?assertEqual(hyper:to_json(Gb), hyper:to_json(Array)),
-    ?assertEqual(hyper:to_json(Gb), hyper:to_json(Bisect)),
     ?assertEqual(hyper:to_json(Gb), hyper:to_json(Binary)),
     ?assertEqual(hyper:to_json(Gb), hyper:to_json(Carray)),
     ?assertEqual(hyper:card(Gb), hyper:card(Array)),
-    ?assertEqual(hyper:card(Gb), hyper:card(Bisect)),
     ?assertEqual(hyper:card(Gb), hyper:card(Binary)),
     ?assertEqual(hyper:card(Gb), hyper:card(Carray)).
@@ -296,27 +288,6 @@ union_mixed_precision_t() ->
      || Mod <- [hyper_binary]].
-small_big_union_t() ->
-    random:seed(1, 2, 3),
-    SmallCard = 100,
-    BigCard   = 15000, % switches to dense at 10922 items
-    SmallSet = sets:from_list(generate_unique(SmallCard)),
-    BigSet   = sets:from_list(generate_unique(BigCard)),
-    SmallHyper = hyper:insert_many(sets:to_list(SmallSet),
-                                   hyper:new(15, hyper_bisect)),
-    BigHyper   = hyper:insert_many(sets:to_list(BigSet),
-                                   hyper:new(15, hyper_bisect)),
-    ?assertMatch({hyper_bisect, {sparse, _, _, _}}, SmallHyper#hyper.registers),
-    ?assertMatch({hyper_bisect, {dense, _}}, BigHyper#hyper.registers),
-    UnionHyper = hyper:union(SmallHyper, BigHyper),
-    TrueUnion = sets:size(sets:union(SmallSet, BigSet)),
-    ?assert(abs(hyper:card(UnionHyper) - TrueUnion) < TrueUnion * 0.01).
 intersect_card_t() ->
     random:seed(1, 2, 3),
@@ -379,7 +350,7 @@ bad_serialization_t() ->
 backends() ->
-    [hyper_gb, hyper_array, hyper_bisect, hyper_binary, hyper_carray].
+    [hyper_gb, hyper_array, hyper_binary, hyper_carray].
 gen_values() ->