

distrib > Mageia > 9 > armv7hl > media > core-release-src > by-pkgid > 6c5e126b910681e847f1e926ffdd55cd > files > 1


diff --git a/AUTHORS.txt b/AUTHORS.txt
index 6abb041..acd16db 100644
--- a/AUTHORS.txt
+++ b/AUTHORS.txt
@@ -1,5 +1,8 @@
-(* DO NOT EDIT (digest: d1a132a4ab095df48f3d2d499d6c5000) *)
-Authors of ocamlify
-Sylvain Le Gall
+(* DO NOT EDIT (digest: 91079c4be5aa27b6a082f4de77fd51fe) *)
+Authors of ocamlify:
+* Sylvain Le Gall
diff --git a/INSTALL.txt b/INSTALL.txt
index 667d1b3..8da6e65 100644
--- a/INSTALL.txt
+++ b/INSTALL.txt
@@ -1,16 +1,17 @@
-(* DO NOT EDIT (digest: ff14f9ae83ff16013a48d7bd3b76fa73) *)
+(* DO NOT EDIT (digest: 322ab0a9779a65bd67816455cc8076ab) *)
 This is the INSTALL file for the ocamlify distribution.
 This package uses OASIS to generate its build system. See section OASIS for
-full information. 
+full information.
 In order to compile this package, you will need:
-* ocaml
-* findlib
+                                                * ocaml
+                                                * findlib
@@ -23,7 +24,7 @@ Installing
-1. Go to the root of the package 
+1. Go to the root of the package
 2. Run 'ocaml -uninstall'
diff --git a/Makefile b/Makefile
index ccbf9cf..a9411ed 100644
--- a/Makefile
+++ b/Makefile
@@ -20,7 +20,7 @@
-# DO NOT EDIT (digest: bc1e05bfc8b39b664f29dae8dbd3ebbb)
+# DO NOT EDIT (digest: a3c674b4239234cbbe53afe090018954)
 SETUP = ocaml
@@ -33,7 +33,7 @@ doc: build
 test: build
 	$(SETUP) -test $(TESTFLAGS)
 	$(SETUP) -all $(ALLFLAGS)
@@ -45,15 +45,18 @@ uninstall:
 	$(SETUP) -reinstall $(REINSTALLFLAGS)
 	$(SETUP) -clean $(CLEANFLAGS)
 	$(SETUP) -distclean $(DISTCLEANFLAGS)
 	$(SETUP) -configure $(CONFIGUREFLAGS)
+	$(SETUP) -configure $(CONFIGUREFLAGS)
 .PHONY: build doc test all install uninstall reinstall clean distclean configure
diff --git a/README.txt b/README.txt
index c8d0c50..82e15a2 100644
--- a/README.txt
+++ b/README.txt
@@ -1,11 +1,18 @@
-(* DO NOT EDIT (digest: 6b14e9f8e3ce93d7b61df6632978b14b) *)
-This is the README file for the ocamlify distribution.
+(* DO NOT EDIT (digest: e5345f3fe2acd3045d4e251cfbf369a6) *)
-include files in OCaml code
+ocamlify - include files in OCaml code
-See the files INSTALL.txt for building and installation instructions. See the
-file COPYING.txt for copying conditions. 
+See the file [INSTALL.txt](INSTALL.txt) for building and installation
+Copyright and license
+ocamlify is distributed under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
+License version 2.1 with OCaml linking exception.
+See [COPYING.txt](COPYING.txt) for more information.
diff --git a/_oasis b/_oasis
index 4915f09..658a9a3 100644
--- a/_oasis
+++ b/_oasis
@@ -11,5 +11,5 @@ BuildTools:  ocamlbuild
 Executable ocamlify
   Path:           src
-  CompiledObject: byte
+  CompiledObject: best
diff --git a/_tags b/_tags
index 30cf144..7fe9fed 100644
--- a/_tags
+++ b/_tags
@@ -1,8 +1,9 @@
-# DO NOT EDIT (digest: d0ff94eb3e82a4875dd557595bea8eb3)
-# Ignore VCS directories, you can use the same kind of rule outside 
-# OASIS_START/STOP if you want to exclude directories that contains 
+# DO NOT EDIT (digest: b0a95a3908a35f1eadb2bb5d7f18ff09)
+# Ignore VCS directories, you can use the same kind of rule outside
+# OASIS_START/STOP if you want to exclude directories that contains
 # useless stuff for the build process
+true: annot, bin_annot
 <**/.svn>: -traverse
 <**/.svn>: not_hygienic
 ".bzr": -traverse
diff --git a/configure b/configure
index 97ed012..6acfaeb 100755
--- a/configure
+++ b/configure
@@ -1,11 +1,11 @@
-# DO NOT EDIT (digest: 425187ed8bfdbdd207fd76392dd243a7)
+# DO NOT EDIT (digest: dc86c2ad450f91ca10c931b6045d0499)
 set -e
-for i in "$@"; do 
+for i in "$@"; do
   if $FST; then
     set --
diff --git a/ b/
index 805eb5d..5924578 100644
--- a/
+++ b/
@@ -1,16 +1,13 @@
-(* DO NOT EDIT (digest: c731f09030552f20f1d702a3c5473c9c) *)
+(* DO NOT EDIT (digest: 9bd78b75e5e0b109a1abb54bf043b292) *)
 module OASISGettext = struct
-# 21 "/home/gildor/programmation/oasis/src/oasis/"
+(* # 22 "src/oasis/" *)
-  let ns_ str =
-    str
-  let s_ str =
-    str
+  let ns_ str = str
+  let s_ str = str
+  let f_ (str: ('a, 'b, 'c, 'd) format4) = str
-  let f_ (str : ('a, 'b, 'c, 'd) format4) =
-    str
   let fn_ fmt1 fmt2 n =
     if n = 1 then
@@ -18,21 +15,341 @@ module OASISGettext = struct
-  let init =
-    []
+  let init = []
-module OASISExpr = struct
-# 21 "/home/gildor/programmation/oasis/src/oasis/"
+module OASISString = struct
+(* # 22 "src/oasis/" *)
+  (** Various string utilities.
+      Mostly inspired by extlib and batteries ExtString and BatString libraries.
+      @author Sylvain Le Gall
+  *)
+  let nsplitf str f =
+    if str = "" then
+      []
+    else
+      let buf = Buffer.create 13 in
+      let lst = ref [] in
+      let push () =
+        lst := Buffer.contents buf :: !lst;
+        Buffer.clear buf
+      in
+      let str_len = String.length str in
+      for i = 0 to str_len - 1 do
+        if f str.[i] then
+          push ()
+        else
+          Buffer.add_char buf str.[i]
+      done;
+      push ();
+      List.rev !lst
+  (** [nsplit c s] Split the string [s] at char [c]. It doesn't include the
+      separator.
+  *)
+  let nsplit str c =
+    nsplitf str ((=) c)
+  let find ~what ?(offset=0) str =
+    let what_idx = ref 0 in
+    let str_idx = ref offset in
+    while !str_idx < String.length str &&
+          !what_idx < String.length what do
+      if str.[!str_idx] = what.[!what_idx] then
+        incr what_idx
+      else
+        what_idx := 0;
+      incr str_idx
+    done;
+    if !what_idx <> String.length what then
+      raise Not_found
+    else
+      !str_idx - !what_idx
+  let sub_start str len =
+    let str_len = String.length str in
+    if len >= str_len then
+      ""
+    else
+      String.sub str len (str_len - len)
+  let sub_end ?(offset=0) str len =
+    let str_len = String.length str in
+    if len >= str_len then
+      ""
+    else
+      String.sub str 0 (str_len - len)
+  let starts_with ~what ?(offset=0) str =
+    let what_idx = ref 0 in
+    let str_idx = ref offset in
+    let ok = ref true in
+    while !ok &&
+          !str_idx < String.length str &&
+          !what_idx < String.length what do
+      if str.[!str_idx] = what.[!what_idx] then
+        incr what_idx
+      else
+        ok := false;
+      incr str_idx
+    done;
+    !what_idx = String.length what
+  let strip_starts_with ~what str =
+    if starts_with ~what str then
+      sub_start str (String.length what)
+    else
+      raise Not_found
+  let ends_with ~what ?(offset=0) str =
+    let what_idx = ref ((String.length what) - 1) in
+    let str_idx = ref ((String.length str) - 1) in
+    let ok = ref true in
+    while !ok &&
+          offset <= !str_idx &&
+          0 <= !what_idx do
+      if str.[!str_idx] = what.[!what_idx] then
+        decr what_idx
+      else
+        ok := false;
+      decr str_idx
+    done;
+    !what_idx = -1
+  let strip_ends_with ~what str =
+    if ends_with ~what str then
+      sub_end str (String.length what)
+    else
+      raise Not_found
+  let replace_chars f s =
+    let buf = Buffer.create (String.length s) in
+    String.iter (fun c -> Buffer.add_char buf (f c)) s;
+    Buffer.contents buf
+  let lowercase_ascii =
+    replace_chars
+      (fun c ->
+         if (c >= 'A' && c <= 'Z') then
+           Char.chr (Char.code c + 32)
+         else
+           c)
+  let uncapitalize_ascii s =
+    if s <> "" then
+      (lowercase_ascii (String.sub s 0 1)) ^ (String.sub s 1 ((String.length s) - 1))
+    else
+      s
+  let uppercase_ascii =
+    replace_chars
+      (fun c ->
+         if (c >= 'a' && c <= 'z') then
+           Char.chr (Char.code c - 32)
+         else
+           c)
+  let capitalize_ascii s =
+    if s <> "" then
+      (uppercase_ascii (String.sub s 0 1)) ^ (String.sub s 1 ((String.length s) - 1))
+    else
+      s
+module OASISUtils = struct
+(* # 22 "src/oasis/" *)
   open OASISGettext
-  type test = string 
-  type flag = string 
+  module MapExt =
+  struct
+    module type S =
+    sig
+      include Map.S
+      val add_list: 'a t -> (key * 'a) list -> 'a t
+      val of_list: (key * 'a) list -> 'a t
+      val to_list: 'a t -> (key * 'a) list
+    end
+    module Make (Ord: Map.OrderedType) =
+    struct
+      include Map.Make(Ord)
+      let rec add_list t =
+        function
+          | (k, v) :: tl -> add_list (add k v t) tl
+          | [] -> t
+      let of_list lst = add_list empty lst
+      let to_list t = fold (fun k v acc -> (k, v) :: acc) t []
+    end
+  end
+  module MapString = MapExt.Make(String)
+  module SetExt  =
+  struct
+    module type S =
+    sig
+      include Set.S
+      val add_list: t -> elt list -> t
+      val of_list: elt list -> t
+      val to_list: t -> elt list
+    end
+    module Make (Ord: Set.OrderedType) =
+    struct
+      include Set.Make(Ord)
+      let rec add_list t =
+        function
+          | e :: tl -> add_list (add e t) tl
+          | [] -> t
+      let of_list lst = add_list empty lst
+      let to_list = elements
+    end
+  end
+  module SetString = SetExt.Make(String)
+  let compare_csl s1 s2 =
+ (OASISString.lowercase_ascii s1) (OASISString.lowercase_ascii s2)
+  module HashStringCsl =
+    Hashtbl.Make
+      (struct
+         type t = string
+         let equal s1 s2 = (compare_csl s1 s2) = 0
+         let hash s = Hashtbl.hash (OASISString.lowercase_ascii s)
+       end)
+  module SetStringCsl =
+    SetExt.Make
+      (struct
+         type t = string
+         let compare = compare_csl
+       end)
+  let varname_of_string ?(hyphen='_') s =
+    if String.length s = 0 then
+      begin
+        invalid_arg "varname_of_string"
+      end
+    else
+      begin
+        let buf =
+          OASISString.replace_chars
+            (fun c ->
+               if ('a' <= c && c <= 'z')
+                 ||
+                  ('A' <= c && c <= 'Z')
+                 ||
+                  ('0' <= c && c <= '9') then
+                 c
+               else
+                 hyphen)
+            s;
+        in
+        let buf =
+          (* Start with a _ if digit *)
+          if '0' <= s.[0] && s.[0] <= '9' then
+            "_"^buf
+          else
+            buf
+        in
+          OASISString.lowercase_ascii buf
+      end
+  let varname_concat ?(hyphen='_') p s =
+    let what = String.make 1 hyphen in
+    let p =
+      try
+        OASISString.strip_ends_with ~what p
+      with Not_found ->
+        p
+    in
+    let s =
+      try
+        OASISString.strip_starts_with ~what s
+      with Not_found ->
+        s
+    in
+      p^what^s
+  let is_varname str =
+    str = varname_of_string str
+  let failwithf fmt = Printf.ksprintf failwith fmt
+  let rec file_location ?pos1 ?pos2 ?lexbuf () =
+      match pos1, pos2, lexbuf with
+      | Some p, None, _ | None, Some p, _ ->
+        file_location ~pos1:p ~pos2:p ?lexbuf ()
+      | Some p1, Some p2, _ ->
+        let open Lexing in
+        let fn, lineno = p1.pos_fname, p1.pos_lnum in
+        let c1 = p1.pos_cnum - p1.pos_bol in
+        let c2 = c1 + (p2.pos_cnum - p1.pos_cnum) in
+        Printf.sprintf (f_ "file %S, line %d, characters %d-%d")  fn lineno c1 c2
+      | _, _, Some lexbuf ->
+        file_location
+          ~pos1:(Lexing.lexeme_start_p lexbuf)
+          ~pos2:(Lexing.lexeme_end_p lexbuf)
+          ()
+      | None, None, None ->
+        s_ "<position undefined>"
+  let failwithpf ?pos1 ?pos2 ?lexbuf fmt =
+    let loc = file_location ?pos1 ?pos2 ?lexbuf () in
+    Printf.ksprintf (fun s -> failwith (Printf.sprintf "%s: %s" loc s)) fmt
+module OASISExpr = struct
+(* # 22 "src/oasis/" *)
+  open OASISGettext
+  open OASISUtils
+  type test = string
+  type flag = string
   type t =
     | EBool of bool
@@ -41,9 +358,10 @@ module OASISExpr = struct
     | EOr of t * t
     | EFlag of flag
     | ETest of test * string
-  type 'a choices = (t * 'a) list 
+  type 'a choices = (t * 'a) list
   let eval var_get t =
     let rec eval' =
@@ -75,6 +393,7 @@ module OASISExpr = struct
       eval' t
   let choose ?printer ?name var_get lst =
     let rec choose_aux =
@@ -111,282 +430,337 @@ module OASISExpr = struct
       choose_aux (List.rev lst)
-# 117 ""
+# 437 ""
 module BaseEnvLight = struct
-# 21 "/home/gildor/programmation/oasis/src/base/"
+(* # 22 "src/base/" *)
   module MapString = Map.Make(String)
   type t = string MapString.t
-  let default_filename =
-    Filename.concat
-      (Sys.getcwd ())
-      ""
-  let load ?(allow_empty=false) ?(filename=default_filename) () =
-    if Sys.file_exists filename then
-      begin
-        let chn =
-          open_in_bin filename
-        in
-        let st =
-          Stream.of_channel chn
-        in
-        let line =
-          ref 1
-        in
-        let st_line =
-          Stream.from
-            (fun _ ->
-               try
-                 match st with
-                   | '\n' -> incr line; Some '\n'
-                   | c -> Some c
-               with Stream.Failure -> None)
-        in
-        let lexer =
-          Genlex.make_lexer ["="] st_line
-        in
-        let rec read_file mp =
-          match Stream.npeek 3 lexer with
-            | [Genlex.Ident nm; Genlex.Kwd "="; Genlex.String value] ->
-                Stream.junk lexer;
-                Stream.junk lexer;
-                Stream.junk lexer;
-                read_file (MapString.add nm value mp)
-            | [] ->
-                mp
-            | _ ->
-                failwith
-                  (Printf.sprintf
-                     "Malformed data file '%s' line %d"
-                     filename !line)
-        in
-        let mp =
-          read_file MapString.empty
-        in
-          close_in chn;
-          mp
-      end
-    else if allow_empty then
-      begin
+  let default_filename = Filename.concat (Sys.getcwd ()) ""
+  let load ?(allow_empty=false) ?(filename=default_filename) ?stream () =
+    let line = ref 1 in
+    let lexer st =
+      let st_line =
+        Stream.from
+          (fun _ ->
+             try
+               match st with
+               | '\n' -> incr line; Some '\n'
+               | c -> Some c
+             with Stream.Failure -> None)
+      in
+      Genlex.make_lexer ["="] st_line
+    in
+    let rec read_file lxr mp =
+      match Stream.npeek 3 lxr with
+      | [Genlex.Ident nm; Genlex.Kwd "="; Genlex.String value] ->
+        Stream.junk lxr; Stream.junk lxr; Stream.junk lxr;
+        read_file lxr (MapString.add nm value mp)
+      | [] -> mp
+      | _ ->
+        failwith
+          (Printf.sprintf "Malformed data file '%s' line %d" filename !line)
+    in
+    match stream with
+    | Some st -> read_file (lexer st) MapString.empty
+    | None ->
+      if Sys.file_exists filename then begin
+        let chn = open_in_bin filename in
+        let st = Stream.of_channel chn in
+        try
+          let mp = read_file (lexer st) MapString.empty in
+          close_in chn; mp
+        with e ->
+          close_in chn; raise e
+      end else if allow_empty then begin
-      end
-    else
-      begin
+      end else begin
              "Unable to load environment, the file '%s' doesn't exist."
-  let var_get name env =
-    let rec var_expand str =
-      let buff =
-        Buffer.create ((String.length str) * 2)
-      in
-        Buffer.add_substitute
-          buff
-          (fun var ->
-             try
-               var_expand (MapString.find var env)
-             with Not_found ->
-               failwith
-                 (Printf.sprintf
-                    "No variable %s defined when trying to expand %S."
-                    var
-                    str))
-          str;
-        Buffer.contents buff
-    in
-      var_expand (MapString.find name env)
-  let var_choose lst env =
-    OASISExpr.choose
-      (fun nm -> var_get nm env)
-      lst
+  let rec var_expand str env =
+    let buff = Buffer.create ((String.length str) * 2) in
+    Buffer.add_substitute
+      buff
+      (fun var ->
+         try
+           var_expand (MapString.find var env) env
+         with Not_found ->
+           failwith
+             (Printf.sprintf
+                "No variable %s defined when trying to expand %S."
+                var
+                str))
+      str;
+    Buffer.contents buff
+  let var_get name env = var_expand (MapString.find name env) env
+  let var_choose lst env = OASISExpr.choose (fun nm -> var_get nm env) lst
-# 215 ""
+# 517 ""
 module MyOCamlbuildFindlib = struct
-# 21 "/home/gildor/programmation/oasis/src/plugins/ocamlbuild/"
+(* # 22 "src/plugins/ocamlbuild/" *)
-  (** OCamlbuild extension, copied from 
-    *
+  (** OCamlbuild extension, copied from
+    *
     * by N. Pouillard and others
-    * Updated on 2009/02/28
+    * Updated on 2016-06-02
-    * Modified by Sylvain Le Gall 
-    *)
+    * Modified by Sylvain Le Gall
+  *)
   open Ocamlbuild_plugin
-  (* these functions are not really officially exported *)
-  let run_and_read = 
-    Ocamlbuild_pack.My_unix.run_and_read
-  let blank_sep_strings = 
-    Ocamlbuild_pack.Lexers.blank_sep_strings
+  type conf = {no_automatic_syntax: bool}
+  let run_and_read = Ocamlbuild_pack.My_unix.run_and_read
+  let blank_sep_strings = Ocamlbuild_pack.Lexers.blank_sep_strings
+  let exec_from_conf exec =
+    let exec =
+      let env = BaseEnvLight.load ~allow_empty:true () in
+      try
+        BaseEnvLight.var_get exec env
+      with Not_found ->
+        Printf.eprintf "W: Cannot get variable %s\n" exec;
+        exec
+    in
+    let fix_win32 str =
+      if Sys.os_type = "Win32" then begin
+        let buff = Buffer.create (String.length str) in
+        (* Adapt for windowsi, ocamlbuild + win32 has a hard time to handle '\\'.
+        *)
+        String.iter
+          (fun c -> Buffer.add_char buff (if c = '\\' then '/' else c))
+          str;
+        Buffer.contents buff
+      end else begin
+        str
+      end
+    in
+    fix_win32 exec
   let split s ch =
     let buf = Buffer.create 13 in
     let x = ref [] in
-    let flush () = 
+    let flush () =
       x := (Buffer.contents buf) :: !x;
       Buffer.clear buf
-      String.iter 
-        (fun c ->
-           if c = ch then 
-             flush ()
-           else
-             Buffer.add_char buf c)
-        s;
-      flush ();
-      List.rev !x
+    String.iter
+      (fun c ->
+         if c = ch then
+           flush ()
+         else
+           Buffer.add_char buf c)
+      s;
+    flush ();
+    List.rev !x
   let split_nl s = split s '\n'
   let before_space s =
       String.before s (String.index s ' ')
     with Not_found -> s
-  (* this lists all supported packages *)
+  (* ocamlfind command *)
+  let ocamlfind x = S[Sh (exec_from_conf "ocamlfind"); x]
+  (* This lists all supported packages. *)
   let find_packages () =
- before_space (split_nl & run_and_read "ocamlfind list")
+ before_space (split_nl & run_and_read (exec_from_conf "ocamlfind" ^ " list"))
-  (* this is supposed to list available syntaxes, but I don't know how to do it. *)
+  (* Mock to list available syntaxes. *)
   let find_syntaxes () = ["camlp4o"; "camlp4r"]
-  (* ocamlfind command *)
-  let ocamlfind x = S[A"ocamlfind"; x]
-  let dispatch =
+  let well_known_syntax = [
+    "camlp4.quotations.o";
+    "camlp4.quotations.r";
+    "camlp4.exceptiontracer";
+    "camlp4.extend";
+    "camlp4.foldgenerator";
+    "camlp4.listcomprehension";
+    "camlp4.locationstripper";
+    "camlp4.macro";
+    "camlp4.mapgenerator";
+    "camlp4.metagenerator";
+    "camlp4.profiler";
+    "camlp4.tracer"
+  ]
+  let dispatch conf =
-      | Before_options ->
-          (* by using Before_options one let command line options have an higher priority *)
-          (* on the contrary using After_options will guarantee to have the higher priority *)
-          (* override default commands by ocamlfind ones *)
-          Options.ocamlc     := ocamlfind & A"ocamlc";
-          Options.ocamlopt   := ocamlfind & A"ocamlopt";
-          Options.ocamldep   := ocamlfind & A"ocamldep";
-          Options.ocamldoc   := ocamlfind & A"ocamldoc";
-          Options.ocamlmktop := ocamlfind & A"ocamlmktop"
+      | After_options ->
+        (* By using Before_options one let command line options have an higher
+         * priority on the contrary using After_options will guarantee to have
+         * the higher priority override default commands by ocamlfind ones *)
+        Options.ocamlc     := ocamlfind & A"ocamlc";
+        Options.ocamlopt   := ocamlfind & A"ocamlopt";
+        Options.ocamldep   := ocamlfind & A"ocamldep";
+        Options.ocamldoc   := ocamlfind & A"ocamldoc";
+        Options.ocamlmktop := ocamlfind & A"ocamlmktop";
+        Options.ocamlmklib := ocamlfind & A"ocamlmklib"
       | After_rules ->
-          (* When one link an OCaml library/binary/package, one should use -linkpkg *)
-          flag ["ocaml"; "link"; "program"] & A"-linkpkg";
-          (* For each ocamlfind package one inject the -package option when
-           * compiling, computing dependencies, generating documentation and
-           * linking. *)
-          List.iter 
-            begin fun pkg ->
-              let base_args = [A"-package"; A pkg] in
-              let syn_args = [A"-syntax"; A "camlp4o"] in
-              let args =
-  			  (* heuristic to identify syntax extensions: 
-  				 whether they end in ".syntax"; some might not *)
-                if Filename.check_suffix pkg "syntax"
-                then syn_args @ base_args
-                else base_args
-              in
-              flag ["ocaml"; "compile";  "pkg_"^pkg] & S args;
-              flag ["ocaml"; "ocamldep"; "pkg_"^pkg] & S args;
-              flag ["ocaml"; "doc";      "pkg_"^pkg] & S args;
-              flag ["ocaml"; "link";     "pkg_"^pkg] & S base_args;
-              flag ["ocaml"; "infer_interface"; "pkg_"^pkg] & S args;
-            end 
-            (find_packages ());
-          (* Like -package but for extensions syntax. Morover -syntax is useless
-           * when linking. *)
-          List.iter begin fun syntax ->
+        (* Avoid warnings for unused tag *)
+        flag ["tests"] N;
+        (* When one link an OCaml library/binary/package, one should use
+         * -linkpkg *)
+        flag ["ocaml"; "link"; "program"] & A"-linkpkg";
+        (* For each ocamlfind package one inject the -package option when
+         * compiling, computing dependencies, generating documentation and
+         * linking. *)
+        List.iter
+          begin fun pkg ->
+            let base_args = [A"-package"; A pkg] in
+            (* TODO: consider how to really choose camlp4o or camlp4r. *)
+            let syn_args = [A"-syntax"; A "camlp4o"] in
+            let (args, pargs) =
+              (* Heuristic to identify syntax extensions: whether they end in
+                 ".syntax"; some might not.
+              *)
+              if not (conf.no_automatic_syntax) &&
+                 (Filename.check_suffix pkg "syntax" ||
+                  List.mem pkg well_known_syntax) then
+                (syn_args @ base_args, syn_args)
+              else
+                (base_args, [])
+            in
+            flag ["ocaml"; "compile";  "pkg_"^pkg] & S args;
+            flag ["ocaml"; "ocamldep"; "pkg_"^pkg] & S args;
+            flag ["ocaml"; "doc";      "pkg_"^pkg] & S args;
+            flag ["ocaml"; "link";     "pkg_"^pkg] & S base_args;
+            flag ["ocaml"; "infer_interface"; "pkg_"^pkg] & S args;
+            (* TODO: Check if this is allowed for OCaml < 3.12.1 *)
+            flag ["ocaml"; "compile";  "package("^pkg^")"] & S pargs;
+            flag ["ocaml"; "ocamldep"; "package("^pkg^")"] & S pargs;
+            flag ["ocaml"; "doc";      "package("^pkg^")"] & S pargs;
+            flag ["ocaml"; "infer_interface"; "package("^pkg^")"] & S pargs;
+          end
+          (find_packages ());
+        (* Like -package but for extensions syntax. Morover -syntax is useless
+         * when linking. *)
+        List.iter begin fun syntax ->
           flag ["ocaml"; "compile";  "syntax_"^syntax] & S[A"-syntax"; A syntax];
           flag ["ocaml"; "ocamldep"; "syntax_"^syntax] & S[A"-syntax"; A syntax];
           flag ["ocaml"; "doc";      "syntax_"^syntax] & S[A"-syntax"; A syntax];
-          flag ["ocaml"; "infer_interface"; "syntax_"^syntax] & S[A"-syntax"; A syntax];
-          end (find_syntaxes ());
-          (* The default "thread" tag is not compatible with ocamlfind.
-           * Indeed, the default rules add the "threads.cma" or "threads.cmxa"
-           * options when using this tag. When using the "-linkpkg" option with
-           * ocamlfind, this module will then be added twice on the command line.
-           *                        
-           * To solve this, one approach is to add the "-thread" option when using
-           * the "threads" package using the previous plugin.
-           *)
-          flag ["ocaml"; "pkg_threads"; "compile"] (S[A "-thread"]);
-          flag ["ocaml"; "pkg_threads"; "doc"] (S[A "-I"; A "+threads"]);
-          flag ["ocaml"; "pkg_threads"; "link"] (S[A "-thread"]);
-          flag ["ocaml"; "pkg_threads"; "infer_interface"] (S[A "-thread"])
-      | _ -> 
-          ()
+          flag ["ocaml"; "infer_interface"; "syntax_"^syntax] &
+          S[A"-syntax"; A syntax];
+        end (find_syntaxes ());
+        (* The default "thread" tag is not compatible with ocamlfind.
+         * Indeed, the default rules add the "threads.cma" or "threads.cmxa"
+         * options when using this tag. When using the "-linkpkg" option with
+         * ocamlfind, this module will then be added twice on the command line.
+         *
+         * To solve this, one approach is to add the "-thread" option when using
+         * the "threads" package using the previous plugin.
+        *)
+        flag ["ocaml"; "pkg_threads"; "compile"] (S[A "-thread"]);
+        flag ["ocaml"; "pkg_threads"; "doc"] (S[A "-I"; A "+threads"]);
+        flag ["ocaml"; "pkg_threads"; "link"] (S[A "-thread"]);
+        flag ["ocaml"; "pkg_threads"; "infer_interface"] (S[A "-thread"]);
+        flag ["c"; "pkg_threads"; "compile"] (S[A "-thread"]);
+        flag ["ocaml"; "package(threads)"; "compile"] (S[A "-thread"]);
+        flag ["ocaml"; "package(threads)"; "doc"] (S[A "-I"; A "+threads"]);
+        flag ["ocaml"; "package(threads)"; "link"] (S[A "-thread"]);
+        flag ["ocaml"; "package(threads)"; "infer_interface"] (S[A "-thread"]);
+        flag ["c"; "package(threads)"; "compile"] (S[A "-thread"]);
+      | _ ->
+        ()
 module MyOCamlbuildBase = struct
-# 21 "/home/gildor/programmation/oasis/src/plugins/ocamlbuild/"
+(* # 22 "src/plugins/ocamlbuild/" *)
   (** Base functions for writing
       @author Sylvain Le Gall
   open Ocamlbuild_plugin
   module OC = Ocamlbuild_pack.Ocaml_compiler
-  type dir = string 
-  type file = string 
-  type name = string 
-  type tag = string 
-# 56 "/home/gildor/programmation/oasis/src/plugins/ocamlbuild/"
+  type dir = string
+  type file = string
+  type name = string
+  type tag = string
   type t =
-        lib_ocaml: (name * dir list) list;
-        lib_c:     (name * dir * file list) list; 
+        lib_ocaml: (name * dir list * string list) list;
+        lib_c:     (name * dir * file list) list;
         flags:     (tag list * (spec OASISExpr.choices)) list;
         (* Replace the 'dir: include' from _tags by a precise interdepends in
          * directory.
-        includes:  (dir * dir list) list; 
-      } 
+        includes:  (dir * dir list) list;
+      }
+(* # 110 "src/plugins/ocamlbuild/" *)
+  let env_filename = Pathname.basename BaseEnvLight.default_filename
-  let env_filename =
-    Pathname.basename 
-      BaseEnvLight.default_filename
   let dispatch_combine lst =
     fun e ->
-      List.iter 
+      List.iter
         (fun dispatch -> dispatch e)
-        lst 
+        lst
   let tag_libstubs nm =
   let nm_libstubs nm =
-  let dispatch t e = 
-    let env = 
-      BaseEnvLight.load 
-        ~filename:env_filename 
-        ~allow_empty:true
-        ()
-    in
-      match e with 
+  let dispatch t e =
+    let env = BaseEnvLight.load ~allow_empty:true () in
+      match e with
         | Before_options ->
             let no_trailing_dot s =
               if String.length s >= 1 && s.[0] = '.' then
@@ -396,35 +770,44 @@ module MyOCamlbuildBase = struct
                 (fun (opt, var) ->
-                   try 
+                   try
                      opt := no_trailing_dot (BaseEnvLight.var_get var env)
                    with Not_found ->
-                     Printf.eprintf "W: Cannot get variable %s" var)
+                     Printf.eprintf "W: Cannot get variable %s\n" var)
                   Options.ext_obj, "ext_obj";
                   Options.ext_lib, "ext_lib";
                   Options.ext_dll, "ext_dll";
-        | After_rules -> 
+        | After_rules ->
             (* Declare OCaml libraries *)
-            List.iter 
+            List.iter
-                 | nm, [] ->
-                     ocaml_lib nm
-                 | nm, dir :: tl ->
+                 | nm, [], intf_modules ->
+                     ocaml_lib nm;
+                     let cmis =
+              (fun m -> (OASISString.uncapitalize_ascii m) ^ ".cmi")
+                                intf_modules in
+                     dep ["ocaml"; "link"; "library"; "file:"^nm^".cma"] cmis
+                 | nm, dir :: tl, intf_modules ->
                      ocaml_lib ~dir:dir (dir^"/"^nm);
-                     List.iter 
-                       (fun dir -> 
+                     List.iter
+                       (fun dir ->
                             (fun str ->
                                flag ["ocaml"; "use_"^nm; str] (S[A"-I"; P dir]))
                             ["compile"; "infer_interface"; "doc"])
-                       tl)
+                       tl;
+                     let cmis =
+              (fun m -> dir^"/"^(OASISString.uncapitalize_ascii m)^".cmi")
+                                intf_modules in
+                     dep ["ocaml"; "link"; "library"; "file:"^dir^"/"^nm^".cma"]
+                         cmis)
             (* Declare directories dependencies, replace "include" in _tags. *)
-            List.iter 
+            List.iter
               (fun (dir, include_dirs) ->
                  Pathname.define_context dir include_dirs)
@@ -439,26 +822,28 @@ module MyOCamlbuildBase = struct
                    flag ["link"; "library"; "ocaml"; "native"; tag_libstubs lib]
                      (S[A"-cclib"; A("-l"^(nm_libstubs lib))]);
-                   flag ["link"; "program"; "ocaml"; "byte"; tag_libstubs lib]
-                     (S[A"-dllib"; A("dll"^(nm_libstubs lib))]);
+                   if bool_of_string (BaseEnvLight.var_get "native_dynlink" env) then
+                     flag ["link"; "program"; "ocaml"; "byte"; tag_libstubs lib]
+                         (S[A"-dllib"; A("dll"^(nm_libstubs lib))]);
                    (* When ocaml link something that use the C library, then one
                       need that file to be up to date.
+                      This holds both for programs and for libraries.
-                   dep ["link"; "ocaml"; "program"; tag_libstubs lib]
+                   dep ["link"; "ocaml"; tag_libstubs lib]
                      [dir/"lib"^(nm_libstubs lib)^"."^(!Options.ext_lib)];
-                   dep  ["compile"; "ocaml"; "program"; tag_libstubs lib]
+                   dep  ["compile"; "ocaml"; tag_libstubs lib]
                      [dir/"lib"^(nm_libstubs lib)^"."^(!Options.ext_lib)];
                    (* TODO: be more specific about what depends on headers *)
                    (* Depends on .h files *)
-                   dep ["compile"; "c"] 
+                   dep ["compile"; "c"]
                    (* Setup search path for lib *)
-                   flag ["link"; "ocaml"; "use_"^lib] 
+                   flag ["link"; "ocaml"; "use_"^lib]
                      (S[A"-I"; P(dir)]);
@@ -466,32 +851,40 @@ module MyOCamlbuildBase = struct
               (* Add flags *)
               (fun (tags, cond_specs) ->
-                 let spec = 
-                   BaseEnvLight.var_choose cond_specs env
+                 let spec = BaseEnvLight.var_choose cond_specs env in
+                 let rec eval_specs =
+                   function
+                     | S lst -> S ( eval_specs lst)
+                     | A str -> A (BaseEnvLight.var_expand str env)
+                     | spec -> spec
-                   flag tags & spec)
+                   flag tags & (eval_specs spec))
-        | _ -> 
+        | _ ->
-  let dispatch_default t =
-    dispatch_combine 
+  let dispatch_default conf t =
+    dispatch_combine
         dispatch t;
-        MyOCamlbuildFindlib.dispatch;
+        MyOCamlbuildFindlib.dispatch conf;
-# 487 ""
+# 878 ""
 open Ocamlbuild_plugin;;
 let package_default =
-  {MyOCamlbuildBase.lib_ocaml = []; lib_c = []; flags = []; includes = []; }
+  {MyOCamlbuildBase.lib_ocaml = []; lib_c = []; flags = []; includes = []}
-let dispatch_default = MyOCamlbuildBase.dispatch_default package_default;;
+let conf = {MyOCamlbuildFindlib.no_automatic_syntax = false}
+let dispatch_default = MyOCamlbuildBase.dispatch_default conf package_default;;
-# 496 ""
+# 889 ""
 Ocamlbuild_plugin.dispatch dispatch_default;;
diff --git a/ b/
index 7b53edb..87518ce 100644
--- a/
+++ b/
@@ -20,23 +20,20 @@
-(* DO NOT EDIT (digest: e1b35f4beac5c9c844c0c1c02d73290d) *)
+(* DO NOT EDIT (digest: 34f91ad0e2768568009a7877006a665e) *)
-   Regenerated by OASIS v0.3.1
+   Regenerated by OASIS v0.4.11
    Visit for more information and
    documentation about functions used in this file.
 module OASISGettext = struct
-# 21 "/home/gildor/programmation/oasis/src/oasis/"
+(* # 22 "src/oasis/" *)
-  let ns_ str =
-    str
-  let s_ str =
-    str
+  let ns_ str = str
+  let s_ str = str
+  let f_ (str: ('a, 'b, 'c, 'd) format4) = str
-  let f_ (str : ('a, 'b, 'c, 'd) format4) =
-    str
   let fn_ fmt1 fmt2 n =
     if n = 1 then
@@ -44,83 +41,21 @@ module OASISGettext = struct
-  let init =
-    []
-module OASISContext = struct
-# 21 "/home/gildor/programmation/oasis/src/oasis/"
-  open OASISGettext
-  type level =
-    [ `Debug
-    | `Info
-    | `Warning
-    | `Error]
-  type t =
-    {
-      quiet:                 bool;
-      info:                  bool;
-      debug:                 bool;
-      ignore_plugins:        bool;
-      ignore_unknown_fields: bool;
-      printf:                level -> string -> unit;
-    }
-  let printf lvl str =
-    let beg =
-      match lvl with
-        | `Error -> s_ "E: "
-        | `Warning -> s_ "W: "
-        | `Info  -> s_ "I: "
-        | `Debug -> s_ "D: "
-    in
-      prerr_endline (beg^str)
-  let default =
-    ref
-      {
-        quiet                 = false;
-        info                  = false;
-        debug                 = false;
-        ignore_plugins        = false;
-        ignore_unknown_fields = false;
-        printf                = printf;
-      }
-  let quiet =
-    {!default with quiet = true}
-  let args () =
-    ["-quiet",
-     Arg.Unit (fun () -> default := {!default with quiet = true}),
-     (s_ " Run quietly");
-     "-info",
-     Arg.Unit (fun () -> default := {!default with info = true}),
-     (s_ " Display information message");
-     "-debug",
-     Arg.Unit (fun () -> default := {!default with debug = true}),
-     (s_ " Output debug message")]
+  let init = []
 module OASISString = struct
-# 1 "/home/gildor/programmation/oasis/src/oasis/"
+(* # 22 "src/oasis/" *)
   (** Various string utilities.
       Mostly inspired by extlib and batteries ExtString and BatString libraries.
       @author Sylvain Le Gall
-    *)
+  *)
   let nsplitf str f =
     if str = "" then
@@ -133,44 +68,48 @@ module OASISString = struct
         Buffer.clear buf
       let str_len = String.length str in
-        for i = 0 to str_len - 1 do
-          if f str.[i] then
-            push ()
-          else
-            Buffer.add_char buf str.[i]
-        done;
-        push ();
-        List.rev !lst
+      for i = 0 to str_len - 1 do
+        if f str.[i] then
+          push ()
+        else
+          Buffer.add_char buf str.[i]
+      done;
+      push ();
+      List.rev !lst
   (** [nsplit c s] Split the string [s] at char [c]. It doesn't include the
-    *)
+  *)
   let nsplit str c =
     nsplitf str ((=) c)
   let find ~what ?(offset=0) str =
     let what_idx = ref 0 in
-    let str_idx = ref offset in 
-      while !str_idx < String.length str && 
-            !what_idx < String.length what do
-        if str.[!str_idx] = what.[!what_idx] then
-          incr what_idx
-        else
-          what_idx := 0;
-        incr str_idx
-      done;
-      if !what_idx <> String.length what then
-        raise Not_found
-      else 
-        !str_idx - !what_idx
+    let str_idx = ref offset in
+    while !str_idx < String.length str &&
+          !what_idx < String.length what do
+      if str.[!str_idx] = what.[!what_idx] then
+        incr what_idx
+      else
+        what_idx := 0;
+      incr str_idx
+    done;
+    if !what_idx <> String.length what then
+      raise Not_found
+    else
+      !str_idx - !what_idx
-  let sub_start str len = 
+  let sub_start str len =
     let str_len = String.length str in
     if len >= str_len then
       String.sub str len (str_len - len)
   let sub_end ?(offset=0) str len =
     let str_len = String.length str in
     if len >= str_len then
@@ -178,23 +117,22 @@ module OASISString = struct
       String.sub str 0 (str_len - len)
   let starts_with ~what ?(offset=0) str =
     let what_idx = ref 0 in
     let str_idx = ref offset in
     let ok = ref true in
-      while !ok &&
-            !str_idx < String.length str && 
-            !what_idx < String.length what do
-        if str.[!str_idx] = what.[!what_idx] then
-          incr what_idx
-        else
-          ok := false;
-        incr str_idx
-      done;
-      if !what_idx = String.length what then
-        true
-      else 
-        false
+    while !ok &&
+          !str_idx < String.length str &&
+          !what_idx < String.length what do
+      if str.[!str_idx] = what.[!what_idx] then
+        incr what_idx
+      else
+        ok := false;
+      incr str_idx
+    done;
+    !what_idx = String.length what
   let strip_starts_with ~what str =
     if starts_with ~what str then
@@ -202,23 +140,22 @@ module OASISString = struct
       raise Not_found
   let ends_with ~what ?(offset=0) str =
     let what_idx = ref ((String.length what) - 1) in
     let str_idx = ref ((String.length str) - 1) in
     let ok = ref true in
-      while !ok &&
-            offset <= !str_idx && 
-            0 <= !what_idx do
-        if str.[!str_idx] = what.[!what_idx] then
-          decr what_idx
-        else
-          ok := false;
-        decr str_idx
-      done;
-      if !what_idx = -1 then
-        true
-      else 
-        false
+    while !ok &&
+          offset <= !str_idx &&
+          0 <= !what_idx do
+      if str.[!str_idx] = what.[!what_idx] then
+        decr what_idx
+      else
+        ok := false;
+      decr str_idx
+    done;
+    !what_idx = -1
   let strip_ends_with ~what str =
     if ends_with ~what str then
@@ -226,56 +163,127 @@ module OASISString = struct
       raise Not_found
   let replace_chars f s =
-    let buf = String.make (String.length s) 'X' in
-      for i = 0 to String.length s - 1 do
-        buf.[i] <- f s.[i]
-      done;
-      buf
+    let buf = Buffer.create (String.length s) in
+    String.iter (fun c -> Buffer.add_char buf (f c)) s;
+    Buffer.contents buf
+  let lowercase_ascii =
+    replace_chars
+      (fun c ->
+         if (c >= 'A' && c <= 'Z') then
+           Char.chr (Char.code c + 32)
+         else
+           c)
+  let uncapitalize_ascii s =
+    if s <> "" then
+      (lowercase_ascii (String.sub s 0 1)) ^ (String.sub s 1 ((String.length s) - 1))
+    else
+      s
+  let uppercase_ascii =
+    replace_chars
+      (fun c ->
+         if (c >= 'a' && c <= 'z') then
+           Char.chr (Char.code c - 32)
+         else
+           c)
+  let capitalize_ascii s =
+    if s <> "" then
+      (uppercase_ascii (String.sub s 0 1)) ^ (String.sub s 1 ((String.length s) - 1))
+    else
+      s
 module OASISUtils = struct
-# 21 "/home/gildor/programmation/oasis/src/oasis/"
+(* # 22 "src/oasis/" *)
   open OASISGettext
-  module MapString = Map.Make(String)
-  let map_string_of_assoc assoc =
-    List.fold_left
-      (fun acc (k, v) -> MapString.add k v acc)
-      MapString.empty
-      assoc
+  module MapExt =
+  struct
+    module type S =
+    sig
+      include Map.S
+      val add_list: 'a t -> (key * 'a) list -> 'a t
+      val of_list: (key * 'a) list -> 'a t
+      val to_list: 'a t -> (key * 'a) list
+    end
+    module Make (Ord: Map.OrderedType) =
+    struct
+      include Map.Make(Ord)
+      let rec add_list t =
+        function
+          | (k, v) :: tl -> add_list (add k v t) tl
+          | [] -> t
-  module SetString = Set.Make(String)
+      let of_list lst = add_list empty lst
-  let set_string_add_list st lst =
-    List.fold_left
-      (fun acc e -> SetString.add e acc)
-      st
-      lst
+      let to_list t = fold (fun k v acc -> (k, v) :: acc) t []
+    end
+  end
+  module MapString = MapExt.Make(String)
-  let set_string_of_list =
-    set_string_add_list
-      SetString.empty
+  module SetExt  =
+  struct
+    module type S =
+    sig
+      include Set.S
+      val add_list: t -> elt list -> t
+      val of_list: elt list -> t
+      val to_list: t -> elt list
+    end
+    module Make (Ord: Set.OrderedType) =
+    struct
+      include Set.Make(Ord)
+      let rec add_list t =
+        function
+          | e :: tl -> add_list (add e t) tl
+          | [] -> t
+      let of_list lst = add_list empty lst
+      let to_list = elements
+    end
+  end
+  module SetString = SetExt.Make(String)
   let compare_csl s1 s2 =
- (String.lowercase s1) (String.lowercase s2)
+ (OASISString.lowercase_ascii s1) (OASISString.lowercase_ascii s2)
   module HashStringCsl =
          type t = string
+         let equal s1 s2 = (compare_csl s1 s2) = 0
+         let hash s = Hashtbl.hash (OASISString.lowercase_ascii s)
+       end)
-         let equal s1 s2 =
-             (String.lowercase s1) = (String.lowercase s2)
-         let hash s =
-           Hashtbl.hash (String.lowercase s)
+  module SetStringCsl =
+    SetExt.Make
+      (struct
+         type t = string
+         let compare = compare_csl
   let varname_of_string ?(hyphen='_') s =
     if String.length s = 0 then
@@ -303,9 +311,10 @@ module OASISUtils = struct
-          String.lowercase buf
+          OASISString.lowercase_ascii buf
   let varname_concat ?(hyphen='_') p s =
     let what = String.make 1 hyphen in
     let p =
@@ -326,44 +335,443 @@ module OASISUtils = struct
   let is_varname str =
     str = varname_of_string str
   let failwithf fmt = Printf.ksprintf failwith fmt
+  let rec file_location ?pos1 ?pos2 ?lexbuf () =
+      match pos1, pos2, lexbuf with
+      | Some p, None, _ | None, Some p, _ ->
+        file_location ~pos1:p ~pos2:p ?lexbuf ()
+      | Some p1, Some p2, _ ->
+        let open Lexing in
+        let fn, lineno = p1.pos_fname, p1.pos_lnum in
+        let c1 = p1.pos_cnum - p1.pos_bol in
+        let c2 = c1 + (p2.pos_cnum - p1.pos_cnum) in
+        Printf.sprintf (f_ "file %S, line %d, characters %d-%d")  fn lineno c1 c2
+      | _, _, Some lexbuf ->
+        file_location
+          ~pos1:(Lexing.lexeme_start_p lexbuf)
+          ~pos2:(Lexing.lexeme_end_p lexbuf)
+          ()
+      | None, None, None ->
+        s_ "<position undefined>"
+  let failwithpf ?pos1 ?pos2 ?lexbuf fmt =
+    let loc = file_location ?pos1 ?pos2 ?lexbuf () in
+    Printf.ksprintf (fun s -> failwith (Printf.sprintf "%s: %s" loc s)) fmt
+module OASISUnixPath = struct
+(* # 22 "src/oasis/" *)
+  type unix_filename = string
+  type unix_dirname = string
+  type host_filename = string
+  type host_dirname = string
+  let current_dir_name = "."
+  let parent_dir_name = ".."
+  let is_current_dir fn =
+    fn = current_dir_name || fn = ""
+  let concat f1 f2 =
+    if is_current_dir f1 then
+      f2
+    else
+      let f1' =
+        try OASISString.strip_ends_with ~what:"/" f1 with Not_found -> f1
+      in
+      f1'^"/"^f2
+  let make =
+    function
+      | hd :: tl ->
+        List.fold_left
+          (fun f p -> concat f p)
+          hd
+          tl
+      | [] ->
+        invalid_arg "OASISUnixPath.make"
+  let dirname f =
+    try
+      String.sub f 0 (String.rindex f '/')
+    with Not_found ->
+      current_dir_name
+  let basename f =
+    try
+      let pos_start =
+        (String.rindex f '/') + 1
+      in
+      String.sub f pos_start ((String.length f) - pos_start)
+    with Not_found ->
+      f
+  let chop_extension f =
+    try
+      let last_dot =
+        String.rindex f '.'
+      in
+      let sub =
+        String.sub f 0 last_dot
+      in
+      try
+        let last_slash =
+          String.rindex f '/'
+        in
+        if last_slash < last_dot then
+          sub
+        else
+          f
+      with Not_found ->
+        sub
+    with Not_found ->
+      f
+  let capitalize_file f =
+    let dir = dirname f in
+    let base = basename f in
+    concat dir (OASISString.capitalize_ascii base)
+  let uncapitalize_file f =
+    let dir = dirname f in
+    let base = basename f in
+    concat dir (OASISString.uncapitalize_ascii base)
+module OASISHostPath = struct
+(* # 22 "src/oasis/" *)
+  open Filename
+  open OASISGettext
+  module Unix = OASISUnixPath
+  let make =
+    function
+      | [] ->
+        invalid_arg "OASISHostPath.make"
+      | hd :: tl ->
+        List.fold_left Filename.concat hd tl
+  let of_unix ufn =
+    match Sys.os_type with
+    | "Unix" | "Cygwin" -> ufn
+    | "Win32" ->
+      make
+        (
+           (fun p ->
+              if p = Unix.current_dir_name then
+                current_dir_name
+              else if p = Unix.parent_dir_name then
+                parent_dir_name
+              else
+                p)
+           (OASISString.nsplit ufn '/'))
+    | os_type ->
+      OASISUtils.failwithf
+        (f_ "Don't know the path format of os_type %S when translating unix \
+             filename. %S")
+        os_type ufn
+module OASISFileSystem = struct
+(* # 22 "src/oasis/" *)
+  (** File System functions
+      @author Sylvain Le Gall
+  *)
+  type 'a filename = string
+  class type closer =
+    object
+      method close: unit
+    end
+  class type reader =
+    object
+      inherit closer
+      method input: Buffer.t -> int -> unit
+    end
+  class type writer =
+    object
+      inherit closer
+      method output: Buffer.t -> unit
+    end
+  class type ['a] fs =
+    object
+      method string_of_filename: 'a filename -> string
+      method open_out: ?mode:(open_flag list) -> ?perm:int -> 'a filename -> writer
+      method open_in: ?mode:(open_flag list) -> ?perm:int -> 'a filename -> reader
+      method file_exists: 'a filename -> bool
+      method remove: 'a filename -> unit
+    end
+  module Mode =
+  struct
+    let default_in = [Open_rdonly]
+    let default_out = [Open_wronly; Open_creat; Open_trunc]
+    let text_in = Open_text :: default_in
+    let text_out = Open_text :: default_out
+    let binary_in = Open_binary :: default_in
+    let binary_out = Open_binary :: default_out
+  end
+  let std_length = 4096 (* Standard buffer/read length. *)
+  let binary_out = Mode.binary_out
+  let binary_in = Mode.binary_in
+  let of_unix_filename ufn = (ufn: 'a filename)
+  let to_unix_filename fn = (fn: string)
+  let defer_close o f =
+    try
+      let r = f o in o#close; r
+    with e ->
+      o#close; raise e
+  let stream_of_reader rdr =
+    let buf = Buffer.create std_length in
+    let pos = ref 0 in
+    let eof = ref false in
+    let rec next idx =
+      let bpos = idx - !pos in
+      if !eof then begin
+        None
+      end else if bpos < Buffer.length buf then begin
+        Some (Buffer.nth buf bpos)
+      end else begin
+        pos := !pos + Buffer.length buf;
+        Buffer.clear buf;
+        begin
+          try
+            rdr#input buf std_length;
+          with End_of_file ->
+            if Buffer.length buf = 0 then
+              eof := true
+        end;
+        next idx
+      end
+    in
+    Stream.from next
+  let read_all buf rdr =
+    try
+      while true do
+        rdr#input buf std_length
+      done
+    with End_of_file ->
+      ()
+  class ['a] host_fs rootdir : ['a] fs =
+    object (self)
+      method private host_filename fn = Filename.concat rootdir fn
+      method string_of_filename = self#host_filename
+      method open_out ?(mode=Mode.text_out)  ?(perm=0o666) fn =
+        let chn = open_out_gen mode perm (self#host_filename fn) in
+        object
+          method close = close_out chn
+          method output buf = Buffer.output_buffer chn buf
+        end
+      method open_in ?(mode=Mode.text_in) ?(perm=0o666) fn =
+        (* TODO: use Buffer.add_channel when minimal version of OCaml will
+         * be >= 4.03.0 (previous version was discarding last chars).
+         *)
+        let chn = open_in_gen mode perm (self#host_filename fn) in
+        let strm = Stream.of_channel chn in
+        object
+          method close = close_in chn
+          method input buf len =
+            let read = ref 0 in
+            try
+              for _i = 0 to len do
+                Buffer.add_char buf ( strm);
+                incr read
+              done
+            with Stream.Failure ->
+              if !read = 0 then
+                raise End_of_file
+        end
+      method file_exists fn = Sys.file_exists (self#host_filename fn)
+      method remove fn = Sys.remove (self#host_filename fn)
+    end
+module OASISContext = struct
+(* # 22 "src/oasis/" *)
+  open OASISGettext
+  type level =
+    [ `Debug
+    | `Info
+    | `Warning
+    | `Error]
+  type source
+  type source_filename = source OASISFileSystem.filename
+  let in_srcdir ufn = OASISFileSystem.of_unix_filename ufn
+  type t =
+    {
+      (* TODO: replace this by a proplist. *)
+      quiet:                 bool;
+      info:                  bool;
+      debug:                 bool;
+      ignore_plugins:        bool;
+      ignore_unknown_fields: bool;
+      printf:                level -> string -> unit;
+      srcfs:                 source OASISFileSystem.fs;
+      load_oasis_plugin:     string -> bool;
+    }
+  let printf lvl str =
+    let beg =
+      match lvl with
+        | `Error -> s_ "E: "
+        | `Warning -> s_ "W: "
+        | `Info  -> s_ "I: "
+        | `Debug -> s_ "D: "
+    in
+    prerr_endline (beg^str)
+  let default =
+    ref
+      {
+        quiet                 = false;
+        info                  = false;
+        debug                 = false;
+        ignore_plugins        = false;
+        ignore_unknown_fields = false;
+        printf                = printf;
+        srcfs                 = new OASISFileSystem.host_fs(Sys.getcwd ());
+        load_oasis_plugin     = (fun _ -> false);
+      }
+  let quiet =
+    {!default with quiet = true}
+  let fspecs () =
+    (* TODO: don't act on default. *)
+    let ignore_plugins = ref false in
+    ["-quiet",
+     Arg.Unit (fun () -> default := {!default with quiet = true}),
+     s_ " Run quietly";
+     "-info",
+     Arg.Unit (fun () -> default := {!default with info = true}),
+     s_ " Display information message";
+     "-debug",
+     Arg.Unit (fun () -> default := {!default with debug = true}),
+     s_ " Output debug message";
+     "-ignore-plugins",
+     Arg.Set ignore_plugins,
+     s_ " Ignore plugin's field.";
+     "-C",
+     Arg.String
+       (fun str ->
+          Sys.chdir str;
+          default := {!default with srcfs = new OASISFileSystem.host_fs str}),
+     s_ "dir Change directory before running (affects setup.{data,log})."],
+    fun () -> {!default with ignore_plugins = !ignore_plugins}
 module PropList = struct
-# 21 "/home/gildor/programmation/oasis/src/oasis/"
+(* # 22 "src/oasis/" *)
   open OASISGettext
   type name = string
   exception Not_set of name * string option
   exception No_printer of name
   exception Unknown_field of name * name
   let () =
-         | Not_set (nm, Some rsn) ->
-             Some 
-               (Printf.sprintf (f_ "Field '%s' is not set: %s") nm rsn)
-         | Not_set (nm, None) ->
-             Some 
-               (Printf.sprintf (f_ "Field '%s' is not set") nm)
-         | No_printer nm ->
-             Some
-               (Printf.sprintf (f_ "No default printer for value %s") nm)
-         | Unknown_field (nm, schm) ->
-             Some 
-               (Printf.sprintf (f_ "Field %s is not defined in schema %s") nm schm)
-         | _ ->
-             None)
+        | Not_set (nm, Some rsn) ->
+          Some
+            (Printf.sprintf (f_ "Field '%s' is not set: %s") nm rsn)
+        | Not_set (nm, None) ->
+          Some
+            (Printf.sprintf (f_ "Field '%s' is not set") nm)
+        | No_printer nm ->
+          Some
+            (Printf.sprintf (f_ "No default printer for value %s") nm)
+        | Unknown_field (nm, schm) ->
+          Some
+            (Printf.sprintf
+               (f_ "Field %s is not defined in schema %s") nm schm)
+        | _ ->
+          None)
   module Data =
     type t =
-        (name, unit -> unit) Hashtbl.t
+      (name, unit -> unit) Hashtbl.t
     let create () =
       Hashtbl.create 13
@@ -371,27 +779,28 @@ module PropList = struct
     let clear t =
       Hashtbl.clear t
-# 71 "/home/gildor/programmation/oasis/src/oasis/"
+(* # 77 "src/oasis/" *)
   module Schema =
     type ('ctxt, 'extra) value =
-        {
-          get:   Data.t -> string;
-          set:   Data.t -> ?context:'ctxt -> string -> unit;
-          help:  (unit -> string) option;
-          extra: 'extra;
-        }
+      {
+        get:   Data.t -> string;
+        set:   Data.t -> ?context:'ctxt -> string -> unit;
+        help:  (unit -> string) option;
+        extra: 'extra;
+      }
     type ('ctxt, 'extra) t =
-        {
-          name:      name;
-          fields:    (name, ('ctxt, 'extra) value) Hashtbl.t;
-          order:     name Queue.t;
-          name_norm: string -> string;
-        }
+      {
+        name:      name;
+        fields:    (name, ('ctxt, 'extra) value) Hashtbl.t;
+        order:     name Queue.t;
+        name_norm: string -> string;
+      }
     let create ?(case_insensitive=false) nm =
@@ -400,7 +809,7 @@ module PropList = struct
         order     = Queue.create ();
         name_norm =
           (if case_insensitive then
-             String.lowercase
+             OASISString.lowercase_ascii
              fun s -> s);
@@ -410,21 +819,21 @@ module PropList = struct
         t.name_norm nm
-        if Hashtbl.mem t.fields key then
-          failwith
-            (Printf.sprintf
-               (f_ "Field '%s' is already defined in schema '%s'")
-               nm;
-        Hashtbl.add
-          t.fields
-          key
-          {
-            set   = set;
-            get   = get;
-            help  = help;
-            extra = extra;
-          };
-        Queue.add nm t.order
+      if Hashtbl.mem t.fields key then
+        failwith
+          (Printf.sprintf
+             (f_ "Field '%s' is already defined in schema '%s'")
+             nm;
+      Hashtbl.add
+        t.fields
+        key
+        {
+          set   = set;
+          get   = get;
+          help  = help;
+          extra = extra;
+        };
+      Queue.add nm t.order
     let mem t nm =
       Hashtbl.mem t.fields nm
@@ -450,7 +859,7 @@ module PropList = struct
            let v =
              find t k
-             f acc k v.extra
+           f acc k v.extra
@@ -464,24 +873,24 @@ module PropList = struct
   module Field =
     type ('ctxt, 'value, 'extra) t =
-        {
-          set:    Data.t -> ?context:'ctxt -> 'value -> unit;
-          get:    Data.t -> 'value;
-          sets:   Data.t -> ?context:'ctxt -> string -> unit;
-          gets:   Data.t -> string;
-          help:   (unit -> string) option;
-          extra:  'extra;
-        }
+      {
+        set:    Data.t -> ?context:'ctxt -> 'value -> unit;
+        get:    Data.t -> 'value;
+        sets:   Data.t -> ?context:'ctxt -> string -> unit;
+        gets:   Data.t -> string;
+        help:   (unit -> string) option;
+        extra:  'extra;
+      }
     let new_id =
       let last_id =
         ref 0
-        fun () -> incr last_id; !last_id
+      fun () -> incr last_id; !last_id
     let create ?schema ?name ?parse ?print ?default ?update ?help extra =
       (* Default value container *)
@@ -520,33 +929,33 @@ module PropList = struct
         let x =
           match update with
             | Some f ->
-                begin
-                  try
-                    f ?context (get data) x
-                  with Not_set _ ->
-                    x
-                end
+              begin
+                try
+                  f ?context (get data) x
+                with Not_set _ ->
+                  x
+              end
             | None ->
-                x
+              x
-          Hashtbl.replace
-            data
-            nm
-            (fun () -> v := Some x)
+        Hashtbl.replace
+          data
+          nm
+          (fun () -> v := Some x)
       (* Parse string value, if possible *)
       let parse =
         match parse with
           | Some f ->
-              f
+            f
           | None ->
-              fun ?context s ->
-                failwith
-                  (Printf.sprintf
-                     (f_ "Cannot parse field '%s' when setting value %S")
-                     nm
-                     s)
+            fun ?context s ->
+              failwith
+                (Printf.sprintf
+                   (f_ "Cannot parse field '%s' when setting value %S")
+                   nm
+                   s)
       (* Set data, from string *)
@@ -558,9 +967,9 @@ module PropList = struct
       let print =
         match print with
           | Some f ->
-              f
+            f
           | None ->
-              fun _ -> raise (No_printer nm)
+            fun _ -> raise (No_printer nm)
       (* Get data, as a string *)
@@ -568,22 +977,22 @@ module PropList = struct
         print (get data)
-        begin
-          match schema with
-            | Some t ->
-                Schema.add t nm sets gets extra help
-            | None ->
-                ()
-        end;
+      begin
+        match schema with
+          | Some t ->
+            Schema.add t nm sets gets extra help
+          | None ->
+            ()
+      end;
-        {
-          set   = set;
-          get   = get;
-          sets  = sets;
-          gets  = gets;
-          help  = help;
-          extra = extra;
-        }
+      {
+        set   = set;
+        get   = get;
+        sets  = sets;
+        gets  = gets;
+        help  = help;
+        extra = extra;
+      }
     let fset data t ?context x =
       t.set data ?context x
@@ -596,28 +1005,27 @@ module PropList = struct
     let fgets data t =
       t.gets data
   module FieldRO =
     let create ?schema ?name ?parse ?print ?default ?update ?help extra =
       let fld =
         Field.create ?schema ?name ?parse ?print ?default ?update ?help extra
-        fun data -> Field.fget data fld
+      fun data -> Field.fget data fld
 module OASISMessage = struct
-# 21 "/home/gildor/programmation/oasis/src/oasis/"
+(* # 22 "src/oasis/" *)
   open OASISGettext
   open OASISContext
   let generic_message ~ctxt lvl fmt =
     let cond =
       if ctxt.quiet then
@@ -628,38 +1036,41 @@ module OASISMessage = struct
           | `Info  ->
           | _ -> true
-      Printf.ksprintf
-        (fun str ->
-           if cond then
-             begin
-               ctxt.printf lvl str
-             end)
-        fmt
+    Printf.ksprintf
+      (fun str ->
+         if cond then
+           begin
+             ctxt.printf lvl str
+           end)
+      fmt
   let debug ~ctxt fmt =
     generic_message ~ctxt `Debug fmt
   let info ~ctxt fmt =
     generic_message ~ctxt `Info fmt
   let warning ~ctxt fmt =
     generic_message ~ctxt `Warning fmt
   let error ~ctxt fmt =
     generic_message ~ctxt `Error fmt
 module OASISVersion = struct
-# 21 "/home/gildor/programmation/oasis/src/oasis/"
+(* # 22 "src/oasis/" *)
-  open OASISGettext
+  open OASISGettext
-  type s = string
+  type t = string
-  type t = string 
   type comparator =
     | VGreater of t
@@ -669,26 +1080,20 @@ module OASISVersion = struct
     | VLesserEqual of t
     | VOr of  comparator * comparator
     | VAnd of comparator * comparator
-  (* Range of allowed characters *)
-  let is_digit c =
-    '0' <= c && c <= '9'
-  let is_alpha c =
-    ('a' <= c && c <= 'z') || ('A' <= c && c <= 'Z')
+  (* Range of allowed characters *)
+  let is_digit c = '0' <= c && c <= '9'
+  let is_alpha c = ('a' <= c && c <= 'z') || ('A' <= c && c <= 'Z')
+  let is_special = function | '.' | '+' | '-' | '~' -> true | _ -> false
-  let is_special =
-    function
-      | '.' | '+' | '-' | '~' -> true
-      | _ -> false
   let rec version_compare v1 v2 =
     if v1 <> "" || v2 <> "" then
         (* Compare ascii string, using special meaning for version
          * related char
-         *)
+        *)
         let val_ascii c =
           if c = '~' then -1
           else if is_digit c then 0
@@ -723,76 +1128,79 @@ module OASISVersion = struct
         let compare_digit () =
           let extract_int v p =
             let start_p = !p in
-              while !p < String.length v && is_digit v.[!p] do
-                incr p
-              done;
-              let substr = 
-                String.sub v !p ((String.length v) - !p)
-              in 
-              let res = 
-                match String.sub v start_p (!p - start_p) with 
-                  | "" -> 0
-                  | s -> int_of_string s
-              in
-                res, substr
+            while !p < String.length v && is_digit v.[!p] do
+              incr p
+            done;
+            let substr =
+              String.sub v !p ((String.length v) - !p)
+            in
+            let res =
+              match String.sub v start_p (!p - start_p) with
+                | "" -> 0
+                | s -> int_of_string s
+            in
+            res, substr
           let i1, tl1 = extract_int v1 (ref !p) in
           let i2, tl2 = extract_int v2 (ref !p) in
-            i1 - i2, tl1, tl2
+          i1 - i2, tl1, tl2
-          match compare_vascii () with
-            | 0 ->
-                begin
-                  match compare_digit () with
-                    | 0, tl1, tl2 ->
-                        if tl1 <> "" && is_digit tl1.[0] then
-                          1
-                        else if tl2 <> "" && is_digit tl2.[0] then
-                          -1
-                        else
-                          version_compare tl1 tl2
-                    | n, _, _ ->
-                        n
-                end
-            | n ->
-                n
-      end
-    else
-      begin
-        0
+        match compare_vascii () with
+          | 0 ->
+            begin
+              match compare_digit () with
+                | 0, tl1, tl2 ->
+                  if tl1 <> "" && is_digit tl1.[0] then
+                    1
+                  else if tl2 <> "" && is_digit tl2.[0] then
+                    -1
+                  else
+                    version_compare tl1 tl2
+                | n, _, _ ->
+                  n
+            end
+          | n ->
+            n
+    else begin
+      0
+    end
   let version_of_string str = str
   let string_of_version t = t
   let chop t =
       let pos =
         String.rindex t '.'
-        String.sub t 0 pos
+      String.sub t 0 pos
     with Not_found ->
   let rec comparator_apply v op =
     match op with
       | VGreater cv ->
-          (version_compare v cv) > 0
+        (version_compare v cv) > 0
       | VGreaterEqual cv ->
-          (version_compare v cv) >= 0
+        (version_compare v cv) >= 0
       | VLesser cv ->
-          (version_compare v cv) < 0
+        (version_compare v cv) < 0
       | VLesserEqual cv ->
-          (version_compare v cv) <= 0
+        (version_compare v cv) <= 0
       | VEqual cv ->
-          (version_compare v cv) = 0
+        (version_compare v cv) = 0
       | VOr (op1, op2) ->
-          (comparator_apply v op1) || (comparator_apply v op2)
+        (comparator_apply v op1) || (comparator_apply v op2)
       | VAnd (op1, op2) ->
-          (comparator_apply v op1) && (comparator_apply v op2)
+        (comparator_apply v op1) && (comparator_apply v op2)
   let rec string_of_comparator =
@@ -802,9 +1210,10 @@ module OASISVersion = struct
       | VGreaterEqual v -> ">= "^(string_of_version v)
       | VLesserEqual v  -> "<= "^(string_of_version v)
       | VOr (c1, c2)  ->
-          (string_of_comparator c1)^" || "^(string_of_comparator c2)
+        (string_of_comparator c1)^" || "^(string_of_comparator c2)
       | VAnd (c1, c2) ->
-          (string_of_comparator c1)^" && "^(string_of_comparator c2)
+        (string_of_comparator c1)^" && "^(string_of_comparator c2)
   let rec varname_of_comparator =
     let concat p v =
@@ -813,40 +1222,38 @@ module OASISVersion = struct
            (string_of_version v))
-      function
-        | VGreater v -> concat "gt" v
-        | VLesser v  -> concat "lt" v
-        | VEqual v   -> concat "eq" v
-        | VGreaterEqual v -> concat "ge" v
-        | VLesserEqual v  -> concat "le" v
-        | VOr (c1, c2) ->
-            (varname_of_comparator c1)^"_or_"^(varname_of_comparator c2)
-        | VAnd (c1, c2) ->
-            (varname_of_comparator c1)^"_and_"^(varname_of_comparator c2)
-  let version_0_3_or_after t =
-    comparator_apply t (VGreaterEqual (string_of_version "0.3"))
+    function
+      | VGreater v -> concat "gt" v
+      | VLesser v  -> concat "lt" v
+      | VEqual v   -> concat "eq" v
+      | VGreaterEqual v -> concat "ge" v
+      | VLesserEqual v  -> concat "le" v
+      | VOr (c1, c2) ->
+        (varname_of_comparator c1)^"_or_"^(varname_of_comparator c2)
+      | VAnd (c1, c2) ->
+        (varname_of_comparator c1)^"_and_"^(varname_of_comparator c2)
 module OASISLicense = struct
-# 21 "/home/gildor/programmation/oasis/src/oasis/"
+(* # 22 "src/oasis/" *)
   (** License for _oasis fields
       @author Sylvain Le Gall
-    *)
+  *)
+  type license = string
+  type license_exception = string
-  type license = string 
-  type license_exception = string 
   type license_version =
     | Version of OASISVersion.t
     | VersionOrLater of OASISVersion.t
     | NoVersion
   type license_dep_5_unit =
@@ -854,31 +1261,32 @@ module OASISLicense = struct
       excption:  license_exception option;
       version:   license_version;
   type license_dep_5 =
     | DEP5Unit of license_dep_5_unit
     | DEP5Or of license_dep_5 list
     | DEP5And of license_dep_5 list
   type t =
     | DEP5License of license_dep_5
     | OtherLicense of string (* URL *)
 module OASISExpr = struct
-# 21 "/home/gildor/programmation/oasis/src/oasis/"
+(* # 22 "src/oasis/" *)
   open OASISGettext
+  open OASISUtils
-  type test = string 
+  type test = string
+  type flag = string
-  type flag = string 
   type t =
     | EBool of bool
@@ -887,9 +1295,10 @@ module OASISExpr = struct
     | EOr of t * t
     | EFlag of flag
     | ETest of test * string
-  type 'a choices = (t * 'a) list 
+  type 'a choices = (t * 'a) list
   let eval var_get t =
     let rec eval' =
@@ -921,6 +1330,7 @@ module OASISExpr = struct
       eval' t
   let choose ?printer ?name var_get lst =
     let rec choose_aux =
@@ -957,44 +1367,188 @@ module OASISExpr = struct
       choose_aux (List.rev lst)
+module OASISText = struct
+(* # 22 "src/oasis/" *)
+  type elt =
+    | Para of string
+    | Verbatim of string
+    | BlankLine
+  type t = elt list
+module OASISSourcePatterns = struct
+(* # 22 "src/oasis/" *)
+  open OASISUtils
+  open OASISGettext
+  module Templater =
+  struct
+    (* TODO: use this module in BaseEnv.var_expand and BaseFileAB, at least. *)
+    type t =
+      {
+        atoms: atom list;
+        origin: string
+      }
+    and atom =
+      | Text of string
+      | Expr of expr
+    and expr =
+      | Ident of string
+      | String of string
+      | Call of string * expr
+    type env =
+      {
+        variables: string MapString.t;
+        functions: (string -> string) MapString.t;
+      }
+    let eval env t =
+      let rec eval_expr env =
+        function
+        | String str -> str
+        | Ident nm ->
+          begin
+            try
+              MapString.find nm env.variables
+            with Not_found ->
+              (* TODO: add error location within the string. *)
+              failwithf
+                (f_ "Unable to find variable %S in source pattern %S")
+                nm t.origin
+          end
+        | Call (fn, expr) ->
+          begin
+            try
+              (MapString.find fn env.functions) (eval_expr env expr)
+            with Not_found ->
+              (* TODO: add error location within the string. *)
+              failwithf
+                (f_ "Unable to find function %S in source pattern %S")
+                fn t.origin
+          end
+      in
+      String.concat ""
+        (
+           (function
+             | Text str -> str
+             | Expr expr -> eval_expr env expr)
+           t.atoms)
+    let parse env s =
+      let lxr = Genlex.make_lexer [] in
+      let parse_expr s =
+        let st = lxr (Stream.of_string s) in
+        match Stream.npeek 3 st with
+        | [Genlex.Ident fn; Genlex.Ident nm] -> Call(fn, Ident nm)
+        | [Genlex.Ident fn; Genlex.String str] -> Call(fn, String str)
+        | [Genlex.String str] -> String str
+        | [Genlex.Ident nm] -> Ident nm
+        (* TODO: add error location within the string. *)
+        | _ -> failwithf (f_ "Unable to parse expression %S") s
+      in
+      let parse s =
+        let lst_exprs = ref [] in
+        let ss =
+          let buff = Buffer.create (String.length s) in
+          Buffer.add_substitute
+            buff
+            (fun s -> lst_exprs := (parse_expr s) :: !lst_exprs; "\000")
+            s;
+          Buffer.contents buff
+        in
+        let rec join =
+          function
+          | hd1 :: tl1, hd2 :: tl2 -> Text hd1 :: Expr hd2 :: join (tl1, tl2)
+          | [], tl -> (fun e -> Expr e) tl
+          | tl, [] -> (fun e -> Text e) tl
+        in
+        join (OASISString.nsplit ss '\000', List.rev (!lst_exprs))
+      in
+      let t = {atoms = parse s; origin = s} in
+      (* We rely on a simple evaluation for checking variables/functions.
+         It works because there is no if/loop statement.
+      *)
+      let _s : string = eval env t in
+      t
+(* # 144 "src/oasis/" *)
+  end
+  type t = Templater.t
+  let env ~modul () =
+    {
+      Templater.
+      variables = MapString.of_list ["module", modul];
+      functions = MapString.of_list
+          [
+            "capitalize_file", OASISUnixPath.capitalize_file;
+            "uncapitalize_file", OASISUnixPath.uncapitalize_file;
+          ];
+    }
+  let all_possible_files lst ~path ~modul =
+    let eval = Templater.eval (env ~modul ()) in
+    List.fold_left
+      (fun acc pat -> OASISUnixPath.concat path (eval pat) :: acc)
+      [] lst
+  let to_string t = t.Templater.origin
 module OASISTypes = struct
-# 21 "/home/gildor/programmation/oasis/src/oasis/"
+(* # 22 "src/oasis/" *)
+  type name          = string
+  type package_name  = string
+  type url           = string
+  type unix_dirname  = string
+  type unix_filename = string (* TODO: replace everywhere. *)
+  type host_dirname  = string (* TODO: replace everywhere. *)
+  type host_filename = string (* TODO: replace everywhere. *)
+  type prog          = string
+  type arg           = string
+  type args          = string list
+  type command_line  = (prog * arg list)
-  type name          = string 
-  type package_name  = string 
-  type url           = string 
-  type unix_dirname  = string 
-  type unix_filename = string 
-  type host_dirname  = string 
-  type host_filename = string 
-  type prog          = string 
-  type arg           = string 
-  type args          = string list 
-  type command_line  = (prog * arg list) 
+  type findlib_name = string
+  type findlib_full = string
-  type findlib_name = string 
-  type findlib_full = string 
   type compiled_object =
     | Byte
     | Native
     | Best
   type dependency =
     | FindlibPackage of findlib_full * OASISVersion.comparator option
     | InternalLibrary of name
   type tool =
     | ExternalTool of name
     | InternalExecutable of name
   type vcs =
     | Darcs
@@ -1006,344 +1560,636 @@ module OASISTypes = struct
     | Arch
     | Monotone
     | OtherVCS of url
   type plugin_kind =
-      [  `Configure
-       | `Build
-       | `Doc
-       | `Test
-       | `Install
-       | `Extra
-      ]
+    [  `Configure
+    | `Build
+    | `Doc
+    | `Test
+    | `Install
+    | `Extra
+    ]
   type plugin_data_purpose =
-      [  `Configure
-       | `Build
-       | `Install
-       | `Clean
-       | `Distclean
-       | `Install
-       | `Uninstall
-       | `Test
-       | `Doc
-       | `Extra
-       | `Other of string
-      ]
+    [  `Configure
+    | `Build
+    | `Install
+    | `Clean
+    | `Distclean
+    | `Install
+    | `Uninstall
+    | `Test
+    | `Doc
+    | `Extra
+    | `Other of string
+    ]
+  type 'a plugin = 'a * name * OASISVersion.t option
-  type 'a plugin = 'a * name * OASISVersion.t option 
   type all_plugin = plugin_kind plugin
   type plugin_data = (all_plugin * plugin_data_purpose * (unit -> unit)) list
-# 102 "/home/gildor/programmation/oasis/src/oasis/"
-  type 'a conditional = 'a OASISExpr.choices 
+  type 'a conditional = 'a OASISExpr.choices
   type custom =
-      {
-        pre_command:  (command_line option) conditional;
-        post_command: (command_line option) conditional;
-      }
+    {
+      pre_command:  (command_line option) conditional;
+      post_command: (command_line option) conditional;
+    }
   type common_section =
-      {
-        cs_name: name;
-        cs_data: PropList.Data.t;
-        cs_plugin_data: plugin_data;
-      }
+    {
+      cs_name: name;
+      cs_data: PropList.Data.t;
+      cs_plugin_data: plugin_data;
+    }
   type build_section =
+    {
+      bs_build:                   bool conditional;
+      bs_install:                 bool conditional;
+      bs_path:                    unix_dirname;
+      bs_compiled_object:         compiled_object;
+      bs_build_depends:           dependency list;
+      bs_build_tools:             tool list;
+      bs_interface_patterns:      OASISSourcePatterns.t list;
+      bs_implementation_patterns: OASISSourcePatterns.t list;
+      bs_c_sources:               unix_filename list;
+      bs_data_files:              (unix_filename * unix_filename option) list;
+      bs_findlib_extra_files:     unix_filename list;
+      bs_ccopt:                   args conditional;
+      bs_cclib:                   args conditional;
+      bs_dlllib:                  args conditional;
+      bs_dllpath:                 args conditional;
+      bs_byteopt:                 args conditional;
+      bs_nativeopt:               args conditional;
+    }
+  type library =
+    {
+      lib_modules:            string list;
+      lib_pack:               bool;
+      lib_internal_modules:   string list;
+      lib_findlib_parent:     findlib_name option;
+      lib_findlib_name:       findlib_name option;
+      lib_findlib_directory:  unix_dirname option;
+      lib_findlib_containers: findlib_name list;
+    }
+  type object_ =
+    {
+      obj_modules:            string list;
+      obj_findlib_fullname:   findlib_name list option;
+      obj_findlib_directory:  unix_dirname option;
+    }
+  type executable =
+    {
+      exec_custom:          bool;
+      exec_main_is:         unix_filename;
+    }
+  type flag =
+    {
+      flag_description:  string option;
+      flag_default:      bool conditional;
+    }
+  type source_repository =
+    {
+      src_repo_type:        vcs;
+      src_repo_location:    url;
+      src_repo_browser:     url option;
+      src_repo_module:      string option;
+      src_repo_branch:      string option;
+      src_repo_tag:         string option;
+      src_repo_subdir:      unix_filename option;
+    }
+  type test =
+    {
+      test_type:               [`Test] plugin;
+      test_command:            command_line conditional;
+      test_custom:             custom;
+      test_working_directory:  unix_filename option;
+      test_run:                bool conditional;
+      test_tools:              tool list;
+    }
+  type doc_format =
+    | HTML of unix_filename (* TODO: source filename. *)
+    | DocText
+    | PDF
+    | PostScript
+    | Info of unix_filename (* TODO: source filename. *)
+    | DVI
+    | OtherDoc
+  type doc =
+    {
+      doc_type:        [`Doc] plugin;
+      doc_custom:      custom;
+      doc_build:       bool conditional;
+      doc_install:     bool conditional;
+      doc_install_dir: unix_filename; (* TODO: dest filename ?. *)
+      doc_title:       string;
+      doc_authors:     string list;
+      doc_abstract:    string option;
+      doc_format:      doc_format;
+      (* TODO: src filename. *)
+      doc_data_files:  (unix_filename * unix_filename option) list;
+      doc_build_tools: tool list;
+    }
+  type section =
+    | Library    of common_section * build_section * library
+    | Object     of common_section * build_section * object_
+    | Executable of common_section * build_section * executable
+    | Flag       of common_section * flag
+    | SrcRepo    of common_section * source_repository
+    | Test       of common_section * test
+    | Doc        of common_section * doc
+  type section_kind =
+    [ `Library | `Object | `Executable | `Flag | `SrcRepo | `Test | `Doc ]
+  type package =
+    {
+      oasis_version:          OASISVersion.t;
+      ocaml_version:          OASISVersion.comparator option;
+      findlib_version:        OASISVersion.comparator option;
+      alpha_features:         string list;
+      beta_features:          string list;
+      name:                   package_name;
+      version:                OASISVersion.t;
+      license:                OASISLicense.t;
+      license_file:           unix_filename option; (* TODO: source filename. *)
+      copyrights:             string list;
+      maintainers:            string list;
+      authors:                string list;
+      homepage:               url option;
+      bugreports:             url option;
+      synopsis:               string;
+      description:            OASISText.t option;
+      tags:                   string list;
+      categories:             url list;
+      conf_type:              [`Configure] plugin;
+      conf_custom:            custom;
+      build_type:             [`Build] plugin;
+      build_custom:           custom;
+      install_type:           [`Install] plugin;
+      install_custom:         custom;
+      uninstall_custom:       custom;
+      clean_custom:           custom;
+      distclean_custom:       custom;
+      files_ab:               unix_filename list; (* TODO: source filename. *)
+      sections:               section list;
+      plugins:                [`Extra] plugin list;
+      disable_oasis_section:  unix_filename list; (* TODO: source filename. *)
+      schema_data:            PropList.Data.t;
+      plugin_data:            plugin_data;
+    }
+module OASISFeatures = struct
+(* # 22 "src/oasis/" *)
+  open OASISTypes
+  open OASISUtils
+  open OASISGettext
+  open OASISVersion
+  module MapPlugin =
+    Map.Make
+      (struct
+        type t = plugin_kind * name
+        let compare =
+      end)
+  module Data =
+  struct
+    type t =
-        bs_build:           bool conditional;
-        bs_install:         bool conditional;
-        bs_path:            unix_dirname;
-        bs_compiled_object: compiled_object;
-        bs_build_depends:   dependency list;
-        bs_build_tools:     tool list;
-        bs_c_sources:       unix_filename list;
-        bs_data_files:      (unix_filename * unix_filename option) list;
-        bs_ccopt:           args conditional;
-        bs_cclib:           args conditional;
-        bs_dlllib:          args conditional;
-        bs_dllpath:         args conditional;
-        bs_byteopt:         args conditional;
-        bs_nativeopt:       args conditional;
+        oasis_version: OASISVersion.t;
+        plugin_versions: OASISVersion.t option MapPlugin.t;
+        alpha_features: string list;
+        beta_features: string list;
-  type library =
+    let create oasis_version alpha_features beta_features =
-        lib_modules:            string list;
-        lib_pack:               bool;
-        lib_internal_modules:   string list;
-        lib_findlib_parent:     findlib_name option;
-        lib_findlib_name:       findlib_name option;
-        lib_findlib_containers: findlib_name list;
-      } 
+        oasis_version = oasis_version;
+        plugin_versions = MapPlugin.empty;
+        alpha_features = alpha_features;
+        beta_features = beta_features
+      }
+    let of_package pkg =
+      create
+        pkg.OASISTypes.oasis_version
+        pkg.OASISTypes.alpha_features
+        pkg.OASISTypes.beta_features
+    let add_plugin (plugin_kind, plugin_name, plugin_version) t =
+      {t with
+         plugin_versions = MapPlugin.add
+             (plugin_kind, plugin_name)
+             plugin_version
+             t.plugin_versions}
+    let plugin_version plugin_kind plugin_name t =
+      MapPlugin.find (plugin_kind, plugin_name) t.plugin_versions
+    let to_string t =
+      Printf.sprintf
+        "oasis_version: %s; alpha_features: %s; beta_features: %s; \
+         plugins_version: %s"
+        (OASISVersion.string_of_version (t:t).oasis_version)
+        (String.concat ", " t.alpha_features)
+        (String.concat ", " t.beta_features)
+        (String.concat ", "
+           (MapPlugin.fold
+              (fun (_, plg) ver_opt acc ->
+                 (plg^
+                    (match ver_opt with
+                      | Some v ->
+                        " "^(OASISVersion.string_of_version v)
+                      | None -> ""))
+                 :: acc)
+              t.plugin_versions []))
+  end
+  type origin =
+    | Field of string * string
+    | Section of string
+    | NoOrigin
+  type stage = Alpha | Beta
+  let string_of_stage =
+    function
+    | Alpha -> "alpha"
+    | Beta -> "beta"
+  let field_of_stage =
+    function
+    | Alpha -> "AlphaFeatures"
+    | Beta -> "BetaFeatures"
+  type publication = InDev of stage | SinceVersion of OASISVersion.t
+  type t =
+    {
+      name: string;
+      plugin: all_plugin option;
+      publication: publication;
+      description: unit -> string;
+    }
+  (* TODO: mutex protect this. *)
+  let all_features = Hashtbl.create 13
+  let since_version ver_str = SinceVersion (version_of_string ver_str)
+  let alpha = InDev Alpha
+  let beta = InDev Beta
+  let to_string t =
+    Printf.sprintf
+      "feature: %s; plugin: %s; publication: %s"
+      (t:t).name
+      (match t.plugin with
+       | None -> "<none>"
+       | Some (_, nm, _) -> nm)
+      (match t.publication with
+       | InDev stage -> string_of_stage stage
+       | SinceVersion ver -> ">= "^(OASISVersion.string_of_version ver))
+  let data_check t data origin =
+    let no_message = "no message" in
+    let check_feature features stage =
+      let has_feature = List.mem (t:t).name features in
+      if not has_feature then
+        match (origin:origin) with
+        | Field (fld, where) ->
+          Some
+            (Printf.sprintf
+               (f_ "Field %s in %s is only available when feature %s \
+                    is in field %s.")
+               fld where (field_of_stage stage))
+        | Section sct ->
+          Some
+            (Printf.sprintf
+               (f_ "Section %s is only available when features %s \
+                    is in field %s.")
+               sct (field_of_stage stage))
+        | NoOrigin ->
+          Some no_message
+      else
+        None
+    in
+    let version_is_good ~min_version version fmt =
+      let version_is_good =
+        OASISVersion.comparator_apply
+          version (OASISVersion.VGreaterEqual min_version)
+      in
+      Printf.ksprintf
+        (fun str -> if version_is_good then None else Some str)
+        fmt
+    in
+    match origin, t.plugin, t.publication with
+    | _, _, InDev Alpha -> check_feature data.Data.alpha_features Alpha
+    | _, _, InDev Beta -> check_feature data.Data.beta_features Beta
+    | Field(fld, where), None, SinceVersion min_version ->
+      version_is_good ~min_version data.Data.oasis_version
+        (f_ "Field %s in %s is only valid since OASIS v%s, update \
+             OASISFormat field from '%s' to '%s' after checking \
+             OASIS changelog.")
+        fld where (string_of_version min_version)
+        (string_of_version data.Data.oasis_version)
+        (string_of_version min_version)
+    | Field(fld, where), Some(plugin_knd, plugin_name, _),
+      SinceVersion min_version ->
+      begin
+        try
+          let plugin_version_current =
+            try
+              match Data.plugin_version plugin_knd plugin_name data with
+              | Some ver -> ver
+              | None ->
+                failwithf
+                  (f_ "Field %s in %s is only valid for the OASIS \
+                       plugin %s since v%s, but no plugin version is \
+                       defined in the _oasis file, change '%s' to \
+                       '%s (%s)' in your _oasis file.")
+                  fld where plugin_name (string_of_version min_version)
+                  plugin_name
+                  plugin_name (string_of_version min_version)
+            with Not_found ->
+              failwithf
+                (f_ "Field %s in %s is only valid when the OASIS plugin %s \
+                     is defined.")
+                fld where plugin_name
+          in
+          version_is_good ~min_version plugin_version_current
+            (f_ "Field %s in %s is only valid for the OASIS plugin %s \
+                 since v%s, update your plugin from '%s (%s)' to \
+                 '%s (%s)' after checking the plugin's changelog.")
+            fld where plugin_name (string_of_version min_version)
+            plugin_name (string_of_version plugin_version_current)
+            plugin_name (string_of_version min_version)
+        with Failure msg ->
+          Some msg
+      end
+    | Section sct, None, SinceVersion min_version ->
+      version_is_good ~min_version data.Data.oasis_version
+        (f_ "Section %s is only valid for since OASIS v%s, update \
+             OASISFormat field from '%s' to '%s' after checking OASIS \
+             changelog.")
+        sct (string_of_version min_version)
+        (string_of_version data.Data.oasis_version)
+        (string_of_version min_version)
+    | Section sct, Some(plugin_knd, plugin_name, _),
+      SinceVersion min_version ->
+      begin
+        try
+          let plugin_version_current =
+            try
+              match Data.plugin_version plugin_knd plugin_name data with
+              | Some ver -> ver
+              | None ->
+                failwithf
+                  (f_ "Section %s is only valid for the OASIS \
+                       plugin %s since v%s, but no plugin version is \
+                       defined in the _oasis file, change '%s' to \
+                       '%s (%s)' in your _oasis file.")
+                  sct plugin_name (string_of_version min_version)
+                  plugin_name
+                  plugin_name (string_of_version min_version)
+            with Not_found ->
+              failwithf
+                (f_ "Section %s is only valid when the OASIS plugin %s \
+                     is defined.")
+                sct plugin_name
+          in
+          version_is_good ~min_version plugin_version_current
+            (f_ "Section %s is only valid for the OASIS plugin %s \
+                 since v%s, update your plugin from '%s (%s)' to \
+                 '%s (%s)' after checking the plugin's changelog.")
+            sct plugin_name (string_of_version min_version)
+            plugin_name (string_of_version plugin_version_current)
+            plugin_name (string_of_version min_version)
+        with Failure msg ->
+          Some msg
+      end
-  type object_ =
-      {
-        obj_modules:            string list;
-        obj_findlib_fullname:   findlib_name list option;
-      } 
+    | NoOrigin, None, SinceVersion min_version ->
+      version_is_good ~min_version data.Data.oasis_version "%s" no_message
-  type executable =
-      {
-        exec_custom:          bool;
-        exec_main_is:         unix_filename;
-      } 
+    | NoOrigin, Some(plugin_knd, plugin_name, _), SinceVersion min_version ->
+      begin
+        try
+          let plugin_version_current =
+            match Data.plugin_version plugin_knd plugin_name data with
+            | Some ver -> ver
+            | None -> raise Not_found
+          in
+          version_is_good ~min_version plugin_version_current
+            "%s" no_message
+        with Not_found ->
+          Some no_message
+      end
-  type flag =
-      {
-        flag_description:  string option;
-        flag_default:      bool conditional;
-      } 
-  type source_repository =
-      {
-        src_repo_type:        vcs;
-        src_repo_location:    url;
-        src_repo_browser:     url option;
-        src_repo_module:      string option;
-        src_repo_branch:      string option;
-        src_repo_tag:         string option;
-        src_repo_subdir:      unix_filename option;
-      } 
+  let data_assert t data origin =
+    match data_check t data origin with
+    | None -> ()
+    | Some str -> failwith str
-  type test =
-      {
-        test_type:               [`Test] plugin;
-        test_command:            command_line conditional;
-        test_custom:             custom;
-        test_working_directory:  unix_filename option;
-        test_run:                bool conditional;
-        test_tools:              tool list;
-      } 
-  type doc_format =
-    | HTML of unix_filename
-    | DocText
-    | PDF
-    | PostScript
-    | Info of unix_filename
-    | DVI
-    | OtherDoc
+  let data_test t data =
+    match data_check t data NoOrigin with
+    | None -> true
+    | Some _ -> false
-  type doc =
-      {
-        doc_type:        [`Doc] plugin;
-        doc_custom:      custom;
-        doc_build:       bool conditional;
-        doc_install:     bool conditional;
-        doc_install_dir: unix_filename;
-        doc_title:       string;
-        doc_authors:     string list;
-        doc_abstract:    string option;
-        doc_format:      doc_format;
-        doc_data_files:  (unix_filename * unix_filename option) list;
-        doc_build_tools: tool list;
-      } 
-  type section =
-    | Library    of common_section * build_section * library
-    | Object     of common_section * build_section * object_
-    | Executable of common_section * build_section * executable
-    | Flag       of common_section * flag
-    | SrcRepo    of common_section * source_repository
-    | Test       of common_section * test
-    | Doc        of common_section * doc
+  let package_test t pkg =
+    data_test t (Data.of_package pkg)
-  type section_kind =
-      [ `Library | `Object | `Executable | `Flag | `SrcRepo | `Test | `Doc ]
-  type package = 
+  let create ?plugin name publication description =
+    let () =
+      if Hashtbl.mem all_features name then
+        failwithf "Feature '%s' is already declared." name
+    in
+    let t =
-        oasis_version:    OASISVersion.t;
-        ocaml_version:    OASISVersion.comparator option;
-        findlib_version:  OASISVersion.comparator option;
-        name:             package_name;
-        version:          OASISVersion.t;
-        license:          OASISLicense.t;
-        license_file:     unix_filename option;
-        copyrights:       string list;
-        maintainers:      string list;
-        authors:          string list;
-        homepage:         url option;
-        synopsis:         string;
-        description:      string option;
-        categories:       url list;
-        conf_type:        [`Configure] plugin;
-        conf_custom:      custom;
-        build_type:       [`Build] plugin;
-        build_custom:     custom;
-        install_type:     [`Install] plugin;
-        install_custom:   custom;
-        uninstall_custom: custom;
-        clean_custom:     custom;
-        distclean_custom: custom;
-        files_ab:         unix_filename list;
-        sections:         section list;
-        plugins:          [`Extra] plugin list;
-        schema_data:      PropList.Data.t;
-        plugin_data:      plugin_data;
-      } 
+        name = name;
+        plugin = plugin;
+        publication = publication;
+        description = description;
+      }
+    in
+    Hashtbl.add all_features name t;
+    t
-module OASISUnixPath = struct
-# 21 "/home/gildor/programmation/oasis/src/oasis/"
+  let get_stage name =
+    try
+      (Hashtbl.find all_features name).publication
+    with Not_found ->
+      failwithf (f_ "Feature %s doesn't exist.") name
-  type unix_filename = string
-  type unix_dirname = string
-  type host_filename = string
-  type host_dirname = string
+  let list () =
+    Hashtbl.fold (fun _ v acc -> v :: acc) all_features []
-  let current_dir_name = "."
+  (*
+   * Real flags.
+   *)
-  let parent_dir_name = ".."
-  let is_current_dir fn =
-    fn = current_dir_name || fn = ""
+  let features =
+    create "features_fields"
+      (since_version "0.4")
+      (fun () ->
+         s_ "Enable to experiment not yet official features.")
-  let concat f1 f2 =
-    if is_current_dir f1 then
-      f2
-    else
-      let f1' =
-        try OASISString.strip_ends_with ~what:"/" f1 with Not_found -> f1
-      in
-        f1'^"/"^f2
-  let make =
-    function
-      | hd :: tl ->
-          List.fold_left
-            (fun f p -> concat f p)
-            hd
-            tl
-      | [] ->
-          invalid_arg "OASISUnixPath.make"
+  let flag_docs =
+    create "flag_docs"
+      (since_version "0.3")
+      (fun () ->
+         s_ "Make building docs require '-docs' flag at configure.")
-  let dirname f =
-    try
-      String.sub f 0 (String.rindex f '/')
-    with Not_found ->
-      current_dir_name
-  let basename f =
-    try
-      let pos_start =
-        (String.rindex f '/') + 1
-      in
-        String.sub f pos_start ((String.length f) - pos_start)
-    with Not_found ->
-      f
+  let flag_tests =
+    create "flag_tests"
+      (since_version "0.3")
+      (fun () ->
+         s_ "Make running tests require '-tests' flag at configure.")
-  let chop_extension f =
-    try
-      let last_dot =
-        String.rindex f '.'
-      in
-      let sub =
-        String.sub f 0 last_dot
-      in
-        try
-          let last_slash =
-            String.rindex f '/'
-          in
-            if last_slash < last_dot then
-              sub
-            else
-              f
-        with Not_found ->
-          sub
-    with Not_found ->
-      f
+  let pack =
+    create "pack"
+      (since_version "0.3")
+      (fun () ->
+         s_ "Allow to create packed library.")
-  let capitalize_file f =
-    let dir = dirname f in
-    let base = basename f in
-    concat dir (String.capitalize base)
-  let uncapitalize_file f =
-    let dir = dirname f in
-    let base = basename f in
-    concat dir (String.uncapitalize base)
+  let section_object =
+    create "section_object" beta
+      (fun () ->
+         s_ "Implement an object section.")
-module OASISHostPath = struct
-# 21 "/home/gildor/programmation/oasis/src/oasis/"
+  let dynrun_for_release =
+    create "dynrun_for_release" alpha
+      (fun () ->
+         s_ "Make '-setup-update dynamic' suitable for releasing project.")
-  open Filename
+  let compiled_setup_ml =
+    create "compiled_setup_ml" alpha
+      (fun () ->
+         s_ "Compile the and speed-up actions done with it.")
-  module Unix = OASISUnixPath
+  let disable_oasis_section =
+    create "disable_oasis_section" alpha
+      (fun () ->
+         s_ "Allow the OASIS section comments and digests to be omitted in \
+             generated files.")
-  let make =
-    function
-      | [] ->
-          invalid_arg "OASISHostPath.make"
-      | hd :: tl ->
-          List.fold_left Filename.concat hd tl
+  let no_automatic_syntax =
+    create "no_automatic_syntax" alpha
+      (fun () ->
+         s_ "Disable the automatic inclusion of -syntax camlp4o for packages \
+             that matches the internal heuristic (if a dependency ends with \
+             a .syntax or is a well known syntax).")
-  let of_unix ufn =
-    if Sys.os_type = "Unix" then
-      ufn
-    else
-      make
-        (
-           (fun p ->
-              if p = Unix.current_dir_name then
-                current_dir_name
-              else if p = Unix.parent_dir_name then
-                parent_dir_name
-              else
-                p)
-           (OASISString.nsplit ufn '/'))
+  let findlib_directory =
+    create "findlib_directory" beta
+      (fun () ->
+         s_ "Allow to install findlib libraries in sub-directories of the target \
+            findlib directory.")
+  let findlib_extra_files =
+    create "findlib_extra_files" beta
+      (fun () ->
+         s_ "Allow to install extra files for findlib libraries.")
+  let source_patterns =
+    create "source_patterns" alpha
+      (fun () ->
+         s_ "Customize mapping between module name and source file.")
 module OASISSection = struct
-# 21 "/home/gildor/programmation/oasis/src/oasis/"
+(* # 22 "src/oasis/" *)
   open OASISTypes
-  let section_kind_common = 
+  let section_kind_common =
-      | Library (cs, _, _) -> 
-          `Library, cs
+      | Library (cs, _, _) ->
+        `Library, cs
       | Object (cs, _, _) ->
-          `Object, cs
+        `Object, cs
       | Executable (cs, _, _) ->
-          `Executable, cs
+        `Executable, cs
       | Flag (cs, _) ->
-          `Flag, cs
+        `Flag, cs
       | SrcRepo (cs, _) ->
-          `SrcRepo, cs
+        `SrcRepo, cs
       | Test (cs, _) ->
-          `Test, cs
+        `Test, cs
       | Doc (cs, _) ->
-          `Doc, cs
+        `Doc, cs
   let section_common sct =
     snd (section_kind_common sct)
   let section_common_set cs =
       | Library (_, bs, lib)     -> Library (cs, bs, lib)
@@ -1354,42 +2200,47 @@ module OASISSection = struct
       | Test (_, tst)            -> Test (cs, tst)
       | Doc (_, doc)             -> Doc (cs, doc)
   (** Key used to identify section
-    *)
-  let section_id sct = 
-    let k, cs = 
+  *)
+  let section_id sct =
+    let k, cs =
       section_kind_common sct
-      k, cs.cs_name
+    k, cs.cs_name
+  let string_of_section_kind =
+    function
+      | `Library    -> "library"
+      | `Object     -> "object"
+      | `Executable -> "executable"
+      | `Flag       -> "flag"
+      | `SrcRepo    -> "src repository"
+      | `Test       -> "test"
+      | `Doc        -> "doc"
   let string_of_section sct =
-    let k, nm =
-      section_id sct
-    in
-      (match k with
-         | `Library    -> "library" 
-         | `Object     -> "object"
-         | `Executable -> "executable"
-         | `Flag       -> "flag"
-         | `SrcRepo    -> "src repository"
-         | `Test       -> "test"
-         | `Doc        -> "doc")
-      ^" "^nm
+    let k, nm = section_id sct in
+    (string_of_section_kind k)^" "^nm
   let section_find id scts =
       (fun sct -> id = section_id sct)
   module CSection =
     type t = section
     let id = section_id
-    let compare t1 t2 = 
+    let compare t1 t2 =
       compare (id t1) (id t2)
     let equal t1 t2 =
       (id t1) = (id t2)
@@ -1397,177 +2248,187 @@ module OASISSection = struct
       Hashtbl.hash (id t)
   module MapSection = Map.Make(CSection)
   module SetSection = Set.Make(CSection)
 module OASISBuildSection = struct
-# 21 "/home/gildor/programmation/oasis/src/oasis/"
+(* # 22 "src/oasis/" *)
+  open OASISTypes
+  (* Look for a module file, considering capitalization or not. *)
+  let find_module source_file_exists bs modul =
+    let possible_lst =
+      OASISSourcePatterns.all_possible_files
+        (bs.bs_interface_patterns @ bs.bs_implementation_patterns)
+        ~path:bs.bs_path
+        ~modul
+    in
+    match List.filter source_file_exists possible_lst with
+    | (fn :: _) as fn_lst -> `Sources (OASISUnixPath.chop_extension fn, fn_lst)
+    | [] ->
+      let open OASISUtils in
+      let _, rev_lst =
+        List.fold_left
+          (fun (set, acc) fn ->
+             let base_fn = OASISUnixPath.chop_extension fn in
+             if SetString.mem base_fn set then
+               set, acc
+             else
+               SetString.add base_fn set, base_fn :: acc)
+          (SetString.empty, []) possible_lst
+      in
+      `No_sources (List.rev rev_lst)
 module OASISExecutable = struct
-# 21 "/home/gildor/programmation/oasis/src/oasis/"
+(* # 22 "src/oasis/" *)
   open OASISTypes
-  let unix_exec_is (cs, bs, exec) is_native ext_dll suffix_program = 
-    let dir = 
+  let unix_exec_is (cs, bs, exec) is_native ext_dll suffix_program =
+    let dir =
         (OASISUnixPath.dirname exec.exec_main_is)
-    let is_native_exec = 
+    let is_native_exec =
       match bs.bs_compiled_object with
         | Native -> true
         | Best -> is_native ()
         | Byte -> false
-      OASISUnixPath.concat
-        dir
-        (cs.cs_name^(suffix_program ())),
+    OASISUnixPath.concat
+      dir
+      (cs.cs_name^(suffix_program ())),
+    if not is_native_exec &&
+       not exec.exec_custom &&
+       bs.bs_c_sources <> [] then
+      Some (dir^"/dll"^cs.cs_name^"_stubs"^(ext_dll ()))
+    else
+      None
-      if not is_native_exec && 
-         not exec.exec_custom && 
-         bs.bs_c_sources <> [] then
-        Some (dir^"/dll"^cs.cs_name^"_stubs"^(ext_dll ()))
-      else
-        None
 module OASISLibrary = struct
-# 21 "/home/gildor/programmation/oasis/src/oasis/"
+(* # 22 "src/oasis/" *)
   open OASISTypes
-  open OASISUtils
   open OASISGettext
-  open OASISSection
-  (* Look for a module file, considering capitalization or not. *)
-  let find_module source_file_exists bs modul =
-    let possible_base_fn =
-        (OASISUnixPath.concat bs.bs_path)
-        [modul;
-         OASISUnixPath.uncapitalize_file modul;
-         OASISUnixPath.capitalize_file modul]
-    in
-      (* TODO: we should be able to be able to determine the source for every
-       * files. Hence we should introduce a Module(source: fn) for the fields
-       * Modules and InternalModules
-       *)
-      List.fold_left
-        (fun acc base_fn ->
-           match acc with
-             | `No_sources _ ->
-                 begin
-                   let file_found =
-                     List.fold_left
-                       (fun acc ext ->
-                          if source_file_exists (base_fn^ext) then
-                            (base_fn^ext) :: acc
-                          else
-                            acc)
-                       []
-                       [".ml"; ".mli"; ".mll"; ".mly"]
-                   in
-                     match file_found with
-                       | [] ->
-                           acc
-                       | lst ->
-                           `Sources (base_fn, lst)
-                 end
-             | `Sources _ ->
-                 acc)
-        (`No_sources possible_base_fn)
-        possible_base_fn
+  let find_module ~ctxt source_file_exists cs bs modul =
+    match OASISBuildSection.find_module source_file_exists bs modul with
+    | `Sources _ as res -> res
+    | `No_sources _ as res ->
+      OASISMessage.warning
+        ~ctxt
+        (f_ "Cannot find source file matching module '%s' in library %s.")
+        modul cs.cs_name;
+      OASISMessage.warning
+        ~ctxt
+        (f_ "Use InterfacePatterns or ImplementationPatterns to define \
+             this file with feature %S.")
+        (;
+      res
   let source_unix_files ~ctxt (cs, bs, lib) source_file_exists =
       (fun acc modul ->
-         match find_module source_file_exists bs modul with
-           | `Sources (base_fn, lst) ->
-               (base_fn, lst) :: acc
-           | `No_sources _ ->
-               OASISMessage.warning
-                 ~ctxt
-                 (f_ "Cannot find source file matching \
-                      module '%s' in library %s")
-                 modul cs.cs_name;
-               acc)
+         match find_module ~ctxt source_file_exists cs bs modul with
+         | `Sources (base_fn, lst) -> (base_fn, lst) :: acc
+         | `No_sources _ -> acc)
       (lib.lib_modules @ lib.lib_internal_modules)
   let generated_unix_files
-        ~ctxt
-        ~is_native
-        ~has_native_dynlink
-        ~ext_lib
-        ~ext_dll
-        ~source_file_exists
-        (cs, bs, lib) =
-    let find_modules lst ext = 
+      ~ctxt
+      ~is_native
+      ~has_native_dynlink
+      ~ext_lib
+      ~ext_dll
+      ~source_file_exists
+      (cs, bs, lib) =
+    let find_modules lst ext =
       let find_module modul =
-        match find_module source_file_exists bs modul with
-          | `Sources (base_fn, _) ->
-              [base_fn]
-          | `No_sources lst ->
-              OASISMessage.warning
-                ~ctxt
-                (f_ "Cannot find source file matching \
-                     module '%s' in library %s")
-                modul cs.cs_name;
-              lst
+        match find_module ~ctxt source_file_exists cs bs modul with
+        | `Sources (_, [fn]) when ext <> "cmi"
+                                     && Filename.check_suffix fn ".mli" ->
+          None (* No implementation files for pure interface. *)
+        | `Sources (base_fn, _) -> Some [base_fn]
+        | `No_sources lst -> Some lst
-        (fun nm -> 
-             (fun base_fn -> base_fn ^"."^ext)
-             (find_module nm))
-        lst
-    in
-    (* The headers that should be compiled along *)
-    let headers =
-      if lib.lib_pack then
+      List.fold_left
+        (fun acc nm ->
+           match find_module nm with
+           | None -> acc
+           | Some base_fns ->
+    (fun base_fn -> base_fn ^"."^ext) base_fns :: acc)
-      else
-        find_modules
-          lib.lib_modules
-          "cmi"
+        lst
     (* The .cmx that be compiled along *)
     let cmxs =
       let should_be_built =
-        (not lib.lib_pack) && (* Do not install .cmx packed submodules *)
         match bs.bs_compiled_object with
-          | Native -> true
-          | Best -> is_native
-          | Byte -> false
+        | Native -> true
+        | Best -> is_native
+        | Byte -> false
-        if should_be_built then
+      if should_be_built then
+        if lib.lib_pack then
-            (lib.lib_modules @ lib.lib_internal_modules)
+            [cs.cs_name]
-          []
+          find_modules
+            (lib.lib_modules @ lib.lib_internal_modules)
+            "cmx"
+      else
+        []
     let acc_nopath =
+    (* The headers and annot/cmt files that should be compiled along *)
+    let headers =
+      let sufx =
+        if lib.lib_pack
+        then [".cmti"; ".cmt"; ".annot"]
+        else [".cmi"; ".cmti"; ".cmt"; ".annot"]
+      in
+        (List.fold_left
+           (fun accu s ->
+              let dot = String.rindex s '.' in
+              let base = String.sub s 0 dot in
+     ((^) base) sufx @ accu)
+           [])
+        (find_modules lib.lib_modules "cmi")
+    in
     (* Compute what libraries should be built *)
     let acc_nopath =
       (* Add the packed header file if required *)
       let add_pack_header acc =
         if lib.lib_pack then
-          [cs.cs_name^".cmi"] :: acc
+          [cs.cs_name^".cmi"; cs.cs_name^".cmti"; cs.cs_name^".cmt"] :: acc
@@ -1575,143 +2436,151 @@ module OASISLibrary = struct
         add_pack_header ([cs.cs_name^".cma"] :: acc)
       let native acc =
-        let acc = 
+        let acc =
             (if has_native_dynlink then
                [cs.cs_name^".cmxs"] :: acc
              else acc)
-          [cs.cs_name^".cmxa"] :: [cs.cs_name^ext_lib] :: acc
+        [cs.cs_name^".cmxa"] :: [cs.cs_name^ext_lib] :: acc
-        match bs.bs_compiled_object with
-          | Native ->
-              byte (native acc_nopath)
-          | Best when is_native ->
-              byte (native acc_nopath)
-          | Byte | Best ->
-              byte acc_nopath
+      match bs.bs_compiled_object with
+      | Native -> byte (native acc_nopath)
+      | Best when is_native -> byte (native acc_nopath)
+      | Byte | Best -> byte acc_nopath
     (* Add C library to be built *)
     let acc_nopath =
-      if bs.bs_c_sources <> [] then
-        begin
-          ["lib"^cs.cs_name^"_stubs"^ext_lib]
-          ::
-          ["dll"^cs.cs_name^"_stubs"^ext_dll]
-          ::
+      if bs.bs_c_sources <> [] then begin
+        ["lib"^cs.cs_name^"_stubs"^ext_lib]
+        ::
+        if has_native_dynlink then
+          ["dll"^cs.cs_name^"_stubs"^ext_dll] :: acc_nopath
+        else
-        end
-      else
+      end else begin
+      end
-      (* All the files generated *)
-      List.rev_append
-        (List.rev_map
-           (List.rev_map
-              (OASISUnixPath.concat bs.bs_path))
-           acc_nopath)
-        (headers @ cmxs)
+    (* All the files generated *)
+    List.rev_append
+      (List.rev_map
+         (List.rev_map
+            (OASISUnixPath.concat bs.bs_path))
+         acc_nopath)
+      (headers @ cmxs)
 module OASISObject = struct
-# 21 "/home/gildor/programmation/oasis/src/oasis/"
+(* # 22 "src/oasis/" *)
   open OASISTypes
   open OASISGettext
+  let find_module ~ctxt source_file_exists cs bs modul =
+    match OASISBuildSection.find_module source_file_exists bs modul with
+    | `Sources _ as res -> res
+    | `No_sources _ as res ->
+      OASISMessage.warning
+        ~ctxt
+        (f_ "Cannot find source file matching module '%s' in object %s.")
+        modul cs.cs_name;
+      OASISMessage.warning
+        ~ctxt
+        (f_ "Use InterfacePatterns or ImplementationPatterns to define \
+             this file with feature %S.")
+        (;
+      res
   let source_unix_files ~ctxt (cs, bs, obj) source_file_exists =
       (fun acc modul ->
-         match OASISLibrary.find_module source_file_exists bs modul with
-           | `Sources (base_fn, lst) ->
-               (base_fn, lst) :: acc
-           | `No_sources _ ->
-               OASISMessage.warning
-                 ~ctxt
-                 (f_ "Cannot find source file matching \
-                      module '%s' in object %s")
-                 modul cs.cs_name;
-               acc)
+         match find_module ~ctxt source_file_exists cs bs modul with
+         | `Sources (base_fn, lst) -> (base_fn, lst) :: acc
+         | `No_sources _ -> acc)
   let generated_unix_files
-        ~ctxt
-        ~is_native
-        ~source_file_exists
-        (cs, bs, obj) =
+      ~ctxt
+      ~is_native
+      ~source_file_exists
+      (cs, bs, obj) =
     let find_module ext modul =
-      match OASISLibrary.find_module source_file_exists bs modul with
-        | `Sources (base_fn, _) -> [base_fn ^ ext]
-        | `No_sources lst ->
-          OASISMessage.warning
-            ~ctxt
-            (f_ "Cannot find source file matching \
-                     module '%s' in object %s")
-            modul cs.cs_name ;
-          lst
+      match find_module ~ctxt source_file_exists cs bs modul with
+      | `Sources (base_fn, _) -> [base_fn ^ ext]
+      | `No_sources lst -> lst
     let header, byte, native, c_object, f =
       match obj.obj_modules with
         | [ m ] -> (find_module ".cmi" m,
-                    find_module ".cmo" m,
-                    find_module ".cmx" m,
-                    find_module ".o" m,
-                    fun x -> x)
+            find_module ".cmo" m,
+            find_module ".cmx" m,
+            find_module ".o" m,
+            fun x -> x)
         | _ -> ([cs.cs_name ^ ".cmi"],
-                [cs.cs_name ^ ".cmo"],
-                [cs.cs_name ^ ".cmx"],
-                [cs.cs_name ^ ".o"],
-                OASISUnixPath.concat bs.bs_path)
+            [cs.cs_name ^ ".cmo"],
+            [cs.cs_name ^ ".cmx"],
+            [cs.cs_name ^ ".o"],
+            OASISUnixPath.concat bs.bs_path)
- ( f) (
-        match bs.bs_compiled_object with
-          | Native ->
-              native :: c_object :: byte :: header :: []
-          | Best when is_native ->
-              native :: c_object :: byte :: header :: []
-          | Byte | Best ->
-              byte :: header :: [])
+ ( f) (
+      match bs.bs_compiled_object with
+        | Native ->
+          native :: c_object :: byte :: header :: []
+        | Best when is_native ->
+          native :: c_object :: byte :: header :: []
+        | Byte | Best ->
+          byte :: header :: [])
 module OASISFindlib = struct
-# 21 "/home/gildor/programmation/oasis/src/oasis/"
+(* # 22 "src/oasis/" *)
   open OASISTypes
   open OASISUtils
   open OASISGettext
-  open OASISSection
   type library_name = name
   type findlib_part_name = name
   type 'a map_of_findlib_part_name = 'a OASISUtils.MapString.t
   exception InternalLibraryNotFound of library_name
   exception FindlibPackageNotFound of findlib_name
   type group_t =
     | Container of findlib_name * group_t list
     | Package of (findlib_name *
                   common_section *
                   build_section *
                   [`Library of library | `Object of object_] *
+                  unix_dirname option *
                   group_t list)
   type data = common_section *
-              build_section *
-              [`Library of library | `Object of object_]
+      build_section *
+      [`Library of library | `Object of object_]
   type tree =
     | Node of (data option) * (tree MapString.t)
     | Leaf of data
   let findlib_mapping pkg =
     (* Map from library name to either full findlib name or parts + parent. *)
     let fndlb_parts_of_lib_name =
@@ -1724,53 +2593,53 @@ module OASISFindlib = struct
         let name =
           String.concat "." (lib.lib_findlib_containers @ [name])
-          name
+        name
-        List.fold_left
-          (fun mp ->
-             function
-               | Library (cs, _, lib) ->
-                   begin
-                     let lib_name = cs.cs_name in
-                     let fndlb_parts = fndlb_parts cs lib in
-                       if MapString.mem lib_name mp then
-                         failwithf
-                           (f_ "The library name '%s' is used more than once.")
-                           lib_name;
-                       match lib.lib_findlib_parent with
-                         | Some lib_name_parent ->
-                             MapString.add
-                               lib_name
-                               (`Unsolved (lib_name_parent, fndlb_parts))
-                               mp
-                         | None ->
-                             MapString.add
-                               lib_name
-                               (`Solved fndlb_parts)
-                               mp
-                   end
-               | Object (cs, _, obj) ->
-                   begin
-                     let obj_name = cs.cs_name in
-                     if MapString.mem obj_name mp then
-                       failwithf
-                         (f_ "The object name '%s' is used more than once.")
-                         obj_name;
-                     let findlib_full_name = match obj.obj_findlib_fullname with
-                       | Some ns -> String.concat "." ns
-                       | None -> obj_name
-                     in
+      List.fold_left
+        (fun mp ->
+           function
+             | Library (cs, _, lib) ->
+               begin
+                 let lib_name = cs.cs_name in
+                 let fndlb_parts = fndlb_parts cs lib in
+                 if MapString.mem lib_name mp then
+                   failwithf
+                     (f_ "The library name '%s' is used more than once.")
+                     lib_name;
+                 match lib.lib_findlib_parent with
+                   | Some lib_name_parent ->
+                     MapString.add
+                       lib_name
+                       (`Unsolved (lib_name_parent, fndlb_parts))
+                       mp
+                   | None ->
-                       obj_name
-                       (`Solved findlib_full_name)
+                       lib_name
+                       (`Solved fndlb_parts)
-                   end
+               end
-               | Executable _ | Test _ | Flag _ | SrcRepo _ | Doc _ ->
-                   mp)
-          MapString.empty
-          pkg.sections
+             | Object (cs, _, obj) ->
+               begin
+                 let obj_name = cs.cs_name in
+                 if MapString.mem obj_name mp then
+                   failwithf
+                     (f_ "The object name '%s' is used more than once.")
+                     obj_name;
+                 let findlib_full_name = match obj.obj_findlib_fullname with
+                   | Some ns -> String.concat "." ns
+                   | None -> obj_name
+                 in
+                 MapString.add
+                   obj_name
+                   (`Solved findlib_full_name)
+                   mp
+               end
+             | Executable _ | Test _ | Flag _ | SrcRepo _ | Doc _ ->
+               mp)
+        MapString.empty
+        pkg.sections
     (* Solve the above graph to be only library name to full findlib name. *)
@@ -1780,42 +2649,42 @@ module OASISFindlib = struct
             (f_ "Library '%s' is involved in a cycle \
                  with regard to findlib naming.")
-            lib_name;
-        let visited = SetString.add lib_name visited in
-          try
-            match MapString.find lib_name mp with
-              | `Solved fndlb_nm ->
-                  fndlb_nm, mp
-              | `Unsolved (lib_nm_parent, post_fndlb_nm) ->
-                  let pre_fndlb_nm, mp =
-                    solve visited mp lib_nm_parent lib_name
-                  in
-                  let fndlb_nm = pre_fndlb_nm^"."^post_fndlb_nm in
-                    fndlb_nm, MapString.add lib_name (`Solved fndlb_nm) mp
-          with Not_found ->
-            failwithf
-              (f_ "Library '%s', which is defined as the findlib parent of \
-                   library '%s', doesn't exist.")
-              lib_name lib_name_child
+            lib_name;
+        let visited = SetString.add lib_name visited in
+        try
+          match MapString.find lib_name mp with
+            | `Solved fndlb_nm ->
+              fndlb_nm, mp
+            | `Unsolved (lib_nm_parent, post_fndlb_nm) ->
+              let pre_fndlb_nm, mp =
+                solve visited mp lib_nm_parent lib_name
+              in
+              let fndlb_nm = pre_fndlb_nm^"."^post_fndlb_nm in
+              fndlb_nm, MapString.add lib_name (`Solved fndlb_nm) mp
+        with Not_found ->
+          failwithf
+            (f_ "Library '%s', which is defined as the findlib parent of \
+                 library '%s', doesn't exist.")
+            lib_name lib_name_child
       let mp =
           (fun lib_name status mp ->
              match status with
                | `Solved _ ->
-                   (* Solved initialy, no need to go further *)
-                   mp
+                 (* Solved initialy, no need to go further *)
+                 mp
                | `Unsolved _ ->
-                   let _, mp = solve SetString.empty mp lib_name "<none>" in
-                     mp)
+                 let _, mp = solve SetString.empty mp lib_name "<none>" in
+                 mp)
-          (function
-             | `Solved fndlb_nm -> fndlb_nm
-             | `Unsolved _ -> assert false)
-          mp
+        (function
+          | `Solved fndlb_nm -> fndlb_nm
+          | `Unsolved _ -> assert false)
+        mp
     (* Convert an internal library name to a findlib name. *)
@@ -1827,75 +2696,89 @@ module OASISFindlib = struct
     (* Add a library to the tree.
-     *)
+    *)
     let add sct mp =
       let fndlb_fullname =
         let cs, _, _ = sct in
         let lib_name = cs.cs_name in
-          findlib_name_of_library_name lib_name
+        findlib_name_of_library_name lib_name
-      let rec add_children nm_lst (children : tree MapString.t) =
+      let rec add_children nm_lst (children: tree MapString.t) =
         match nm_lst with
           | (hd :: tl) ->
-              begin
-                let node =
-                  try
-                    add_node tl (MapString.find hd children)
-                  with Not_found ->
-                    (* New node *)
-                    new_node tl
-                in
-                  MapString.add hd node children
-              end
+            begin
+              let node =
+                try
+                  add_node tl (MapString.find hd children)
+                with Not_found ->
+                  (* New node *)
+                  new_node tl
+              in
+              MapString.add hd node children
+            end
           | [] ->
-              (* Should not have a nameless library. *)
-              assert false
+            (* Should not have a nameless library. *)
+            assert false
       and add_node tl node =
         if tl = [] then
             match node with
               | Node (None, children) ->
-                  Node (Some sct, children)
+                Node (Some sct, children)
               | Leaf (cs', _, _) | Node (Some (cs', _, _), _) ->
-                  (* TODO: allow to merge Package, i.e.
-                   * archive(byte) = "foo.cma foo_init.cmo"
-                   *)
-                  let cs, _, _ = sct in
-                    failwithf
-                      (f_ "Library '%s' and '%s' have the same findlib name '%s'")
-                      cs.cs_name cs'.cs_name fndlb_fullname
+                (* TODO: allow to merge Package, i.e.
+                 * archive(byte) = "foo.cma foo_init.cmo"
+                *)
+                let cs, _, _ = sct in
+                failwithf
+                  (f_ "Library '%s' and '%s' have the same findlib name '%s'")
+                  cs.cs_name cs'.cs_name fndlb_fullname
             match node with
               | Leaf data ->
-                  Node (Some data, add_children tl MapString.empty)
+                Node (Some data, add_children tl MapString.empty)
               | Node (data_opt, children) ->
-                  Node (data_opt, add_children tl children)
+                Node (data_opt, add_children tl children)
       and new_node =
           | [] ->
-              Leaf sct
+            Leaf sct
           | hd :: tl ->
-              Node (None, MapString.add hd (new_node tl) MapString.empty)
+            Node (None, MapString.add hd (new_node tl) MapString.empty)
+      in
+      add_children (OASISString.nsplit fndlb_fullname '.') mp
+    in
+    let unix_directory dn lib =
+      let directory =
+        match lib with
+        | `Library lib -> lib.lib_findlib_directory
+        | `Object obj -> obj.obj_findlib_directory
-        add_children (OASISString.nsplit fndlb_fullname '.') mp
+      match dn, directory with
+      | None, None -> None
+      | None, Some dn | Some dn, None -> Some dn
+      | Some dn1, Some dn2 -> Some (OASISUnixPath.concat dn1 dn2)
-    let rec group_of_tree mp =
+    let rec group_of_tree dn mp =
         (fun nm node acc ->
            let cur =
              match node with
-               | Node (Some (cs, bs, lib), children) ->
-                   Package (nm, cs, bs, lib, group_of_tree children)
-               | Node (None, children) ->
-                   Container (nm, group_of_tree children)
-               | Leaf (cs, bs, lib) ->
-                   Package (nm, cs, bs, lib, [])
+             | Node (Some (cs, bs, lib), children) ->
+               let current_dn = unix_directory dn lib in
+               Package (nm, cs, bs, lib, current_dn, group_of_tree current_dn children)
+             | Node (None, children) ->
+               Container (nm, group_of_tree dn children)
+             | Leaf (cs, bs, lib) ->
+               let current_dn = unix_directory dn lib in
+               Package (nm, cs, bs, lib, current_dn, [])
-             cur :: acc)
+           cur :: acc)
         mp []
@@ -1904,27 +2787,25 @@ module OASISFindlib = struct
         (fun mp ->
              | Library (cs, bs, lib) ->
-                 add (cs, bs, `Library lib) mp
+               add (cs, bs, `Library lib) mp
              | Object (cs, bs, obj) ->
-                 add (cs, bs, `Object obj) mp
+               add (cs, bs, `Object obj) mp
              | _ ->
-                 mp)
+               mp)
-    let groups =
-      group_of_tree group_mp
-    in
+    let groups = group_of_tree None group_mp in
     let library_name_of_findlib_name =
-      Lazy.lazy_from_fun
-        (fun () ->
-           (* Revert findlib_name_of_library_name. *)
-           MapString.fold
-             (fun k v mp -> MapString.add v k mp)
-             fndlb_name_of_lib_name
-             MapString.empty)
+      lazy begin
+        (* Revert findlib_name_of_library_name. *)
+        MapString.fold
+          (fun k v mp -> MapString.add v k mp)
+          fndlb_name_of_lib_name
+          MapString.empty
+      end
     let library_name_of_findlib_name fndlb_nm =
@@ -1933,76 +2814,86 @@ module OASISFindlib = struct
         raise (FindlibPackageNotFound fndlb_nm)
-      groups,
-      findlib_name_of_library_name,
-      library_name_of_findlib_name
+    groups,
+    findlib_name_of_library_name,
+    library_name_of_findlib_name
   let findlib_of_group =
       | Container (fndlb_nm, _)
-      | Package (fndlb_nm, _, _, _, _) -> fndlb_nm
+      | Package (fndlb_nm, _, _, _, _, _) -> fndlb_nm
   let root_of_group grp =
     let rec root_lib_aux =
       (* We do a DFS in the group. *)
         | Container (_, children) ->
-            List.fold_left
-              (fun res grp ->
-                 if res = None then
-                   root_lib_aux grp
-                 else
-                   res)
-              None
-              children
-        | Package (_, cs, bs, lib, _) ->
-            Some (cs, bs, lib)
+          List.fold_left
+            (fun res grp ->
+               if res = None then
+                 root_lib_aux grp
+               else
+                 res)
+            None
+            children
+        | Package (_, cs, bs, lib, _, _) ->
+          Some (cs, bs, lib)
-      match root_lib_aux grp with
-        | Some res ->
-            res
-        | None ->
-            failwithf
-              (f_ "Unable to determine root library of findlib library '%s'")
-              (findlib_of_group grp)
+    match root_lib_aux grp with
+      | Some res ->
+        res
+      | None ->
+        failwithf
+          (f_ "Unable to determine root library of findlib library '%s'")
+          (findlib_of_group grp)
 module OASISFlag = struct
-# 21 "/home/gildor/programmation/oasis/src/oasis/"
+(* # 22 "src/oasis/" *)
 module OASISPackage = struct
-# 21 "/home/gildor/programmation/oasis/src/oasis/"
+(* # 22 "src/oasis/" *)
 module OASISSourceRepository = struct
-# 21 "/home/gildor/programmation/oasis/src/oasis/"
+(* # 22 "src/oasis/" *)
 module OASISTest = struct
-# 21 "/home/gildor/programmation/oasis/src/oasis/"
+(* # 22 "src/oasis/" *)
 module OASISDocument = struct
-# 21 "/home/gildor/programmation/oasis/src/oasis/"
+(* # 22 "src/oasis/" *)
 module OASISExec = struct
-# 21 "/home/gildor/programmation/oasis/src/oasis/"
+(* # 22 "src/oasis/" *)
   open OASISGettext
   open OASISUtils
   open OASISMessage
   (* TODO: I don't like this quote, it is there because $(rm) foo expands to
    * 'rm -f' foo...
-   *)
+  *)
   let run ~ctxt ?f_exit_code ?(quote=true) cmd args =
     let cmd =
       if quote then
@@ -2020,74 +2911,79 @@ module OASISExec = struct
     let cmdline =
       String.concat " " (cmd :: args)
-      info ~ctxt (f_ "Running command '%s'") cmdline;
-      match f_exit_code, Sys.command cmdline with
-        | None, 0 -> ()
-        | None, i ->
-            failwithf
-              (f_ "Command '%s' terminated with error code %d")
-              cmdline i
-        | Some f, i ->
-            f i
+    info ~ctxt (f_ "Running command '%s'") cmdline;
+    match f_exit_code, Sys.command cmdline with
+      | None, 0 -> ()
+      | None, i ->
+        failwithf
+          (f_ "Command '%s' terminated with error code %d")
+          cmdline i
+      | Some f, i ->
+        f i
   let run_read_output ~ctxt ?f_exit_code cmd args =
     let fn =
       Filename.temp_file "oasis-" ".txt"
-      try
+    try
+      begin
+        let () =
+          run ~ctxt ?f_exit_code cmd (args @ [">"; Filename.quote fn])
+        in
+        let chn =
+          open_in fn
+        in
+        let routput =
+          ref []
+        in
-          let () =
-            run ~ctxt ?f_exit_code cmd (args @ [">"; Filename.quote fn])
-          in
-          let chn =
-            open_in fn
-          in
-          let routput =
-            ref []
-          in
-            begin
-              try
-                while true do
-                  routput := (input_line chn) :: !routput
-                done
-              with End_of_file ->
-                ()
-            end;
-            close_in chn;
-            Sys.remove fn;
-            List.rev !routput
-        end
-      with e ->
-        (try Sys.remove fn with _ -> ());
-        raise e
+          try
+            while true do
+              routput := (input_line chn) :: !routput
+            done
+          with End_of_file ->
+            ()
+        end;
+        close_in chn;
+        Sys.remove fn;
+        List.rev !routput
+      end
+    with e ->
+      (try Sys.remove fn with _ -> ());
+      raise e
   let run_read_one_line ~ctxt ?f_exit_code cmd args =
     match run_read_output ~ctxt ?f_exit_code cmd args with
       | [fst] ->
-          fst
+        fst
       | lst ->
-          failwithf
-            (f_ "Command return unexpected output %S")
-            (String.concat "\n" lst)
+        failwithf
+          (f_ "Command return unexpected output %S")
+          (String.concat "\n" lst)
 module OASISFileUtil = struct
-# 21 "/home/gildor/programmation/oasis/src/oasis/"
+(* # 22 "src/oasis/" *)
   open OASISGettext
   let file_exists_case fn =
     let dirname = Filename.dirname fn in
     let basename = Filename.basename fn in
-      if Sys.file_exists dirname then
-        if basename = Filename.current_dir_name then
-          true
-        else
-          List.mem
-            basename
-            (Array.to_list (Sys.readdir dirname))
+    if Sys.file_exists dirname then
+      if basename = Filename.current_dir_name then
+        true
-        false
+        List.mem
+          basename
+          (Array.to_list (Sys.readdir dirname))
+    else
+      false
   let find_file ?(case_sensitive=true) paths exts =
@@ -2097,7 +2993,7 @@ module OASISFileUtil = struct
            (fun a ->
-                (fun b -> a,b)
+                (fun b -> a, b)
@@ -2105,312 +3001,318 @@ module OASISFileUtil = struct
     let rec combined_paths lst =
       match lst with
         | p1 :: p2 :: tl ->
-            let acc =
-              (
-                 (fun (a,b) -> Filename.concat a b)
-                 (p1 * p2))
-            in
-              combined_paths (acc :: tl)
+          let acc =
+            (
+               (fun (a, b) -> Filename.concat a b)
+               (p1 * p2))
+          in
+          combined_paths (acc :: tl)
         | [e] ->
-            e
+          e
         | [] ->
-            []
+          []
     let alternatives =
-        (fun (p,e) ->
+        (fun (p, e) ->
            if String.length e > 0 && e.[0] <> '.' then
              p ^ "." ^ e
              p ^ e)
         ((combined_paths paths) * exts)
-      List.find
-        (if case_sensitive then
-           file_exists_case
-         else
-           Sys.file_exists)
-        alternatives
+    List.find (fun file ->
+      (if case_sensitive then
+         file_exists_case file
+       else
+         Sys.file_exists file)
+      && not (Sys.is_directory file)
+    ) alternatives
   let which ~ctxt prg =
     let path_sep =
       match Sys.os_type with
         | "Win32" ->
-            ';'
+          ';'
         | _ ->
-            ':'
+          ':'
     let path_lst = OASISString.nsplit (Sys.getenv "PATH") path_sep in
     let exec_ext =
       match Sys.os_type with
         | "Win32" ->
-            "" :: (OASISString.nsplit (Sys.getenv "PATHEXT") path_sep)
+          "" :: (OASISString.nsplit (Sys.getenv "PATHEXT") path_sep)
         | _ ->
-            [""]
+          [""]
-      find_file ~case_sensitive:false [path_lst; [prg]] exec_ext
+    find_file ~case_sensitive:false [path_lst; [prg]] exec_ext
   let rec fix_dir dn =
     (* Windows hack because Sys.file_exists "src\\" = false when
      * Sys.file_exists "src" = true
-     *)
+    *)
     let ln =
       String.length dn
-      if Sys.os_type = "Win32" && ln > 0 && dn.[ln - 1] = '\\' then
-        fix_dir (String.sub dn 0 (ln - 1))
-      else
-        dn
+    if Sys.os_type = "Win32" && ln > 0 && dn.[ln - 1] = '\\' then
+      fix_dir (String.sub dn 0 (ln - 1))
+    else
+      dn
   let q = Filename.quote
   let cp ~ctxt ?(recurse=false) src tgt =
     if recurse then
       match Sys.os_type with
         | "Win32" ->
-   ~ctxt
-              "xcopy" [q src; q tgt; "/E"]
+ ~ctxt
+            "xcopy" [q src; q tgt; "/E"]
         | _ ->
-   ~ctxt
-              "cp" ["-r"; q src; q tgt]
+ ~ctxt
+            "cp" ["-r"; q src; q tgt]
     else ~ctxt
         (match Sys.os_type with
-         | "Win32" -> "copy"
-         | _ -> "cp")
+          | "Win32" -> "copy"
+          | _ -> "cp")
         [q src; q tgt]
   let mkdir ~ctxt tgt = ~ctxt
       (match Sys.os_type with
-         | "Win32" -> "md"
-         | _ -> "mkdir")
+        | "Win32" -> "md"
+        | _ -> "mkdir")
       [q tgt]
   let rec mkdir_parent ~ctxt f tgt =
     let tgt =
       fix_dir tgt
-      if Sys.file_exists tgt then
-        begin
-          if not (Sys.is_directory tgt) then
-            OASISUtils.failwithf
-              (f_ "Cannot create directory '%s', a file of the same name already \
-                   exists")
-              tgt
-        end
-      else
-        begin
-          mkdir_parent ~ctxt f (Filename.dirname tgt);
-          if not (Sys.file_exists tgt) then
-            begin
-              f tgt;
-              mkdir ~ctxt tgt
-            end
-        end
-  let rmdir ~ctxt tgt =
-    if Sys.readdir tgt = [||] then
+    if Sys.file_exists tgt then
-        match Sys.os_type with
-          | "Win32" ->
-     ~ctxt "rd" [q tgt]
-          | _ ->
-     ~ctxt "rm" ["-r"; q tgt]
+        if not (Sys.is_directory tgt) then
+          OASISUtils.failwithf
+            (f_ "Cannot create directory '%s', a file of the same name already \
+                 exists")
+            tgt
+      end
+    else
+      begin
+        mkdir_parent ~ctxt f (Filename.dirname tgt);
+        if not (Sys.file_exists tgt) then
+          begin
+            f tgt;
+            mkdir ~ctxt tgt
+          end
+  let rmdir ~ctxt tgt =
+    if Sys.readdir tgt = [||] then begin
+      match Sys.os_type with
+        | "Win32" ->
+ ~ctxt "rd" [q tgt]
+        | _ ->
+ ~ctxt "rm" ["-r"; q tgt]
+    end else begin
+      OASISMessage.error ~ctxt
+        (f_ "Cannot remove directory '%s': not empty.")
+        tgt
+    end
   let glob ~ctxt fn =
-   let basename =
-     Filename.basename fn
-   in
-     if String.length basename >= 2 &&
-        basename.[0] = '*' &&
-        basename.[1] = '.' then
-       begin
-         let ext_len =
-           (String.length basename) - 2
-         in
-         let ext =
-           String.sub basename 2 ext_len
-         in
-         let dirname =
-           Filename.dirname fn
-         in
-           Array.fold_left
-             (fun acc fn ->
-                try
-                  let fn_ext =
-                    String.sub
-                      fn
-                      ((String.length fn) - ext_len)
-                      ext_len
-                  in
-                    if fn_ext = ext then
-                      (Filename.concat dirname fn) :: acc
-                    else
-                      acc
-                with Invalid_argument _ ->
-                  acc)
-             []
-             (Sys.readdir dirname)
-       end
-     else
-       begin
-         if file_exists_case fn then
-           [fn]
-         else
-           []
-       end
+    let basename =
+      Filename.basename fn
+    in
+    if String.length basename >= 2 &&
+       basename.[0] = '*' &&
+       basename.[1] = '.' then
+      begin
+        let ext_len =
+          (String.length basename) - 2
+        in
+        let ext =
+          String.sub basename 2 ext_len
+        in
+        let dirname =
+          Filename.dirname fn
+        in
+        Array.fold_left
+          (fun acc fn ->
+             try
+               let fn_ext =
+                 String.sub
+                   fn
+                   ((String.length fn) - ext_len)
+                   ext_len
+               in
+               if fn_ext = ext then
+                 (Filename.concat dirname fn) :: acc
+               else
+                 acc
+             with Invalid_argument _ ->
+               acc)
+          []
+          (Sys.readdir dirname)
+      end
+    else
+      begin
+        if file_exists_case fn then
+          [fn]
+        else
+          []
+      end
-# 2251 ""
+# 3159 ""
 module BaseEnvLight = struct
-# 21 "/home/gildor/programmation/oasis/src/base/"
+(* # 22 "src/base/" *)
   module MapString = Map.Make(String)
   type t = string MapString.t
-  let default_filename =
-    Filename.concat
-      (Sys.getcwd ())
-      ""
-  let load ?(allow_empty=false) ?(filename=default_filename) () =
-    if Sys.file_exists filename then
-      begin
-        let chn =
-          open_in_bin filename
-        in
-        let st =
-          Stream.of_channel chn
-        in
-        let line =
-          ref 1
-        in
-        let st_line =
-          Stream.from
-            (fun _ ->
-               try
-                 match st with
-                   | '\n' -> incr line; Some '\n'
-                   | c -> Some c
-               with Stream.Failure -> None)
-        in
-        let lexer =
-          Genlex.make_lexer ["="] st_line
-        in
-        let rec read_file mp =
-          match Stream.npeek 3 lexer with
-            | [Genlex.Ident nm; Genlex.Kwd "="; Genlex.String value] ->
-                Stream.junk lexer;
-                Stream.junk lexer;
-                Stream.junk lexer;
-                read_file (MapString.add nm value mp)
-            | [] ->
-                mp
-            | _ ->
-                failwith
-                  (Printf.sprintf
-                     "Malformed data file '%s' line %d"
-                     filename !line)
-        in
-        let mp =
-          read_file MapString.empty
-        in
-          close_in chn;
-          mp
-      end
-    else if allow_empty then
-      begin
+  let default_filename = Filename.concat (Sys.getcwd ()) ""
+  let load ?(allow_empty=false) ?(filename=default_filename) ?stream () =
+    let line = ref 1 in
+    let lexer st =
+      let st_line =
+        Stream.from
+          (fun _ ->
+             try
+               match st with
+               | '\n' -> incr line; Some '\n'
+               | c -> Some c
+             with Stream.Failure -> None)
+      in
+      Genlex.make_lexer ["="] st_line
+    in
+    let rec read_file lxr mp =
+      match Stream.npeek 3 lxr with
+      | [Genlex.Ident nm; Genlex.Kwd "="; Genlex.String value] ->
+        Stream.junk lxr; Stream.junk lxr; Stream.junk lxr;
+        read_file lxr (MapString.add nm value mp)
+      | [] -> mp
+      | _ ->
+        failwith
+          (Printf.sprintf "Malformed data file '%s' line %d" filename !line)
+    in
+    match stream with
+    | Some st -> read_file (lexer st) MapString.empty
+    | None ->
+      if Sys.file_exists filename then begin
+        let chn = open_in_bin filename in
+        let st = Stream.of_channel chn in
+        try
+          let mp = read_file (lexer st) MapString.empty in
+          close_in chn; mp
+        with e ->
+          close_in chn; raise e
+      end else if allow_empty then begin
-      end
-    else
-      begin
+      end else begin
              "Unable to load environment, the file '%s' doesn't exist."
-  let var_get name env =
-    let rec var_expand str =
-      let buff =
-        Buffer.create ((String.length str) * 2)
-      in
-        Buffer.add_substitute
-          buff
-          (fun var ->
-             try
-               var_expand (MapString.find var env)
-             with Not_found ->
-               failwith
-                 (Printf.sprintf
-                    "No variable %s defined when trying to expand %S."
-                    var
-                    str))
-          str;
-        Buffer.contents buff
-    in
-      var_expand (MapString.find name env)
-  let var_choose lst env =
-    OASISExpr.choose
-      (fun nm -> var_get nm env)
-      lst
+  let rec var_expand str env =
+    let buff = Buffer.create ((String.length str) * 2) in
+    Buffer.add_substitute
+      buff
+      (fun var ->
+         try
+           var_expand (MapString.find var env) env
+         with Not_found ->
+           failwith
+             (Printf.sprintf
+                "No variable %s defined when trying to expand %S."
+                var
+                str))
+      str;
+    Buffer.contents buff
+  let var_get name env = var_expand (MapString.find name env) env
+  let var_choose lst env = OASISExpr.choose (fun nm -> var_get nm env) lst
-# 2349 ""
+# 3239 ""
 module BaseContext = struct
-# 21 "/home/gildor/programmation/oasis/src/base/"
+(* # 22 "src/base/" *)
+  (* TODO: get rid of this module. *)
   open OASISContext
-  let args = args
+  let args () = fst (fspecs ())
   let default = default
 module BaseMessage = struct
-# 21 "/home/gildor/programmation/oasis/src/base/"
+(* # 22 "src/base/" *)
   (** Message to user, overrid for Base
       @author Sylvain Le Gall
-    *)
+  *)
   open OASISMessage
   open BaseContext
   let debug fmt   = debug ~ctxt:!default fmt
   let info fmt    = info ~ctxt:!default fmt
   let warning fmt = warning ~ctxt:!default fmt
   let error fmt = error ~ctxt:!default fmt
 module BaseEnv = struct
-# 21 "/home/gildor/programmation/oasis/src/base/"
+(* # 22 "src/base/" *)
   open OASISGettext
   open OASISUtils
+  open OASISContext
   open PropList
   module MapString = BaseEnvLight.MapString
   type origin_t =
     | ODefault
     | OGetEnv
     | OFileLoad
     | OCommandLine
   type cli_handle_t =
     | CLINone
     | CLIAuto
@@ -2418,79 +3320,82 @@ module BaseEnv = struct
     | CLIEnable
     | CLIUser of (Arg.key * Arg.spec * Arg.doc) list
   type definition_t =
-      {
-        hide:       bool;
-        dump:       bool;
-        cli:        cli_handle_t;
-        arg_help:   string option;
-        group:      string option;
-      }
+    {
+      hide:       bool;
+      dump:       bool;
+      cli:        cli_handle_t;
+      arg_help:   string option;
+      group:      string option;
+    }
+  let schema = Schema.create "environment"
-  let schema =
-    Schema.create "environment"
   (* Environment data *)
-  let env =
-    Data.create ()
+  let env = Data.create ()
   (* Environment data from file *)
-  let env_from_file =
-    ref MapString.empty
+  let env_from_file = ref MapString.empty
   (* Lexer for var *)
-  let var_lxr =
-    Genlex.make_lexer []
+  let var_lxr = Genlex.make_lexer []
   let rec var_expand str =
     let buff =
       Buffer.create ((String.length str) * 2)
-      Buffer.add_substitute
-        buff
-        (fun var ->
-           try
-             (* TODO: this is a quick hack to allow calling Test.Command
-              * without defining executable name really. I.e. if there is
-              * an exec Executable toto, then $(toto) should be replace
-              * by its real name. It is however useful to have this function
-              * for other variable that depend on the host and should be
-              * written better than that.
-              *)
-             let st =
-               var_lxr (Stream.of_string var)
-             in
-               match Stream.npeek 3 st with
-                 | [Genlex.Ident "utoh"; Genlex.Ident nm] ->
-                     OASISHostPath.of_unix (var_get nm)
-                 | [Genlex.Ident "utoh"; Genlex.String s] ->
-                     OASISHostPath.of_unix s
-                 | [Genlex.Ident "ocaml_escaped"; Genlex.Ident nm] ->
-                     String.escaped (var_get nm)
-                 | [Genlex.Ident "ocaml_escaped"; Genlex.String s] ->
-                     String.escaped s
-                 | [Genlex.Ident nm] ->
-                     var_get nm
-                 | _ ->
-                     failwithf
-                       (f_ "Unknown expression '%s' in variable expansion of %s.")
-                       var
-                       str
-           with
-             | Unknown_field (_, _) ->
-                 failwithf
-                   (f_ "No variable %s defined when trying to expand %S.")
-                   var
-                   str
-             | Stream.Error e ->
-                 failwithf
-                   (f_ "Syntax error when parsing '%s' when trying to \
-                        expand %S: %s")
-                   var
-                   str
-                   e)
-        str;
-      Buffer.contents buff
+    Buffer.add_substitute
+      buff
+      (fun var ->
+         try
+           (* TODO: this is a quick hack to allow calling Test.Command
+            * without defining executable name really. I.e. if there is
+            * an exec Executable toto, then $(toto) should be replace
+            * by its real name. It is however useful to have this function
+            * for other variable that depend on the host and should be
+            * written better than that.
+           *)
+           let st =
+             var_lxr (Stream.of_string var)
+           in
+           match Stream.npeek 3 st with
+             | [Genlex.Ident "utoh"; Genlex.Ident nm] ->
+               OASISHostPath.of_unix (var_get nm)
+             | [Genlex.Ident "utoh"; Genlex.String s] ->
+               OASISHostPath.of_unix s
+             | [Genlex.Ident "ocaml_escaped"; Genlex.Ident nm] ->
+               String.escaped (var_get nm)
+             | [Genlex.Ident "ocaml_escaped"; Genlex.String s] ->
+               String.escaped s
+             | [Genlex.Ident nm] ->
+               var_get nm
+             | _ ->
+               failwithf
+                 (f_ "Unknown expression '%s' in variable expansion of %s.")
+                 var
+                 str
+         with
+           | Unknown_field (_, _) ->
+             failwithf
+               (f_ "No variable %s defined when trying to expand %S.")
+               var
+               str
+           | Stream.Error e ->
+             failwithf
+               (f_ "Syntax error when parsing '%s' when trying to \
+                    expand %S: %s")
+               var
+               str
+               e)
+      str;
+    Buffer.contents buff
   and var_get name =
     let vl =
@@ -2504,7 +3409,8 @@ module BaseEnv = struct
             raise e
-      var_expand vl
+    var_expand vl
   let var_choose ?printer ?name lst =
@@ -2513,27 +3419,29 @@ module BaseEnv = struct
   let var_protect vl =
     let buff =
       Buffer.create (String.length vl)
-      String.iter
-        (function
-           | '$' -> Buffer.add_string buff "\\$"
-           | c   -> Buffer.add_char   buff c)
-        vl;
-      Buffer.contents buff
+    String.iter
+      (function
+        | '$' -> Buffer.add_string buff "\\$"
+        | c   -> Buffer.add_char   buff c)
+      vl;
+    Buffer.contents buff
   let var_define
-        ?(hide=false)
-        ?(dump=true)
-        ?short_desc
-        ?(cli=CLINone)
-        ?arg_help
-        ?group
-        name (* TODO: type constraint on the fact that name must be a valid OCaml
-                  id *)
-        dflt =
+      ?(hide=false)
+      ?(dump=true)
+      ?short_desc
+      ?(cli=CLINone)
+      ?arg_help
+      ?group
+      name (* TODO: type constraint on the fact that name must be a valid OCaml
+                id *)
+      dflt =
     let default =
@@ -2554,22 +3462,22 @@ module BaseEnv = struct
     (* Try to find a value that can be defined
-     *)
+    *)
     let var_get_low lst =
       let errors, res =
-          (fun (errors, res) (o, v) ->
+          (fun (errors, res) (_, v) ->
              if res = None then
                    errors, Some (v ())
                    | Not_found ->
-                        errors, res
+                     errors, res
                    | Failure rsn ->
-                       (rsn :: errors), res
+                     (rsn :: errors), res
                    | e ->
-                       (Printexc.to_string e) :: errors, res
+                     (Printexc.to_string e) :: errors, res
                errors, res)
@@ -2579,13 +3487,13 @@ module BaseEnv = struct
        o2 o1)
-        match res, errors with
-          | Some v, _ ->
-              v
-          | None, [] ->
-              raise (Not_set (name, None))
-          | None, lst ->
-              raise (Not_set (name, Some (String.concat (s_ ", ") lst)))
+      match res, errors with
+        | Some v, _ ->
+          v
+        | None, [] ->
+          raise (Not_set (name, None))
+        | None, lst ->
+          raise (Not_set (name, Some (String.concat (s_ ", ") lst)))
     let help =
@@ -2601,23 +3509,24 @@ module BaseEnv = struct
         ~parse:(fun ?(context=ODefault) s -> [context, fun () -> s])
-        ~update:(fun ?context x old_x -> x @ old_x)
+        ~update:(fun ?context:_ x old_x -> x @ old_x)
-      fun () ->
-        var_expand (var_get_low (var_get_lst env))
+    fun () ->
+      var_expand (var_get_low (var_get_lst env))
   let var_redefine
-        ?hide
-        ?dump
-        ?short_desc
-        ?cli
-        ?arg_help
-        ?group
-        name
-        dflt =
+      ?hide
+      ?dump
+      ?short_desc
+      ?cli
+      ?arg_help
+      ?group
+      name
+      dflt =
     if Schema.mem schema name then
         (* TODO: look suspsicious, we want to memorize dflt not dflt () *)
@@ -2637,8 +3546,9 @@ module BaseEnv = struct
-  let var_ignore (e : unit -> string) =
-    ()
+  let var_ignore (_: unit -> string) = ()
   let print_hidden =
@@ -2649,6 +3559,7 @@ module BaseEnv = struct
       (fun () -> "false")
   let var_all () =
@@ -2660,49 +3571,68 @@ module BaseEnv = struct
-  let default_filename =
-    BaseEnvLight.default_filename
-  let load ?allow_empty ?filename () =
-    env_from_file := BaseEnvLight.load ?allow_empty ?filename ()
+  let default_filename = in_srcdir ""
+  let load ~ctxt ?(allow_empty=false) ?(filename=default_filename) () =
+    let open OASISFileSystem in
+    env_from_file :=
+      let repr_filename = ctxt.srcfs#string_of_filename filename in
+      if ctxt.srcfs#file_exists filename then begin
+        let buf = Buffer.create 13 in
+        defer_close
+          (ctxt.srcfs#open_in ~mode:binary_in filename)
+          (read_all buf);
+        defer_close
+          (ctxt.srcfs#open_in ~mode:binary_in filename)
+          (fun rdr ->
+    ~ctxt "Loading environment from %S." repr_filename;
+             BaseEnvLight.load ~allow_empty
+               ~filename:(repr_filename)
+               ~stream:(stream_of_reader rdr)
+               ())
+      end else if allow_empty then begin
+        BaseEnvLight.MapString.empty
+      end else begin
+        failwith
+          (Printf.sprintf
+             (f_ "Unable to load environment, the file '%s' doesn't exist.")
+             repr_filename)
+      end
   let unload () =
     env_from_file := MapString.empty;
     Data.clear env
-  let dump ?(filename=default_filename) () =
-    let chn =
-      open_out_bin filename
-    in
-    let output nm value = 
-      Printf.fprintf chn "%s=%S\n" nm value
-    in
-    let mp_todo = 
-      (* Dump data from schema *)
-      Schema.fold
-        (fun mp_todo nm def _ ->
-           if def.dump then
-             begin
-               try
-                 let value =
-                   Schema.get
-                     schema
-                     env
-                     nm
-                 in
-                   output nm value
-               with Not_set _ ->
-                 ()
-             end;
-           MapString.remove nm mp_todo)
-        !env_from_file
-        schema
-    in
-      (* Dump data defined outside of schema *)
-      MapString.iter output mp_todo;
-      (* End of the dump *)
-      close_out chn
+  let dump ~ctxt ?(filename=default_filename) () =
+    let open OASISFileSystem in
+    defer_close
+      (ctxt.OASISContext.srcfs#open_out ~mode:binary_out filename)
+      (fun wrtr ->
+         let buf = Buffer.create 63 in
+         let output nm value =
+           Buffer.add_string buf (Printf.sprintf "%s=%S\n" nm value)
+         in
+         let mp_todo =
+           (* Dump data from schema *)
+           Schema.fold
+             (fun mp_todo nm def _ ->
+                if def.dump then begin
+                  try
+                    output nm (Schema.get schema env nm)
+                  with Not_set _ ->
+                    ()
+                end;
+                MapString.remove nm mp_todo)
+             !env_from_file
+             schema
+         in
+         (* Dump data defined outside of schema *)
+         MapString.iter output mp_todo;
+         wrtr#output buf)
   let print () =
     let printable_vars =
@@ -2711,20 +3641,15 @@ module BaseEnv = struct
            if not def.hide || bool_of_string (print_hidden ()) then
-                 let value =
-                   Schema.get
-                     schema
-                     env
-                     nm
-                 in
+                 let value = Schema.get schema env nm in
                  let txt =
                    match short_descr_opt with
                      | Some s -> s ()
                      | None -> nm
-                   (txt, value) :: acc
+                 (txt, value) :: acc
                with Not_set _ ->
-                   acc
+                 acc
@@ -2736,162 +3661,166 @@ module BaseEnv = struct
         (List.rev_map String.length
            (List.rev_map fst printable_vars))
-    let dot_pad str =
-      String.make ((max_length - (String.length str)) + 3) '.'
-    in
-    Printf.printf "\nConfiguration: \n";
+    let dot_pad str = String.make ((max_length - (String.length str)) + 3) '.' in
+    Printf.printf "\nConfiguration:\n";
-      (fun (name,value) ->
-        Printf.printf "%s: %s %s\n" name (dot_pad name) value)
+      (fun (name, value) ->
+         Printf.printf "%s: %s" name (dot_pad name);
+         if value = "" then
+           Printf.printf "\n"
+         else
+           Printf.printf " %s\n" value)
       (List.rev printable_vars);
     Printf.printf "\n%!"
   let args () =
-    let arg_concat =
-      OASISUtils.varname_concat ~hyphen:'-'
-    in
-      [
-        "--override",
-         Arg.Tuple
-           (
-             let rvr = ref ""
-             in
-             let rvl = ref ""
-             in
-               [
-                 Arg.Set_string rvr;
-                 Arg.Set_string rvl;
-                 Arg.Unit
-                   (fun () ->
-                      Schema.set
-                        schema
-                        env
-                        ~context:OCommandLine
-                        !rvr
-                        !rvl)
-               ]
-           ),
-        "var+val  Override any configuration variable.";
+    let arg_concat = OASISUtils.varname_concat ~hyphen:'-' in
+    [
+      "--override",
+      Arg.Tuple
+        (
+          let rvr = ref ""
+          in
+          let rvl = ref ""
+          in
+          [
+            Arg.Set_string rvr;
+            Arg.Set_string rvl;
+            Arg.Unit
+              (fun () ->
+                 Schema.set
+                   schema
+                   env
+                   ~context:OCommandLine
+                   !rvr
+                   !rvl)
+          ]
+        ),
+      "var+val  Override any configuration variable.";
-      ]
-      @
+    ]
+    @
-          (fun acc name def short_descr_opt ->
-             let var_set s =
-               Schema.set
-                 schema
-                 env
-                 ~context:OCommandLine
-                 name
-                 s
-             in
+           (fun acc name def short_descr_opt ->
+              let var_set s =
+                Schema.set
+                  schema
+                  env
+                  ~context:OCommandLine
+                  name
+                  s
+              in
-             let arg_name =
-               OASISUtils.varname_of_string ~hyphen:'-' name
-             in
+              let arg_name =
+                OASISUtils.varname_of_string ~hyphen:'-' name
+              in
-             let hlp =
-               match short_descr_opt with
-                 | Some txt -> txt ()
-                 | None -> ""
-             in
+              let hlp =
+                match short_descr_opt with
+                  | Some txt -> txt ()
+                  | None -> ""
+              in
-             let arg_hlp =
-               match def.arg_help with
-                 | Some s -> s
-                 | None   -> "str"
-             in
+              let arg_hlp =
+                match def.arg_help with
+                  | Some s -> s
+                  | None   -> "str"
+              in
-             let default_value =
-               try
-                 Printf.sprintf
-                   (f_ " [%s]")
-                   (Schema.get
-                      schema
-                      env
-                      name)
-               with Not_set _ ->
-                 ""
-             in
+              let default_value =
+                try
+                  Printf.sprintf
+                    (f_ " [%s]")
+                    (Schema.get
+                       schema
+                       env
+                       name)
+                with Not_set _ ->
+                  ""
+              in
-             let args =
-               match def.cli with
-                 | CLINone ->
-                     []
-                 | CLIAuto ->
-                     [
-                       arg_concat "--" arg_name,
-                       Arg.String var_set,
-                       Printf.sprintf (f_ "%s %s%s") arg_hlp hlp default_value
-                     ]
-                 | CLIWith ->
-                     [
-                       arg_concat "--with-" arg_name,
-                       Arg.String var_set,
-                       Printf.sprintf (f_ "%s %s%s") arg_hlp hlp default_value
-                     ]
-                 | CLIEnable ->
-                     let dflt =
-                       if default_value = " [true]" then
-                         s_ " [default: enabled]"
-                       else
-                         s_ " [default: disabled]"
-                     in
-                       [
-                         arg_concat "--enable-" arg_name,
-                         Arg.Unit (fun () -> var_set "true"),
-                         Printf.sprintf (f_ " %s%s") hlp dflt;
-                         arg_concat "--disable-" arg_name,
-                         Arg.Unit (fun () -> var_set "false"),
-                         Printf.sprintf (f_ " %s%s") hlp dflt
-                       ]
-                 | CLIUser lst ->
-                     lst
-             in
-               args :: acc)
+              let args =
+                match def.cli with
+                  | CLINone ->
+                    []
+                  | CLIAuto ->
+                    [
+                      arg_concat "--" arg_name,
+                      Arg.String var_set,
+                      Printf.sprintf (f_ "%s %s%s") arg_hlp hlp default_value
+                    ]
+                  | CLIWith ->
+                    [
+                      arg_concat "--with-" arg_name,
+                      Arg.String var_set,
+                      Printf.sprintf (f_ "%s %s%s") arg_hlp hlp default_value
+                    ]
+                  | CLIEnable ->
+                    let dflt =
+                      if default_value = " [true]" then
+                        s_ " [default: enabled]"
+                      else
+                        s_ " [default: disabled]"
+                    in
+                    [
+                      arg_concat "--enable-" arg_name,
+                      Arg.Unit (fun () -> var_set "true"),
+                      Printf.sprintf (f_ " %s%s") hlp dflt;
+                      arg_concat "--disable-" arg_name,
+                      Arg.Unit (fun () -> var_set "false"),
+                      Printf.sprintf (f_ " %s%s") hlp dflt
+                    ]
+                  | CLIUser lst ->
+                    lst
+              in
+              args :: acc)
 module BaseArgExt = struct
-# 21 "/home/gildor/programmation/oasis/src/base/"
+(* # 22 "src/base/" *)
   open OASISUtils
   open OASISGettext
   let parse argv args =
-      (* Simulate command line for Arg *)
-      let current =
-        ref 0
-      in
+    (* Simulate command line for Arg *)
+    let current =
+      ref 0
+    in
-        try
-          Arg.parse_argv
-            ~current:current
-            (Array.concat [[|"none"|]; argv])
-            (Arg.align args)
-            (failwithf (f_ "Don't know what to do with arguments: '%s'"))
-            (s_ "configure options:")
-        with
-          | Arg.Help txt ->
-              print_endline txt;
-              exit 0
-          | Arg.Bad txt ->
-              prerr_endline txt;
-              exit 1
+    try
+      Arg.parse_argv
+        ~current:current
+        (Array.concat [[|"none"|]; argv])
+        (Arg.align args)
+        (failwithf (f_ "Don't know what to do with arguments: '%s'"))
+        (s_ "configure options:")
+    with
+      | Arg.Help txt ->
+        print_endline txt;
+        exit 0
+      | Arg.Bad txt ->
+        prerr_endline txt;
+        exit 1
 module BaseCheck = struct
-# 21 "/home/gildor/programmation/oasis/src/base/"
+(* # 22 "src/base/" *)
   open BaseEnv
   open BaseMessage
   open OASISUtils
   open OASISGettext
   let prog_best prg prg_lst =
@@ -2901,74 +3830,80 @@ module BaseCheck = struct
              (fun res e ->
                 match res with
                   | Some _ ->
-                      res
+                    res
                   | None ->
-                      try
-                        Some (OASISFileUtil.which ~ctxt:!BaseContext.default e)
-                      with Not_found ->
-                        None)
+                    try
+                      Some (OASISFileUtil.which ~ctxt:!BaseContext.default e)
+                    with Not_found ->
+                      None)
-           match alternate with
-             | Some prg -> prg
-             | None -> raise Not_found)
+         match alternate with
+           | Some prg -> prg
+           | None -> raise Not_found)
   let prog prg =
     prog_best prg [prg]
   let prog_opt prg =
     prog_best prg [prg^".opt"; prg]
   let ocamlfind =
     prog "ocamlfind"
   let version
-        var_prefix
-        cmp
-        fversion
-        () =
+      var_prefix
+      cmp
+      fversion
+      () =
     (* Really compare version provided *)
     let var =
       var_prefix^"_version_"^(OASISVersion.varname_of_comparator cmp)
-      var_redefine
-        ~hide:true
-        var
-        (fun () ->
-           let version_str =
-             match fversion () with
-               | "[Distributed with OCaml]" ->
-                   begin
-                     try
-                       (var_get "ocaml_version")
-                     with Not_found ->
-                       warning
-                         (f_ "Variable ocaml_version not defined, fallback \
-                              to default");
-                       Sys.ocaml_version
-                   end
-               | res ->
-                   res
-           in
-           let version =
-             OASISVersion.version_of_string version_str
-           in
-             if OASISVersion.comparator_apply version cmp then
-               version_str
-             else
-               failwithf
-                 (f_ "Cannot satisfy version constraint on %s: %s (version: %s)")
-                 var_prefix
-                 (OASISVersion.string_of_comparator cmp)
-                 version_str)
-        ()
+    var_redefine
+      ~hide:true
+      var
+      (fun () ->
+         let version_str =
+           match fversion () with
+             | "[Distributed with OCaml]" ->
+               begin
+                 try
+                   (var_get "ocaml_version")
+                 with Not_found ->
+                   warning
+                     (f_ "Variable ocaml_version not defined, fallback \
+                          to default");
+                   Sys.ocaml_version
+               end
+             | res ->
+               res
+         in
+         let version =
+           OASISVersion.version_of_string version_str
+         in
+         if OASISVersion.comparator_apply version cmp then
+           version_str
+         else
+           failwithf
+             (f_ "Cannot satisfy version constraint on %s: %s (version: %s)")
+             var_prefix
+             (OASISVersion.string_of_comparator cmp)
+             version_str)
+      ()
   let package_version pkg =
     OASISExec.run_read_one_line ~ctxt:!BaseContext.default
       (ocamlfind ())
       ["query"; "-format"; "%v"; pkg]
   let package ?version_comparator pkg () =
     let var =
@@ -2981,13 +3916,13 @@ module BaseCheck = struct
           (ocamlfind ())
           ["query"; "-format"; "%d"; pkg]
-        if Sys.file_exists dir && Sys.is_directory dir then
-          dir
-        else
-          failwithf
-            (f_ "When looking for findlib package %s, \
-                 directory %s return doesn't exist")
-            pkg dir
+      if Sys.file_exists dir && Sys.is_directory dir then
+        dir
+      else
+        failwithf
+          (f_ "When looking for findlib package %s, \
+               directory %s return doesn't exist")
+          pkg dir
     let vl =
@@ -2995,80 +3930,83 @@ module BaseCheck = struct
         (fun () -> findlib_dir pkg)
-      (
-        match version_comparator with
-          | Some ver_cmp ->
-              ignore
-                (version
-                   var
-                   ver_cmp
-                   (fun _ -> package_version pkg)
-                   ())
-          | None ->
-              ()
-      );
-      vl
+    (
+      match version_comparator with
+        | Some ver_cmp ->
+          ignore
+            (version
+               var
+               ver_cmp
+               (fun _ -> package_version pkg)
+               ())
+        | None ->
+          ()
+    );
+    vl
 module BaseOCamlcConfig = struct
-# 21 "/home/gildor/programmation/oasis/src/base/"
+(* # 22 "src/base/" *)
   open BaseEnv
   open OASISUtils
   open OASISGettext
   module SMap = Map.Make(String)
   let ocamlc =
     BaseCheck.prog_opt "ocamlc"
   let ocamlc_config_map =
     (* Map name to value for ocamlc -config output
        (name ^": "^value)
-     *)
+    *)
     let rec split_field mp lst =
       match lst with
         | line :: tl ->
-            let mp =
-              try
-                let pos_semicolon =
-                  String.index line ':'
-                in
-                  if pos_semicolon > 1 then
-                    (
-                      let name =
-                        String.sub line 0 pos_semicolon
-                      in
-                      let linelen =
-                        String.length line
-                      in
-                      let value =
-                        if linelen > pos_semicolon + 2 then
-                          String.sub
-                            line
-                            (pos_semicolon + 2)
-                            (linelen - pos_semicolon - 2)
-                        else
-                          ""
-                      in
-                        SMap.add name value mp
-                    )
-                  else
-                    (
-                      mp
-                    )
-              with Not_found ->
+          let mp =
+            try
+              let pos_semicolon =
+                String.index line ':'
+              in
+              if pos_semicolon > 1 then
+                (
+                  let name =
+                    String.sub line 0 pos_semicolon
+                  in
+                  let linelen =
+                    String.length line
+                  in
+                  let value =
+                    if linelen > pos_semicolon + 2 then
+                      String.sub
+                        line
+                        (pos_semicolon + 2)
+                        (linelen - pos_semicolon - 2)
+                    else
+                      ""
+                  in
+                  SMap.add name value mp
+                )
+              else
-            in
-              split_field mp tl
+            with Not_found ->
+              (
+                mp
+              )
+          in
+          split_field mp tl
         | [] ->
-            mp
+          mp
-    let cache = 
+    let cache =
@@ -3079,13 +4017,14 @@ module BaseOCamlcConfig = struct
                     (ocamlc ()) ["-config"]))
-      var_redefine
-        "ocamlc_config_map"
-        ~hide:true
-        ~dump:false
-        (fun () ->
-           (* TODO: update if ocamlc change !!! *)
-           Lazy.force cache)
+    var_redefine
+      "ocamlc_config_map"
+      ~hide:true
+      ~dump:false
+      (fun () ->
+         (* TODO: update if ocamlc change !!! *)
+         Lazy.force cache)
   let var_define nm =
     (* Extract data from ocamlc -config *)
@@ -3095,47 +4034,47 @@ module BaseOCamlcConfig = struct
     let chop_version_suffix s =
-      try 
+      try
         String.sub s 0 (String.index s '+')
-      with _ -> 
+      with _ ->
-     in
+    in
     let nm_config, value_config =
       match nm with
-        | "ocaml_version" -> 
-            "version", chop_version_suffix
+        | "ocaml_version" ->
+          "version", chop_version_suffix
         | _ -> nm, (fun x -> x)
-      var_redefine
-        nm
-        (fun () ->
-          try
-             let map =
-               avlbl_config_get ()
-             in
-             let value =
-               SMap.find nm_config map
-             in
-               value_config value
-           with Not_found ->
-             failwithf
-               (f_ "Cannot find field '%s' in '%s -config' output")
-               nm
-               (ocamlc ()))
+    var_redefine
+      nm
+      (fun () ->
+         try
+           let map =
+             avlbl_config_get ()
+           in
+           let value =
+             SMap.find nm_config map
+           in
+           value_config value
+         with Not_found ->
+           failwithf
+             (f_ "Cannot find field '%s' in '%s -config' output")
+             nm
+             (ocamlc ()))
 module BaseStandardVar = struct
-# 21 "/home/gildor/programmation/oasis/src/base/"
+(* # 22 "src/base/" *)
   open OASISGettext
   open OASISTypes
-  open OASISExpr
   open BaseCheck
   open BaseEnv
   let ocamlfind  = BaseCheck.ocamlfind
   let ocamlc     = BaseOCamlcConfig.ocamlc
   let ocamlopt   = prog_opt "ocamlopt"
@@ -3146,32 +4085,38 @@ module BaseStandardVar = struct
   let rpkg =
     ref None
   let pkg_get () =
     match !rpkg with
       | Some pkg -> pkg
       | None -> failwith (s_ "OASIS Package is not set")
   let var_cond = ref []
   let var_define_cond ~since_version f dflt =
     let holder = ref (fun () -> dflt) in
     let since_version =
       OASISVersion.VGreaterEqual (OASISVersion.version_of_string since_version)
-      var_cond :=
+    var_cond :=
       (fun ver ->
          if OASISVersion.comparator_apply ver since_version then
            holder := f ()) :: !var_cond;
-      fun () -> !holder ()
+    fun () -> !holder ()
   let pkg_name =
       ~short_desc:(fun () -> s_ "Package name")
       (fun () -> (pkg_get ()).name)
   let pkg_version =
       ~short_desc:(fun () -> s_ "Package version")
@@ -3179,16 +4124,20 @@ module BaseStandardVar = struct
       (fun () ->
          (OASISVersion.string_of_version (pkg_get ()).version))
   let c = BaseOCamlcConfig.var_define
   let os_type        = c "os_type"
   let system         = c "system"
   let architecture   = c "architecture"
   let ccomp_type     = c "ccomp_type"
   let ocaml_version  = c "ocaml_version"
   (* TODO: Check standard variable presence at runtime *)
   let standard_library_default = c "standard_library_default"
   let standard_library         = c "standard_library"
   let standard_runtime         = c "standard_runtime"
@@ -3202,23 +4151,26 @@ module BaseStandardVar = struct
   let default_executable_name  = c "default_executable_name"
   let systhread_supported      = c "systhread_supported"
-  let flexlink = 
+  let flexlink =
     BaseCheck.prog "flexlink"
   let flexdll_version =
       ~short_desc:(fun () -> "FlexDLL version (Win32)")
       (fun () ->
-         let lst = 
+         let lst =
            OASISExec.run_read_output ~ctxt:!BaseContext.default
              (flexlink ()) ["-help"]
-           match lst with 
-             | line :: _ ->
-                 Scanf.sscanf line "FlexDLL version %s" (fun ver -> ver)
-             | [] ->
-                 raise Not_found)
+         match lst with
+           | line :: _ ->
+             Scanf.sscanf line "FlexDLL version %s" (fun ver -> ver)
+           | [] ->
+             raise Not_found)
   let p name hlp dflt =
@@ -3229,119 +4181,140 @@ module BaseStandardVar = struct
   let (/) a b =
     if os_type () = Sys.os_type then
       Filename.concat a b
-    else if os_type () = "Unix" then
+    else if os_type () = "Unix" || os_type () = "Cygwin" then
       OASISUnixPath.concat a b
       OASISUtils.failwithf (f_ "Cannot handle os_type %s filename concat")
         (os_type ())
   let prefix =
     p "prefix"
       (fun () -> s_ "Install architecture-independent files dir")
       (fun () ->
          match os_type () with
            | "Win32" ->
-               let program_files =
-                 Sys.getenv "PROGRAMFILES"
-               in
-                 program_files/(pkg_name ())
+             let program_files =
+               Sys.getenv "PROGRAMFILES"
+             in
+             program_files/(pkg_name ())
            | _ ->
-               "/usr/local")
+             "/usr/local")
   let exec_prefix =
     p "exec_prefix"
       (fun () -> s_ "Install architecture-dependent files in dir")
       (fun () -> "$prefix")
   let bindir =
     p "bindir"
       (fun () -> s_ "User executables")
       (fun () -> "$exec_prefix"/"bin")
   let sbindir =
     p "sbindir"
       (fun () -> s_ "System admin executables")
       (fun () -> "$exec_prefix"/"sbin")
   let libexecdir =
     p "libexecdir"
       (fun () -> s_ "Program executables")
       (fun () -> "$exec_prefix"/"libexec")
   let sysconfdir =
     p "sysconfdir"
       (fun () -> s_ "Read-only single-machine data")
       (fun () -> "$prefix"/"etc")
   let sharedstatedir =
     p "sharedstatedir"
       (fun () -> s_ "Modifiable architecture-independent data")
       (fun () -> "$prefix"/"com")
   let localstatedir =
     p "localstatedir"
       (fun () -> s_ "Modifiable single-machine data")
       (fun () -> "$prefix"/"var")
   let libdir =
     p "libdir"
       (fun () -> s_ "Object code libraries")
       (fun () -> "$exec_prefix"/"lib")
   let datarootdir =
     p "datarootdir"
       (fun () -> s_ "Read-only arch-independent data root")
       (fun () -> "$prefix"/"share")
   let datadir =
     p "datadir"
       (fun () -> s_ "Read-only architecture-independent data")
       (fun () -> "$datarootdir")
   let infodir =
     p "infodir"
       (fun () -> s_ "Info documentation")
       (fun () -> "$datarootdir"/"info")
   let localedir =
     p "localedir"
       (fun () -> s_ "Locale-dependent data")
       (fun () -> "$datarootdir"/"locale")
   let mandir =
     p "mandir"
       (fun () -> s_ "Man documentation")
       (fun () -> "$datarootdir"/"man")
   let docdir =
     p "docdir"
       (fun () -> s_ "Documentation root")
       (fun () -> "$datarootdir"/"doc"/"$pkg_name")
   let htmldir =
     p "htmldir"
       (fun () -> s_ "HTML documentation")
       (fun () -> "$docdir")
   let dvidir =
     p "dvidir"
       (fun () -> s_ "DVI documentation")
       (fun () -> "$docdir")
   let pdfdir =
     p "pdfdir"
       (fun () -> s_ "PDF documentation")
       (fun () -> "$docdir")
   let psdir =
     p "psdir"
       (fun () -> s_ "PS documentation")
       (fun () -> "$docdir")
   let destdir =
     p "destdir"
       (fun () -> s_ "Prepend a path when installing package")
@@ -3351,35 +4324,39 @@ module BaseStandardVar = struct
                Some (s_ "undefined by construct"))))
   let findlib_version =
       (fun () ->
          BaseCheck.package_version "findlib")
   let is_native =
       (fun () ->
-           let _s : string =
+           let _s: string =
              ocamlopt ()
-             "true"
+           "true"
          with PropList.Not_set _ ->
-           let _s : string =
+           let _s: string =
              ocamlc ()
-             "false")
+           "false")
   let ext_program =
       (fun () ->
          match os_type () with
-           | "Win32" -> ".exe"
+           | "Win32" | "Cygwin" -> ".exe"
            | _ -> "")
   let rm =
       ~short_desc:(fun () -> s_ "Remove a file.")
@@ -3389,6 +4366,7 @@ module BaseStandardVar = struct
            | "Win32" -> "del"
            | _ -> "rm -f")
   let rmdir =
       ~short_desc:(fun () -> s_ "Remove a directory.")
@@ -3398,6 +4376,7 @@ module BaseStandardVar = struct
            | "Win32" -> "rd"
            | _ -> "rm -rf")
   let debug =
       ~short_desc:(fun () -> s_ "Turn ocaml debug flag on")
@@ -3405,6 +4384,7 @@ module BaseStandardVar = struct
       (fun () -> "true")
   let profile =
       ~short_desc:(fun () -> s_ "Turn ocaml profile flag on")
@@ -3412,17 +4392,19 @@ module BaseStandardVar = struct
       (fun () -> "false")
   let tests =
     var_define_cond ~since_version:"0.3"
       (fun () ->
            ~short_desc:(fun () ->
-                          s_ "Compile tests executable and library and run them")
+             s_ "Compile tests executable and library and run them")
            (fun () -> "false"))
   let docs =
     var_define_cond ~since_version:"0.3"
       (fun () ->
@@ -3433,6 +4415,7 @@ module BaseStandardVar = struct
            (fun () -> "true"))
   let native_dynlink =
       ~short_desc:(fun () -> s_ "Compiler support generation of .cmxs.")
@@ -3440,7 +4423,7 @@ module BaseStandardVar = struct
       (fun () ->
          let res =
-           let ocaml_lt_312 () = 
+           let ocaml_lt_312 () =
                (OASISVersion.version_of_string (ocaml_version ()))
@@ -3452,37 +4435,38 @@ module BaseStandardVar = struct
                   (OASISVersion.version_of_string "0.30"))
-           let has_native_dynlink = 
+           let has_native_dynlink =
              let ocamlfind = ocamlfind () in
-               try
-                 let fn =
-                   OASISExec.run_read_one_line
-                     ~ctxt:!BaseContext.default
-                     ocamlfind
-                     ["query"; "-predicates"; "native"; "dynlink";
-                      "-format"; "%d/%a"]
-                 in
-                   Sys.file_exists fn
-               with _ ->
-                 false
-           in
-             if not has_native_dynlink then
+             try
+               let fn =
+                 OASISExec.run_read_one_line
+                   ~ctxt:!BaseContext.default
+                   ocamlfind
+                   ["query"; "-predicates"; "native"; "dynlink";
+                    "-format"; "%d/%a"]
+               in
+               Sys.file_exists fn
+             with _ ->
-             else if ocaml_lt_312 () then
+           in
+           if not has_native_dynlink then
+             false
+           else if ocaml_lt_312 () then
+             false
+           else if (os_type () = "Win32" || os_type () = "Cygwin")
+                && flexdll_lt_030 () then
+             begin
+               BaseMessage.warning
+                 (f_ ".cmxs generation disabled because FlexDLL needs to be \
+                      at least 0.30. Please upgrade FlexDLL from %s to 0.30.")
+                 (flexdll_version ());
-             else if (os_type () = "Win32" || os_type () = "Cygwin") 
-                     && flexdll_lt_030 () then
-               begin
-                 BaseMessage.warning 
-                   (f_ ".cmxs generation disabled because FlexDLL needs to be \
-                        at least 0.30. Please upgrade FlexDLL from %s to 0.30.")
-                   (flexdll_version ());
-                 false
-               end
-             else
-               true
+             end
+           else
+             true
-           string_of_bool res)
+         string_of_bool res)
   let init pkg =
     rpkg := Some pkg;
@@ -3491,180 +4475,140 @@ module BaseStandardVar = struct
 module BaseFileAB = struct
-# 21 "/home/gildor/programmation/oasis/src/base/"
+(* # 22 "src/base/" *)
   open BaseEnv
   open OASISGettext
   open BaseMessage
+  open OASISContext
   let to_filename fn =
-    let fn =
-      OASISHostPath.of_unix fn
-    in
-      if not (Filename.check_suffix fn ".ab") then
-        warning
-          (f_ "File '%s' doesn't have '.ab' extension")
-          fn;
-      Filename.chop_extension fn
+    if not (Filename.check_suffix fn ".ab") then
+      warning (f_ "File '%s' doesn't have '.ab' extension") fn;
+    OASISFileSystem.of_unix_filename (Filename.chop_extension fn)
-  let replace fn_lst =
-    let buff =
-      Buffer.create 13
-    in
-      List.iter
-        (fun fn ->
-           let fn =
-             OASISHostPath.of_unix fn
-           in
-           let chn_in =
-             open_in fn
-           in
-           let chn_out =
-             open_out (to_filename fn)
-           in
-             (
-               try
-                 while true do
-                  Buffer.add_string buff (var_expand (input_line chn_in));
-                  Buffer.add_char buff '\n'
-                 done
-               with End_of_file ->
-                 ()
-             );
-             Buffer.output_buffer chn_out buff;
-             Buffer.clear buff;
-             close_in chn_in;
-             close_out chn_out)
-        fn_lst
+  let replace ~ctxt fn_lst =
+    let open OASISFileSystem in
+    let ibuf, obuf = Buffer.create 13, Buffer.create 13 in
+    List.iter
+      (fun fn ->
+         Buffer.clear ibuf; Buffer.clear obuf;
+         defer_close
+           (ctxt.srcfs#open_in (of_unix_filename fn))
+           (read_all ibuf);
+         Buffer.add_string obuf (var_expand (Buffer.contents ibuf));
+         defer_close
+           (ctxt.srcfs#open_out (to_filename fn))
+           (fun wrtr -> wrtr#output obuf))
+      fn_lst
 module BaseLog = struct
-# 21 "/home/gildor/programmation/oasis/src/base/"
+(* # 22 "src/base/" *)
   open OASISUtils
+  open OASISContext
+  open OASISGettext
+  open OASISFileSystem
-  let default_filename =
-    Filename.concat
-      (Filename.dirname BaseEnv.default_filename)
-      "setup.log"
-  module SetTupleString =
-    Set.Make
-      (struct
-         type t = string * string
-         let compare (s11, s12) (s21, s22) =
-           match s11 s21 with
-             | 0 -> s12 s22
-             | n -> n
-       end)
+  let default_filename = in_srcdir "setup.log"
-  let load () =
-    if Sys.file_exists default_filename then
-      begin
-        let chn =
-          open_in default_filename
-        in
-        let scbuf =
-          Scanf.Scanning.from_file default_filename
-        in
-        let rec read_aux (st, lst) =
-          if not (Scanf.Scanning.end_of_input scbuf) then
-            begin
-              let acc =
-                try
-                  Scanf.bscanf scbuf "%S %S\n"
-                    (fun e d ->
-                       let t =
-                         e, d
-                       in
-                         if SetTupleString.mem t st then
-                           st, lst
-                         else
-                           SetTupleString.add t st,
-                           t :: lst)
-                with Scanf.Scan_failure _ ->
-                  failwith
-                    (Scanf.bscanf scbuf
-                       "%l"
-                       (fun line ->
-                          Printf.sprintf
-                            "Malformed log file '%s' at line %d"
-                            default_filename
-                            line))
-              in
-                read_aux acc
-            end
-          else
-            begin
-              close_in chn;
-              List.rev lst
-            end
-        in
-          read_aux (SetTupleString.empty, [])
-      end
-    else
-      begin
-        []
-      end
-  let register event data =
-    let chn_out =
-      open_out_gen [Open_append; Open_creat; Open_text] 0o644 default_filename
+  let load ~ctxt () =
+    let module SetTupleString =
+      Set.Make
+        (struct
+          type t = string * string
+          let compare (s11, s12) (s21, s22) =
+            match s11 s21 with
+            | 0 -> s12 s22
+            | n -> n
+        end)
-      Printf.fprintf chn_out "%S %S\n" event data;
-      close_out chn_out
+    if ctxt.srcfs#file_exists default_filename then begin
+      defer_close
+        (ctxt.srcfs#open_in default_filename)
+        (fun rdr ->
+           let line = ref 1 in
+           let lxr = Genlex.make_lexer [] (stream_of_reader rdr) in
+           let rec read_aux (st, lst) =
+             match Stream.npeek 2 lxr with
+             | [Genlex.String e; Genlex.String d] ->
+               let t = e, d in
+               Stream.junk lxr; Stream.junk lxr;
+               if SetTupleString.mem t st then
+                 read_aux (st, lst)
+               else
+                 read_aux (SetTupleString.add t st, t :: lst)
+             | [] -> List.rev lst
+             | _ ->
+               failwithf
+                 (f_ "Malformed log file '%s' at line %d")
+                 (ctxt.srcfs#string_of_filename default_filename)
+                 !line
+           in
+           read_aux (SetTupleString.empty, []))
+    end else begin
+      []
+    end
-  let unregister event data =
-    if Sys.file_exists default_filename then
-      begin
-        let lst =
-          load ()
-        in
-        let chn_out =
-          open_out default_filename
-        in
-        let write_something =
-          ref false
-        in
-          List.iter
-            (fun (e, d) ->
-               if e <> event || d <> data then
-                 begin
-                   write_something := true;
-                   Printf.fprintf chn_out "%S %S\n" e d
-                 end)
-            lst;
-          close_out chn_out;
-          if not !write_something then
-            Sys.remove default_filename
-      end
-  let filter events =
-    let st_events =
-      List.fold_left
-        (fun st e ->
-           SetString.add e st)
-        SetString.empty
-        events
-    in
-      List.filter
-        (fun (e, _) -> SetString.mem e st_events)
-        (load ())
+  let register ~ctxt event data =
+    defer_close
+      (ctxt.srcfs#open_out
+         ~mode:[Open_append; Open_creat; Open_text]
+         ~perm:0o644
+         default_filename)
+      (fun wrtr ->
+         let buf = Buffer.create 13 in
+         Printf.bprintf buf "%S %S\n" event data;
+         wrtr#output buf)
-  let exists event data =
+  let unregister ~ctxt event data =
+    let lst = load ~ctxt () in
+    let buf = Buffer.create 13 in
+    List.iter
+      (fun (e, d) ->
+         if e <> event || d <> data then
+           Printf.bprintf buf "%S %S\n" e d)
+      lst;
+    if Buffer.length buf > 0 then
+      defer_close
+        (ctxt.srcfs#open_out default_filename)
+        (fun wrtr -> wrtr#output buf)
+    else
+      ctxt.srcfs#remove default_filename
+  let filter ~ctxt events =
+    let st_events = SetString.of_list events in
+    List.filter
+      (fun (e, _) -> SetString.mem e st_events)
+      (load ~ctxt ())
+  let exists ~ctxt event data =
       (fun v -> (event, data) = v)
-      (load ())
+      (load ~ctxt ())
 module BaseBuilt = struct
-# 21 "/home/gildor/programmation/oasis/src/base/"
+(* # 22 "src/base/" *)
   open OASISTypes
   open OASISGettext
   open BaseStandardVar
   open BaseMessage
   type t =
     | BExec    (* Executable *)
     | BExecLib (* Library coming with executable *)
@@ -3672,97 +4616,85 @@ module BaseBuilt = struct
     | BObj     (* Library *)
     | BDoc     (* Document *)
   let to_log_event_file t nm =
-    (match t with
-       | BExec -> "exec"
-       | BExecLib -> "exec_lib"
-       | BLib -> "lib"
-       | BObj -> "obj"
-       | BDoc -> "doc")^
-    "_"^nm
+      (match t with
+        | BExec -> "exec"
+        | BExecLib -> "exec_lib"
+        | BLib -> "lib"
+        | BObj -> "obj"
+        | BDoc -> "doc")^
+      "_"^nm
   let to_log_event_done t nm =
     "is_"^(to_log_event_file t nm)
-  let register t nm lst =
-    BaseLog.register
-      (to_log_event_done t nm)
-      "true";
+  let register ~ctxt t nm lst =
+    BaseLog.register ~ctxt (to_log_event_done t nm) "true";
       (fun alt ->
          let registered =
              (fun registered fn ->
-                if OASISFileUtil.file_exists_case fn then
-                  begin
-                    BaseLog.register
-                      (to_log_event_file t nm)
-                      (if Filename.is_relative fn then
-                         Filename.concat (Sys.getcwd ()) fn
-                       else
-                         fn);
-                    true
-                  end
-                else
-                  registered)
+                if OASISFileUtil.file_exists_case fn then begin
+                  BaseLog.register ~ctxt
+                    (to_log_event_file t nm)
+                    (if Filename.is_relative fn then
+                       Filename.concat (Sys.getcwd ()) fn
+                     else
+                       fn);
+                  true
+                end else begin
+                  registered
+                end)
-           if not registered then
-             warning
-               (f_ "Cannot find an existing alternative files among: %s")
-               (String.concat (s_ ", ") alt))
+         if not registered then
+           warning
+             (f_ "Cannot find an existing alternative files among: %s")
+             (String.concat (s_ ", ") alt))
-  let unregister t nm =
+  let unregister ~ctxt t nm =
-      (fun (e, d) ->
-         BaseLog.unregister e d)
-      (BaseLog.filter
-         [to_log_event_file t nm;
-          to_log_event_done t nm])
+      (fun (e, d) -> BaseLog.unregister ~ctxt e d)
+      (BaseLog.filter ~ctxt [to_log_event_file t nm; to_log_event_done t nm])
-  let fold t nm f acc =
+  let fold ~ctxt t nm f acc =
       (fun acc (_, fn) ->
-         if OASISFileUtil.file_exists_case fn then
-           begin
-             f acc fn
-           end
-         else
-           begin
-             warning
-               (f_ "File '%s' has been marked as built \
+         if OASISFileUtil.file_exists_case fn then begin
+           f acc fn
+         end else begin
+           warning
+             (f_ "File '%s' has been marked as built \
                   for %s but doesn't exist")
-               fn
-               (Printf.sprintf
-                  (match t with
-                     | BExec | BExecLib ->
-                         (f_ "executable %s")
-                     | BLib ->
-                         (f_ "library %s")
-                     | BObj ->
-                         (f_ "object %s")
-                     | BDoc ->
-                         (f_ "documentation %s"))
-                  nm);
-             acc
-           end)
+             fn
+             (Printf.sprintf
+                (match t with
+                  | BExec | BExecLib -> (f_ "executable %s")
+                  | BLib -> (f_ "library %s")
+                  | BObj -> (f_ "object %s")
+                  | BDoc -> (f_ "documentation %s"))
+                nm);
+           acc
+         end)
-      (BaseLog.filter
-         [to_log_event_file t nm])
+      (BaseLog.filter ~ctxt [to_log_event_file t nm])
-  let is_built t nm =
+  let is_built ~ctxt t nm =
-      (fun is_built (_, d) ->
-         (try
-            bool_of_string d
-          with _ ->
-            false))
+      (fun _ (_, d) -> try bool_of_string d with _ -> false)
-      (BaseLog.filter
-         [to_log_event_done t nm])
+      (BaseLog.filter ~ctxt [to_log_event_done t nm])
   let of_executable ffn (cs, bs, exec) =
     let unix_exec_is, unix_dll_opt =
@@ -3777,22 +4709,23 @@ module BaseBuilt = struct
     let evs =
       (BExec, cs.cs_name, [[ffn unix_exec_is]])
-      (match unix_dll_opt with
-         | Some fn ->
-             [BExecLib, cs.cs_name, [[ffn fn]]]
-         | None ->
-             [])
+        (match unix_dll_opt with
+          | Some fn ->
+            [BExecLib, cs.cs_name, [[ffn fn]]]
+          | None ->
+            [])
-      evs,
-      unix_exec_is,
-      unix_dll_opt
+    evs,
+    unix_exec_is,
+    unix_dll_opt
   let of_library ffn (cs, bs, lib) =
     let unix_lst =
         ~source_file_exists:(fun fn ->
-           OASISFileUtil.file_exists_case (OASISHostPath.of_unix fn))
+          OASISFileUtil.file_exists_case (OASISHostPath.of_unix fn))
         ~is_native:(bool_of_string (is_native ()))
         ~has_native_dynlink:(bool_of_string (native_dynlink ()))
         ~ext_lib:(ext_lib ())
@@ -3804,7 +4737,7 @@ module BaseBuilt = struct
        cs.cs_name, ( ffn) unix_lst]
-      evs, unix_lst
+    evs, unix_lst
   let of_object ffn (cs, bs, obj) =
@@ -3812,7 +4745,7 @@ module BaseBuilt = struct
         ~source_file_exists:(fun fn ->
-           OASISFileUtil.file_exists_case (OASISHostPath.of_unix fn))
+          OASISFileUtil.file_exists_case (OASISHostPath.of_unix fn))
         ~is_native:(bool_of_string (is_native ()))
         (cs, bs, obj)
@@ -3821,18 +4754,20 @@ module BaseBuilt = struct
        cs.cs_name, ( ffn) unix_lst]
-      evs, unix_lst
+    evs, unix_lst
 module BaseCustom = struct
-# 21 "/home/gildor/programmation/oasis/src/base/"
+(* # 22 "src/base/" *)
   open BaseEnv
   open BaseMessage
   open OASISTypes
   open OASISGettext
   let run cmd args extra_args = ~ctxt:!BaseContext.default ~quote:false
       (var_expand cmd)
@@ -3840,43 +4775,44 @@ module BaseCustom = struct
          (args @ (Array.to_list extra_args)))
   let hook ?(failsafe=false) cstm f e =
     let optional_command lst =
       let printer =
           | Some (cmd, args) -> String.concat " " (cmd :: args)
           | None -> s_ "No command"
-      in
-        match
-          var_choose
-            ~name:(s_ "Pre/Post Command")
-            ~printer
-            lst with
-          | Some (cmd, args) ->
-              begin
-                try
-                  run cmd args [||]
-                with e when failsafe ->
-                  warning
-                    (f_ "Command '%s' fail with error: %s")
-                    (String.concat " " (cmd :: args))
-                    (match e with
-                       | Failure msg -> msg
-                       | e -> Printexc.to_string e)
-              end
-          | None ->
-              ()
+      in
+      match
+        var_choose
+          ~name:(s_ "Pre/Post Command")
+          ~printer
+          lst with
+        | Some (cmd, args) ->
+          begin
+            try
+              run cmd args [||]
+            with e when failsafe ->
+              warning
+                (f_ "Command '%s' fail with error: %s")
+                (String.concat " " (cmd :: args))
+                (match e with
+                  | Failure msg -> msg
+                  | e -> Printexc.to_string e)
+          end
+        | None ->
+          ()
     let res =
       optional_command cstm.pre_command;
       f e
-      optional_command cstm.post_command;
-      res
+    optional_command cstm.post_command;
+    res
 module BaseDynVar = struct
-# 21 "/home/gildor/programmation/oasis/src/base/"
+(* # 22 "src/base/" *)
   open OASISTypes
@@ -3884,96 +4820,91 @@ module BaseDynVar = struct
   open BaseEnv
   open BaseBuilt
-  let init pkg =
+  let init ~ctxt pkg =
     (* TODO: disambiguate exec vs other variable by adding exec_VARNAME. *)
     (* TODO: provide compile option for library libary_byte_args_VARNAME... *)
-         | Executable (cs, bs, exec) ->
-             if var_choose bs.bs_build then
-               var_ignore
-                 (var_redefine
-                    (* We don't save this variable *)
-                    ~dump:false
-                    ~short_desc:(fun () ->
-                                   Printf.sprintf
-                                     (f_ "Filename of executable '%s'")
-                                     cs.cs_name)
-                    (OASISUtils.varname_of_string cs.cs_name)
-                    (fun () ->
-                       let fn_opt =
-                         fold
-                           BExec cs.cs_name
-                           (fun _ fn -> Some fn)
-                           None
-                       in
-                         match fn_opt with
-                           | Some fn -> fn
-                           | None ->
-                               raise
-                                 (PropList.Not_set
-                                    (cs.cs_name,
-                                     Some (Printf.sprintf
-                                             (f_ "Executable '%s' not yet built.")
-                                             cs.cs_name)))))
-         | Library _ | Object _ | Flag _ | Test _ | SrcRepo _ | Doc _ ->
-             ())
+        | Executable (cs, bs, _) ->
+          if var_choose bs.bs_build then
+            var_ignore
+              (var_redefine
+                 (* We don't save this variable *)
+                 ~dump:false
+                 ~short_desc:(fun () ->
+                   Printf.sprintf
+                     (f_ "Filename of executable '%s'")
+                     cs.cs_name)
+                 (OASISUtils.varname_of_string cs.cs_name)
+                 (fun () ->
+                    let fn_opt =
+                      fold ~ctxt BExec cs.cs_name (fun _ fn -> Some fn) None
+                    in
+                    match fn_opt with
+                    | Some fn -> fn
+                    | None ->
+                      raise
+                        (PropList.Not_set
+                           (cs.cs_name,
+                            Some (Printf.sprintf
+                                    (f_ "Executable '%s' not yet built.")
+                                    cs.cs_name)))))
+        | Library _ | Object _ | Flag _ | Test _ | SrcRepo _ | Doc _ ->
+          ())
 module BaseTest = struct
-# 21 "/home/gildor/programmation/oasis/src/base/"
+(* # 22 "src/base/" *)
   open BaseEnv
   open BaseMessage
   open OASISTypes
-  open OASISExpr
   open OASISGettext
-  let test lst pkg extra_args =
+  let test ~ctxt lst pkg extra_args =
     let one_test (failure, n) (test_plugin, cs, test) =
       if var_choose
-           ~name:(Printf.sprintf
-                    (f_ "test %s run")
-                    cs.cs_name)
-           ~printer:string_of_bool
-           test.test_run then
+          ~name:(Printf.sprintf
+              (f_ "test %s run")
+              cs.cs_name)
+          ~printer:string_of_bool
+          test.test_run then
-          let () =
-            info (f_ "Running test '%s'") cs.cs_name
-          in
+          let () = info (f_ "Running test '%s'") cs.cs_name in
           let back_cwd =
             match test.test_working_directory with
               | Some dir ->
-                  let cwd =
-                    Sys.getcwd ()
-                  in
-                  let chdir d =
-                    info (f_ "Changing directory to '%s'") d;
-                    Sys.chdir d
-                  in
-                    chdir dir;
-                    fun () -> chdir cwd
+                let cwd = Sys.getcwd () in
+                let chdir d =
+                  info (f_ "Changing directory to '%s'") d;
+                  Sys.chdir d
+                in
+                chdir dir;
+                fun () -> chdir cwd
               | None ->
-                  fun () -> ()
+                fun () -> ()
-            try
-              let failure_percent =
-                BaseCustom.hook
-                  test.test_custom
-                  (test_plugin pkg (cs, test))
-                  extra_args
-              in
-                back_cwd ();
-                (failure_percent +. failure, n + 1)
-            with e ->
-              begin
-                back_cwd ();
-                raise e
-              end
+          try
+            let failure_percent =
+              BaseCustom.hook
+                test.test_custom
+                (test_plugin ~ctxt pkg (cs, test))
+                extra_args
+            in
+            back_cwd ();
+            (failure_percent +. failure, n + 1)
+          with e ->
+            begin
+              back_cwd ();
+              raise e
+            end
@@ -3981,110 +4912,111 @@ module BaseTest = struct
           (failure, n)
-    let (failed, n) =
-      List.fold_left
-        one_test
-        (0.0, 0)
-        lst
-    in
-    let failure_percent =
-      if n = 0 then
-        0.0
-      else
-        failed /. (float_of_int n)
-    in
+    let failed, n = List.fold_left one_test (0.0, 0) lst in
+    let failure_percent = if n = 0 then 0.0 else failed /. (float_of_int n) in
     let msg =
         (f_ "Tests had a %.2f%% failure rate")
         (100. *. failure_percent)
-      if failure_percent > 0.0 then
-        failwith msg
-      else
-        info "%s" msg;
-      (* Possible explanation why the tests where not run. *)
-      if OASISVersion.version_0_3_or_after pkg.oasis_version &&
-         not (bool_of_string (BaseStandardVar.tests ())) &&
-         lst <> [] then
-        BaseMessage.warning
-          "Tests are turned off, consider enabling with \
-           'ocaml -configure --enable-tests'"
+    if failure_percent > 0.0 then
+      failwith msg
+    else
+      info "%s" msg;
+    (* Possible explanation why the tests where not run. *)
+    if OASISFeatures.package_test OASISFeatures.flag_tests pkg &&
+       not (bool_of_string (BaseStandardVar.tests ())) &&
+       lst <> [] then
+      BaseMessage.warning
+        "Tests are turned off, consider enabling with \
+         'ocaml -configure --enable-tests'"
 module BaseDoc = struct
-# 21 "/home/gildor/programmation/oasis/src/base/"
+(* # 22 "src/base/" *)
   open BaseEnv
   open BaseMessage
   open OASISTypes
   open OASISGettext
-  let doc lst pkg extra_args =
+  let doc ~ctxt lst pkg extra_args =
     let one_doc (doc_plugin, cs, doc) =
       if var_choose
-           ~name:(Printf.sprintf
-                   (f_ "documentation %s build")
-                   cs.cs_name)
-           ~printer:string_of_bool
-           doc.doc_build then
+          ~name:(Printf.sprintf
+              (f_ "documentation %s build")
+              cs.cs_name)
+          ~printer:string_of_bool
+          doc.doc_build then
           info (f_ "Building documentation '%s'") cs.cs_name;
-            (doc_plugin pkg (cs, doc))
+            (doc_plugin ~ctxt pkg (cs, doc))
-      List.iter one_doc lst;
-      if OASISVersion.version_0_3_or_after pkg.oasis_version &&
-         not (bool_of_string ( ())) &&
-         lst <> [] then
-        BaseMessage.warning
-          "Docs are turned off, consider enabling with \
-           'ocaml -configure --enable-docs'"
+    List.iter one_doc lst;
+    if OASISFeatures.package_test OASISFeatures.flag_docs pkg &&
+       not (bool_of_string ( ())) &&
+       lst <> [] then
+      BaseMessage.warning
+        "Docs are turned off, consider enabling with \
+         'ocaml -configure --enable-docs'"
 module BaseSetup = struct
-# 21 "/home/gildor/programmation/oasis/src/base/"
+(* # 22 "src/base/" *)
+  open OASISContext
   open BaseEnv
   open BaseMessage
   open OASISTypes
-  open OASISSection
   open OASISGettext
   open OASISUtils
   type std_args_fun =
-      package -> string array -> unit
+    ctxt:OASISContext.t -> package -> string array -> unit
   type ('a, 'b) section_args_fun =
-      name * (package -> (common_section * 'a) -> string array -> 'b)
+    name *
+    (ctxt:OASISContext.t ->
+     package ->
+     (common_section * 'a) ->
+     string array ->
+     'b)
   type t =
-      {
-        configure:        std_args_fun;
-        build:            std_args_fun;
-        doc:              ((doc, unit)  section_args_fun) list;
-        test:             ((test, float) section_args_fun) list;
-        install:          std_args_fun;
-        uninstall:        std_args_fun;
-        clean:            std_args_fun list;
-        clean_doc:        (doc, unit) section_args_fun list;
-        clean_test:       (test, unit) section_args_fun list;
-        distclean:        std_args_fun list;
-        distclean_doc:    (doc, unit) section_args_fun list;
-        distclean_test:   (test, unit) section_args_fun list;
-        package:          package;
-        oasis_fn:         string option;
-        oasis_version:    string;
-        oasis_digest:     Digest.t option;
-        oasis_exec:       string option;
-        oasis_setup_args: string list;
-        setup_update:     bool;
-      }
+    {
+      configure:        std_args_fun;
+      build:            std_args_fun;
+      doc:              ((doc, unit)  section_args_fun) list;
+      test:             ((test, float) section_args_fun) list;
+      install:          std_args_fun;
+      uninstall:        std_args_fun;
+      clean:            std_args_fun list;
+      clean_doc:        (doc, unit) section_args_fun list;
+      clean_test:       (test, unit) section_args_fun list;
+      distclean:        std_args_fun list;
+      distclean_doc:    (doc, unit) section_args_fun list;
+      distclean_test:   (test, unit) section_args_fun list;
+      package:          package;
+      oasis_fn:         string option;
+      oasis_version:    string;
+      oasis_digest:     Digest.t option;
+      oasis_exec:       string option;
+      oasis_setup_args: string list;
+      setup_update:     bool;
+    }
   (* Associate a plugin function with data from package *)
   let join_plugin_sections filter_map lst =
@@ -4093,12 +5025,13 @@ module BaseSetup = struct
          (fun acc sct ->
             match filter_map sct with
               | Some e ->
-                  e :: acc
+                e :: acc
               | None ->
-                  acc)
+                acc)
   (* Search for plugin data associated with a section name *)
   let lookup_plugin_section plugin action nm lst =
@@ -4110,149 +5043,148 @@ module BaseSetup = struct
-  let configure t args =
+  let configure ~ctxt t args =
     (* Run configure *)
-      (fun () -> 
+      (fun () ->
          (* Reload if preconf has changed it *)
              unload ();
-             load ();
+             load ~ctxt ();
            with _ ->
          (* Run plugin's configure *)
-         t.configure t.package args;
+         t.configure ~ctxt t.package args;
          (* Dump to allow postconf to change it *)
-         dump ())
+         dump ~ctxt ())
     (* Reload environment *)
     unload ();
-    load ();
+    load ~ctxt ();
     (* Save environment *)
     print ();
     (* Replace data in file *)
-    BaseFileAB.replace t.package.files_ab
+    BaseFileAB.replace ~ctxt t.package.files_ab
-  let build t args =
+  let build ~ctxt t args =
-      ( t.package)
+      ( ~ctxt t.package)
-  let doc t args =
+  let doc ~ctxt t args =
+      ~ctxt
-            | Doc (cs, e) ->
-                Some
-                  (lookup_plugin_section
-                     "documentation"
-                     (s_ "build")
-                     cs.cs_name
-                     t.doc,
-                   cs,
-                   e)
-            | _ ->
-                None)
+           | Doc (cs, e) ->
+             Some
+               (lookup_plugin_section
+                  "documentation"
+                  (s_ "build")
+                  cs.cs_name
+                  t.doc,
+                cs,
+                e)
+           | _ ->
+             None)
-  let test t args =
+  let test ~ctxt t args =
+      ~ctxt
-            | Test (cs, e) ->
-                Some
-                  (lookup_plugin_section
-                     "test"
-                     (s_ "run")
-                     cs.cs_name
-                     t.test,
-                   cs,
-                   e)
-            | _ ->
-                None)
+           | Test (cs, e) ->
+             Some
+               (lookup_plugin_section
+                  "test"
+                  (s_ "run")
+                  cs.cs_name
+                  t.test,
+                cs,
+                e)
+           | _ ->
+             None)
-  let all t args =
-    let rno_doc =
-      ref false
-    in
-    let rno_test =
-      ref false
-    in
-      Arg.parse_argv
-        ~current:(ref 0)
-        (Array.of_list
-           ((Sys.executable_name^" all") ::
+  let all ~ctxt t args =
+    let rno_doc = ref false in
+    let rno_test = ref false in
+    let arg_rest = ref [] in
+    Arg.parse_argv
+      ~current:(ref 0)
+      (Array.of_list
+         ((Sys.executable_name^" all") ::
             (Array.to_list args)))
-        [
-          "-no-doc",
-          Arg.Set rno_doc,
-          s_ "Don't run doc target";
+      [
+        "-no-doc",
+        Arg.Set rno_doc,
+        s_ "Don't run doc target";
-          "-no-test",
-          Arg.Set rno_test,
-          s_ "Don't run test target";
-        ]
-        (failwithf (f_ "Don't know what to do with '%s'"))
-        "";
+        "-no-test",
+        Arg.Set rno_test,
+        s_ "Don't run test target";
-      info "Running configure step";
-      configure t [||];
+        "--",
+        Arg.Rest (fun arg -> arg_rest := arg :: !arg_rest),
+        s_ "All arguments for configure.";
+      ]
+      (failwithf (f_ "Don't know what to do with '%s'"))
+      "";
-      info "Running build step";
-      build     t [||];
+    info "Running configure step";
+    configure ~ctxt t (Array.of_list (List.rev !arg_rest));
-      (* Load setup.log dynamic variables *)
-      BaseDynVar.init t.package;
+    info "Running build step";
+    build ~ctxt t [||];
-      if not !rno_doc then
-        begin
-          info "Running doc step";
-          doc t [||];
-        end
-      else
-        begin
-          info "Skipping doc step"
-        end;
+    (* Load setup.log dynamic variables *)
+    BaseDynVar.init ~ctxt t.package;
-      if not !rno_test then
-        begin
-          info "Running test step";
-          test t [||]
-        end
-      else
-        begin
-          info "Skipping test step"
-        end
+    if not !rno_doc then begin
+      info "Running doc step";
+      doc ~ctxt t [||]
+    end else begin
+      info "Skipping doc step"
+    end;
+    if not !rno_test then begin
+      info "Running test step";
+      test ~ctxt t [||]
+    end else begin
+      info "Skipping test step"
+    end
-  let install t args =
-    BaseCustom.hook
-      t.package.install_custom
-      (t.install t.package)
-      args
-  let uninstall t args =
-    BaseCustom.hook
-      t.package.uninstall_custom
-      (t.uninstall t.package)
-      args
+  let install ~ctxt t args =
+    BaseCustom.hook t.package.install_custom (t.install ~ctxt t.package) args
+  let uninstall ~ctxt t args =
+    BaseCustom.hook t.package.uninstall_custom (t.uninstall ~ctxt t.package) args
+  let reinstall ~ctxt t args =
+    uninstall ~ctxt t args;
+    install ~ctxt t args
-  let reinstall t args =
-    uninstall t args;
-    install t args
   let clean, distclean =
     let failsafe f a =
@@ -4262,11 +5194,11 @@ module BaseSetup = struct
           (f_ "Action fail with error: %s")
           (match e with
-             | Failure msg -> msg
-             | e -> Printexc.to_string e)
+            | Failure msg -> msg
+            | e -> Printexc.to_string e)
-    let generic_clean t cstm mains docs tests args =
+    let generic_clean ~ctxt t cstm mains docs tests args =
@@ -4274,45 +5206,32 @@ module BaseSetup = struct
            (* Clean section *)
-                | Test (cs, test) ->
-                    let f =
-                      try
-                        List.assoc cs.cs_name tests
-                      with Not_found ->
-                        fun _ _ _ -> ()
-                    in
-                      failsafe
-                        (f t.package (cs, test))
-                        args
-                | Doc (cs, doc) ->
-                    let f =
-                      try
-                        List.assoc cs.cs_name docs
-                      with Not_found ->
-                        fun _ _ _ -> ()
-                    in
-                      failsafe
-                        (f t.package (cs, doc))
-                        args
-                | Library _
-                | Object _
-                | Executable _
-                | Flag _
-                | SrcRepo _ ->
-                    ())
+               | Test (cs, test) ->
+                 let f =
+                   try
+                     List.assoc cs.cs_name tests
+                   with Not_found ->
+                   fun ~ctxt:_ _ _ _ -> ()
+                 in
+                 failsafe (f ~ctxt t.package (cs, test)) args
+               | Doc (cs, doc) ->
+                 let f =
+                   try
+                     List.assoc cs.cs_name docs
+                   with Not_found ->
+                   fun ~ctxt:_ _ _ _ -> ()
+                 in
+                 failsafe (f ~ctxt t.package (cs, doc)) args
+               | Library _ | Object _ | Executable _ | Flag _ | SrcRepo _ -> ())
            (* Clean whole package *)
-           List.iter
-             (fun f ->
-                failsafe
-                  (f t.package)
-                  args)
-             mains)
+           List.iter (fun f -> failsafe (f ~ctxt t.package) args) mains)
-    let clean t args =
+    let clean ~ctxt t args =
+        ~ctxt
@@ -4321,12 +5240,13 @@ module BaseSetup = struct
-    let distclean t args =
+    let distclean ~ctxt t args =
       (* Call clean *)
-      clean t args;
+      clean ~ctxt t args;
       (* Call distclean code *)
+        ~ctxt
@@ -4334,38 +5254,39 @@ module BaseSetup = struct
-      (* Remove generated file *)
+      (* Remove generated source files. *)
         (fun fn ->
-           if Sys.file_exists fn then
-             begin
-               info (f_ "Remove '%s'") fn;
-               Sys.remove fn
-             end)
-        (BaseEnv.default_filename
-         ::
-         BaseLog.default_filename
-         ::
-         (List.rev_map BaseFileAB.to_filename t.package.files_ab))
+           if ctxt.srcfs#file_exists fn then begin
+             info (f_ "Remove '%s'") (ctxt.srcfs#string_of_filename fn);
+             ctxt.srcfs#remove fn
+           end)
+        ([BaseEnv.default_filename; BaseLog.default_filename]
+         @ (List.rev_map BaseFileAB.to_filename t.package.files_ab))
-      clean, distclean
+    clean, distclean
+  let version ~ctxt:_ (t: t) _ = print_endline t.oasis_version
-  let version t _ =
-    print_endline t.oasis_version
   let update_setup_ml, no_update_setup_ml_cli =
     let b = ref true in
-      b,
-      ("-no-update-setup-ml",
-       Arg.Clear b,
-       s_ " Don't try to update, even if _oasis has changed.")
+    b,
+    ("-no-update-setup-ml",
+     Arg.Clear b,
+     s_ " Don't try to update, even if _oasis has changed.")
+  (* TODO: srcfs *)
+  let default_oasis_fn = "_oasis"
   let update_setup_ml t =
     let oasis_fn =
       match t.oasis_fn with
         | Some fn -> fn
-        | None -> "_oasis"
+        | None -> default_oasis_fn
     let oasis_exec =
       match t.oasis_exec with
@@ -4378,16 +5299,16 @@ module BaseSetup = struct
     let setup_ml, args =
       match Array.to_list Sys.argv with
         | setup_ml :: args ->
-            setup_ml, args
+          setup_ml, args
         | [] ->
-            failwith
-              (s_ "Expecting non-empty command line arguments.")
+          failwith
+            (s_ "Expecting non-empty command line arguments.")
     let ocaml, setup_ml =
       if Sys.executable_name = Sys.argv.(0) then
         (* We are not running in standard mode, probably the script
          * is precompiled.
-         *)
+        *)
         "ocaml", ""
         ocaml, setup_ml
@@ -4398,64 +5319,62 @@ module BaseSetup = struct
-          (function
-             | 0 ->
-                 ()
-             | 1 ->
-                 failwithf
-                   (f_ "Executable '%s' is probably an old version \
-                      of oasis (< 0.3.0), please update to version \
-                      v%s.")
-                   oasis_exec t.oasis_version
-             | 127 ->
-                 failwithf
-                   (f_ "Cannot find executable '%s', please install \
-                        oasis v%s.")
-                   oasis_exec t.oasis_version
-             | n ->
-                 failwithf
-                   (f_ "Command '%s version' exited with code %d.")
-                   oasis_exec n)
+            (function
+              | 0 ->
+                ()
+              | 1 ->
+                failwithf
+                  (f_ "Executable '%s' is probably an old version \
+                       of oasis (< 0.3.0), please update to version \
+                       v%s.")
+                  oasis_exec t.oasis_version
+              | 127 ->
+                failwithf
+                  (f_ "Cannot find executable '%s', please install \
+                       oasis v%s.")
+                  oasis_exec t.oasis_version
+              | n ->
+                failwithf
+                  (f_ "Command '%s version' exited with code %d.")
+                  oasis_exec n)
           oasis_exec ["version"]
-        if OASISVersion.comparator_apply
-             (OASISVersion.version_of_string oasis_exec_version)
-             (OASISVersion.VGreaterEqual
-                (OASISVersion.version_of_string t.oasis_version)) then
-          begin
-            (* We have a version >= for the executable oasis, proceed with
-             * update.
-             *)
-            (* TODO: delegate this check to 'oasis setup'. *)
-            if Sys.os_type = "Win32" then
-              failwithf
-                (f_ "It is not possible to update the running script \
-            on Windows. Please update by \
-                     running '%s'.")
-                (String.concat " " (oasis_exec :: "setup" :: t.oasis_setup_args))
-            else
-              begin
-                  ~ctxt:!BaseContext.default
-                  ~f_exit_code:
-                  (function
-                     | 0 ->
-                         ()
-                     | n ->
-                         failwithf
-                           (f_ "Unable to update using '%s', \
-                                please fix the problem and retry.")
-                           oasis_exec)
-                  oasis_exec ("setup" :: t.oasis_setup_args);
-       ~ctxt:!BaseContext.default ocaml (setup_ml :: args)
-              end
-          end
-        else
-          failwithf
-            (f_ "The version of '%s' (v%s) doesn't match the version of \
-                 oasis used to generate the %s file. Please install at \
-                 least oasis v%s.")
-            oasis_exec oasis_exec_version setup_ml t.oasis_version
+      if OASISVersion.comparator_apply
+          (OASISVersion.version_of_string oasis_exec_version)
+          (OASISVersion.VGreaterEqual
+             (OASISVersion.version_of_string t.oasis_version)) then
+        begin
+          (* We have a version >= for the executable oasis, proceed with
+           * update.
+          *)
+          (* TODO: delegate this check to 'oasis setup'. *)
+          if Sys.os_type = "Win32" then
+            failwithf
+              (f_ "It is not possible to update the running script \
+          on Windows. Please update by \
+                   running '%s'.")
+              (String.concat " " (oasis_exec :: "setup" :: t.oasis_setup_args))
+          else
+            begin
+                ~ctxt:!BaseContext.default
+                ~f_exit_code:
+                  (fun n ->
+                     if n <> 0 then
+                       failwithf
+                         (f_ "Unable to update using '%s', \
+                              please fix the problem and retry.")
+                         oasis_exec)
+                oasis_exec ("setup" :: t.oasis_setup_args);
+     ~ctxt:!BaseContext.default ocaml (setup_ml :: args)
+            end
+        end
+      else
+        failwithf
+          (f_ "The version of '%s' (v%s) doesn't match the version of \
+               oasis used to generate the %s file. Please install at \
+               least oasis v%s.")
+          oasis_exec oasis_exec_version setup_ml t.oasis_version
     if !update_setup_ml then
@@ -4463,7 +5382,8 @@ module BaseSetup = struct
           match t.oasis_digest with
             | Some dgst ->
-              if Sys.file_exists oasis_fn && dgst <> Digest.file "_oasis" then
+              if Sys.file_exists oasis_fn &&
+                 dgst <> Digest.file default_oasis_fn then
                   do_update ();
@@ -4471,7 +5391,7 @@ module BaseSetup = struct
             | None ->
-                false
+              false
         with e ->
             (f_ "Error when updating If you want to avoid this error, \
@@ -4483,157 +5403,290 @@ module BaseSetup = struct
-  let setup t =
-    let catch_exn =
-      ref true
-    in
-      try
-        let act_ref =
-          ref (fun _ ->
-                 failwithf
-                   (f_ "No action defined, run '%s %s -help'")
-                   Sys.executable_name
-                   Sys.argv.(0))
-        in
-        let extra_args_ref =
-          ref []
-        in
-        let allow_empty_env_ref =
-          ref false
-        in
-        let arg_handle ?(allow_empty_env=false) act =
-          Arg.Tuple
-            [
-              Arg.Rest (fun str -> extra_args_ref := str :: !extra_args_ref);
-              Arg.Unit
-                (fun () ->
-                   allow_empty_env_ref := allow_empty_env;
-                   act_ref := act);
-            ]
-        in
+  let setup t =
+    let catch_exn = ref true in
+    let act_ref =
+      ref (fun ~ctxt:_ _ ->
+        failwithf
+          (f_ "No action defined, run '%s %s -help'")
+          Sys.executable_name
+          Sys.argv.(0))
-          Arg.parse
-            (Arg.align
-               ([
-                 "-configure",
-                 arg_handle ~allow_empty_env:true configure,
-                 s_ "[options*] Configure the whole build process.";
-                 "-build",
-                 arg_handle build,
-                 s_ "[options*] Build executables and libraries.";
-                 "-doc",
-                 arg_handle doc,
-                 s_ "[options*] Build documents.";
-                 "-test",
-                 arg_handle test,
-                 s_ "[options*] Run tests.";
-                 "-all",
-                 arg_handle ~allow_empty_env:true all,
-                 s_ "[options*] Run configure, build, doc and test targets.";
-                 "-install",
-                 arg_handle install,
-                 s_ "[options*] Install libraries, data, executables \
-                                and documents.";
-                 "-uninstall",
-                 arg_handle uninstall,
-                 s_ "[options*] Uninstall libraries, data, executables \
-                                and documents.";
-                 "-reinstall",
-                 arg_handle reinstall,
-                 s_ "[options*] Uninstall and install libraries, data, \
-                                executables and documents.";
-                 "-clean",
-                 arg_handle ~allow_empty_env:true clean,
-                 s_ "[options*] Clean files generated by a build.";
-                 "-distclean",
-                 arg_handle ~allow_empty_env:true distclean,
-                 s_ "[options*] Clean files generated by a build and configure.";
-                 "-version",
-                 arg_handle ~allow_empty_env:true version,
-                 s_ " Display version of OASIS used to generate this";
-                 "-no-catch-exn",
-                 Arg.Clear catch_exn,
-                 s_ " Don't catch exception, useful for debugging.";
-               ]
-               @
+    in
+    let extra_args_ref = ref [] in
+    let allow_empty_env_ref = ref false in
+    let arg_handle ?(allow_empty_env=false) act =
+      Arg.Tuple
+        [
+          Arg.Rest (fun str -> extra_args_ref := str :: !extra_args_ref);
+          Arg.Unit
+            (fun () ->
+               allow_empty_env_ref := allow_empty_env;
+               act_ref := act);
+        ]
+    in
+    try
+      let () =
+        Arg.parse
+          (Arg.align
+             ([
+               "-configure",
+               arg_handle ~allow_empty_env:true configure,
+               s_ "[options*] Configure the whole build process.";
+               "-build",
+               arg_handle build,
+               s_ "[options*] Build executables and libraries.";
+               "-doc",
+               arg_handle doc,
+               s_ "[options*] Build documents.";
+               "-test",
+               arg_handle test,
+               s_ "[options*] Run tests.";
+               "-all",
+               arg_handle ~allow_empty_env:true all,
+               s_ "[options*] Run configure, build, doc and test targets.";
+               "-install",
+               arg_handle install,
+               s_ "[options*] Install libraries, data, executables \
+                   and documents.";
+               "-uninstall",
+               arg_handle uninstall,
+               s_ "[options*] Uninstall libraries, data, executables \
+                   and documents.";
+               "-reinstall",
+               arg_handle reinstall,
+               s_ "[options*] Uninstall and install libraries, data, \
+                   executables and documents.";
+               "-clean",
+               arg_handle ~allow_empty_env:true clean,
+               s_ "[options*] Clean files generated by a build.";
+               "-distclean",
+               arg_handle ~allow_empty_env:true distclean,
+               s_ "[options*] Clean files generated by a build and configure.";
+               "-version",
+               arg_handle ~allow_empty_env:true version,
+               s_ " Display version of OASIS used to generate this";
+               "-no-catch-exn",
+               Arg.Clear catch_exn,
+               s_ " Don't catch exception, useful for debugging.";
+             ]
+              @
                 (if t.setup_update then
-               @ (BaseContext.args ())))
-            (failwithf (f_ "Don't know what to do with '%s'"))
-            (s_ "Setup and run build process current package\n");
+              @ (BaseContext.args ())))
+          (failwithf (f_ "Don't know what to do with '%s'"))
+          (s_ "Setup and run build process current package\n")
+      in
-          (* Build initial environment *)
-          load ~allow_empty:!allow_empty_env_ref ();
+      (* Instantiate the context. *)
+      let ctxt = !BaseContext.default in
-          (** Initialize flags *)
-          List.iter
-            (function
-               | Flag (cs, {flag_description = hlp;
-                            flag_default = choices}) ->
-                   begin
-                     let apply ?short_desc () =
-                       var_ignore
-                         (var_define
-                            ~cli:CLIEnable
-                            ?short_desc
-                            (OASISUtils.varname_of_string cs.cs_name)
-                            (fun () ->
-                               string_of_bool
-                                 (var_choose
-                                    ~name:(Printf.sprintf
-                                             (f_ "default value of flag %s")
-                                             cs.cs_name)
-                                    ~printer:string_of_bool
-                                             choices)))
-                     in
-                       match hlp with
-                         | Some hlp ->
-                             apply ~short_desc:(fun () -> hlp) ()
-                         | None ->
-                             apply ()
-                   end
-               | _ ->
-                   ())
-            t.package.sections;
+      (* Build initial environment *)
+      load ~ctxt ~allow_empty:!allow_empty_env_ref ();
-          BaseStandardVar.init t.package;
+      (** Initialize flags *)
+      List.iter
+        (function
+          | Flag (cs, {flag_description = hlp;
+                       flag_default = choices}) ->
+            begin
+              let apply ?short_desc () =
+                var_ignore
+                  (var_define
+                     ~cli:CLIEnable
+                     ?short_desc
+                     (OASISUtils.varname_of_string cs.cs_name)
+                     (fun () ->
+                        string_of_bool
+                          (var_choose
+                             ~name:(Printf.sprintf
+                                 (f_ "default value of flag %s")
+                                 cs.cs_name)
+                             ~printer:string_of_bool
+                             choices)))
+              in
+              match hlp with
+              | Some hlp -> apply ~short_desc:(fun () -> hlp) ()
+              | None -> apply ()
+            end
+          | _ ->
+            ())
+        t.package.sections;
-          BaseDynVar.init t.package;
+      BaseStandardVar.init t.package;
-          if t.setup_update && update_setup_ml t then
-            ()
-          else
-            !act_ref t (Array.of_list (List.rev !extra_args_ref))
+      BaseDynVar.init ~ctxt t.package;
-      with e when !catch_exn ->
-        error "%s" (Printexc.to_string e);
-        exit 1
+      if not (t.setup_update && update_setup_ml t) then
+        !act_ref ~ctxt t (Array.of_list (List.rev !extra_args_ref))
+    with e when !catch_exn ->
+      error "%s" (Printexc.to_string e);
+      exit 1
+module BaseCompat = struct
+(* # 22 "src/base/" *)
+  (** Compatibility layer to provide a stable API inside
+      This layer allows OASIS to change in between minor versions
+      (e.g. 0.4.6 -> 0.4.7) but still provides a stable API inside This
+      enables to write functions that manipulate setup_t inside See
+ for an example.
+      The module opened by default will depend on the version of the _oasis. E.g.
+      if we have "OASISFormat: 0.3", the module Compat_0_3 will be opened and
+      the function Compat_0_3 will be called. If is generated with the
+      -nocompat, no module will be opened.
+      @author Sylvain Le Gall
+    *)
+  module Compat_0_4 =
+  struct
+    let rctxt = ref !BaseContext.default
+    module BaseSetup =
+    struct
+      module Original = BaseSetup
+      open OASISTypes
+      type std_args_fun = package -> string array -> unit
+      type ('a, 'b) section_args_fun =
+        name * (package -> (common_section * 'a) -> string array -> 'b)
+      type t =
+        {
+          configure:        std_args_fun;
+          build:            std_args_fun;
+          doc:              ((doc, unit)  section_args_fun) list;
+          test:             ((test, float) section_args_fun) list;
+          install:          std_args_fun;
+          uninstall:        std_args_fun;
+          clean:            std_args_fun list;
+          clean_doc:        (doc, unit) section_args_fun list;
+          clean_test:       (test, unit) section_args_fun list;
+          distclean:        std_args_fun list;
+          distclean_doc:    (doc, unit) section_args_fun list;
+          distclean_test:   (test, unit) section_args_fun list;
+          package:          package;
+          oasis_fn:         string option;
+          oasis_version:    string;
+          oasis_digest:     Digest.t option;
+          oasis_exec:       string option;
+          oasis_setup_args: string list;
+          setup_update:     bool;
+        }
+      let setup t =
+        let mk_std_args_fun f =
+          fun ~ctxt pkg args -> rctxt := ctxt; f pkg args
+        in
+        let mk_section_args_fun l =
+            (fun (nm, f) ->
+               nm,
+               (fun ~ctxt pkg sct args ->
+                  rctxt := ctxt;
+                  f pkg sct args))
+            l
+        in
+        let t' =
+          {
+            Original.
+            configure =        mk_std_args_fun t.configure;
+            build =            mk_std_args_fun;
+            doc =              mk_section_args_fun t.doc;
+            test =             mk_section_args_fun t.test;
+            install =          mk_std_args_fun t.install;
+            uninstall =        mk_std_args_fun t.uninstall;
+            clean =   mk_std_args_fun t.clean;
+            clean_doc =        mk_section_args_fun t.clean_doc;
+            clean_test =       mk_section_args_fun t.clean_test;
+            distclean = mk_std_args_fun t.distclean;
+            distclean_doc =    mk_section_args_fun t.distclean_doc;
+            distclean_test =   mk_section_args_fun t.distclean_test;
+            package =          t.package;
+            oasis_fn =         t.oasis_fn;
+            oasis_version =    t.oasis_version;
+            oasis_digest =     t.oasis_digest;
+            oasis_exec =       t.oasis_exec;
+            oasis_setup_args = t.oasis_setup_args;
+            setup_update =     t.setup_update;
+          }
+        in
+        Original.setup t'
+    end
+    let adapt_setup_t setup_t =
+      let module O = BaseSetup.Original in
+      let mk_std_args_fun f = fun pkg args -> f ~ctxt:!rctxt pkg args in
+      let mk_section_args_fun l =
+          (fun (nm, f) -> nm, (fun pkg sct args -> f ~ctxt:!rctxt pkg sct args))
+          l
+      in
+      {
+        BaseSetup.
+        configure =        mk_std_args_fun setup_t.O.configure;
+        build =            mk_std_args_fun;
+        doc =              mk_section_args_fun setup_t.O.doc;
+        test =             mk_section_args_fun setup_t.O.test;
+        install =          mk_std_args_fun setup_t.O.install;
+        uninstall =        mk_std_args_fun setup_t.O.uninstall;
+        clean =   mk_std_args_fun setup_t.O.clean;
+        clean_doc =        mk_section_args_fun setup_t.O.clean_doc;
+        clean_test =       mk_section_args_fun setup_t.O.clean_test;
+        distclean = mk_std_args_fun setup_t.O.distclean;
+        distclean_doc =    mk_section_args_fun setup_t.O.distclean_doc;
+        distclean_test =   mk_section_args_fun setup_t.O.distclean_test;
+        package =          setup_t.O.package;
+        oasis_fn =         setup_t.O.oasis_fn;
+        oasis_version =    setup_t.O.oasis_version;
+        oasis_digest =     setup_t.O.oasis_digest;
+        oasis_exec =       setup_t.O.oasis_exec;
+        oasis_setup_args = setup_t.O.oasis_setup_args;
+        setup_update =     setup_t.O.setup_update;
+      }
+  end
+  module Compat_0_3 =
+  struct
+    include Compat_0_4
+  end
-# 4611 ""
+# 5662 ""
 module InternalConfigurePlugin = struct
-# 21 "/home/gildor/programmation/oasis/src/plugins/internal/"
+(* # 22 "src/plugins/internal/" *)
   (** Configure using internal scheme
       @author Sylvain Le Gall
-    *)
+  *)
   open BaseEnv
   open OASISTypes
@@ -4641,24 +5694,14 @@ module InternalConfigurePlugin = struct
   open OASISGettext
   open BaseMessage
-  (** Configure build using provided series of check to be done
-    * and then output corresponding file.
-    *)
-  let configure pkg argv =
-    let var_ignore_eval var =
-      let _s : string =
-        var ()
-      in
-        ()
-    in
-    let errors =
-      ref SetString.empty
-    in
-    let buff =
-      Buffer.create 13
-    in
+  (** Configure build using provided series of check to be done
+      and then output corresponding file.
+  *)
+  let configure ~ctxt:_ pkg argv =
+    let var_ignore_eval var = let _s: string = var () in () in
+    let errors = ref SetString.empty in
+    let buff = Buffer.create 13 in
     let add_errors fmt =
@@ -4677,29 +5720,29 @@ module InternalConfigurePlugin = struct
     let check_tools lst =
-           | ExternalTool tool ->
-               begin
-                 try
-                   var_ignore_eval (BaseCheck.prog tool)
-                 with e ->
-                   warn_exception e;
-                   add_errors (f_ "Cannot find external tool '%s'") tool
-               end
-           | InternalExecutable nm1 ->
-               (* Check that matching tool is built *)
-               List.iter
-                 (function
-                    | Executable ({cs_name = nm2},
-                                  {bs_build = build},
-                                  _) when nm1 = nm2 ->
-                         if not (var_choose build) then
-                           add_errors
-                             (f_ "Cannot find buildable internal executable \
-                                  '%s' when checking build depends")
-                             nm1
-                    | _ ->
-                        ())
-                 pkg.sections)
+          | ExternalTool tool ->
+            begin
+              try
+                var_ignore_eval (BaseCheck.prog tool)
+              with e ->
+                warn_exception e;
+                add_errors (f_ "Cannot find external tool '%s'") tool
+            end
+          | InternalExecutable nm1 ->
+            (* Check that matching tool is built *)
+            List.iter
+              (function
+                | Executable ({cs_name = nm2; _},
+                              {bs_build = build; _},
+                    _) when nm1 = nm2 ->
+                  if not (var_choose build) then
+                    add_errors
+                      (f_ "Cannot find buildable internal executable \
+                           '%s' when checking build depends")
+                      nm1
+                | _ ->
+                  ())
+              pkg.sections)
@@ -4723,39 +5766,39 @@ module InternalConfigurePlugin = struct
           (* Check depends *)
-               | FindlibPackage (findlib_pkg, version_comparator) ->
-                   begin
-                     try
-                       var_ignore_eval
-                         (BaseCheck.package ?version_comparator findlib_pkg)
-                     with e ->
-                       warn_exception e;
-                       match version_comparator with
-                         | None ->
-                             add_errors
-                               (f_ "Cannot find findlib package %s")
-                               findlib_pkg
-                         | Some ver_cmp ->
-                             add_errors
-                               (f_ "Cannot find findlib package %s (%s)")
-                               findlib_pkg
-                               (OASISVersion.string_of_comparator ver_cmp)
-                   end
-               | InternalLibrary nm1 ->
-                   (* Check that matching library is built *)
-                   List.iter
-                     (function
-                        | Library ({cs_name = nm2},
-                                   {bs_build = build},
-                                   _) when nm1 = nm2 ->
-                             if not (var_choose build) then
-                               add_errors
-                                 (f_ "Cannot find buildable internal library \
-                                      '%s' when checking build depends")
-                                 nm1
-                        | _ ->
-                            ())
-                     pkg.sections)
+              | FindlibPackage (findlib_pkg, version_comparator) ->
+                begin
+                  try
+                    var_ignore_eval
+                      (BaseCheck.package ?version_comparator findlib_pkg)
+                  with e ->
+                    warn_exception e;
+                    match version_comparator with
+                      | None ->
+                        add_errors
+                          (f_ "Cannot find findlib package %s")
+                          findlib_pkg
+                      | Some ver_cmp ->
+                        add_errors
+                          (f_ "Cannot find findlib package %s (%s)")
+                          findlib_pkg
+                          (OASISVersion.string_of_comparator ver_cmp)
+                end
+              | InternalLibrary nm1 ->
+                (* Check that matching library is built *)
+                List.iter
+                  (function
+                    | Library ({cs_name = nm2; _},
+                               {bs_build = build; _},
+                        _) when nm1 = nm2 ->
+                      if not (var_choose build) then
+                        add_errors
+                          (f_ "Cannot find buildable internal library \
+                               '%s' when checking build depends")
+                          nm1
+                    | _ ->
+                      ())
+                  pkg.sections)
@@ -4767,50 +5810,50 @@ module InternalConfigurePlugin = struct
       match pkg.ocaml_version with
         | Some ver_cmp ->
-            begin
-              try
-                var_ignore_eval
-                  (BaseCheck.version
-                     "ocaml"
-                     ver_cmp
-                     BaseStandardVar.ocaml_version)
-              with e ->
-                warn_exception e;
-                add_errors
-                  (f_ "OCaml version %s doesn't match version constraint %s")
-                  (BaseStandardVar.ocaml_version ())
-                  (OASISVersion.string_of_comparator ver_cmp)
-            end
+          begin
+            try
+              var_ignore_eval
+                (BaseCheck.version
+                   "ocaml"
+                   ver_cmp
+                   BaseStandardVar.ocaml_version)
+            with e ->
+              warn_exception e;
+              add_errors
+                (f_ "OCaml version %s doesn't match version constraint %s")
+                (BaseStandardVar.ocaml_version ())
+                (OASISVersion.string_of_comparator ver_cmp)
+          end
         | None ->
-            ()
+          ()
     (* Findlib version *)
       match pkg.findlib_version with
         | Some ver_cmp ->
-            begin
-              try
-                var_ignore_eval
-                  (BaseCheck.version
-                     "findlib"
-                     ver_cmp
-                     BaseStandardVar.findlib_version)
-              with e ->
-                warn_exception e;
-                add_errors
-                  (f_ "Findlib version %s doesn't match version constraint %s")
-                  (BaseStandardVar.findlib_version ())
-                  (OASISVersion.string_of_comparator ver_cmp)
-            end
+          begin
+            try
+              var_ignore_eval
+                (BaseCheck.version
+                   "findlib"
+                   ver_cmp
+                   BaseStandardVar.findlib_version)
+            with e ->
+              warn_exception e;
+              add_errors
+                (f_ "Findlib version %s doesn't match version constraint %s")
+                (BaseStandardVar.findlib_version ())
+                (OASISVersion.string_of_comparator ver_cmp)
+          end
         | None ->
-            ()
+          ()
     (* Make sure the findlib version is fine for the OCaml compiler. *)
       let ocaml_ge4 =
-          (OASISVersion.version_of_string (BaseStandardVar.ocaml_version()))
+          (OASISVersion.version_of_string (BaseStandardVar.ocaml_version ()))
           (OASISVersion.version_of_string "4.0.0") >= 0 in
       if ocaml_ge4 then
         let findlib_lt132 =
@@ -4835,37 +5878,37 @@ module InternalConfigurePlugin = struct
     (* Check build depends *)
-         | Executable (_, bs, _)
-         | Library (_, bs, _) as sct ->
-             build_checks sct bs
-         | Doc (_, doc) ->
-             if var_choose doc.doc_build then
-               check_tools doc.doc_build_tools
-         | Test (_, test) ->
-             if var_choose test.test_run then
-               check_tools test.test_tools
-         | _ ->
-             ())
+        | Executable (_, bs, _)
+        | Library (_, bs, _) as sct ->
+          build_checks sct bs
+        | Doc (_, doc) ->
+          if var_choose doc.doc_build then
+            check_tools doc.doc_build_tools
+        | Test (_, test) ->
+          if var_choose test.test_run then
+            check_tools test.test_tools
+        | _ ->
+          ())
     (* Check if we need native dynlink (presence of libraries that compile to
-     * native)
-     *)
+       native)
+    *)
       let has_cmxa =
-             | Library (_, bs, _) ->
-                 var_choose bs.bs_build &&
-                 (bs.bs_compiled_object = Native ||
-                  (bs.bs_compiled_object = Best &&
-                   bool_of_string (BaseStandardVar.is_native ())))
-             | _  ->
-                 false)
+            | Library (_, bs, _) ->
+              var_choose bs.bs_build &&
+              (bs.bs_compiled_object = Native ||
+               (bs.bs_compiled_object = Best &&
+                bool_of_string (BaseStandardVar.is_native ())))
+            | _  ->
+              false)
-        if has_cmxa then
-          var_ignore_eval BaseStandardVar.native_dynlink
+      if has_cmxa then
+        var_ignore_eval BaseStandardVar.native_dynlink
     (* Check errors *)
@@ -4882,15 +5925,20 @@ module InternalConfigurePlugin = struct
           (SetString.cardinal !errors)
 module InternalInstallPlugin = struct
-# 21 "/home/gildor/programmation/oasis/src/plugins/internal/"
+(* # 22 "src/plugins/internal/" *)
   (** Install using internal scheme
       @author Sylvain Le Gall
+  (* TODO: rewrite this module with OASISFileSystem. *)
   open BaseEnv
   open BaseStandardVar
   open BaseMessage
@@ -4899,29 +5947,21 @@ module InternalInstallPlugin = struct
   open OASISGettext
   open OASISUtils
-  let exec_hook =
-    ref (fun (cs, bs, exec) -> cs, bs, exec)
-  let lib_hook =
-    ref (fun (cs, bs, lib) -> cs, bs, lib, [])
-  let obj_hook =
-    ref (fun (cs, bs, obj) -> cs, bs, obj, [])
-  let doc_hook =
-    ref (fun (cs, doc) -> cs, doc)
-  let install_file_ev =
-    "install-file"
+  let exec_hook = ref (fun (cs, bs, exec) -> cs, bs, exec)
+  let lib_hook  = ref (fun (cs, bs, dn, lib) -> cs, bs, dn, lib, [])
+  let obj_hook  = ref (fun (cs, bs, dn, obj) -> cs, bs, dn, obj, [])
+  let doc_hook  = ref (fun (cs, doc) -> cs, doc)
-  let install_dir_ev =
-    "install-dir"
+  let install_file_ev    = "install-file"
+  let install_dir_ev     = "install-dir"
+  let install_findlib_ev = "install-findlib"
-  let install_findlib_ev =
-    "install-findlib"
+  (* TODO: this can be more generic and used elsewhere. *)
   let win32_max_command_line_length = 8000
   let split_install_command ocamlfind findlib_name meta files =
     if Sys.os_type = "Win32" then
       (* Arguments for the first command: *)
@@ -4961,20 +6001,21 @@ module InternalInstallPlugin = struct
                 | (firsts, others) ->
                     let cmd = args @ firsts in
                     (* Use -add for remaining commands: *)
-                    let () = 
+                    let () =
                       let findlib_ge_132 =
-                          (OASISVersion.version_of_string 
+                          (OASISVersion.version_of_string
                              (BaseStandardVar.findlib_version ()))
-                          (OASISVersion.VGreaterEqual 
+                          (OASISVersion.VGreaterEqual
                              (OASISVersion.version_of_string "1.3.2"))
                         if not findlib_ge_132 then
-                            (f_ "Installing the library %s require to use the flag \
-                                 '-add' of ocamlfind because the command line is too \
-                                  long. This flag is only available for findlib 1.3.2. \
-                                  Please upgrade findlib from %s to 1.3.2")
+                            (f_ "Installing the library %s require to use the \
+                                 flag '-add' of ocamlfind because the command \
+                                 line is too long. This flag is only available \
+                                 for findlib 1.3.2. Please upgrade findlib from \
+                                 %s to 1.3.2")
                             findlib_name (BaseStandardVar.findlib_version ())
                     let cmds = split other_args others in
@@ -4985,24 +6026,22 @@ module InternalInstallPlugin = struct
       ["install" :: findlib_name :: meta :: files]
-  let install pkg argv =
-    let in_destdir =
+  let install =
+    let in_destdir fn =
-        let destdir =
-          destdir ()
-        in
-          (* Practically speaking destdir is prepended
-           * at the beginning of the target filename
-           *)
-          fun fn -> destdir^fn
+        (* Practically speaking destdir is prepended at the beginning of the
+           target filename
+        *)
+        (destdir ())^fn
       with PropList.Not_set _ ->
-        fun fn -> fn
+        fn
-    let install_file ?tgt_fn src_file envdir =
+    let install_file ~ctxt ?(prepend_destdir=true) ?tgt_fn src_file envdir =
       let tgt_dir =
-        in_destdir (envdir ())
+        if prepend_destdir then in_destdir (envdir ()) else envdir ()
       let tgt_file =
@@ -5015,20 +6054,48 @@ module InternalInstallPlugin = struct
         (* Create target directory if needed *)
-          ~ctxt:!BaseContext.default
+          ~ctxt
           (fun dn ->
              info (f_ "Creating directory '%s'") dn;
-             BaseLog.register install_dir_ev dn)
-          tgt_dir;
+             BaseLog.register ~ctxt install_dir_ev dn)
+          (Filename.dirname tgt_file);
         (* Really install files *)
         info (f_ "Copying file '%s' to '%s'") src_file tgt_file;
-        OASISFileUtil.cp ~ctxt:!BaseContext.default src_file tgt_file;
-        BaseLog.register install_file_ev tgt_file
+        OASISFileUtil.cp ~ctxt src_file tgt_file;
+        BaseLog.register ~ctxt install_file_ev tgt_file
+    in
+    (* Install the files for a library. *)
+    let install_lib_files ~ctxt findlib_name files =
+      let findlib_dir =
+        let dn =
+          let findlib_destdir =
+            OASISExec.run_read_one_line ~ctxt (ocamlfind ())
+              ["printconf" ; "destdir"]
+          in
+          Filename.concat findlib_destdir findlib_name
+        in
+        fun () -> dn
+      in
+      let () =
+        if not (OASISFileUtil.file_exists_case (findlib_dir ())) then
+          failwithf
+            (f_ "Directory '%s' doesn't exist for findlib library %s")
+            (findlib_dir ()) findlib_name
+      in
+      let f dir file =
+        let basename = Filename.basename file in
+        let tgt_fn = Filename.concat dir basename in
+        (* Destdir is already include in printconf. *)
+        install_file ~ctxt ~prepend_destdir:false ~tgt_fn file findlib_dir
+      in
+      List.iter (fun (dir, files) -> List.iter (f dir) files) files ;
     (* Install data into defined directory *)
-    let install_data srcdir lst tgtdir =
+    let install_data ~ctxt srcdir lst tgtdir =
       let tgtdir =
         OASISHostPath.of_unix (var_expand tgtdir)
@@ -5045,7 +6112,7 @@ module InternalInstallPlugin = struct
                  (fun fn ->
-                    install_file
+                    install_file ~ctxt
                       (fun () ->
                          match tgt_opt with
@@ -5057,146 +6124,158 @@ module InternalInstallPlugin = struct
-    (** Install all libraries *)
-    let install_libs pkg =
+    let make_fnames modul sufx =
+      List.fold_right
+        begin fun sufx accu ->
+          (OASISString.capitalize_ascii modul ^ sufx) ::
+          (OASISString.uncapitalize_ascii modul ^ sufx) ::
+          accu
+        end
+        sufx
+        []
+    in
-      let files_of_library (f_data, acc) data_lib =
-        let cs, bs, lib, lib_extra =
-          !lib_hook data_lib
-        in
-          if var_choose bs.bs_install &&
-             BaseBuilt.is_built BaseBuilt.BLib cs.cs_name then
-            begin
-              let acc =
-                (* Start with acc + lib_extra *)
-                List.rev_append lib_extra acc
-              in
-              let acc =
-                (* Add uncompiled header from the source tree *)
-                let path =
-                  OASISHostPath.of_unix bs.bs_path
-                in
-                  List.fold_left
-                    (fun acc modul ->
-                       try
-                         List.find
-                           OASISFileUtil.file_exists_case
-                           (
-                              (Filename.concat path)
-                              [modul^".mli";
-                               modul^".ml";
-                               String.uncapitalize modul^".mli";
-                               String.capitalize   modul^".mli";
-                               String.uncapitalize modul^".ml";
-                               String.capitalize   modul^".ml"])
-                         :: acc
-                       with Not_found ->
-                         begin
-                           warning
-                             (f_ "Cannot find source header for module %s \
-                                  in library %s")
-                             modul cs.cs_name;
-                           acc
-                         end)
-                    acc
-                    lib.lib_modules
-              in
+    (** Install all libraries *)
+    let install_libs ~ctxt pkg =
-              let acc =
-               (* Get generated files *)
-               BaseBuilt.fold
-                 BaseBuilt.BLib
-                 cs.cs_name
-                 (fun acc fn -> fn :: acc)
-                 acc
-              in
+      let find_first_existing_files_in_path bs lst =
+        let path = OASISHostPath.of_unix bs.bs_path in
+        List.find
+          OASISFileUtil.file_exists_case
+          ( (Filename.concat path) lst)
+      in
-              let f_data () =
-                (* Install data associated with the library *)
-                install_data
-                  bs.bs_path
-                  bs.bs_data_files
-                  (Filename.concat
-                     (datarootdir ())
-           ;
-                f_data ()
-              in
+      let files_of_modules new_files typ cs bs modules =
+        List.fold_left
+          (fun acc modul ->
+             begin
+               try
+                 (* Add uncompiled header from the source tree *)
+                 [find_first_existing_files_in_path
+                    bs (make_fnames modul [".mli"; ".ml"])]
+               with Not_found ->
+                 warning
+                   (f_ "Cannot find source header for module %s \
+                        in %s %s")
+                   typ modul cs.cs_name;
+                 []
+             end
+             @
+             List.fold_left
+               (fun acc fn ->
+                  try
+                    find_first_existing_files_in_path bs [fn] :: acc
+                  with Not_found ->
+                    acc)
+               acc (make_fnames modul [".annot";".cmti";".cmt"]))
+          new_files
+          modules
+      in
-                (f_data, acc)
-            end
-           else
-            begin
-              (f_data, acc)
-            end
-      and files_of_object (f_data, acc) data_obj =
-        let cs, bs, obj, obj_extra =
-          !obj_hook data_obj
+      let files_of_build_section (f_data, new_files) typ cs bs =
+        let extra_files =
+            (fun fn ->
+               try
+                 find_first_existing_files_in_path bs [fn]
+               with Not_found ->
+                 failwithf
+                   (f_ "Cannot find extra findlib file %S in %s %s ")
+                   fn
+                   typ
+                   cs.cs_name)
+            bs.bs_findlib_extra_files
-          if var_choose bs.bs_install &&
-             BaseBuilt.is_built BaseBuilt.BObj cs.cs_name then
-            begin
-              let acc =
-                (* Start with acc + obj_extra *)
-                List.rev_append obj_extra acc
-              in
-              let acc =
-                (* Add uncompiled header from the source tree *)
-                let path =
-                  OASISHostPath.of_unix bs.bs_path
-                in
-                  List.fold_left
-                    (fun acc modul ->
-                       try
-                         List.find
-                           OASISFileUtil.file_exists_case
-                           (
-                              (Filename.concat path)
-                              [modul^".mli";
-                               modul^".ml";
-                               String.uncapitalize modul^".mli";
-                               String.capitalize   modul^".mli";
-                               String.uncapitalize modul^".ml";
-                               String.capitalize   modul^".ml"])
-                         :: acc
-                       with Not_found ->
-                         begin
-                           warning
-                             (f_ "Cannot find source header for module %s \
-                                  in object %s")
-                             modul cs.cs_name;
-                           acc
-                         end)
-                    acc
-                    obj.obj_modules
-              in
-              let acc =
-               (* Get generated files *)
-               BaseBuilt.fold
-                 BaseBuilt.BObj
-                 cs.cs_name
-                 (fun acc fn -> fn :: acc)
-                 acc
-              in
+        let f_data () =
+          (* Install data associated with the library *)
+          install_data
+            ~ctxt
+            bs.bs_path
+            bs.bs_data_files
+            (Filename.concat
+               (datarootdir ())
+     ;
+          f_data ()
+        in
+        f_data, new_files @ extra_files
+      in
-              let f_data () =
-                (* Install data associated with the object *)
-                install_data
-                  bs.bs_path
-                  bs.bs_data_files
-                  (Filename.concat
-                     (datarootdir ())
-           ;
-                f_data ()
-              in
+      let files_of_library (f_data, acc) data_lib =
+        let cs, bs, lib, dn, lib_extra = !lib_hook data_lib in
+        if var_choose bs.bs_install &&
+           BaseBuilt.is_built ~ctxt BaseBuilt.BLib cs.cs_name then begin
+          (* Start with lib_extra *)
+          let new_files = lib_extra in
+          let new_files =
+            files_of_modules new_files "library" cs bs lib.lib_modules
+          in
+          let f_data, new_files =
+            files_of_build_section (f_data, new_files) "library" cs bs
+          in
+          let new_files =
+            (* Get generated files *)
+            BaseBuilt.fold
+              ~ctxt
+              BaseBuilt.BLib
+              cs.cs_name
+              (fun acc fn -> fn :: acc)
+              new_files
+          in
+          let acc = (dn, new_files) :: acc in
+          let f_data () =
+            (* Install data associated with the library *)
+            install_data
+              ~ctxt
+              bs.bs_path
+              bs.bs_data_files
+              (Filename.concat
+                 (datarootdir ())
+       ;
+            f_data ()
+          in
-                (f_data, acc)
-            end
-           else
-            begin
-              (f_data, acc)
-            end
+          (f_data, acc)
+        end else begin
+          (f_data, acc)
+        end
+      and files_of_object (f_data, acc) data_obj =
+        let cs, bs, obj, dn, obj_extra = !obj_hook data_obj in
+        if var_choose bs.bs_install &&
+           BaseBuilt.is_built ~ctxt BaseBuilt.BObj cs.cs_name then begin
+          (* Start with obj_extra *)
+          let new_files = obj_extra in
+          let new_files =
+            files_of_modules new_files "object" cs bs obj.obj_modules
+          in
+          let f_data, new_files =
+            files_of_build_section (f_data, new_files) "object" cs bs
+          in
+          let new_files =
+            (* Get generated files *)
+            BaseBuilt.fold
+              ~ctxt
+              BaseBuilt.BObj
+              cs.cs_name
+              (fun acc fn -> fn :: acc)
+              new_files
+          in
+          let acc = (dn, new_files) :: acc in
+          let f_data () =
+            (* Install data associated with the object *)
+            install_data
+              ~ctxt
+              bs.bs_path
+              bs.bs_data_files
+              (Filename.concat (datarootdir ());
+            f_data ()
+          in
+          (f_data, acc)
+        end else begin
+          (f_data, acc)
+        end
       (* Install one group of library *)
@@ -5207,10 +6286,10 @@ module InternalInstallPlugin = struct
             match grp with
               | Container (_, children) ->
                   data_and_files, children
-              | Package (_, cs, bs, `Library lib, children) ->
-                  files_of_library data_and_files (cs, bs, lib), children
-              | Package (_, cs, bs, `Object obj, children) ->
-                  files_of_object data_and_files (cs, bs, obj), children
+              | Package (_, cs, bs, `Library lib, dn, children) ->
+                  files_of_library data_and_files (cs, bs, lib, dn), children
+              | Package (_, cs, bs, `Object obj, dn, children) ->
+                  files_of_object data_and_files (cs, bs, obj, dn), children
@@ -5219,268 +6298,213 @@ module InternalInstallPlugin = struct
         (* Findlib name of the root library *)
-        let findlib_name =
-          findlib_of_group grp
-        in
+        let findlib_name = findlib_of_group grp in
         (* Determine root library *)
-        let root_lib =
-          root_of_group grp
-        in
+        let root_lib = root_of_group grp in
         (* All files to install for this library *)
-        let f_data, files =
-          install_group_lib_aux (ignore, []) grp
-        in
+        let f_data, files = install_group_lib_aux (ignore, []) grp in
           (* Really install, if there is something to install *)
-          if files = [] then
-            begin
-              warning
-                (f_ "Nothing to install for findlib library '%s'")
-                findlib_name
-            end
-          else
-            begin
-              let meta =
-                (* Search META file *)
-                let (_, bs, _) =
-                  root_lib
-                in
-                let res =
-                  Filename.concat bs.bs_path "META"
-                in
-                  if not (OASISFileUtil.file_exists_case res) then
-                    failwithf
-                      (f_ "Cannot find file '%s' for findlib library %s")
-                      res
-                      findlib_name;
-                  res
-              in
-              let files = 
-                (* Make filename shorter to avoid hitting command max line length
-                 * too early, esp. on Windows.
-                 *)
-                let remove_prefix p n =
-                  let plen = String.length p in
-                  let nlen = String.length n in
-                    if plen <= nlen && String.sub n 0 plen = p then
-                      begin
-                        let fn_sep = 
-                          if Sys.os_type = "Win32" then
-                            '\\'
-                          else
-                            '/'
-                        in
-                        let cutpoint = plen +
-                          (if plen < nlen && n.[plen] = fn_sep then 
-                             1
-                           else 
-                             0)
-                        in
-                          String.sub n cutpoint (nlen - cutpoint)
-                      end
-                    else 
-                      n
-                in
-         (remove_prefix (Sys.getcwd ())) files 
-              in
-                info
-                  (f_ "Installing findlib library '%s'")
-                  findlib_name;
-                let ocamlfind = ocamlfind () in
-                let commands =
-                  split_install_command
-                    ocamlfind
-                    findlib_name
-                    meta
-                    files
+        if files = [] then begin
+          warning
+            (f_ "Nothing to install for findlib library '%s'") findlib_name
+        end else begin
+          let meta =
+            (* Search META file *)
+            let _, bs, _ = root_lib in
+            let res = Filename.concat bs.bs_path "META" in
+            if not (OASISFileUtil.file_exists_case res) then
+              failwithf
+                (f_ "Cannot find file '%s' for findlib library %s")
+                res
+                findlib_name;
+            res
+          in
+          let files =
+            (* Make filename shorter to avoid hitting command max line length
+             * too early, esp. on Windows.
+            *)
+            (* TODO: move to OASISHostPath as make_relative. *)
+            let remove_prefix p n =
+              let plen = String.length p in
+              let nlen = String.length n in
+              if plen <= nlen && String.sub n 0 plen = p then begin
+                let fn_sep = if Sys.os_type = "Win32" then '\\' else '/' in
+                let cutpoint =
+                  plen +
+                  (if plen < nlen && n.[plen] = fn_sep then 1 else 0)
-                List.iter
-                  ( ~ctxt:!BaseContext.default ocamlfind)
-                  commands;
-                BaseLog.register install_findlib_ev findlib_name
-            end;
-          (* Install data files *)
-          f_data ();
+                String.sub n cutpoint (nlen - cutpoint)
+              end else begin
+                n
+              end
+            in
+              (fun (dir, fn) ->
+                 (dir, (remove_prefix (Sys.getcwd ())) fn))
+              files
+          in
+          let ocamlfind = ocamlfind () in
+          let nodir_files, dir_files =
+            List.fold_left
+              (fun (nodir, dir) (dn, lst) ->
+                 match dn with
+                 | Some dn -> nodir, (dn, lst) :: dir
+                 | None -> lst @ nodir, dir)
+              ([], [])
+              (List.rev files)
+          in
+          info (f_ "Installing findlib library '%s'") findlib_name;
+          List.iter
+            ( ~ctxt ocamlfind)
+            (split_install_command ocamlfind findlib_name meta nodir_files);
+          install_lib_files ~ctxt findlib_name dir_files;
+          BaseLog.register ~ctxt install_findlib_ev findlib_name
+        end;
+        (* Install data files *)
+        f_data ();
-      let group_libs, _, _ =
-        findlib_mapping pkg
-      in
+      let group_libs, _, _ = findlib_mapping pkg in
         (* We install libraries in groups *)
         List.iter install_group_lib group_libs
-    let install_execs pkg =
+    let install_execs ~ctxt pkg =
       let install_exec data_exec =
-        let (cs, bs, exec) =
-          !exec_hook data_exec
-        in
-          if var_choose bs.bs_install &&
-             BaseBuilt.is_built BaseBuilt.BExec cs.cs_name then
-            begin
-              let exec_libdir () =
-                Filename.concat
-                  (libdir ())
-              in
-                BaseBuilt.fold
-                  BaseBuilt.BExec
-                  cs.cs_name
-                  (fun () fn ->
-                     install_file
-                       ~tgt_fn:(cs.cs_name ^ ext_program ())
-                       fn
-                       bindir)
-                  ();
-                BaseBuilt.fold
-                  BaseBuilt.BExecLib
-                  cs.cs_name
-                  (fun () fn ->
-                     install_file
-                       fn
-                       exec_libdir)
-                  ();
-                install_data
-                  bs.bs_path
-                  bs.bs_data_files
-                  (Filename.concat
-                     (datarootdir ())
-            end
+        let cs, bs, _ = !exec_hook data_exec in
+        if var_choose bs.bs_install &&
+           BaseBuilt.is_built ~ctxt BaseBuilt.BExec cs.cs_name then begin
+          let exec_libdir () = Filename.concat (libdir ()) in
+          BaseBuilt.fold
+            ~ctxt
+            BaseBuilt.BExec
+            cs.cs_name
+            (fun () fn ->
+               install_file ~ctxt
+                 ~tgt_fn:(cs.cs_name ^ ext_program ())
+                 fn
+                 bindir)
+            ();
+          BaseBuilt.fold
+            ~ctxt
+            BaseBuilt.BExecLib
+            cs.cs_name
+            (fun () fn -> install_file ~ctxt fn exec_libdir)
+            ();
+          install_data ~ctxt
+            bs.bs_path
+            bs.bs_data_files
+            (Filename.concat (datarootdir ())
+        end
-        List.iter
-          (function
-             | Executable (cs, bs, exec)->
-                 install_exec (cs, bs, exec)
-             | _ ->
-                 ())
+      List.iter
+        (function
+          | Executable (cs, bs, exec)-> install_exec (cs, bs, exec)
+          | _ -> ())
-    let install_docs pkg =
+    let install_docs ~ctxt pkg =
       let install_doc data =
-        let (cs, doc) =
-          !doc_hook data
-        in
-          if var_choose doc.doc_install &&
-             BaseBuilt.is_built BaseBuilt.BDoc cs.cs_name then
-            begin
-              let tgt_dir =
-                OASISHostPath.of_unix (var_expand doc.doc_install_dir)
-              in
-                BaseBuilt.fold
-                  BaseBuilt.BDoc
-                  cs.cs_name
-                  (fun () fn ->
-                     install_file
-                       fn
-                       (fun () -> tgt_dir))
-                ();
-                install_data
-                  Filename.current_dir_name
-                  doc.doc_data_files
-                  doc.doc_install_dir
-            end
+        let cs, doc = !doc_hook data in
+        if var_choose doc.doc_install &&
+           BaseBuilt.is_built ~ctxt BaseBuilt.BDoc cs.cs_name then begin
+          let tgt_dir = OASISHostPath.of_unix (var_expand doc.doc_install_dir) in
+          BaseBuilt.fold
+            ~ctxt
+            BaseBuilt.BDoc
+            cs.cs_name
+            (fun () fn -> install_file ~ctxt fn (fun () -> tgt_dir))
+            ();
+          install_data ~ctxt
+            Filename.current_dir_name
+            doc.doc_data_files
+            doc.doc_install_dir
+        end
-        List.iter
-          (function
-             | Doc (cs, doc) ->
-                 install_doc (cs, doc)
-             | _ ->
-                 ())
-          pkg.sections
+      List.iter
+        (function
+          | Doc (cs, doc) -> install_doc (cs, doc)
+          | _ -> ())
+        pkg.sections
+    fun ~ctxt pkg _ ->
+      install_libs ~ctxt pkg;
+      install_execs ~ctxt pkg;
+      install_docs ~ctxt pkg
-      install_libs  pkg;
-      install_execs pkg;
-      install_docs  pkg
   (* Uninstall already installed data *)
-  let uninstall _ argv =
-    List.iter
-      (fun (ev, data) ->
-         if ev = install_file_ev then
-           begin
-             if OASISFileUtil.file_exists_case data then
-               begin
-                 info
-                   (f_ "Removing file '%s'")
-                   data;
-                 Sys.remove data
-               end
-             else
-               begin
-                 warning
-                   (f_ "File '%s' doesn't exist anymore")
-                   data
-               end
-           end
-         else if ev = install_dir_ev then
-           begin
-             if Sys.file_exists data && Sys.is_directory data then
-               begin
-                 if Sys.readdir data = [||] then
-                   begin
-                     info
-                       (f_ "Removing directory '%s'")
-                       data;
-                     OASISFileUtil.rmdir ~ctxt:!BaseContext.default data
-                   end
-                 else
-                   begin
-                     warning
-                       (f_ "Directory '%s' is not empty (%s)")
-                       data
-                       (String.concat
-                          ", "
-                          (Array.to_list
-                             (Sys.readdir data)))
-                   end
-               end
-             else
-               begin
-                 warning
-                   (f_ "Directory '%s' doesn't exist anymore")
-                   data
-               end
-           end
-         else if ev = install_findlib_ev then
-           begin
-             info (f_ "Removing findlib library '%s'") data;
-    ~ctxt:!BaseContext.default
-               (ocamlfind ()) ["remove"; data]
-           end
-         else
-           failwithf (f_ "Unknown log event '%s'") ev;
-         BaseLog.unregister ev data)
-      (* We process event in reverse order *)
+  let uninstall ~ctxt _ _ =
+    let uninstall_aux (ev, data) =
+      if ev = install_file_ev then begin
+        if OASISFileUtil.file_exists_case data then begin
+          info (f_ "Removing file '%s'") data;
+          Sys.remove data
+        end else begin
+          warning (f_ "File '%s' doesn't exist anymore") data
+        end
+      end else if ev = install_dir_ev then begin
+        if Sys.file_exists data && Sys.is_directory data then begin
+          if Sys.readdir data = [||] then begin
+            info (f_ "Removing directory '%s'") data;
+            OASISFileUtil.rmdir ~ctxt data
+          end else begin
+            warning
+              (f_ "Directory '%s' is not empty (%s)")
+              data
+              (String.concat ", " (Array.to_list (Sys.readdir data)))
+          end
+        end else begin
+          warning (f_ "Directory '%s' doesn't exist anymore") data
+        end
+      end else if ev = install_findlib_ev then begin
+        info (f_ "Removing findlib library '%s'") data;
+ ~ctxt (ocamlfind ()) ["remove"; data]
+      end else begin
+        failwithf (f_ "Unknown log event '%s'") ev;
+      end;
+      BaseLog.unregister ~ctxt ev data
+    in
+    (* We process event in reverse order *)
+    List.iter uninstall_aux
-         (BaseLog.filter
-            [install_file_ev;
-             install_dir_ev;
-             install_findlib_ev;]))
+         (BaseLog.filter ~ctxt [install_file_ev; install_dir_ev]));
+    List.iter uninstall_aux
+      (List.rev (BaseLog.filter ~ctxt [install_findlib_ev]))
-# 5452 ""
+# 6465 ""
 module OCamlbuildCommon = struct
-# 21 "/home/gildor/programmation/oasis/src/plugins/ocamlbuild/"
+(* # 22 "src/plugins/ocamlbuild/" *)
   (** Functions common to OCamlbuild build and doc plugin
-    *)
+  *)
   open OASISGettext
   open BaseEnv
   open BaseStandardVar
+  open OASISTypes
+  type args =
+    {
+      plugin_tags: string option;
+      extra: string list;
+    }
+  let ocamlbuild_clean_ev = "ocamlbuild-clean"
-  let ocamlbuild_clean_ev =
-    "ocamlbuild-clean"
   let ocamlbuildflags =
@@ -5488,6 +6512,7 @@ module OCamlbuildCommon = struct
       (fun () -> "")
   (** Fix special arguments depending on environment *)
   let fix_args args extra_argv =
@@ -5497,6 +6522,14 @@ module OCamlbuildCommon = struct
+          ]
+        else
+          [];
+        if OASISVersion.comparator_apply
+            (OASISVersion.version_of_string (ocaml_version ()))
+            (OASISVersion.VLesser (OASISVersion.version_of_string "3.11.1")) then
+          [
             (Filename.concat (standard_library ()) "ocamlbuild")
@@ -5509,13 +6542,25 @@ module OCamlbuildCommon = struct
-        args;
+        args.extra;
+        begin
+          match args.plugin_tags with
+          | Some t -> ["-plugin-tag"; Filename.quote t]
+          | None -> []
+        end;
         if bool_of_string (debug ()) then
           ["-tag"; "debug"]
+        if bool_of_string (tests ()) then
+          ["-tag"; "tests"]
+        else
+          [];
         if bool_of_string (profile ()) then
           ["-tag"; "profile"]
@@ -5526,71 +6571,76 @@ module OCamlbuildCommon = struct
         Array.to_list extra_argv;
   (** Run 'ocamlbuild -clean' if not already done *)
-  let run_clean extra_argv =
+  let run_clean ~ctxt extra_argv =
     let extra_cli =
       String.concat " " (Array.to_list extra_argv)
-      (* Run if never called with these args *)
-      if not (BaseLog.exists ocamlbuild_clean_ev extra_cli) then
-        begin
- ~ctxt:!BaseContext.default
-            (ocamlbuild ()) (fix_args ["-clean"] extra_argv);
-          BaseLog.register ocamlbuild_clean_ev extra_cli;
-          at_exit
-            (fun () ->
-               try
-                 BaseLog.unregister ocamlbuild_clean_ev extra_cli
-               with _ ->
-                 ())
-        end
+    (* Run if never called with these args *)
+    if not (BaseLog.exists ~ctxt ocamlbuild_clean_ev extra_cli) then
+      begin
+          ~ctxt (ocamlbuild ())
+          (fix_args {extra = ["-clean"]; plugin_tags = None} extra_argv);
+        BaseLog.register ~ctxt ocamlbuild_clean_ev extra_cli;
+        at_exit
+          (fun () ->
+             try
+               BaseLog.unregister ~ctxt ocamlbuild_clean_ev extra_cli
+             with _ -> ())
+      end
   (** Run ocamlbuild, unregister all clean events *)
-  let run_ocamlbuild args extra_argv =
+  let run_ocamlbuild ~ctxt args extra_argv =
     (* TODO: enforce that target in args must be UNIX encoded i.e. toto/index.html
-     *)
- ~ctxt:!BaseContext.default
-      (ocamlbuild ()) (fix_args args extra_argv);
+    *)
+ ~ctxt (ocamlbuild ()) (fix_args args extra_argv);
     (* Remove any clean event, we must run it again *)
-      (fun (e, d) -> BaseLog.unregister e d)
-      (BaseLog.filter [ocamlbuild_clean_ev])
+      (fun (e, d) -> BaseLog.unregister ~ctxt e d)
+      (BaseLog.filter ~ctxt [ocamlbuild_clean_ev])
   (** Determine real build directory *)
   let build_dir extra_argv =
     let rec search_args dir =
         | "-build-dir" :: dir :: tl ->
-            search_args dir tl
+          search_args dir tl
         | _ :: tl ->
-            search_args dir tl
+          search_args dir tl
         | [] ->
-            dir
+          dir
-      search_args "_build" (fix_args [] extra_argv)
+    search_args "_build" (fix_args {extra = []; plugin_tags = None} extra_argv)
 module OCamlbuildPlugin = struct
-# 21 "/home/gildor/programmation/oasis/src/plugins/ocamlbuild/"
+(* # 22 "src/plugins/ocamlbuild/" *)
   (** Build using ocamlbuild
       @author Sylvain Le Gall
   open OASISTypes
   open OASISGettext
   open OASISUtils
+  open OASISString
   open BaseEnv
   open OCamlbuildCommon
   open BaseStandardVar
-  open BaseMessage
-  let cond_targets_hook =
-    ref (fun lst -> lst)
-  let build pkg argv =
+  let cond_targets_hook = ref (fun lst -> lst)
+  let build ~ctxt args pkg argv =
     (* Return the filename in build directory *)
     let in_build_dir fn =
@@ -5603,19 +6653,6 @@ module OCamlbuildPlugin = struct
       in_build_dir (OASISHostPath.of_unix fn)
-    (* Checks if the string [fn] ends with [nd] *)
-    let ends_with nd fn =
-      let nd_len =
-        String.length nd
-      in
-        (String.length fn >= nd_len)
-        &&
-        (String.sub
-           fn
-           (String.length fn - nd_len)
-           nd_len) = nd
-    in
     let cond_targets =
         (fun acc ->
@@ -5635,11 +6672,11 @@ module OCamlbuildPlugin = struct
                                 (fun fn ->
-                                 ends_with ".cma" fn
-                                 || ends_with ".cmxs" fn
-                                 || ends_with ".cmxa" fn
-                                 || ends_with (ext_lib ()) fn
-                                 || ends_with (ext_dll ()) fn))
+                                 ends_with ~what:".cma" fn
+                                 || ends_with ~what:".cmxs" fn
+                                 || ends_with ~what:".cmxa" fn
+                                 || ends_with ~what:(ext_lib ()) fn
+                                 || ends_with ~what:(ext_dll ()) fn))
@@ -5667,8 +6704,8 @@ module OCamlbuildPlugin = struct
                                 (fun fn ->
-                                 ends_with ".cmo" fn
-                                 || ends_with ".cmx" fn))
+                                 ends_with ~what:".cmo" fn
+                                 || ends_with ~what:".cmx" fn))
@@ -5683,10 +6720,8 @@ module OCamlbuildPlugin = struct
              | Executable (cs, bs, exec) when var_choose bs.bs_build ->
-                   let evs, unix_exec_is, unix_dll_opt =
-                     BaseBuilt.of_executable
-                       in_build_dir_of_unix
-                       (cs, bs, exec)
+                   let evs, _, _ =
+                     BaseBuilt.of_executable in_build_dir_of_unix (cs, bs, exec)
                    let target ext =
@@ -5696,12 +6731,13 @@ module OCamlbuildPlugin = struct
-                     let evs = 
+                     let evs =
                        (* Fix evs, we want to use the unix_tgt, without copying *)
-                            | BaseBuilt.BExec, nm, lst when nm = cs.cs_name ->
-                                BaseBuilt.BExec, nm, [[in_build_dir_of_unix unix_tgt]]
+                            | BaseBuilt.BExec, nm, _ when nm = cs.cs_name ->
+                                BaseBuilt.BExec, nm,
+                                [[in_build_dir_of_unix unix_tgt]]
                             | ev ->
@@ -5737,63 +6773,69 @@ module OCamlbuildPlugin = struct
         (fun fns ->
            if not (List.exists OASISFileUtil.file_exists_case fns) then
-               (f_ "No one of expected built files %s exists")
-               (String.concat (s_ ", ") ( (Printf.sprintf "'%s'") fns)))
+               (fn_
+                  "Expected built file %s doesn't exist."
+                  "None of expected built files %s exists."
+                  (List.length fns))
+               (String.concat (s_ " or ") ( (Printf.sprintf "'%s'") fns)))
-        (BaseBuilt.register bt bnm lst)
+        (BaseBuilt.register ~ctxt bt bnm lst)
-    let cond_targets =
-      (* Run the hook *)
-      !cond_targets_hook cond_targets
-    in
+    (* Run the hook *)
+    let cond_targets = !cond_targets_hook cond_targets in
-      (* Run a list of target... *)
-      run_ocamlbuild 
-        (List.flatten 
-           ( snd cond_targets))
-        argv;
-      (* ... and register events *)
-      List.iter
-        check_and_register
-        (List.flatten ( fst cond_targets))
+    (* Run a list of target... *)
+    run_ocamlbuild
+      ~ctxt
+      {args with extra = List.flatten ( snd cond_targets) @ args.extra}
+      argv;
+    (* ... and register events *)
+    List.iter check_and_register (List.flatten ( fst cond_targets))
-  let clean pkg extra_args  =
-    run_clean extra_args;
+  let clean ~ctxt pkg args  =
+    run_clean ~ctxt args;
          | Library (cs, _, _) ->
-             BaseBuilt.unregister BaseBuilt.BLib cs.cs_name
+             BaseBuilt.unregister ~ctxt BaseBuilt.BLib cs.cs_name
          | Executable (cs, _, _) ->
-             BaseBuilt.unregister BaseBuilt.BExec cs.cs_name;
-             BaseBuilt.unregister BaseBuilt.BExecLib cs.cs_name
+             BaseBuilt.unregister ~ctxt BaseBuilt.BExec cs.cs_name;
+             BaseBuilt.unregister ~ctxt BaseBuilt.BExecLib cs.cs_name
          | _ ->
 module OCamlbuildDocPlugin = struct
-# 21 "/home/gildor/programmation/oasis/src/plugins/ocamlbuild/"
+(* # 22 "src/plugins/ocamlbuild/" *)
   (* Create documentation using ocamlbuild .odocl files
      @author Sylvain Le Gall
-   *)
+  *)
   open OASISTypes
   open OASISGettext
-  open OASISMessage
   open OCamlbuildCommon
-  open BaseStandardVar
+  type run_t =
+    {
+      args: args;
+      run_path: unix_filename;
+    }
-  let doc_build path pkg (cs, doc) argv =
+  let doc_build ~ctxt run _ (cs, _) argv =
     let index_html =
-          path;
+          run.run_path;
@@ -5802,34 +6844,38 @@ module OCamlbuildDocPlugin = struct
           build_dir argv;
-          OASISHostPath.of_unix path;
+          OASISHostPath.of_unix run.run_path;
-      run_ocamlbuild [index_html] argv;
-      List.iter
-        (fun glb ->
-           BaseBuilt.register
-             BaseBuilt.BDoc
-             cs.cs_name
-             [OASISFileUtil.glob ~ctxt:!BaseContext.default
-                (Filename.concat tgt_dir glb)])
-        ["*.html"; "*.css"]
-  let doc_clean t pkg (cs, doc) argv =
-    run_clean argv;
-    BaseBuilt.unregister BaseBuilt.BDoc cs.cs_name
+    run_ocamlbuild ~ctxt
+      {run.args with extra = index_html :: run.args.extra} argv;
+    List.iter
+      (fun glb ->
+         match OASISFileUtil.glob ~ctxt (Filename.concat tgt_dir glb) with
+         | (_ :: _) as filenames ->
+             BaseBuilt.register ~ctxt BaseBuilt.BDoc cs.cs_name [filenames]
+         | [] -> ())
+      ["*.html"; "*.css"]
+  let doc_clean ~ctxt _ _ (cs, _) argv =
+    run_clean ~ctxt argv;
+    BaseBuilt.unregister ~ctxt BaseBuilt.BDoc cs.cs_name
-# 5807 ""
+# 6851 ""
 open OASISTypes;;
 let setup_t =
      BaseSetup.configure = InternalConfigurePlugin.configure;
-     build =;
+     build =
+         {OCamlbuildCommon.plugin_tags = None; extra = []};
      test = [];
      doc = [];
      install = InternalInstallPlugin.install;
@@ -5844,8 +6890,6 @@ let setup_t =
           oasis_version = "0.3";
           ocaml_version = None;
-          findlib_version = None;
-          name = "ocamlify";
           version = "0.0.2";
           license =
@@ -5853,49 +6897,22 @@ let setup_t =
                     OASISLicense.license = "LGPL";
                     excption = Some "OCaml linking";
-                    version = OASISLicense.Version "2.1";
-                    });
+                    version = OASISLicense.Version "2.1"
+                 });
+          findlib_version = None;
+          alpha_features = [];
+          beta_features = [];
+          name = "ocamlify";
           license_file = Some "COPYING.txt";
           copyrights = [];
           maintainers = [];
           authors = ["Sylvain Le Gall"];
           homepage = None;
+          bugreports = None;
           synopsis = "include files in OCaml code";
           description = None;
+          tags = [];
           categories = [];
-          conf_type = (`Configure, "internal", Some "0.3");
-          conf_custom =
-            {
-               pre_command = [(OASISExpr.EBool true, None)];
-               post_command = [(OASISExpr.EBool true, None)];
-               };
-          build_type = (`Build, "ocamlbuild", Some "0.3");
-          build_custom =
-            {
-               pre_command = [(OASISExpr.EBool true, None)];
-               post_command = [(OASISExpr.EBool true, None)];
-               };
-          install_type = (`Install, "internal", Some "0.3");
-          install_custom =
-            {
-               pre_command = [(OASISExpr.EBool true, None)];
-               post_command = [(OASISExpr.EBool true, None)];
-               };
-          uninstall_custom =
-            {
-               pre_command = [(OASISExpr.EBool true, None)];
-               post_command = [(OASISExpr.EBool true, None)];
-               };
-          clean_custom =
-            {
-               pre_command = [(OASISExpr.EBool true, None)];
-               post_command = [(OASISExpr.EBool true, None)];
-               };
-          distclean_custom =
-            {
-               pre_command = [(OASISExpr.EBool true, None)];
-               post_command = [(OASISExpr.EBool true, None)];
-               };
           files_ab = ["src/"];
           sections =
@@ -5903,44 +6920,192 @@ let setup_t =
                      cs_name = "ocamlify";
                      cs_data = PropList.Data.create ();
-                     cs_plugin_data = [];
-                     },
+                     cs_plugin_data = []
+                  },
                       bs_build = [(OASISExpr.EBool true, true)];
                       bs_install = [(OASISExpr.EBool true, true)];
                       bs_path = "src";
-                      bs_compiled_object = Byte;
+                      bs_compiled_object = Best;
                       bs_build_depends = [];
                       bs_build_tools = [ExternalTool "ocamlbuild"];
+                      bs_interface_patterns =
+                        [
+                           {
+                              OASISSourcePatterns.Templater.atoms =
+                                [
+                                   OASISSourcePatterns.Templater.Text "";
+                                   OASISSourcePatterns.Templater.Expr
+                                     (OASISSourcePatterns.Templater.Call
+                                        ("capitalize_file",
+                                          OASISSourcePatterns.Templater.Ident
+                                            "module"));
+                                   OASISSourcePatterns.Templater.Text ".mli"
+                                ];
+                              origin = "${capitalize_file module}.mli"
+                           };
+                           {
+                              OASISSourcePatterns.Templater.atoms =
+                                [
+                                   OASISSourcePatterns.Templater.Text "";
+                                   OASISSourcePatterns.Templater.Expr
+                                     (OASISSourcePatterns.Templater.Call
+                                        ("uncapitalize_file",
+                                          OASISSourcePatterns.Templater.Ident
+                                            "module"));
+                                   OASISSourcePatterns.Templater.Text ".mli"
+                                ];
+                              origin = "${uncapitalize_file module}.mli"
+                           }
+                        ];
+                      bs_implementation_patterns =
+                        [
+                           {
+                              OASISSourcePatterns.Templater.atoms =
+                                [
+                                   OASISSourcePatterns.Templater.Text "";
+                                   OASISSourcePatterns.Templater.Expr
+                                     (OASISSourcePatterns.Templater.Call
+                                        ("capitalize_file",
+                                          OASISSourcePatterns.Templater.Ident
+                                            "module"));
+                                   OASISSourcePatterns.Templater.Text ".ml"
+                                ];
+                              origin = "${capitalize_file module}.ml"
+                           };
+                           {
+                              OASISSourcePatterns.Templater.atoms =
+                                [
+                                   OASISSourcePatterns.Templater.Text "";
+                                   OASISSourcePatterns.Templater.Expr
+                                     (OASISSourcePatterns.Templater.Call
+                                        ("uncapitalize_file",
+                                          OASISSourcePatterns.Templater.Ident
+                                            "module"));
+                                   OASISSourcePatterns.Templater.Text ".ml"
+                                ];
+                              origin = "${uncapitalize_file module}.ml"
+                           };
+                           {
+                              OASISSourcePatterns.Templater.atoms =
+                                [
+                                   OASISSourcePatterns.Templater.Text "";
+                                   OASISSourcePatterns.Templater.Expr
+                                     (OASISSourcePatterns.Templater.Call
+                                        ("capitalize_file",
+                                          OASISSourcePatterns.Templater.Ident
+                                            "module"));
+                                   OASISSourcePatterns.Templater.Text ".mll"
+                                ];
+                              origin = "${capitalize_file module}.mll"
+                           };
+                           {
+                              OASISSourcePatterns.Templater.atoms =
+                                [
+                                   OASISSourcePatterns.Templater.Text "";
+                                   OASISSourcePatterns.Templater.Expr
+                                     (OASISSourcePatterns.Templater.Call
+                                        ("uncapitalize_file",
+                                          OASISSourcePatterns.Templater.Ident
+                                            "module"));
+                                   OASISSourcePatterns.Templater.Text ".mll"
+                                ];
+                              origin = "${uncapitalize_file module}.mll"
+                           };
+                           {
+                              OASISSourcePatterns.Templater.atoms =
+                                [
+                                   OASISSourcePatterns.Templater.Text "";
+                                   OASISSourcePatterns.Templater.Expr
+                                     (OASISSourcePatterns.Templater.Call
+                                        ("capitalize_file",
+                                          OASISSourcePatterns.Templater.Ident
+                                            "module"));
+                                   OASISSourcePatterns.Templater.Text ".mly"
+                                ];
+                              origin = "${capitalize_file module}.mly"
+                           };
+                           {
+                              OASISSourcePatterns.Templater.atoms =
+                                [
+                                   OASISSourcePatterns.Templater.Text "";
+                                   OASISSourcePatterns.Templater.Expr
+                                     (OASISSourcePatterns.Templater.Call
+                                        ("uncapitalize_file",
+                                          OASISSourcePatterns.Templater.Ident
+                                            "module"));
+                                   OASISSourcePatterns.Templater.Text ".mly"
+                                ];
+                              origin = "${uncapitalize_file module}.mly"
+                           }
+                        ];
                       bs_c_sources = [];
                       bs_data_files = [];
+                      bs_findlib_extra_files = [];
                       bs_ccopt = [(OASISExpr.EBool true, [])];
                       bs_cclib = [(OASISExpr.EBool true, [])];
                       bs_dlllib = [(OASISExpr.EBool true, [])];
                       bs_dllpath = [(OASISExpr.EBool true, [])];
                       bs_byteopt = [(OASISExpr.EBool true, [])];
-                      bs_nativeopt = [(OASISExpr.EBool true, [])];
-                      },
-                   {exec_custom = false; exec_main_is = ""; })
+                      bs_nativeopt = [(OASISExpr.EBool true, [])]
+                   },
+                   {exec_custom = false; exec_main_is = ""})
+          disable_oasis_section = [];
+          conf_type = (`Configure, "internal", Some "0.4");
+          conf_custom =
+            {
+               pre_command = [(OASISExpr.EBool true, None)];
+               post_command = [(OASISExpr.EBool true, None)]
+            };
+          build_type = (`Build, "ocamlbuild", Some "0.4");
+          build_custom =
+            {
+               pre_command = [(OASISExpr.EBool true, None)];
+               post_command = [(OASISExpr.EBool true, None)]
+            };
+          install_type = (`Install, "internal", Some "0.4");
+          install_custom =
+            {
+               pre_command = [(OASISExpr.EBool true, None)];
+               post_command = [(OASISExpr.EBool true, None)]
+            };
+          uninstall_custom =
+            {
+               pre_command = [(OASISExpr.EBool true, None)];
+               post_command = [(OASISExpr.EBool true, None)]
+            };
+          clean_custom =
+            {
+               pre_command = [(OASISExpr.EBool true, None)];
+               post_command = [(OASISExpr.EBool true, None)]
+            };
+          distclean_custom =
+            {
+               pre_command = [(OASISExpr.EBool true, None)];
+               post_command = [(OASISExpr.EBool true, None)]
+            };
           plugins =
                (`Extra, "StdFiles", Some "0.1.0");
                (`Extra, "DevFiles", Some "0.1.0")
           schema_data = PropList.Data.create ();
-          plugin_data = [];
-          };
+          plugin_data = []
+       };
      oasis_fn = Some "_oasis";
-     oasis_version = "0.3.1";
-     oasis_digest = Some "n>\223\251\160\250J\198\167_\r\200\174\0231\220";
+     oasis_version = "0.4.11";
+     oasis_digest =
+       Some "\142\220\214\196\163\254=\249\151\231PH\n\160\r\200";
      oasis_exec = None;
      oasis_setup_args = [];
-     setup_update = false;
-     };;
+     setup_update = false
+  };;
 let setup () = BaseSetup.setup setup_t;;
-# 5926 ""
+# 7089 ""
+let setup_t = BaseCompat.Compat_0_3.adapt_setup_t setup_t
+open BaseCompat.Compat_0_3
 let () = setup ();;